A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions



A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

Transcript of A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

Page 1: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions
Page 2: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines

CONTACT http://symbiotic.me/


Operat ions • Phoenix, Arizona Call +1(714) 794-8631 devon@symbiotic .me


Sr. Product ion Manager • Davao Phil ippines Call +63-9-174169715 [email protected]


Technical Director • Davao Phil ippines Call +63-9-218333709 [email protected]


[email protected] bil l ing@symbiotic .me


advertise@symbiot ic.me [email protected]


jobs@symbiotic .me


press@symbiotic .me

Page 3: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines


1. How does symbiotic .me work?

2. Qual ifying process

3. Standards

4. The Si l icon Is lands


a. Search Engine Opt imizat ion

b. Vir tua l Ass i stance

c. Convers ion Opt imizat ion

d. Spl it/Mult ivar iate test ing

e. Web Development


f . Data Mining & Ana lysi s

g . Telesa les & Service

h. Project Management

i . Mobi le App Development

j . Unity3D & Un ity Scr ip t

k . IT Helpdesk

l . 3D Animation

m. Java , C#, C++, Obj . C, VB, Delph i ,

n . Audio Product ion

o. Cartoon An imat ion

p . Database Management (SQL/NoSQL)

q . Data Entry & Transposing

r . Translat ion

s. Graphic Des ign

t . Video Edit ing

u. Content Creat ion & Pub l ish ing

v. I l lustrat ion

5. Our Hottest Services of 2013

Page 4: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines


Search through our database of employees to see if we current ly have workers able to fulf i l l your requirements

I f no workers match your requirements submit a request for assistance recruit ing and/or al locating resources

Input your tasks, notes & any deliverables in your work space located on symbiotic.me

Meet with the unit ass igned to your project to f i l l complete the scope of work in detail

Monitor progress and provide feedback as the project(s) complete . Save preferred workers & bui ld teams.

Receive deliverables requested and rate the quality of the workers, communication, the entire experience and start your next



Work with cl ient to receive al l required resources, scope of work and any other information & access required to accomplish


Communicate with worker(s) & al locate any further required resources to promptly complete tasks with quali ty.

Review internal & cl ient -provided qual ity standards against output to ensure high quality service & del iverables.

Provide & maintain c l ient communication, reporting & any changes to scope to keep al l parties on the same page.

Submit quarter ly/semi -quarter ly project output sr management to ensure the highest quality standard.

Assist and aid delivery and/or implementation of f inal product (unless ongoing) & provide/explain any documentation .

Page 5: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines



Symbiotic has access to over 100,000 remote workers primarily located within the Phil ippines consist ing of ski l ls from any trade

imaginable. We maintain a database of active workers and recruit when necessary to ensure ful l coverage of a l l services offer ed. We

don't only rely on a workers stated work/educat ional history & CV/Resume but we put them to the test.


All data on f i le & provided by the worker or found within other sources of information are reviewed for accuracy as an init ia l test

with regard to honesty, reputation, experience and accuracy.


Symbiotic ut i l izes an establ ished and/or third -party experts residing in the appropriate f ields with working experience and

knowledge of required technologies, methodologies and processes. The expert conduct an interview with the worker and if

necessary conducts testing to ensure a posit ive outcome for the cl ient.


All results are recorded for future use & applicants wil l receive scoring based on their performance. Workers that receive a

signif icant degree of confidence from an expert are set to review & begin working with the project manager. Any and al l c l ient

communicat ions take place as the f inal step in the review process.

Page 6: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines


Symbiotic.me was founded and bui lt on internet marketing and web development. Our standards are the strongest poss ible for a l l

items related to online promotion and website development on the LAMP [Linu x/Apache/MySQL/PHP] environment

Search Engine Opt imization Pay-Per-Click Email Marketing Social Media Management PHP/MySQL Wordpress Magento jQuery/Javascript

Page Speed Opt imization Spl it Testing /Multivariate Conversion Opt imization Media Buys Link Building Content Writ ing HTML5 Graphic Design




I f we don't have standards for a specif ic task, we make them. It 's crucial to our business to create processes that ca n be

documented, understood and signed off by management to ensure that tasks are done to standard. Usually a dedication to

adherence to the widely agreed upon standards and processes wil l save us and our c l ients money as the assets under developmen t

fol low a set pattern that is laid out containing some sort of organizational structure.

Unit test ing, third party examination, crowd sourced user -testing and our internal review picks up where any holes are left in

whatever processes. Our dedication to accompl ishing goals in e legant & standardized methods is crucial to our business and

considered a high priority company -wide. The due dil igence al lotted for constantly and consistently conforming to this strict pol icy

is t ied directly to our bottom -line & the level of cl ient satisfact ion we can provide and i t is made known throughout.

Page 7: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines


Many people have heard of the tag l ine “It ’s more fun in the Phil ippines”. This famous one l iner is the country ’s tag l ine in its

tourism campaign. It ’s def inite ly more fun in the Phil ippines when it comes to nature tripping.

But, Phil ippines is more than just a tourist destinat ion. Fi l ipinos have proven to be valuable assets to offshore companies a nd

organizations based outside the country. Fi l ipinos are very "Americanized" in that most of them understand Engl ish and speak it

well . They're extremely loyal and hard working while at the same time are power -users of the internet and al l i t has to offer.

After uti l iz ing workers from around the world from Buenos Aires to Pakistan, India,

Ukraine & elsewhere for years and working with remote workers over the course of

5 years it 's been concluded by Devon Auerswald ( in the contact section) that the

Phil ippines is by far the best blend of qual ity, p rice & peace of mine. Several other

organizations have noticed the same.

The technology sector in Phil ippines seems to be strong, and thr iving. We've

dubbed the Phil ippines "Si l icon Islands"because of the progress, passion &

enthusiasm we're seeing within the tech communities in Cebu, Davao & Manila.

Fi l ipinos are now becoming the employees of choice for business entit ies that thrive on outsourcing. The Information Technology

Business Processing Association of the Phil ippines expect the outsourcing sector to reach $16,000,000,000 in 2013 . That ’s 21%

higher compared to $13.2 bi l l ion in 2012.

The information technology services industry in the Si l icon Is lands is expect to increase to 960,000 employees by the end of 2013.

The country the preferred dest ination of many companies from the US, UK & Austral ia for IT and customer services .

Page 8: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines



Social Integration almost always provides improved conversion if not a drastically improved path for conversion optimization

particularly due to the increase in granular data that al low more t ightly targeted creative & copy.


Intel l igent and f lexible virtual ass istants are often t imes our cl ients l i fel ine. Virtual assistants are dynamic, intel l igent , apt to make

swift changes, take on responsibi l it ies as needed & drastically improve product ivity if used eff ic ient ly.

" I love Piper, she is integral to our business. she is very savvy. understands our needs &constantly surprises us with the extra effort and results she produces"

Page 9: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines


SEO is always a popular service in high demand. Some of our most ski l led workers practice this craft keeping up to date with

industry trends as they change & we have some of the most thorough and all inclus ive effective strategies and guidel ines for SEO


SEO has undergone some major changes that would nearly lend the methods used to achieve rankings more toward names l ike

"website optimizat ion" or "web presence optimization". It 's more important than ever to select knowledgeable workers in this f ield

that have a broad toolset of internet marketing ski l ls as they al l play a role in web presence optimizat ion.


Conversion Opt imization has gained in popularity and we tend to enjoy it . Convers ion Optimization done r ight for high -traff ic s ites

uses the law of large numbers & scientif ic method via split test ing /multivariate to determine which version of the design is more

l ikely to convert. This is so effect ive to our c l ients bottom l ine we recommend it to anyone with 600+ daily vis i ts. This ben ef its SEO

as it does benefit user experience & create more engaged customers which in turn creates other metrics such as reviews, social

s ignals , mentions, sa les numbers [when published] & best of a l l the bottom l ine. Revenue.

Page 10: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines


Page 11: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines

Services including Google Adwords /Microsoft Adcenter Management & Optimization, SEO, Conversion Optimization, Facebook Advertis ing, Web Development, Server Administrati on, Consult ing, Graphic Design, Reputation Management, Page Speed Optimizat ion, Content Development , Email Marketing & more!

[email protected] • US: (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Page 12: A Brief On How Symbiotic.me Works to Provide the Smartest Outsourcing Solutions

symbiot ic .me • hi@symbiot ic .me • US : (714) 794 -8631 • PH: +63-9-174169715

Los Angeles , CA • Phoenix , Ar izona • Davao, Ph i l ipp ines • Mani la, Phi l ipp ines

Quality • Integrity • Opportunity