A Day In The Life of A Startup Workshop Istanbul June 4th, 2015


Transcript of A Day In The Life of A Startup Workshop Istanbul June 4th, 2015


Startup. The phrase is “hot”…….. The Lean Startup is “hot”………

But what is it? Why is there so much attention for it?

And why is this so applicable to existing organisations?


What is “it”? It’s quite simple really:

A Startup is team that searches for a working business model. A team that transforms an idea into a new product or a new service and involves (learns from) the end user (customer) in each step of the way.


What are the most important features of a Startup team?

• Consists of a maximum of 5 members

• Is multidisciplinary by nature and has a good mix of personalities

• They have their own small but certain budget

• Each and everyone is responsible for “everything”


What makes successful Startups successful?

• They transform their idea into a minimum viable product as fast as possible.

• They visualise. They don’t produce big planning documents.

• They immediately get in contact with their customers

• They listen and learn…..

• They continuously learn using experiments and create real value for their customers

• And do this as agile and lean as possible….


Why is there so much attention for this?

• Because we all see and feel that we should be working differently!

• And because it works.


Especially existing organisations have to learn work in a different way.

And this is where the Lean Startup way of working can really help.

We call this; innovation like in 2020.


But how can you start doing this tomorrow?

First we’ll sketch who you, as a Startup team, have to deal with….

The investor

The internal or external financer.

The one that gives the team the small but

certain budget…

The coach

The internal or external advisor

or consultant, who helps and

guides the team with their innovation


The investor

The coach

The investor

The Trendwatcher

the internal or external advisor or

consultant who shows the team

the current trends in the world.

The coach

The investor

The Trendwatcher

The Customer

… for whom you’re actually doing ‘it’. The one you want to involve in the

creation of your new product or service…

The Customer

The coach

The investor

The Trendwatcher

The Panel

The (internal) management team or external investors you need to convince to invest in your


The Customer

The coach

The investor

The Trendwatcher

The Panel

What do you have to do?

Who expects what from us? What do we have to create?

The investor

The investor: how do you get the first small budget?

You’ll need a properly defined idea and a sort of point on the horizon… a vision…

The Customer

Customers: How to involve them?

You will need to have thought out your idea. You need to be able to explain the value proposition. You’ll also need to define experiments to validate the assumptions you’ve made about your customer.

The Panel

Convince investors and management to invest in your Startup?

You'll need to have a very good "pitch"! You’ll need to be able to explain your vision, value proposition, and show them that you’ve already had some succes with customers. And last but not least; show them that it's not a hobby. That there are good signs of (a first) business model.

The coach

The Trendwatcher

Do you have to do all that by yourselves as a team?

No. The coach and the trendwatcher will help you. They will help you to define and visualise your value proposition and which steps to take to get to a business model. They will also help you define the market, customer segments and to identify trends in the market

Innoveren like a Startup

Is there a difference between a Startup or innovating within an existing organisation?

No. The stakeholders involved are almost identical. The difference is that the stakeholders for a regular startup are external, and those for the team are internal. The "game" is the same. The things you need to create are the same.

Just start doing!

Innoveren als een Startup

Is it simple?

No. But you can learn it by doing. By actually starting. Step by step using a practical innovation method. You can learn to do it very quickly by doing with proper coaching.

This is why we developed a serious game. To experience how to innovate like a startup.

'A Day in the Life of a Startup'.

In a single day, teams from your company will transform their ideas into business models. They will use and learn "lean" and practical innovation tools and techniques.

And at the end of the day, the team will be the one giving a pitch!
