A Cock Called Kiriko C.E.P BEATO JUAN GRANDE CAMONA 2013-2014.

A Cock Called Kiriko C.E.P BEATO JUAN GRANDE CAMONA 2013-2014

Transcript of A Cock Called Kiriko C.E.P BEATO JUAN GRANDE CAMONA 2013-2014.

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A Cock Called Kiriko


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Once upon a time…

…there was a haughty cock which was invited to Uncle Perico’s wedding. He was so conceited that he wanted to shine like a rainbow. He spent a long time getting dressed up so that all the guests in the wedding looked at him.

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When he left his house he met “Little Worm”, which was very surprised at the cock’s clothes. Little Worm asked him:

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-“Hello, Kirico. “Where are you going so early with that beautiful feather dress?”

-“I’m going to Uncle Perico’s wedding”, answered the cock called Kirico

-“I’m also going there”, said Little Worm, “but I won’t be on time if I crawl, could you take me with you, please?”

-“What an insolence!”, said the cock, “I will take you, of course, but inside my stomach”. And he ate him

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• The cock called Kirico went on walking and he realized that he had mud in his beak .

• What a misfortune!”, he thought, “I can’t go to the wedding like this!”.

• Shortly after he found a flower which told him:

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• -“Good morning, Kiriko, “Where are you going so early with that beautiful feather dress and with mud in your beak?”

• -“I’m going to Uncle Perico’s wedding. Could you please clean my beak?”

• -“Yes”, said the flower, “But before I clean your beak tell me if you have seen Little Worm”

• -“No”, answered the cock called Kirico, “I haven’t seen him”

• The flower was very surprised at this answer and it suspected that the cock was lying, so raising its voice, it called Little Worm:

• -“Worm, Little Worm, where are you that I haven’t seen you today?”

• -“Here I am”, answered Little Worm, “in Kiriko’s belly”.

• -“Naughty cock”, told the Lettuce to him, “you lied to me so I won’t clean your beak”.

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• The cock called Kirico went on walking and he found a Sheep:

• -“Good morning, Kiriko, “Where are you going so early with that beautiful feather dress and with mud in your beak?”

• -“I’m going to Uncle Perico’s wedding. Could you please eat the lettuce which didn’t want to clean my beak?”

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• -“Yes”, said the Sheep, “But before I eat the lettuce tell me if you have seen Little Worm”

• -“No”, answered the cock called Kirico, “I haven’t seen him”

• The Sheep was very surprised at this answer and it suspected that the cock was lying, so raising its voice, it called Little Worm:

• -“Worm, Little Worm, where are you that I haven’t seen you today?”

• -“Here I am”, answered Little Worm, “in Kiriko’s belly”.

• -“Naughty cock”, told the Sheep to him, “you lied to me so clean yourself your beak”.

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• The cock called Kirico went on walking and he found a Wolf:

• -“Good morning, Kiriko, “Where are you going so early with that beautiful feather dress and with mud in your beak?”

• -“I’m going to Uncle Perico’s wedding. Could you please eat the Sheep which didn’t want to eat the lettuce which didn’t want to clean my beak?”

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• -“Yes”, said the Wolf, “But before I eat the Sheep tell me if you have seen Little Worm”

• -“No”, answered the cock called Kirico, “I haven’t seen him”

• The Wolf was very surprised at this answer and it suspected that the cock was lying, so raising its voice, it called Little Worm:

• -“Worm, Little Worm, where are you that I haven’t seen you today?”

• -“Here I am”, answered Little Worm, “in Kiriko’s belly”.

• -“Naughty cock”, told the Wolf to him, “you lied to me so clean yourself your beak”.

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• The cock called Kirico went on walking and he found a stick:

• -“Good morning, Kiriko, “Where are you going so early with that beautiful feather dress and with mud in your beak?”

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• -“I’m going to Uncle Perico’s wedding. Could you please hit the Wolf which didn’t want to eat the Sheep which didn’t want to eat the lettuce which didn’t want to clean my beak?”

• -“Yes”, said the Stick “But before I hit the Wolf tell me if you have seen Little Worm”

• -“No”, answered the cock called Kirico, “I haven’t seen him”

• The Stick was very surprised at this answer and it suspected that the cock was lying, so raising its voice, it called Little Worm:

• -“Worm, Little Worm, where are you that I haven’t seen you today?”

• -“Here I am”, answered Little Worm, “in Kiriko’s belly”.

• -“Naughty cock”, told the Stick to him, “you lied to me so clean yourself your beak”.

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• The cock called Kirico went on walking and he found a Fire:

• -“Good morning, Kiriko, “Where are you going so early with that beautiful feather dress and with mud in your beak?”

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• -“I’m going to Uncle Perico’s wedding. Could you please burn the Stick which didn’t want to hit the Wolf which didn’t want to eat the Sheep which didn’t want to eat the lettuce which didn’t want to clean my beak?”

• -“Yes”, said the Fire “But before I burn the Stick tell me if you have seen Little Worm”

• -“No”, answered the cock called Kirico, “I haven’t seen him”

• The Fire was very surprised at this answer and it suspected that the cock was lying, so raising its voice, it called Little Worm:

• -“Worm, Little Worm, where are you that I haven’t seen you today?”

• -“Here I am”, answered Little Worm, “in Kiriko’s belly”.

• -“Naughty cock”, told the Fire to him, “you lied to me so clean yourself your beak”.

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• The cock called Kirico went on walking and he found a Lake:

• -“Good morning, Kiriko, “Where are you going so early with that beautiful feather dress and with mud in your beak?”

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• -“I’m going to Uncle Perico’s wedding. Could you please put out the Fire which did,’t want to burn the Stick which didn’t want to hit the Wolf which didn’t want to eat the Sheep which didn’t want to eat the lettuce which didn’t want to clean my beak?”

• -“Yes”, said the Lake “But before I put out the Fire tell me if you have seen Little Worm”

• -“No”, answered the cock called Kiriko, “I haven’t seen him”

• The Lake was very surprised at this answer and it suspected that the cock was lying, so raising its voice, it called Little Worm:

• -“Worm, Little Worm, where are you that I haven’t seen you today?”

• -“Here I am”, answered Little Worm, “in Kiriko’s belly”.

• -“Naughty cock”, told the Lake to him, “you lied to me so clean yourself your beak”.

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• The cock kiriko was late, but he found a donkey. He told the donkey the same story and the donkey got angry.

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• The donkey pushed kiriko into the river and the cock now is completely wet.

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• The cock kiriko couldn’t enter into the wedding because wet cocks were not able to pass. So clean and wet the cock is upset.

• And this is the story of Kiriko the cock.