A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and...

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Transcript of A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and...

Page 1: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,


A complete list of all lectures given

during BDTB-3

…plus quick links to BDTB-1 and BDTB-2 lectures and other talks by our

great speakers!

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Page 2: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,


As the established leader in online astrological education, the International Academy of Astrology is dedicated to raising the standard for astrological practice around the world. The curriculum at IAA is designed specifically to guide students on the path to becoming fully qualified professional astrologers. The IAA also offers specific courses and professional modules to the practicing professional astrologer who wants to specialize.

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Page 3: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Alan Annand

Vedic Astrology and Career Selection

Angular planets, which affect the 1st house or the 10th,

invariably provide clues to the best career options for

any individual. In turn, certain combinations of two or

more planets provide more specific indications of

career. This technique, applicable to both western and

Vedic astrology, is easy to understand and apply, and is

invaluable for advising clients at a career crossroads.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Nick Dagan Best

Uranus and the Shining Sun

A historical look at the transit of Uranus through the

twelve tropical signs over the last two centuries,

focusing on biographical studies of various notable

people during times of Uranus conjunction and

opposition transits to their natal Suns

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Chris Brennan

Sect: The Difference Between Day

and Night Charts

An in-depth overview of the Hellenistic concept of sect,

and how it changes the interpretation of basic chart

placements depending on whether a person was born

during the day or at night.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Chris Brennan:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Philosophical Issues in Ancient


Peter Burns

When will it Happen?

Many questions put to the horary astrologer revolve

around time: the moment of fulfilment. The client wants

to know the answers to such questions as when their

soul mate will appear in their life, when the cheque will

arrive, and when is a good time to go on holiday. It is

one thing to determine that an event will take place. It is

quite another to determine when it will take place. The

technique for determining the answer to when an event

will take place is relatively simple, but most students

manage to complicate the issue unnecessarily. In this

lecture Peter Burns will explain some of the foundation

techniques of horary astrology and how to use a timing

method that actually works.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Peter Burns:

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Interpreting Fixed Stars


Page 4: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Gary P. Caton

The Visual Dimensions of the

Venus - Mars Cycle

This lecture explores the nature of the different visual

images presented to us by the 3 Venus-Mars

conjunctions of 2015. We will continue the "all

conjunctions are not created equal" theme from earlier

in the track, this time by differentiating the 3 Venus-

Mars conjunctions of 2013 according to

morning/evening appearance and speed (who is

passing whom?). We will discuss how these

differences can and should modify and extend our

delineations, what this might mean for our forecasting

and client work, and what the ramifications are for the

field of astrology itself.

$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Gary P. Caton:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Rahu & Ketu: Transformation Via

the Cosmic Dragon

Claire Chandler

Points of View?

Whenever we tell a story we take a position. The tone,

style and perspective used to frame a narrative is

unique to the teller. The interpretation of a chart, or of

anything for that matter, requires judgement. In this

lecture we examine how we find our voice and the

implications of using it.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Claire Chandler:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Astrological Symbolism in

Ancient Magic

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Seven Squares Uranus-Pluto

Tom Chaplin

Shadow Planets

Conversations generally turn serious when it comes to

topics involving Scorpio, Pluto and the 8th house. We

seem to conjure up a mysterious curiosity over the 8th

archetype unlike anywhere else in the chart. Ever

wonder what lies buried in the darkness of your own

8th house? What happens if you accidentally stumble

upon it and release it? Is that a good thing or

something to be avoided? This lecture will focus on

the 8th archetype and its hidden shadow. We'll

explore the dark side of public figures whose

unhealed shadows have caught them off guard and

literally knocked them off their pedestals. We'll also

take a look at techniques for facing our shadow sides

in order to heal, benefit and grow through 8th-house


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Tom Chaplin:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Converting the Astrological

Shadow to Gold

Other talks:

Vocational Astrology. With Linda Furiate.

(4 hr workshop) ($25.00)

Gregory Clare

The Blue Planet: A Geocentric View

of Our Relationship with the Sun

Rightly or wrongly, our ancient ancestors viewed our

planet as the centre of the solar system. Nicolaus

Copernicus, with the encouragement of astrologer

Georg Joachim Rheticus, changed the way in which

the collective understands the heavens. It is our own

unique location on this planet that gives us a personal

perspective of how the sky works. If I live in the

Northern Hemisphere what do I see differently from

those who live in the Southern Hemisphere? In this

workshop we will look at how the celestial equator and

the earth's obliquity change our perspectives.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Gregory Clare:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Modified Solar Return (MSR)

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Hell Hath no Fury like Money


Ca - Cl Breaking Down the

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Page 5: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Brian Clark

Ensouling Place: Being Here Now

Studies have shown that we humans generally identify

place with safety, consigning it to either end of a

spectrum that extends from security to isolation. Who

can explain why we are drawn to certain places from a

young age, or have a penchant for moors or deserts

while others are repelled by them. Why are some

drawn to caves, others open spaces? Some prefer

cities, others villages. From a soulful perspective, the

natal and relocated charts can help to confirm the

mystery of our feelings and reveal patterns to places

that are significant in our lives. In this lecture we will

consider place from the perspective of the soul using

the natal and relocated chart to help us consciously

cooperate with ensouling both our personal and our

collective space through attending to and participating

with where we are.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Brian Clark:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Absence of Presence: Voids

in the Horoscope

BDTB-1 ($19.95): NOSTOI: Considering

Astrological Returns

Frank Clifford

Spotlight on Success: Making the

Most of Your Midheaven

In this talk, Frank will explore the many facets of the

Midheaven (MC). This much-neglected angle has

much to say about our reputation and public image,

and, as part of an axis, our parental messages and

family inheritance. Astrologically, our MC complex

reveals our personal definition of success and our

deep-seated drives to make a societal/professional

contribution. We can gain recognition when we "follow

our bliss" and adopt the roles described by it. In this

talk, Frank will offer new insights from his years of

research into the MC–IC axis.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Frank Clifford:

Speaking Your Chart: Having fun with

astrological correspondences ($9.95)

David Cochrane

Aries: Pioneer, Warrior, or Lone


I will describe a research study that helps us

understand what the influence of the zodiac sign Aries

really is. This evidence for the meaning of Aries is

based on a research design that modern research

methodologists consider to be better than the usual

ways that we use to verify astrological ideas. The

research design used is an "extreme case study," and

it is a research design that does not require as much

effort as many other research designs, is fun to

conduct, and modern researchers would say that the

findings are more important than the findings we get

from looking at charts of freinds, family, clients, and

famous people. We will also briefly look at the

research on other zodiac signs.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Colleen Coffey

Fortuna and Daimon -- Part of

Fortune, Part of Spirit

Traditional astrology was festooned with a myriad of

Arabian Parts. Unfortunately only the Part of Fortune

(Fortuna) has made the transition into modern

astrology. It is said that this is so because Ptolemy

made much of the Part of Fortune in his Tetrabiblos

because "fortune" was tangible and could "prove"

astrology, but he made no mention of its "soul mate"

the Part of Spirit because the "spirit" is indefinable and

not so easily "proved." However, these two parts are a

pair, like bread and butter, and the Sun and Moon

they are meant to go together -- in fact as a pair they

reflect the Sun and Moon in the natal chart and

together with the Ascendant they underpin the

Lunation personality type. This lecture puts the Part of

Spirit back into the natal chart, discusses the

difference between day and night charts, and from a

traditional baseline, considers the relevance and how

to utilize the combined strength of these two ancient

parts in modern physiological astrology.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Cl - Co Breaking Down the Borders - 3

Page 6: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Also, check out by Colleen Coffey:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Quindecile - the Aspect of

Compulsion BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Hidden Dimension - The

Lunar Phase Personality Other talks:

The Progressed Lunation Cycle ($9.95)

Geoffrey Cornelius

Divination Theory and Practical


Is practical astrology divination? This question has

become something of a hot potato, with psychological

and archetypal astrologers joining together with died-

in-wool traditionalists to declare the straightforwardly

objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results.

We will cover in detail the case for and against

astrology-as-divination, and show the relationship of

this question to that of the role of imagination and the

"symbolic attitude." We also explore some of the

leading-edge approaches of contemporary scholar-

astrologers sympathetic to the divinatory

interpretation, including Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum,

Patrick Curry and James Brockbank.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Geoffrey Cornelius:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Katarchic Astrology and the True

Nature of Horary

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Astrology: The Post-Modern

Shape Shifter

Donna Cunningham

The Capricorn Stellium

At BDTB-2, I gave a general introduction to stelliums.

However, that was a long time ago, and now the word

is starting to get out that there are now more people

with stelliums with an outer planet conjunction as the

core than ever before. And more and more of them

are coming to astrologers for answers on how to

manage those combinations. Over the past 50 years,

there have been a series of them, starting in Virgo and

complicating one sign after another. My primary

concern, and the one I'd like to address in my lecture,

is the Capricorn Stellium generation in their mid-20s,

born with a triple conjunction of Uranus, Saturn, and

Neptune. Millions of them were born in 1988-89, and

those born in the winter months could have as many

as 7 planets in Capricorn. Since the last time these

three planets were conjunct was in 1307, astrologers

need information on how this combination works and

ways to help them use the planets' energies in a more

constructive way.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Donna Cunningham:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): How to Get the Most from Your

Stellium or Multiple Conjunction

BDTB-1 ($19.95): How a Blog Can Build your

Astrology Practice Other talks:

• Building an Astrological Practice ($15.00)

• Clients in Crisis ($15.00)

• Conducting Effective Readings ($15.00)

• English for Astrologers ($15.00)

• Reading the Charts of Children ($15.00)

Gary Curci

Neptune in Pisces: The Water God

Returns to His Domain

A study of the events that occurred when Neptune last

visited Pisces and what we are likely to see happen

during this transit.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Co - Co

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Page 7: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Maru Deiguez

Healing with Astrology

Astrology... a medicine to heal. Embracing your

destiny and making the best out of your life with


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Armand Diaz

Astrology: How and Why Does it


As above, so below. The music of the spheres.

Synchronicity. Physical effects of the moon and sun.

Through the ages, astrologers have held many ideas

about how and why astrology works, reflecting an

evolving worldview. In this talk we will follow the line of

thought from classical times to the contemporary

world, and see how a revolution in consciousness is

offering a new way to think about our ancient art.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Armand Diaz:

Other talks:

Integral Astrology – Making Sense of

Astrological Diversity ($9.95)

Adrian Ross Duncan

Mastery of Prediction

It is said that the meaning of communication is the

response you get. In prediction nothing is more

important than the client's response, for he or she

knows more about the potential future than the

astrologer. Prediction works when astrologer and

client cooperate to co-create a believable and

attractive future. Transits and progressions help

create the overall picture, but if you want to be able to

explain in exquisite detail what is going on, then you

need the chart for the moment the consultation starts.

This talk explains how.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Adrian Ross Duncan:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Embarrassing Truths and How to

Present Them

Meira Epstein

Clockwise & Counter-Clockwise:

Timing Through the Houses &


Two effective and easy-to-use forecast methods from

the treasures of the past. One is known as

"Profection," which is based on signs/house

sequence, and works hand in hand with the solar

return chart. The other is the "D-Quadrant System,"

based on the diurnal motion in the course of the first

day after birth, and covers much longer periods of life.

It is a truly an evolutionary approach, since it

describes the personal development throughout life

and shows when the natal potentials blossom and

come to fruition. When both systems are integrated

we are shown the highlights of life. They are easy to

master and are "a must" whether you read for yourself

or others.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Meira Epstein:

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Planetary Hours in the Natal


Monica Escalante-Ochoa

Principles of Electional Astrology

Success or failure of a new activity, association or

event depends mainly on the time when this is started.

Luckily, electional astrology exists to help us to find

the most favorable (or sometimes the least

unfavorable) time to attain success in important

events such as getting married, opening a business,

medical surgery, starting a trip, etc. Electional

astrology has different rules than natal astrology, and

here we will learn them in theory and in practice.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Monica Escalante-Ochoa:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Who Is Right: Western Astrology

or Vedic Astrology?

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Predictive Techniques

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 De - Es

Page 8: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Kim Farnell

Fiery Travels: The Story of the Via


This is the story of a small stretch of sky. The Via

Combusta (fiery road) is a small stretch of sky, usually

defined as mid-Libra to mid-Scorpio, that is seen by

astrologers as A Bad Thing. When the Moon is there,

it bodes bad results for horary astrologers, shows

serious problems for electional astrologers and can be

generally worrying for other astrologers. And that is

the sum total of most astrologers' knowledge about it.

Throughout the centuries, astrological writers have

been extremely reticent about the Via Combusta,

seemingly assuming that it's so mind-bogglingly

obvious what it means that they needn't waste words

writing about it. The truth is that the Via Combusta is

so ancient, we can no longer be sure from where it

originated. But we can explore where the idea of the

Via Combusta might have come from and why it

endured as a concept for so many centuries.

Additionally, this book examines how it has been

interpreted by astrologers in the past. The Via Combusta is a small stretch of sky. And this is its


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Kim Farnell:

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Flirting with the Zodiac

Christine Ferraro

The Horoscope: What's the

Fascination with that Wheel?

Most of us are familiar with the image of the

horoscope, that circular diagram divided into 12 parts

inscribed with mysterious hieroglyphic symbols. But

what is it about that wheel that calls to us? We will

discuss and explore the way an astrologer views,

interprets and learns to understand the language of

the horoscope and how that information can be used

to facilitate understanding, enhance our lives and

promote personal growth. It's all about us!

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Marcha Fox

Avoiding Relationship Pitfalls: Love

Asteroids in Synastry

The "Love Asteroids" include Cupido, Sappho, Eros

and Amor whose chart placements indicate who you

are attracted to as well as what your expectations are

of a lover. If you're always attracted to people with

whom you are not compatible, then it's likely that this

problem originates here. Since expectations are so

important in relationships, using these asteroids in

either natal readings or synastry helps point out where

any pitfalls may lie, which allows you or your client to

deal with them more effectively or perhaps avoid them


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Marcha Fox:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Defending Our Universe

BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Chiron Process

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 Fa - Fo

Page 9: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Adam Gainsburg

All Conjunctions Are Not Created


All western astrology shares the round horoscopic

wheel as its main tool. Yet how much of the celestial

reality do our chart wheels portray? The truth is, not

very much at all. This lecture will first introduce the

key "missing ingredients" of the living sky -- Earth

proximity, visual appearances, planetary brightness,

declination, latitude and speed, using several sky

softwares to visually demonstrate them. We'll then

learn how to include these missing factors into our

chart work with ease, once we understand just

enough of the astronomy. We'll culminate with a

special look at eclipses and occultations as wonderful

examples of just why all conjunctions are plainly not

created equal.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

The Phases of Mars

Join me as we discover the little-known celestial

factors which link modern astrology to the very origins

of our astrological tradition. I'll then apply them to

reveal the "living sky" meanings of the thirteen phases

of Mars. Each Phase answers the question, "What is

my natal Mars in service to, beyond myself?" Our

natal phase signifies our inner masculine (residing in

both women and men) dharma of tangibly improving

our societal sphere in personally fulfilling ways. I will

demonstrate how knowledge of Mars' sky factors

combine with sound astrological delineation to greatly

increase scope and accuracy in working with Mars'

higher manifestations.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Adam Gainsburg:

Other talks:

•The Complete Cycle of Venus Phases ($9.95)

Kim Rogers-Gallagher

Everything You Ever Wanted to

Know About Chiron

There's a (relatively) new kid on the astrological block:

Chiron. But what's his story? Is he a planetoid, an

asteroid, or a comet? How does his myth point to a

spot in your chart where you'll deal with addicts and

addictions, tragic flaws, and the acceptance of

imperfection? Through the re-telling of his story,

interesting facts about the heavenly body itself, and

striking celebrity examples, here's everything you ever

wanted to know about Chiron -- including his amazing

connection to metaphysical healing trends and the

handicapped symbol of access. Your Sagittarian

hostess promises to educate and entertain you!

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Mari Garcia

In the Wake of the Dragon: the

Moon's Nodes and the Cycle of Fate

The Moon's Nodes have always held a fascination, as

they have traditionally been associated with the

concepts of karma and destiny. They were also

considered to have both malefic and benefic qualities.

The importance of the Lunar Nodes has survived in

the practice of Hindu astrology but Western astrology

has relegated the Nodes into a miscellaneous basket.

This lecture will explore the Nodal Axis and its cycle

from a traditional perspective and their influence in

natal astrology.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Mari Garcia:

Other talks:

•The 8th

House ($9.95)

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 Ga - Ga

Page 10: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Take a note!

Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference


Dennis M. Harness, Ph.D, Conference Organizer

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: 928-282-6595

Website: www.sedonavedicastrology.com

The Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference will be

held November 10-23, 2015 in mystical Sedona,

Arizona. Introductory, intermediate and advanced

classes/workshops will be offered.

Page 11: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,
Page 12: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Thomas Gazis

A Fascinating Glimpse Into the

Hellenistic Astrology through the

Miraculously Preserved

Oxyrynchus Papyri

We could say that the Oxyrhynchus papyri is a sort of

time capsule miraculously preserving not only the

literature but the daily life that was taking place some

2000 years ago, in the so called hellenistic era!

Actually these papyri were discovered at an

archeological excavation of an ancient rubbish dump

near the Hellenistic town of Oxyrhynchus in Egypt.

Among some unknown-until-now literary works and

many prosaic documents (like various transactions'

receipts and wedding invitations) there have been

found several informal and formal types of

horoscopes. These horoscopes are revealing to us

the methods, the skills and the shortcomings of the

astrologers of the time!

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Thomas Gazis:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Amazing Similarities and

Discrepancies between the

Babylonian and the Mayan


Susan Gidel

Top 10 Retrograde Business

Decision Disasters

Take a lesson from these business disasters before

launching a product, upgrading a computer system or

buying a company when planets are retrograde. From

Mercury to Saturn, learn about what has gone wrong -

- and cost up to billions of dollars -- when making big

business decisions during retrograde periods.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Susan Gidel:

Other talks:

How the DJIA Behaves in the

Saturn/Uranus Synodic Cycle ($9.95)

Roy Gillette

Making Friends with Astrology

Knowing the astrology of people, as well as of

present, past and future times, enables us to see the

world through others' eyes; to experience their

needs, fears and pleasures, as if they were our own.

We see them as a complete Universe and feel

responsible for all. Roy will illustrate this with

individual charts, synastry and historical astro-events,

and then look ahead to see how such insight could

help everyone create a better future.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Roy Gillette:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Understanding World Change

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Zodiac Meanings as a Source of


Jennie Gilmore

Exploring the Foundation of the

Birth Chart with Astrology's

Elements and the Archetypes

Astrology is traditionally seen as universally consisting

of four natural elements: fire, earth, air and water. The

elements are considered to be the foundation of all of

life and are represented within the birth chart. When

applied to human nature, the elements represent

certain behaviors within an individual to help define

one's basic temperament. This lecture will explore the

basic essence of fire, earth, air and water and further

how it interacts with the energy of cardinal, fixed and

mutable qualities creating the twelve zodiac signs also

referred to as the "archetypes."

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Page 13: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Margaret Gray

Creating a New Relationship

Paradigm with the Help of the

Current Transits

What are some of the core astrological and

psychological features of the new spiritual

partnerships that many of us are seeking to embrace?

What does it require of us? What are some of the

challenges we may encounter in this process, and

how might the current planetary transits assist us in

our endeavors? Are we ready to replace fear with

unconditional love and joy? Join me today as we

explore how this core area of our life is rapidly

changing and evolving..

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Karen Hamaker-Zondag

Transits in Early Youth and Youth

Until Puberty: How Your Sensitivity

and Circumstances in Early Youth

Can Influence Your Adult Life

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto can transit important

planets and points when we are very young. That

does not mean that something must happen, although

things could happen. Transits first and for all

emphasize the issues you are sensitive of during that

transit, so if even a minor thing happens in line with

the meaning of the transit, you will sense the impact

much more than without that transit. And the

psychological impact of these events can create an

unconscious though powerful basis for your actions

later in life. If politicians are not enough aware of how

early youth could have programmed them, their

political decisions will be in line with those

unconscious programs. The same is true, though in a

different way, for transits until puberty. We will look in-

depth in an example to illustrate the dynamics.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Dennis Harness

Your Vedic Birth Star

This class will be very interactive as we explore your

Vedic Moon Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion). We will

discuss the meaning, symbolism, planetary ruler,

temperment and animal totem of each of the 27 lunar


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Joyce Hoen

Chiron and ADHD

ADHD is rampant ever since Chiron was discovered.

What does Chiron have to do with ADHD? And why

are non-ADHD youngsters taking Ritalin to get high?

And why are there statistically fewer ADHD persons in

France where medical doctors do not use the DSM/IV

(Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental

disorders). In this session we will explore not only the

role and function of Chiron in ADHD cases, but also

the relationship with the charts of the mothers of

ADHD -- we will give the "astrological symptoms" in

charts of ADHD-diagnosed persons and maybe some

alternatives to look at this entire problem, which is not

only a matter of non-concentration.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Joyce Hoen:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Prenatal Progressions

BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Mercury Transit Cycle:

Scheduling Our Year

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 Gr - Ho

Page 14: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Baris Ilhan

The Astrology of Nasir al-Din al-


Tusi -- philosopher, theologian, mathematician,

astrologer and astronomer -- is by far the most

celebrated scholar of the 13th century in eastern

Islamic lands. When his land was conquered by the

Mongols, he joined Halagu's service. Halagu Khan

was deeply impressed by his knowledge and

astrological competency. Tusi established the

observatory at Maragha and produced new

astronomical tables called "Al-Zij-Ilkhani." His books

on astrology remained unknown until today. At this

presentation we will meet Tusi and his astrology


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Aleksandar Imsiragic

The Age of the Soul in Karmic


Age of the Soul refers to how a person has grown

from experience on the planet, not just to how many

lifetimes he or she has lived. No person is "ahead" or

"behind" any other, but is simply occupying another

place in the continuous circle or spiral. There are

specific astrology formulas that allow us to define the

Soul Age and therefore understand the specific role

that our Soul has in this life to fulfill.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Aleksandar Imsiragic :

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Fixed Stars in Karmic Astrology

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Hermetic Astrology and Strings

between Incarnations Other talks:

Life after Death and next Incarnation in a

Natal Chart ($9.95)

Jeff Jawer

Storytelling with Astrology

This workshop is an exercise in creativity. It's a

demonstration of a different way to talk about a natal

chart, turning it into a visionary tale and adventure

story instead of a form of cosmic psychoanalysis. The

group will be engaged in a process that's meant to

stretch our imaginations as a way to advance our

interpretative skills. The freedom to fantasize allows

us to explore a wider range of ways in which the

planets can work.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Jeff Jawer:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Wisdom of Water

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Astrology and Community

Anya Kezerashvili

Milestones of Life: Recognizing

Turning Points With the Help of

Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

Midlife crisis of one's early 40s is the most famous (or infamous) life milestone -- but what are the other ones? This talk is about the "grand scheme" of things in one's life. We'll take a look at how twists and turns of life get reflected by the cycles of faraway planets: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 Il - Ke

Page 15: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Roderick Kidston

Juno -- The Lady of Personal Power

This is a topic dear to Roderick Kidston's heart. He

has a different take on Juno, one which gives much

greater honour and emphasis to the asteroid which is

the astrological conduit for the energy of Juno, Queen

of Heaven. When astrologers first started investigating

the asteroids, Juno was offered almost entirely as a

symbol of marriage and partnership and the issues

that arise in close relationships. That's a start, but the

great lady who presides on Mount Olympus as the

queen of all the gods and goddesses is about

something much more fundamental than who does

what in the relating game. This lecture goes deeper,

into the heart of what Juno is as an astrological

symbol, and as a divine archetype. It examines the

deeper implications of what "goddess energy" means,

what shakti is, what it means to look at the feminine

principle as involved with power: real power, deep

power, the power that is fundamental to all spiritual

endeavour and which underpins all power in the

manifest universe, come to that. Juno shows us where

the true power is in the horoscope. If you want to

know where your personal power is, what some of

your deepest talents are -- though possibly unclaimed

and unexpressed, or only partially manifested -- then

you need to engage with Juno and make friends with

this very mighty, very splendid goddess.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Brad Kochunas

Born Under a Bad Sign?

Many astrologers believe that there are no bad signs,

malefic planets, or dreadful aspects. If this is so, and

the birth chart is a true reflection of the person, then

how do we account for the existence of aberrant and

pathological behavior? Aren't there bad, malicious,

and dreadful people in the world? Are there bad

charts or is every chart, as Richard Idemon once

wrote, the perfect chart? Can one discern the chart of

a saint from a sinner? This presentation will focus

upon the extreme expressions of sign/planet/house

dynamics and is designed to foster insight toward

understanding our own capacity for immoral,

problematic, and harmful behavior, recognizing that a

person without shadow is also a person without


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Lynn Koiner

The 12th House

The 12th House represents issues, qualities and

traits that have become repressed in the personality.

Planets in this house represent traits and qualities that

were deemed intolerable to be expressed by a parent

-- they were intimidating to a parent, and the individual

learned to repress these qualities and feelings. This is

a super-powerful house, and planets that fall into this

house are dynamic, but it is essential that you learn to

release their energies by finding an outlet -- in the

career, in the avocation or some other external

activity. Lynn will be presenting a lecture on her

observations of 12th house planets in the natal chart.

She will also introduce her theory of regressing the

chart into your parents' past, which she uses in giving

a greater understanding of the source of these issues. $29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Lynn Koiner :

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Progressed Moon

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Depression: The Acute Mars

Dysfunction Other talks:

• Using Natal Chart to Maintain Good Health

(Chat Series) ($9.95) • Beginning and Ending Planets (4hr

workshop) ($25.00)

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 Ki - Ko

Page 16: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Alphee Lavoie

Research on Cancer

These planets help us to understand the shadow side

of the personality that goes deeper than the reality of

life. Understanding these energies can make us see

more clearly into the situations in our life. And in

transit they help us with timing to understand our inner

growth and how it relates to life as a whole.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Alphee Lavoie:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Why Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

are So Important to a Counseling


Lee Lehman

The Soul: From Philosophy to

Medicine in Traditional Astrology

Astrology's close linkage with natural philosophy

meant that the development of ways to examine the

soul in astrology first followed philosophical ideas, and

then medical ones. Lee will examine these two

different approaches, and their astrological signatures,

and how medical principles changed the concept of


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Lee Lehman:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): When the Chart Says "No"

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Electional Astrology: Is It Worth

Doing at All? Other talks:

The Astrology of Sustainability ($9.99)

Rick Levine

The Astrologer as an Agent of


We often think of the astrologer as a non-participating

observer, someone who reports on the clients issues,

timing, and choices. However, quantum physics tells

us that the observer is actually part of the equation;

the act of observation changes that which is observed.

The implications of this are great. As astrologers, we

cannot deny or otherwise avoid our roles as agents of

change. So what do we do about this? How do we

accept the responsibility of altering the lives of our

clients? And where do we go from here?

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Rick Levine:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Venus and Mars are All Right


BDTB-1 ($19.95): 2020 Vision: Extending our

Astrological View Past 2012

Michael Lutin

The Astrology of the Evolution of

our Species

We all know something is happening. Our personal

lives, our relationships to our governments, and the

entire social structure we've been raised to accept --

all are in upheaval and transition. As new planets are

being discovered with periods of 500 years or more,

and the shift of Regulus into Leo and Virgo, as well as

the positions of Neptune and Pluto at the end of the

Zodiac, all demand that the practice of Astrology

change to meet the needs of all human beings on

Earth. People still need to pay their bills, educate their

kids, and find a shred of romance in this world. And of

course our job is to help them do that. But the

enormity of social transformation cannot be ignored..

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 La - Lu

Page 17: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Maria Mateus

Assessing a Planet's Condition

without Scales

A planet is always a pure form. But it does fall under

different chart conditions that alter its expression on

very different dimensions. Knowing this functionality is

key. We will examine these diverse indicators and the

particular ways in which they affect a planet's


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Bill Meridian

Planetary Stock Trading: Group


This lecture demonstrates that stocks in the same

group have strong shared degree areas that affect the

movement of the entire group of stocks. For example,

the airline group is dominated by air and fire.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Bill Meridian:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Determination of the Proper

Natal Eclipse

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Eclipse Paths in Personal Charts

Eric Meyers

Aspects and Awakening

What is the evolutionary purpose of the aspects?

What do we learn through the interchange of Gemini

square Pisces, or Taurus opposed Scorpio? This

lecture will review the spiritual programs of every

(major) aspect. Each sign actually connects with all of

the others to reveal a striking template for our growth.

We will also address the shadow possibilities if the

spiritual curriculum is approached unconsciously.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Eric Meyers:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Planets and Awakening

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Between Past and Presence

Other talks:

Lunar Phases: Spiritual Growth (4hr

workshop) ($25.00)

Olga Morales

An Introduction to W.D. Gann and

Financial Astrology

W.D. Gann was a legendary Wall Street trader and

master astrologer. He discovered the connection

between planetary cycles and speculative markets.

Olga will introduce and expand on the tools and

techniques he left behind for future astro-traders

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Andrew Morton

Mercury, Venus & Mars: Up Close

and Personal

"Mercury in the morning, Venus in the evening, Mars

at suppertime..." So why is Mercury so darned elusive

at being spotted in our twilight skies? Just when you

thought you should be able to get a clear sighting of

him you don't, but then another time almost

unexpectedly there he is. But is it really him? Because

he never quite looks the same as he did last time

around. Why is that? The trickiest of planets to be

pinned down: now you see him, now you don't. Venus

though has no such stage nerves as she dazzles and

bewitches us for much of the year as that most

brilliant of morning and evening stars, slipping

gracefully from view only briefly before reappearing on

the opposite horizon. No wonder that for some long

time our ancestors thought this was two different

stars. Mars meanwhile, in all his orangey-reddish

glory, comes sabre-rattling in our night skies roughly

every two years, growing bigger and bolder and

holding station over a period of some months and

then slowly fades away from whence he came. We

explore the cycles of these most personal and

individual of celestial bodies in their orbits around the

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 Ma - Mo

Page 18: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Sun and look at how the natures of their differing

rhythms and varying visibilities as viewed from planet

Earth has shaped the characteristics we attribute to

them and what can then be further drawn out from a

chart to enliven and enrich our astrological interpretations.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Christopher Nemec

The Big Three: Sun, Moon, and


Almost anyone you meet will have the same story

about how they were introduced to astrology, and that

was by learning about their "sign" which is, in fact,

their Sun sign. Most people, astrologers included, will

agree that the Sun does hold an important place in a

person's horoscope, but there are two other factors

that hold about equal weight, but are usually unknown

by many, and that is the Moon sign and ascendant,

a.k.a. the rising sign. This introductory lecture will help

explain why these are known as "The Big Three" and

how you can start to understand why a Sun sign alone

cannot explain much of your core personality. With the

knowledge gained from this lecture, you will have a

tool that can help you to see the people in your life

with a little more clarity and understanding.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Doug Noblehorse

Inconjunct, Quincunx or Aversion?

Resolving the traditional doctrine of Aversion with the

modern concept of Inconjunct/Quincunx.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Doug Noblehorse:

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Fortune and Spirit: The Principal

Lots in Hellenistic Astrology

Dorothy Oja

Elections for Surgery

Electing a date in the future for an important event to

unfold is one of the biggest challenges of astrology. It

draws on the astrologer's skill to create a moment not

yet born. In the case of choosing a surgery date, it

carries a huge responsibility. We'll study the rules and

conditions necessary to elect the best date possible,

knowing that no date will be perfect in all cases, but

surely some are more perfect than others.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Dorothy Oja:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Davison Chart

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Compatibility and Conflict -


Julene Packer-Louis

The Visual Highlights of 2015

Take a tour of the night sky with The Mountain

Astrologer’s "Sky Watch" columnist and learn where

and when to catch the spectacular planetary line-ups

of 2015. Understand the visual concept of retrograde

motion as you observe planets passing by other

planets and stars in direct eastward motion, station,

pass by again in retrograde westward motion, station

again, and pass by a third time in direct eastward

motion. Find out which occultations and eclipses are

visible in your area. This lecture will examine the sky

from several locations across the globe as you learn

how the height of the ecliptic and therefore planetary

alignments vary visually from different locales.

Observe as Mercury, Venus and Mars change from

evening planets to morning planets, undergoing

varying periods of invisibility in between as they swing

around the Sun. Find out which of the three Mercury-

Mars conjunctions are visible, along with when and

where to observe them. Learn when and where to

locate the three Venus-Mars conjunctions in the sky.

Discover all the planetary conjunctions and the

spectacular stelliums of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and

Venus, Mars, Jupiter that await your observation in

2015. For Vedic Astrologers, I will also point out the

Nakshatras of the conjunctions and stelliums to help

reconnect you with the observational limb of Jyotish

called Gola.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 Ne - Lo

Page 19: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Also, check out by Julene Packer-Louis:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Vertex and the Law of


BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Saturn–Uranus Cycle and

the Real Estate Market Other talks:

• Stages of Timing (4hr workshop) ($25.00)

• Astronomy 101 ($9.95)

Joni Patry

Prediction Using the Vimshottari

Dasha System, or Yogas in Vedic

Astrology presented by Julene Packer-Louis

The Vimshottari Dasha system is the predictive

system used in Vedic astrology to predict the entire

cycles of a lifetime. It is based on the position and

nakshatra of the Moon in the natal chart. The Dasha

system used in combination with the transiting planets

is the most accurate predictive system in astrology.

Life examples will prove this amazing system.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Joni Patry:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Astrology of Happiness: an

In-depth Look at the 4th


BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Most Powerful Predictive

System in Astrology

Glenn Perry

Planetary Aspects as Personal


Planetary aspects symbolize underlying personal

myths that determine our thoughts, feelings, and

perceptions. These myths often have their origins in

childhood experiences, which serve as prototypes for

later experiences of analogous quality and meaning.

By seeing aspects as thematic patterns that link the

present to the past, we are in a position to re-author

our lives toward more satisfying outcomes. In this

lecture, we will explore how to deconstruct planetary

aspects to reveal the core beliefs they signify.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Glenn Perry:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Venus-Neptune: From Sacrificial

Relations to Undefended Love

BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Process of Integration in the


Frank Piechoski

Everyday Electional

Using electional astrology to improve your home,

business and leisure time can make your life more

ordered and fulfilling. In this lecture you'll learn how to

find the best times for home repairs, renovations, and

buying and selling. You'll also learn how to plan the

perfect vacation and even start a successful business

and the best times to make major product purchases.

Using simple, solid electional techniques can make

your life easier.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Frank Piechoski:

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Charting the Course:

Techniques in Vocational


Other talks:

• Annoyingly Intelligent People ($9.95):

Joe Polise

7 Essential Steps in Reading


Learning Traditional Horary Astrology might have any

student selecting the incorrect house to frame an the

question, or assuming a solid applying trine between

planetary significators indicates "yes" when the

answer is a simple "no." Planning your interpretive

approach, and proceeding from well-selected chart

points, is important in all chart work and allows you to

see what "textbook rules" or other procedures work

consistently, maybe, or not at all. This session

identifies these through 7 streamlined steps to focus

on what he uses for dissecting any horary -- simple or


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 Pa - Po

Page 20: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Norma Jean Ream

The Quality of Action

This lecture will approach Ptolemy's method for

analyzing the Quality of Action. This method inspects

the condition of the inner planets and how they

integrate with the societal planets through rulerships

and placement to provide a substantive assessment

of how one will go about being active and participating

in the business of life. This is a good technique for

career assessment.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Norma Jean Ream:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Firdaria Sequence: A Time Lord

Technique BDTB-1 ($19.95): Inner Parent Dynamics in the

Natal Chart

Jane Ridder-Patrick

The Skin: Barrier and Bridge to the


The skin, in the symptoms it creates and displays, can

reflect quite graphically deep-seated processes of the

psyche that can be linked with the sufferer's

astrological make-up. In this lecture a range of skin

disorders, some major and some deceptively trivial,

will be examined to reveal their underlying dynamic

relationship with both the inner and outer worlds.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Jane Ridder-Patrick:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Fixed Signs in Medical


Bruce Scofield

Introduction to the Symmetrical

World of Uranian Astrology

In this lecture Bruce will give a bit of history and briefly

explain a few of the key concepts such as midpoints,

planetary pictures, solar arc directions, and the

Transneptunian planets

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Bruce Scofield:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): What We Really Know about the

Mayan Calendar

Christeen Skinner

Financial Energy Patterns and the

Birth Chart

Money is a form of energy. The means of regulating

its natural flow may be shown in the natal chart. A

carefully respected flow of this current brings ease at

every level, whereas distress and dis-ease comes

through lack and over-concern. Using case histories,

this talk explores how clients have surfed recent

financial waves. A variety of astro techniques will be

used including midpoints, declinations and


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Christeen Skinner:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Harmonics BDTB-1 ($19.95): Neptune: Bringer of Wealth and

Prosperity in Financial and

Business Astrology

Jackie Slevin

Cupid's Arrow: Bad Aim or Bull's-


How do we know if a relationship is a passing

infatuation or the Real Deal? Example horaries will be

presented to illustrate whether you're swept off your

feet or left standing out in the cold.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Breaking Down the Borders - 3 Re - Sl

Page 21: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Andrew Smith

Location as an Agency of Growth

and Healing

Every living and non-living entity lives within a matrix

of potential manifestation, woven together within a

pathway of sacred geometry, held together by

intention -- a holographic projection onto which matter

is outlined. Your life is embedded within this larger

vibratory field of intelligence that is ever-changing and

perpetually becoming conscious. As astrologers, we

are fascinated and absorbed by time as the agency of

our on-going process of change. However, your life

emerges not only within the abstraction of time but

also within the context of space. Consequently your

life force is not simply contained within your physical

body but extends across time and space as you draw

into your Field people, ideas and circumstances that

trigger a multitude of growth possibilities that

ultimately serves to help you return to your Source.

Everything and everyone we encounter throughout

our lives has a purpose, serving to assist us in healing

the illusion of our separation consciousness and

rediscover our whole being. By expanding our frame

of reference to include the world as a canvas onto

which our internal process is mapped, the potential for

healing and spiritual growth is immense. Literally, your

internal process is global! During this talk I propose to

explore how astro-locality techniques can be used to

help our clients understand the multi-dimensional

perspective of their growth process. Rather than using

locality astrology to describe what will happen within a

particular location, this talk will explore what individual

and unique processes are "held" within the socio-

physical matrix of location that can trigger the

evolution of your consciousness, using practical

examples and case studies. I hope you feel the nudge

to join me on this exploration.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Rodney Smith

National Charts: Which Chart Do we

Use and Why

National charts cause strong and plentiful debates,

and yet the ancients had a simple and easily erected

answer. What was it, and what does it tell us about


$29.95 Coming Soon at IAA

Richard J. Smoot

Cadent Houses: Behind the Scenes

of the Action

Cadent houses are the 12th house to all the angles.

The 12th house describes the preliminary inner work

and preparation we do in the angular house which

follows. Diminished in general astrology, the cadent

houses are the place of imagination, spiritual

connection, intentions and dreams in developing our

attitudes, drive and will show in our angles.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Richard J. Smoot:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): I’ve Got a Feeling: First

Impression Horoscope


BDTB-1 ($19.95): Gonzo Rectification

Other talks:

Understanding Life on the “Edge”: Solstice

Points and Antiscia (4hr workshop) ($25.00)

Breaking Down the

Borders - 3

Sm - Sm

Page 22: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Wendy Stacey

Unaspected Planets: A Curse or a


How do we interpret planets that do not have any

major aspects in the birth chart? How do these

planets connect or integrate with the other dynamics

in the horoscope? This session will look at how

unaspected planets can be the most dominant and

obvious placement in the birth chart, how they can

behave and express themselves and how they show

quite frequently hidden talents.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Branka Stamenkovic

Marriage Election Rules

Careful reading of the election rules from the times

past brings us some surprising insights about the

ways we should approach elections in general, and

marriage elections in particular. Join us in attempts to

better understand and, above all, simplify the process

of electing, while at the same time learning about a

true hidden value of elections -- judgment of event


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Branka Stamenkovic:

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Court Astrologer's Astrology

Gloria Star

Love, Lust and Addiction

Sometimes it's tough to tell what's really going on with

a relationship, especially when passions run high and

clear thinking flies out the window. Combining clues

from chart comparison and synastry with cycles will

uncover the reality of the inner workings of a

relationship, or its potentials. Is it love, lust, addiction

... or something that's just meant for the moment? And

what does that mean, anyway? Join us as we delve

into the mysteries of the heart.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Gloria Star:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Astrology of Childhood

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Right Time, Right Place: The

Significance of Location,

Coordinated with Cycles

Georgia Stathis


Often overlooked, but extremely sensitive, particularly

when delineating specifics, antiscia can give us a

perspective we just didn't see. It is particularly

important with the ending phase of the Uranus-Pluto

cycle and the late 2014 eclipses. Incorporating the

past, Georgia Stathis brings the meaning of the past

into a clearer framework with the events of these last

two years and the upcoming 2015. Stathis presents

many visuals in this lecture. Stathis was a teacher at

Kepler College and uses this technique in her own


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Georgia Stathis:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Rulerships: from a Modern

Perspective BDTB-1 ($19.95): Solar Arcs Other talks:

Financial Cycles and the Nodes ($9.95)

Zane Stein

Snow White and the Dwarf Planets

Pluto and Eris were demoted, and Ceres was

promoted, and they are now considered "Dwarf

Planets." A huge body out past Pluto has been given

the nickname "Snow White." While it sounds like

astronomers have been busy watching old Walt

Disney movies, all of these bodies are important

astrologicaly, and have an intimate relationship with

each other. I will show you just what the relationship

is, and also how to explore the relationships in your

chart that the Dwarf Planets have with the Personal

Planets: Mercury with Ceres, Venus with Eris and

Mars with Pluto.

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Page 23: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Erin Sullivan

Thinking Magically and Critically

Discovery is not design but emerges through a

synthesis of magical thinking and critical thinking.

Discovery and creation is imaged in the psyche and

birthed by the diligence of critical thinking. In

astrology, we must employ both: to get to the core of

the horoscope, the mystery of human resilience and a

unique vision of the invisible. In her talk, Erin uses the

explicit images and the fascinating horoscope of Marie

Curie, her "love of the mystery" and search for the

unseen as a magical/critical example.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Erin Sullivan:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Cosmic Shamanism: The

Sighting of the Outer Planets

and their transits to the


BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Justice of Zeus: The Morality

of the Sky God

Kelly Surtees

Forecasting with Firdaria

What is firdaria? How does it work? Explore this

Persian planetary period technique. Learn how to

create an overview of life, including different chapters,

based on each planet's length of rulership. The

concept of planetary strength and its influence on

whether you'll enjoy or struggle with your Venus,

Moon or Mars period is explored. A peak into the past

to help you guide a client through the future. Also

includes discussion of how to combine firdaria with


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Kelly Surtees:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): Active Aspects BDTB-1 ($19.95): Layering Transits and

Progressions Other talks:

The Arabic Parts ($9.95)

Kira Sutherland

Food, Emotions and Astrology

This lecture will take you on a journey through the

idea of foods, health, eating choices and how our

natal chart impacts all of this. From her 20 years as an

astrologer, nutritionist and naturopath, Kira will take

you deeper into how and why we choose the foods

that we do. She will explore the planetary and house

influences over these choices and how we can use

our natal chart to choose a more optimum diet.

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Kira Sutherland:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): The Astrology of Body Issues

BDTB-1 ($19.95): Houses of Healing

Juliana Swanson

Introduction to Vedic Palmistry:

Hand-in-Hand with Vedic Astrology

In the honored Vedic tradition, the ancient science of

Vedic palmistry is considered a sister science to Vedic

astrology. Known by various names -- Hasta Rekha

Shastra, Hasta Samudrika and Hast Jyotisha -- Vedic

palmistry corroborates and substantiates the

information provided by the astrological birth chart.

This presentation will introduce the science of palm

and hand reading as it can be used in conjunction with

Vedic astrology to describe dynamic karmic patterns

reflected in character traits, behaviors and attitudes.

We will examine how the hands not only reveal but

also enact the balance of body, mind and spirit

through the three gunas (principles of nature) and

nine grahas (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,

Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu).

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Page 24: A complete list of all lectures given during BDTB-3 · objective nature of our Art's symbolism and its results. We will cover in detail the case for and against astrology-as-divination,

Richard Tarnas

Myths and Planets: Exploring a

Deep Mystery

Does the myth of the deity whose name astronomers

assigned to a celestial body automatically reveal the

true nature of its astrological meaning? If so, then do

Greco-Roman myths have unique relevance to these

planetary forces that affect all cultures and peoples?

Similarly, does the patriarchal bias in the history of

astronomical naming reflect the true nature of the

astrological archetypes involved? We shall consider

these philosophical questions as we explore the

mystery of myth's complex relationship to astrological


$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Christina Thomas

The "What If?" of Horary Astrology

We are becoming more familiar with horary astrology

and understand that it is an ancient form of astrology

used to draw answers to questions posed at a given

point in time. It can offer results of amazing accuracy.

Horary astrology works using basic rules and

techniques. Not known for her traditional approaches

to most things in life, Christina thought.... "What if" a

particular question had been asked at the time of your

birth? "What if" it was possible to delineate a natal

chart using the fundamentals of horary astrology?

$29.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!

Also, check out by Christina Thomas:

BDTB-2 ($24.95): 40 Days and 40 Nights - Venus


Other talks:

Retrograde Venus - The Goddess of Love

Looks Back ($9.95)

Shelley Wu

Karmic Connections: Chinese

Relationship Astrology

Eastern sages have known for millennia that certain

souls seek each other out and are powerfully

attached. What is a Karmic Connection? A Karmic

Connection is a powerful psychic or tangible chemistry

between two people. It is the successful "re-uniting" of

spirit, mind and body with a matching, kindred and

familiar soul. Learn how to spot your soul mates -- the

most potent of the compatibility connections and said

to be connections from other times and places. Learn

about the Chinese relationship trines -- those signs

known for their affection toward each other and like-

mindedness. Confront the oppositions and

combatants -- those signs that repel each other due to

clashes in essential disposition or locked in unseen

combat with one another. Learn about the fascinating

team work of our "In-Kind" connections -- those two

signs who team up to complete one of the 6 life

"palaces" and form unions that have a strong

"purpose" component. Examples will be shown and

discussed of how these relationship connections and

dynamics influence world leaders, celebrities and you

and I alike

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