A Blueprint for World Peace

FreeWithEFT.com A Blueprint for World Peace By Nathan Martin, The Paranormal Explorer, September 2011, pg 47-51 In my EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practice I have noticed that humans operate on one of three levels in life. We are either a victim, a victor, or we identify with the perfection of the present moment and the Oneness of all things. In the first two options, we are playing differing roles within the same game, living on two sides of the same coin. According to the book, “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown, the majority of our fear based reality is based on relating as either a victim or a victor. After being a victim, we can graduate to being a victor, and this mentality is what I would call setting “natural boundaries or limits”. However, in reality, the victim energy is still flowing through us in this space, as we are still motivated by fear in some way. We live in a competition based society, where resources, and more importantly, love, is limited and finite. Love that is finite is fear based, which brings with it a slew of expectations and conditions that we place on ourselves and others. In order for us to feel loved, somebody else needs to be unloved, and additionally, they must conform to a certain set of standards and expectations for us to appreciate that love. If they should break one of our expectations, we feel angry and powerless, due to the fear that we are inadequate and not worthy of their love. A key indicator that we are living a fear based life is that blame will always be present when the other party does not meet our expectations. So now that the object of our fear based love has not lived up to our expectations of them, instead of taking a hard look at our own feelings of fear and inadequacy, we lash out and blame them for our feelings. After all, it’s easier to blame them than to accept responsibility, so we choose to be their victim. Arguments are heated, blame is thrown between parties, and it is then resolved by one of the two admitting fault, and the other party offering forgiveness. There is also the option of finding a common ground, where both parties make concessions in their expectations of each other. This is called the “win/win” resolution, where peace is hashed out at the bargaining table. This kind of peace is tolerable, as it ends the argument, but in the end, both parties have to lose a bit of their own truth in order to meet in the middle, leaving them both feeling a bit frustrated. One way in which we try to solidify this “win/win” peace is to create a contract which lists our expectations. This contract for peace is a valuable instrument of fear based love, it is called commitment. In commitment, we trade one thing of value for something else of perceived value. In a job, we trade money for our time and services. In a mortgage or credit debt, we trade the object

Transcript of A Blueprint for World Peace


A Blueprint for World Peace By Nathan Martin,

The Paranormal Explorer, September 2011, pg 47-51

In my EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practice I have noticed that humans operate on one of three levels in life. We are either a victim, a victor, or we identify with the perfection of the present moment and the Oneness of all things. In the first two options, we are playing differing roles within the same game, living on two sides of the same coin. According to the book, “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown, the majority of our fear based reality is based on relating as either a victim or a victor. After being a victim, we can graduate to being a victor, and this mentality is what I would call setting “natural boundaries or limits”. However, in reality, the victim energy is still flowing through us in this space, as we are still motivated by fear in some way.

We live in a competition based society, where resources, and more importantly, love, is limited and finite. Love that is finite is fear based, which brings with it a slew of expectations and conditions that we place on ourselves and others. In order for us to feel loved, somebody else needs to be unloved, and additionally, they must conform to a certain set of standards and expectations for us to appreciate that love. If they should break one of our expectations, we feel angry and powerless, due to the fear that we are inadequate and not worthy of their love. A key indicator that we are living a fear based life is that blame will always be present when the other party does not meet our expectations. So now that the object of our fear based love has not lived up to our expectations of them, instead of taking a hard look at our own feelings of fear and inadequacy, we lash out and blame them for our feelings. After all, it’s easier to blame them than to accept responsibility, so we choose to be their victim. Arguments are heated, blame is thrown between parties, and it is then resolved by one of the two admitting fault, and the other party offering forgiveness. There is also the option of finding a common ground, where both parties make concessions in their expectations of each other. This is called the “win/win” resolution, where peace is hashed out at the bargaining table. This kind of peace is tolerable, as it ends the argument, but in the end, both parties have to lose a bit of their own truth in order to meet in the middle, leaving them both feeling a bit frustrated. One way in which we try to solidify this “win/win” peace is to create a contract which lists our expectations. This contract for peace is a valuable instrument of fear based love, it is called commitment. In commitment, we trade one thing of value for something else of perceived value. In a job, we trade money for our time and services. In a mortgage or credit debt, we trade the object


we want to purchase for extra money on top of the original item’s cost, called interest. In marriage, we gain the illusion of love while we trade our freedom to experience other people. All of these things are motivated out of a fear of loss, not out of peace and truth based love. If this commitment is violated in some way, there are serious consequences for the offending party. In the case of love and marriage, the parties agree to divorce, usually as enemies, as love is consequently used as a weapon against each other as a means of harming, manipulating, and gaining revenge. Even if they part on friendlier terms, they are still usually withholding their love for a particular violation or dashed expectation. If expectations are a part of fear based love and relating in the world, then true peace is impossible as a victim or a victor, and it is not attainable in a competition based world. How so? In regard to feelings, fear is the opposite of peace, they are a positive and negative, night and day, they cannot coexist together. If we are in a state of fear, we are not in a state of peace, and if we are in a state of peace, we are not in a state of fear. This means that meeting in the middle, commitment, and finding common ground is not peaceful at all, they are just another facade for fear. Attempting to find peace from a state of being that places us as either a victim or a victor will never work, it is attempting to solve the problem from the same space from which it was first created. In

order to ensure true peace in our lives, we must approach it from an angle that is neither a victim nor a victor; this is the space of truth based, unconditional love. This is a love that does not seek to trade its truth or freedom for security, but rather unconditionally embraces each person’s truth as sacred. The Zen masters call the victim or victor mentality the dream state, while the place of true peace and unconditional love is the awakened state. Once we taste the reality and Oneness of the awakened state, even if for a temporary time, we have a point of context in which to now view life outside of our old victim or victor mentality. To operate from this state of awakening is to live our truth from our highest context; and it only takes one of two parties awakening to this reality of unconditional love for peace to be created between them both, for it dissolves their negative point of attraction.

CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Let’s discuss childhood development and how it teaches us to live as either a victim or a victor. Before the age of four, we are in a virtual state of hypnosis emotionally, unable to filter out any behavior, experience, expectation, or pattern that we learn from our parents. At the age of four, our filter, the frontal lobes in our brain, gradually turns on. By the age of seven our frontal lobes are fully developed, this is when we stop learning emotionally and start learning from a more critical perspective. At this point in our development, our coping patterns that we needed to survive and receive what we perceived as love are now firmly engrained, like the operating system of an elaborate computer.


This operating system that is running in our animal brain after the age of seven is what is known as our ego, our mind. This is our identity, how we perceive ourselves, as well as our expectations of how others “should” act; and we filter everything we experience in life through this stored program, this personality. But is this really us, or is it actually what our parents and experiences created us to be? No, it’s not us, it is only a filter based on the expectations from our family and culture of origin through which the real us perceives life. AWAKENING The real us isn’t in the past, nor in the future, the real us exists right here, right now, in this present moment, being—and the real us isn’t thinking all of the time either, the real us is experiencing each

moment, either with the filter turned on, or the filter turned off. The real us doesn’t have expectations, any expectations are just an aspect of our filter. To be awakened means to live life with our childhood filter turned off, to experience life as it is in this present moment, not as we were programmed to experience it in the first seven years of life. When there is no past filter through which to experience life, our future concerns also disappear; and then there isn’t any fear, there is only peace and love without expectation. There is only now. To live in the now is to be free to experience truth based love, which is the space where real and lasting peace exists. Peace is not found at the bargaining table, it is not found in a contract or a commitment, it is only found when we drop our childhood expectations and experience presence. This is peace. This is awakening.

Our ego doesn’t go without a fight though, as it is there as a survival instinct, a means to keep us safe from trouble. That is why the ego is fear based; it is meant to protect and keep us alive. This is where EFT comes in particularly handy. It allows us to reprogram the old traumatic memories, expectations, and patterns, and to replace them with love, acceptance, and trust. Any form of emotional releasing, such as the Sedona Method, EFT, or EMDR will do, although I feel that the Sedona Method and EFT are the easiest to learn without extensive training. An interesting thing happens when a traumatic event, pattern, or expectation is let go of through emotional releasing, as that particular aspect of your life graduates past the victim or victor mentality, and goes straight to awakening. It’s a way to mini awaken aspect after aspect of our lives, until we reach a tipping point of internal critical mass in which we experience complete awakening into the present moment. With each mini graduation, we no longer experience the same old frustrating outcomes in our lives that we had been experiencing. The fight, flight, or freeze circumstances in those areas of our lives are now transformed and peaceful. I call this setting “energetic boundaries”, and these new boundaries are permanent and serene. WORLD PEACE If personal peace is created by releasing our childhood filters and traumas, then world peace is created by releasing national and cultural traumas. Since I am Jewish, let me use my culture as an example. The Jewish people have suffered greatly throughout our history; there has been the exile into Babylon, the destruction of the second temple, the bloody crusades, the inquisition, the exile


from Spain, and the Holocaust, just to name a few. In each of these national traumas, we were a victim of another nation, religion, or tyrant. After the Holocaust though, we graduated from being a victim to being a victor, as we now have a land of our own again. We have firm and defendable natural boundaries, and a military in which we can now protect ourselves from external national aggression. Although we are now a victor, we still have the victim energy flowing through our nation, as we are picked apart in the world news for defending ourselves, and by other nations for not giving away the farm in the so-called peace negotiations. Both sides blame each other for the break down, and no real resolution or peace is realistic. But what if as a nation, the Jewish people were to let go of our ties to our traumatic past, to unlearn our victim and victor mentality and drop our filter? What if the Jewish people were to stop blaming outsiders for our troubles, and instead choose to live in the moment, to see all nations, all creation, as One? What if as a nation, Israel was to awaken from the dream state and into the reality of who we really are? We would then live our truth from our highest context without compromise, and set the example and empower our aggressive neighbors with the capacity for true peace as well. At the very least, we would find that our neighbors, as well as the rest of the world, would stop repeating the pattern of blaming us in any way, shape, or form. CONCLUSION World peace is not a problem that can be solved at the negotiating table, as the table is rigged by the victim or victor fear based mentality that created it in the first place. World peace is the absence of world fear, and to create that, we must start owning our feelings and expectations, and release them one by one. This personal responsibility will chase away our blame, as the light chases away the darkness at the beginning of a new day. This is a process that begins with me, as I awaken to the reality of who I really am in this moment. As I release my expectations, blame, and destructive patterns in my life, I experience truth based love and create peace within me. As I create peace within me, I create peace within my community. As I create peace within my community, I create peace within my nation. As I create peace within my nation, I create peace within my world.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi It all starts by clearing one limiting belief in one person, and spreads from there. Several have already started this journey, will you be the next?