A A V , A A A , 32308

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Transcript of A A V , A A A , 32308

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From the Senior Minister

A few years back we went through a sermon series called “I Am A Church Member.” There is a little book by Thom Rain-er that was the backdrop for this sermon series, and I can’t think of another sermon series that fostered more unity among the body of Christ here at CCCC than did that one sermon series. “I Am A Church Member” explored the atti-tudes we sometimes have in the church that make us look like members of a country club rather than of the church Je-sus died on the cross for. It was a GREAT unity building time for our church family. Just a couple of weeks ago we launched the sequel to “I Am A Church Member” called “I Will.” Again, Thom Rainer steps us through moving from the right ATTITUDES of being a JOYOUS and COMMITTED church member, to having the right ACTIONS of a JOYOUS and COMMITTED church member. Moving from how we THINK to how we ACT. Each week will tackle one of the Nine Traits of an out-wardly focused Christian as we accept the challenge “I Will!”


I will have the attitude of Christ and put other church mem-bers before my wants and desires.

I Will I will gladly participate in corporate worship with my fellow church members as long as I am physically able.

I Will I will get involved in a group or a class so that I might grow spiritually together with others, and so that I might be ac-countable to them.

I Will I will go and share the gospel with others in words and deeds and not be ashamed of my Savior.

I Will I will give abundantly and joyfully, recognizing that God is the owner of all things I currently steward.

I Will I will participate in the life of my church because God leads me to do so, not because I feel compelled to please people or to feel guilty for saying “no.”

I Will I will focus on the positive ways God is using my church, and not on the flaws of my church, its leaders, or its members.

I Will

And I will pray that God will use me as an instrument to revive His church, for His name, and for His glory.

I Will. In His Service, Allen G.

From the Senior Minister

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November 2: 5:30PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study November 3: 10AM Prayer Circle November 3: 6:30PM Girl Scouts November 7: 6PM Ladies In Touch Dinner November 7: 7:30PM National Prayer Vigil November 8: Election Day Please Vote November 8: 7:00Am-7:00PM Prayer Vigil November 9: 5:30PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study November 10: 10AM Prayer Vigil

November 11: Veterans Day 9office closed) November 16: 5:30PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study November 17: 10AM Prayer Circle November 17: 6:30PM Girl Scouts November 18: 9:30AM Senior Trip to Havana November 20: 5PM Thanksgiving Meal & Talent Show November 23: No Wednesday Services November 24: 1PM Thanksgiving Meal (Church Family) November 30: 5:30PM Hanging of the Greens

Be Thankful Ahh… Thanksgiving, a day of rest and overeating. Well, why do we limit ourselves to just one day. Why are we not in a spirit of thanksgiving all year long? Well you might say “I am a very thankful person” and there is nothing wrong with that. However I have seen you on Black Friday (just one day later) and I saw you snatch that right out of their hand…you know who you are! We like to be thankful when is it convenient. And then bow out when we need something. As a nation we take a few days off to celebrate and then right back to the old grind. But let me remind you of the words tat Paul gave to the church at Colossi. “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15 You notice Paul doesn’t end with: and be thankful on one day when you have the time. He simply says and be thankful. This verse points to the spirit in which we are called to live our lives. Not just a way of life but an always. We are called to be thankful. So I did a little research, as to how we even got started on this day of Thanksgiving. From our dear friends at Wikipedia; Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in United States. It was original-ly celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Thanks-giving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well. And I found it. Right there at the end of the information, it has long be celebrated in a secular man-ner. Have we let the world take over Thanksgiving? Have we decided as a people, we will be thankful when the calendar says it? Let us hope not. Shall we determine to be thankful today and every day? Yes I believe we should. Be thankful for everything. I will let Paul close us out with a passage from Philippians 4: 11-13; I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

I can do all this through him who gives me

strength. Thanksgiving is a day; but thanksgiving is also a state of mind. We are thankful and are able to show thanks to the one who created us and the world we live in. Thanks God! The Elders

Communication From the Leadership

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A SEASON OF PRAYER for November:

Come join us on Thursday morning at 10AM for a time of prayer. We have set aside a room (room 165) dedicated to prayer. You are

encouraged to spend time in communication with God. Feel free to use this room at any time, individually or as a group to pray about whatever is on your heart.


Ministry EVENTS

Children’s Ministry

For more information: call 877-7315 or visit www.capitalcitychristianchurch.org

Join us in Children’s Church for:

Nursery Pre-K & K 1st-2nd Grade 3rd-5th Grade

Nov. 6 Marilyn Bryan Don & Linda Meeks Cindy Meeks Becky Carter

Nov. 13 Becky Griffin Don & Linda Meeks Cindy Meeks Becky Carter

Nov. 20 Charlotte NeSmith Don & Linda Meeks Cindy Meeks Becky Carter

Nov. 27 Debi Smith Don & Linda Meeks Cindy Meeks Becky Carter

Nursery K– 5th Grade

Nov. 6 Charlotte NeSmith Juanita Tatum

Nov. 13 Marilyn Bryan Becky Carter

Nov. 20 Becky Griffin Cindy Meeks

Nov. 27 Debi Smith Juanita Tatum

Children’s Church/Worship

Sunday School

Thank You! Dear Church Family, Thank you all for the prayers you have sent heavenward over the past four years as my mother battled with constant health issues. Our prayers have been answered. Maybe not in the way I would have wanted but she has taken her spot at the table with Jesus. And there is consolation in that thought. I will never be able to thank you enough for the outpouring of love and concern you have shown to me at the loss of my mother. Thank you for all the cards, flowers and prayers. Thank you to those who traveled all the way to Bradenton to be with me for the Memorial Service. I am humbled to say the least, and my family was truly touched. Truly Blessed & Grateful, Trish Rice

The Children’s Ministry will be collecting Shoebox Gifts for Operation Christmas Child until November 20th.

Please pick up a Shoebox and fill it with suggested items and return it by November 20th.

We will have a packaging Party on November 20th after the Talent Show to fill any shoeboxes that are left. The goal is to collect 100 filled boxes. Check out the display

in the foyer or see Becky Carter for more information.

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Our Food Pantry provides food for those in immediate need. If you or someone you know is in need please see Allen or Trish and check out the Food Pantry. You can make monetary donations to the pantry by designating ‘Pantry’ on your check and placing it in the offering.

Food Pantry


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Happy Birthday:

2 - Bill Salmon 3 - Bert Ramos 3 - Mona Porter 6 - Jeremy Smith 6 - Nettie Brown

6PM Ladies Dinner Meeting

Wednesday Fellowship Meal & Devotion 5:30PM Ladies Dinner Meeting, November 7, 6PM Prayer Vigil 7:00AM—7:00PM November 8 Thanksgiving Meal & Talent Show, November 20, 5PM

Upcoming Events:

November - We are making and delivering Christmas Kisses Trees through the month of November. Anyone if welcome to help, see Dona Cormier

November 18 - 9:30AM Downtown Havana Excursion

FYI: We made $2,000 at the Parable of Talents Arts and Crafts Festival, money collected will fund the Senior’s Ministry for 2017. Thank you to all who participated!

Call the office 850-877-7315 for more information.

5:45PM Girl Scouts

Ladies In Touch Ladies Dinner Meeting

November 7th at 6PM All Ladies are welcome!

Dinner: Soup Salad & Dessert

We will be planning the Ladies Christmas Party

and discussing leaders for 2017 as well as calen-

dar events for 2017. We encourage you to be a part of the discussions. Let’s make 2017 a great

year for the Ladies Ministry and Capital City Christian Church.

For More information contact Donna Gonzalez

6:30PM Board Meeting

4PM Rice Life Group 5PM Thorson Life Group 5PM Married Couples LG

Senior Havana Trip

10AM Prayer Circle

5PM Thanksgiving Meal & Talent


10AM Prayer Circle

Election Day

No Wednesday Service

11:30AM Prayer Circle

11:30AM Prayer Circle

15 - Max Ashley 16 - Leah Yates 24 - Debi Smith

No Life Groups



5:30PM Fellowship Meal & Prayer

6:30PM Ladies Bible Study

5:30PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion

6:30PM Ladies Bible Study

5:30PM Hanging of the


11:30AM Prayer Circle

10AM Prayer Circle

5:45PM Girl Scouts

No Life Groups

7AM-7PM Prayer Vigil 7:30PM National Prayer


Veteran’s Day

Thanksgiving Day

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OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORSHIP: Bible Study 9:00 AM Coffee Break 10:00 AM Worship 10:30 AM Life Group 4:00PM Sunday Evening Life Group 5:00 PM Wednesday Bible Discussion Groups 6:30 PM

YOUTH & CHILDREN Sunday Evening 5:00 PM Wednesday Evening 6:30 PM

OUR STAFF: Allen Gonzalez Senior Minister Mike Seay Worship Director Trish Rice Administrative Assistant

Leadership: ELDERS: Rick Harvey, Don Meeks, Tim Thorson

DEACONS: Dave Sterling, Clayton Wilder, Jim Cammons


AM Worship 73

GIVING Budget Need General Giving $ 15,898 $15,203 Missions $ 1,985 $4,585

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE ~ The Deadline for DECEMBER 2016 Newsletter is NOVEMBER 28th

ASL MINISTRY: An ASL interpreter is available to The Deaf & Hard of Hearing Community at the Sunday morning10:30AM service.

“Our purpose is to LOVE CHRIST, LOVE OTHERS and SERVE”