A Cloud #2

CLOUD issue #2



Transcript of A Cloud #2

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issue #2

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Dear alumni,

Introductions matter. Remember your first nervous smile as you walked through the door at your first regional. That session is far behind you and so is that first introduction. It should be far behind you, because it is no longer up to date. Back then you were just another student, but as soon as the session ends you will have become an alumnus. Being an alumnus is like what cinnamon is to an apple pie or pesto to a chicken and cream pasta. You will be the one to give flavour to our organisation for many years to come. As a first benefit of your new status, we would like to invite you to the 7th Alumni Weekend of the European Youth Parliament, The Netherlands. The event will be held in Austerlitz from the 8th till the 10th of March. Be there or be square.

Within this journal, you will not only find an article about what is next in EYP, but also how the philosophical roots formed the current business environment in China. Additionally, we will present the answers to your questions for the Head Organisers. Furthermore, you will be able to find a quick overview of updates on the blog. Did you miss any previous issue? Check the blog for a digital version.

Hope you enjoy(ed) it. Keep the fire burning!

Yours sincerely, Alex Nompilakis, Charif van Zetten & Tim Keegstra

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4. Interview with the HOs

5. EU press is not imressed

6. Europe Vs China

8-9. Alcohol Policy

10. La Chute.

12. Europe needs fishing rods

13. What’s next in EYP

14. Chapeau!

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Matteo: And on the seventh day God said: “Let there be Chinese food.”

Zephyr: Las Vegas rich gangstahs, party hard, no Hangover tomorrow! #thug life

Yannick: DFTBA - “Don’t forget to be awesome.”

Joao: “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” - Oscar Wilde

Eliane: Life lesson of the day: Never ever ever touch Pur Foam.

Titus: Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” - Dr. Seuss

Marie: @Journos #Weird Green Foam #ZOMBIE HANDS #yolo

Juan:Come on baby, light my fire.

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The honourable excellenciesAn interview with Florentine Oberman and Julie van der Post, the Head Organisers

of the 13th National Selection Conference of EYP the Netherlands.In a 15-minute break, two journalists talked to the two Head Organisers. In a conversation filled with giggling, old stories and words of wisdom, Julie and

Florentine answered questions asked by several delegates. ‘We are like sisters.’

by Matteo van Dijl and Titus Verster

So tell us, how did you meet?*Giggle giggle* Our passion for the ancient Greek language is what brought us together. We were in the same class in school and, since we both were not the best students, our teacher put us in the front. How did your EYP career start?It was actually a big coincidence. At first, we were not part of the delegation for the Prelims, but when some members of the original delegation cancelled, we went to the National Selection Conference (NSC). Unfortunately, we did not get selected for an International Session, but when the selected delegation cancelled, EYP NL offered our delegation to go to the IS instead. That is also where we met Gráinne, the Vice-President of this session.

What was your favourite part of the session as a delegate?For me (Florentine), the most fun was just being wowed all the time. You can just go with the flow, have fun, party.

I (Julie) was always most impressed by GA. It was always such an exciting moment for me. I still remember the first time. I was so nervous, I thought I was going to faint and I could not sleep at all.

So how did you decide to organise this NSC?Well, I (Florentine) was travelling at the moment the call went open, so I did not know what was going on back home. Luckily, I got an email asking me if I wanted to organise the NSC with Julie. I did not doubt for a second to say yes! We are both very happy we organised

this together. We are like sisters and always honest with each other. From the outside it may look like we cannot stand each other, but that is just our way of communicating.

Do you have any advice for the delegates?Just enjoy it, take it all in. We think EYP can truly make you a better person. For example, it has taught us not to judge someone too quickly. Even though some people may give a bad impression, you always need to take into consideration their background.

Footage of the entire interview can be found on the blog.

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the eu press is not impressedDo you take freedom of press for granted just because you belong

to a European country? Well, think twice.

The EU has long been considered one of the areas of the world with the greatest press freedom. However, NGOs and international organisations warn that this may be under threat as the media becomes increasingly concentrated in ever fewer hands and some governments engage in politically-motivated lawsuits and outright censorship.

Media advocates are calling on EU lawmakers to speak out against the roll-back of press freedoms in EU member states.”There is not a single member state that has not taken a step back on press freedom,” said Olivier Basille, secretary general of the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF) at a hearing in the European Parliament. Basille, along with a panel of media experts and advocates, laid out troubling trends in European

media, with journalists coming under increasing pressure from political heavyweight. They state that Europe is “falling from its pedestal”. This is shown by a new wave of politically-motivated attempts to intimidate media through lawsuits and negative developments in EU candidate countries such as Turkey and Macedonia. Governments

in these countries have taken measures such as imprisoning journalists and attacking independent media sources of income.

In Greece, two journalists got suspended for criticising a minister. In another case, the editor of an investigative magazine, Kostas Vaxevanis, went on trial for allegedly breaching the privacy of several individuals after he published a list of wealthy Greeks that

were under investigation by the government for possible tax evasion for two years.

When Hungary took over the presidency of the Council of the EU, a new national law came into force on the same day. This law placed public and private media under the control of the government and virtually eliminated freedom of the press in Hungary. The coincidence of these two events is significant. Freedom of expression and democracy in general are disintegrating throughout Europe. The European Commission, responsible for ensuring compliance with EU treaties, has so far reacted timidly to the trashing of press freedom in Hungary. Although there have been disputes over the new media law for months even within the EU some isolated critical voices have been heard. Is the press in danger? Is democracy in danger? Is the EU as we know it in danger?

by João Moreira

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China vs EuropeThe ideological showdown

by Yannick LouwersePlato and Confucius battle it out.

As Europe’s economy recedes, other countries don’t seem to suffer from the crisis at all. Among these is China. Its economy is still growing and promises to do so for a long time to come. As the country competes ever more fiercely with the West, many arguments are raised why this is or is not a problem. “China doesn’t respect

human rights”, “it is a bubble”, “it is because they have all the resources”. The options the EU has to compete usually involve doing something that China already does very well. Instead of that, we will look at how Europe and China’s fundamental ideologies differ and how that affects the situation.

Alfred North Whitehead once said that the safest general characterisation of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes

to Plato. His student annex first footnote creator, Aristotle, identified Democracy as the least harmful form of government. The problem with a democracy however, is that everybody’s voice is worth equally much. People extract from that the idea that criticising their rulers is a natural phenomenon.

China on the other hand, rests on Confucius’ legacy of thought. Interesting to note is how Confucius differentiates between rules for the elite and rules for everyone. This rings a bell: China has only one political party. Consider the following: There are one billion Chinese people who do not massively rise up against it. The logical conclusion is that Confucian philosophy is rooted so deeply into Chinese culture that the Chinese leaders apparently, to some extent, still follow his

rules for the elite. This makes the decision-making process of the country’s government extremely fluent since there is no opposition questioning them.

Economically, the Chinese system works like a charm. China can always react quickly to any situation and take effective measures. Think back to how the

EU reaches their decision and the difference is all too clear. China is an agile powerhouse. Europe progresses and maneuvers slowly and bureaucratically. Seeing as this is the case, it is virtually impossible for the EU to compete with China in the way China itself competes with the rest of the world. We need to think bilaterally and to find new creative solutions.

Welcome to EYP.

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a l c o h o lHey you there, sixteen-year-old delegate! Tonight, you can all enjoy a The Dutch government has decided that the age limit for soft high percentage of a national phenomenon called ‘coma drinking’.

used to will disappear. What is your opinion on this? How will the the new rule will be effective or will

Those in favor of the new alcohol policy:

“The thin line between liquor and drinks with lower alcohol percentage will be gone. In favor but skeptical.”Anouk from SEDE

“It’s spinning out of control. Children are very excited about drinking and at a young age it can be very dangerous.”Alexandra from AGRI

“It is very bad for your brains but you can have fun without alcohol as well.” Robin from PECH

“It doesn’t apply to me so I’m in favour. Had it been otherwise, I probably would be against.” Mighel from PECH

“The government has not yet achieved its goal, this is just a small step towards preventing brain damage. The difference between 16 and 18 is so big that it will be a signifi cant change if a new genera-tion will not drink as much.”Amila from SEDE


“It’s something personal, everyone should decide for themselves.” Nick from PECH

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p o l i c ywell-earned beer at the EYP café. However, this is about to change.alcoholic beverages will change from 16 to 18. The reason was theThis, however, has a significant impact on you: the freedom you arenew policy affect you? Do you think it is justifiable? Do you thinksixteen-year-olds keep on drinking excessively?

Against the new alcohol policy.

“It can cause even more problems, people will go drinking at house parties. I would rather have children drink a beer in a café with some kind of supervision.”

Daan from AFCO

“Age is not that important. For example, I was born in 1996 and I can drink but someone from 1997 can’t although we are the same.”

Sanne from PECH

“Everyone knows someone. Everyone who is 16 years old can ask an older person to buy alcohol for him or her. It won’t work.”

Enna from CULT

“It will be a shock when you reach the age of 18, because then you can sud-denly drink soft and hard alcoholic beverages, so you don’t increase alcohol consumption gradually, you just start with vodka instead of wine.”

Yari from CULT

“It is a mind-set that we cannot easily get rid of. I don’t think this policy will have a large effect, people will keep drinking. Maybe it will even be more tempting to drink because it is illegal.”

Kim, Organiser

“Someone of 16 years old is old enough to make a decision for himself. If someone of 16 would ask me to buy alcohol, of course I would do it. You don’t simply say no to that.”

Axel from AFET

“This measure may postpone the age that youngsters start drinking, e.g from 13 to 15 but it will not change the drinking behaviour of 16 year olds.”


“but someone from 1997 can’t although we are the same.

“person to buy alcohol for him or her. It won’t work

“denly drink soft and hard alcoholic beverages, so you don’t increase alcohol consumption gradually, you just start with vodka instead of wine.

“have a large effect, people will keep drinking. Maybe it will even be more tempting to drink because it is illegal

“someone of 16 would ask me to buy alcohol, of course I would do it. You don’t simply say no to that

by Zephyr Brüggen Eliane Zwart Matteo van Dijl

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La Chute.

Man. Beast bestowed with reason, enlightened by an intelligencia – the coronet of his preemi-nence-A well of knowledge, hurled, churned, swayed by the tumultuous torrents of a shrewd mind.Endowed with quintessential Virtues, Deeply enshrined, embedded, ingrained, exalted within an archetype of the “gentilhomme” Emblem of a pristine, untarnished nature whose blood is very snow-broth. Stainless.Whose etiquette, unflinching decorum ripple profusely amidst the fertile land of integrity.Through the prism of religion - a product of divine, supreme craftsmanship, molded to perfection An epitome of flawlessness, dwindling, elated, in the pastoral sanctuary, biblical haven of Eden.

Man. Primitive, animal, bestial creature - The fall of grace was an inescapable fateAs the icy claws, stringent fangs of dormant carnality that lash, grate deeply withinWaking sweltering reptilian forces inherent to your being - Beast of Fire see how you choke on your froth.Fleur du Mal - Beneath beauty, semblance of buoyant humanity lies beneath swathes of illusions, disguised in deceit, the corrupt embryo.Insidious Serpent of temptation pulsing the venal, disruptive stimulus of the incarnate will to power.Man will strive to grow, spread, seize, become predominant a malady overriding, alienating the purity of senses- Life is the will to power Man. Roots of desecration clutch - faltering societies, engulfed, crippled by the deeply ingrained, Machiavellous art of corrompo & hubris. Blinded, beguiled: all that’s near and all that’s far Cannot soothe the upheaval in Man’s breast,Life’s feast galvanizes the gross gluttony: the swelling of surfeitImbued with a predominant, pernicious penchant for excess, An Insatiable appetite for the glittering firmament of opulenceEra of affluence: Confidence, trust wane. Uprooted, eroded the cohesive fabrics of our society.

Man’s unbridled quest for possessionSteers an incurable, intractable disease – a visceral force injecting, spurting its lethal poison. Nations, body, mind: diseased, putrid bodies. Foul, hallow carcassesFrom which come forth black battalions, oozing out like a heavy liquidDegraded pieces of throbbing flesh. Withered stumps of Time.The natural decay of Man - An unreal city, shoring up the stony rubble of his collapsing edifice infected byThe contaminated mind, defective, rotten to the marrow: the crown hast doth melt.

by Marie Poupinel

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Try to connect each chairpair description with the respective photo!

Beauty and the Beast, obviously…

This pair of chairs prefers to lie on the grass during teambuilding.

A pair of true and passionate animal lovers.

The Forever Cool Kids.

A pair of Harry Potter lovers.

These guys will try their best to extract a DNA sample out of your mouth. Beware…

This cute pair only plays knuckle-fight or thumb-fight.

The crippled and the curly.

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why europe needs more fishing rods

I have never been a good friend with TV but every now and then it is lovely to just sit down and chill for a moment, to disconnect. Since a couple of months, I’ve been following a Spanish programme called “Salvados” (The Saved) which characterises itself for being very critic towards both society and politicians. Last week they did a report on education that got me thinking.

As the proverb says: “Give a man a fish and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime”, the tools from which our future depends totally rely on education. In a continent that basically earns its riches from the tertiary sector, it should be of vital importance to prepare the future generations and prioritise the human capital of which we dispose. But reality is not always in harmony with common sense.

In countries where the austerity measures are most suffered, the two first budgets on the target are always education and social security. That jewel that we call social welfare and for which many fought for and promoted actively throughout the 20th century, is precipitating itself towards an imminent crash. The causes and causing agents are really diverse and go from our governments to our own selves. Whether it is governing parties that want to leave their footprint on their future citizens by changing the educational legislations every 4 years or just society that makes it harder for parents to actively become part of their kids’ formation, there are some serious problems that nowadays leave a huge gap between each country’s pedagogic strategies and results.

Statistics support the affirmation that a government that invests in education will eventually receive the fruits of their work. It is time for our leaders to realize that this matter must receive the proper attention that it deserves. In the same way that we struggle to preserve such things as economy, we must work towards a civilized and educated society that’s capable of being critic with their own realities. In order to have a better prepared Europe it is necessary that we acknowledge the depth of this problem and the danger of having lost generations within a few years. Teach us how to fish and we shall not be worried about what the future holds for us.

by Juan Estheiman Amaya Camposeco

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What’s next in EYP?

by Eliane Zwart and Zephyr Brüggen

This National Selection Conference might be almost over but the future of your EYP career is completely in your own hands.

Your current impression of EYP might be that it is pretty cool, chilling at the Ignatius with your own cool delegation and committee, all nice and easy, doing some crazy games, learn something about a topic, debate and construct solutions together. A nice hobby to fill your weekend with. Yes. That is all very true. However, EYP is so much more than this. EYP is not something you simply ‘fill your weekend with’. No! you can fill your entire life with EYP. It is a way of living. In this article, we will explain you how to enter this wonderful organisation.

In the corner of your committee-work room a jury has been observing you from time to time. Since this session is a Selection Conference, they will be selecting delegates to be represent the Netherlands at EYP sessions abroad. This can either be an International Session (IS) or an International Forum. Since two years, EYP the Netherlands has adopted an individual selection system. Delegates will be selected individually to go to one of the two IS, taking place in Munich, Germany (spring 2013) or Tbilisi, Georgia (autumn 2013).

These are incredible events of ten days; days that you will never forget, never. Besides that, even those who have not been selected to go to an IS can get the chance to go to other international events like International Fora (which last approximately five days). Remember, you can still stay involved in EYP and go abroad!

After attending the NSC, you will automatically undergo a wondrous transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, you will become an alumnus of EYP the Netherlands. A very good first step to celebrating this is signing up for the Alumni

Weekend! This weekend is a chance to get to know the old and new alumni. After this weekend you will be added to numerous groups on Facebook and to the weekly mailing list of EYP NL Alumni. In those mailing lists, you will be kept up to date about all the sessions that take place throughout Europe every year. And guess what. The best thing is that, when you are an alumnus, you can apply to those sessions as a delegate or an official, be selected, and travel through Europe to meet new people, discuss thought-provoking ideas, open up your horizon, and enrich your life.

We hope you will stay involved because you, yes YOU, dear delegates, are the future of EYP.

The 7th Alumni Weekend of EYP NLMarch 8-10A u s t e r l i t zSign up! Now! Facebook.com > 7th Alumni Weekend of EYP NL > Attending

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chapeau!The literal word “chapeau” comes from French, derived from Old French “chapel” (a place of worship), which in turn finds its origins in the Late Latin “cappella”, that comes from the diminutive “cappa” and stands for ‘hat’. It may also mean the

mass of grape solids that floats on the surface of wine fermentation processes or even introductory texts appearing in international treaties that broadly define its principles, objectives, and background. By adding an exclamation mark it is

usually used to express appreciation, admiration, approval or respect.

An example is:“I can swim 600 feet underwater”“Chapeau! Something I’d never been able to do!

the blog

Do not forget to follow the blog! All the papers, videos, pictures as well as a lot of extra material

will be available there!...

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Leave a note here for your friends

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