A beginners guide to Maha Lakshmi worship

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This rare documentation on how to worship maha Sundara Lakshmi is seen as a complete guide a devotee can find to self guide himself.

Transcript of A beginners guide to Maha Lakshmi worship

" OM SHREE MAHA LAKSHMAI NAMAH " Or " OM SHREEN HREEN SHREEN KAMLAE KAMLALAE PR ASEED PRASEED SHREEN HREEN SHREEN MAHA -LAKSHMAE NAMAH". About Goddess lakshmi - Goddess lakshmi is the Goddess of Money & wealth and mat erial progress etc. She is the wife of Lord Vishnu. So if a person worship lord Vishnu also alongwith, he will be very soon blessed by mother Lakshmi. Blessings of Mother Lakshmi bring success in every field of life. Mother Lakshmi never st ays permanently with anybody. She is very restless and agile. Important Yantras - For Laksmi worship, following spiritual yantras are very ess ential to get her blessing :- "Ganshree Yantra" and "Maha Lakshmi Yantra". Mantras - " OM SHREE MAHA LAKSHMAI NAMAH " Or " OM SHREEN HREEN SHREEN KAMLAE KA MLALAE PRASEED PRASEED SHREEN HREEN SHREEN MAHA -LAKSHMAE NAMAH". Procedure- Keep a photo or idol of Shree lakshmi and "Shree Maha-Lakshmi Yantra" on red cloth and offer red chandan, red flowers, Dhoop, oil lamp etc. Mantra ca n be done either on Rudraksha or Kamal gatta Mala. For better results worship sh ould be started on Friday and a four sided oil lamp should used in her worship. Benefits - If one worships the Goddess Lakshmi by keeping yantras and keeping fa st on Friday, he or she is blessed with unlimited money. A childless will get th e child, unemployed gets the job, uncurable diseases gets cured, obstacles in ma rriage are removed and there is an unexpected increase in the income of a busine sman. A person is also liberated from the sins of previous life. ]The pooja procedure described here was originally sent as a response to email qu eries in 2009 and later. The emailers were not familiar with pooja procedures and so we gave them a simpl e procedure for getting started. Note: Those familiar with advanced puja procedures must, of course, perform all of the many steps before and after the mantra chanting and make all the neccesar y puja offerings to the deity before and after. Those not familiar with pooja procedures can follow the basic procedure given be low. Ohm. First, read our main article on Sundara Maha Lakshmi. Next, some basic points about worship itself. Worship Attitude 1) Worship must be conducted with a calm frame of mind. One should be calm and t he mind should be quiet while doing this worship and afterwards too. This is not easy, but one must try patiently and assiduously for this calm frame of mind. T his is very important. 2) Calmness is a result of one's confidence and faith in God. One's faith in God should be strong over the course of many many years. 3) This simple faith (and the calmness that results from it) are very important.SIMPLE Worship ProcedureHere is the simple worship procedure for Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi in 5 easy s teps: Step 1: Preparation Keep these photos in front of you at the level of your eyes when you are seated. (If you have a home shrine, that much better!) It is a good idea to light a minimum of two deepa lamps and place them o n either side of or in front of the deity photos. Lighting a minimum of two ince nse sticks and keeping them near the deities is also a good idea. If you don't k now how to do this, skip to the next step. Sit down in front of the photos of Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi and Lord K amala Varadarajar. These photos should be at the level of your eyes. http://www. Agasthiar.Org/a/sml2.htm Step 2: Request to Lord Ganesh First salute Lord Ganesh by saying "Ohm Sri Akshaya Paatra Vinaayakaaya Namaha." You can also chant the Ganesh name for that moment as specified in the D aily Ganesh worship procedure. Request Him: "Lord Ganesh, Please bless me so that I can do this worship procedure well." Step 3: Request to the Mother and the Lord Salute Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi and Lord Kamala Varadaraja. Then state your request to the Mother: "Universal Mother Sundara Maha La kshmi, Please give me Your Grace so that I can lead a good life in accordance wi th the rules of dharma." Step 4: Mantra After the above, chant the 24 divine name mantras of Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi that we have given in our main article on the Mother and also in our ma ntra clip embedded in that article. With each name, you can offer fragrant flowers at the feet of the Mother and the Lord. If you don't have access to naturally fragrant fresh flowers, you can skip this part and chant the divine name alone. As we have cautioned many t imes, naturally fragrant fresh flowers alone can be used in worship. Flowers wit hout natural fragrance are not fit for worship, however beautiful they may be. T his is a Siddha rule. Flowers offered in worship have become part of the deity a nd thus must be treated with great respect. They are the "prasada" (blessing) of the deity. They must be removed the next day with great care and then disposed off in accordance with Siddha rules. http://www.Agasthiar.Org/a/sml2.htm Chant (this set of names) as many times as you can. Chant these divine name mantras like they are chanted in our mantra clip . You can chant the divine names loudly or you can just chant them in your mind, i.e., without any lip movement. Either way, chant these divine names with faith and devotion. Step 5: Completion When you have completed the mantra chant, you can offer ripe fruits, nut s and/or freshly cooked food to the deities. All offerings must be made with GRE AT respect. If you don't know how to do this, skip to the next step.Now state your request to the Mother again. Salute Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi and Lord Kamala Varadaraja Perumal ag ain. Salute and thank Lord Ganesh. Finally, do a full body salutation to Lord Ganesh, Mother Sundara Maha L akshmi and Lord Kamala Varadaraja Perumal by prostrating yourself in front of Th em. http://www.Agasthiar.Org/a/sml2.htm This is the simple worship of Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi that anyone can do any time, anywhere. Now that you know how to do this very simple "anyone, anywhere, anytime" worship procedure, get started. "Wealth Shakti Special Times" given by Sathguru Venkataraman For those interested in wealth: If this worship is done during Wealth Shakti Spe cial Times, it is that much more powerful. These times are given in our main art icle on Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi. These are special times during each day, wee k, fortnight, month and year that are vibrant with wealth shakti (energy). These special times are part of the numerous kaala (time) shakti secrets given by Sat hguru Venkataraman and published in his thousands of pages of Siddha writings. Siddha Rule of Worship As we have said many times, feeding poor people is a neccesary part of every wor ship procedure. There are poor people in every part of the world. Give some food to at least a few poor people in your area. This is as much a part of worship a s mantra chanting. In Sathguru Venkataraman's Siddha system, feeding pilgrims an d poor people is one of the most important sevas (services). So, wherever you ma y live, do this regularly as part of your worship.Mother Sri Sundara MahaLakshmi and Lord Sri Kamala Varadaraja Perumal of Arasar Koil (near Chengalpet which is near Chennai) A Most Wonderful Wealth and Prosperity Bestowing Form of the Universal Mother an d Her Consort CONTENTS Intro Sundara Maha Lakshmi on Varalakshmi Vratam Day CAUTION! BOOK: Sundara MahaLakshmi Siddha Secrets PICS: Sundara MahaLakshmi Darshan photos MANTRAS: Simple Worship Procedure The Arasar Koil Temple of Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi and Her Divine Consort Lord Kamala Varadaraja Perumal was just one more dilapidated temple dotting the Tami l Nadu landscape, but then Sathguru Venkataraman revealed his Siddha secrets abo ut this temple in his monthly magazine and Tamil blog in the 2005-2006 timeframe and things changed. These writings of the Sathguru introduced this ancient temple to the modern worl d. Ever since, there has been quite a bit of interest in this important temple.This temple is located some 15 km from Chengalpet which is near the city of Chen nai. We provide you more precise location information below. At the insistence of the local townspeople and many others, Sathguru Venkatarama n published his original Siddha revelations on Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi and th e Arasar Koil Temple in a book in 2006. Refer to this book for these original Si ddha revelations. More on this book below. Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi of Arasar Koil What you see below: (1) A translation of a part of just one blog entry (Aug 4, 2006) in our Tamil bl og, (2) A few glimpses into Sathguru Venkataraman's Siddha Revelations in his book o n Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi, (3) Some darshan photos of Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi, Lord Sri Kamala Varadara ja Perumal and the Arasar Koil Temple and (4) A simple worship procedure for Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi. August 4, 2006 Viya Varusham Greeshma Rithu Aadi Maasam 19th day Friday ArasarKovil Sundara Mahalakshmi Varalakshmi Vratham Mahaguru Sri Agasthiar Arunachala On this blessed Varalakshmi Vratham day (Aug 4 , 2006), it is a great blessing to get the darshan of Sri Sundara Mahalakshmi at Arasar Kovil. Mother Sundara Mahalakshmi sports six toes in Her right leg as sh e blesses us seated in the padmasana posture. Why six? Six is Sukra's number and Mother Lakshmi is Sukra's Divine Controller. The six toes of Mother Sundara Mah aLakshmi constitute a concrete reminder to us that it is She who controls Shukra 's power to bestow prosperity. This should be kept in mind on this blessed Varal akshmi Vrata day. This temple is a particular favorite of Shukra since Mother Lakshmi here has con veyed the significance of his number six in such a concrete fashion. Shukra wors hips at this shrine every Friday without fail. What form he might assume is beyo nd human comprehension, but he is one of the visitors to this shrine every Frida y. This indeed is a boon to anyone who might desire the blessings of Shukra and Mother Lakshmi. LOCATION: This temple is about 15 km from Chengalpattu which is around 70 km fro m Chennai on the Chennai - Dindivanam highway. Some 5 km from Chengalpet is the village of Padaalam. Get to the Chengalpattu - Padaalam koottu road. From this r oad, the left branch leads to Thachoor. There are buses to Thachoor from Chengal pet. Arasarkoil is 8 kms off this road on the way to Thachoor. You will pass Pul ipparakkovil before you reach Arasarkoil. Sundara MahaLakshmi, Arasar Koyil Temple Prosperity is not just a million dollar bank account. A truly prosperous human i s one who is blessed with 64 aiswaryas - 64 forms of wealth, well being and pros perity - each governed by a form of Mother Lakshmi, viz., Dhana lakshmi, Dhanya lakshmi, Vijaya lakshmi, Veera lakshmi, Dhairya lakshmi, Gaja lakshmi, Santhana lakshmi, Vidya Lakshmi, Mangala Lakshmi, Madhava Lakshmi, Bhagya Lakshmi, Senji (Senjula) Lakshmi, Soundarya Lakshmi, Vara Lakshmi, Yoga Lakshmi, Jyoti Lakshmi, Sethu Lakshmi, Sita Lakshmi, Maha Lakshmi and so on. (Recite these names as mantra pooja.) But it is Mother Sundara Mahalakshmi at this shrine who is the root form of all these 64 Lakshmi Devis. So anyone who desires all 64 aishwaryas must indeed worship Mother Sundara Mahalakshmi at this shrine, say the Siddhas. This is a perfect shrine for propitiating the navagrahas. Each of the nine Navag raha lords and their consorts worshipped Mother Sundara Mahalakshmi at this shri ne in nine different Lakshmi forms. Adi Lakshmi (Aditya or Soorya), Soma Lakshmi (when Mother Lakshmi appeared with Chandra), Mangala Lakshmi, Bhowmya Lakshmi ( the root form of SriVidya Lakshmi), Gurupara Lakshmi, Shukra Lakshmi, Bhagya Lak shmi or Sumangali Vara Lakshmi (She who blesses a woman's husband with health an d longevity). Make it a point to hmi Vrata days and (July 15 - August during Sukra hora worship Mother Sundara Mahalakshmi at this temple on Varalaks Fridays, particularly those Fridays that occur in Aadi maasam 15) and Thai maasam (January 15 - February 15) and especially (click here to use our hora calculator).Mother Lakshmi will bless one and all with solutions to money problems like pove rty, debts, losses in business, court cases and other litigation problems. Perform tharpan ceremonies for your ancestors on the banks of the nearby Paalar river. Most importantly, with your body, mind and wealth, work for the renovation and u pkeep of this temple. But see cautionary note below. CAUTION! People who wish to contribute to the renovation of this great temple should cont act the administrative staff of the temple (NOT the priest) who are responsible for this renovation work. Please do NOT contribute to some bank account that claims to be for this purpose unless you have yourself verified with the temple administrators that this acco unt is the temple's. (We say this here because there have been reports that peop le have raised money on behalf of this temple but pocketed the proceeds. So make sure you check firsthand with the temple authorities who are responsible for th is renovation work.) Please make sure that a proper receipt is issued for your contribution by the te mple administrators. Be vigilant. Click here for: Vishnupathi November 2006 - Arasar Koil Sundara MahaLakshmi and Lord Sri Kamala Varadaraja Perumal. Siddha Glimpses from Sundara MahaLakshmi BOOK To share, please copy-paste only the link to this article (and not the text). Th e link is as follows: http://www.Agasthiar.Org/NKN-2006/08-04.htm Siddha Glimpses: Sundara MahaLakshmi BOOK pub. in 2006 Sri Sundara Maha Lakshmi sameda Kamala Varadaraja Perumal (Arasar Kovil near Che ngalpattu) Here are a few glimpses into some of Sathguru Venkataraman's original Siddha Rev elations in his book on Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi and Lord Sri Kamala Varadaraj a Perumal of Arasar Koil: Arasar Koil Arasar Koil is "Adi Kanchi Kshetra" - ancient Kanchi sacred spot. The reason behind the name "Arasar Koil" - how this place got the name Arasa r Koil - see book.the nearby "Ksheera Nadhi" Paalar River and its sacred characteristics. King Janaka, Yagnavalkya, Amavasya thithi and "Darbha Prakasa Jyoti Veda Mad hava" Shakti energies. "Sri Purandhaan Vaasal" Doorway to the Temple designed by the celestial arch itect Mayan. This is a "Sarva Kaala Darshan Kshetra" sacred space. "Vaidya Shakti" Garuda Healing Shakti Garuda shrine in front of the main sanctum of Lord Kamala Var adaraja. Garuda here as Vaidya Moorthi, the Divine Healer. The Siddha name given by Sathguru Venkataraman for this Garuda is "Naga Shak ti Visha Nivarthi Vaidya Veerappa Garuda Moorthi". Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi gave the "Svarna Poorna Akshaya Paatra" Divine Ve ssel to Garuda. Sundara MahaLakshmi, Arasar Koil Temple Hanuman who helps in times of danger Separate sanctum for Lord Hanuman in front of the temple proper. Sathguru Venkataraman referred to this as the "Maruti Alwar Bhoomi" of Arasa r Koil. The Hanuman here is "Aabath Sakaya Anjaneya Hanuman" - the Helper in Times o f Danger. Sri Akshaya Paatra Vinayaka Ganesh of Arasar Koil He blesses us in front of Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi's shrine. This is Lakshmi Ganapati also known as Selva Ganapati - the "Wealth Ganesh" who blesses us with His Sri Dhana Sri Kataaksha Shakti. Gayatri Vaastu Mandapam Hall in front of the Lord's Shrine The 24 Vaastu Shakti Pillars of the Gayathri Vaasthu Hall in front of the Lo rd's shrine. These are Gayatri Beejakshara Shakti Pillars. Two of these are part of Lord Kamala Varadaraja's Utsava Mandapam. Lord Sri Kamala Varadaraja Perumal In the main sanctum is Lord Kamala Varadaraja Perumal along with Mothers Sri Devi and Bhoo Devi. He holds the "Swarna Sri Kamala Lotus" flower in His hand. This Kamala Varadaraja Avatar predates even the great Varadaraja of Kanchipu ram. Lord Kamala Varada dwells inside His devotees. The great statement "All that happens is Lord Narayana's Doing" originated h ere. (In the Tamil language: nadapadhellaam narayanan seyal.) Mother Sri Sundara MahaLakshmi In Her own sanctum, Mother Sri Sundara MahaLakshmi is in the seated Padmasan a Lotus posture. Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi is the Mother of all wealth and all treasures. This form of the Mother is Adi Moola Lakshmi - the root form of all Lakshmi avatars. Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi brims with billions of Kubera Shaktis, Aishw arya Shaktis, Sukra shaktis, treasure shaktis and prosperity shaktis. This is the Dhanalakshmi (Wealth Lakshmi) Avatar Temple. This is a "Sri Sookta Dhana Vriddhi", i.e., Wealth Enhancing Temple. This is a "Kubera Sampath Shakti" Temple. 64 Lakshmi Avatara Kataksha Shaktis This temple is the "Adi Moola Lakshmi Peetam" - the seat of all wealth - wit h the shaktis of 64 special Lakshmi avatars.The sum total of the Divine Grace of 64 Lakshmi avatars are in this temple Adi Lakshmi, Soma Lakshmi, Mangala Lakshmi, Bhoumya Lakshmi, Sri Vidya Lakshmi, Gurupara Lakshmi, Shukra Lakshmi, Bhagya Lakshmi, Sumangali Vara Lakshmi, Dhana Lakshmi, Dhaanya Lakshmi, Santana Lakshmi, Dhairya Lakshmi, Madhava Lakshmi, Se njula Lakshmi, Veera Lakshmi, Yoga Lakshmi, Griha Lakshmi, Sowbhagya Lakshmi and many more Lakshmi avatara shaktis. The Power of "Sri" at this temple This is the "Maha Sri" Shakti Temple. Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi is seated in the "Sri La Sri Padmasana" Form fill ing the temple with Sri La Sri, Sri Chakra, Sri Pura, Sri Dhana Shri Shaktis. Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi's temple is the Endless Cornucopia of all Aishwar ya Prosperity Shaktis of the world. Sundara Maha Lakshmi, Arasar Kovil Temple Shukra (Venus) Shakti Temple This is a billion Sukra Sakthi temple. The holy land of this temple is "Sukra Vala-Vara-Vaari Bhoomi" and we see th e "Sukra Kubera Gomukham" on one side of Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi's Sanctum. This is a "Shukra Aiswarya Shakti Kataksha Homam" Fire Ceremony Temple. Gaja Pooja Temple This is the "Gaja Dhanaakarshana Pooja Temple", said Sathguru Venkataraman. Elephants have Lakshmi Shaktis. Gaja = Elephant, Dhana = Wealth, Akarshana = Att raction, Pooja = Worship, which means this is the Elephant Wealth Attractor Wors hip temple. So do Gaja Pooja here, said the Sathguru. Bring elephants to this temple and circle the temple 6 times with them and h ave them hand over to you with their trunks the sacred substances to be used for abishekam and other worship ceremonies in the temple. It is based on this advice of Sathguru Venkataraman that others have done Ga ja Pooja at this temple. A Haven for Music - Arasar Kovil Temple This is the "Shruti, Smruti, Swara Shakti" Temple. In this temple is the Gayatri Sri Shakti Swara Maha Mandapam. In front of the Mother's shrine, on both sides, are 10 music pillars in the "Sabda Lavanya Beeja" form. These are the "Dasa Avatara Shakti Dasa Graha Lavanya Bhavana Pillars" packe d with Dasa Swara Shruti, Smruti Lakshmi Kataaksha Shakti. The 11-th is the Ekad asa Sri Bhavana Stambha Pillar. The blessing shaktis of ten planets are available here in the form of sound and music. An ideal place for discharging our debts to the Rishis, Devas and Pitrus This is an Amavasya Thithi Tharpana Shakti Temple. This is a "Sri Vara-Vaari Temple" that blesses one's past, present and futur e generations. The Jala Devata Water Deity Shaktis in this temple make it a "Magha Nakshatr a Theertha Vaari" Temple. Sundara MahaLakshmi, Arasar Koil Temple A Great Vaastu Shakti Temple This is a "64 Sarva Dhikku Vaastu Vara Kona" Temple where Adi Moola Viswakar ma Deva Moorthi has played a role. There are "Koorma Tantra Shaktis" and "Bhoomi Andhara Vaastu Sundara Shaktis " at this temple. The "Kamalalaya Vaastu Rules" of the "24 Gayatri Akshara Shakti Pillars", 2 Pancheshti Swara Pillars, the structure of the shrines of the Mother and the Lord, the "Nava Kona Vaastu Shakti" of the "Paraapara Dhisha Kona Vimanas" over the shrines, the sacred theertha kinaru well, Kalyana Vaazhai sacred banana trees a nd the Gita Parijata tree all make this a special place for Vaastu pooja, said S athguru Venkataraman. So do Vaastu Pooja here at this temple, especially on the 8 special Vaastu D ays of every year. Veda Shakti and Vidya Shakti There are special Veda Nidhi and Vidya Nidhi blessings at the Arasar Koyil T emple. This is a 10 Billion Mantra Shakti Temple that is connected to the great Bal aji Perumal of Tirumala Tirupati. Sundara MahaLakshmi, Arasar Koil Temple Sarva Karya Siddhi Temple This is a temple that helps you achieve what you want to achieve. This is an important temple for those working with the government, for admin istrators, for public servants, builders, contractors, structural engineers and all other real estate professionals. Needless to say, it is also important for those seeking wealth and prosperit y blessings since this temple is the Adi Moola Lakshmi Peetam. Special Days and Times for Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi Worship - The "WEALTH SHAKTI" Times As Sathguru Venkataraman taught us all so many times over the years through his writings in his monthly magazine and Tamil blog, the special times for worsh ipping Mother Sri Sundara MahaLakshmi are: (1) Shukra (Venus) Shakti Days like Anusham (Anuradha) nakshatra, Dwadasi (1 2th) thithi, Fridays, Shukra nakshatra days (find these using our free panchang spiritual calendar) and our Daily Time Yoga Ganesh page. (2) Sukra (Venus) Hora hours in each day (find these using our free Hora Cal culator). (3) Note that these are only a few of the special times for worshipping Moth er Sundara Maha Lakshmi and Her Consort, Kamala Varadarajar. For more informatio n, refer to Sathguru Venkataraman's original Siddha writings. A Most Wonderful Prosperity Bestowing Lakshmi Temple In summary, this is a most wonderful prosperity bestowing temple of the Univ ersal Mother, as revealed by the Arunachala Siddha, Sathguru Venkataraman of the Agasthiar Siddha Lineage, who reintroduced the modern world to this sacred spac e that was almost unknown until then. A Lot More Info in the Book... For Mantras, scroll down... Om Salutations to Mother Sri Sundara MahaLakshmi and Her Divine Consort Sri Kamala Varadaraja Perumal of Arasar Koil. To share, please copy-paste only the link to this article (and not the text). Th e link is as follows: http://www.Agasthiar.Org/NKN-2006/08-04.htm Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi of Arasar Koil l of Arasar Koil Kamala Varadaraja PerumaSimple Divine Name Mantras for Mother Sri Sundara MahaLakshmi Worship We give you below a set of simple divine name mantras that you can use in your w orship of Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi. You can do abishekam and archana while chanting these mantras too.You can chant this set of names once or 4 or 5 or 10 or 22 or 42 or 43 or 50 or 100 or more times. If you are not familiar with pooja (worship) procedures, click here for a simple step-by-step procedure for worshipping Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi. As we have pointed out numerous times in our monthluy magazine and in our Tamil blog, you can use the Sanskrit word "namaha" or the Tamil word "potri" when you use divine name mantras. Both methods are equally powerful. Choose the method th at appeals to you. If you want to use both methods, that is fine too. Below, we provide this set of names using both "namaha" and "potri." As you may have observed, we provide salutations in English at the end of every one of our articles in this website. In keeping with that, we have provided thes e divine name mantras in that format too. As we have said many a time, please maintain an attitude of sincerity, devotion and surrender to the Lotus Feet of Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi while following th is worship procedure. You can worship Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi anytime you like, but if you are look ing for special worship times, click here. To learn these mantras, click here for audio help. This is a simple worship procedure. Advanced procedures are for later. Keep in mind that the worship of Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi is complete only wh en it is accompanied by the worship of Her Divine Consort, Lord Sri Kamala Varad araja Perumal. This cannot be overemphasized. Devotees and aspirants MUST pay sp ecial attention to this crucial point. Sundara MahaLakshmi, Arasar Koil Temple To share, please copy-paste only the link to this article (and not the text). Th e link is as follows: http://www.Agasthiar.Org/NKN-2006/08-04.htm Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi Divine Name "Namaha" Mantras Om Sri Adi Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Soma Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Mangala Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Bhoumya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Sri Vidya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Gurupara Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Shukra Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Bhagya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Sumangali Vara Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Dhana Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Dhaanya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Santana Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Dhairya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Madhava Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Senjula Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Veera Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Yoga Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Griha Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Sowbhagya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Gaja Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri La Sri Shakti Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Vijaya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Aishwarya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Om Sri Amruta Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmyai Namaha Click here for Audio Help Keep in mind that the worship of Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi is complete only wh en it is accompanied by the worship of Her Divine Consort, Lord Sri Kamala Varad araja Perumal. This cannot be overemphasized. Devotees and aspirants MUST pay special attention to this crucial point. Sundara MahaLakshmi, Arasar Koil Temple Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi Divine Name "Potri" Mantras Om Sri Adi Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Soma Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Mangala Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Bhoumya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Sri Vidya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Gurupara Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Shukra Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Bhagya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Sumangali Vara Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Dhana Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Dhaanya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Santana Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Dhairya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Madhava Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Senjula Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Veera Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Yoga Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Griha Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Sowbhagya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Gaja Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri La Sri Shakti Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Vijaya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Aishwarya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Om Sri Amirtha Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiye Potri Click here for Audio Help Keep in mind that the worship of Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi is complete only wh en it is accompanied by the worship of Her Divine Consort, Lord Sri Kamala Varad araja Perumal. This cannot be overemphasized. Devotees and aspirants MUST pay sp ecial attention to this crucial point. Sundara MahaLakshmi, Arasar Koil Temple Mother Sundara Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations MahaLakshmi Divine Name "Salutations" to Adi Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Soma Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Mangala Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Bhoumya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Sri Vidya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Gurupara Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Shukra Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Bhagya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Sumangali Vara Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Dhana Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Dhaanya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Santana Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Dhairya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Madhava Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Senjula Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Veera Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Yoga Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Griha Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Sowbhagya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Gaja Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Sri La Sri Shakti Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmiOm Salutations Om Salutations Om Salutations Click here forto Vijaya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Aishwarya Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi to Amruta Lakshmi Roopini Sundara MahaLakshmi Audio HelpKeep in mind that the worship of Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi is complete only wh en it is accompanied by the worship of Her Divine Consort, Lord Sri Kamala Varad araja Perumal. This cannot be overemphasized. Devotees and aspirants MUST pay sp ecial attention to this crucial point. To share, please copy-paste only the link to this article (and not the text). Th e link is as follows: http://www.Agasthiar.Org/NKN-2006/08-04.htm Sundara Maha Lakshmi Divine Name Mantras The Agasthiar Website Homepage Articles Mother Sundara MahaLakshmi of Arasar Koil Kamala Varadaraja Perumal of Arasar Koil Sri Sundara Maha Lakshmi Om la Om Om Salutations to Mother Sri Sundara MahaLakshmi and Her Divine Consort Sri Kama Varadaraja Perumal of Arasar Koil. Salutations to Maha Guru Sri Agasthiar Salutations to the Agasthiar Siddha Sathguru Lineage