A Day in the Life of a Horse

A Day in the Life of a Horse I’ve been doing this all day. My back and my sides hurt. I can’t feel them. All the “GIDDYUP” and dumb horse calls. I’m sick of it. I might be going deaf. “Alright, up you go”, that’s the stable owner. He’s getting the last child for the day onto my aching back. Yes, so you probably know, I am a horse. My name is Reeve. I’ve been the victim of my job since I learned how to walk. My parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and on and on, have been through this same horrific torture. It’s carrying ignorant humans, big and small, around everywhere for enjoyment. This was my



Transcript of A Day in the Life of a Horse

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A Day in the Life of a Horse

I’ve been doing this all day. My back and my sides hurt. I

can’t feel them. All the “GIDDYUP” and dumb horse calls.

I’m sick of it. I might be going deaf. “Alright, up you go”,

that’s the stable owner. He’s getting the last child for the day

onto my aching back. Yes, so you probably know, I am a

horse. My name is Reeve. I’ve been the victim of my job since

I learned how to walk. My parents, grandparents, great

grandparents, and on and on, have been through this same

horrific torture. It’s carrying ignorant humans, big and small,

around everywhere for enjoyment. This was my fate from the

moment I was conceived. I did not ask for this.

All day, I’m being kicked, whacked and bounced on. “Go

on you stupid horse!” One child screamed that at me this

morning. I’m at the last rider for today. The weather is nice

but sort of chilly. This last rider isn’t half bad. No kicking or

bouncing or yelling. She’s quite calm actually. She wears a

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white coat and has long dirty-blond hair. She pets me. She

cares for me. “Such a beautiful, sweet horse”, she tells me.

Before this angel, today one child about 10 years old,

despite orders from his master, walked behind me and pulled

my tail! I kicked out of a reflex and almost hit him when his

master pulled him out of harms way. He shouldn’t have been

disobedient. One thing I do love is when my masters or nice

children pet my snout or brush my hair. Some of my

ancestors were war horses. What an honor it must’ve been to

serve the land.

“She’s going to be a regular here”, my master says,

referring to the sweet girl. I am glad. This job is sometimes

irritating during the day but toward the end it’s not so bad.

The angel girls name is Mimi. Its children and people like

Mimi who make this job worthwhile. Maybe it won’t be so

bad anymore. I can’t say I hate it, but it’s not exactly my

dream job. I’ll always have at least one good rider. I’m happy

with that.

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I trot off with Mimi on my back. Off to the trail. I had to

take the path that I hate. It has a ledge over a very steep hill.

My master likes taking people over this path with the ledge

because from this ledge you get a great view of the land. Mimi

looks down and gets frightened. I’m trying to stay away from

the edge but it recently rained and the ledge is muddy and

slippery. I slip forward and Mimi tipped over and almost fell

off of me. Her foot is caught in the stirrup and she is dangling

over the ledge. She is mortified and is screaming. I throw

reigns with my neck, over my head and stretch my neck

down. She gets my gesture and grabs the reigns. I start to

back off the ledge with her hanging. I pull her up with all my

might. She is safe now. She gets up and we walk back toward

the stables. I saved her life. She is very grateful. Now I have

something to be proud of.

Amber Santana