A constant pressure model for the Warm Absorber in NGC 3783

A constant pressure model for the Warm Absorber in NGC 3783 Anabela C. Gonçalves 1,3 S. Collin 1 , A.-M. Dumont 1 , A. Rozanska 2 , M. Mouchet 1 , L. Chevallier 1 , R. Goosmann 1 1 Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (LUTH), France 2 Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK), Poland 3 Centro de Astronomia e Astrofísica da Universidade de Lisboa (CAAUL), Portugal


A constant pressure model for the Warm Absorber in NGC 3783. Anabela C. Gonçalves 1 , 3 S. Collin 1 , A.-M. Dumont 1 , A. Rozanska 2 , M. Mouchet 1 , L. Chevallier 1 , R. Goosmann 1 1 Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (LUTH), France 2 Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK), Poland - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of A constant pressure model for the Warm Absorber in NGC 3783

Page 1: A constant pressure model for the  Warm Absorber in NGC 3783

A constant pressure model for the Warm Absorber in NGC 3783

Anabela C. Gonçalves1,3

S. Collin1, A.-M. Dumont1, A. Rozanska2, M. Mouchet1, L. Chevallier1, R. Goosmann1

1 Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (LUTH), France2 Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK), Poland3 Centro de Astronomia e Astrofísica da Universidade de Lisboa (CAAUL), Portugal

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The Warm Absorber (WA) ■ Generic properties

The TITAN code (A.-M. Dumont & S. Collin , Paris Observatory)■ Main characteristics■ Application range and examples

NGC 3783■ The data ■ Previous studies on the WA ■ Preliminary results obtained with the TITAN code

Conclusions and future work

Workshop: some open questions

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The Warm Absorber in AGN

WA general properties

■ WA seems to be located between the disk and the NLR

■ Outflow of material at a few hundreds kms-1, possible multiple velocity components

■ The mass outflow can be important

(exact location? geometry?)

■ Warm (T ~ 105-106 K) plasma surrounding the active nucleus

■ Photoionized by X-rays produced near the black hole

(how much?) Inspired by Fabian (1998)

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rge et al.


NGC 3783

After Chandra and XMM-Newton:

■ Space observatories with grating spectrometers allow for line-resolved spectroscopy


i et al. (2002)

Warm Absorber observations

The importance of high(er) spectral resolution

Before Chandra and XMM-Newton (1999):

■ First WA observation in MR 2251-178 by Einstein (Halpern 1984)

Photoionization codes must follow improvement in data quality!

■ ASCA observations show the presence of a WA in ~ 50% nearby Type 1 AGN: detection of absorption edges, no details

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TITAN photoionization code

missing species!

■ Designed for optically thick media (Dumont et al. 2000, Collin et al. 2004)

■ Computes the gas structure in thermal and ionization equilibrium, both locally and globally

■ 102 ions and atoms: H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, F

■ Computes the transfer for ~1000 lines and the continuum

■ Modes: Constant Density, Gaseous Pressure or Total Pressure

■ Calculates multi-angle spectra (outward, reflected and transmitted)

■ Accounts for Compton heating/cooling (coupled with NOAR code)

105 < nH < 1014 cm-3

NH < 1026 cm-2

8000 < T < 107 K

10 < < 105

■ Parameters’ optimal range:

= L/nHR2

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Multi-angle spectra■ “normal direction” + 5 cones

(7’, 18°, 40°, 60°, 77°, 87°)

■ computes the transmitted, reflected and outward flux

Computes the transfer of lines and continuum■ No escape probability approximation, but throughout calculations (ALI)

TITAN photoionization code

Line profile studies

■ Accounts for P Cyg-like profiles

● Chandra data

TITAN model

OVIII 18.97

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TITAN application examplesGoosmann et al.

(Poster at “The X-ray Universe 2005”)

Tomorrow: don’t miss Loic’s talk on “The puzzle of the soft X-ray excess in AGN: absorption or reflection? ” !!!

Chevallier et al.

(Poster at “The X-ray Universe 2005”)

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Warm Absorber in NGC 3783

NGC 3783

■ Seyfert 1.5 at z = 0.0097, V ~ 13.5 mag, also very bright in X-rays and UV

■ X-ray (Chandra, XMM) and UV spectra (HST, FUSE): variability studies, line identifications, UV absorption lines studies, …

■ High quality Chandra spectrum, 900 ks exposure (Kaspi et al. 2002)

Kaspi et al. (2002)

=> Stratification of the WA

■ >100 absorption lines detected, covering a wide range in ionization

Krongold et al. (2003)

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Previous NGC 3783 studies

Chandra data (56ks, 900ks spectra) ■ Kaspi et al. (00, 01, 02), Krongold et al. (03), Netzer et al. (03), …

XMM-Newton data (40ks, 280 ks spectra)■ Blustin et al. (2002), Behar et al. (2003), …

Main Results (also discussed in previous talk) ■ 2-phase gas (cold Low-Ionization Phase and hot High-Ionization Phase)

■ absorbing and emitting plasma are manifestations of the same gas

■ 2 or more velocity systems identified in Chandra observations

■ 1 single velocity system in XMM observations (v ~ -600 – -800 km s -1)

■ velocity systems compatible with UV absorption components

■ Albeit extensively studied, WA usually modelled with multiple zones of constant density

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Previous NGC 3783 studies

Netzer et al. (03) modelling

= L/nHR2

NH = 2.1022 cm-2 = 4265 erg cm s-1

NH = 1.1022 = 1071

NH = 8.1021 = 68

■ Simulates the WA stratification with 3 components at constant density:

Netzer et al. (2003)

Our approach: a single medium in Total Pressure equilibrium

■ Results in the natural stratification of the WA

■ Allows to explain the presence of lines from different ionization states

■ Using the photoionization code TITAN allows to calculate the temperature, density and ionization structures, plus the absorption and emission spectra

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■ Temperature profile is the same for different densities

■ Radiation pressure is similar, and so is the absorption spectrum, but not the emission component

Pressure equilibrium studies

Comparison to A. Rozanska’s work

■ We use the same code (TITAN), in a more recent version

■ We use the same mode: Total Pressure equilibrium

■ We use a different incident spectrum (not a simple power law spectrum)■ Multi-angle capability available in

most recent versions of the code

■ We can use “real” normal incidence, instead of isotropic approximation

■ We can obtain the emission and absorption contribution separately

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Warm Absorber in NGC 3783

The observations

■ Data taken from the Chandra archives

■ HETG spectra reduced with CIAO 3.2.1

■ Available multi-wavelength observations provide information on incident spectrum

The Model

■ Incident spectrum as in Kaspi et al. (2001): broken power-law continuum

■ We have built an optimized grid of 4x4 models

grid parameters: = 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500 erg cm s-1

NH = 3.1022, 4.1022, 5.1022, 6.1022 cm-2

other parameters: nH (at surface) = 105 cm-3, vturb = 150 kms-1

■ For all models, we have calculated the outward and reflection spectra in multiple directions, plus the ionization and temperature structures

Kaspi et al. (2001)

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Constant density modelConstant Density vs. Total Pressure

Preliminary results

Temperature profiles

■ The WA stratification can be obtained through constant pressure modelsConstant total pressure model

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Preliminary results

Ionization structures

■ The WA stratification can be obtained through constant pressure modelsConstant density model Constant total pressure model

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Preliminary results

Other Pysical quantities

■ e.g. Temperature profile, densityConstant density model Constant total pressure model

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Preliminary results

Warm Absorber size

■ The cloud size is ~ 1.7 x larger for Constant Density models

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Preliminary results

Calculated spectra

■ Our grid can account for the observations

■ The best model (NH = 4.1022 , = 2500) reproduces well the continuum and lines

■ Absorption features blueshifted (~800 kms-1)








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Conclusions and future workSome conclusions…

■ The TITAN code is well adapted to the study of the WA in AGN

■ The WA in NGC 3783 can be modelled under total pressure equilibrium

■ For this model, we estimated a WA size R ~ 2 1017 cm (0.25 ly or 0.07 pc) compared to a 1.7 x larger WA for a model calculated at constant density

■ For a WA located at R ~ 4 105 RG (bottom NLR) <=>


Mout /MEdd ~ 1(0.72 – 0.79 pc and R/R ~ 0.1)

■ For a WA located at R ~ 4 104 RG (BLR) <=> ●●

Mout /MEdd ~ 0.1(0.07 – 0.15 pc and R/R ~ 1)

■ To be compared to other mass outflows (Blustin PhD Thesis ; Blustin et al. 05): ●●

Mout /Macc < 400, 25 and 6.4 (3 outflowing components) ; 4.3 (average)

■ And WA location: 0.17 pc – 1.8 pc or 2.9 pc (Blustin PhD Thesis; Blustin et al. 05)

R < 5.7 pc (from variability considerations, Krongold et al. 05)

R < 3.2 pc, 0.63 pc and 0.18 pc (3 components, Netzer et al. 03)

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If fcov ~1 => diffuse outward spectra

If fcov <1 => additional reflection spectra If Pcyg-like profiles =>

absorption profile (blueshifted)

outward emission (narrower)

emission from reflection (no shift or redshifted)

Conclusions and future work

Work in progress on the NGC 3673 Warm Absorber

■ Complete the grid with models using different vturb and nH

■ Study the line-emission components to better constrain the covering factor

Future work■ To use TITAN to model the WA observed in other Type 1 and Type 2 AGN

■ Lines missing in the model => complete the TITAN atomic data

■ A larger grid of models aimed at the future use of the code by the community

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Workshop: open questions

How to produce redshifted (or more blueshifted) emission?■ Through balance of different components, line-of-sight projections, and adequate covering factor implying a reflected component

■ Can a “failed wind” explain larger absorption, less blueshifted, and/or redshifted emission?

What kind of geometry does such a model suggest?■ R/R smaller for higher mass output rate, but always within “reasonable” values

■ We can have full covering factor of the source in the line-of-sight and still contribution from the reflection on the neighbouring clouds

■ Cloud size => clumpiness? Preferred geometry?