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Page 1: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)Volume 8, Issue 6, JuneAvailable online at ISSN Print: 0976 © IAEME


ABSTRACTThis paper

an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals from the foreign countries because of rapid increase in the population. Then after the indepegovernment of India has planned to focus on the food grains in order to overcome the crisis. After successful completion of the first fivethan enough of foodmain aim is to design a mechanical ploughing cycle which is used for ploughing purpose and we also did stress and load analysis on the cycle. As we know that in olden days we use bull carts ploughingalso done stress and load analysis on that cycle in hypermesh and we had designed and manufactured the ploughing cart separatworks with the pushing force of human. The depth of cutting of the agriculture [1][4]spend a lot of money for ploughing by using the tof its low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance because of many uncertainties in weather, labour, production even the farmers are searching various foreduction systems.

Thereduceprimary tillage. The main purpose of ploughing plant materials and burry weeds, kill insects and pests and Key words:Cite this ArticleMechanical Ploughing CycleTechnologyhttp://www.i

1. INTRODUCTIONA bicycle frameare fitted. The modern and most common frame design for an


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)Volume 8, Issue 6, JuneAvailable online at http://www.iaeme.com/IJMEISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976

© IAEME Publication


ABSTRACT This paper

an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals from the foreign countries because of rapid increase in the population. Then after the indepegovernment of India has planned to focus on the food grains in order to overcome the crisis. After successful completion of the first fivethan enough of foodmain aim is to design a mechanical ploughing cycle which is used for ploughing purpose and we also did stress and load analysis on the cycle. As we know that in olden days we use bull carts ploughing. we also done stress and load analysis on that cycle in hypermesh and we had designed and manufactured the ploughing cart separatworks with the pushing force of human. The depth of cutting of the agriculture

[4]depends upon applied forces.spend a lot of money for ploughing by using the tof its low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance because of many uncertainties in weather, labour, production even the farmers are searching various foreduction systems.

The initial reduce soil strength, coverprimary tillage. The main purpose of ploughing plant materials and burry weeds, kill insects and pests and Key words: Hyper mesh, Weeding, Geometry of Ploughing ToolCite this ArticleMechanical Ploughing CycleTechnology, 8(6), 2017, pp. 750http://www.iaeme.com/IJME

INTRODUCTIONbicycle frame is the main component of a

are fitted. The modern and most common frame design for an


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017, pp.

http://www.iaeme.com/IJME6340 and ISSN Online: 0976


A CASE STUDY ON DESIPLOUGHING CYCLEA. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. RavikanthDepartment

MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

is mainly useful to the farmer for cultivation. In India agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals from the foreign countries because of rapid increase in the population. Then after the independence i.e. during the first fivegovernment of India has planned to focus on the food grains in order to overcome the crisis. After successful completion of the first fivethan enough of food grain and it also started exporting to the foreign main aim is to design a mechanical ploughing cycle which is used for ploughing purpose and we also did stress and load analysis on the cycle. As we know that in olden days we use bull carts

designed this mechanical ploughing cycle in solid works and we have also done stress and load analysis on that cycle in hypermesh and we had designed and manufactured the ploughing cart separatworks with the pushing force of human. The depth of cutting of the agriculture

depends upon applied forces.spend a lot of money for ploughing by using the tof its low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance because of many uncertainties in weather, labour, production even the farmers are searching various foreduction systems.

major soilstrength, cover

primary tillage. The main purpose of ploughing plant materials and burry weeds, kill insects and pests and

Hyper mesh, Weeding, Geometry of Ploughing ToolCite this Article: A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. RavikanthMechanical Ploughing Cycle

, 8(6), 2017, pp. 750aeme.com/IJME

INTRODUCTION is the main component of a

are fitted. The modern and most common frame design for an


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)2017, pp. 750–759, Article ID: IJM

http://www.iaeme.com/IJME6340 and ISSN Online: 0976

Scopus Indexed

A CASE STUDY ON DESIPLOUGHING CYCLEA. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. RavikanthDepartment of Mechanical Engineering

MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

is mainly useful to the farmer for cultivation. In India agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals from the foreign countries because of rapid increase in the population. Then

ndence i.e. during the first fivegovernment of India has planned to focus on the food grains in order to overcome the crisis. After successful completion of the first five

grain and it also started exporting to the foreign main aim is to design a mechanical ploughing cycle which is used for ploughing purpose and we also did stress and load analysis on the cycle. As we know that in olden days we use bull carts for ploughing. Now days we are using tractors for

designed this mechanical ploughing cycle in solid works and we have also done stress and load analysis on that cycle in hypermesh and we had designed and manufactured the ploughing cart separatworks with the pushing force of human. The depth of cutting of the agriculture

depends upon applied forces. spend a lot of money for ploughing by using the tof its low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance because of many uncertainties in weather, labour, production even the farmers are searching various fo

soil working operationstrength, cover plant materials

primary tillage. The main purpose of ploughing plant materials and burry weeds, kill insects and pests and

Hyper mesh, Weeding, Geometry of Ploughing ToolA. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

Mechanical Ploughing Cycle. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and , 8(6), 2017, pp. 750–759.aeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=8&IType=6

is the main component of aare fitted. The modern and most common frame design for an

asp 750

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)Article ID: IJM

http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJME6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359



of Mechanical EngineeringMLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

is mainly useful to the farmer for cultivation. In India agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals from the foreign countries because of rapid increase in the population. Then

ndence i.e. during the first fivegovernment of India has planned to focus on the food grains in order to overcome the crisis. After successful completion of the first five

grain and it also started exporting to the foreign main aim is to design a mechanical ploughing cycle which is used for ploughing purpose and we also did stress and load analysis on the cycle. As we know that in

for ploughing. Now days we are using tractors for designed this mechanical ploughing cycle in solid works and we have

also done stress and load analysis on that cycle in hypermesh and we had designed and manufactured the ploughing cart separately with mild steel. This cycle basically works with the pushing force of human. The depth of cutting of the agriculture

This cycle is more useful to farmer who cannot spend a lot of money for ploughing by using the tof its low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance because of many uncertainties in weather, labour, production even the farmers are searching various fo

operation designedmaterials and

primary tillage. The main purpose of ploughing plant materials and burry weeds, kill insects and pests and

Hyper mesh, Weeding, Geometry of Ploughing ToolA. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and 9. asp?JType=IJMET&VType=8&IType=6

is the main component of a bicycle, onto whichare fitted. The modern and most common frame design for an

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)Article ID: IJMET_08_06


GN OF PLOUGHING CYCLEA. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

of Mechanical EngineeringMLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

is mainly useful to the farmer for cultivation. In India agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals from the foreign countries because of rapid increase in the population. Then

ndence i.e. during the first five-year plan from (1951 to 1955) the government of India has planned to focus on the food grains in order to overcome the crisis. After successful completion of the first five-year plan government had more

grain and it also started exporting to the foreign main aim is to design a mechanical ploughing cycle which is used for ploughing purpose and we also did stress and load analysis on the cycle. As we know that in

for ploughing. Now days we are using tractors for designed this mechanical ploughing cycle in solid works and we have

also done stress and load analysis on that cycle in hypermesh and we had designed ely with mild steel. This cycle basically

works with the pushing force of human. The depth of cutting of the agriculture This cycle is more useful to farmer who cannot

spend a lot of money for ploughing by using the tractors. This is mainly useful because of its low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance because of many uncertainties in weather, labour, production even the farmers are searching various fo

designed to and rearrange

primary tillage. The main purpose of ploughing is reducingplant materials and burry weeds, kill insects and pests and rearrange

Hyper mesh, Weeding, Geometry of Ploughing ToolA. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth. A Case Study on Design of

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and


, onto whichare fitted. The modern and most common frame design for an upright bicycle

[email protected]

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) 06_079


GN OF MECHANICAL PLOUGHING CYCLE A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

of Mechanical Engineering, MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India

is mainly useful to the farmer for cultivation. In India agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals from the foreign countries because of rapid increase in the population. Then

year plan from (1951 to 1955) the government of India has planned to focus on the food grains in order to overcome the

year plan government had more grain and it also started exporting to the foreign

main aim is to design a mechanical ploughing cycle which is used for ploughing purpose and we also did stress and load analysis on the cycle. As we know that in

for ploughing. Now days we are using tractors for designed this mechanical ploughing cycle in solid works and we have

also done stress and load analysis on that cycle in hypermesh and we had designed ely with mild steel. This cycle basically

works with the pushing force of human. The depth of cutting of the agriculture This cycle is more useful to farmer who cannot

ractors. This is mainly useful because of its low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance because of many uncertainties in weather, labour, production even the farmers are searching various fo

plough therearrange aggregates

reducing the strength of soil, cover rearrange aggregates.

Hyper mesh, Weeding, Geometry of Ploughing Tool. A Case Study on Design of

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and


, onto which wheels andupright bicycle

[email protected]



is mainly useful to the farmer for cultivation. In India agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals from the foreign countries because of rapid increase in the population. Then

year plan from (1951 to 1955) the government of India has planned to focus on the food grains in order to overcome the

year plan government had more grain and it also started exporting to the foreign countries.

main aim is to design a mechanical ploughing cycle which is used for ploughing purpose and we also did stress and load analysis on the cycle. As we know that in

for ploughing. Now days we are using tractors for designed this mechanical ploughing cycle in solid works and we have

also done stress and load analysis on that cycle in hypermesh and we had designed ely with mild steel. This cycle basically

works with the pushing force of human. The depth of cutting of the agriculture This cycle is more useful to farmer who cannot

ractors. This is mainly useful because of its low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance because of many uncertainties in weather, labour, production even the farmers are searching various forms of cost

the soil deeplyaggregates is called

the strength of soil, cover aggregates.

A Case Study on Design of International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and


and other componentsupright bicycle is based on the

[email protected]



is mainly useful to the farmer for cultivation. In India agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals from the foreign countries because of rapid increase in the population. Then

year plan from (1951 to 1955) the government of India has planned to focus on the food grains in order to overcome the

year plan government had more Our

main aim is to design a mechanical ploughing cycle which is used for ploughing purpose and we also did stress and load analysis on the cycle. As we know that in

for ploughing. Now days we are using tractors for designed this mechanical ploughing cycle in solid works and we have

also done stress and load analysis on that cycle in hypermesh and we had designed ely with mild steel. This cycle basically

works with the pushing force of human. The depth of cutting of the agriculture land This cycle is more useful to farmer who cannot

ractors. This is mainly useful because of its low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance because of many uncertainties in

rms of cost

deeply to called

the strength of soil, cover

A Case Study on Design of International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and

other components is based on the

Page 2: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals


safety bicycleknown as theby combiningtube, Seat tube

Theheight is adjustable by changing how far the bikes, this is achieved using acertain length; this is marked with abraze-on

1.1. Chain The chain staysends or dropouts. When the rear derailleur cable is routed partially along the down tube, also routed along the chain stay. Occasionally (principally on frames made since the late 1990s) mountings for disc brakes will be attached to the chain stays. There may be a small brace that connects the chain stays in front of bracket shell.Chain stays may be designed using tapered or relieved, wheel, chain,

1.2. SteelSteel frames are often built using various types of steel alloys includingstrong, easy to work, and relatively inexpensive, but denser (and thus generally heavier) than many other structural materials.


safety bicycle, and consists of twoknown as the diamond frameby combining different materials and shapes like

Seat tube, Seat stays, The seat tube contains the

height is adjustable by changing how far the bikes, this is achieved using acertain length; this is marked with a

on mounts for a

Chain Stays chain stays run parallel to the chain, connecting the bottom bracket shell to the rearor dropouts. When the rear derailleur cable is routed partially along the down tube,

also routed along the chain stay. Occasionally (principally on frames made since the late 1990s) mountings for disc brakes will be attached to the chain stays. There may be a small brace that connects the chain stays in front of bracket shell.Chain stays may be designed using tapered or relieved, oversizedwheel, chain, crank arms

Steel frames are often built using various types of steel alloys including

strong, easy to work, and relatively inexpensive, but denser (and thus generally heavier) than many other structural materials.

Figure 2


, and consists of twodiamond frame.different materials and shapes like Seat stays, Frame Materials.

contains theheight is adjustable by changing how far the bikes, this is achieved using acertain length; this is marked with a

mounts for a bottle cage

run parallel to the chain, connecting the bottom bracket shell to the rear

or dropouts. When the rear derailleur cable is routed partially along the down tube, also routed along the chain stay. Occasionally (principally on frames made since the late 1990s) mountings for disc brakes will be attached to the chain stays. There may be a small brace that connects the chain stays in front of bracket shell.Chain stays may be designed using tapered or

oversized, crimped, Scrank arms, or the heel of the foot.

Figure 1 Showing

frames are often built using various types of steel alloys includingstrong, easy to work, and relatively inexpensive, but denser (and thus generally heavier) than many other structural materials.

Showing a steel framed 2002

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth


, and consists of two triangles. Frames are required to be

different materials and shapes like Frame Materials.

contains the seatpost of the bike, which connects to the saddle. The saddle height is adjustable by changing how far the bikes, this is achieved using a quick releasecertain length; this is marked with a minimum insertion mark

bottle cage or front

run parallel to the chain, connecting the bottom bracket shell to the rearor dropouts. When the rear derailleur cable is routed partially along the down tube,

also routed along the chain stay. Occasionally (principally on frames made since the late 1990s) mountings for disc brakes will be attached to the chain stays. There may be a small brace that connects the chain stays in front of bracket shell.Chain stays may be designed using tapered or

, crimped, S-shaped, or elevated to allow additional clearance for the rear , or the heel of the foot.

Showing Example of Dual

frames are often built using various types of steel alloys includingstrong, easy to work, and relatively inexpensive, but denser (and thus generally heavier) than many other structural materials.

steel framed 2002

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

asp 751

triangles, a main triangle and a paired rear triangle. This is Frames are required to be

different materials and shapes like Frame TubesFrame Materials.

of the bike, which connects to the saddle. The saddle height is adjustable by changing how far the seat post

quick release lever. The seatpost must be inserted at least a minimum insertion mark

or front derailleur.

run parallel to the chain, connecting the bottom bracket shell to the rearor dropouts. When the rear derailleur cable is routed partially along the down tube,

also routed along the chain stay. Occasionally (principally on frames made since the late 1990s) mountings for disc brakes will be attached to the chain stays. There may be a small brace that connects the chain stays in front of the rear wheel [2] bracket shell.Chain stays may be designed using tapered or

shaped, or elevated to allow additional clearance for the rear , or the heel of the foot.

Example of Dual

frames are often built using various types of steel alloys includingstrong, easy to work, and relatively inexpensive, but denser (and thus generally heavier) than

steel framed 2002 fully rigid (unsuspended) Trek 800 Sport

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

, a main triangle and a paired rear triangle. This is Frames are required to be strong, stiff and light, which they do

Frame Tubes

of the bike, which connects to the saddle. The saddle seat post is inserted into the seat tube. On some lever. The seatpost must be inserted at least a

minimum insertion mark..

run parallel to the chain, connecting the bottom bracket shell to the rearor dropouts. When the rear derailleur cable is routed partially along the down tube,

also routed along the chain stay. Occasionally (principally on frames made since the late 1990s) mountings for disc brakes will be attached to the chain stays. There may be a small

the rear wheel [2] bracket shell.Chain stays may be designed using tapered or untampered

shaped, or elevated to allow additional clearance for the rear

Example of Dual-Stay Seat Stay System

frames are often built using various types of steel alloys includingstrong, easy to work, and relatively inexpensive, but denser (and thus generally heavier) than

fully rigid (unsuspended) Trek 800 Sport

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

[email protected]

, a main triangle and a paired rear triangle. This is strong, stiff and light, which they do

Frame Tubes, Head tube

of the bike, which connects to the saddle. The saddle is inserted into the seat tube. On some

lever. The seatpost must be inserted at least a . The seat tube also may have

run parallel to the chain, connecting the bottom bracket shell to the rearor dropouts. When the rear derailleur cable is routed partially along the down tube,

also routed along the chain stay. Occasionally (principally on frames made since the late 1990s) mountings for disc brakes will be attached to the chain stays. There may be a small

the rear wheel [2] and behind the bottom untampered tubing. They may be

shaped, or elevated to allow additional clearance for the rear

Stay Seat Stay System

frames are often built using various types of steel alloys including chromolystrong, easy to work, and relatively inexpensive, but denser (and thus generally heavier) than

fully rigid (unsuspended) Trek 800 Sport

[email protected]

, a main triangle and a paired rear triangle. This is strong, stiff and light, which they do

tube, Top tube, down

of the bike, which connects to the saddle. The saddle is inserted into the seat tube. On some

lever. The seatpost must be inserted at least a The seat tube also may have

run parallel to the chain, connecting the bottom bracket shell to the rearor dropouts. When the rear derailleur cable is routed partially along the down tube,

also routed along the chain stay. Occasionally (principally on frames made since the late 1990s) mountings for disc brakes will be attached to the chain stays. There may be a small

d behind the bottom tubing. They may be

shaped, or elevated to allow additional clearance for the rear

chromoly. They are strong, easy to work, and relatively inexpensive, but denser (and thus generally heavier) than

fully rigid (unsuspended) Trek 800 Sport

[email protected]

, a main triangle and a paired rear triangle. This is strong, stiff and light, which they do

, Top tube, down

of the bike, which connects to the saddle. The saddle is inserted into the seat tube. On some

lever. The seatpost must be inserted at least a The seat tube also may have

run parallel to the chain, connecting the bottom bracket shell to the rear fork or dropouts. When the rear derailleur cable is routed partially along the down tube, it is

also routed along the chain stay. Occasionally (principally on frames made since the late 1990s) mountings for disc brakes will be attached to the chain stays. There may be a small

d behind the bottom tubing. They may be

shaped, or elevated to allow additional clearance for the rear

. They are strong, easy to work, and relatively inexpensive, but denser (and thus generally heavier) than

Page 3: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals


1.3. Aluminium Aluminium alloyshowever, they possess a better strengthadvantages over steel. Early aluminium strfatigue, either due to ineffective alloys, or imperfect welding technique being used. This contrasts with some steel and tiweld or braze together. However, some of these disadvantages have since been mitigated with more skilled labour accessibility to modern aluminum alloys. Aluminum’s attractive strength to weight ratio as compared to steel, and certain mechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored frame-building materials.

Popular alloys for bicycle frames are


1.4. TitaniumTitaniumtubes. It combines many desirable characteristics, including a high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Reasonable stiffness (roughly half that of steel) allows for many titanium framsteel frame, although larger diameter tubing is becoming more common for more stiffness. Titanium is more difficult to machine than steel or aluminium, which sometimes limits its uses and also raises the effort (and cost) associated with this type of construction. As titanium frames are usually more expensive than similar steel or aluminium alloy frames, the cost puts them out of reach for most cyclists.



Aluminium AAluminium alloys however, they possess a better strengthadvantages over steel. Early aluminium strfatigue, either due to ineffective alloys, or imperfect welding technique being used. This contrasts with some steel and tiweld or braze together. However, some of these disadvantages have since been mitigated with more skilled labour accessibility to modern aluminum alloys. Aluminum’s attractive strength to weight ratio as compared to steel, and certain mechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored

building materials.Popular alloys for bicycle frames are

Figure 3 Showing Mountain

Titanium Titanium is perhaps the most exotic and tubes. It combines many desirable characteristics, including a high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Reasonable stiffness (roughly half that of steel) allows for many titanium framsteel frame, although larger diameter tubing is becoming more common for more stiffness. Titanium is more difficult to machine than steel or aluminium, which sometimes limits its ses and also raises the effort (and cost) associated with this type of construction. As titanium

frames are usually more expensive than similar steel or aluminium alloy frames, the cost puts them out of reach for most cyclists.

Figure 4 Showing

A Case


Alloys have a lower density and lower

however, they possess a better strengthadvantages over steel. Early aluminium strfatigue, either due to ineffective alloys, or imperfect welding technique being used. This contrasts with some steel and tiweld or braze together. However, some of these disadvantages have since been mitigated with more skilled labour capable of producing better quality welds, automation, and the greater accessibility to modern aluminum alloys. Aluminum’s attractive strength to weight ratio as compared to steel, and certain mechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored

building materials. Popular alloys for bicycle frames are

Showing Mountain bike frame made of sections of CNC machined aluminium welded and

is perhaps the most exotic and tubes. It combines many desirable characteristics, including a high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Reasonable stiffness (roughly half that of steel) allows for many titanium frames to be constructed with "standard" tube sizes comparable to a traditional steel frame, although larger diameter tubing is becoming more common for more stiffness. Titanium is more difficult to machine than steel or aluminium, which sometimes limits its ses and also raises the effort (and cost) associated with this type of construction. As titanium

frames are usually more expensive than similar steel or aluminium alloy frames, the cost puts them out of reach for most cyclists.

Showing Characteristic

A Case Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle


have a lower density and lowerhowever, they possess a better strengthadvantages over steel. Early aluminium strfatigue, either due to ineffective alloys, or imperfect welding technique being used. This contrasts with some steel and titanium alloys, which have clearweld or braze together. However, some of these disadvantages have since been mitigated with

capable of producing better quality welds, automation, and the greater accessibility to modern aluminum alloys. Aluminum’s attractive strength to weight ratio as compared to steel, and certain mechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored

Popular alloys for bicycle frames are

bike frame made of sections of CNC machined aluminium welded and bolted together

is perhaps the most exotic and tubes. It combines many desirable characteristics, including a high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Reasonable stiffness (roughly half that of steel) allows for

es to be constructed with "standard" tube sizes comparable to a traditional steel frame, although larger diameter tubing is becoming more common for more stiffness. Titanium is more difficult to machine than steel or aluminium, which sometimes limits its ses and also raises the effort (and cost) associated with this type of construction. As titanium

frames are usually more expensive than similar steel or aluminium alloy frames, the cost puts them out of reach for most cyclists.

Characteristic weld beads on a titanium frame made by a master craftsman.

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

asp 752

have a lower density and lowerhowever, they possess a better strength-to-weight ratio, giving them notable weight advantages over steel. Early aluminium structures have shown to be more vulnerable tofatigue, either due to ineffective alloys, or imperfect welding technique being used. This

tanium alloys, which have clearweld or braze together. However, some of these disadvantages have since been mitigated with

capable of producing better quality welds, automation, and the greater accessibility to modern aluminum alloys. Aluminum’s attractive strength to weight ratio as compared to steel, and certain mechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored

6061 aluminums

bike frame made of sections of CNC machined aluminium welded and bolted together

is perhaps the most exotic and expensive metal commonly used for bicycle frame tubes. It combines many desirable characteristics, including a high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Reasonable stiffness (roughly half that of steel) allows for

es to be constructed with "standard" tube sizes comparable to a traditional steel frame, although larger diameter tubing is becoming more common for more stiffness. Titanium is more difficult to machine than steel or aluminium, which sometimes limits its ses and also raises the effort (and cost) associated with this type of construction. As titanium

frames are usually more expensive than similar steel or aluminium alloy frames, the cost puts

weld beads on a titanium frame made by a master craftsman.

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

have a lower density and lower strengthweight ratio, giving them notable weight

uctures have shown to be more vulnerable tofatigue, either due to ineffective alloys, or imperfect welding technique being used. This

tanium alloys, which have clear weld or braze together. However, some of these disadvantages have since been mitigated with

capable of producing better quality welds, automation, and the greater accessibility to modern aluminum alloys. Aluminum’s attractive strength to weight ratio as compared to steel, and certain mechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored

6061 aluminums and 7005 aluminums.

bike frame made of sections of CNC machined aluminium welded and bolted together

expensive metal commonly used for bicycle frame tubes. It combines many desirable characteristics, including a high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Reasonable stiffness (roughly half that of steel) allows for

es to be constructed with "standard" tube sizes comparable to a traditional steel frame, although larger diameter tubing is becoming more common for more stiffness. Titanium is more difficult to machine than steel or aluminium, which sometimes limits its ses and also raises the effort (and cost) associated with this type of construction. As titanium

frames are usually more expensive than similar steel or aluminium alloy frames, the cost puts

weld beads on a titanium frame made by a master craftsman.

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

[email protected]

strength compared with steel alloys, weight ratio, giving them notable weight

uctures have shown to be more vulnerable tofatigue, either due to ineffective alloys, or imperfect welding technique being used. This

fatigue limitsweld or braze together. However, some of these disadvantages have since been mitigated with

capable of producing better quality welds, automation, and the greater accessibility to modern aluminum alloys. Aluminum’s attractive strength to weight ratio as compared to steel, and certain mechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored

7005 aluminums.

bike frame made of sections of CNC machined aluminium welded and

expensive metal commonly used for bicycle frame tubes. It combines many desirable characteristics, including a high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Reasonable stiffness (roughly half that of steel) allows for

es to be constructed with "standard" tube sizes comparable to a traditional steel frame, although larger diameter tubing is becoming more common for more stiffness. Titanium is more difficult to machine than steel or aluminium, which sometimes limits its ses and also raises the effort (and cost) associated with this type of construction. As titanium

frames are usually more expensive than similar steel or aluminium alloy frames, the cost puts

weld beads on a titanium frame made by a master craftsman.

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

[email protected]

compared with steel alloys, weight ratio, giving them notable weight

uctures have shown to be more vulnerable tofatigue, either due to ineffective alloys, or imperfect welding technique being used. This

fatigue limits and are easier to weld or braze together. However, some of these disadvantages have since been mitigated with

capable of producing better quality welds, automation, and the greater accessibility to modern aluminum alloys. Aluminum’s attractive strength to weight ratio as compared to steel, and certain mechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored

7005 aluminums.

bike frame made of sections of CNC machined aluminium welded and

expensive metal commonly used for bicycle frame tubes. It combines many desirable characteristics, including a high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Reasonable stiffness (roughly half that of steel) allows for

es to be constructed with "standard" tube sizes comparable to a traditional steel frame, although larger diameter tubing is becoming more common for more stiffness. Titanium is more difficult to machine than steel or aluminium, which sometimes limits its ses and also raises the effort (and cost) associated with this type of construction. As titanium

frames are usually more expensive than similar steel or aluminium alloy frames, the cost puts

weld beads on a titanium frame made by a master craftsman.

[email protected]

compared with steel alloys, weight ratio, giving them notable weight

uctures have shown to be more vulnerable to fatigue, either due to ineffective alloys, or imperfect welding technique being used. This

and are easier to weld or braze together. However, some of these disadvantages have since been mitigated with

capable of producing better quality welds, automation, and the greater accessibility to modern aluminum alloys. Aluminum’s attractive strength to weight ratio as compared to steel, and certain mechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored

bike frame made of sections of CNC machined aluminium welded and

expensive metal commonly used for bicycle frame tubes. It combines many desirable characteristics, including a high strength to weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Reasonable stiffness (roughly half that of steel) allows for

es to be constructed with "standard" tube sizes comparable to a traditional steel frame, although larger diameter tubing is becoming more common for more stiffness. Titanium is more difficult to machine than steel or aluminium, which sometimes limits its ses and also raises the effort (and cost) associated with this type of construction. As titanium

frames are usually more expensive than similar steel or aluminium alloy frames, the cost puts

weld beads on a titanium frame made by a master craftsman.

Page 4: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals


1.5. Carbon FiberCarbon fiberbicycle frames.be formed into almost any shape desired. The result is a frame that can be finespecific strengthin other frame sections (for comfort). Custom carbon fiber bicycle frames mdesigned with individual tubes that are strong in one direction (such as laterally), while compliant in another direction (such as vertically). The ability to design an individual composite tube with properties that vary by orientation cannot bemetal frame construction commonly in production.tubes that are joined with adhesives and lugs, in a method somewhat analogous to a lugged steel frame. Another type of carbon fiber frames monologue

1.6. Geometry of Ploughing ToolThe finite element method (FEM) istillage tools. This paper illustrates the use of FEM to model interaction of a mouldboard plough used in northern Africa. A Druckerthe material behaviorbody with a reference point at the tip, at which the three orthogonal force components (vertical, lateral, and draught) were calculated. The effects of the mouldboard depth of cut, speed of operation, cutting angle (investigated in this study. Results showed that draught force increased with a second order polynomial function with depth, whereas the vertical and lateral forces hadrelationship with depth. Moreover, these forces increased linearly with speed. For the effect of the cutting angles, results showed that the draught force increased linearly with the cutting and the lifting angles. The vertical force decreased lilateral force decreased with a polynomial trend with the cutting angle and increased linearly with the lifting angle. It was found that the minimal energy consumption can be achieved by a combination of a working deptcutting angle (from 30° to 45°). This combination also resulted in a good soil inversion. It can be concluded that FEM can be used to understand the effect of mouldboard design and operational con

Chisel Plough loosen soil without inversion so that organic materials decompose more slowly,


Carbon FiberCarbon fiber composite is an increasingly popular nonicycle frames. Although expensive, it is light

be formed into almost any shape desired. The result is a frame that can be finespecific strength where it is needed (to withstand pedaling forces), while allowing flexibility in other frame sections (for comfort). Custom carbon fiber bicycle frames mdesigned with individual tubes that are strong in one direction (such as laterally), while compliant in another direction (such as vertically). The ability to design an individual composite tube with properties that vary by orientation cannot bemetal frame construction commonly in production.tubes that are joined with adhesives and lugs, in a method somewhat analogous to a lugged steel frame. Another type of carbon fiber frames monologue construction.

Geometry of Ploughing ToolThe finite element method (FEM) istillage tools. This paper illustrates the use of FEM to model interaction of a mouldboard plough used in northern Africa. A Druckerthe material behaviorbody with a reference point at the tip, at which the three orthogonal force components (vertical, lateral, and draught) were calculated. The effects of the mouldboard depth of cut,

eed of operation, cutting angle (investigated in this study. Results showed that draught force increased with a second order polynomial function with depth, whereas the vertical and lateral forces hadrelationship with depth. Moreover, these forces increased linearly with speed. For the effect of the cutting angles, results showed that the draught force increased linearly with the cutting and the lifting angles. The vertical force decreased lilateral force decreased with a polynomial trend with the cutting angle and increased linearly with the lifting angle. It was found that the minimal energy consumption can be achieved by a combination of a working deptcutting angle (from 30° to 45°). This combination also resulted in a good soil inversion. It can be concluded that FEM can be used to understand the effect of mouldboard design and operational conditions on tillage forces, energy requirements, and quality of soil inversion.

Chisel Plough loosen soil without inversion so that organic materials decompose more slowly, moisture soil is not transported upwards. Since the soil surface still contains some


Carbon Fiber composite is an increasingly popular non

Although expensive, it is lightbe formed into almost any shape desired. The result is a frame that can be fine

where it is needed (to withstand pedaling forces), while allowing flexibility in other frame sections (for comfort). Custom carbon fiber bicycle frames mdesigned with individual tubes that are strong in one direction (such as laterally), while compliant in another direction (such as vertically). The ability to design an individual composite tube with properties that vary by orientation cannot bemetal frame construction commonly in production.tubes that are joined with adhesives and lugs, in a method somewhat analogous to a lugged steel frame. Another type of carbon fiber frames


Figure 5 Showing

Geometry of Ploughing ToolThe finite element method (FEM) istillage tools. This paper illustrates the use of FEM to model interaction of a mouldboard plough used in northern Africa. A Druckerthe material behavior of a sandy loam soil. The mouldboard was considered as a discrete rigid body with a reference point at the tip, at which the three orthogonal force components (vertical, lateral, and draught) were calculated. The effects of the mouldboard depth of cut,

eed of operation, cutting angle (investigated in this study. Results showed that draught force increased with a second order polynomial function with depth, whereas the vertical and lateral forces hadrelationship with depth. Moreover, these forces increased linearly with speed. For the effect of the cutting angles, results showed that the draught force increased linearly with the cutting and the lifting angles. The vertical force decreased lilateral force decreased with a polynomial trend with the cutting angle and increased linearly with the lifting angle. It was found that the minimal energy consumption can be achieved by a combination of a working deptcutting angle (from 30° to 45°). This combination also resulted in a good soil inversion. It can be concluded that FEM can be used to understand the effect of mouldboard design and

ditions on tillage forces, energy requirements, and quality of soil inversion.Chisel Plough loosen soil without inversion so that organic materials decompose more

soil is not transported upwards. Since the soil surface still contains some

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth


composite is an increasingly popular nonAlthough expensive, it is light

be formed into almost any shape desired. The result is a frame that can be finewhere it is needed (to withstand pedaling forces), while allowing flexibility

in other frame sections (for comfort). Custom carbon fiber bicycle frames mdesigned with individual tubes that are strong in one direction (such as laterally), while compliant in another direction (such as vertically). The ability to design an individual composite tube with properties that vary by orientation cannot bemetal frame construction commonly in production.tubes that are joined with adhesives and lugs, in a method somewhat analogous to a lugged steel frame. Another type of carbon fiber frames

Showing carbon head tube on a Colnago road bike.

Geometry of Ploughing Tool The finite element method (FEM) is commonly used to study the soil cutting process with tillage tools. This paper illustrates the use of FEM to model interaction of a mouldboard plough used in northern Africa. A Drucker

of a sandy loam soil. The mouldboard was considered as a discrete rigid body with a reference point at the tip, at which the three orthogonal force components (vertical, lateral, and draught) were calculated. The effects of the mouldboard depth of cut,

eed of operation, cutting angle (α) and the lifting angle (investigated in this study. Results showed that draught force increased with a second order polynomial function with depth, whereas the vertical and lateral forces hadrelationship with depth. Moreover, these forces increased linearly with speed. For the effect of the cutting angles, results showed that the draught force increased linearly with the cutting and the lifting angles. The vertical force decreased lilateral force decreased with a polynomial trend with the cutting angle and increased linearly with the lifting angle. It was found that the minimal energy consumption can be achieved by a combination of a working depth of 150 cutting angle (from 30° to 45°). This combination also resulted in a good soil inversion. It can be concluded that FEM can be used to understand the effect of mouldboard design and

ditions on tillage forces, energy requirements, and quality of soil inversion.Chisel Plough loosen soil without inversion so that organic materials decompose more

soil is not transported upwards. Since the soil surface still contains some

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

asp 753

composite is an increasingly popular nonAlthough expensive, it is light-weight, corrosion

be formed into almost any shape desired. The result is a frame that can be finewhere it is needed (to withstand pedaling forces), while allowing flexibility

in other frame sections (for comfort). Custom carbon fiber bicycle frames mdesigned with individual tubes that are strong in one direction (such as laterally), while compliant in another direction (such as vertically). The ability to design an individual composite tube with properties that vary by orientation cannot bemetal frame construction commonly in production. tubes that are joined with adhesives and lugs, in a method somewhat analogous to a lugged steel frame. Another type of carbon fiber frames is

carbon head tube on a Colnago road bike.

commonly used to study the soil cutting process with tillage tools. This paper illustrates the use of FEM to model interaction of a mouldboard plough used in northern Africa. A Drucker–Prager elasto

of a sandy loam soil. The mouldboard was considered as a discrete rigid body with a reference point at the tip, at which the three orthogonal force components (vertical, lateral, and draught) were calculated. The effects of the mouldboard depth of cut,

) and the lifting angle (investigated in this study. Results showed that draught force increased with a second order polynomial function with depth, whereas the vertical and lateral forces hadrelationship with depth. Moreover, these forces increased linearly with speed. For the effect of the cutting angles, results showed that the draught force increased linearly with the cutting and the lifting angles. The vertical force decreased lilateral force decreased with a polynomial trend with the cutting angle and increased linearly with the lifting angle. It was found that the minimal energy consumption can be achieved by a

mm, a speed of 1cutting angle (from 30° to 45°). This combination also resulted in a good soil inversion. It can be concluded that FEM can be used to understand the effect of mouldboard design and

ditions on tillage forces, energy requirements, and quality of soil inversion.Chisel Plough loosen soil without inversion so that organic materials decompose more

soil is not transported upwards. Since the soil surface still contains some

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

composite is an increasingly popular non-metallic material commonly used for weight, corrosion

be formed into almost any shape desired. The result is a frame that can be finewhere it is needed (to withstand pedaling forces), while allowing flexibility

in other frame sections (for comfort). Custom carbon fiber bicycle frames mdesigned with individual tubes that are strong in one direction (such as laterally), while compliant in another direction (such as vertically). The ability to design an individual composite tube with properties that vary by orientation cannot be

Some carbon fiber frames use cylindrical tubes that are joined with adhesives and lugs, in a method somewhat analogous to a lugged

is manufactured in a single piece, called

carbon head tube on a Colnago road bike.

commonly used to study the soil cutting process with tillage tools. This paper illustrates the use of FEM to model interaction of a mouldboard

Prager elasto-plastic model was used to simulate of a sandy loam soil. The mouldboard was considered as a discrete rigid

body with a reference point at the tip, at which the three orthogonal force components (vertical, lateral, and draught) were calculated. The effects of the mouldboard depth of cut,

) and the lifting angle (investigated in this study. Results showed that draught force increased with a second order polynomial function with depth, whereas the vertical and lateral forces hadrelationship with depth. Moreover, these forces increased linearly with speed. For the effect of the cutting angles, results showed that the draught force increased linearly with the cutting and the lifting angles. The vertical force decreased linearly with these angles. Whereas, the lateral force decreased with a polynomial trend with the cutting angle and increased linearly with the lifting angle. It was found that the minimal energy consumption can be achieved by a

mm, a speed of 1 m/s, low lifting angle (25°), and cutting angle (from 30° to 45°). This combination also resulted in a good soil inversion. It can be concluded that FEM can be used to understand the effect of mouldboard design and

ditions on tillage forces, energy requirements, and quality of soil inversion.Chisel Plough loosen soil without inversion so that organic materials decompose more

soil is not transported upwards. Since the soil surface still contains some

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

[email protected]

metallic material commonly used for weight, corrosion-resistant and strong, and can

be formed into almost any shape desired. The result is a frame that can be finewhere it is needed (to withstand pedaling forces), while allowing flexibility

in other frame sections (for comfort). Custom carbon fiber bicycle frames mdesigned with individual tubes that are strong in one direction (such as laterally), while compliant in another direction (such as vertically). The ability to design an individual composite tube with properties that vary by orientation cannot be accomplished with any

Some carbon fiber frames use cylindrical tubes that are joined with adhesives and lugs, in a method somewhat analogous to a lugged

anufactured in a single piece, called

carbon head tube on a Colnago road bike.

commonly used to study the soil cutting process with tillage tools. This paper illustrates the use of FEM to model interaction of a mouldboard

plastic model was used to simulate of a sandy loam soil. The mouldboard was considered as a discrete rigid

body with a reference point at the tip, at which the three orthogonal force components (vertical, lateral, and draught) were calculated. The effects of the mouldboard depth of cut,

) and the lifting angle (β) on the tillage forces were investigated in this study. Results showed that draught force increased with a second order polynomial function with depth, whereas the vertical and lateral forces hadrelationship with depth. Moreover, these forces increased linearly with speed. For the effect of the cutting angles, results showed that the draught force increased linearly with the cutting

nearly with these angles. Whereas, the lateral force decreased with a polynomial trend with the cutting angle and increased linearly with the lifting angle. It was found that the minimal energy consumption can be achieved by a

m/s, low lifting angle (25°), and cutting angle (from 30° to 45°). This combination also resulted in a good soil inversion. It can be concluded that FEM can be used to understand the effect of mouldboard design and

ditions on tillage forces, energy requirements, and quality of soil inversion.Chisel Plough loosen soil without inversion so that organic materials decompose more

soil is not transported upwards. Since the soil surface still contains some

[email protected]

metallic material commonly used for resistant and strong, and can

be formed into almost any shape desired. The result is a frame that can be fine-tuned forwhere it is needed (to withstand pedaling forces), while allowing flexibility

in other frame sections (for comfort). Custom carbon fiber bicycle frames may even be designed with individual tubes that are strong in one direction (such as laterally), while compliant in another direction (such as vertically). The ability to design an individual

accomplished with any Some carbon fiber frames use cylindrical

tubes that are joined with adhesives and lugs, in a method somewhat analogous to a lugged anufactured in a single piece, called

carbon head tube on a Colnago road bike.

commonly used to study the soil cutting process with tillage tools. This paper illustrates the use of FEM to model interaction of a mouldboard

plastic model was used to simulate of a sandy loam soil. The mouldboard was considered as a discrete rigid

body with a reference point at the tip, at which the three orthogonal force components (vertical, lateral, and draught) were calculated. The effects of the mouldboard depth of cut,

) on the tillage forces were investigated in this study. Results showed that draught force increased with a second order polynomial function with depth, whereas the vertical and lateral forces had relationship with depth. Moreover, these forces increased linearly with speed. For the effect of the cutting angles, results showed that the draught force increased linearly with the cutting

nearly with these angles. Whereas, the lateral force decreased with a polynomial trend with the cutting angle and increased linearly with the lifting angle. It was found that the minimal energy consumption can be achieved by a

m/s, low lifting angle (25°), and cutting angle (from 30° to 45°). This combination also resulted in a good soil inversion. It can be concluded that FEM can be used to understand the effect of mouldboard design and

ditions on tillage forces, energy requirements, and quality of soil inversion.Chisel Plough loosen soil without inversion so that organic materials decompose more

soil is not transported upwards. Since the soil surface still contains some

[email protected]

metallic material commonly used for resistant and strong, and can

tuned for where it is needed (to withstand pedaling forces), while allowing flexibility

ay even be designed with individual tubes that are strong in one direction (such as laterally), while compliant in another direction (such as vertically). The ability to design an individual

accomplished with any Some carbon fiber frames use cylindrical

tubes that are joined with adhesives and lugs, in a method somewhat analogous to a lugged anufactured in a single piece, called

commonly used to study the soil cutting process with tillage tools. This paper illustrates the use of FEM to model interaction of a mouldboard

plastic model was used to simulate of a sandy loam soil. The mouldboard was considered as a discrete rigid

body with a reference point at the tip, at which the three orthogonal force components (vertical, lateral, and draught) were calculated. The effects of the mouldboard depth of cut,

) on the tillage forces were investigated in this study. Results showed that draught force increased with a second order

a linear relationship with depth. Moreover, these forces increased linearly with speed. For the effect of the cutting angles, results showed that the draught force increased linearly with the cutting

nearly with these angles. Whereas, the lateral force decreased with a polynomial trend with the cutting angle and increased linearly with the lifting angle. It was found that the minimal energy consumption can be achieved by a

m/s, low lifting angle (25°), and cutting angle (from 30° to 45°). This combination also resulted in a good soil inversion. It can be concluded that FEM can be used to understand the effect of mouldboard design and

ditions on tillage forces, energy requirements, and quality of soil inversion. Chisel Plough loosen soil without inversion so that organic materials decompose more

soil is not transported upwards. Since the soil surface still contains some

Page 5: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals

A Case Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 754 [email protected]

amount of plant and subble a good surface layer is formed. lt is very effective against root propagating weeds[5]. it can be used on extremely heavy soils where other types of tillage tools are quality and capacity wise unsatisfactory. After stubble tillage the soil surface still contains adequate amount of plant and stubble that helps to control wind and water erosion. Chisel Plough should not be used when the soil is too wet.

2. EARLY HISTORY Indian agriculture began by 9000 BC as a result of early cultivation of plants, and domestication of crops and animals. Settled life soon followed with implements and techniques being developed for agriculture. Double monsoons led to two harvests being reaped in one year. Indian products soon reached the world via existing trading networks and foreign crops were introduced to India. Plants and animals considered essential to their survival by the Indians came to be worshiped and venerated.

The middle ages saw irrigation channels reach a new level of sophistication in India and Indian crops affecting the economies of other regions of the world under Islamic patronage. Land and water management systems were developed with an aim of providing uniform growth. Despite some stagnation during the later modern era the independent Republic of India was able to develop a comprehensive agricultural program[5].

2.1. Republic of India (1947 CE onwards) Due to the growth and prosperity that followed India's economic reforms a strong middle class emerged as the main consumer of fruits, dairy, fish, meat and vegetables marked shift from the earlier staple based consumption. Since 1991, changing consumption patterns led to a 'revolution' in 'high value' agriculture while the need for cereals is experienced a decline. The per capita consumption of cereals declined from 192 to 152 kilograms from 1977 to 1999 while the consumption of fruits increased by 553 %, vegetables by 167 %, dairy products by 105 %, and non-vegetarian products by 85 % in India's rural areas alone. Urban areas experienced a similar increase.

Agricultural exports continued to grow at well over 10.1 % annually through the 1990s. Contract farming which requires the farmers [3] to produce crops for a company under contract and high value agricultural product increased. Contract farming led to a decrease in transaction costs while the contract farmers made more profit compared to the non-contract workforce. However, small landholding continued to create problems for India's farmers as the limited land resulted in limited produce and limited profits.

The 1991 reforms also contributed to a rise in suicides by indebted farmers in India following crop failures (e.g. Bt cotton). Various studies identify the important factors as the withdrawal of government support, insufficient or risky credit systems, the difficulty of farming semi-arid regions, poor agricultural income, absence of alternative income opportunities, a downturn in the urban economy which forced non-farmers into farming, and the absence of suitable counseling services[7][8].

Since independence, India has become one of the largest producers of wheat, edible oil, potato, spices, rubber, tea, fishing, fruits, and vegetables in the world. The Ministry of Agriculture oversees activities relating to agriculture in India. Various institutions for agriculture related research in India were organized under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (est. 1929). Other organizations such as the National Dairy Development Board (est. 1965), and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (est. 1982) aided the formation of cooperatives and improved financing.

Page 6: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals



3.1. Tasks oThe initialstrength

To reduce the strength of soil

To cover plant materials and burry weeds

To kill in


3.2. Model PreparationFirst we took a cycle and cut the cycle by keeping a view that the entire force lie on a part is kept to our required part.

We cleaned the entire cycle to effectively.

Then we took a 200mm length and cut the tip of the tool with 45an angle of 30degress.

Then we welded this tool to the cycle at the crank set with the help of a rod to the cycle body in order to perform effective ploughing

The final prototype is shown as below



Tasks of Mechanical Ploughing Cycleinitial major soil

strength, cover plantTo reduce the strength of soil

To cover plant materials and burry weeds

To kill insects and pests

To rearrange

Model PreparationFirst we took a cycle and cut the cycle by keeping a view that the entire force lie on a part is kept to our required part.

We cleaned the entire cycle to effectively.

Then we took a 200mm length and cut the tip of the tool with 45an angle of 30degress.

Then we welded this tool to the cycle at the crank set with the help of a rod to the cycle body in order to perform effective ploughing

The final prototype is shown as below



f Mechanical Ploughing Cyclesoil working

plant materialsTo reduce the strength of soil

To cover plant materials and burry weeds

sects and pests

rearrange aggregates

Model Preparation First we took a cycle and cut the cycle by keeping a view that the entire force lie on a part is kept to our required part.

We cleaned the entire cycle to

Then we took a MS bar of for the purpose of making ploughing tool and we cut 2 bars of 200mm length and cut the tip of the tool with 45an angle of 30degress.


Then we welded this tool to the cycle at the crank set with the help of a rod to the cycle body in order to perform effective ploughing

The final prototype is shown as below

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth



f Mechanical Ploughing Cycleworking operation

materials and rearrangeTo reduce the strength of soil

To cover plant materials and burry weeds

First we took a cycle and cut the cycle by keeping a view that the entire force lie on a part is

Figure 6 S

We cleaned the entire cycle to remove rust of the cycle in order to perform welding operation

bar of for the purpose of making ploughing tool and we cut 2 bars of 200mm length and cut the tip of the tool with 45

Figure 7 Showing cutting pointed edge of tool

Then we welded this tool to the cycle at the crank set with the help of a rod to the cycle body in order to perform effective ploughing

The final prototype is shown as below

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

asp 755

f Mechanical Ploughing Cycle operation designed

rearrange aggregates

To cover plant materials and burry weeds

First we took a cycle and cut the cycle by keeping a view that the entire force lie on a part is

Showing cutting of cycle

remove rust of the cycle in order to perform welding operation

bar of for the purpose of making ploughing tool and we cut 2 bars of 200mm length and cut the tip of the tool with 45

howing cutting pointed edge of tool

Then we welded this tool to the cycle at the crank set with the help of a rod to the cycle body in order to perform effective ploughing

The final prototype is shown as below

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

to plough aggregates is called

First we took a cycle and cut the cycle by keeping a view that the entire force lie on a part is

howing cutting of cycle

remove rust of the cycle in order to perform welding operation

bar of for the purpose of making ploughing tool and we cut 2 bars of 200mm length and cut the tip of the tool with 45-degree angle and welded those two pieces at

howing cutting pointed edge of tool

Then we welded this tool to the cycle at the crank set with the help of a rod to the cycle body

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

[email protected]

the soil deeplycalled primary tillage

First we took a cycle and cut the cycle by keeping a view that the entire force lie on a part is

remove rust of the cycle in order to perform welding operation

bar of for the purpose of making ploughing tool and we cut 2 bars of degree angle and welded those two pieces at

howing cutting pointed edge of tool

Then we welded this tool to the cycle at the crank set with the help of a rod to the cycle body

[email protected]

deeply to reduceprimary tillage.

First we took a cycle and cut the cycle by keeping a view that the entire force lie on a part is

remove rust of the cycle in order to perform welding operation

bar of for the purpose of making ploughing tool and we cut 2 bars of degree angle and welded those two pieces at

Then we welded this tool to the cycle at the crank set with the help of a rod to the cycle body

[email protected]

to reduce soil

First we took a cycle and cut the cycle by keeping a view that the entire force lie on a part is

remove rust of the cycle in order to perform welding operation

bar of for the purpose of making ploughing tool and we cut 2 bars of degree angle and welded those two pieces at

Then we welded this tool to the cycle at the crank set with the help of a rod to the cycle body

Page 7: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals


The final ploughing is shown in the below figure

3.3. Required Bi


Mild steel bars

Grinding machine

Tungsten inert gas welding machine

Arc welding machine

Solid works

Hyper mesh


The final ploughing is shown in the below figure

Required EquipmentBi-cycle

Cutting machine

Mild steel bars

Grinding machine

Tungsten inert gas welding machine

Arc welding machine

Solid works

Hyper mesh

A Case


Figure 8 Showing

The final ploughing is shown in the below figure





Mild steel bars

Grinding machine

Tungsten inert gas welding machine

Arc welding machine

Solid works

A Case Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle


howing prototype of

The final ploughing is shown in the below figure

Figure 9 Showing ploughing on moderate dry field

Figure 10 Showing ploughing on dry field

Tungsten inert gas welding machine

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

asp 756

prototype of mechanical ploughing

The final ploughing is shown in the below figure

howing ploughing on moderate dry field

howing ploughing on dry field

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

mechanical ploughing

howing ploughing on moderate dry field

howing ploughing on dry field

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

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mechanical ploughing cycle

howing ploughing on moderate dry field

howing ploughing on dry field

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

[email protected]

[email protected]

Page 8: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals



Low investmentThe main concept of the human effort by which the cost involved in the farming will be reduced, reducing the risk factor for the farmer and reducing the labour cost.

Easy to operateThis paperplacing the tool at the place of crank set will yield more pressure on the tool by less effort. We had cut the cycle according to our requirement of the shape.

Reducing In this cutting, our main objective is to cut the frame by which the minimum effort is used to plough the land when a tool is kept at the bottom of cycle.

Simple in designAfter cutting the cycle we made sure that the force this being kept by the peperforming ploughing keeps less effort and gets maximum pressure at the tool.

Low maintenanceThen coming to the ploughing tool for ploughing purpose we have used the chisel type of ploughing instrument which is less in cost and easy to replac

Easily acquirable We have designed the ploughing the ploughing tool in such a way that it takes less power from the human and performs good ploughing action and we made it as an extension to cycle implies we can remove thetool for weed removal

No need of external loadsBy performed all the steps accordingly we got the exact model as designed in the prototype model and ploughing is done with less effort

Easy to replace the ploughing cart when BrokenThen we have also performed displacement analysis on the ploughing tool which yield a 12mm displacement at the tip at a load of 100kgs in Zforce acting at that point and green colour indicates constraints at that point



Low investment The main concept of the human effort by which the cost involved in the farming will be reduced, reducing the risk factor for the farmer and reducing the labour cost.

Easy to operate paper is implemented on a cycle. We want to cut the cycle up to the crank set because

placing the tool at the place of crank set will yield more pressure on the tool by less effort. We had cut the cycle according to our requirement of the shape.

Reducing labour costIn this cutting, our main objective is to cut the frame by which the minimum effort is used to plough the land when a tool is kept at the bottom of cycle.

Simple in design After cutting the cycle we made sure that the force this being kept by the peperforming ploughing keeps less effort and gets maximum pressure at the tool.

Low maintenance Then coming to the ploughing tool for ploughing purpose we have used the chisel type of ploughing instrument which is less in cost and easy to replac

Easily acquirable We have designed the ploughing the ploughing tool in such a way that it takes less power from the human and performs good ploughing action and we made it as an extension to cycle implies we can remove thetool for weed removal

No need of external loadsBy performed all the steps accordingly we got the exact model as designed in the prototype model and ploughing is done with less effort

Easy to replace the ploughing cart when BrokenThen we have also performed displacement analysis on the ploughing tool which yield a 12mm displacement at the tip at a load of 100kgs in Z

cting at that point and green colour indicates constraints at that point



The main concept of the paperhuman effort by which the cost involved in the farming will be reduced, reducing the risk factor for the farmer and reducing the labour cost.

is implemented on a cycle. We want to cut the cycle up to the crank set because placing the tool at the place of crank set will yield more pressure on the tool by less effort. We had cut the cycle according to our requirement of the shape.

cost In this cutting, our main objective is to cut the frame by which the minimum effort is used to plough the land when a tool is kept at the bottom of cycle.

After cutting the cycle we made sure that the force this being kept by the peperforming ploughing keeps less effort and gets maximum pressure at the tool.

Then coming to the ploughing tool for ploughing purpose we have used the chisel type of ploughing instrument which is less in cost and easy to replac

We have designed the ploughing the ploughing tool in such a way that it takes less power from the human and performs good ploughing action and we made it as an extension to cycle implies we can remove the ploughing tool and we can also some others extensions such as a tool for weed removal [10]

No need of external loads By performed all the steps accordingly we got the exact model as designed in the prototype model and ploughing is done with less effort

Easy to replace the ploughing cart when BrokenThen we have also performed displacement analysis on the ploughing tool which yield a 12mm displacement at the tip at a load of 100kgs in Z

cting at that point and green colour indicates constraints at that point

Figure 11 R

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth



paper is to make a modified cycle which performs ploughing by human effort by which the cost involved in the farming will be reduced, reducing the risk factor for the farmer and reducing the labour cost.

is implemented on a cycle. We want to cut the cycle up to the crank set because placing the tool at the place of crank set will yield more pressure on the tool by less effort. We had cut the cycle according to our requirement of the shape.

In this cutting, our main objective is to cut the frame by which the minimum effort is used to plough the land when a tool is kept at the bottom of cycle.

After cutting the cycle we made sure that the force this being kept by the peperforming ploughing keeps less effort and gets maximum pressure at the tool.

Then coming to the ploughing tool for ploughing purpose we have used the chisel type of ploughing instrument which is less in cost and easy to replac

We have designed the ploughing the ploughing tool in such a way that it takes less power from the human and performs good ploughing action and we made it as an extension to cycle

ploughing tool and we can also some others extensions such as a

By performed all the steps accordingly we got the exact model as designed in the prototype model and ploughing is done with less effort

Easy to replace the ploughing cart when BrokenThen we have also performed displacement analysis on the ploughing tool which yield a 12mm displacement at the tip at a load of 100kgs in Z

cting at that point and green colour indicates constraints at that point

Representing the forces and constraints on the tool

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

asp 757


is to make a modified cycle which performs ploughing by human effort by which the cost involved in the farming will be reduced, reducing the risk factor for the farmer and reducing the labour cost.

is implemented on a cycle. We want to cut the cycle up to the crank set because placing the tool at the place of crank set will yield more pressure on the tool by less effort. We had cut the cycle according to our requirement of the shape.

In this cutting, our main objective is to cut the frame by which the minimum effort is used to plough the land when a tool is kept at the bottom of cycle.

After cutting the cycle we made sure that the force this being kept by the peperforming ploughing keeps less effort and gets maximum pressure at the tool.

Then coming to the ploughing tool for ploughing purpose we have used the chisel type of ploughing instrument which is less in cost and easy to replac

We have designed the ploughing the ploughing tool in such a way that it takes less power from the human and performs good ploughing action and we made it as an extension to cycle

ploughing tool and we can also some others extensions such as a

By performed all the steps accordingly we got the exact model as designed in the prototype model and ploughing is done with less effort and result is high output

Easy to replace the ploughing cart when Broken Then we have also performed displacement analysis on the ploughing tool which yield a 12mm displacement at the tip at a load of 100kgs in Z

cting at that point and green colour indicates constraints at that point

epresenting the forces and constraints on the tool

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth


is to make a modified cycle which performs ploughing by human effort by which the cost involved in the farming will be reduced, reducing the risk

is implemented on a cycle. We want to cut the cycle up to the crank set because placing the tool at the place of crank set will yield more pressure on the tool by less effort. We had cut the cycle according to our requirement of the shape.

In this cutting, our main objective is to cut the frame by which the minimum effort is used to plough the land when a tool is kept at the bottom of cycle.

After cutting the cycle we made sure that the force this being kept by the peperforming ploughing keeps less effort and gets maximum pressure at the tool.

Then coming to the ploughing tool for ploughing purpose we have used the chisel type of ploughing instrument which is less in cost and easy to replace the tips of the ploughing tool

We have designed the ploughing the ploughing tool in such a way that it takes less power from the human and performs good ploughing action and we made it as an extension to cycle

ploughing tool and we can also some others extensions such as a

By performed all the steps accordingly we got the exact model as designed in the prototype and result is high output

Then we have also performed displacement analysis on the ploughing tool which yield a 12mm displacement at the tip at a load of 100kgs in Z-direction here red colour indicates

cting at that point and green colour indicates constraints at that point

epresenting the forces and constraints on the tool

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

[email protected]


is to make a modified cycle which performs ploughing by human effort by which the cost involved in the farming will be reduced, reducing the risk

is implemented on a cycle. We want to cut the cycle up to the crank set because placing the tool at the place of crank set will yield more pressure on the tool by less effort. We

In this cutting, our main objective is to cut the frame by which the minimum effort is used to

After cutting the cycle we made sure that the force this being kept by the peperforming ploughing keeps less effort and gets maximum pressure at the tool.

Then coming to the ploughing tool for ploughing purpose we have used the chisel type of e the tips of the ploughing tool

We have designed the ploughing the ploughing tool in such a way that it takes less power from the human and performs good ploughing action and we made it as an extension to cycle

ploughing tool and we can also some others extensions such as a

By performed all the steps accordingly we got the exact model as designed in the prototype and result is high output

Then we have also performed displacement analysis on the ploughing tool which yield a direction here red colour indicates

cting at that point and green colour indicates constraints at that point

epresenting the forces and constraints on the tool

[email protected]


is to make a modified cycle which performs ploughing by human effort by which the cost involved in the farming will be reduced, reducing the risk

is implemented on a cycle. We want to cut the cycle up to the crank set because placing the tool at the place of crank set will yield more pressure on the tool by less effort. We

In this cutting, our main objective is to cut the frame by which the minimum effort is used to

After cutting the cycle we made sure that the force this being kept by the person who is performing ploughing keeps less effort and gets maximum pressure at the tool.

Then coming to the ploughing tool for ploughing purpose we have used the chisel type of e the tips of the ploughing tool

We have designed the ploughing the ploughing tool in such a way that it takes less power from the human and performs good ploughing action and we made it as an extension to cycle

ploughing tool and we can also some others extensions such as a

By performed all the steps accordingly we got the exact model as designed in the prototype

Then we have also performed displacement analysis on the ploughing tool which yield a direction here red colour indicates

cting at that point and green colour indicates constraints at that point[11].

epresenting the forces and constraints on the tool

[email protected]

is to make a modified cycle which performs ploughing by human effort by which the cost involved in the farming will be reduced, reducing the risk

is implemented on a cycle. We want to cut the cycle up to the crank set because placing the tool at the place of crank set will yield more pressure on the tool by less effort. We

In this cutting, our main objective is to cut the frame by which the minimum effort is used to

rson who is

Then coming to the ploughing tool for ploughing purpose we have used the chisel type of e the tips of the ploughing tool

We have designed the ploughing the ploughing tool in such a way that it takes less power from the human and performs good ploughing action and we made it as an extension to cycle

ploughing tool and we can also some others extensions such as a

By performed all the steps accordingly we got the exact model as designed in the prototype

Then we have also performed displacement analysis on the ploughing tool which yield a direction here red colour indicates

Page 9: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals


After that he did stress analysis on the cutting tool and got result as zero stresses at the cutting tool and maximum stress at the welded joint which is not much significant

5. CONCLUSIONHence, the required prototype is made as expected and required result is derived i.e., ploughing is done at less effort low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance which is much more useful for farmers in present scenario of agriculture.







After that he did stress analysis on the cutting tool and got result as zero stresses at the cutting tool and maximum stress at the welded joint which is not much significant

CONCLUSIONHence, the required prototype is made as expected and required result is derived i.e., ploughing is done at less effort low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance which is much more useful for farmers in present scenario of agriculture.

REFERENCES Ergonomical evaluation of manually operated weeder under wet land condition

Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla, India. Accepted 1 February, 2

Development of Single wheel multi use manually operated weed remover. Asst. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering,technology, Vol. 3, Issue. 6, N

Ergonomic Evaluation of ConoWeeder for Wet Land Paddy. Farming Systems Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara, Kerala, Volume 4 Issue 6, June

Wet Land Paddy WeedingAgricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journals. Manuscript PM 07 011. Vol. IX. December, 2007

Weed management studies in agriculture & Technology, rganSociety of Weed Science on “Emerging Challenges in Weed Management” February 15

A Case


Figure 12

After that he did stress analysis on the cutting tool and got result as zero stresses at the cutting tool and maximum stress at the welded joint which is not much significant

Figure 13 R

CONCLUSIONS Hence, the required prototype is made as expected and required result is derived i.e., ploughing is done at less effort low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance which is much more useful for farmers in present scenario of agriculture.

ENCES Ergonomical evaluation of manually operated weeder under wet land condition Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla, India. Accepted 1 February, 2013

Development of Single wheel multi use manually operated weed remover. Asst. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering,technology, Vol. 3, Issue. 6, N

Ergonomic Evaluation of ConoWeeder for Wet Land Paddy. Farming Systems Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara, Kerala, Volume 4 Issue 6, June

Wet Land Paddy WeedingAgricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journals. Manuscript PM 07 011. Vol. IX. December, 2007

Weed management studies in agriculture & Technology, rganSociety of Weed Science on “Emerging Challenges in Weed Management” February 15

A Case Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle



After that he did stress analysis on the cutting tool and got result as zero stresses at the cutting tool and maximum stress at the welded joint which is not much significant

Representing the stress analysis of the cutting tool

Hence, the required prototype is made as expected and required result is derived i.e., ploughing is done at less effort low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance which is much more useful for farmers in present scenario of agriculture.

Ergonomical evaluation of manually operated weeder under wet land condition Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla, India. Accepted 1

Development of Single wheel multi use manually operated weed remover. Asst. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering,technology, Vol. 3, Issue. 6, Nov

Ergonomic Evaluation of ConoWeeder for Wet Land Paddy. Farming Systems Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara, Kerala, Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015, Paper ID: SUB155629

Wet Land Paddy Weeding- A Comprehensive CAgricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journals. Manuscript PM 07 011. Vol. IX. December, 2007

Weed management studies in chickpea. Departmentagriculture & Technology, rganj, Faizabad Uttar Society of Weed Science on “Emerging Challenges in Weed Management” February 15

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

asp 758

epresenting the result of displacement analysis

After that he did stress analysis on the cutting tool and got result as zero stresses at the cutting tool and maximum stress at the welded joint which is not much significant

epresenting the stress analysis of the cutting tool

Hence, the required prototype is made as expected and required result is derived i.e., ploughing is done at less effort low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance which is much more useful for farmers in present scenario of agriculture.

Ergonomical evaluation of manually operated weeder under wet land condition Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla, India. Accepted 1

Development of Single wheel multi use manually operated weed remover. Asst. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering,

ov - Dec. 2013 pp

Ergonomic Evaluation of ConoWeeder for Wet Land Paddy. Farming Systems Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara, Kerala,

Paper ID: SUB155629

A Comprehensive CAgricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journals. Manuscript PM 07 011. Vol.

chickpea. Departmentj, Faizabad Uttar

Society of Weed Science on “Emerging Challenges in Weed Management” February 15

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

the result of displacement analysis

After that he did stress analysis on the cutting tool and got result as zero stresses at the cutting tool and maximum stress at the welded joint which is not much significant

epresenting the stress analysis of the cutting tool

Hence, the required prototype is made as expected and required result is derived i.e., ploughing is done at less effort low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance which is much more useful for farmers in present scenario of agriculture.

Ergonomical evaluation of manually operated weeder under wet land condition Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla, India. Accepted 1

Development of Single wheel multi use manually operated weed remover. Asst. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Dec. 2013 pp-3836-3840

Ergonomic Evaluation of ConoWeeder for Wet Land Paddy. Farming Systems Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara, Kerala,

Paper ID: SUB155629

A Comprehensive Comparative Study from South India”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journals. Manuscript PM 07 011. Vol.

chickpea. Department of Agronomy, N.D. University of j, Faizabad Uttar Pradesh. Biennial

Society of Weed Science on “Emerging Challenges in Weed Management” February 15

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

[email protected]

the result of displacement analysis

After that he did stress analysis on the cutting tool and got result as zero stresses at the cutting tool and maximum stress at the welded joint which is not much significant

epresenting the stress analysis of the cutting tool

Hence, the required prototype is made as expected and required result is derived i.e., ploughing is done at less effort low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance which is much

Ergonomical evaluation of manually operated weeder under wet land condition Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla, India. Accepted 1

Development of Single wheel multi use manually operated weed remover. Asst. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Basaveshwara institute of


Ergonomic Evaluation of ConoWeeder for Wet Land Paddy. Farming Systems Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara, Kerala,

omparative Study from South India”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journals. Manuscript PM 07 011. Vol.

of Agronomy, N.D. University of Pradesh. Biennial Conference

Society of Weed Science on “Emerging Challenges in Weed Management” February 15

Study on Design of Mechanical Ploughing Cycle

[email protected]

After that he did stress analysis on the cutting tool and got result as zero stresses at the cutting tool and maximum stress at the welded joint which is not much significant

epresenting the stress analysis of the cutting tool

Hence, the required prototype is made as expected and required result is derived i.e., ploughing is done at less effort low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance which is much

Ergonomical evaluation of manually operated weeder under wet land condition Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla, India. Accepted 1

Development of Single wheel multi use manually operated weed remover. Sridhar.H. SBasaveshwara institute of

Ergonomic Evaluation of ConoWeeder for Wet Land Paddy. Farming Systems Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara, Kerala,

omparative Study from South India”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journals. Manuscript PM 07 011. Vol.

of Agronomy, N.D. University of Conference of Indian

Society of Weed Science on “Emerging Challenges in Weed Management” February 15

[email protected]

After that he did stress analysis on the cutting tool and got result as zero stresses at the

Hence, the required prototype is made as expected and required result is derived i.e., ploughing is done at less effort low capital, ease of use and easy maintenance which is much

Ergonomical evaluation of manually operated weeder under wet land condition Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla, India. Accepted 1

Sridhar.H. S Basaveshwara institute of

Ergonomic Evaluation of ConoWeeder for Wet Land Paddy. Farming Systems Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara, Kerala, India,

omparative Study from South India”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journals. Manuscript PM 07 011. Vol.

of Agronomy, N.D. University of of Indian

Society of Weed Science on “Emerging Challenges in Weed Management” February 15-

Page 10: A CASE STUDY ON DESI GN OF MECHANICAL - iaeme.com€¦ · A CASE STUDY ON DESI ABSTRACT This paper an important role in the Indian economy. Before independence we were importing cereals

A. Nalini Deepthi and T.N. Ravikanth

http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 759 [email protected]

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