A Direct but Respectful Open Challenge to the New...

Real Greens v Fake Greens (Part 1): The truth about Money Creation & Banking A Direct but Respectful Open Challenge to the New Economics Foundation and Positive Money Clear historical evidence proves that our whole economy is both a lie and a scam – so, why haven’t these green-inspired campaigning organisations said or done anything to expose the truth about what’s REALLY happening to all of us? By Justin Walker (Ecology/Green Party activist 1978-1992 and joint campaign co-ordinator for the New Chartist Movement) The truth is definitely out there… but only when you’re a backbencher! Researchers and campaigners for monetary reform and social justice are perplexed. Something is very, very wrong indeed within the current Green and Progressive Movement! Those of us who have been researching money creation and money supply in great detail know, with absolute certainty, that there is a very simple solution for swiftly eradicating austerity, poverty and unlawful debt...forever! And, amazingly, so do Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell – they know exactly what can and has to be done to swiftly remove austerity, poverty and unlawful debt forever in ‘one fell swoop’! Back in November 2013, as humble backbenchers with only a limited influence on events, they both supported and signed Early Day Motion 748 (2013) along with their recently departed friend, the late Paul Flynn. This EDM reads as follows: That this House notes that the hundredth anniversary of the Bradbury Pound on 7 August 2014 is a welcome reminder of the historic precedent for public credit [now called Sovereign National Credit] as the sound basis for debt-and interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing bank money... and urges HM Treasury to follow John Bradbury's model and address social, economic and political issues across party lines in one fell swoop and avoid wholly unnecessary austerity cuts. https://edm.parliament.uk/early-day-motion/46238 – 1 –

Transcript of A Direct but Respectful Open Challenge to the New...

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Real Greens v Fake Greens (Part 1): The truth about Money Creation & Banking

A Direct but Respectful Open Challenge to the

New Economics Foundation and Positive Money

Clear historical evidence proves that our whole economy is both a lie and a scam –

so, why haven’t these green-inspired campaigning organisations said or done

anything to expose the truth about what’s REALLY happening to all of us?

By Justin Walker(Ecology/Green Party activist 1978-1992 and

joint campaign co-ordinator for the New Chartist Movement)

The truth is definitely out there… but only when you’re a backbencher!

Researchers and campaigners for monetary reform and social justice are perplexed. Something is very, very

wrong indeed within the current Green and Progressive Movement! Those of us who have been researching

money creation and money supply in great detail know, with absolute certainty, that there is a very simple

solution for swiftly eradicating austerity, poverty and unlawful debt...forever!

And, amazingly, so do Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell – they know exactly what can and has to be done

to swiftly remove austerity, poverty and unlawful debt forever in ‘one fell swoop’! Back in November 2013, as

humble backbenchers with only a limited influence on events, they both supported and signed Early Day

Motion 748 (2013) along with their recently departed friend, the late Paul Flynn. This EDM reads as follows:

That this House notes that the hundredth anniversary of the Bradbury Pound on 7 August 2014 is a

welcome reminder of the historic precedent for public credit [now called Sovereign National Credit] as the

sound basis for debt-and interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt

and interest-bearing bank money... and urges HM Treasury to follow John Bradbury's model and address

social, economic and political issues across party lines in one fell swoop and avoid wholly unnecessary

austerity cuts.


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It would seem that these two veteran Left and ‘awkward squad’ politicians viewed the restoration of the 1914

Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound as being a simple and common sense solution for tackling poverty, austerity

and social injustice. But, something very strange happened when they found themselves elected and promoted

to the frontbench and appointed Privy Councillors. In effect, they had both been quickly reined in to become

good servants to the ‘Crown’...and that’s not just to Her Majesty the Queen but to the whole corporate and

secretive set-up that we know as ‘The City of London’ or ‘The Square Mile’. And every attempt in the last three

years to communicate with Jeremy and John on this subject of the Bradbury Pound (or Sovereign National

Credit as it is termed by money reformers; or Treasury M0 at 100% as it is termed by economists) has come to

nought – both of them just don’t want to know any more about the Bradbury Pound and they certainly don’t

want to risk discussing it in public. Why?

And it’s not just Jeremy and John. The huge importance and implications of Sovereign National Credit make

the current Brexit debacle pale into complete insignificance. It really is the big political issue that all of our

elected servants in Parliament do not want to talk about. The former Chancellor of the Exchequer, George

Osborne, refused repeatedly to respond to our correspondence about Sovereign National Credit, as has the

current Chancellor, Philip Hammond, who has also refused point blank to make any comments at all about

restoring the 1914 Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound. And Nicky Morgan MP - along with her Treasury Select

Committee colleagues who were all written to individually – also refuses to enter into any sort of meaningful

correspondence. Inaddition, hundredsofour supporters have also tried to raise this incredibly important fiscal

issue with their MPs, every time being met with an evasive and meaningless response. It is as if a ‘D Notice’ has

been issued by the Crown... we order you not to give succour to these wretched people who have stumbled across the truth

about money creation and money supply!

So, what exactly is this Bradbury Pound that our cowardly politicians are so scared


It was in September 2012 that I received an anonymous phone-call from someone claiming to be the son of a

very elderly and retired Director of the Bank of England who, he said, had served with my late uncle, Sir Harry

Pilkington (later The Lord Pilkington of St Helens). My uncle had attended the first-ever Bilderberg Group

meeting at the Hotel Bilderberg back in 1954 – a year later he became a Director of the Bank of England, a

position he held until 1972. He once told me, when giving me advice on my future career path, “Never, ever

believe anything you read in the press because we control it and never, ever believe a politician when they say

they can do something... theycan’tunlesswesaytheycan”. Itwas quite clear that he was referring to the City of

London and what today has become known by serious researchers as the unaccountable and unelected ‘Deep


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But going back to my mysterious phone-call, the caller went on to say, “my father wants you to research the

‘Bradbury’... and when you do, you will find a solution to all of Britain’s economic woes.” And with that he

very politely terminated the call, saying that I would not be able to contact him ever again. All mysterious and

very intriguing, but, after nearly an hour of frantic searching on the internet, I came across an important, and

very largely forgotten, episode in our country’s history.

I came across the writings of another Privy Councillor, only this time he was active in the 1930s. His name was

the Rt. Hon. Thomas Johnston MP – a Labour politician who has become known to history as the father of

the Scottish hydro-electric power programme and someone for whom nobody had a bad word to say about. In

1934, he wrote a book, The Financiers and the Nation, and in Chapter 6 entitled ‘Usury on the Great War’...


...the whole shocking truth about money creation and money supply comes into focus for first real time.

Thomas Johnston MP – an honest politician who exposed honest money!

The 1914 Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound actually saved the nation from financial collapse at the outbreak of

war, but it was a fiscal principle that could only be used extremely sparingly by the remote and hidden financial

controllers of our country. Why? Because the continued and full-time use of this common-sense principle of

money creation would spell the complete end to all private central banking, the private money markets and the

absolute fraud that is today’s modern debt-creating banking. And it would also bring to an end all forms of

invasive and complex direct taxation which the politicians need in order to keep us all fearful, submissive,

distracted...and them in a job!

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Rushed through and created in just three days by HM Treasury at the outbreak of WW1, this simple but effective fiscal measure - debt-

free and interest-free money that is based solely on the wealth and labour potential of the nation - prevented the complete and sudden

collapse of the British economy and the City of London. The first emergency batch of debt-free and interest-free Bradburys (left) were

printed on stamp paper on one side only and contained the signature of Sir John Bradbury, the then First Secretary to HM Treasury. For

the full story of the Bradbury Pound, go to


In simple terms, the Bradbury Pound confirmed the common sense and tried and tested fiscal arrangement

that any sovereign country in the world can implement for the good and prosperity of all its people. Any

sovereign country can create, issue and control all the liquidity or money it needs so as to ensure that that

country is secure, prosperous and happy. And that this money (created and overseen by a country’s treasury

and not by its privately controlled central bank) would be debt-free and interest-free as its value is based solely

on the wealth and labour potential (creativity) of that country and its people.

It’s simple, effective and history has shown that it works extremely well. When implemented properly by a wise

and responsible government that is not in bed with the private financial sector, Sovereign National Credit does

not lead to any sort of damaging inflation, nor even hyper-inflation as with the 1930s Weimar Republic.

Indeed, when it comes to this often-cited historical event, where quite literally a wheelbarrow of money was

needed to pay for a loaf of bread, what you’re not told was how this hyperinflation was actually triggered by the

actions of the privately run central bank, the Reichsbank, aided and abetted by overseas currency speculators

within the private financial sector. The Weimar Republic’s treasury was not actually involved. And when Hitler

gained power, he immediately implemented the German equivalent to the Bradbury Pound - money that was

created solely on the work (creativity) done by the German nation - in order to rapidly restore the economy to

full production and prosperity.


And, finally, Sovereign National Credit is a fiscal process that we, the ordinary people, are in full control of for

the direct benefit of all! No more food banks! No more homelessness! No more worries about the NHS and

our elderly and vulnerable. No more debt-laden students.Nomorerunningdownofourpoliceandarmedservices.

Andcertainly,no more austerity and poverty!

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According to the Office for National Statistics, in 2017 the UK was worth overall something in the region of

£30 trillion (the ‘net worth’ was around £10 trillion whilst ‘real human capital’ was around £20 trillion). If we

were to once again resort to this common sense fiscal policy of Sovereign National Credit, by harnessing only a

tiny fraction of this £30 trillion figure, the Treasury could start to draw off and create debt-free and interest-free

money (Treasury M0 at 100%) to meet all of our country’s essential needs and requirements (NHS, Social

Care, Debt-free Education, Defence, Transport, Energy and the protection of our strategically important

Industries) without resorting to any form of direct taxation nor needing in any way to borrow interest-bearing

loans from the private banking and financial institutions who just fraudulently create their money completely

out of thin air as debt – a simple ledger exercise that the Bank of England owned up to in their Spring 2014

quarterly bulletin when they admitted:

In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created

is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank

makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating

new money.

Our National Debt, as of the first quarter of 2018, stands at £1.78trillion. To service just the interest on this

huge amount of money - money that our nation was compelled to borrow but is based on absolutely nothing at

all - the British taxpayers have to find around £48 billion a year, or, to put it another way, each household in

Britain has to pay around £2,000 in taxes in order to finance the interest on these completely fraudulent loans.

It is the economics of the lunatic asylum and it is our collective ignorance and stupidity that allows all this

criminality by the private bankers to go unchallenged.

Unfortunately, this financial and economic madness gets worse… a lot worse!

Here’s a quote that comes from a book entitled ‘Tragedy and Hope – A History of the World in our time’ by

Professor Carroll Quigley that was published in 1966. Please read this extract very carefully and take in the

enormous implications. He wrote:

“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system

of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of

the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world

acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of

the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and

controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial

capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct

benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups.”

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Professor Carroll Quigley – a Real historian!

He’s definitely not a household name but Carroll Quigley was a professor of history at Georgetown University

and was the mentor of President Bill Clinton. He was also someone who was completely accepted and trusted

by the leading financial ‘insiders’ and was allowed the rare privilege of attending some of their secretive

meetings behind closed doors. However, his eventual exposure of their shadowy intrigues meant that his

reputation suffered and his work became very difficult to publish.

This global financial elite or cartel (often referred to as the Deep State by many researchers) operates very much

in the shadows through a network of secretive and so-called academic 'think-tanks' such as the Bilderberg

Group, the Committee of 300, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Council on

Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Professor Quigley’s naming and shaming of the very little

known Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is completely correct when it comes to this 'centralization of

world economic control' and it was Montagu Norman (the longest ever serving Governor of the Bank of

England and by far the most controversial) who was instrumental behind the setting up of the BIS in 1930. It

is interesting to note that Norman, with his great friend and German finance minister Hjalmar Schacht, also

arranged and supported the initial funding of Hitler, not to mention the laundering of gold looted by the


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Hjalmar Schacht (left) with his old friend and BIS collaborator Montagu Norman, and (right) doing his job as ‘Hitler’s banker’

The Deep State personified – ‘The Evil Tower of Basle’

Based in Basle, Switzerland, this Bank for International Settlements has seen fit to give itself high-level

diplomatic immunity so that it can protect its activities from prying eyes. In fact, the BIS completely relies

upon people not knowing much, if anything, about it, even about its very existence. Indeed, it’s likely that

ninety-nine per cent of the British people have no idea at all about what this bank actually does, including it

has to be said the majority of our elected servants in Parliament. Nearly everyone has heard of the IMF, the

OECD and the World Bank but the BIS prefers to do its job by keeping itself well below the radar of public


Operating as a privately-controlled corporation, this very low-profile but strategically important global financial

institution acts effectively as the central bank for sixty of the world’s top and privately-run central banks,

including the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. By exercising no public

accountability or transparency whatsoever, and by practising deception upon a truly massive scale, the BIS

oversees in a private capacity over 95% of the world’s money... and hardly anyone has ever even heard of it!

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And to manage this incredible global fraud, around twelve of the most important central bank governors,

including our own Mark Carney, meet in complete secrecy every six weeks or so in Basle. Here, with the

discreet involvement and influence of the key banking dynasties (such as the Rothschild, Morgan, Oppenheim,

Lehman, Warburg and Rockefeller families), these governors - and not any democratically elected and fully

accountable representatives - effectively decide on the strategic liquidity to be allowed for the global economy.

However, Professor Quigley did go on to make the following observation in his book ‘Tragedy and Hope’:

“It must not be felt that these heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in

world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment

bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down.

The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called

'international' or 'merchants' bankers) who renamed largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated

banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private,

more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks...”

So, what was Positive Money’s response to all of this?

Back in 2012, when I first heard about the Bradbury Pound and this ‘big secret’ that the world’s financiers

didn’t want us all to know about, I rang the then new campaigning group Positive Money and talked with Ben

Dyson, its founder and Head of Research. He hadn’t heard of the 1914 Bradbury Pound but as soon as I

mentioned the Bank for International Settlements he told me that he felt we were now entering into the realms

of the conspiracy theorist and that this was not somewhere he would be taking his Positive Money campaign.

Ben went on to say he wanted to see created a sovereign money system which would involve the Bank of

England, not HM Treasury, thus regaining the BoE’s monopoly over money creation. Despite my repeated

emails (all kept for future reference) telling him about how the privately-run Bank for International Settlements

effectively controls the Bank of England, Ben always responded with what can only be described as very polite

obfuscation. It’s sad to see that Positive Money still continues to this day to ignore the simple and effective

solution to poverty and austerity that is the 1914 Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound. Ben now works for our

central bank, the Bank of England – it would appear that he’s returned to his natural home!

And just to emphasise further Positive Money’s unquestioning and quite mystifying love for these privately-run

and BIS controlled central banks, this video has just appeared on Facebook...


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Here we see a call by Positive Money for the central banks to ‘helicopter’ new money down to the people so as to

boost the real economy – money that the central banks have conjured up completely out of thin air as debt. All

very laudable it could be argued, but why isn’t this campaigning group questioning the very existence of these

privately-run and criminal central banks? Why aren’t they championing the simple, tried and tested and

common sense solution of money being created by HM Treasury that’s debt-free and interest-free because it’s

based on our country’s actual wealth? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! Positive Money must now either

explain itself or throw its full weight behind the New Chartist Movement’s call to end austerity through the

immediate restoration of the 1914 Bradbury Pound.

Conspiracy? Yes! Theory? Definitely Not!

The truth is that for centuries now, we, the over-taxed British people, have been deliberately prevented from

being able to exercise our absolute and sovereign right to be in complete control of our own debt-free and

interest-free money in order to meet the essential needs and requirements of our country. Through our

collective ignorance and stupidity, we have allowed the private financiers and merchant bankers within The

City of London to emasculate our democratic process by embedding their poison, deception and greed

amongst our politicians right across the political spectrum. Our political class no longer serves the people who

elected them – they have been bought, just as academia and the mainstream media have. However, the truth is

now at last mobilising!

And in case you apologists for this fraudulent and totally corrupt system of global finance think that this is all

just a sad case of ‘conspiracy theorists’ running amok, let’s consider the unbelievable secrecy - not to mention

the deliberate refusal by the mainstream media to report and challenge what is really going on - at these high-

level elitist meetings/think tanks that clearly show that there is an unelected and unaccountable hidden tier of

governance above our elected servants which is in a strategic position to ‘call the shots’.

David Rockefeller, a long-time leading proponent for corporate global governance (sometimes referred to by the

elite as ‘The New World Order’), said at the June 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden, Germany:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications

whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years...

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of

publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world

government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to

the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

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The evidence is absolutely compelling that both the electorate and the majority of our elected servants are

wading through a sea of complete ignorance when it comes to knowledge about how money is actually created

and controlled, and by whom. In November 2014, a debate was held in the House of Commons entitled Money

Creation and Society. It was hailed by Positive Money as a great success because they were instrumental in setting it

up. However, out of 650 MPs only around twenty-five bothered to turn up, and those that did had very little

understanding indeed of the subject. If we’re all honest with ourselves, this is actually quite alarming – it would

appear that our elected servants in Parliament fall into two categories.

The overwhelming majority, it would appear, are just completely ignorant and arrogant when it comes to

money creation and money supply, with many of our MPs believing it is not a part of their remit to investigate

this subject. However, a very small minority, usually holding positions of power in their respective parties and

who have attended these secretive high-level meetings of bodies such as the Bilderberg Group, are fully aware as

to how a cabal of very powerful, debt-creating private bankers in the City of London have effectively seized,

through unlawful means, the right to issue and control our nation's money.

And if you want to highlight this further, how many people in Britain today know that sitting alongside our

MPs in the House of Commons is someone called Mr Paul Double. He is the current City Remembrancer.

This individual, whose post was created way back in 1570, is unelected and unaccountable to the British

electorate whilst serving as a lobbyist and protector for the ‘ancient rights and traditions’ of the City of

London. He is there to steer our elected representatives away from getting too close to the real truth about

money creation and money supply, not to mention the whole rotten global financial system that causes so

much extreme misery in the world.

Where’s Alice and the Mad Hatter? Love the checkerboard flooring and backcloth, Mr Double,

couldn’t possibly be something to do with the Freemasons, could it?

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This article...


...describes very well the responsibilities of this unelected and unaccountable official of the City of London.

Now, to reinforce further what I’ve written about this appalling financial system that effects each and every one

of us, here are two damning extracts from the book ‘Economic Tribulations’ written by Vincent C. Vickers. This

man was a leading industrialist as well as being a Deputy Lieutenant of the City of London and a Director of

the Bank of England from 1910 to 1919. In 1926, Vickers publicly declared his opposition to the policies of

Montagu Norman (who had taken over from him as the Governor of the Bank of England in 1920), especially

about his proposed Bank for International Settlements. Vickers finished writing his book just after the

outbreak of the Second World War but unfortunately died only one month later in November 1939. In his

book...and remember he was a Director of the Bank of England and ‘in the know’... he wrote:

“Although it is the money system which is to be accused of dishonesty, those who use and depend upon a

dishonest system, knowing that system to be dishonest, cannot themselves be regarded as honest men.

Moreover, it may be that the present system, which international finance has forced our democratic

government to adopt, uphold, and protect by every possible means, has undermined the character of the people

and forced them to alter their definition of the word honesty so that it may be made to comply more nearly

with modern practice”.

“The supply and issue of money and the creation of credit still remain almost entirely outside the control of

the Government, and are still managed by Banking and Finance and by the Bank of England with its

intimate associations with the Bank for International Settlements; whilst, until our actual declaration of war,

Foreign Exchange speculators were permitted at all times to gamble with the nation’s credit, untrammelled by

any sense of patriotic duty and thinking only of their own profit... Until these financial Gangsters are

permanently exterminated there can be no complete confidence in the economic welfare of the country”.

Vincent Vickers, Director of the Bank of England 1910-19 and a man of far-sighted integrity

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In the second extract, in Chapter VII, which is entitled ‘The Direction of Future Policy’ Vickers lists his

proposals which are not too dissimilar to what we need today. They are proposals that would certainly

‘exterminate’ the financial Gangsters!

“In the question of what steps should be taken to put matters right, I can only suggest the general

direction in which our future policy should point; for I myself do not believe that

there exists any perfect cut-and-dried scheme which is likely hereafter to be adopted, lock, stock, and

barrel, as our future monetary system. Moreover, there are many other technical and psychological

considerations which would be necessary in order to achieve peace and contentment amongst the

people. The main objectives however, should include:

1. State control and State issue of currency and credit through a central organisation managed

and controlled by the State.

2. Stabilisation of the wholesale price level of commodities. That is to say, a fixed and constant

internal purchasing power of money; so that a pound will buy to-morrow what it bought

yesterday; an honest pound, not a fluctuating pound. And this can be done by so issuing and

regulating the volume of available credit and currency that it shall at all times be adequate

to permit of the purchasing power of the consumer being equated with the volume of

production; not by limiting the purchasing power, but by firstly increasing purchasing power

more in proportion to the productive capacity of industry.

3. Fixation of foreign exchanges by foreign exchange equalisation funds, and agreement with

Empire countries and all other countries willing to fall into line; and, once this was

accomplished, the removal or diminution of trade barriers which to-day protect the countries

from the results of a bad monetary system.

4. Any additional supply of money should be issued as a clear asset to the State; so that money

will be spent into existence, and not lent into existence.

5. The fluctuating quantity of gold lying in the vaults of the banking system should never be

permitted to govern the volume of credit and currency needed by the country.

6. The elimination of slumps and booms; and more direct procedure for eliminating unnecessary


7. The abolition of the Debt System where all credit is created by the banks and hired out at

interest to the country.

8. Absolute State control over all foreign lending; and the adoption of the general principle that

our foreign trade should be so conducted as to preserve

a. the interests of the Home Market,

b. the interests of the Empire countries and the English-speaking nations,

c. the interests of Foreign nations, and that this principle should particularly apply in the

case of Home production and foodstuffs”.

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To back up and confirm what Vincent Vickers wrote in his book, let’s look at this 1924 quote from Reginald

McKenna when he addressed, as chairman of the board of the Midland Bank, his stockholders. He said...

“I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create and

destroy money. And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of governments, and hold

in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.”

McKenna was also Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1915-16 so he clearly knew what he was talking about!

And now for the ultimate crime perpetrated by the bankers against humanity…

However, there is one aspect to all of this contrived economic criminality that’s going on which is well below

the radar...namely, the appalling child trafficking and child abuse that is happening to an untold number of

children at the hands of this evil mind-set that unlawfully controls the world’s money. If the sceptics

amongst you think that this is all just too far-fetched, then please watch former high-level Dutch banker,

Ronald Bernard, and former Metropolitan Police detective, John Wedger when they gave evidence last year

to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ).



This dreadful aspect to what’s going on can no longer be ignored by those people who claim they are

campaigning for a better and more just world! Thewholemonetary, banking and financial system is a

monster that’s hell-bent on achieving global corporate governance on completely Orwellian terms. Not only

is it drowning the peoples of the world with fraudulent debt, but it is also using division and rivalry between

competing nations to drive unsustainable economic activity which leaves our living planet increasingly

damaged, scarred and exhausted.

But, worst of all, the evidence is now compelling that many of the senior operatives of this appalling system

do take part in the ritual abuse of children on a scale never before imagined. If any campaigners for

monetary and social reform believe that they can truly change things by just tinkering with such a system,

then they will be in for a rude shock. The whole global financial system is rotten to the core and it all has to

go lock, stock and barrel and campaigning organisations, right across the totally contrived and divisive

political spectrum, must now wake up to their public duty and expose what’s really going on. Luckily, we do

have some highly-placed ‘insiders’ who agree with our findings and with our solution to restore the

Bradbury Pound and who have quietly informed us that they are waiting for an effective grassroots

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campaign to begin so that they, too, can then make their move to do what they can to expose and defeat the

criminal central bankers and the mind-set behind them.

Finally, we come to the crux of it all - what is the New Economics Foundation’s going to

do now with this clear evidence?

Everything that I’ve written about so far concerning money creation and money supply is evidence-based and

just simple common sense. What the whole world is experiencing and suffering from is a completely planned

systemic failure that’s beyond any sort of tinkering with. It is a system that’s been devised by criminals for

criminals – how else do you explain the fact that 26 of the world richest people own the same wealth as the

poorest half of humanity (Oxfam International report January 2019).


The stark reality and extremes of our criminally insane global economic system – a system that the ‘green-inspired’ New Economics

Foundation and Positive Money appear unable to challenge with the clear, simple and proven solution that would rid the world

completely of such pictures.

When you arrive at the NEF’s current website, you are greeted by this slogan: TOGETHER WE CAN


With the clear evidence that I’ve presented so far, don’t you feel that this statement is now somewhat hollow

and meaningless? Don’t you think that all the victims of this unjust financial system, now dependent upon

foodbanks and charity hand-outs just to get by, will not be too impressed when they see how the New Economics

Foundation has apparently failed in its core mission to change or even address the rules, especially those key

rules about money creation and money supply? I fed into the NEF’s website’s search engine all the following

names - Bank for International Settlements, Bradbury Pound, Bilderberg Group, Vincent Vickers, Carroll

Quigley, the City Remembrancer and Thomas Johnston - just to see if I had missed something and that this

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campaigning organisation was actually aware of what’s REALLY going on. The immediate response that came

back for each of these names was - ‘No articles found’!

So, the two questions we must now all ask ourselves are these – what is the New Economics Foundation for and

where did it come from? I will answer the second question first.

I joined the Green Party, then called the Ecology Party, way back in 1978. I knew Jonathon Porritt, Paul Ekins,

David Fleming and Sally Willington and supported their initiative that became The Other Economic Summit

(TOES). It was a time of very real concern about the great inequalities of global wealth between the rich ‘North’

and the poor ‘South’ as highlighted in The Brandt Report (1980) which made the headlines at the time. Also in

1980, The World Conservation Strategy was launched by the IUCN, WWF and UNEP which made the common-

sense case to the world’s governments that the Earth’s fragile eco-systems must be protected at all costs and that

unconstrained economic growth must not take precedence over the plight of the poorest peoples of the world

and their most essential needs – fresh clean water, fertile soil, proper shelter and basic healthcare.

As an avid reader of E.F. Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful and as someone who met Leopold Kohr on a couple

of occasions, I am passionate about the need for human-scale economics. So, it was very easy indeed for me to

be supportive of the aims of TOES. In 1984, I attended and helped out at TOES 1 in central London which

took place just around the corner from the G7 Summit which was being held at Lancaster House. The

impression I got from all of the speakers at the summit was that we were allowing the ‘Fat Cats’ of ‘Big

Business’ to undemocratically dictate terms to democratically elected governments and that the ‘trickle down’

theory of wealth was completely flawed. But nobody, I believe, talked about money creation and money supply

and the whole privately-controlled central banking system. And certainly, nobody talked about the Bilderberg

Group or the evidence that there is this hidden tier of governance above our elected servants in Parliament

which dictates what’s going on by unlawfully controlling the world’s money.

In 1986, the creators of TOES then went on to create the New Economics Foundation. For thirty-three years, this

‘public policy think-tank’ has been analysing the City of London, the banking system and government

economic policies with a view to just tinkering them. The organisation has grown considerably over the years

and today employs around forty people and has an annual turnover of around £3.5 million. Rather than

criticise further the apparent lacklustre performance of this organisation, I would urge readers just to look at

these NEF links and decide for yourselves, in the light of the evidence that I have presented, whether or not

you think that the New Economics Foundation is actually fit for purpose in exposing and bringing down the

global financial criminality that is affecting each and every one of us.



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The simple truth of the matter is this: Real Greens cannot in any way support or take part in a debt-based

economy with a debt-based monetary system. Real Greens recognise that the current and criminal debt-based

global economy is creating untold misery for billions ofpeoplewhilstdestroyingtheverylife-support systems that

we all depend upon! And Real Greens recognise that unlawful debt and a deliberately planned shortage of

money both create truly appalling levels of stress, ill health and the break-up of loving families with all the

associated damage that does to innocent children. We could all be living in a world that is an ecological

paradise of peace, justice and prosperity for all. Instead, we’re increasingly living in a deliberately impoverished

and seriously damaged – pardon my French – trou de merde courtesy of allowing a handful of elitist psychopaths

to create, issue and control the world’s money as debt. Come on people everywhere – wake up and smell the

coffee of reality and certainty!!!

Conclusion – something is clearly very wrong! Real Greens or Fake Greens?

So, what are we to make of all of this? The British Constitution Group, along with its campaigning wing, the New

Chartist Movement, spent in 2018 around £10,000 with no salaried staff whatsoever. In that time, we have

created the Six Requirements (actual proven solutions) to take down this globalist Deep State along with its

agenda to create an Orwellian future for each and every one of us. And all of our money has come from

ordinary people who simply recognise the extreme urgency of the situation.

By contrast, the New Economics Foundation spent around £3,500,000 with forty salaried staff. And in that time,

they have merely made recommendations to tinker with an utterly corrupt and totally rotten banking and

financial system that any sane individual knows has to go lock, stock and barrel if the peoples of the world are

to enjoy true sovereignty, prosperity and happiness. And to cap it all, the NEF’s money has largely come from

very large and clearly agenda-driven Trusts, including one which was set up by the controversial globalist,

George Soros (Open Society Institute £90,425).

Both the New Economics Foundation and Positive Money now need to address fully the evidence in this open

challenge and to justify, if they can, their current objectives, strategies and use of donated monies. Had the

New Chartist Movement been able to spend £3 million in the last twelve months on their campaign to get the

proven truth out, there would have been absolutely no need at all to write this challenge...the people would

be waking up in the numbers needed and the globalists’ encroaching Deep State would now be in disarray

and in full retreat with many of its leaders having already been arrested and charged with treason,

malfeasance in public office, high-level fraud and, worst of all, for the murder, the trafficking and the

appalling abuse of children.

I await now... hopefully... a positive response from the NEF and Positive Money so that we can all start to begin

to work together to fully expose the complete debt-creating scam that is money creation and money supply by

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the private financial sector and the central banking system, and so stop in its tracks this corporate tyranny

that’s so clearly coming down the tracks for each and every one of us.

Justin Walker

March 4th 2019

[email protected]


The New Chartist Movement’s Six Requirements:



Urgent postscript to bring people - the 99% - together:

On August 10th 1944, a group of leading Nazi industrialists and bankers met at the Maison Rouge Hotel in

Strasbourg to discuss how the Nazi ideal would survive its imminent military defeat. From that meeting

stemmed the European Project which then became the ‘Common Market’ of the European Economic

Community. Once the people were deceived enough by the ‘common sense’ of this new arrangement to

prevent future wars in Europe (the fact that both of the World Wars were manipulated and triggered largely by

the same mind-set that’s behind today’s banking and financial system still remains largely unknown), the

proponents of the EEC then kicked in their carefully laid plans to morph this trading agreement into

becoming a full blown political union. Maybeifthe Brexiteers and Remainers stopped confronting each other

with their collective ignorance about what’s really happening and started to unite around the proven truth, we

might be able to take on the real enemy and stop all of this madness.

And the same can be said for the roll-out of the horrendously dangerous 5G grid system


This military-grade and totally invasive technology is there to deliberately harm people in the most appalling

health ways and people need to wake up fast! Unfortunately, it is clear that the leadership of the Green and so-

called Progressive movement hasn’t woken up yet. Trees are being - and are planned to be - cut down by the

hundreds of thousands to make the 5G grid work more effectively (wet leaves apparently interfere with the

signal) and insects and birds are clearly starting to suffer and have the potential to be harmed on a truly

unimaginable scale. This is simply outright terrorism against the living planet...and is being done with the full

compliance of our government – a government that is actually a ‘government of occupation’ for it serves only

our enemy, the Deep State, and not the people who actually elected it!

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Until this criminal banking and financial system is exposed, confronted and defeated, humanity is walking

straight into an Orwellian ambush and nightmare. Come on Positive Money and New Economics Foundation,

please now do what’s expected of you and let’s combine forces to mobilise this completely proven truth before

it all becomes too late.

Your response is now awaited. Thank you.

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