a« A SheaP. vtfMTs

<«i \ '* i /'Eg If I- *H I* l IS,* 3 A PW Warren 1 SheaP. "•*•! J.P.MATTSON, Editor and Proprietor. Official Paper of Marshall County. Thursday, Mnreh 29th, 1894. THE Washburn—Crosby Milling Company, of Minneapolis, last \*eek, bought .'1,250,000 bushels of wheat in one cash deal. It is probnbly the biggest transaction of the kind ever made. PnEsiDENivNorthrop, of the Stnfce University, a few days sinee wnrned the students ngainst all kinds of gambling. Gambling is a vice which young men should shun ns they would death. IN the Breckinridge- Pollard breach of promise suifc nt Washington the Kentucky orator and statesmnn hns fceen s h o w n to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is well for society to nave the mask torn from H\trh hy- pocrites. EniTonSTEAD,of Knghind hns writ- ten a book which he hns given the title, "If Christ Came to Chicago," which is proving n sensntion. In it he shows up the rottennes of thearis- tocratic circles ns well as the degra- dation of the slums. COXGHEBSMW Medonry, republi- •cnncongressmnn fiom the second Minnesota district, voted for the Bland bill to coin the silver seigno rage, nnd by doing so hns culled down upon himself the wrnth of the single gold stnndnrd organs of the state. Tolly one, for McTlem.t. PRENDEROAST, the murderer of Harrison, did not strpteh rope o>j Friday last week. An examination as to his sanity hns been ordered by the court. If criminal ever deserved the gallows Prendergnst is the one, and for the sake of human society give him his punishment without de- lay. There promises to be a big fight over Mr. Washburn's sent in" the F S. senate at the'next meeting of the atate letrislaf ui e. Severn I prominent gentlemen are credited with having ambitions for the place Mr. WaslT- burn has made a very good senator, and ought to be entitled to another ttrm. AsHBy gave the saloons a very black eye According to nil reports they have been conducted in verj much the same manner that the Fer- gus Falls saloons were the 3enr be- fore license was voted out. One 01 two tough saloons will do more to carry no license than an army of pro hibition talkers.—Feigns Falls Jour- nal. THE Republican press of Minneso- ta will undoubtedly support the pin t- tonn of that party if i t boldly, hon- estly nnd clearly defines its position and that positon voices the senti- ments of the papers; and the Repub- lican press will support the nominees of that party if they are woi thy ex- ponents of those principles. As we have said before the pai ty must be right on the money question or there will be defection. The money ques- tion is nt the present juncture th r . most important of all public ques tions, in our opinion. The money of the republic from 1792 fo 1873 Bhould be restored, that the pi ices of the products of humnn l.ibor mnj suffice to snppoil life, that themdi si- tries that now Me dormant maybe re- vived, thnsgiviiigemployinentto the hundreds of thousands of idle hands that seek work in vain nnd that 100 per cent interest for the use of monej may be made absolutely impossible —Moorhend News AN excentric individual, coiled Gen. Coxey, at Massillon, Ohio, haft mode a great stir about mteirig an army of unemployed with which to , jH.ove Your uaihuy Weqt. BdriUyeoiteAgo a song with the J ^ W o ^ w ^ ^ l ^ M t o ^ «b°veword«f°ra W W * J™ ™ ? -The gnef! had rMived from sota state prison at Stiilttater, a mdrchfco Washington and make a. bal,and a number of small wmpieB demonstration before Congress It of bluder J?[ ine mannfdeWred nt the 1 - - B v pfeoh. This twine will be sold the present season a t a price not to ex- ceed seven cents per pound, and low- was t o be known a* the army o. fcWe "Common WenV* and to consist of unarmed men. Last Sunday the march was actually commenced by an army of less than 200, principally tramps and ad Venturers, who never did a day's honest work in theft lives. Gen.JCokey 1ft confident that his ranks will swell, and that when he reaches Washington, he will nnW nt least 100,000 men, but the chan- ces are that the whole common weal nrmy will g o t o pieces on the wny. To sensible men it looks like a crank novemenfc. However', tt ft would be possible to stir up Congress and the President t o a full realization of the pitiable condition of the country, Coxey ought to succeed. •jT^ri^WfliTiirTr Printing is Expensive. The report of the State Statisti- cian shows that printing is one of the most expensiye lines of business to run, while milling is one cf theehen p- est It cost $86,437 rast year to run .17 printing offices in fcorth Da- kota, white it cost only f99,984 to run 20 flouring mills. The product of these printing offices^ was $110,- 756.77, but the product of thestt 20 mills was $ 2 , 1 8 1 , i l o 18. Thus it will be seen that it costs two-fifths as, much to run a printing office as it does to run a mill, but the product of a mill i s 4 0 times-its great as* that of a printing office Morn!. "Pay your printer* hill promptly.—Rich- land County (N. D ) Gazette In ns much as the saloons weie vo ted out of Warren.it th^htteeleetion, the SHLAF hopes that no eftorts mil be spared to enfoi (e the l.i w. Noth- ing will bring reproach upon the fail name of theeitj as quickly ns A ill the selling of liqnoi in violation ol the expressed w ill of the people. Foi that reason it is the duty of even good citizen, regardles of what views he has hitherto entertained upon thib question, to join in enforcing the liq- uor laws. It is the duty, especially, of thecitycouncil, m irshal,county at- torney, sheriff, to watch and prose- cute violators of law. Let an enforce- ment league be organized to stand be- hindthose charged with enforcing the laws, and let a suitable reward be of- fered for evidence that will convict an offender. Neither Warren nor the cause of temperance can afford to have the laws violated with impu- nity. THE St. Paul Globe the other dny i.i a lengthy editorial advanced argu- ments to show that the principles of the Peoples party and 1 he Democrat- ic party were entirely antagonistic and for that reason it ad vised against fusion with the Peoples' party in the future. Furtheimore, the paper con- tended, that the principles of the Peoples' party and the Republican party are more in harmony. The SHEAF believes that the Globe is right. The democratic paarty has always been known as the strict con- structionist party, maintaining that the government shoul d do as little as possible, a policy that is now be- ing carried out to the fullest extent by the democratic Congress, while the Republican party is loose con- structionist, nnd believes that it governs best for all when it legis- lates for the greates4 gopij p i t h e WE point to the recent report of Labor Commissioner Powers on chattle loans made in Minneapolis. The main features in that report are that there were filed in the clerk's office in 1893 2,700 chattle mort- gages, the face value of which was a- bout $110,000; that tlte loans were made for short terms, ten per cent being deducted from their face; that the averogeamountof each loan was $40, the amount received by the borrower being $36; that by far the greater number gave security on household furniture and musical in- struments, showing that the borrow- er wnsinsome great pinch or dire ne- cessity that drove him to the usurer; tha t the actual amount of money used as capital for those loans was be- tween $30,000 nnd $40 000, the same bem;r turned over three or four times during the year, and that the investments netted the owners a sum equal to the principal. To be plain, the usurers of Minneapolis extorted 100 per cent interest from their fel- low men in their time of misfortunes and distress. What is Mr. Powers' remedy for this evil? More money, of course. He 3eems to be endowed with coir- mon sense. He says: u Theproblem of how to free the poor from the ex- tortion of the money loaner is then the following: How canmoremoney be secured to be loaned, and how much will be needed to practically end extortionate loans among the poor of such acity as Minneapolis on chattle mortgage security? The facts here presented would indicate that $40,000 would suffice to fill tbeplace of the extortionate loans now made in Minneapolis on chattel mortgage security." T.iis is a showing up of the situa- tion in one cit\ t A like condition ex- ists in ever> other western city. It exists in thecountry. Thefarmersof the Red River valley are suffering un- der almost similnrconditiom*. Th»y put a chattel mortgage on their live stock, on their plows, seeders, mow- ers, on their growing grain, ami even on the grain before it is sown, nnd doubtless would plaster the backs of their wives with mortgages if money could be laised in that way. We do not blame them for thin; it is a neces- sity in which they find themselves The remedy is more money. Mr. Powers says if there could be got in some way $40,000 more money into Minneapolis to be loaned out to the poor it would corect the evil. There's the rub. It can't b e g o t unless the victims can be bled still deeper. The money is not in existence. There not enough of it. Every community is suffei ing with the same disease, ex- cept per Imps a httle territory in New England, where there are more rocks, than hearts. And why should not those who have money to loan,when they make 100 per cent a year, ob- ject t o t h e increase of the Currency? It might reduce their gains probably to 50 per cent, and that would ruin them. They believe in money of high valne; honest money that is worth 100 per cent, as well ns 100 cents on the dollar. The voters of the Seventh Congres- sional district of Minnesota, and in all the districts in the sta*«, for that matter, will voteagainsttheirinter- ests, will -vote to perpetuate their own poverty, if they deposit their votes for a candidate for congress who is not pledged to the free and un- limited coinage of silver.—Moor- head News. er if necessary to meet competition of any tftlne of e^uat length arid quali- ty that may be platted bn tile hidriketi Theeltatit pi'lce wilt be determined at a meeting of the brison Board June 1st, 1894, but all purchaser* will be entlt&d to the benefit of any reduc- tion that mnyjbe made below seven cents a pound, so that no one need to hesitate in placing his order at oncei By encouraging ttlll Industry at tlie state prison, still greater reductions in price may be ex pec ted in the future. Already the prisolPtwine plant has been tht means ol saving thousands of dollars U tile farmers of the state 1 , and hence is a paying investment. Call in at the SHEAF office toexamine the twine and receive a small sample free. T h e F a t h e r a n d H i s B o y , Don't be a hypbdWte ttofBre your boy, writes Robert J. Btirtiette in the first paper of the series "Before He is Twenty" in the April Ladies' Home Journal. When lie believes yon to tie infallible don't encourage the belief. Take him into your life as you desire t o b e taken into his. Don't tell him that when you were a boy you never gave your parents a, moment's uneasiness, were never cross to your little sister, never dis- obeyed your teacher, never cruel to dumb animals, and always kept the Golden Rule. Be honest with him above all things. Don't be too dig- nified With hirit. Tlie more he loteS ydu* the ttiore he lives in your arms, the more he plays with you and the less he fears you, the more profound- ly will he respect yon. Pity the man, who, in order to secure and retain proper respect from liii cldldreN} has to wear at all times an uncomfort- able veneer of artificial dignity. B i g W o o d s . March 25.1891. WARREN SHEAF:— Jack Frost hns dealt with our early spring) as tlie senute did With the Willsonbilhsadly disfigured it. The drags and drills so hurriedly brought out, are she* p isldy set by again, to await the true season. Now is the time to start early gar- den plants, such ns tomatoes, early cauliflower} etc. To keep from hav- ing to reset tomatoes, which are put back a week at least, plant two or three seeds in a can of rich dirt, (pre- viously heated hot. to kill insects), thin to one and just before transpla nt- ing allow the dirt and plant to be- come dry enough to easily come out of can, which put in a hollow hill welj filled with rotten manure and dirt. Water very thoroughly. If the bot- tom of the can can be taken out with- out injury to the roots of the plants, they can be set in the hills, half of the can left above thegroundand the ravages of the cut worm avoidod. Celery, if treated as cabbage, set in rich ground well watered and hoed, can be seen on the farmer's table (all summer after July, and all winter)as well as on city tables-all 1 he difference coming in the treatment in the fall by pinning a newspa- per, or in fact any paper around the Stalks below the leaven, putting enough dirt around the lower part of thepap«»rto keep the wind from blowing it off while it is wet after u heavy rniir the process bleaching it and mn king it crisp The above facts may not sound theoretical, but we have found them practical. »S. P. popular in this country. It was a companion to Horace Greek's, *'Gb wesfcfrdnnfc nitM." Nowj fiow*¥erj that exhortation has lost its force, because, taking "West" a s a syno- nym for wild and unsettled country, there is no West. Still, the Amerb can is it restless creature hot Vet fid o\m hottiddib 1 Instinct inherited from his pioneer ancestors^ And about H|is time of year matter are r^nsidei'ing a change of location. Though there is.no longer much gov- ernment land, nor any extensive re* arion without cities and towns, there is as much room as ever for new-corn* ersi Mitihesdta litis mliliBris 1 hi dt?re§ of forest and prairie yet unoccupied; Nebraska, where corn is king, offers splendid openings to the industrious farmer and the hustling business man; Wisconsin has many a good chance for the man who is wide awake; Missouri has a wealth of soil, timber and mineral for the persistent seeker; Colorado has treasures of silver and gold not yet discovered; Wyom'ng lias room for flocks litid herds innumerable; northern Kansas has an unsurpassed climate and a wide expanse of fertile lands* the Black Hills of South Dakota tain with mineral wealth; while the older shrttfs oi tliinois *und town* have golden opportunities for both' farm- er and business mnn, though a little more capital is needed than in uew v er regions. If you think of moving, you will certainly find what yon wrt«t 1 ill some one of these ten states, and» to all portions of them the Builmg^on route is the best road for the jinmi- gran, from whatever direction he may come. With rerrtiiilrils 1 at CJii- cngo, Peoria $t. Louis, KansasCity, St. Joseph, Omaha, Denver, Cliey- enn*, Dendwood, Minneapolis and St. Paul, it offers the traveller,stnrt- ing from either east, west, north or south, a direct, speedy, safeandcom- fortable route to his destination in state of those named. For tickets, mnps and information apply to any agent of the Burlington or connect- ing lines, or write to W. J. C. Ken- yon, Gen. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. BUSINESS TOPICS. ST* f9? Sftle, Lindberg & Lundgren have 260,- 0(JO of.good, .tarttarac shingles for sale which will be sold at i'cdiic'etf prices. ^ ^Goods are.now sold cheaper at Taralseth's M«f\ J | m than ever \ before. 8moke"Our Standard"long Hava- na filled s*^* ,%, %- M?-^-^.4T\ * &i iNoifce Is hereby givefi that Wt and after .January lst.tlie Murray- Wood- ard Lumbei Co, will do a strictly cash b-JSiness. No credits granted. Don'task it. *• * **> J. P. EASTON, Manager. — POIl SALfi A new 8 ft. wind mill,,nil iron and ?teei, nude by the AeriliotBr ,N „ of WfLvign, !«,{• sale c h e a p a t ! he hli««ul Wrflce. hint, the thing for pumping water or llghi grinding. Advertised Letters. dfil^TS' LJST, ti , T T. And.ibon.C A Carlson, H C Coo'fi A, MeDouffall, John N hind. John Cnsper l,t»r son. 3 keinrlch Baaf LADIES LIST Mrs W N. BlacVbnm A. R. Gordon, P . M. State ai Minnesota 1 {* M... . In Probate Couri. County of Maraball. ) Speriul Term. March 24,18 4 In theMittei of the Estate of Curt Anderson, deceased. On re« ding attd ftlli»K the petlti in of Knren AndAjmon. administratrix of the estate of Carl Anderson dwottHeu\ rooresi JIHIIK a» a »K other tMn-a, thatfe hoa>fally administered said es t »«Tantf t»rtyT«jij tlia! a ElrtfiNBio 1 t>la*e Vo flJfml toM»xainiMtt|t and-ailowin* 4»te awsonnt of his acfuaids$»Uagk uinnor thettfelgnnjentof the residuetil»n1d e»tafe to pai Um entitled thereto hj*ltiw. 4t Is ordered, that said account be examined, ami petition beard, bv this Com t. on Ki i«liv the litftli dnVolApril.A D 1801, at ttanen in snid Count v, t ^ , „ ^ tuereof nj$ - - ..eer-tf prior »OH,VU il >,v ot li >ni in In the \\ UtllL^i SHKAP. n ueeklv ne»Hi>»|ter printed nnd pub It s h e d u t \ \ a icii ln*\i<l < ountv Dated at ttimen, Minn, the >!th dn\ of M a n h \. I> 18sU - Bj the Court , ^ < s n,vf.i.. t^eall .1 IHIKC of Probn to An.1 It l^fnrtwer ordered t»>«t notice tnerc >P ftlve it» atf j^rsiiiw interested, bv publish! lcfip\ rift it's oiu-i fof three «.{(<•, t^m- «•«• Horses for Sale. C. A. Bradley has just arrived from Illinois with a car load of fine draft horses, and wishes to announce to the people of Warren and vicinity that he will sell good horses cheaper than they have ever been sold in the Red River Valley. Call and see thein at Rodseth's barn. • «- Legal advertisements at legal rates. Term Report*. I)i<*t. No. 34, Marshall Co , Minn , for term ending Mtiivli 20th, 1894. No. scholars em oiled .10 T'ltnl No. of attendance in days 1578 Total No. of days taught, 100 Average daily attendance, 15 P. A. DALQUIST, Teacher. School Report. Report of school in Dist. No. 28, town of New Solum, for the month ending March 24,1894: No. enrolled , 47 Total attendance in days 624 Average daily attendance.. 31 No, perfect in attendance 16 viz; Regina Paulson. Louisa Han. son, Ellen Forsberg. Regina Nelson, Alfred Rasmusson, Mary Hanson, Anton Paulson. Carl Kulseth, Mar- tha Nelson, Sophia Forstteru:, Cerene Kulseth, Olga Nelson, Oscar Fors- berg, Anna Paulson, Annie Forslierg, Chas. Forsberg. FRANK A. MATTSON, H Teacher. ' Mortgage Foreclosure Sal^. > Default havinK been made in the paymont of the sum of Three Hundred and Mne|y-one Dol lars. which Is claimed to be drte and is due -it tile date of this notice ripon a certain Mortmain;, du- ly executed and delivered b\ Oottfred Knauf, ah unmarried man. Mortgagor, to The Northwest- ern Guaranty Loan Companv. of MinuearJolia. Minnesota. MortRajrce. bearinjj date the 9th rtav of July. 1S8S and with a power of sate therein contained, only recorded in the office o} the Re- gister of Deeds in and for the County of Mar shall and Stat# of Minnesota, «n the 17th da> of Inlv, INKS, at 1 4T» o'clock p m.. In Dook ••M" of Mortgagee, on pages 28t and 231. , \\ hit h s dd Mortgage, toger ler wlttr tha debt secured thereby. «as duly assigned by said Northwestern Guaranty iioaii Company. Mort- grtsee. to Georee I) Card, bv written assign- ment dated the 28th day of Jul\. 1&S8. nnd re- corded in the office of s tld Ue^ister of Deed*, on the 23rd d iv of March. 1891. at I 00 o'clock p in. in Book "L" of Mortgagee, on page £Vi, and no action or proceeding having been iitsrltntcd. at law or otherwise, to recover the debt st-enred by said Mortgage or any part thereof Now Therefore Notice is Hereby Given, That by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in said Mortgage, and pnrsnant to the statnte In MU« h case m tde and provided, the said Mortgage »id be foreclosed b v a sale of the premises described in and conve>ed b> said Mortgage, iff; The Southwest quarter of the Northwest (jilar ter, of Section One. and the Southhntf of -tlie Northeast attirier rtnd Lot Two of "lection Two, all in 'township One llninlr^d and flf v- flve of Range Forty-throe, containing I7»t r,j-Vm icrcs, in Marsh til Coiuit\ and **t iK- «>f Miniie sota tti-h the h^reditnme itn and a pnrt inn cen which Hfi e will be a\ ide b\ the SliuriH o* said vlarsh ill* on*ifv at t le front door of tht t'onrt House, in Hie City of U'an.-n in nldC*,>»r tv and Htat4-, on the 12th day o' May. 18M, e t 10 o * lock a. in . of that day. at pn >HV v<nilu . to th»* highest bidder for cni'u to pa> said «lebr nnd interest, and the taxes if nnj, on and premises, and Twenlv-flve Dollars' Attorney's fees as stipulated in and bv said Mortgau»*in inse of foreilosure and the disbursements al- lowed by law. subject to redemptio i at any time within one ye ir from the da\ of sale, as provided bv law * * ' at* Dated March -Tth. A D 1*04 GR >UOE D OAUO. Assimlee of Mortgagee^ R. I MosT\di)K. Attorney Everything in the line of plush goods at Taralseth's. Ijf 3, 3ftf Mortgaga Foreclosure Sal^. Default having be.Mi mnd^ in tfie nnvmenr'ot the snm of Six hundred sixty «Ight and, 91 \M Dolltrs w hli'h U cUlnied to be due at the d.ih- of this notice upon a c rta|n M*ortgiirw. duly execn'ed and de ivcred bv An lr«»» U tt iclmin iml Minnie mckman, his wife Mo^tgigorSr to fohn .l.Sn*-t«n Mortgagee, bearl g date tht tsth day of June 18'»l. nnd. with a power of stil* therein contained, duly recorded fti the ofli« e of rhe llegisrer of Di eils in and tor t>ie Conntr of Marshall, and State of Minnesota, on the 2Sth <lny of Inlv HOI. ai 4 lOo'ilock p in . in Rook I' of Mortgages on page Tt and no action or proceeding liav ng been instituted, at l»w or otherwise, to recover the debt secured by sold Mortgage, or nny pnrt thereof, Now. Therefore. Notice is Hereby Given., That by virtue of the power of s tie contained in said Mortgage, and pursuant to the statute In *ueh < use made aud provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed by a s tie of the premises described in and conveye I by said Mortgage vi«: The South one half IS %) of Lot numbered Four (4), in Block numbered Nine j»i, n^thi*orig- inal townslte of the Village of Warren accord- ing to the plat thereof on file and of record tn the office of the Register of Deeds In and for said Marshall c mnty Mn MarshallConnty andS at* of Minnesota with the hereditaments nnd Appurten- ances: which sale will be made by the SB«rIff of said Marsh ill County, nt the front door ofTue ftonrt House, in the City of.yVarreii in said CountvitnY state on the 11th day of May. 1JW4, at ten n'c'ock a. m , of that dav. at pun ic vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said delitvO Six Hundred, slxt.t-eight and 91-100 Dollars, am Interest, and the taxes. If any, on anlit premises and Klfty Dollars Attorney's fees, ns stlpu'atsi} ID and bv said Mortgagw la case of foreclosure, and f 10 80 raxes paid bv said Mortgagee, and the disbursements allowed by la«; subje-11«W demptton at any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law. Dated March 28 A. D 18»4. ' JOHN J SVTTOK, Mortgagee, S. COOKB, Attorney, >^lt ^fS" ' Warren. Minn. <&#£ ft vtfMTs COPYRIGHTS-W OBTAIN A PATENT* Fot -•re? J>°d an honest opinion, write .. '. &Uj, WHO ha*e bad nearly fifty years' St&mtent DSSjness. Comrnnnica> &flmfS8toLVht*ntB and bCW to ob> tents aad nCW'. atetfljogtwOf meoian. .-$ format; tain them sent , leal and scientific books sen.- "*>«>.«•=,„ Patents taken through Mnnfl M Cf#.' Je)0ejr*3 special notleelnthe Scientific Amerfcan f any* thus are brought widely before the public with-/ I out cost to toe inventor. This splendid fiieiuln. It is cilli A siipetb tfiaffi^t the diBtinguisnei J feet long and __ free if von tell in>u "OUT Visrrrsa," and sliows a beautiful, dimpled darling clad In a warm, rich, fur lined iluak, basket and umbrella in band, she pulls the snow covered latch, while her golden hair shim- mer*) in the sunshine, her cheeks blush with health and vigor and her roguish eyes sparkle merrily. Mnre to dellaiit you. A copy will be sent free, postpaid, if you promise to tell your friend-* and send U cents in otampg or silver for a three months' trial subscription to 'orld. S3 syesr. Sample copies sent free. BuHding Edition, monthly, K.50 a year. Single topiesi j$5 dent*. Every number contains beau- trfat nWt*SL in Colors, and photographs of new houses, wltn j»bK0s, enabHng builders to show the THE WHOLE FAMILY, magazine with st- all articles of interest by an Illustrated monthly magazine with stories, I all articles of interest by bestauthoiSiW'f *ash,tflieatlon contests monthly. Co, l$8fflrrmt6r St, Boston, Mass. anecdV«s, j[asblous an 'lestauthoiatri 1 RUSSELL PUB. Co FOR SALE OR Til A DR. J have M IWd of goo 1 working mid driving hoises, that l \vfll Ml on time or hade for oxen. Also one Peroheron stallion to tr.'ide for land. Oiconoc RuTLEit, Wan pn, Minn. Insure vonr litnldiii'js nnd Deisonn propei ty siff.iinst lire vxlth ISIMTJ: Bvvk or YWtRrV Ftt»ntn«lhp, tH'lM'tH )»>r s.tle nt it dnepil lales f»y »STATK BANK or W vnnhV. Mortgage Sale. Default having been m ide in thepav meat of tht> sum of Two Hundred Kight) one and twenty-five onehnmli-edtlw > Do lats, whi h Is claimed to be due at th^ date of this notice, upon a cert dn Moi tgage. dnl> exet uted and delivered by Jo lau Predreth and Knwtlne tVedrcch. his wife. Mortgagors, Ui Urn Q Nuyest Mortgagee, beating dnietoe a»th day of April ls»2. nnd, with a power ofsaleihW'ti in contained, duly recorded In the ofthe of the ltesrUter of Deeds in aud for the county of Mar- shall and State of Minnesota, on the 22»d ilav of April 18U2. at II Sjo'tlook \ M .In Book I or Mortgages, on pure 101 and no attiou or pro veedlnK having been Instituted, nt law or other wise, to recover the d»-bt secured by said Mort- gage, or any part thereof Now, Ther fore. Nutlet* is Hereby Given. That by virtue of the power of sale coniuin 0 in said Mortgage, arid pursuant tp the statute in suih case made and provided, the said Mortgage wl 1 be foreclosed by a sale of the premises d«rs ribed in and conveyed by said Mortgage, vis The Southwest quarter of Section Ten (10) in Township One Hundred and K.ftv-six{loo) North of Kunge Forty-seven (47) Wesr in Mtr*h»)l count) and State of Minnesota, with lh« hnre -it- aments and appurtenances, wli < h ale will 1 e m tde by the Sheriff of said Marsbnll county, nt he front door of the ronrt House in the ii v of n arren In said county at d >tat«. on the second day of Vpril IWI. at ten o clock a tn . of that day. at public yendne to the horn wt bidder for c«j*h. to ua,y aai.l debt of Two Hnndivd Righty- * the it> loo Dollars and interest, mid the tax:«. if any, on said prcmisi s an i T»enty-flyi> Dol. rs, Xttomey's fees, as st pulnted in aud In satd Mortgage In case of forecios r . and the «is l»n , -iein nts nthmed t>j 1'ivy, snbjfct ti> ndemp- ti>tn nt nny tune within one yeur fiom the d iv oi sale as pr»vii e t by 1 iw Dated Jan .dst. A D.lsOl EyA G. NO\KS. Msirtgagte. ^. c nikK Attorney. \\ arren, Minn Mortgage Foreclosure &ale. Default having been made in the pay ment •>' the sum ofKodriirtndr d Thirty oile nnd BN-KO Dollars, which U claimed to be due at th * date of to » notice upon a cert dn Mortsrage, duly *»x- etdtrtii and deiiyered by Peter II. Holm aud Ma- rt»h floiin. hU wife as Mortgagors, to The Mur- ray, Woodard Lumber Com puny a co-partner- ship composed of Frank L Mi>rrav, M.irwhall .1. Woodard and Frank B Wood ird. as Mortga- gee?, bearing date the tenth day of May 1813. ind, *,vith n po\«vr of «u'e therein iouttilned, duly r conled in the otflce nt the Register ->f Deeds in a d for the Connty of Marsha I and "state «t Minnesota, on the tenth day of May l*», at thiw. b'«li fk lu , tit »Ouk "V"»ttMort gages on page i TO WlilihHuitt Mortgage toj;etlior yvtth the debt aecured thereby , was duty asaUned by s tid Mur rav Wo.nlniil Lumber '- oiipnny a iopnrtin.r ship as aforesaid, by I rink L Murray, Mar- sh ill 1 \Vooiiard and Frank H \\ o dnrd. its members. Mortgagees to The Murray 'Voodard Lumber Compa y a eorpor it ton, liv written us- s gniueut, dit«d theiJt'i day of Innnnry IMil md retarded In the otMie of said Register of Deeds, on the 7lh day of hebrmuy ls»l, at 2 no o't lOv k p tn in Book C" of ylnrtgnges ou page 110 and no ictlou or proceeding hnvitig tteou institrtt^l. at law or otherwise to recover the d *'»t si. in red by s ii I dongage. or any part thereof. Now. I her fore. Notice is Hercbv Given, Tint b\ virtu of tin-poner of s lie c •litai icil In sain Mortgage, aud pu HU lit to iti-»t ttutu hi antli • ase made and pi ovdiid the s ild Mortenge will lie fore, lilted h, isnteofth* pninises i|i*si.rib .1 in and tony eye t bv slid Mortgj>ie yls The South One llitlf of tut n nibereu One (11 in Hlotk numbered Vine ><t] fiouting lw>nt) rtv. fe<t on fain -*iioet a id t ne llundr d and fortt feet ecp 11 a i alley ii rli» orndu ii tow u te of the VI la^re [nou Hiyli f Warren acconliiiur to Ih» plot thi-r* of ou fl e and of ret. ni in tho of ilceuf the itegis er of Deeds lu and for uaiil Mar shall county, in Marshall t'oiu tv an I Mute oi Minueno'a. with (he heixslitainents nnd appn*- teiiiiii'-ea, wbl* h H«ile will be made Iv the Shei iff of a dd Marshall < onntv at the front door of li^ f'ourt II <n e. in buf'ity of Mr arren In sait 1 I'onnty and Stite. on the 14th dat of \pril 1K»1 At ten o'clock am of th it <laj. at puhhV ven •me. to the htghust M 'di r foi tush, t o pny said debi of • Ml *& uid interest and the taxes II um, on until premise* IMKI r» utv Ave Holt rs \ttoriier'ste'S, as stipulated in and by sii<l MorliraKei'i *a e of for closnie. aud the d e ourseiuents nlluued by )nw, subjeit to redein: tiou at IIy lime vylthl i one vei.r fiom the OIIA if sale as p ovldi d by la>y Died Feb 27 h. V D 18M Tui^ MIIHKAY Wtiontnn LuMni-nro , *. \s iguee of Mortgagee S. OoOKf Atfoiuiy Uniren. Minn "*** Don't forg t t o g o t o Taialseth's for good bnrguins. Lin iberg & L an l^ren H a v e seVM'ril seetWrnl hmd Dulls. S a e IPIN, and Wngons on hand wllich will he Hold veiy ohenp, if taken .it onee Haw <iKo Homes foi .sale oi ii title for wood. Parmi for K^n+i Wnnled four Ten.»nts for f.irnm nenr Wnrren J S DAMD ^contracts. Address tOHMt 361 BROADWAY THE WISCONSIN CENTRA^ LINES Run two tnst trtiinH dndv between St. Paul, Minneapolis, nnd Chicago Milwaukee and all points in Wiscon- sin, making connection in Chicago with nil lines i mining East and Smith, < - ' Tiekt issVtld nnd baggage checked through to nil points in the United States and Canadian PioVifiees. For full information regarding ttotrfces. Rates, Maps, folders etc , ad- diess vdtiT f^etrrest ticket agent oi jus. C*. P o n d , Gehl.- P t t s s A»t. Mil- waukee, Wis. G.S.WATTAM B.A.M.D. , rntSICJAN and SURGEON. v t OFFICE Next door east of Bank <%*&**• /. J.MeGILLAN, M. D. % Physician and Surgeon* rust fl *oreist of Bennewit/'a UnvnisB- ' * Shop—np stairs •• Watren, * - - Mint:, , : ffe«» Aiiy collections or legal business placed tit At Grin del ami's hands will receive attention. Smoke "Key West Iteauty' best o ,'t eii»:ai in the citv. the 't-«-i •i\ greatest number, G r B E A T M U S I C OFFER. Send us* the names and addresses of three or tnore performers on the piano or organ together with eight cents in postage and we will mail yon one copy Popular Music Month- ly, containing ten pieces, fall sheet! music, consist ing of popular songs,! For Sale. One imported Percheron Stallion. One team of heavy mules. And several young work horses, by Joax E. OSJTROM. For Sale, for Cash or on i § ^ Time W Horses of every descristion, at 35 dollars and up. Jr ***Mi SSmM C. A. Tullar & Co. HERDING. I will herd stock next season on the following terms: CATTLE $1.10 for the season. HORSES $2.00 " .. . ^ . J . I W«ity of good grass and water, waltzes, marchrt, etc.. arranged for | IxM5atioi| of hwd tweJye 1(||I the piano and organ. Address: POPULAR MUSIC MONTHLY, t east of Warren. Address me at Indianapolis, Ind Fint publication F«b 15, 1894. j, .-, Mortgage Foreclosure Sale.* * Defaolt navins been made in tb« condlt |oi>« oi a Mortna»r« given bv Cbrintian E. BJerk. Mort tmor, to John H. Van Dyke. Mortrfa«e#. dated Jnly 101 h lft*8. and duly recorded tn fhi» offlc* bf the Reglnter of Deed* in and for the Connty oj Maraball and State of Minnenota. on the 28th ^^. or . J .!; , v J 8W •• tl •* 0o,c,oc t, '• M.. In Book. H" of MortKaxra. on pairea 3»7 288 and 88». The amount claimed to be due upon eald Mort- K»K* at the date hereof la the anin of Fonr Hun dred Thirty-five Dollar* and Seventy Centa Princlnal and Internet, bealdea the sum of 8lKtr- •iz and Forty-six onehundredtbs Doilara lor taxea and interent thereon neceaanrlly paid by •aid mortgagee, and Twenty-five Doilara. Attof- ney'4 feea. atlpnl ted for In aaid Mi rtgage. Notice Is Hereby Gi«en,Tiiat the aaid MoA- •rage will be foreclosed by a aale of the Dremlnea de§ -ribed In said M ort«age. ylr l ^ p p The SbnthEaet Quarter (8 E \) of Section Three (3) In Townehlp One Hundred Fifty-are (166) North, and Range Fortv-throe (4»l Wtat" Poiittlninar One Hundred S'sty (teo> N i<rea o> land in Marshall County and State of Mlnnaao 'a. which Mie will be made by the Sheriff of aalr' Manhall County, or hr« Deputy, at tha froat door of the Marshall county Court Rouae. In thf 1?^^^ W ^ rre ?i. 111 . ••«<• Opuaty and tate. or FURNITURE.. The best in the m.iilyet nt the lowest prices. Henry JIJ. Sivanson, Warren, Minn Gaarntced Cured. We authorize om advertised druggists to s-ell Di. King's New Discovery f..r ConsmnpttoM, Coughs an<l CoM^, upon this con- dition If y«>n -tre j'ffl cted with n Cough, C*>'d or any Lunar, Thro.il orClvst tionlde, .«nd will use thi- renudy n 4 * directed, guing it fan- trial, and expmeii'e n<» bentfit, \oumav r tuin the Lottie :n d hive\oni IIJOIHJ i.fnnclcd. Wi could not make tins i Tei <u 1 not know that D . King's N« « i»i coves \ (oild he II lie i o i. h n«*\er di-appoint«». 'fti I b »'tle- free ai 10. F . Wh.tmjjj Di no Store. L'ir e n 5 K . and $1.00, 2 liueklen's Anuca Salve. The host Naive in t •» woild 101 Cuts, Hrnises, Hoi-"S, Clctis, Salt Uheuni. Fover Son s,Tetrei jl'happefi Hands, t hdh'n'iis, C< rns. and all ^kin £)iii(>tions,and posilnel tuie^ t'iles, or no pa3 requued. I t i^ ;uaiantced togne perfect satisfac tion, or inone t \ re^nndecl Pihe2.*i cents per box. lor sale by K. F. W HINTED . Lou^hfidgo's Columr. Blacksmithing, fi^jaaoreasnoal-agr/v* Wagon & Carpenter Work. MJ^ *• C. J. KI JXGHORG.S (Easi Side.) &&£%Warren, Minn. frobaie Notice. Tieadav. the third day of April IW*. a t l a o'cloikA. M.. of that day- ^^>* loitKagee., Warren, Minn. ALBERT GKIFFWHS. Dated Mllwa ikee. January 27th A. D. )8M fi, JOB!* H VAH V%Kf •» C J. RoBm-Ft-nit. Attorney for Mortcagm. - 1ifc& «ftOaar.LMAnidjr. 'M ^ T A T l O r MlXMCHOTA. COI'NTV OK-MAHVHALI.. f" Tn Probate• court. Special T< rm March Urn. 1*31. In the Matter of the Estate of Fred Koburta. f)aw*AAMAWf * On receivine and fl ins: the petition of A. C Finney, of the County of Hennepin representing among other-things, tint Fred Koberta. late of the County of Marshall, in the Stale of Minneso- ta, ou the 1 'th day of October A. D 189.1. at tht Connty Of Marahnll. died intent.*te, and being an Inhabitant of thh County at tile li'ne <f lib death, leaving good*, chattels, and estate wi h In this County, and that the said petitioner i> tiie agent and attorney of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate b< to Frank Jerrne granted. In Is order? d. that said petition be heard. b< fore said Conrt. on Friday the 6th dav of April 4 p. 18M atlOo'cloek A M., at the Probaw Ofnee in Iho fity of yfarren in said Con ty Ordered further, that notice thereof he give* *o the heirs «>tanld deceased and to all person 'ntereated, by pu lish n thii order once in ertc\ jreek for tb. ee sncceaslve weeks prior to snld dny >t bearl r m the WARKKN ^H^AP a week! •owspaper printed ami published at W arren. i midCoanty & -> Dated ai Warren. Minn, the 14th d o v ^ U:1rcll. A. D. 1W4 JJy the Court. $% C.S HUM.. ^ ti*Ai\ ' , ^udge of Probate. -^ Have just re- turned with two|| carloads: of mares and colts that wiUbe3Dldr'; Happy Hoosiers. Wnl Simmons, postmaster o ldnville, Ittff,, <vHtes* ''Electiic Bitteis has done moie for me than all other uiedicines con»bine<!, lot that bad feeling arising trom K i 1- ney and L'ver trouble n John Les- lie, faim«i .mH stockman, of same plnce, s'n^s.j "Find Elcctnc Bitt^i" lo be the b^-st Kidne.V and Livti in dicine, nnde me feel like a n p w man." T. W. Gardner, haul ware meielimt, same town, sajs* Elec- tm Bitters is just the thing for a mffii who is all rundown and don't • aiewhetner he ji\es or dies: he found new strength, good appetue and felt just like he had a new lea'-e on life. Only 50c a bottle atE. F. Whitnev'fe'diug st«n-e. 2 U t snio itronize ke 03 g *3 •Our a St o K homf indni ind tist .1." S > B «y m < C and C. S. HULL, , JUDGE OF PROBATE. Contests, Final Proofs and JJ. S. Land Office bus- iness given prompt atten- tion. WARREN. - MiNN. ganiuel Cooke, ATT0KNEY AT LAW. Office one door east of Post Office. Warren, Minn. Standard — Manufactured by — Anton rfc^CGG-iiiziiBs, WARREN, - MINN. ruomas F Oakos. Henry c Pijne Henrv C Itonse Ilpuners lOTyTIIERV PACIFIC H. It u N s -^k-O^V THROUGH CARS -^ TO ^«^ T HII.VV Xll»\\,.VPOll , » IH 1 LI 11 1 AKti.) Git Ml rtiRKs an^ IWIE ro \ TO HELENA i BUTTE SPOKANE lACv.WA SEATTLE P0KTLAND TIME SCHEDULE. /For"t 1 ml Minnnipo 1 r lmslcnymjirCrooV tli> Snpiuor ' n ntS ton diiiH h-is Tn ! /( lil« U,n t i\ < man ^eshi n'od ^!«p ^pmnt^fa t bCHt MI t mg: Car nnd Dinii K a d 1* mht co^st a' IMJLUM ^N SI CLI'lNCCMJs CI E C W T DlMNGCaliS TOCIJl^l si rpi\&cAr« ais Httaclicd. 6 36 P h . Tor Ginmi; 1 oiK*- \\ n ni|. br- and pO Ut 1 ' north at / Tor G i G-a,ftol>, /Brniulon, 1 P. PETERSON, c>- Merchant—Tailo;WARREiV, - MINN. —Illlllililllillll'lll lE^ixie £\iits 3U!L&,<3L& to Order oo £:liort ZTctice. - Il'lll'a- Peifect Fit Guaianteed. Reoairine done at reason^ able rates. A fine l o t of Samples ju->t rcce'ved. GREAT JDXTR^RS RAILWAY. '11MLCAID. St Tan* Minne.ipo'n CiooK'-tm l^uclid A n p u s WAHRTN Aiojle Stejihen Doit.ih'son Jktmiedy ITallock A ( I tluote IIiMlll oVi hi ^ liuent i ins bftwet-n A5 iiii v e >pf>ii>>, S <tu\ C i H , C i o o k s i o n , "\'nt , he..d, r-\uao,Cran I folks, (Ii.ifidii, WuMtpijf, re\iI-> i ;ik^', (iK.il r.i'is lleleim, lhi*te, Iv i ! Wj ( ! Sj olwiiie .ind .Seattle i' u iiu (t >^l i n ns m n P.s'nce ) iiinu <nul S!< ej i £ i i», Bii'ut Li- !i w (iii-ei \.itu ii, t'u okmj, (ais, lift (.oiot •>[ ^u,.!s, tic Com <tt o* - «u !>f F ml .!nd Min- i' <']M>! J S \ i''l 1 I'ln t() ,Ui(l fiom iv «ke f-i ]»(! r i i ) o i i i ^ , l h u ' t i o St. 1 n u b «ii d t n e Ha t, South md Soiithwe^t CUISMS tie Rotkv and Cascade Mount.itii in u a \ ligM, S n ' r 'ff p.^- sen^ns a t h.n < f IOMP »sotue o[ the hj>e^? •-tei eij in \u,^iinu COIUK i iu>i"s ut Sj.itt'e with ste.im- 'tfe toi Pii<jrf t vS<<TiTid poinK, Cnhtoi- ui.i, AI'ska, J.*p<in aiiil Clhii.l f s'lid !»\ I.MI to F.Kiti^ Co.-'st points Conn<-ct oils <it i om'! i's Fein*, idnlio, Foi h ( o h ii, i i WM and l.ik*» fioiui«>, nt Wfn.il<h<e Via^h, lor Lake C|K 1 u , the Tppti Coiumbui iiid the Oka; ( » in » 1 i-ti i< t Tn ket-< so'o .nid I>aiiL.aj_e checked "OX ,lli pj IMlij .<] ] < ill t<< Foi phUhi, t < i s ai d mfoin ntu>n ibou* I >te«- i< r h «s rtc i\] j }\ icr F E P. i i i T \ f i . A«r< i.t, Wai'tn, i\l'np ri om st I T lit 7 45 r M. 8 20 8 00 & .15 9 27 10.00 10 40 11 15 11 CO 12 10 12 15 1 05 1 C3 2 CO L». i!\ ii a, M ti IC ii ki It a VI 1' M ' i( a. V To St Vat 1"» 30 P.M. 55 <, ro 8 00 7 33 7C0 G22 5 50 5 15 4 55 4 18 3 14 V **8 r oo Sr. 1 si n '• r M ii ii. iL ii. iC i. a (C a 1 v. aul. )«d. 8 05 A A* Cor informn 1 IO * time nuls ini \ M ui<i l k all onor wite luket \g ut. V I' < t»o - < My in or mis •* i r r GP'» Pas* \ t St 1 anl V i l En«»lish Spn\ in Imminent i<nio\<s all ITaid, Sot* - or Calloused iaimpv and BlermsliiR b o m Hnise-4, H'ooi •si)a\'iis, Cm b«i. S p u n t s , {{mo hoi e Stitles. Spi .iin*-, all Kvyollen Tin o \\^ Coujilis, e't Sive§50b\ r! « u e o oiiehonle WniHitctl tlie nto> vyondeifn 1 Hleini^h ,, uiee\» i kiovi' Sold by E I\ Whitney, dmu^i-t, W .men. LEMS WESTMAN, r.opiietor of Hie SCAHD1MIAH DRUG © S70K?. Ojpi t e f.'i I'll p Y ird—At t ** do Kee|)s a full line of l)in<>s, Patent MediciueH, Painty Oils. V.i'in^lii^. G\psine, Peifumeiy, So.ms nnd Toi- let Aitulen Plnsieians' jiesiiip lions carefuHv compounded nt al hfiuis A P Zutiohl luth chai«:«'o ihe business for me -ind will b<> »l." to imet till hih old custoniHi", nix innn y new c.nes. chllitfofclsli 3& or on' time or t ygm SvnU trade for ** i^ ^cattle or land? L. UWMMJS - WARREN, ML\N C.|, JO HNSON 5 propi ietor First class accemmodo tions. Terms reasonable. l@"Good Barn in connection with Hotel *• ^^ «x * * v '- PhytiLikiia orcio-so "y" I'll? ca & tpjLDdld oomblnSSeiU gcd prescrib» lowWi g-*-t HJ IsfocJon for tha curw of all f.nna ana risgw of Pr-nnrv. Fecon'la-y and Ttrtl; .D'luA^ES. Rceiiciatl^a, .^c^cfoietis Uloers sod Sorev Caadu'ar STCLITCS, Paenmsi'sm, Malaria, old Qaasaa UJccr» th^t b n i-'e-* nil tT>"t>aent, Ca«aixa» bulaln? t,p tlia eyotemrapid'y. ladtn-vriicse tyttems sua pokoned endvliose blool Icfft jg- '^iSSI?„f,'^°?', t , 1 °-?«-J.°^ mtn^nal Jrn>gcInTlU°9« tar 03 © u © I»5li«ly bliiciirfd ^/"fcisr'woS!firiai"Tlnlo "end fclool- mdPot!ttF ropwlfe * p * p » Etfca y **» Pok * Bo ° 9 i 'M / i -* i i*#$h& *-1 3?X?tt^fr&Z!!e&&?: Si? SUBSCRIBE 'M Belief in six hours. J)fctipseiiig Kidnev nnd Bhiddei dit 'nses relieved in six hours by the *'\ FW (jRPAT ^OUTH AitriilCAN _KlD- NE \ fVRK " This new IIM I'Y is n err< nt snipiise on nccoiit on its ex- eec lii»o promptness in iel..«v ; !»o j tin int heb'udd^r, kidney s, b;n k ni'd ereiyof the liimnrv pnsieoo-i^ HI mnle or fenmle. It ielie\es retentio of wnter and pnin in pnssir^ \* n> mo«-t itnniedintelv. ff i o n w a n . "qniek relief nnd euie thi« is > out UTM et\v. - Sold hv> E . F.-^Miitney. Druggist A'arreiu'^ l 5 ^ >P2£A£f BEOS,, Sa-Tasaah, ~~ "r-.f>s csa ls<3 f.-ee. Ore # \\oai ^ a WtendVo cx$ (\mev\oa\v X>*Sv^^^ &$'' •^^-Are you willing to work for the eaus* r of Protection in placing reliable infor. mation in the hands of your acquain- tances? ^^S^^S^ff^ If you are, you should be identified with p| THE AMERICAN^ ' PROTECTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE,' 135 W. 23D ST , NEW YORK. Cut this notke out and send it to the League Staling yotir position, <tnd fjivc a helping hand*

Transcript of a« A SheaP. vtfMTs


\ '*


/'Eg If

• I-


I* l


a« A PW

Warren1 SheaP. "•*•!

J . P . M A T T S O N , E d i t o r a n d P r o p r i e t o r .

Official Paper of Marshall County.

T h u r s d a y , Mnreh 2 9 t h , 1 8 9 4 .

T H E Washburn—Crosby Milling C o m p a n y , of Minneapol is , l a s t \*eek, b o u g h t . '1,250,000 bushels of wheat i n o n e c a s h deal . I t is probnbly the b i g g e s t t r a n s a c t i o n of the kind ever m a d e .

PnEsiDENivNorthrop, of the Stnfce Univers i ty , a few d a y s sinee wnrned t h e s t u d e n t s n g a i n s t all k inds of g a m b l i n g . G a m b l i n g is a vice which y o u n g men s h o u l d shun ns they would d e a t h .

I N t h e Breckinridge- Pol lard breach of promise suifc n t W a s h i n g t o n the K e n t u c k y o r a t o r a n d s t a t e s m n n hns fceen s h o w n t o be a wolf in sheep's c l o t h i n g . I t is well for soc ie ty t o n a v e t h e mask t o r n from H\trh hy­p o c r i t e s .

EniTonSTEAD,of Knghind hns writ­t e n a book which he hns g iven the t i t l e , "If Christ Came t o Chicago ," which is p r o v i n g n sensnt ion . In i t he s h o w s up t h e ro t t ennes of thear i s -t o c r a t i c circles ns well a s the degra­d a t i o n of t h e s lums .

C O X G H E B S M W Medonry , republi-• cnncongressmnn f iom the second Minneso ta distr ict , voted for the B l a n d bill t o coin the si lver se igno r a g e , nnd by doing s o hns culled d o w n upon himself the wrnth of the s ing le g o l d s tnndnrd o r g a n s of the state. T o l l y one , for McTlem.t.

P R E N D E R O A S T , the murderer of

H a r r i s o n , did n o t strpteh rope o>j F r i d a y l a s t week. An e x a m i n a t i o n a s t o his s a n i t y hns been ordered by the court . If criminal ever deserved t h e g a l l o w s Prendergns t is the one , and for the s a k e of h u m a n soc ie ty g i v e him his pun i shment w i thout de­l a y .

There promises t o be a b ig fight o v e r Mr. Washburn's sent in" t h e F S . s e n a t e a t the 'nex t mee t ing of the a t a t e letrislaf ui e. Severn I prominent gent l emen are credited wi th hav ing a m b i t i o n s for the place Mr. WaslT-burn h a s m a d e a very g o o d s e n a t o r , a n d o u g h t t o be ent i t led t o a n o t h e r ttrm.

AsHBy g a v e t h e s a l o o n s a very b lack eye According t o nil reports t h e y h a v e been conducted in verj much t h e s a m e manner t h a t the Fer­g u s F a l l s s a l o o n s were the 3enr be­fore l icense w a s v o t e d o u t . One 01 t w o t o u g h s a l o o n s will d o more t o c a r r y n o license t h a n an a r m y of pro h ib i t ion ta lkers .—Feigns Fa l l s Jour­nal .

T H E Republican press of Minneso­t a will undoubted ly support the pin t-t o n n of t h a t p a r t y if i t boldly , hon­e s t l y nnd clearly defines i t s pos i t ion a n d t h a t p o s i t o n voices the senti­m e n t s of the papers; and the Repub­l ican press will suppor t the nominees of t h a t p a r t y if they are woi t h y ex­p o n e n t s of t h o s e principles. A s we h a v e sa id before t h e pai t y m u s t be r igh t o n the m o n e y quest ion or there will be defection. T h e m o n e y ques­t i o n is n t t h e present juncture thr. m o s t i m p o r t a n t of all public ques t i o n s , in o u r op in ion . The m o n e y of t h e republic from 1 7 9 2 fo 1 8 7 3 Bhould be restored, t h a t the pi ices of the products of humnn l.ibor m n j suffice t o s n p p o i l life, t h a t t h e m d i si-tr ies t h a t now Me d o r m a n t m a y b e re­v ived , t h n s g i v i i i g e m p l o y i n e n t t o the hundreds of t h o u s a n d s of idle hands t h a t seek work in va in nnd t h a t 1 0 0 per cent interest for the use of m o n e j m a y be m a d e absolute ly imposs ib le —Moorhend News

AN excentric individual , coiled Gen. Coxey, a t Massi l lon, Ohio , haft m o d e a g r e a t s t ir a b o u t mteirig a n a r m y of unemployed with which t o

, jH.ove Y o u r u a i h u y W e q t . BdriUyeoiteAgo a s o n g wi th t h e

J ^ W o ^ w ^ ^ l ^ M t o ^ « b ° v e w o r d « f ° r a W W * J ™ ™ ? - T h e g n e f ! had r M i v e d from

s o t a s t a t e prison a t St i i l t tater , a

mdrchfco W a s h i n g t o n and m a k e a . b a l , a n d a number of smal l wmpieB d e m o n s t r a t i o n before Congress I t o f b l u d e r J ? [ i n e mannfdeWred n t the1

- - B • v p f e o h . T h i s twine will be so ld t h e present s eason a t a price n o t t o ex­ceed seven cents per pound, a n d low-

w a s t o be known a* the a r m y o . fcWe "Common WenV* and t o cons i s t of unarmed men . L a s t S u n d a y t h e march w a s ac tua l ly commenced b y a n a r m y of less t h a n 2 0 0 , principally t r a m p s a n d ad Venturers, w h o never did a d a y ' s h o n e s t work in theft l ives. Gen.JCokey 1ft confident t h a t his r a n k s will swell , and t h a t when he reaches W a s h i n g t o n , he will n n W nt l east 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 men, b u t the chan­ces are t h a t the whole c o m m o n weal nrmy will g o t o pieces o n the wny. T o sensible men i t l o o k s like a crank novemenfc. However', tt ft would be

poss ible to s t ir up Congress and the President t o a full real izat ion of the pit iable condi t ion of the country , Coxey o u g h t t o succeed.

•jT^ri^WfliTiirTr •

P r i n t i n g i s E x p e n s i v e . The report of t h e S t a t e S ta t i s t i ­

cian s h o w s t h a t pr int ing is o n e of the m o s t expens iye l ines of business t o run, while mil l ing is one cf theehen p-es t I t c o s t $ 8 6 , 4 3 7 rast year t o run .17 print ing offices in fcorth Da­k o t a , white i t cos t o n l y f 9 9 , 9 8 4 t o run 2 0 flouring mills . T h e product of these print ing offices^ w a s $ 1 1 0 , -7 5 6 . 7 7 , but the p r o d u c t of thestt 2 0 mills was $ 2 , 1 8 1 , i l o 1 8 . T h u s it will be seen t h a t i t c o s t s two-fifths a s , much t o run a pr int ing office a s it does t o run a mill, but the product of a mill i s 4 0 times-its grea t as* that of a pr int ing office Morn!. "Pay y o u r printer* hill promptly .—Rich­land C o u n t y (N. D ) Gazet te

In ns much a s the s a l o o n s weie v o ted o u t of Warren. it th^ht tee lee t ion , t h e S H L A F hopes tha t n o eftorts mi l be spared t o enfoi ( e the l.i w. Noth­i n g will bring reproach upon t h e fail n a m e of t h e e i t j a s quickly ns A ill t h e se l l ing of l iqnoi in v io la t ion ol t h e expressed w ill of the people. Fo i t h a t reason it is the d u t y of e v e n g o o d cit izen, regardles of w h a t v iews he h a s h i ther to enterta ined upon thib q u e s t i o n , t o jo in in enforcing the liq­u o r l a w s . I t is the d u t y , especial ly , of t h e c i t y c o u n c i l , m ir sha l , county a t ­t o r n e y , sheriff, t o w a t c h and prose­c u t e v io la tors of law. L e t an enforce­m e n t l eague be organized t o s t a n d be-h i n d t h o s e charged with enforcing the l a w s , a n d let a su i tab le reward be of­fered for evidence t h a t will convic t a n offender. Neither Warren n o r t h e c a u s e of t emperance can afford t o h a v e the laws v io lated wi th impu­n i t y .

T H E S t . P a u l Globe the o t h e r d n y i.i a l e n g t h y edi tor ia l a d v a n c e d argu­m e n t s t o s h o w t h a t the principles of t h e Peop les p a r t y and 1 he Democrat ­ic p a r t y were ent ire ly a n t a g o n i s t i c a n d for t h a t reason it ad vised a g a i n s t fus ion with t h e P e o p l e s ' p a r t y in the future. F u r t h e i m o r e , t h e paper con­t ended , t h a t t h e principles of t h e P e o p l e s ' p a r t y a n d t h e Republ ican p a r t y are m o r e in h a r m o n y . T h e S H E A F bel ieves t h a t t h e Globe i s r i g h t . T h e d e m o c r a t i c p a a r t y h a s a l w a y s been k n o w n a s the s tr ic t con­s t r u c t i o n i s t p a r t y , m a i n t a i n i n g t h a t t h e g o v e r n m e n t shoul d d o a s l i t t le a s poss ib le , a pol icy t h a t is n o w be­i n g carried o u t t o t h e ful lest e x t e n t b y t h e d e m o c r a t i c Congress , while t h e Republ ican p a r t y i s l o o s e con­s t r u c t i o n i s t , nnd bel ieves t h a t i t g o v e r n s best for all when i t leg is ­l a t e s for t h e g r e a t e s 4 g o p i j p i t h e

W E po int t o the recent report of L a b o r Commiss ioner P o w e r s o n chat t l e l o a n s m a d e in Minneapolis . The main features in t h a t report are t h a t there were filed in t h e clerk's office in 1 8 9 3 2 , 7 0 0 chat t l e mort ­g a g e s , the face va lue of which was a-b o u t $ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 ; t h a t tlte l o a n s were made for shor t t erms , ten per cent being deducted from their face; t h a t the a v e r o g e a m o u n t o f each loan was $ 4 0 , the a m o u n t received by the borrower be ing $ 3 6 ; t h a t b y far the greater number g a v e security on household furniture and musical in­s t ruments , s h o w i n g t h a t the borrow­er w n s i n s o m e g r e a t pinch or dire ne­cess i ty t h a t drove him t o the usurer; tha t the actual a m o u n t of money used a s capi ta l for t h o s e l o a n s w a s be­tween $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 nnd $ 4 0 0 0 0 , t h e s a m e bem;r turned over three or four t imes during the year , and t h a t t h e inves tments netted the owners a sum equal t o the principal. T o be pla in , the usurers of Minneapolis ex tor ted 1 0 0 per cent interest from their fel­low men in their t ime of misfortunes and distress .

W h a t is Mr. P o w e r s ' remedy for this evil? More m o n e y , of course. He 3eems t o be endowed with co ir -mon sense. H e s a y s : u T h e p r o b l e m of how t o free the poor from t h e ex­tor t ion of the money loaner is then the fol lowing: H o w c a n m o r e m o n e y be secured t o be loaned , and how much will be needed t o pract ical ly end e x t o r t i o n a t e l o a n s a m o n g the poor of such a c i t y a s Minneapol is o n chat t l e m o r t g a g e security? The facts here presented would indicate t h a t $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 would suffice t o fill t b e p l a c e of the e x t o r t i o n a t e l o a n s n o w m a d e in Minneapolis on chatte l m o r t g a g e securi ty ."

T. i is is a s h o w i n g up of the s i tua­t ion in one c i t \ t A like condi t ion ex­is ts in ever> other western c i ty . I t ex i s t s in t h e c o u n t r y . Thefarmerso f the Red River val ley are suffering un­der a l m o s t s imilnrcondit iom*. Th»y put a chat te l m o r t g a g e on their l ive s tock , o n their p lows , seeders, mow­ers, on their g r o w i n g gra in , ami even on the gra in before i t is s o w n , nnd doubt le s s would plaster t h e backs of their wives with m o r t g a g e s if money could be la ised in t h a t way . We d o not b lame them for thin; i t is a neces­s i ty in which they find themselves T h e remedy is more m o n e y . Mr. Powers s a y s if there could be g o t in s o m e w a y $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 more money in to Minneapolis t o be loaned o u t t o the poor it would corect the evi l . There's the rub. I t c a n ' t be g o t unless t h e vict ims can be bled st i l l deeper. T h e money is n o t in existence. There i» n o t enough of it . Every c o m m u n i t y is suffei ing with t h e s a m e disease , ex ­cept per Imps a h t t l e terr i tory in New England, where there are more rocks, than hearts . And why should n o t those who h a v e m o n e y t o l o a n , w h e n they m a k e 1 0 0 per cent a y e a r , o b ­ject t o t h e increase of t h e Currency? I t m i g h t reduce their g a i n s probab ly t o 5 0 per cent , and t h a t would ruin t h e m . T h e y bel ieve in m o n e y of high valne; h o n e s t m o n e y t h a t is worth 1 0 0 per cent , a s well n s 1 0 0 cents o n t h e dol lar .

T h e v o t e r s of the Seventh Congres-s iona l dis tr ict of Minnesota , a n d in all t h e dis tr ic ts in the sta*«, for t h a t m a t t e r , will v o t e a g a i n s t t h e i r i n t e r -e s t s , will - vo te t o perpetuate their o w n p o v e r t y , if they depos i t their v o t e s for a c a n d i d a t e for congress who is n o t pledged t o the free a n d un­l imited c o i n a g e of s i lver.—Moor-head News .

er if necessary t o meet compet i t i on of a n y tftlne of e^uat length arid quali­t y t h a t m a y be platted bn tile hidriketi Theeltat i t pi'lce wilt be determined a t a meet ing of the brison B o a r d June 1 s t , 1 8 9 4 , but all purchaser* will be entlt&d t o the benefit of a n y reduc­t ion t h a t mnyjbe m a d e below seven cents a pound , s o t h a t n o one need t o hes i ta te in placing h i s order a t oncei By encourag ing ttl l l Industry a t t l ie s t a t e prison, stil l greater reduct ions in price may be ex pec ted in the future. Already t h e prisolPtwine p l a n t h a s been tht means ol s a v i n g t h o u s a n d s of dol lars U tile farmers of the state1, and hence is a p a y i n g inves tment . Call in a t the S H E A F office t o e x a m i n e the twine and receive a smal l sample free.

T h e F a t h e r a n d H i s B o y , Don ' t be a hypbdWte ttofBre y o u r

boy , writes Robert J . Btirtiette in the first paper of t h e series "Before He is T w e n t y " in t h e April Ladies ' H o m e Journa l . When lie believes y o n t o tie infallible d o n ' t encourage the belief. T a k e him i n t o y o u r life a s y o u desire t o b e t a k e n i n t o his . Don't tell him t h a t when y o u were a b o y y o u never g a v e y o u r parents a, m o m e n t ' s uneasiness , were never cross t o y o u r l i t t le s ister, never dis­obeyed y o u r teacher, never cruel t o d u m b an imal s , and a l w a y s kept the Golden Rule. Be hones t with him a b o v e all th ings . Don't be t o o dig­nified With hirit. Tlie more he l o t e S ydu* the ttiore he lives in y o u r a r m s , the more he p l a y s with y o u and the less he fears y o u , t h e more profound­ly will he respect y o n . P i t y t h e m a n , who , in order t o secure and retain proper respect from li i i cldldreN} h a s t o wear a t al l t imes a n uncomfort­able veneer of artificial d ign i ty .

B i g W o o d s . March 25.1891.

W A R R E N S H E A F : —

J a c k F r o s t hns dea l t with our early spring) a s tl ie senute did With t h e Wil l sonbi lhsadly disfigured i t . T h e d r a g s and drills s o hurriedly b r o u g h t o u t , are she* p is ldy s e t b y a g a i n , t o a w a i t the true s eason .

Now is the t ime t o s t a r t early gar­den p lant s , such ns t o m a t o e s , early cauliflower} etc . T o keep from hav­ing t o reset t o m a t o e s , which are put back a week a t least , p l a n t t w o or three seeds in a can of rich dirt , (pre­v ious ly heated ho t . t o kill insects ) , th in t o one and jus t before transpla nt-ing al low t h e dirt and p l a n t t o be­c o m e dry enough t o eas i ly c o m e o u t of can , which p u t in a ho l low hill welj filled with ro t t en manure and dirt . Water very thorough ly . If the bot ­t o m of the can can be taken o u t with­o u t injury t o t h e r o o t s of the p lants , they can be se t in the hil ls , half of the can left a b o v e t h e g r o u n d a n d the r a v a g e s of the cut worm avo idod . Celery, if treated a s c a b b a g e , s e t in rich g r o u n d well watered and hoed, can be seen o n the farmer's table (al l summer after Ju ly , and all winter)as well a s on c i ty t a b l e s - a l l 1 he difference c o m i n g in t h e t rea tment in t h e fall b y p inning a newspa­per, or in fact a n y paper around the Sta lks below the leaven, p u t t i n g enough dirt a r o u n d the lower par t of thepap«»rto keep the wind from blowing it off while it is wet after u heavy rniir the process bleaching it and mn king i t crisp

T h e a b o v e facts m a y n o t sound theoretical , but we have found them practical .

»S. P.

popular in th i s country . I t w a s a c o m p a n i o n t o Horace Greek's , *'Gb wesfcfrdnnfc nitM." Nowj fiow*¥erj t h a t e x h o r t a t i o n h a s l o s t i t s force, because, t a k i n g "Wes t" a s a s y n o ­n y m for wild and unsett led c o u n t r y , there is n o West. Stil l , t h e Amerb can is it restless creature hot Vet f i d o \ m hottiddib1 Instinct inherited from his pioneer ancestors^ And a b o u t H|is t ime of y e a r matter are r^nsidei'ing a change of loca t ion . T h o u g h there i s .no longer much g o v ­ernment land , nor a n y extens ive re* arion w i thout cit ies and t o w n s , there is a s much r o o m a s ever for new-corn* ersi Mitihesdta litis mliliBris1 hi dt?re§ of forest and prairie y e t unoccupied; Nebraska, where corn is k ing , offers splendid openings t o the industr ious farmer and the hust l ing business man; Wisconsin h a s m a n y a g o o d chance for t h e m a n who is wide awake; Missouri h a s a wealth of soi l , t imber and mineral for t h e persistent seeker; Colorado h a s treasures of silver and go ld n o t y e t discovered; W y o m ' n g l ias room for flocks litid herds innumerable; northern K a n s a s has a n unsurpassed c l imate a n d a wide expanse of fertile lands* t h e Black Hil ls of S o u t h D a k o t a t a i n with mineral wealth; while t h e older shrttfs oi t l i inois *und t o w n * h a v e go lden opportuni t i e s for both ' farm­er and business mnn, t h o u g h a l i t t le more capi ta l i s needed t h a n in uewver regions . If y o u think of moving , y o u will certainly find w h a t y o n wrt«t1 ill s o m e one of these ten s t a t e s , and» t o all p o r t i o n s of them t h e Bui lmg^on route is t h e best road for the jinmi-g r a n , from whatever direction he m a y come. With rerrtiiilrils1 a t CJii-c n g o , Peor ia $ t . Louis , K a n s a s C i t y , S t . Joseph , O m a h a , Denver, Cliey-enn*, Dendwood , Minneapolis a n d S t . Pau l , i t offers the travel ler ,s tnrt-ing from either e a s t , west , north o r s o u t h , a direct, speedy, s a f e a n d c o m ­fortable r o u t e t o his des t inat ion in s t a t e of those n a m e d . F o r t ickets , mnps and information app ly t o a n y a g e n t of the Bur l ington or connect­ing l ines, or write t o W. J . C. Ken-y o n , Gen. P a s s . Agent , S t . Paul , Minn.


Lindberg & Lundgren h a v e 2 6 0 , -0(JO o f . g o o d , .tarttarac shingles for sa le which will be sold a t i'cdiic'etf prices. ^

^ G o o d s a r e . n o w s o l d cheaper a t Tara l se th ' s M « f \ J | m t h a n ever



8 m o k e " O u r S t a n d a r d " l o n g H a v a ­na filled s*^*,%,%- M?-^-^.4T\ * &i

iNoifce Is hereby givefi t h a t Wt and after .January l s t . t l i e Murray- Wood-ard Lumbei Co, will d o a str ict ly cash b-JSiness. N o credits g r a n t e d . D o n ' t a s k i t .

*• * **> J . P . EASTON, Manager .

— POIl SALf i A new 8 ft. wind mill,,nil iron and ?teei, n u d e by t h e AeriliotBr ,N „ of WfLvign, !«,{• sa le cheap a t ! he hli««ul Wrflce. hint, the t h i n g for pumping water or l lgh i gr inding .

Advertised Letters. dfil^TS' LJST, ti ,

T T. And.ibon.C A Carlson, H C Coo'fi A, MeDouffall, John N hind. John Cnsper l,t»r son. 3 keinrlch Baaf


A. R. Gordon, P . M. State ai Minnesota 1 { *

M„ . . . . In Probate Couri. County of Maraball. )

Speriul Term. March 24,18 4 In theMittei of the Estate of Curt Anderson,

deceased. On re« ding attd ftlli»K the petlti in of Knren

AndAjmon. administratrix of the estate of Carl Anderson dwottHeu\ rooresi JIHIIK a» a »K other tMn-a, t h a t f e hoa>fally administered said es t »«Tantf t»rtyT«jij tlia! a ElrtfiNBio1 t>la*e Vo flJfml toM»xainiMtt|t and-ailowin* 4»te awsonnt of his acfuaids$»Uagk uinnor the ttfelgnnjent of the residue til »n1d e»tafe to pai Um entitled thereto hj*ltiw.

4t Is ordered, that said account be examined, ami petition beard, bv this Com t. on Ki i«liv the litftli dnVolApril.A D 1801, at ttanen in snid Count v, t ^ , „ ^

tuereof nj$

- - ..eer-tf prior »OH,VU il >,v ot li >ni in In the \\ UtllL^i S H K A P . n ueeklv ne»Hi>»|ter printed nnd pub It shed ut \ \ a icii ln*\i<l < ountv

Dated a t ttimen, M i n n , the >!th d n \ of M a n h \ . I> 18sU -

Bj the Court , ^ < s n,vf.i..

t^eall .1 IHIKC of Probn to

An.1 It l^fnrtwer ordered t»>«t notice tnerc >P ftlve i t » atf j^rsiiiw interested, bv publish! lcfip\ rift it's oiu-i fof three «.{(<•, t ^ m - «•«•

H o r s e s for S a l e . C. A. Bradley h a s jus t arrived from

Il l inois with a car load of fine draft horses , and wishes t o announce t o the people of Warren and vic ini ty t h a t he will sell g o o d horses cheaper than they h a v e ever been so ld in the Red River Valley. Call and see thein a t Rodseth 's barn. • «-

Legal advertisements at legal rates.

T e r m Report* . I)i<*t. N o . 3 4 , Marshall Co , Minn ,

for term end ing Mtiivli 2 0 t h , 1 8 9 4 .

No. s cho lars em oiled .10 T'ltnl N o . of a t t e n d a n c e in

d a y s 1 5 7 8

T o t a l N o . of d a y s t a u g h t , 1 0 0 Average da i ly a t t endance , 1 5

P. A. D A L Q U I S T , Teacher .

S c h o o l R e p o r t . Report of school in Dis t . N o . 2 8 ,

t o w n of New S o l u m , for t h e m o n t h ending March 2 4 , 1 8 9 4 :

N o . enrolled , 4 7 T o t a l a t t e n d a n c e in d a y s 6 2 4 A v e r a g e dai ly a t tendance . . 3 1 N o , perfect in a t t e n d a n c e 1 6 viz; R e g i n a P a u l s o n . Lou i sa H a n .

s o n , Ellen Forsberg . Reg ina Nelson, Alfred R a s m u s s o n , Mary H a n s o n , Anton P a u l s o n . Carl K u l s e t h , Mar­t h a Nelson, S o p h i a Forstteru:, Cerene Kulse th , Olga Ne l son , Oscar Fors ­berg, A n n a P a u l s o n , Annie Forsl ierg, Chas . Forsberg .

F R A N K A. M A T T S O N , H

Teacher . '

M o r t g a g e F o r e c l o s u r e S a l ^ . > Default havinK been made in the paymont of

the sum of Three Hundred and Mne|y-one Dol lars. which Is claimed to be drte and is due -it tile date of this notice ripon a certain Mortmain;, du­ly executed and delivered b\ Oottfred Knauf, ah unmarried man. Mortgagor, to The Northwest­ern Guaranty Loan Companv. of MinuearJolia. Minnesota. MortRajrce. bearinjj date the 9th rtav of July. 1S8S and with a power of sate therein contained, only recorded in the office o} the Re­gister of Deeds in and for the County of Mar shall and Stat# of Minnesota, «n the 17th da> of Inlv, INKS, at 1 4T» o'clock p m.. In Dook ••M" of Mortgagee, on pages 28t and 231. ,

\\ hit h s dd Mortgage, toger ler wlttr tha debt secured thereby. «as duly assigned by said Northwestern Guaranty iioaii Company. Mort-grtsee. to Georee I) Card, bv written assign-ment dated the 28th day of Jul\. 1&S8. nnd re­corded in the office of s tld Ue^ister of Deed*, on the 23rd d iv of March. 1891. at I 00 o'clock p in. in Book "L" of Mortgagee, on page £Vi, and no action or proceeding having been iitsrltntcd. at law or otherwise, to recover the debt st-enred by said Mortgage or any part thereof

Now Therefore Notice is Hereby Given, That by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in said Mortgage, and pnrsnant to the statnte In MU« h case m tde and provided, the said Mortgage »id be foreclosed b v a sale of the premises described in and conve>ed b> said Mortgage, iff;

The Southwest quarter of the Northwest (jilar ter, of Section One. and the Southhntf of -tlie Northeast attirier rtnd Lot Two of "lection Two, all in 'township One llninlr^d and flf v-flve of Range Forty-throe, containing I7»t r,j-Vm icrcs, in Marsh til Coiuit\ and **t iK- «>f Miniie sota tti-h the h^reditnme itn and a pnrt inn cen which Hfi e will be a\ ide b\ the SliuriH o* said vlarsh ill* on*ifv at t le front door of tht t'onrt House, in Hie City of U'an.-n in nldC*,>»r tv and Htat4-, on the 12th day o' May. 18M, et 10 o * lock a. in . of that day. at pn >HV v<nilu . to th»* highest bidder for cni'u to pa> said «lebr nnd interest, and the taxes if nnj , on and premises, and Twenlv-flve Dollars' Attorney's fees as stipulated in and bv said Mortgau»*in inse of foreilosure and the disbursements al­lowed by law. subject to redemptio i at any time within one ye ir from the da\ of sale, as provided bv law * * ' a t*

Dated March -Tth. A D 1*04 GR >UOE D OAUO. Assimlee of Mortgagee^

R. I MosT\di)K. Attorney

E v e r y t h i n g in t h e line of p lush g o o d s a t T a r a l s e t h ' s . I j f 3 ,


Mortgaga Foreclosure Sal^. Default having be.Mi mnd^ in tfie nnvmenr'ot

the snm of Six hundred sixty «Ight and, 91 \M Dolltrs w hli'h U cUlnied to be due at the d.ih-of this notice upon a c rta|n M*ortgiirw. duly execn'ed and de ivcred bv An lr«»» U tt ic lmin iml Minnie mckman, his wife Mo^tgigorSr to fohn .l.Sn*-t«n Mortgagee, bearl g date tht tsth day of June 18'»l. nnd. with a power of stil* therein contained, duly recorded fti the ofli« e of rhe llegisrer of Di eils in and tor t>ie Conntr of Marshall, and State of Minnesota, on the 2Sth <lny of Inlv HOI. ai 4 lOo'ilock p in . in Rook

I' of Mortgages on page Tt and no action or proceeding liav ng been instituted, at l»w or otherwise, to recover the debt secured by sold Mortgage, or nny pnrt thereof,

Now. Therefore. Notice is Hereby Given., That by virtue of the power of s tie contained in said Mortgage, and pursuant to the statute In *ueh < use made aud provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed by a s tie of the premises described in and conveye I by said Mortgage vi«:

The South one half IS %) of Lot numbered Four (4), in Block numbered Nine j»i, n^thi*orig­inal townslte of the Village of Warren accord­ing to the plat thereof on file and of record tn the office of the Register of Deeds In and for said Marshall c mnty Mn MarshallConnty andS at* of Minnesota with the hereditaments nnd Appurten­ances: which sale will be made by the SB«r Iff of said Marsh ill County, nt the front door ofTue ftonrt House, in the City of.yVarreii in said CountvitnY state on the 11th day of May. 1JW4, a t ten n'c'ock a. m , of that dav. at pun ic vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said delitvO Six Hundred, slxt.t-eight and 91-100 Dollars, am Interest, and the taxes. If any, on anlit premises and Klfty Dollars Attorney's fees, ns stlpu'atsi} ID and bv said Mortgagw la case of foreclosure, and f 10 80 raxes paid bv said Mortgagee, and the disbursements allowed by la«; subje-11«W demptton at any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law.

Dated March 28 A. D 18»4. ' JOHN J SVTTOK, Mortgagee,

S. COOKB, Attorney, > ^ l t ^ f S " ' Warren. Minn. < & # £ ft


-•re? J>°d an honest opinion, write . . '. &Uj, WHO ha*e bad nearly fifty years' S t & m t e n t DSSjness. Comrnnnica>

&flmfS8toLVht*ntB and bCW to ob> tents aad nCW'. a tetfljogtw Of meoian.

.-$ format; tain them sent , leal and scientific books sen.- "*>«>.«•=,„

Patents taken through Mnnfl M Cf#.' Je)0ejr*3 special notleelnthe Scientific Amerfcanf any* thus are brought widely before the public with-/

I out cost to toe inventor. This splendid

fiieiuln. It is cilli

A siipetb tfiaffi t the diBtinguisnei J feet long and __ free i f von tell in>u "OUT Visrrrsa," and sliows a beautiful, dimpled darling clad In a warm, rich, fur lined iluak, basket and umbrella in band, she pulls the snow covered latch, while her golden hair shim­mer*) in the sunshine, her cheeks blush with health and vigor and her roguish eyes sparkle merrily. Mnre to dellaiit you. A copy will be sent free, postpaid, if you promise to tell your friend-* and send U cents in otampg or silver for a three months' trial subscription to

'orld. S 3 syesr. Sample copies sent free. BuHding Edition, monthly, K.50 a year. Single

topiesi j$5 dent*. Every number contains beau-trfat nWt*SL in Colors, and photographs of new houses, wltn j»bK0s, enabHng builders to show the

THE WHOLE FAMILY, magazine with st­

all articles of interest by an Illustrated monthly magazine with stories,

I all articles of interest by bestauthoiSiW'f *ash,tflieatlon contests monthly.

Co, l$8fflrrmt6r St, Boston, Mass. anecdV«s, j[asblous an 'lestauthoiatri1


FOR S A L E OR T i l A DR. J have M I W d of g o o 1 working

mid driving h o i s e s , tha t l \vfll M l on t ime or h a d e for oxen . Also one Peroheron s ta l l ion to tr.'ide for land.

Oiconoc RuTLEit, W a n pn, Minn.

Insure vonr litnldiii'js nnd Deisonn propei ty siff.iinst lire vxlth

ISIMTJ: Bvvk o r Y W t R r V

Ftt»ntn«lhp, tH'lM'tH )»>r s.tle nt it dnepil l a l e s f»y

»STATK BANK o r W vnnhV.

Mortgage Sale. Default having been m ide in thepav meat of tht>

sum of Two Hundred Kight) one and twenty-five onehnmli-edtlw > Do lats, whi h Is claimed to be due at th^ date of this

notice, upon a cert dn Moi tgage. dnl> exet uted and delivered by Jo lau Predreth and Knwtlne tVedrcch. his wife. Mortgagors, Ui Urn Q Nuyest Mortgagee, beating dnietoe a»th day of April ls»2. nnd, with a power ofsaleihW'ti in contained, duly recorded In the ofthe of the ltesrUter of Deeds in aud for the county of Mar­shall and State of Minnesota, on the 22»d ilav of April 18U2. at II Sjo'tlook \ M .In Book I or Mortgages, on pure 101 and no attiou or pro veedlnK having been Instituted, nt law or other wise, to recover the d»-bt secured by said Mort­gage, or any part thereof

Now, Ther fore. Nutlet* is Hereby Given. That by virtue of the power of sale coniuin 0 in said Mortgage, arid pursuant tp the statute in suih case made and provided, the said Mortgage wl 1 be foreclosed by a sale of the premises d«rs ribed in and conveyed by said Mortgage, vis

The Southwest quarter of Section Ten (10) in Township One Hundred and K.ftv-six{loo) North of Kunge Forty-seven (47) Wesr in Mtr*h»)l count) and State of Minnesota, with lh« hnre -it-aments and appurtenances, wli < h ale will 1 e m tde by the Sheriff of said Marsbnll county, nt he front door of the ronrt House in the ii v of

n arren In said county at d >tat«. on the second day of Vpril IWI. at ten o clock a tn . of that day. at public yendne to the horn wt bidder for c«j*h. to ua,y aai.l debt of Two Hnndivd Righty-* the it> loo Dollars and interest, mid the tax:«. if any, on said prcmisi s an i T»enty-flyi> Dol. rs, Xttomey's fees, as st pulnted in aud In satd Mortgage In case of forecios r . and the «is l»n,-iein nts nthmed t>j 1'ivy, snbjfct ti> ndemp-ti>tn nt nny tune within one yeur fiom the d iv oi sale as pr»vii e t by 1 iw

Dated Jan .dst. A D.lsOl EyA G. NO\KS.

Msirtgagte. ^. c nikK Attorney.

\\ arren, Minn

M o r t g a g e F o r e c l o s u r e &ale . Default having been made in the pay ment •>'

the sum ofKodriirtndr d Thirty oile nnd BN-KO Dollars, which U claimed to be due at th * date of to » notice upon a cert dn Mortsrage, duly *»x-etdtrtii and deiiyered by Peter II. Holm aud Ma-rt»h floiin. hU wife as Mortgagors, to The Mur­ray, Woodard Lumber Com puny a co-partner­ship composed of Frank L Mi>rrav, M.irwhall .1. Woodard and Frank B Wood ird. as Mortga­gee?, bearing date the tenth day of May 1813. ind, *,vith n po\«vr of «u'e therein iouttilned, duly r conled in the otflce nt the Register ->f Deeds in a d for the Connty of Marsha I and "state «t Minnesota, on the tenth day of May l*» , at thiw. b'«li fk t» lu , tit »Ouk "V"»ttMort gages on page i TO

WlilihHuitt Mortgage toj;etlior yvtth the debt aecured thereby , was duty asaUned by s tid Mur rav Wo.nlniil Lumber '- oiipnny a iopnrtin.r ship as aforesaid, by I rink L Murray, Mar­sh ill 1 \Vooiiard and Frank H \\ o dnrd. its members. Mortgagees to The Murray 'Voodard Lumber Compa y a eorpor it ton, liv written us-s gniueut, dit«d theiJt'i day of Innnnry IMil md retarded In the otMie of said Register of Deeds, on the 7lh day of hebrmuy ls»l, at 2 no o't lOv k p tn in Book C" of ylnrtgnges ou page 110 and no ictlou or proceeding hnvitig tteou institrtt^l. at law or otherwise to recover the d *'»t si. in red by s ii I dongage . or any part thereof.

Now. I her fore. Notice is Hercbv Given, Tint b\ virtu of tin-poner of s lie c •litai icil In sain Mortgage, aud pu HU lit to it i-»t ttutu hi antli • ase made and pi ovdiid the s ild Mortenge will lie fore, lilted h, i snteofth* pninises i|i*si.rib .1 in and tony eye t bv slid Mortgj>ie yls

The South One llitlf of tut n nibereu One (11 in Hlotk numbered Vine ><t] fiouting lw>nt) rtv. fe<t on fain -*iioet a id t ne llundr d and fortt feet ecp 11 a i alley i i rli» orndu ii tow u te of the VI la re [nou H i y l i f Warren acconliiiur to Ih» plot thi-r* of ou fl e and of ret. ni in tho of ilceuf the itegis er of Deeds lu and for uaiil Mar shall county, in Marshall t'oiu tv an I Mute oi Minueno'a. with (he heixslitainents nnd appn*-teiiiiii'-ea, wbl* h H«ile will be made Iv the Shei iff of a dd Marshall < onntv at the front door of li^ f'ourt II <n e. in buf'ity of Mr arren In sait1

I'onnty and Stite. on the 14th dat of \pril 1K»1 At ten o'clock a m of th it <laj. at puhhV ven •me. to the htghust M 'di r foi tush, to pny said debi of • Ml *& uid interest and the taxes II u m , on until premise* IMKI r» utv Ave Holt rs \ttoriier'ste'S, as stipulated in and by sii<l MorliraKei'i *a e of for closnie. aud the d e ourseiuents nlluued by )nw, subjeit to redein: tiou at IIy lime vylthl i one vei.r fiom the OIIA if sale as p ovldi d by la>y

D i e d Feb 27 h. V D 18M Tui MIIHKAY Wtiontnn LuMni-nro , *.

\ s iguee of Mortgagee S. OoOKf Atfoiuiy

Uniren. Minn "***

Don't forg t t o g o to T a i a l s e t h ' s for g o o d bnrguins .

L i n i b e r g & L a n l ^ r e n H a v e seVM'ril seetWrnl h m d D u l l s .

S a e IPIN, and W n g o n s on hand wllich will he Hold ve iy ohenp, if taken .it onee H a w <iKo Homes foi .sale oi ii title for wood.

Parmi for K^n+i Wnnled four Ten.»nts for f.irnm

nenr Wnrren J S D A M D

^contracts. Address tOHMt 3 6 1 BROADWAY


Run t w o tnst trtiinH dndv between St . Pau l , Minneapolis , nnd Chicago Milwaukee and all po int s in Wiscon­sin, making connect ion in Chicago with nil lines i mining E a s t and S m i t h , < - '

Tiekt issVtld nnd b a g g a g e checked through t o nil p o i n t s in the United S t a t e s and Canadian PioVifiees.

F o r full informat ion regarding ttotrfces. Rates , Maps, folders etc , ad-d i e s s vdtiT f^etrrest t icket a g e n t oi j u s . C*. P o n d , Gehl.- Pttss A » t . Mil­waukee, Wis .


OFFICE Next door east of Bank

< % * & * * •

/ . J.MeGILLAN, M. D. % Physician and Surgeon*

r u s t fl *oreist of Bennewit/'a UnvnisB-' * Shop—np stairs ••

W a t r e n , * - - Mint:, ,


Aiiy collections or legal business placed tit At Grin del ami's hands will receive attention.

S m o k e " K e y West Iteauty' best o ,'t eii»:ai in the c i tv .



• i \

greatest number,

G r B E A T M U S I C O F F E R . Send us* t h e n a m e s and addresses

of three o r tnore performers o n t h e p i a n o o r o r g a n t o g e t h e r w i t h e igh t cents in p o s t a g e a n d w e will mai l y o n o n e c o p y P o p u l a r Music Month-ly, c o n t a i n i n g ten pieces, fall s h e e t ! music , consist i n g of p o p u l a r s o n g s , !

For Sale. One imported Percheron S t a l l i o n . One t e a m of h e a v y mules . And several y o u n g work horses , b y

J o a x E. OSJTROM.

For Sale, for Cash or on i § ^ Time W

H o r s e s of every descr i s t ion , a t 3 5 d o l l a r s a n d u p . Jr ***Mi SSmM C. A. T u l l a r & Co.

HERDING. I will herd stock next season on

the following terms: CATTLE $1.10 for the season. HORSES $2.00 "

. . . ^ . J . I W « i t y of g o o d g r a s s and water , wal tzes , marchr t , e tc . . a r r a n g e d for | I x M 5 a t i o i | o f h w d t w e J y e 1 ( | | I

t h e p i a n o a n d o r g a n . Address: P O P U L A R MUSIC M O N T H L Y ,

• t e a s t of Warren. Address me a t

Indianapolis, Ind

Fint publication F«b 15, 1894. j, .-, M o r t g a g e Forec losure Sale.* *

Defaolt navins been made in tb« condlt |oi>« oi a Mortna»r« given bv Cbrintian E. BJerk. Mort tmor, to John H. Van Dyke. Mortrfa«e#. dated Jnly 101 h lft*8. and duly recorded tn fhi» offlc* bf the Reglnter of Deed* in and for the Connty oj Maraball and State of Minnenota. on the 28th ^^.o r .J .!; ,•vJ8 W•• t l•*0 o , c , o c• t , '• M.. In Book.

H" of MortKaxra. on pairea 3»7 288 and 88». The amount claimed to be due upon eald Mort-

K»K* at the date hereof la the anin of Fonr Hun dred Thirty-five Dollar* and Seventy Centa Princlnal and Internet, bealdea the sum of 8lKtr-•iz and Forty-six onehundredtbs Doilara lor taxea and interent thereon neceaanrlly paid by •aid mortgagee, and Twenty-five Doilara. Attof-ney'4 feea. atlpnl ted for In aaid Mi rtgage.

Notice Is Hereby Gi«en,Tiiat the aaid MoA-•rage will be foreclosed by a aale of the Dremlnea de§ -ribed In said M ort«age. ylr l ^ p p

The SbnthEaet Quarter (8 E \) of Section Three (3) In Townehlp One Hundred Fifty-are (166) North, and Range Fortv-throe (4»l Wtat" Poiittlninar One Hundred S'sty (teo> Ni<rea o> land in Marshall County and State of Mlnnaao 'a. which Mie will be made by the Sheriff of aalr' Manhall County, or hr« Deputy, at tha froat door of the Marshall county Court Rouae. In thf 1 ? ^ ^ ^ W^rre?i.111. ••«<• Opuaty and tate. or

FURNITURE.. The best in the m.iilyet nt the lowest prices.

Henry JIJ. Sivanson, Warren, Minn

Gaarntced Cured. We a u t h o r i z e o m advert i sed

d r u g g i s t s to s-ell D i . K i n g ' s New D i s c o v e r y f..r ConsmnpttoM, C o u g h s an<l CoM^, u p o n t h i s c o n -d i t i o n I f y«>n -tre j'ffl c ted with n C o u g h , C*>'d or a n y Lunar, Thro.i l o r C l v s t t i o n l d e , .«nd wil l u s e th i -r e n u d y n4* d i rec ted , g u i n g it fan-tr ia l , and e x p m e i i ' e n<» bentf i t , \ o u m a v r t u i n t h e Lott ie :n d h i v e \ o n i IIJOIHJ i . fnnc lcd . Wi cou ld n o t m a k e t i n s i Tei <u 1 w« not k n o w t h a t D . K i n g ' s N« « i»i coves \ ( o i l d he II l i e i o i. h n«*\er di-appoint«». ' f t i I b »'tle-free a i 10. F . W h . t m j j j Di no S t o r e . L'ir e n 5 K . and $1 .00 , 2

liueklen's Anuca Salve. T h e host Naive in t •» wo i ld 101

Cuts, Hrnises, Hoi-"S, C lc t i s , Salt Uheuni. Fover S o n s ,Tetre i jl'happefi Hands , t hdh'n' i i s , C< rns. and all ^kin £) i i i (>t ions ,and p o s i l n e l tuie^ t'iles, or n o pa3 requued . I t i^ ; u a i a n t c e d t o g n e perfect sat i s fac t ion , or inone t\ re^nndecl Pihe2.*i cents per b o x . l o r s a l e by K. F. W HINTED .

Lou^hfidgo's Columr.

Blacksmithing, fi^jaaoreasnoal-agr/v*

Wagon & Carpenter Work. M J ^ *• C. J. KI JXGHORG.S

(Easi Side.) &&£%Warren, Minn.

frobaie Notice.

Tieadav. the third day of April IW*. a t l a o'cloikA. M.. of that day- ^ ^ > *



Dated Mllwa ikee. January 27th A. D. )8M fi, JOB!* H VAH V%Kf

•» C J . RoBm-Ft-nit.

Attorney for Mortcagm. -1ifc& «ftOaar.LMAnidjr. 'M

^ T A T l O r MlXMCHOTA. COI'NTV OK-MAHVHALI.. f" Tn Probate• court.

Special T< rm March Urn. 1*31. In the Matter of the Estate of Fred Koburta.

f)aw*AAMAWf *

On receivine and fl ins: the petition of A. C Finney, of the County of Hennepin representing among other-things, t in t Fred Koberta. late of the County of Marshall, in the Stale of Minneso­ta, ou the 1 'th day of October A. D 189.1. at tht Connty Of Marahnll. died intent.*te, and being an Inhabitant of thh County at tile li'ne <f lib death, leaving good*, chattels, and estate wi h In this County, and that the said petitioner i> tiie agent and attorney of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate b< to Frank Jerrne granted.

In Is order? d. that said petition be heard. b< fore said Conrt. on Friday the 6th dav of April 4 p. 18M atlOo'cloek A M., at the Probaw Ofnee in Iho fity of yfarren in said Con ty

Ordered further, that notice thereof he give* *o the heirs «>tanld deceased and to all person 'ntereated, by pu lish n thii order once in ertc\ jreek for tb. ee sncceaslve weeks prior to snld dny >t bearl r m the WARKKN ^H^AP a week! •owspaper printed ami published at W arren. i midCoanty & ->

Dated ai Warren. Minn, the 14th d o v ^ U:1rcll. A. D. 1W4

JJy the Court. $% C.S H U M . . ^

ti*Ai\ ' , ^udge of Probate. - ^

Have jus t re-turned with two|| carloads:

of mares and colts that wiUbe3Dldr';

Happy Hoosiers. W n l S i m m o n s , p o s t m a s t e r o

l d n v i l l e , Ittff,, <vHtes* ' 'E lec t i i c B i t t e i s has d o n e m o i e for me t h a n all o ther u ied ic ines con»bine<!, lot that bad feel ing ar i s ing trom K i 1-ney and L'ver t r o u b l e n J o h n Les­l ie , f a im«i .mH s t o c k m a n , of s a m e plnce, s'n^s.j " F i n d E l c c t n c Bitt^i" lo be the b^-st Kidne.V and L i v t i in d i c i n e , n n d e m e feel l i k e a npw m a n . " T. W. Gardner , h a u l ware m e i e l i m t , s a m e town , s a j s * E l e c -t m B i t t e r s i s just the t h i n g for a mffii w h o is a l l r u n d o w n a n d don't • a i e w h e t n e r he j i \ e s or d i e s : he found n e w s t r e n g t h , g o o d a p p e t u e and felt jus t l ike he had a new lea'-e on l i f e . O n l y 50c a b o t t l e a t E . F . W h i t n e v ' f e ' d i u g st«n-e. 2

U t

snio itronize ke


g *3

•Our a St

o K

homf indni

ind tist .1."

S > B







, JUDGE OF PROBATE. Contests, Final Proofs

and JJ. S. Land Office bus­iness given prompt atten­tion.

W A R R E N . - M i N N .

ganiuel Cooke,


Office o n e d o o r e a s t o f P o s t Office.

Warren, Minn.

Standard — Manufactured by —

A n t o n rfc^CGG-iiiziiBs, W A R R E N , - M I N N .

ruomas F Oakos. Henry c Pijne Henrv C Itonse Ilpuners


u Ns -^k-O^V


T HII.VV X l l » \ \ , . V P O l l , » IH 1 L I 11 1 AKti . ) Git M l r t i R K s a n ^ I W I E ro



TIME SCHEDULE. / F o r " t 1 ml Minnnipo

1 r lmslcnymjirCrooV tl i> S n p i u o r ' n ntS t o n diiiH h-is Tn ! / ( lil« U , n t i\ <

man ^eshi n'od ^!«p ^pmnt^fa t bCHt MI t mg: Car nnd Dinii K a d 1* mht co^st a'

IMJLUM ^ N SI C L I ' l N C C M J s

CI E C W T D l M N G C a l i S

T O C I J l ^ l si rpi\&cAr«

ais Httaclicd. 6 36 P h . T o r G i n m i ; 1 oiK*-

\\ n ni|. br­and pO Ut1'

n o r t h a t

/ Tor G i G-a,ftol>, /Brniulon,



c>- Merchant—Tailo;— WARREiV, - MINN.

—Illl l l i l i l l l i l l l l ' l l l — lE^ixie £ \ i i t s 3U!L&,<3L& t o

O r d e r o o £ : l i o r t Z T c t i c e .

- Il'lll'a-

Peifect Fit Guaianteed.

Reoairine done at reason^ able rates.

A fine l o t of Samples ju->t rcce'ved.


St Tan* Minne . ipo 'n CiooK' - tm

l^uclid A n p u s


A i o j l e Stejihen

Doit . ih'son Jktmiedy ITallock

A ( I t l u o t e IIiMlll oVi

hi ^ l iuent i ins bftwet-n

A 5 i i i i v e >pf>ii>>, S <tu\ C i H ,

C i o o k s i o n , "\'nt , he. .d, r - \uao ,Cran I f o l k s , (Ii . ifidii , WuMtpijf, re\ iI-> i ;ik^', ( iK.i l r . i ' i s l l e le im, l h i * t e , Iv i!Wj ( ! Sj olwiiie .ind .Seattle

i' u iiu ( t > l i n ns m n P.s'nce ) iiinu <nul S!< ej i £ i i», Bi i 'ut L i -

! i w (iii-ei \ . i tu i i , t'u okmj, ( a i s , l i f t ( . o i o t •>[ ^ u , . ! s , t i c

Com <tt o* - «u !>f F ml .!nd Min-i' <']M>!JS \ i ' ' l 1 I ' l n t ( ) , U i ( l f i o m

iv « k e f-i ]»(! r i i ) o i i i ^ , l h u ' t i o S t .

1 n u b «ii d tne Ha t, S o u t h m d Soiithwe^t

C U I S M S t i e R o t k v and Cascade Mount.itii in u a \ l i g M , S n ' r ' f f p . ^ -s e n ^ n s a t h.n < f I O M P »sotue o[ the hj>e^? •-tei e i j in \u,^iinu

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Conn<-ct oils <it i om'! i 's F e i n * , idnl io , Foi h ( o h ii, i i WM and l.ik*» fioiui«>, nt Wfn.il<h<e V i a ^ h , l o r Lake C|K 1 u , the Tppt i Coiumbui iiid the Oka; ( » in »1i-ti i< t

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F E P. i i i T \ f i . A«r< i.t, W a i ' t n , i\l'np

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all onor w i t e luket \ g ut. V I' < t»o - < My in or

m i s •* i r r GP'» Pas* \ t S t 1 anl V i l

En«»lish Spn\ in Imminent i<nio \<s all ITaid, Sot*- or Calloused ia impv and BlermsliiR b o m Hnise-4, H'ooi •si)a\'iis, Cm b«i. Spunt s , {{mo hoi e Stitles. Spi .iin*-, all Kvyollen Tin o \\^ Coujilis, e't S i v e § 5 0 b \ r! « u e o o i i e h o n l e W n i H i t c t l tlie nto> vyondeifn1 Hleini^h , , u i e e \ » i k i o v i ' Sold by E I \ Whitney , d m u ^ i - t , W . m e n .

LEMS WESTMAN, r . o p i i e t o r of Hie

SCAHD1MIAH • DRUG © S70K?. O j p i t e f.'i I'll p Y ird—At t ** do

Kee|)s a full line of l)in<>s, Patent MediciueH, P a i n t y Oils. V.i'in^lii^. G\ps ine , Pe i fume iy , S o . m s nnd Toi­let Aitulen P l n s i e i a n s ' j i e s i i i p l i ons carefuHv compounded nt al hfiuis A P Zut iohl luth chai«:«'o ihe business for me -ind will b<> »l ." to imet till hih old custoniHi", nix innn y new c.nes.

ch l l i t fo fc l s l i

3& or on' time or

*» t ygm

SvnU t rade for ** i^

^cattle or land?



C.| , JO HNSON5propi ietor

First class accemmodo tions. Terms reasonable.

l@"Good Barn in connec t ion with

H o t e l *• ^ ^ «x * * v '-

PhytiLikiia orcio-so "y" I'll? ca & tpjLDdld oomblnSSeiU gcd prescrib» lowWi g-*-t HJ IsfocJon for tha curw of all f.nna ana risgw of Pr-nnrv. Fecon'la-y and Ttrtl;

.D'luA^ES. Rceiiciatl^a, . c cfoietis Uloers sod Sorev Caadu'ar STCLITCS, Paenmsi'sm, Malaria, old Qaasaa UJccr» th^t b ^» n i-'e-* nil tT>"t>aent, Ca«aixa»

bulaln? t,p tlia eyotemrapid'y. ladtn-vriicse tyttems sua pokoned endvliose blool Icfft

jg- ' iSSI?„f,' °?',t,1°-?«-J.° ™ mtn^nal Jrn>gcInTlU°9« tar

03 © u © I»5li«ly bliiciirfd ^/"fcisr'woS!firiai"Tlnlo "end fclool-mdPot!ttFropwlfe* p* p»Etfcay **»Pok* Bo°9



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'M Belief in six hours. J)fctipseiiig Kidnev nnd Bhiddei

dit 'nses relieved in s ix hours by the *'\ FW (jRPAT ^OUTH AitriilCAN _KlD-NE \ fVRK " Thi s new i« IIM I'Y is n err< nt s n i p i i s e on nccoiit on i ts ex-eec lii»o promptness in iel..«v;!»o j tin int heb'udd^r, kidney s, b;n k ni'd e r e i y o f the l i imnrv pnsieoo-i^ HI mnle or fenmle. I t i e l i e \ e s re tent io of wnter and pnin in p n s s i r ^ \* n> mo«-t itnniedintelv. ff i o n wan.

"qniek relief nnd e u i e thi« is > out UTM et\v. - Sold hv> E . F . - ^ M i i t n e y . Drugg i s t A'arreiu'^ l 5 ^

>P2£A£f BEOS,, Sa-Tasaah, ~~ "r-.f>s c s a ls<3 f.-ee.

Ore #\\oai ^ a WtendVo

cx$ (\mev\oa\v X > * S v ^ ^ ^ &$''

• -Are you willing to work for the eaus* r

of Protection in placing reliable infor. mation in the hands of your acquain-tances? ^ ^ S ^ ^ S ^ f f ^

If you are, you should be identified with p |


135 W. 23D ST , NEW YORK. Cut this notke out and send it to the L e a g u e

Staling yotir position, <tnd fjivc a helping hand*