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,. - ... I ' \ . I ; t \ ' ' I ; ; " '• ·- ' ' ' < ' . . -. "r . - ' . r . I . . . '·' '' ·( ' < ' ' .. ' ; ' . . ' .. PI . < . < I . . . . . \ < ,:<c- ,1->. . ' . "' ' 11 .. .. '.".: .. · . -- -·- ·.O:.P'ttl'AL Jl\1'\ ., ..... \\'lth Cotlhty &mW:t .. toniH- . '-· . _. ,. ' ' - ·- . j. - ·- •. - , ... Jl. ... ...Jfjj1> ' '' < ( ' ' < ' . < ':' ··• " ,, ''"'' < -. f;l . . _, ;-' '' ' - . '' . ... ' \ ' ' . t . < : · -·. · ·' ·- · :' - ·;. 1 :,· · · ,h ' · -., .... ... "',_ •. , ..... '"' .. . <<' < ' I . < \ < ' , . ), . ' " - ' ,, . ,. , . , _ _ . .. .. -• _ of. -CarrlzoJo ·and Lincoln County : 8 rAGES .. .. P,E"R SON A·Ls ' . - . . ' ' . ' . w: tQrlll· LiQcoln . · RQpe Club •! :.,t!:; CapitaD teatts . .Wi Rqyal "_- _ t 1 .• E ··.-" ·· ··. ' f ·-- . J t!. :Mrs. Lucy SJiver• ·or Ancho States and was identified nte:rtaJDJnent. Ot U Y. :3-4 , waa a v.isitor ill t 01 wn this amol,rt the ihrhting fprcel over· . . l ') · . . -. . · eeaf.rbavlna boo.n honorably · The men mllde " tion ., · · big Ia Lulu tewia· and aon Rex. from eel' vice, ht now opet• to Capitan Monday and found .the i'et forth, ll.nd '#bicb wU!I act as werebf)fe on the flrst' a tina a service .atat'ton at Capi· people ready and well· up a guide for Ute big att.ndanc:e of the weeic. . . ' tam. Whfte In the he for the pig Rlldeo eveq_ts take which ia Bt;lllllred,.. . I . .Comments -- . ' . · and llr •• John of . ... the L'lwhr ranch we're ahoppf ra "here Tuesday. ... ..husband_. The Dock rate would for sight-seers hns been dance on ·the nhr.,J1t of . uly L Lewis B.urke .. .,,.. . ., ...... -- . . ' Odd FeJlows Held : 1 Tueadn nhrht at. Odd F.ellowa H. aU, a her the busii'IE!11e .'Aesaion, · the Third Degree of Odd Fellow· · · ah(p was eonferred ·«Jn ftva .. didatea. The a·ttendanae w .. · the largest of any meetiiaa "sioee January 1. Before tl\e buslneaa · · tlrl(led, the made AW&ngemeots t,, lluy •. $100 00 War Boud AfJer the degree work. were h»d at . the S. P. l:lolel, . Mrs.1 S, H •. : Nickela of , the Jake rar)ch waa . a iboppet in town saturda}'. ' married a little Jady from Eau plac:e July ·a •• s; Th." : As a curtain-raiser &r . the Cl.'-irl', Wi11conaio, ia alx grounds enat of town is· biting main affair, the Lincoln 1County inches IIIDBJler than her soldier worked . over, aeathur eapatity Roper' a Club will givel 1 a big ,_ll!los· form a comparison to Mr, ed and no tiling is over· People who attend· tha dance · :: ana·Mrf!. 'rom 1 Thumb.' of the JoolHld fbr the fort en"' will naturallY any over unriay 1 t 1 OP.A Sittt .ltaelf. Abovtt ,Law c:ta tertainmen t of ·patrQni . to in order to have first pia es for t.wMo Y' 1 · 1 malil 6 WidU raveh · 0. f Land · early n. ·· th. ' - . · . . . · · . m e1 n r er o .n enoua . ":· · ' ·, JS event.. . • the entertamts to follow,, . water in which to dro\lf., them· (From Los Angtlles r, 011 ,) ' Mrs. Charles H. Ferris has a We VlSlted variOUS bUBI•. After tho RoJleo prostram of •elves - quoting ll White n 'ke 'rhal tho om :e of Price. Ad· Mr._l\nd · Hn. Ill. B.elio d · l&tt-e'r from· her husband, places were the first day. Ju)y 3, the! dance iubseribn. " · mlniatratlon," .under Che 8 t e r . libarlotte of Claunqb Pvt. H • .Ferrie, who .ia With that Jrlendly greet 111¥ that nlgl1t will given 'by the- - Bowles haiJ Iired itaPif to be .. were 11bopper• Tueedny •.. now in the aervice, be·· which Ia of O•p!Um Fire"!eil on ltbe 4th Ed. Comment• _ That n w to the lllw :ot• tho land Mr. and Mrs. Brack Sloan and ing at Camp Ltvin&ston, L1. people •• a whole. The C .. ptt•n by and Roper e1 Club, sure Nazi robpt -axploaive plane Isn't fa a :attt:rtlJrtg .. juet d f th I . h Charley wondered why there bualneu in order_ to to llttend all evant• 10 that yo 80 bot; it flies. low, and. ia an made. The dlec •. to 0 e r ranc '!e .. r were no·bo- ..... ·n tha• nlace trom _ .... _their zeal for the '"O'* n"' ill b i hi L · · · ,. ,. here were in tQ.l'tn Tiiee- J... ".. · "' ·rr 1 "' " . 8 non n.r., eave e•!tY target for the Brltlah tntl· Jigbt through in . . -- day n our •. there Ia one, events, "'ladly tbdi bhr everything to tile Roper a Club. aircraft aunt. _ We have aonu 1 bJdY. ot 1\ Woar tPrlctl. and Ra· • · · · Corp. JUltop Huffmyu, who re• ad which appears on page i t f the L&Kioo and Capitan pretty clever hombre 11 on our tloning Boatd In Fullerton,wbieh · Mr. .Mrs, A .. fl. Drak& 'of aided llure with !be family for a thie paper, where all infotma- In general. aide, too. , 4eclirted to be 1 paray to what it the Drake ranch- near Ancho numb!'r ·ot yeara, but eDtered , -- " ' -Lord He1pus. cooeldered Ge11apo rnutbods. T)le were aboppert in' town the Jaet tbt 1ervire from DuDclh, Ariz. ·The Outlook family received a Paul Aguayo wu here Wed· ••• , rf(llli!lnationa were promoted by of the week. Hunt him up. Charley, he will be box of the finest cherries from needay hie ranch near Henry· Ford aafd about ell thQ recelpl by bOard of a · - ,, alad to·meet you. Mr. and Mrs.Phfl Belen, altendlnsr to aome bual· month1t ago the war would be of General Order 56, relat• M.r, and Mrs. Cbde Luckey ly of Tucumcari but n o w in nea1 matters. He went on to over in two monthl. It' eeem• mg mainly tho ctecy ot 0. · and 1 maU cute daughter Uart ba {)n Wedneeday night of this Medford, T.hey h a v e Nogal and can'ta here, the contlict fa . juat commenclna. P. A. recorda. Sue of Nogal were tboppeu in week. Mrs. Pearl Sommeraett of a hom e and t h .e panled. by H. N. Hargrove. Paul When the big hombre make• 1 One porUon of thie order. de· town SatUrday, Pdarl'a Curio and Shop came from one of thc1r Ukea h1e location ve. ry _mlatike, it ia called an ovtr• eignated aa paragraph 6, actual· - ., , served a banquet to members ot tr Th 11 1 d 11 H t1 d it 1 h bi fll the Lincoln CountyRoper•a ees ey are '!• . P eaae we e re-cen Y e a VlS eight. Y pro t ta IDJ' o cer or ,em .. ··Mr. and Mra. w. B. Lo1ue 1 with their new location and 1end to Stanley, wh.,_ heaeaiated bfa ptoyee of 0. P. A. ttJm obey ins: daughter PaCtY ed tPP 421n number. reg a·r d a to their brother Jack with aome of hie Tako Woodell Willkft, for a cour.t order! Harold were here Jait Satutday ··.Mr. and· Mrs. Julian Serna friends. , work, a•ple: be talked too much in ---o-- .. -- trow the dplndl.a .couotrj. b.Jve re 9 eived word from tbiJr " "'4 makini hla eamp.alan The Marian Sisters · arand ron, Pwt. RaJ Soroa, that. " 0 (for hlmaelt) •• a contender for You. ehould llaten over the of their ranch in mountain• w e r • IIDrcbaeUJH ranch aupplttl in town Monday. Mrs. Leiter Gretr of Capitan wu a a hopper In' Carrizozo Tue!- d.a),nrnalni'lla ofer'for the tho" lit the t;yrfe Theatr• that nlaht. Mr. artd Mrs. Fortino. Beltran made a trip to Lincoln laat Sun- cia)' aud visited on• of · thdr daughtPr,, Mrs. Baldemar Cara· bajal and family. lleadames Ch1oa Fisher of Capitan and Grae,. Comrey of Nngal wen buiinees visitors here tut Friday. Jlrl. Fi•her and Mra. Comrey are alaterr. J. C. llcUilltn hu opened the Cottage Cafe and the publie Ia nvited to drop In and try the good 11ervlc• Ia giving P•· taone. Ueala are aerved at. all bour1. 'Word has been fr9m Marvin {Bud) Pee!kham who is •lth the government aurUJ. He it now . located at Red llountafn. Ataeka. accotd' .. inc to bill lister Mrs. Fay Barker. ' ·- Mta. Geort• Wstwon and 11on were here laet Saturday trom Hondo, ..,here ther rectH•t- h thi . Jnyce ranch· farm. The; Jrke ou .. portion of New Gulnea. Be bar fieen ln · the aenleo for one year. · Jfmmle Briatar of th1 Navy ie atatlontd at Honolulu, ·- Funeral aervicea for Jack Hickman, 16, were field .Monday. at 2:00 p. m. from the Capitan Nazatene Church, followed by committal at Angua rCemetery, He met dealb Jaat S.turday mornlna qyaccldental drowning. · in a earthen rr• aenoir looated tevtral milea from Fort Blanton. A ptllototor apparatus we applied. cl•n• did everytbwa poaalhle co aid re1piratf.on before the lad wu pronounced dead. He waa born March 9, 1929 in Texu. He wu we aon ot ld.r. and Mrs. Dee Hickman of Capitan. Mr. Hick· man ie a auard at Fort Stanton. Ourlna the . .JuneraltervieeJ. all bu&inees houau in Capitan were eloeed and buainenmen and their families attended the aenice. Millard Longley, who wu catf• ed to Spearman, · Texn, laPt •eek on accbunt of the aerloua ii'r 6tall · ot his ·mother returned Ji6me Saturif'ay. bfa •ietfir, Mrs. Ed Hubler of Moequero, N. Mex., who ia her• for a ebort visit. - .... ' '. . " C'- ...;;.:__ It• , • ,,.. 'l\1. , ,_ - ;; " : . . taet Canllda Stopa Meat Ratloninl- 6 and 8 narlt. T ey give hit• Headline. - We alwa_JI like eo ere 15 minute• of tho aweatetl · th" Canadian•. alnaln; we have ever heard, eapecially from children of tbeae Edna Peterson, feminine ov They aiog. dueta which obnent of Gov. Dempsey, vo11ed will relch your heart. ·They ··I efzeable vote. Indicating there ttlug over abort wave to the boJa are thousands of Demoerats In overuu with a view of mak lng the state who will v o t e for their heart11 cheerful amid tho Guudenbn for oyer dtn of war. Oempaey. · . ·Mrs. George Waudell ul Noaal Want to bur ra mUitarJ ae naB returned from a visit to cret? 1\frs. 'Shorb' Dockra:r pf Ut>XIUI and wu aac:compauied by Capitan looki like a beautiful Mrs. Gertrude Dahl of San An· doll, i1 eo JmaU. And as cut,. t•u•io, who wtll btl! the gueat of and witty aa thev make 'em. Mr. and Mrs. and the J. L. Gravell fwmily. B •adlin .. in El Paao T. lm"'•- ------------------·------- .. IIE1 liD ru The OPA aeta itaelt above the Lf .RIC '}' H I'A 7' k l law of the land. _ - - Sometlme11 thcv (' m a r t, quodna a get too Carrizozo -See you in Sunday School R, A. Walker, Owner Sunda\ m11tir•ee, 2 p. m. Nhzbt ebow• at 8 p. m. Friday & Saturday A DOUBLE l<"EA 1 UltE . Mrs. Jasper Lewis Hopalong in· Mra. Jaeprr LPwie · of Luna ''R;d f D _..} .... '' PUlled awa.J Sundiiy. June 18. ers 0 eau Jne 1944, at Carrizozo where ebe plus "" • · · 'l'Jilil posh!(' ''li'lre Away" shows a aboard the U. S. Submarlnt, ••Dotado:• The the celebrated Atnerlcan painter Geor$l.a Schreiber. hu caUJht the act10n <turing the very teMe momen\ bttoro tho passlnt craft ia idenllfted ilil friend or toe. · ·nau a surgl 'Henry Aldrich llaunla a cal operation. Sbe was the wife of Juper Lewia, ranchfl' a n d . ployee of the Southern Pacific Sunday, Monday, ·. Co., at tho· Luna pumping eta- Red Skelton, Eleanor Pnw•U, Uon, , · Richard Ain1ley In , Mn. Lewit wu taken to Jay• "I Dood' --------------·----------------+· -- ton, for funeral •ertic.,, 'l'llt paintittg JIJ .nuthentic in e\'ei')' dttllll tor the a rUst was 'ctuallr. ab6ard th• Submnrlne at sen. Htt ate and tlept with 1he crew, He workcll with the men and stood watch with the offtcers, A abort Umt after leavlnl the 15Ubmarine, it wa• lost with all bond,, . . . · . . ·. . New Mexico and exqecc to be vtormtttttHH tt. ,. • Our old and much eateeml!!d ftfenda ·to whom we o.ften refer •• the ·•the Mrs. liag• lrie Pflnuteo, Mrl. Maggie (Fred) and Mta. Fred granddaugter Miu Mariaret KaJfsen were bull nella viaitora frorn the Nogal•Mell countrtlaat Frida:t. · · St.· John Dance .. She was born July 4_. 1902 at He'• only a Buya; Texa*" her bu•· pant• preuer. but be Dood It In . • band ibei• aurvfved by one ton, this eona·•Pilabing. comedy Clinton Ltwfa, her parentt,· Mr. and Mn. Stoneman, and three brother•. Cljde Stoneman, ' < .. < :- . · We have 11 nlce Jetter this .. week from Yra. Bl•nche Olat· 'iS ton, tormerlt tj{ Ailebo, butafter · _ . of. her went . 1 · .S .. ·to Texat. .. She Ja_ . • , .... ·· rtaidfnl . at . Roe well witii htr . · ...... , . . . daughter Mr& . Coor•on·, Un. · · N •' •· . Ola;vton told uii that btt •on . - G> . 1 George fJ. oti tM naeb It .. · .. .. . . · . ... . . . . , and 8 • . 0 '!· i• on'ftcout •t · 'c3 Mu1ic Lon.Fink and the an ''' . . . . .. . ' -. ' - . . .. __ - - .. ' ' - . f .. 'Newet ••war Dora•• and ''Football Thrill•" ·. ; - Allcho, Jamea Stonimao, · Jicar• · . ilia, Geotge Stoneman_ lo Mil,.. tlr,y one •l•br Mrs. Ruth TC!try. Qob Ltvingeton, · Alma HaliUf•ld · of Srownlthtld. · . · Wally Vernon in .. ··· · Tax••· I . . I •• , •. 'Pistol• Marna' ' ·For · A rollick ini rio\ ot double-bar• GOod mUch cow, freab, and · otbtr c:•ttJt. lnbil Rua1el 1 • · obOn• 7• 1Cp' •• .rtled luh. Sb•'• i IUil•tothl• . . . . bontJ',. · . . Wr.

Transcript of… ·...

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. ,. , . , _ ~- _ :·~,. . . . .. -~ -• _ .· of. -CarrlzoJo ·and Lincoln County : 8 rAGES =v=o~L.~'2~4-~~::::=:-.N~.~~o=·:·9r:···~-:'-~~~~~:-.. _~~.-~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~;;:=~~?=.:==:=:;:=:=~~:::.=:::~=~========~p::'!:·R:::--'f::::'OE~--~$2~---r::_ ~=E..;Y:=E::±A~'li~ .. -~

P,E"R SON A·Ls ' . - . . ' ' . ' . w: L~~r.!~:~~k~:; tQrlll· LiQcoln . CO\ln,~y · RQpe Club P.~.~!.:!'~bJ~~.~~g •! ~r.:~lt~~~;;~,.~··:::. :.,t!:; ~f CapitaD teatts . .Wi Rqyal

"_- _ t • 1 .• ~••nfn~theaerviceof,the0nlted E ··.-" ·· • ··. ' f ·-- . J t!.

:Mrs. Lucy SJiver• ·or Ancho States and who~ was identified nte:rtaJDJnent. Ot U Y . :3-4 , waa a v.isitor ill t01wn this WeE!~· amol,rt the ihrhting fprcel over· . . l ') ·

. . -. . · eeaf.rbavlna boo.n honorably · re~ The Outl~ek men mllde " Yl~it tion ., · · tl~~· big ~oings Ia Mr~S. Lulu tewia· and aon Rex. le•a~d from eel' vice, ht now opet• to Capitan Monday and found .the i'et forth, ll.nd '#bicb wU!I act as

werebf)fe on b~1hieai the flrst' a tina a service .atat'ton at Capi· people ready and well· lined~ up a guide for Ute big att.ndanc:e of the weeic. . . ' tam. Whfte In the ~ervfce, he for the pig Rlldeo eveq_ts t~~ take which ia Bt;lllllred,.. . I


.Comments -- . ' .

· ~. and llr •• John L~wia of . ... the L'lwhr ranch we're ahoppf ra " here Tuesday. ... ..husband_. The Dock rate would for sight-seers hns been· dance on ·the nhr.,J1t of . uly L Lewis B.urke


.,,.. . ., ...... -- . . '

Odd FeJlows Held : BigM~eting

1 ~ Tueadn nhrht at. Odd F.ellowa H. aU, a her the busii'IE!11e .'Aesaion, · the Third Degree of Odd Fellow· · · ah(p was eonferred ·«Jn ftva c•~;a .. didatea. The a·ttendanae w ..

· the largest of any meetiiaa "sioee January 1. Before tl\e buslneaa · ·

'· S'~SIOD tlrl(led, the )pd~e made AW&ngemeots t,, lluy •. $100 00 War Boud AfJer the degree

.· work. refreahlnept~ were h»d at . the S. P. l:lolel,

• . Mrs.1 S, H •. : Nickela of , the Nlc~ela Jake ~prill~e rar)ch waa

. a iboppet in town saturda}'. '

married a little Jady from Eau plac:e July ·a •• s; Th." : lto~eo. As a curtain-raiser &r . the Cl.'-irl', Wi11conaio, w~o ia alx grounds enat of town is· biting main affair, the Lincoln 1County inches IIIDBJler than her soldier worked . over, aeathur eapatity Roper' a Club will givel

1 a big

,_ll!los· ~ form a comparison to Mr, ed and no tiling is being··~ over· People who attend· tha dance · :: ana·Mrf!. 'rom1 Thumb.' of the JoolHld fbr the ~om fort ~nd en"' will naturallY any over unriay

1 '· t 1 OP.A Sittt .ltaelf. Abovtt ,Law

c:ta tertainmen t of ~be ·patrQni . to in order to have first pia es for t.wMo Y '1·1malil 0tud~keyts 6WidU raveh · 0. f Land · early n. ·· th. ' - . · . . . · · . m e1 n r er o .n enoua . ":· · ' ·, JS an~u~l event.. . • the entertamts to follow,, . water in which to dro\lf., them· '· (From Los Angtlles r, 011,)

' Mrs. Charles H. Ferris has a We VlSlted ~he variOUS bUBI•. After tho RoJleo prostram of •elves - quoting ll White n 'ke 'rhal tho om :e of Price. Ad· Mr._l\nd · Hn. Ill. B.elio .a~n d · l&tt-e'r from· her husband, n~su places an~ were recei~ed. the first day. Ju)y 3, the! dance iubseribn. " · '::'~ mlniatratlon," .under Che 8 t e r

. diiUibt~r libarlotte of Claunqb Pvt. Ol~arles H • .Ferrie, who .ia With that Jrlendly greet 111¥ that nlgl1t will ~e given 'by the- - Bowles haiJ !de~ I ired itaPif to be .. were 11bopper• ~ tow~· Tueedny •.. now locat~d in the aervice, be·· which Ia chara~teristic of O•p!Um Capita~ Fire"!eil ~nd on ltbe 4th Ed. Comment• _ That n e· w auperf~ to the lllw :ot• tho land

Mr. and Mrs. Brack Sloan and ing at Camp Ltvin&ston, L1. people •• a whole. The C .. ptt•n by and Roper e1 Club, ~e sure Nazi robpt -axploaive plane Isn't fa a :attt:rtlJrtg .. ~i\lcJlver:Y juet

d f th I . h Charley wondered why there bualneu lntere~tte, in order_ to to llttend all evant• 10 that yo 80 bot; it flies. low, and. ia an made. The dlec •. ~O"lJ.~e. ra~ne to au~bter·· 0 e r ranc '!e .. r were no·bo-..... ·n tha• nlace trom _ .... _their zeal for the '"O'* n"' ill b i hi L · · · ,. ,. here were visit~r• in tQ.l'tn Tiiee- J... ".. · "' ·rr1 "' " . 8 non ev~ryt n.r., eave e•!tY target for the Brltlah tntl· Jigbt through ~~~·r~$I,J{natlnn· in

. . --

day n our ,lo~ali~Y •. ~ut there Ia one, events, "'ladly ~ponsored tbdi bhr everything to tile Roper a Club. aircraft aunt. _ We have aonu 1 bJdY. ot 1\ Woar tPrlctl. and Ra· • · · · Corp. JUltop Huffmyu, who re• ad which appears on page i t f the FJ~emeo, L&Kioo and Capitan pretty clever hombre11 on our tloning Boatd In Fullerton,wbieh ·

Mr. a~cl .Mrs, A .. fl. Drak& 'of aided llure with !be family for a thie paper, where all infotma- In general. aide, too. , 4eclirted to be 1 paray to what it the Drake ranch- near Ancho numb!'r ·ot yeara, but eDtered , -- " ' -Lord He1pus. cooeldered Ge11apo rnutbods. T)le were aboppert in' town the Jaet tbt 1ervire from DuDclh, Ariz. ·The Outlook family received a Paul Aguayo wu here Wed· ••• , rf(llli!lnationa were promoted by of the week. Hunt him up. Charley, he will be box of the finest cherries from needay f~om hie ranch near Henry· Ford aafd about ell thQ recelpl by t1l~ bOard of a · - ,, alad to·meet you. Mr. and Mrs.Phfl Bri~tb!,formQr- Belen, altendlnsr to aome bual· month1t ago the war would be ~opy of General Order 56, relat•

M.r, and Mrs. Cbde Luckey ly of Tucumcari but n o w in nea1 matters. He went on to over in two monthl. It' eeem• a~ mg mainly t~- tho ~· ctecy ot 0. · and 1maU cute daughter Uart ba {)n Wedneeday night of this Medford, Ore~on. T.hey h a v e Nogal and can'ta here, a~com- the contlict fa . juat commenclna. P. A. recorda.

Sue of Nogal were tboppeu in week. Mrs. Pearl Sommeraett of purc~aaed a hom e and t h .e panled. by H. N. Hargrove. Paul When the big hombre make• 1 One porUon of thie order. de· town SatUrday, Pdarl'a Curio and Goffe~ Shop cborr~ea came from one of thc1r Ukea h1e ~ew ~anch location ve. ry _ mlatike, it ia called an ovtr• eignated aa paragraph 6, actual·

- ., , served a banquet to members ot tr Th 11 1 d 11 H t1 d it 1 h bi fll the Lincoln CountyRoper•a Club~ ees ey are '!• . P eaae we • e re-cen Y ~a e a VlS eight. Y pro t ta IDJ' o cer or ,em .. ··Mr. and Mra. w. B. Lo1ue

1 with their new location and 1end to Stanley, wh.,_ heaeaiated bfa ptoyee of 0. P. A. ttJm obey ins:

daughter PaCtY .Ru~h ed tPP 421n number. reg a·r d a to their C~r!Jz'lzo brother Jack with aome of hie Tako Woodell Willkft, for a cour.t order! Harold were here Jait Satutday ··.Mr. and· Mrs. Julian Serna friends. , f~rm work, a•ple: be talked too much in ---o--.. --trow the dplndl.a .couotrj. b.Jve re9eived word from tbiJr " "'4 makini hla eamp.alan ape!ch~a The Marian Sisters

• • · arand ron, Pwt. RaJ Soroa, that. " ~ 0

(for hlmaelt) •• a contender for You. ehould llaten over the llrl'llfl:t~f

of their ranch in mountain• w e r • IIDrcbaeUJH ranch aupplttl in town Monday.

Mrs. Leiter Gretr of Capitan wu a a hopper In' Carrizozo Tue!­d.a),nrnalni'lla ofer'for the tho" lit the t;yrfe Theatr• that nlaht.

Mr. artd Mrs. Fortino. Beltran made a trip to Lincoln laat Sun­cia)' aud visited on• of · thdr daughtPr,, Mrs. Baldemar Cara· bajal and family.

lleadames Ch1oa Fisher of Capitan and Grae,. Comrey of Nngal wen buiinees visitors here tut Friday. Jlrl. Fi•her and Mra. Comrey are alaterr.

J. C. llcUilltn hu opened the Cottage Cafe and the publie Ia nvited to drop In and try the

good 11ervlc• b~ Ia giving P•· taone. Ueala are aerved at. all bour1.

'Word has been reeeiv~d fr9m Marvin {Bud) Pee!kham who is •lth the government geolo.tic~l aurUJ. He it now . located at Red llountafn. Ataeka. accotd' .. inc tn.ili~Uet to bill lister Mrs. Fay Barker.

' ·-Mta. Geort• Wstwon and 11on

• Wall~r, were here laet Saturday trom Hondo, ..,here ther rectH•t­h purcbu~d thi . Jnyce ranch· farm. The; Jrke ou .. portion of

• New Gulnea. Be bar fieen ln · the aenleo for one year. •

· Jfmmle Briatar of th1 Navy ie atatlontd at Honolulu,

·-Funeral aervicea for Jack Hickman, 16, were field .Monday. at 2:00 p. m. from the Capitan Nazatene Church, followed by committal at Angua rCemetery, He met dealb Jaat S.turday mornlna qyaccldental drowning. · in a wide-txtendi~ earthen rr• aenoir looated tevtral milea from Fort Blanton. A ptllototor apparatus we applied. Pby~i­cl•n• did everytbwa poaalhle co aid re1piratf.on before the lad wu pronounced dead. He waa born March 9, 1929 in Texu. He wu we aon ot ld.r. and Mrs. Dee Hickman of Capitan. Mr. Hick· man ie a auard at Fort Stanton. Ourlna the . .JuneraltervieeJ. all bu&inees houau in Capitan were eloeed and buainenmen and their families attended the aenice.

Millard Longley, who wu catf• ed to Spearman, · Texn, laPt •eek on accbunt of the aerloua ii'r 6tall · ot his ·mother returned Ji6me Saturif'ay. accomp~nl@d n.r·~ bfa •ietfir, Mrs. Ed Hubler of Moequero, N. Mex., who ia her• for a ebort visit. - ....

' '. . "

• C'- ~ ...;;.:__ ~- ~ It• , • ,,.. 'l\1. , ,_ - ;; _~;., • " : n~n.· . . taet Canllda Stopa Meat Ratloninl- 6 and 8 narlt. T ey give hit•

Headline. - We alwa_JI ~fd like eo ere 15 minute• of tho aweatetl · th" Canadian•. alnaln; we have ever heard,

eapecially from children of tbeae Edna Peterson, feminine ov a~u. They aiog. dueta which

obnent of Gov. Dempsey, vo11ed will relch your heart. ·They ··I • efzeable vote. Indicating there ttlug over abort wave to the boJa

are thousands of Demoerats In overuu with a view of mak lng the state who will v o t e for their heart11 cheerful amid tho Guudenbn for ~ove.rnor oyer dtn of war. Oempaey. · .

·Mrs. George Waudell ul Noaal Want to bur ra mUitarJ ae naB returned from a visit to

cret? 1\frs. 'Shorb' Dockra:r pf Ut>XIUI and wu aac:compauied by Capitan looki like a beautiful Mrs. Gertrude Dahl of San An· doll, eht~ i1 eo JmaU. And as cut,. t•u•io, who wtll btl! the gueat of and witty aa thev make 'em. Mr. and Mrs. Waod~ll and the J.

L. Gravell fwmily. B•adlin .. in El Paao T. lm"'•- ------------------·------- .. IIE1 liD ru'WP.,a.;w.;....,.... ~~•m

The OPA aeta itaelt above the Lf .RIC '}' H I'A 7' k l law of the land. _ - •~

- Sometlme11 thcv (' m a r t, quodna a

get too Carrizozo

-See you in Sunday School

R, A. Walker, Owner

Sunda\ m11tir•ee, 2 p. m. Nhzbt ebow• at 8 p. m.

Friday & Saturday A DOUBLE l<"EA 1 UltE

. Mrs. Jasper Lewis Hopalong in· Mra. Jaeprr LPwie · of Luna ''R;d f D _..} .... ''

PUlled awa.J Sundiiy. June 18. • ers 0 eau Jne 1944, at Carrizozo where ebe plus • "" • · ·

'l'Jilil posh!(' ''li'lre Away" shows a l'lCen~ aboard the U. S. Submarlnt, ••Dotado:• The attl~t. the celebrated Atnerlcan painter Geor$l.a Schreiber. hu caUJht the act10n <turing the very teMe momen\ bttoro tho passlnt craft ia idenllfted ilil friend or toe. ·

·nau ~xperienced a cri~l<!s.l surgl 'Henry Aldrich llaunla a iloute~ cal operation. Sbe was the wife of Juper Lewia, ranchfl' a n d . ployee of the Southern Pacific Sunday, Monday, Tut~aJ' ·. Co., at tho· Luna pumping eta- Red Skelton, Eleanor Pnw•U, Uon, , · Richard Ain1ley In

• , Mn. Lewit wu taken to Jay• "I Dood' --------------·----------------+· -- ton, T~Jxa•• for funeral •ertic.,,

'l'llt paintittg JIJ .nuthentic in e\'ei')' dttllll tor the a rUst was 'ctuallr. ab6ard th• Submnrlne at sen. Htt ate and tlept with 1he crew, He workcll with the men and stood watch with the offtcers, A abort Umt after leavlnl the 15Ubmarine, it wa• lost with all bond,, . . . ·

. .

·. . New Mexico and exqecc to be vtormtttttHH r~eidtoe tt. ,.

• Our old and much eateeml!!d ftfenda ·to whom we o.ften refer •• the ·•the Mag1d~•" Mrs. liag• lrie Pflnuteo, Mrl. Maggie (Fred) Pllnaat~n and Mta. Fred ~lmaaten'• granddaugter Miu Mariaret KaJfsen were bull nella viaitora frorn the Nogal•Mell countrtlaat Frida:t. · ·

St.· John Dance •

.. She was born July 4_. 1902 at He'• only a featb~r-brained Buya; Texa*" Beal~ea her bu•· pant• preuer. but be Dood It In . • band ibei• aurvfved by one ton, this eona·•Pilabing. comedy • Clinton Ltwfa, her parentt,· Mr. and Mn. Cbai'J~• Stoneman, and three brother•. Cljde Stoneman,


< .. <


. · We have 11 nlce Jetter this .. week from Yra. Bl•nche Olat· 'iS

ton, tormerlt tj{ Ailebo, butafter · _ . die~o~lna of. her unch,-sb~ went .

1 · .S

• .. ·to ~bboe}L Texat. .. She Ja_ ~o,- . • ,.... · · rtaidfnl . at . Roe well witii htr . · ......, . . .

daughter Mr& . Coor•on·, Un. · · N ~

• •' •· .

Ola;vton told uii that btt •on . - G> . • 1 George fJ. oti tM naeb It :P~oa .. · ~· . . .. . . · . ... . . . . ,

and8• .

0'!· Do~ i• on'ftcout G~ar~ •t · 'c3 Mu1ic Lon.Fink and the Jloy~

an ''' • . . . . .. . ~~ ' -. ' - . . .. __ - - .. ' ' -

. ~ f

• • ~ .. •

'Newet ••war Dora•• and ''Football Thrill•" ·. ;

- Allcho, Jamea Stonimao, · Jicar• · . • ilia, Geotge Stoneman_ lo Mil,.. WedoeadaJ~'tlturtdaJ tlr,y S..,r.,ice,~and one •l•br Mrs. Ruth TC!try. Qob Ltvingeton, · Alma HaliUf•ld · of Srownlthtld. · . · Wally Vernon in .. ··· ·

Tax••· I . . I •• , • •. 'Pistol• Marna' '

·For Sal~· · A rollick ini rio\ ot double-bar•

GOod mUch cow, freab, and · otbtr c:•ttJt. lnbil Rua1el1• ·

obOn• 7• 1Cp'


. rtled luh. Sb•'• i IUil•tothl• . . .

. bontJ',. · .

~;~J:~-:~· ~:';:~~~4 . • Wr. •

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Entertainers· Travel R.ough and Perilous Circuit Taking USO-Camp Shows to RemOte Fighfihg Fronts:

. . . . . . . . ' . . . .\ .

. . . . . o··~ ...;,··· ~.-.~,."!

• One Hundred Troupes· · '· .. by W61li"rn New•pt~per Union.


WASHlNGTON.-Evcryone seemt Inclined to worry about postwar jobs.

A guiding line ot national thought 1las been estabUstJed In that direc­tion. The Prcaldcnt l!! talkln~: and etmgreas Is acting as. 11 there may be w1dccprcod unemployment, un· le!lo greot ntcps arc taken. Stock mnrketccra ontlcl.pate flomc kind of deprcnslon.

Some large lnvestors have gotten out of the market In anticipation. The CIO Is making poUtlcs out of the situation, "educatlnl:" the pubUc to believe tbere wtU be no jobs for re­turning coldicra unless their man 1etn Into every office.

In some decree, all tho front pa1e newa of ipeeebea and .tate­men&" relied tld1 outlook-an oullook whleh 111 .trained and fanciful when measurecJ aralnat the provable, but aot wldel1 rec­ornlzed, fact1.

The truth Is bank deposita bave been rlslnr latel7 at the rate or $200,000,010 a week­cash lo the hands of the peoplo Ia beln1 slcred at that amaa:lnc rate. The total of bank deposlll DOW 1J above •na,oeo,ooo,oeo. In addition there Is $20 OOO,OOO,tOO <rea, billions) of cash beld out­aide U1e bank1 •. The amount of cash thua store!!

oy tbe people already In this wtir Ia above Sl30,000,000,000 - good lpJ!ndoble lona green mone~ wlth n() atrlng• on It, • 1tnck higher thno the people ever hold before, nenrly 2'1.1 times ns much as they had In the big boom year of 1020.




Play to Soldiers in Open-Air Theaters




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' ' ' ' ' ' ( ·-: ~ . .·

Fauns and 'Ranches , ....... / ue ,&ca:r;:e JrJI'ff:s-r · vnU1T JM\~U IH

D•lt~ coun~,. Colol'Udo, On Go11\ll'DfO~nt :JJ;Ichway ;r PWU t{om H'otcbkl... Roada

n VIRGl""'- a .on 3 IJIP~•• cnn !» IIQPd!Yl!l~d, ill aero: .. · ~y '. . . •11""'~' with " <~cre!l trult, 30 acrca c~>rn, .barlo7 •. llelllillll!l bY We·~~)) ~IIWSRliJierll'Jll.on, alfaUI\, 40 ll~I'Cll Wltb 2 ll!lJ'CII fl'\llt, '3Q .

· · · · a~:rea <>:~U nn<l alfalfa, '0<1 ae~• pUal!a ·

.Two full , y· earS ha. Ve passe-' . aml: 1'0\1&" )lal!\llre,. l!ed )OI;IIJ180U I!Qltabla '4 ;Cor lle~U, ataln-anr ldpcl ot tNit~ )olalte

Sm. ce "'CtQr Pouglas Wal~ exeeU!'nt cP.tUe o~" !lheep r•mcb; CJm: "' ral$e 400 tons nJtalfn. 15 miles. !rom coY.

ton called Up for army ~etV1 ll'lllllel\t c:atUe Or lilleCP r{lnges. SchQollf.

i 1 k d 11 nl' aht to churc:fle•• atore, creamery~ ·alllpplng .~ .. cet . wor e a one j!:) ~n.lni IJ!IIe, . N~>w 1-. .~llle to ~

finish a picture assignment "lff (tow e er~lfMAX BJ'lTTJG . . RKO. Early . the ne:let' morn .. ' . :I)II.Cal.l1•r.ala JJ!I,IIdl,lllll JJ~.av•r,.C.I!Iratl .. ing , with no time in which to · · · ,·.. · ·. . · · · · ··· change fro¢ his. costum.e, 'h~ :O~'t.'!'~:t;;~r311t:;:~og~i:~1U:=

· reported for duty in., white tie ap~ Place, 'I AU tenced, }{as aPmll mead~ · · · ·N · • ·.b •· Li 1 Dnui< lo,nd, Will sucrlficll tor $10 ,acre; $1-.vw' talls, . OW he S .. ac ... - . eUt. ·" ~.,. · 'doWU,' blll.ance. to su!t Pllrcnaser. Denvu

. las Walton, medically .di:;char~;tE:d~- :r•'•"' c~o1p c•., t,I05 ~•"!hid&, ~;~ ...... .,. ~ncJ 11t RKO to Pl!lY the • . .

. man who gets his in . the Dick.· 1,4®-<\CRE' CATJ'U!; rl,lnc)l., ® •• alfalfa, POWE:ll-Anne· Shl'rley thrt.'ller. "F.• arg!- w a, •wlleat, ernl!e A dilley barn. .n!1llC ho!l$e mOd,. s;rm. homo, MW +nn. moctem W!lll, My Lovely.'' An«on !'lis nrst tennnl hou•c, (!U(bulldlnlll'iP®IU'YhoWI~ ...

c 1 t corrals,. all aood, $25 per acre, If de&lfeCI day before· the canwr~. li s co::! umv wm ~11 53 pur~•brellnna. ar!lde :JJ;er<~forda.

hl·t, t1'"' and tails I · 1!00 ht!na, complete naln. lmy and row wos-w .. · " ... .•. ·· crop ~Q.ulpment. · F, u. MILNOR, OWN~ -..~ EB, JLT, ~. J)ENV:E:R, 1, ~tiLiilV~N :NFI.

After giving Linda Darnell the big~ · · gest break of her career ii1 "Sum ..

·mer Storm,'' then relllizing, while critics raved, that thlly bad no f\lt:" ther" clulm on her services, Angelus Pictures is taking no more ch!lnct~s. They've signed up Don11 Dr,Jke with a contract calling for a :;tarring J"Olc a year for four years. Pons's be~tn

1aropnd the Par~mount lot for spm• •



JJltiCKYABD help wanted, 'J«<t\ 'burrlel' a11d Mn,shllle man ,1,00 per hr.. 411 hro week, tUne and one·hlllf over 40 boura. r: 0, Bn: 1 J.>&, SP-Uta, Bl•la .. •••• (lallf. tlallell :Hate~lata • Klolul&oall B~lcll" 0.. .

. . '

EXP, T:RUCK MECIIANIC!J-Jlu~ h!ove hand tooll.' plenty of work, $1Mr br. ~ rltrht man. permanent. INT.. ABV. co., lflla 1'1!11! 1>11\~ter Jl:E:NVER, Ol-Olt.4:IJO•


kn4 :JOUr waabor to u• tor expc~n re~ w " reaiiOnl!tlle pncu. Wr: caJl'll'. oil aDCI a full line of port.. Ordora ftllecS.

DENVER 47r~CE COMI>ANY ... lfUI IC... • Dea~a,, ""'""

- . FOB BAtE=Tha but ln l'oland Cltln11 HOlllrc ?lllo Glib, arvlc;e ~~~ IA!Jud~~ tile ClliiPlPIOn lind crand c:hampfon .... .IIO bcl!t ln realatered Jeraey bull calves.

I 'NeCURDT ICROOL IHt. Cna • New llt:d ...


Long-Haired Sikh Soldiers Unable to Wenr Helmets

The on~··soldiers today who are unnblo to wear 'helmetS nrc tho lOO,COO enlisted Sikhs of Indin, many of whom arc fighting wlth the Brittsb anny Jn Italy.

Because a rcllgioiJ5 custom tor-bids them to cut their hair, the)' wear it Jn a ollcd topknot,


eontnining from 12 ~arc yards of material.

* . . . As p•rt ot its twentieth annivet~t

sary c•lebration Metro hns dug into the fll•s ·u.n11 c:omc cmt with some bits of lnterenting information. For iruHance-Clenn Marlin, the plane mnnufocturer, once wos a movi~ nctor. He ptnycd opposite Frnnees Marion, the ace film writer and eX• ecuUvc. He was given the job be. caus• no other lending man could be feund, in 1016, who owned an nirplue!

-~ ~'If\-~

In a poU of enlisted men embrae­lnt th& enUre Southwest Paclftc area, conducted by the OverAeas MoUon Picture Service, Hum}lbrer Borart was voted the year•• No. 1 actor, as a result of bls performance ln .,Casablatlca.'' AD "Oscar... a fac!limlle of the Fun1 Wunt Anrel of New Guinea, Is beinr forwarded. to him, as an expression oi the cratltu-de tbe men feel tor all tb:at he has clone tor them. * .

The well·worn theory that my .. tory stories arc too exciting fare for children receives another knoekout blow in results from lntervlewa with youngsterS having roles on 11Mys-­tecy Theater." AU report that nev-er in their lives have they slept better than on•the ~lghts alter they hnve been in on a few choice mur .. ders in tlte NBC mystery thriller­the more murders, the better.


Sounds • ~fficult, bu~ it worked­when wnting "~e . Little Bit of Heaven,•• musical to be ptoc(uced by Metro, capt. Luther Davis with the arrny air corps 1n lndin: pnd · Marine Cap\. John Cleveland; sta• tloncd at Qunntico, Vn., collaborated by rnall With Robert Andrews in llolly-wood. .

~ -" -----

D••·p£Rt.JOO!hed,cooled.~ "' oflea prenaled b7 Ytx•

RASH •na.tllllloothinc,medicaled powder with incredltn~• oftfln uatd b)'tpeclallaLI.

and En«o Ia Betcnr Par

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·' .'l'HB CARIUZOZO OUTtOQJC · . . .. . ..

·-· - - ·: ~- '•

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' - _ .. -:'- ;,:_ :'--'- : :' .'.,: .. -.. _


SUNDAYL. ' -.. . cHooL . esson)

. ,t By HAR.OLP L, LUNOQUl&T, D, D,

or Tho Mom 'Bible lnsutute ot Clllcago. Relell~cl. b:r We&tefJ!. NllW~Plliler VNOn,

• "Par., to: be a Daniel,

P11re. to stand alo11e · Dpre ·to llnve It purpose 'firm, · D~e w mak!l It lmown."


Remember. how we 1.1sed to s~ng it Jn our Sunday ~chools? Possibly :some of us still do. The thought <>f the song as!luredly. needs to be em· phasized anew. ·

.. · The "times are out. of joint," ~1. lions" of men and women are meeting ·new problems and tcmptntlons. 'l'be ~>tanda.rds of 'life they learned in home and ·church or Sunday school

. are not too easy to· maintain. ·

Minds in Reve,:olie TwQ mind·ren(lers met aftel:' a•

mt~rvnt of some monthS', .One ot them immt:dint1;1l:y e~cl~!Jned in .-, hearty voice: '

"¥ou're nll rightl llow am 11".

A womM ouglt~ to bu,. a. new l1a~ oftc:n for the ~ake of morale.

· . · Every man wDl get a good Jau,:ll •• ,,' • c· out of it'<e~cep~ Iter bus1Jand).

• That's now .

Tom..-My wife nev':r speaks .Qu\ ot turn, . ·

Jim-Row's that? Tom-lt'a alwaya her turn.

' Not Even an Old One ."An'd, doctor, do you think prunes_..

healthy?.. . · · "Wdl,l'v.! nev('r J1eard one ~;ornplaiJ&,. •

' . . .Everybody is able to ~ve pleas­

ure in some way. One person JP&Y do it by cominr(fnto a room, an­other by going out,

lllde ll~d Seek " The two. , wives were talkine

uboJJt thc1r husbands. "I think you're lucky," said one.

"Your hubby seems to be a real · .. ·.,-.

" - . . ' ' Many are hearing that old excuse " ' 8614 treasu1·e." .

- "Maybe," sP.itf 1h'-l ot!tet;, "but when there ore nny jobs' to be 4ort• he'll. a hidden treasure • ., . .

' .. _--

- . ·.' '-

~.Cold Meat Warr:ps Up for .Main Dish · tsce :Recipes 13~1ow) .

_, ',\

• . for laxity. "Man, you're in the army now,'1 or ''Don't forget you're not nt home with Mother; you're in the navy." Civilians hav~ olmilar

, · tempting excuses for careless , liv· ing, drinking, etc. ·

Heat Va-rieties L Cb b ' p In' " 1n Ou,r lesson is a timely one. It

7Jlll am- ers 0 ~av r presents D;miel as having-One of the most difficult •tasks that Menu

faces the hous~wife !s thqt of get-, J, A Courareous Purpose {v. 8). ting variety into •nonst Kidriey Lool Dnniel and hl.s three Hebrew com· the meat dish. Parsleye~ Potatoes · panions were among 'those carried Meat, in it.scU, is Buttered Greens · captive to Babylon. As promising delicious, but if Orange-Endive Salad young men, they were selected to served in the Whole Wheat Biscuits Butter receive an education in the wisdom same way,· with Lemon Chltfon Pie of the land, at the king's expense tho same ves\)ta· Beverage and in preparation for his servico. bles or wlUiout •Recipe Given The lUng provided for them . the

!liiiilii!!!!!! . · · · ·· condiments, oc, · delicacies of his household, thinking ,caslonally, it smacks of sameness:' ·o · 0 thus to keep them strong and in

There are many who r.vlll alway• S.~e U•ed' Fcht good health. Dnmcl recognized that bake bam without ~arying the Kidneys and liver are both de1ec- 'many of thcoc things were unclean etar.e to add interesting flavor to the table if prepared with the proper according to the laws of his people. meat. There are others who don't seasonings: . e aloo knew that to cat such fpod xeallzo that a bit of naturnl, home- •Roast Kidney Loaf. and to drink the intoxicants provid· trbwn herbs will pep up tltc good, (Serves. 6) ed tor them would be to injure hw old·tashloncd pot ronst. Some al· 1 pound beef, veal, pork or lamb health, and ct~t down his ability to ways serve luncheon meal!! cold on kldner • learn. a sleb of bread or wiU1 potato oulad, I 1 cup milk • · It was no caoy thing to ank to be ud so on. Fqr once, let' a tcy things · 8 sllees bread excused from what the king had MW and lntercsting: · • !~ eup bicon drlpplnrs or butter commanded, not to do whnt every·

Llverwnrat Loaf. • :e ens body cloc Wil5•dolnc; tlut Danicihad (Serves G) 1 c:ree.n·pepper mincell a couraccoua purponc "in hio heart."

M pouL'l boto111a 1Vot teaspoons niL But Daniel hnd the wir.dom to be ' tablespo<>as ehlllsaace ~~ teaspoon pepper tacUul about hb convlction!l. He " tablespoou mayonnaise 3 tablespooM rrated onion went to tho ltina'o oteward with-1 tablespoon lemon jwce % (easpoon powdered sare 11. A ~ll!lldered Plan (vv. 9-13). ;i pound Uver saunse . Waoh kidney in cold water. Drain Ho had comcthinc thoughtfully

• • 1-6· yrt.

Pattern No SG14 Is In nl1cs. l, 2. S, 4,. ---..~ .. ~---~--::::'. ·~ ... ::-. -::-•. "":-.~:':-.~::::-.::--. :-:. ,::-. ..,. __ ._;::: .. === '-' 11o and 6 ycllra. Sl:ro ll, drc~a. require~

, l~it yards :l9·1nch mlltt!rllll, bonnet,. U ynrd: 10 ynl($!' rlclq'nek or rumcd laeo for trim. ,

184i 34-52 ·• '

' .

5EWlNO CIRCLE l'ATTERN DEPT, !S3o south Wells st. Chlcaro

1i.:nclosa l:O ccnlll In colll!l for e11ch pattern denlrcd, Pattcni No ............... Silo~ ...... ~

ll~~o •••••·•··~······•••••••••••••••

Address ••••••••••••••••••••••••••'•••

THE contrast atrordcd by the yoke of this drcos (which mey -------'---. -----------~. ---

be smooth and tailored or sort and Q • · Sn an near I ruffiy) pleases tho eye! ·Thc.body nspnes you C e of tho . drclls · ia cut to give you slimmest possible lines. · n

• • • Barbara ncu Patfern No. 18U la do-. ata;ne4 ror all:.cll ao, 38, 40, t:!, 4t, 40, .u,

110, u. SilO 38, short 11cevcs, "'i JArds 311-lncb mntcrllll, \~ )'Ard for 'fett.e. "" ~~ 7ard• ruiJllniJ'.

" Summer Set

A COMPLETELY pretty play, dreon and mntchlrig bonnot

which can be done in c:Qlorful occr· suclcsa, striped chambrayo or· flowllrcd cottooo. For very oman tlrls-agl!d one to three, thin set Ill adorable when done in wbito polka-dotted munlin or poptel or· cnndica nnd trimmed wiU1 fine white lace.

" ,,,

.. n. Crain.!!• lrutf.~f'- K,(.K'.a, • Kellogg's Rice Ktisplea equal the whole ripe pin in n~arly all tho protective food elements d~~;"'nrcd euential to buma.n nutrition.

S tables~ &ely chopped piellc well and grind, including the inter- worked out, n fair vropo!lal which

-l~l~~~~;~~~- __ !:!!a~~:f·~~ '-,_-c~)J_r _ -~~~~f~~1~n~~U:~~ t~~~fc~:C:not~~:;_. ~ 1 S..f 1U1!1l,lcec1 white bread soak. Combine all / .-----;:::-.. them. He propoced a tent, and --S tablespo(las creamed butter ingrcdiento ndd l <ort'"'~~ ,' agreed, if it failed, to be ll"!bjecl to

Put bologna through tood chop- mlx thoroughly. \ . .,..- • ~· further ordero. He lmew at would peri add ·chUl oaucc, 2 tablc!lpoono Pack fll'mly in a ..... - not faU. · of mll)'onaaice and lemon juice. Mix loaf pan. Bake in t:-. llow O!tfn Uaooc who have it in to a smooth pootc. Mnoh liver onu• n moderate oven ~ their heart to rnnnd true to God flnge, add chopped picl:lc, celery, on· (300 dcgrcco) for H!: bouro. o~ainnt cvilo, ouch ao beverot:o al· inn1 Worccotcrnhirc Muce; remain· Liver Deluxe. -._ eohol, bave ... no plan an mind, and ing mayonnaicc nnd mix to a omootb (Serves 6) ore only loud and toctll"J9 m their paste. Cut cnc;t. from bread, slice G tablespo.ou bacon drippings condemnation. They moltc no con-three in.eb lcngtbwir:c nUcco. Place 1 Jar•e OD!'..a, lblnly sUcecl tribullon to tho cause:>. Let uo be one slice on baking sheet and spread G cups shrtdded cabbace .. intelligent and properly prepared. with belogna paste. Top with rc· 1 tea!lpoon salt Daniel's plan put o planned diN malning olice ot bread. Spread en• ~i teaspoon pepper and water o.ver nr,ain!Jt rieh foodo tire loot with creamed butror. Bake 1 poUDcl eubell Uve.r and wine; It woo a cacc of oimplo in n mod!?t'atc (350-dcgree) oven ~ eup water llvin~ aaain!Jl "hinb•• livinc, and the 30 minutes. Place on platter nnd 1 tablespoon soy sauce. renult wan a forer,oM eonelurllon. ga.mlsh with otufl'ed olivco ond tom a· Drown onion in 4 tobtcopoons drip. Tho:;e hiGh in par>itinnn or authority to wcdgl'!n. St'n'e with: pings. Add cabbage nnd ceanonings. in Uw fleld of dieL tell un aaoun nnd

Creamy Mmtarcl sauce. Cover atld cook over low lu~nt for 15 orrain that we nl'cd oimpte, well· ~ c:llp sugar minutes. Remove from pan. RoU balanced meals. And ncience In dd· ~ teaspoou salt liver in seo1:oncd flour nnd brot.;n in inile nnd ciPor in its condNnnahon t en yolk!J remaining drippingo. Add wotcr and of olcoholic bcverocc:>s. 1 cup scalded mllk simmer 5 mlnuteo. Add coy o:.tuce Dani~l's tent pPriod tNlUitcd tn-~ ~up prepared mustard and cabbage. Ill. A Convincing Proof <w. 14·16). Z table!pool15 vlnerar Bacon moltes n tasty, light oup- Ten days prov\'d Ute point. Daniel l•m•U sprlr chopped thyme per dish with gordcn·fr~sb green ond bin frfemln were fairer amJ rot· ~L t n- I benns: n Ca!JPOOi'l awop ee Bacon and Beans. ter than the others. They were van-~ teaspooa celery salt (Sfn't! -4) dicotcd in thCir couro~:eoug otan1for * t~spcK)Il paprika !~ _..gnd bacon whot they believed to he right" Slm• Duh of tabuco ,_ pie livmn demon!llrated its value. { sUees ril)e ollves 1 pound fresh ct"een beans Think whot n flne tentimon:; the

Mix sugar, salt nnd ecrr1 <>oUm to- ~ tablespooll!l bacon drippmrs experience or Donil'l must have b~>en .,., "' 1 teaspoon salt ,_ ... gcther. beating wen. Add to scald~ !1 cup cllopped poel!n onions "' ~nol ,great group of yctmg princes ed milk in wp of double boiler. Mix z tablespooll!l ehoppl!d pimiento who were ot the !ting's tab?e. & together mustard. vit:egar, tbyme, Wash green benns and cut length· we oloo may give !Zotld wimenSl for allspice, celery salt, paprika and ttl• wice. Cook in 0 nmnll amount of otU' Lord by our loyalty to tiGht basco. Add slowly t() milk and egg stnndnrdn. Often it i!l true that mixture. Cook over hot water, stir.. water. Add bacon thoro who outwardly scoff ot them

~-·~--·~- ~"';~t.tll"io ~ .• ~

.. _ .. ,ring eonstanUy untU tni:dure thi~k· d~ippings and arc oemoetly moved to renpect those

· ·· ~. Jmt be!ore $CtvJDI garnish 5 t. Ten minutt!s who eonnistcntly ntand for what they •.- ot sauce with oUve!'.. be f 0 r e green ·believe • One of CLARION'S major plans

after the war will be to serve towns, tJmaller cltieJ and fatms with radios best suited to the real America through which tuns Mttin Street-the wo.rld's greatest thoroughfare.

or combinations of modern de:. sign, or in between, CLARION will be completely p.tepared to

meet youi peace-tim~ needs.


• •

... , beaM are cooked, w d tU • ·-~ 1 a· dd· "r·e"'" ""'10.,., e nee to eu vote m our young

Sin• U,:u Fw · 6 .... v ... '"" people the high courage which will and pimiento. bl th d • th Serve with Strips ena e em to stan oga1nst e

constant temptation to partake of of crisp bacon. alcQholic beverages nod to face with

, 'l'be outdoor tla• • ""'lll t th 1 ~._ vo·r· o·f· th. "'-ba·rbe'"'e ... en· pt"r"'d w·J·th ln.., gen courage e c ever propa• · Extra Attractions: Potato cnlp5 ... ..,. l!j .. "' ganda of th~ liquor cellers. make nice snacks when there's this barbecue ham. The sauce is Note that Dnniel nnd his friends a l'Ofette ot cream cheese on ~easoned Just right, tru;!lfY but bOt did not lose by their decision-they each one of them. Sittlplv soften . too bot: i d Th ... y r"a~"d " na·r· b· .. --.a n·a-. ga ne • "' "' Ullo; -. cheese and lotce through a-pu- ,.. .. _,.. ... w· a c · d bJ p ttl (

(se"·e· c·) • B ommen a. e os on vv. try tube. ' • . " . Tey a green salad wil\t tender laUee ham (2 pounds, 11nch Udek) 10Af~e end ot the training period green .-callions from the gntden, ~ lat1e oilton • the king gave these young men ex· and toes togetQer with a sour ~ clon. rarllc aminatlons. Note that in technkal cteani dressing, lt'• deUclousl ·~~-ilup catsup . · knowledge, "!,Q.t• and in personal

Dredge bacon pieC.l!ll . in corn * cup Woreestersblre 11&11Ce characteristics. D!!tliel.And his. com· meal; try untilc:risp. Then add !small ean tomato soap i 11 th onion and rtour for thickening ~ . . YIH . .. r rades were super or to a e rest. and ~ n;.. f.· · th. · · · tJ-m· _ u ~bl!e~rbat•·•r That . is fn Ai!i!Otd With the f1ndingl!l

. · nlJJA or .. e gravy. ... · • • • n .,.. • .,.~ H> of modem· scienc:eain the mattl!r ot JWll ~ked pitted prunes in * talllcspoonwurar the U!c ·0r Uquot:. ·

· orange-sugar or 1emon-sugar to ~i ttasptid pe,Pfcr . · . . · . · x· ·t t 1 st b ti bi th · u '"lt' s:--er -h" ... •L ho""' b.Jore b""'"• . s 1 no a mo · un ·e eva e . ett ·u. u to jJ 1rll· .. ......... .... .. 7Z ... ei• aA that·the adverti!ing Qt tho liquor in·

Make bacon bis~ (addint ~ ing. Chdll onions and · gatlli: very' terests, suggesUrrg that liquor is -a c:Up chOpped bacO'rl !d !ltAndatd ftne. Add remaining tngredlenl!!l and desirable thinl from a. personal, So-biiCUit r~ipe). Top baked bis- 110ur over . ha~; 1 ~alro . uncovered ciat, anti_ business viewpoint. Is per· eu.(ts with cr~amed asparagus or for 30 to .ro mmutea ln. a moderate mltted? The facts ate aU on the oth-eanots tor' u inviting ltirt<:beott oven. er· · •id·e·, dlth.. ' ~ "

... · · i ,. If rtN- wiih IIIOrt ·c~NIIM lmtnitllom Sttange too 1li the tolerant attitude c~ped~~ ifin~~dsmto~~~ m vt~tuble ~"''' ttiUe 1o Miu ipur of our nation and especially ol many ~--.. _ ta·· ..u~_-.- d ....... ~. . .. Cbllmbm, IJ'e,u;m Nt~Mpltl'd Unwr.. 210 in the church toward thaf Which IJ ........ ...... ""''""'"'" ... __ ..... o---.,·in . . _,. .. .... HI,. Cht.r .... ft "-, 1m known· .... be d••tru'et. ill' .. a· n·d .;,.""tr•

· .. (_:hopped creeu ~ppera and plt- :.:k." p;;:;; ,;;,.•";'Jt~tl.t ~ .. ": rru!ntll .... lt 1li it." awat&g oom"'mtl;. ted ripe ollvH intrOduce flavor .....,-• ..), ~el•·Ut~ ~ffio-_ /fllf' ........ ··-_ on_ t'-• """'te""t to which o"t·. ~lexttlte- «mttait to ftsb• A)ad. ~"""'• 1 r- ~~ .... ., 11" "'"' " "

_______ """": ...... ..,.,..... ...... _.........,. r~~WWnt.tJJKew•P*fUJtllllt. •tandardJ hav~ been tqwercd or Cot•. -. ' ' . cotten1

• • ... -I .

• '' .

In every locality there witt be O.ARlON dealers displaying the red·coated (igure which since 19:ZZ has been the symboi o£ good radios. ..

Wbetlier battety sets Cot those . . .

who haY~ DO power line £acllities, .

.. CLARION~swork!orthearmed · forces bas developed its engincet•

·ing and designing fa~ties to tho •i highest point in !tf history. We ue .in an ideal position to sene JOU radio buyets1 more efficiently

and with fitter ptoducu 'than evet before.

Watdi Cor the ctARION sigo when radios are again &Tailable. ·


'Chicago 44, Illinois · I


. -~ ,. . ' •

' •·




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' RlliZOZO ·~· =====:~~~

·Q·' UTLn(JK tn 1'he Matter.,, ~blhh~--~ •. '· T .. ..1d .th.e r.·.r .. ,,,l-.' •w-·· · ~. · Itt!!. ; · Llet!DH Rate F~~ Df•pen~ersJ. erry ~~ .... """" /abllabed W•e•IJID tbe lnuie•t ot ,llefall~n. and RJub Vel1dotJ n~nl« ·.. ' l

ln.tlt_, Probite Court ·State of New Mexleo)

-CountY of Lincoln) 1!1 . carrl1o*o and Llr1eoln CoontJ,IN, M. of Al~obolie Uq~..,. '

' L. BURKE.' F11tor ~lld'"illbli.!;er BE rr IU!JQEBY ~ESOLVED~ 1. \1!~~ : .:ct'realaU•• I~. jl .~•~?,t1 by tht~,Urie9Jn Coun~f Board · of

' iUBSCKIP',f)ON .KATD ComOliulonera. that all 'ita •o•tht,l"!~tatu!e • U.CIO pro.,o•lng to •ell or dl•penae al .. )De Jear, l1l ~ddnr.• • $2.0U cobolfe liquor• out•J4e of the ..

, ;rrt;;.d ;..- ·.·;;.;;11-ela~•-·~;t~; J;; .. corporate dt•tdct• h-' the eountJ . •rY e, 1911, at Lb• · poat omc.. a,t of Lincoln nnd whQ Jlave quallti· arrl•oa11, New Nealeo. under tba Aet ~d undet: the ·provJ•fObl of· the r threh 11. IR'IG. · Liquor Control" A~~. ChaptGr 61; Ad\ertblut torrul c:hue W.~uh11•diy Lawt of New Me.fJco, 1941 Sta• .

•. t noon. New1 coluum• clo•• '!'bon· tuteJ Annota .. tcuf1

and a,ll act• ·l•r nllbt. 11 Jou do not re~•lnJ~or amendatory thR)'e()f , and a up~ oaptr re1ularl1, pi•••• uol.lf7 lbl l'llD• d h 1111.,, Ad••~rtl•i"lr , .... , oo •PJ.tlle•· pfementary tb¢'reto, 811 w"to

. tloa. have •• a coqoltJon precedent · · · · ·::;l.iiMuf.f\! ' ;; : - here to secured' · proper llcen•e

1111119: '-:~·:' P1:•:~v.7~1'1,. M.a;., . from the Bureap. of RevenuP, u _ ---~ ~ -~-= :. ,.;.. _ ·oivl•ftm' of' LiquQf Control of the -- -·--·om~. Phon~• No. r• State of New '.eJ(ico, may apply .

. to thl• body offJp.untJ Commie­. 1lonera throullh t}je office of the

County Clerlt, in Carrlzo:z.o, ,New · 11 :1 •.

Ye:dco, for to tell or dl&• .

pef1:,&e alcobolio liquors in the

. Wfl.l. t UAVJ: EHOIJGU 6~~1 •• ;:eNOUGJ.f 011..?

eNQI.J(;H AMMUNITION "l ••• WIL.t.. X .HAVe AN .

·. AIRPtANE '¥ .

In· the Mattl!r of . tbe'.Eat.-te .. of Don ·B. ·Enaliab; ·oe~eaaed · N'o. 583

Notice .9t Appointment ~ . .. . . . .

of• Adunruetlatnx . Notice hs hereby ~tlven that on

~be ~9th ~Y of ·May/ 1944, the upderlliaued · w Ia a ~tppointed admilliatritrix of the eatate, ot Do n~ 8. E,gglisb, deeea~~ed, in . the . above • named Court, a n ~ having quaJifted att auch, am'o~e having a· C lll i nl '.aaaln.e~. 111d

e!Jtate ia )letEbt notified to file 11me within BiX monthl from

June 16, ·194J, an~ make. proof J. . u required by Jaw.

/': Maraaret Eoglie.b, ' · A"dmintstrah.ix

John E. Hall, Carrizo~o. Nflw' ·Mexico, AUorney for Admin!· · atratrl:x, · jl6J7

Notiie of R~dtmption of Bonda 11

. .

' ' '

J', '




" .

. ' .

·W: . h···· .·.Is 'T. b~··Best Place ·to Borrow~· . ere.. ....... . . · · . . . · · '· b · k L · n• are part of the

It'll certainly at your an .. Q• · · t . i I ice Wit ·offer~ . You can eome o

well-rou?ded ftn•ne • lli!r~ h 1 you_: ijlat w• mu•t. aer~• U" knowmu that we waRt O: ~J! · · -· ·_~ kronreaaiv·

.. .. 3 'R 7.. '" • • • t sro forw•r., as a tl • . .. ,

you constru.~tiv!lf ~f we W~ 0 · 012 bo,row,·· tbiD" . not. '9Db ·

:~7::::i~=~~~~t~~=~e1 bu~~!rn' (ut?re ·weJta,e. lf you 'do you'J') asrree that ban~ bs,ro•f!li ~~beat. . '

' \. . . ·.• ' .~ .. ~ • ,. ,t

' '

. ·. -i..incdln County ~rene)). Citize·ri:i ~·State ·;·Ba'nk·' of· ·Vaughn

. · · J!rr.izozo, · N~' ·M. · •

• • '

Member ·re~eral Depo•it In•~ranee Corporation '


• . ·l2tb: '

; ' • -~·~· ...

... t~• l • --·---------IICH!

following dealgnation':

DlSPENSEWS LICENSE tor . Notice ia hereby given, purau- ~==~~~==;·::· ;· ~-~-~~k=~===· ,;,~, ·=t ~~ th~~~~~~;~'Salc~~~~N~~uoi:; ~~! u~de~:i~~~~'~.v~~;~~u!:,m:f i·----- ·> ·----· -·51!!--~ ·• .... e ::·~ • ' ·' ·:· ~·:· .... ·: . ,

the •ale or allalcobollc liquors ln YOU WRITE TJ.f£: AN7WJ:~~ . Lincoln County, New Mexico, ' ·a. ·eaolution. pack""" torm, and FIFT' 1 uiAR LOAN that tne following • <le•eribed •

CLU·B LIC· ENS.., for the . ule ON A " ""' 11 ··1· · bond I of· S.chooJ Dlttdct No. 28, ~ soN"" APPLrc ArioN.· · a t of all Jl~ohoiJc llquon, v "' Lincoln County are eall~ 0 r

JJEIT FURTBE,R RESOlNED. 1.'·-M~~~'i.~/~t...~ • .,.,..,... payment at par plua accrued in· that the uld Board of County tereat, intereat to c~a.Je on nid Comml••lonera berebJ dealgnate• ":~:.,~Yu~~~ · PIM. pli£S bond• on July 15, 1,94t.~ . and pre•crlbe Jlcena~ !ee1 to be tA"tEtonutfACE . I. . Bondi dated January 16, 1928 P.ld to the County of Lincoln 111 '''l'llko tho JlO:Jittve vosLAr.t w11v to ~ktn due and pavable January ,~6,1948

Jmprovcmcnt, CC)NCENTRA'l'ED tor r l ~" f tb t II WI' 0

quick actlon. Poelnm helP!! reduce red• redeemable at the opt on o e F S I 0 ° • • ne•s , , , J)(cl away rough, cmbatrllNllng d f Ed


•• •

. -.

~ srogcl re•olutfon for·· the New Year 11, to keep well drea1ell· and to ke.ep your clothea weJJ eteaned and p~·ned-Let us beJp you to · make t)lia r~eolutlon good.

' or . a e Dll~tr'• Llcen~e $250 00, "Dimplo IIIYCr." Not • cosmetic llut a Lincoln County Boar 0 UCI•

Two fre•h eowe: Inquire 8111 .Ritiller'•'Licente $200.00. ~;~c::.~/:,ll~~o!;t~~~~n !ffiKrc~t tioo on or after Januhtr1 16, 1f9468 U-WA:Y CLEANERS, B.lo". Ancho, 1

• Club Llcen1e $260 00, tllx acuwo IIIIU'tllhu••• ctrnr whoro beirfng intere1t at t e rate o · BE IT FURTHER R~OLVED, :~~g;.~~~c~t.'·'.'h~~nrr:;:,:~~- %per anum and conalstiog ~f S~;;;;~;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;-

Phone 81

F S I that the llcenae t•x period ahall Bonde numbered 8, to 10 lnelu· ';;; • or a e . b•alnJuiJflrltofeacbyearnnd alve in the'denomlnatlon of .,...,._; ___ .,.. ~-----··--...,·---· --~~--:.· '

Lawn-mower. Hat had ver1 end June Thirtieth of the tol• $500.00 each. little un. Will .ell or IWIP for owin(l nar and that the fuJI ation of 11aid licen1e by thia Thaae bonda thaiJ be pr11ented JtUa, or what bnt you. - S. H. amount of 11id yearJ1 Ueenu tax uody. for payment at the office of the Nlcktlt, CarriJOto. rea 11 due nnd paJable on the DATED, at Carrizozo, New ot the Countr Treasurer, Lincoln



• ' "

1 ~LA date of iuuane• of Um llcen11e ~exieo. on Yay lat. 1944, nunc County,. Carrizozo, Nnt He:dca. . . For Sale for tho ll~elllt year._. or _ba1~nce oro tunc. D at Carrizozo, N • .• w-4~·~

= " . = · . · .·~ ~ ·. · -of~tnr,." , ...... ~· -=~· · ··~- ~-~- ·~ I)'··· · ~oy.~j~;=S:baf'er;~·-·"'"1~ Several tbourand BrIck 'i BE IT F-URTHER RESOLVED, Chafrmao, 1944 · .

brakea, brlckl $1 •. GO Tr~cldoad that 101 violation of tho termB 'County Comminlonen. J16J7 . John E. Wright, an • •

"' Bill 8alow, Ancho 1f tht1 re•olutfon tball be auffi· A tteat: li'eUx Ramey, Treaaurer, Lincoln County, elent tor the· auepenafon or re• June 23·30 Cleric. Nett Mexico

~ For Sale ~~=~==~-~-~-~·-=-~-· .~-~-··~~· ---· _ .~-~-· ~---c =·· ~ One or the beat raneb•• -1..:.'----------------------

811 Mrs. Ulnnle Reil U26-Jl6p Try Our FOUNTAIN SERVICE . ' ---' . •


In Uie Prqbate Court. No. 684

State ot New t.ft~xlco t 11 C.:ounty of Llnc:uln f ' ,,

The Chrbtian Science Publi.~ ~an., Norway Street. Bostt~n

Price- $12.00 Y•Kir• '4K'4l Sawnlay I~tuc,ltsducliAWJ.k~ ~-.~~4'0~~~e~~~~ y'"'

Inrroduaory Of.-r. ·.~ Sat\lrdayltolu.e• -Name ........................ ~ ........... ,. ............... .-.~ .... -. •• '

Addnu ....... M~•••••••-••••••••••••··••••••••••••••••••••·: e ~~..ON RaQUEST •

AnJone wlahlnt to bu1 pro. pertJ lo No.ral townalte it will PAJ to tte H. L. llcDJnltl at No1al before ~ric•• (let too hlah.

,. tn thdlatter of the Etta tea oUiat.Y .. ~~~~~~!!!"!II~· ~~s~·"!'!' "!'!± ~--~'!'!'. 1 !""!'!tii!Slalt!s~·~r"!'!'~· ~~~~·~: =~±~~!'!

Tipton, D.cuied, and lbnle Wood, :..,.~-=~:.·.:,:· --------__ ....,'-" ____ _,r.r. .. -.------

Well Rig Available AndJ Gordon of tht Soli Con·

1ervatlon B•rvlce atatea \taat • wall ria hu been madt utllablt to the Claunch-Pinto Boll Con· ltrVIt Iori Diet riel COOPtrl~tf.

N·OW·Itfat M .. uJnet Scenic Postcards CIGARS and CIGARETTES OF ALL KINDS



Notice of Hearing Petltloa For . Determination of Helnllllp. TO: J. I. Tipton. whote C~U name

It Jamu I. Tipton, Annie E. S'lmpron, John A. Wood, £clmond Wood, Eftle W~, Nora Freat1 loa Baula, B11ale Luten, May Grar, and to all unknown beirt of the .. td decedent., and,. all un­known ptrson• claiming any Jiec upon,

R·olland'• o" rug st· or· e or rlxht. title, or intarut Jn or to the · tstatea of the .. td dtetdent.. acd to

C I N M Whom lt May Concern: F S I ~:=:::;z::::::::::::•r:r:Z:O:!O=·=·=·==:'E' ====~~ y 00

, and 1-!ach of You, are hereby Or a e u ... notlfted, and Mllce i1 hereby aiven I k - . - - . .. that M. Jd. Penilt hu filed In tbaabova

Two 500 barrel tt.. taD I, entitled Coutt a Petition lor Determt-obe 188 barrel lttel tank. Com· ROSWE.. LL CARRJ?QZQ nll.tlon of Heiribip, In aeeord with p)elt eell ot burner• for $uptr• . . • · ~ Sections 3iH2t3 to 33·1218, lncluai•e• fex Frialdalre. All!l wlekl. TRUC.K LJN. E··. ot the Now Mnieo Btll(utes, ·19U,

Harrr OlMrmaP, _ Annotated, and tlte Court ba1 appoint-p' 0. Bol 627. Ca nit an, , N. M. ed Monday, the 3bt day f)t Jufy, ~~··

" · the )tour oc 10:00 .4. It&,. u the lanut Leave Roswell: ana d., tor htariug •t tt • any there b*, to aatd P•tfUon !or De-for Sale~. M.on,_day,·. Wednesday a, n~ .. Friday. tetmlnationof B•irab(p and :lur de-

- · termlning tltct ~~·~hlp ol ••l<l dtefl!-6 I H d ('UWll and .. calf, •• - Lea· ve Ca .. rizozo· I' t!l~. th\ lnttmtl of neb r .. ~ctife

11. G. Notrla, Beett.ob fOf.miW'. · ·· ' • ·· · c:lalm~&nt to ~lair .. id "•"t•• ·•haatejn "'"'JDtl', N ... Tuesday, Thursday and ~Saturday ,, 'tbelilalenf NIIW Mt~xko. and the p.r ":'! · .,_ ·· ~----"""· --· i' 10rt1 111llltl11d totb.;diatl'i&utlul'l threot,

E\ p &. s·0· . 1 ,, alld· tt., dllt..rll'llf• lf ahJ, tbe iJ.Dlount ,(zv:. er. ry '· na s·. •. GOLDSTO. N, &Uanawer Phone 16 ot auccellluJ.talC dae tbe !~tate of N•w f'. W I D llltd a ~ M•xl··o

TR-AVEL BY BUS ''From The Pecoa to 1he Rio 'Grande"

' . Via.

RosweiJ-C,arr,izozo 'j

Stage Lines DAILY SERVICE: Roawell - Carrizozo • Socorro

tiST LlaYei;IOJ..,. II.

- ,arrt¥e:8:GQ.·A. II. Ltua 3:10 P. II.

- Arrfn i2:30 P. II. ,


·Socorro .C•rrizozo Cattizcs:o Roawell •

WEST S:Jfi P. 11. Arrin 5!46 P. M. Lttfl 6:80 P. u: Arrl••· 1:80 P.M. Leave ...

SocorrC), New· M•U:o 1'hler ,. ell ' . IJ.:::::=====::;;::::========!=======• · Thac. the prop!!rty durJlbtd. in .. td ·

~,an-t Rtoalred. • 1 I' l»fttUon tor fiet11rmlnatloo or fhtrabip ~:::;:=:·:···=· ===··~·~· ::::::::=:::~·=· ===::·~5· ::::::::! an·'Yeart Seniet In .. · 1. .. E. . lu . ... · ··· · · ·

Uni)lil Countr. 'l'be •outhwut qllitter (SWil: of y· . .

Glen~ne I - Ntw .. ut.eo .. cliort 10, Townahlp 1 South. Kanr• ·£·. ·L·· .· ·. PA·. s·. 0· c ~-·p·· .. E. •. c~r .. :a ... s· •.. v .. ····A .. ·LL··-. ·'E·

' '

· ·., ...... 1.J.J9 !f1. to . 18 Ea.t, N. U, P. M,, ctltJ.tahdllJ no · • . !!'It • •• .cat 1ii II :;:::: - -(·

I•J · lire War B•••• ·••••» ., ~......... ,···-· -'. j; ••


CO lliPA Mtf Wtftr W .... ~ .. •tlff•l•htt · lt•IWIIJ.. H1 . . Ht Jtt• .. fllet

. - ' . '·

acr••• ...... - .. tA. •••• and pojt oft\ea acfdrtH of .

, · ·ua at&oi'J•1 tor tbe'peutol4tf' .k Jobn · • ~ lt•ll• .,_d•aa1:;. New lledeq. ... · t·

\Vltnea&thtlloAorablt llaullnO·Aidu. Ptoba\j Jude• ot the ••ld Ctptt. &Dd

· · the •••l ~ber.of, thS. 11 i:la1 o~ Jtan• .· 10«1. ' {!J. o.. . .. ; . Ft~ll& !tamt)\

Motor Tftu!k<Lines •

•• •



. ($•••> . . . .. .-teJi ·: 01''k. · ; Depel\tlalile:t;.x..,r~a Ser'tice:to!Car-r, '-' caotclE. . · ri*»zo from·£~ 'f.!.o~.& Abn;~~oiordo · . ·

. Beer a & , W:lai•kie• · .· 3 ~TiMet: ·weeki~ -. · ,. \ • ·3 .... ~ . ' '} ' . -~

. . - ' -- . ,, .... . . • - -' ._. ' - ·- -

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,. •••·•~•,.••••••••••• · .··. ancher'a Cl:linP·Meetina . · . . . . ·. PRQFESSIO.NS 1

· Th~ C:Qmmitte~ of ~he. Ran ..

. ••••••••••·9 •••••••• c:her'(_QIAmP Meeting A!I•Qcia~ · ·. ··. JO .. HN E .. ·.~ BALL tion met this week and JlUlde all

. • . . arrangamente for the .. Lannual Atto.t:ney &. Coun~elor at Law · CllmP tnee\ing, ·

·. New J3qildinl . ·. The t;ileetllf~ which will last · Oal:'dfiqfie) . · - ~ New Mexico . four days, ~ill be"in Welinesdll,)

__..,.,_..,.,...._ . ...,......:· ·~- . . ni"ht, Augu$t 2 a.nd continue ·T. E. KELLEY · . . .sunday, closing s~i:l&:Y

· tronaral PI~ector & LicenaeQ ,Embahnal nigh~, .AuKUBt (;), Durlna·· .these~ Reeii!•Pe• PhPtJIJ as tour. d~;y a, there will be service!!·

· darrliuao • / New llexlllo . both morning und eV!!IliniJ, To ,__........,. ___ ,_....... __ .....;~=....· .....--· • all services, the public is cordial ..

'; ·1 Dr~ R. E. BLANEY Dentist . .

. - Lutz Uult~tlnK .- · Carrlzoso - N11w MeaiQ•

. ,, ' 1 ~ . ......................

: " ' -

\ LOD.GES ' ~- '· ' ·•••o••••·•<·•••••oJo••.



Carrizozo, New Meitca, A. F. & A.M. Regular Meellin1£i 111~·

Second W edoeJday of Each

• Montb •

A. T. (Bert) ·Pfingsten, W,· M.


IY·invited .-----.. __ J. ~. GRAVES


Nogal, New Mexico '. . ,,

' I 5 D -C. H. Murray

' "Guarantees Water'~ .· · ~e~1 Drilli~g and Repalrinll

· 'we Go Anywhere" Capitan, New Me:sico

I • 0

R. E. Lemon, Secl • · . CH,URiiES C&a"nmzo,Lim&a• No.UO,l. o. 0.1

Carrizozo. New Uexlco. A. L. Burke ·· NQllle Grant. John Wrhzht, . ( See y., •

Special meettna nights Becom ' Tuesday of each month.··

Carrizozo Aaaembly No, 7 -· ·Order of Rainbow for Girls

WortbJ Advl•or-

Dorotby · Hottman

ActlnJZ See., Jhgar•tte :Hyer• Mother Advlaor,MiuGrace Jonu MeetlnRJ-2nd & 4th Thunulay•


Melhodiat Church Church BchoollO.

· PreacblnR· Service 11. , Youth Fellowahlp 6:8Q.' We are here to aerve. Will you

I lo your part?

You are' weleome: come· and Rorabip. John Loudin, Mlnlater,

' , • I

~ · CHURCH of CHRIST .· Sunday 1ervice•:

· -~ " ' .. -~~~~==· ;-~=-~~;;.~.:"";'~""=:~ -~·-c·;,;;c;;--;~--'f=o,f bl8"1l~b0il)f,~JL~II>~mt,.. ·~~.-.~~~~ ~l

Looa• NUMB1al8

. · . I. 0. 0, J.t'.

Melle. ftrn and tblrd Saturdayt·of tacb montb,

llamltt GrefPUJ, N. Grand Birdie Walker, Secretar.7

• •

Carrlzoio • • New Mulct

COMa~ CB.A.PTJ:a NO. 29

ORDER 0.&' EASTERN STAR Carrizozo. Now Mexico.

aaaut.n llaatnco ll'lr1it. 'l'huudaJ of aaeb


All VlaltlnK Stan Cordlal17 Invited

Lorene Smoot, W. Y. Jeanette Lemon. Bee''


Repairing Rubber Tips for Ladiea• Shoe 25c

• C. 0. 1>. ordera given· prompt - •ttenlton. • ·

·· B. B.· Maneb1, Prop. · •

Worahip,ll a. m. and 7:80 p.m. Midweek Bible atudy, Wednes·

lay 7:80 p. m. · Preacbma at Capitan each Sun­lay at 8 p, m.. in own church bulldillg,

Preaching at Nogal 7:80 p, m, You are welcome to all of 'our


Santa Rita Church •

;unday Uaeee11: 6:45a.m,, seecmd~ Maas 8 a. m., Ruidoao M••• evf!ry ~unday at 11 a. m.

Rev. Salvatore Giovanni, faa tor.

Firat Baptiat Church G. H. Ben1on, Paator

9:45 s. S., ctane& for aU. 11 A. M., mornmg worship. 7 P. M , church trainlni nr­

vict?.clallsea for an. 8 P M • evenilll worl'lbip. 7 P. M., Wedne8d!IY, prayer . c 1 !rvu:e. _ c m f'.


• • •

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\! f~;

.. Ro1well Record 15 .~ents p~r ·wee"

· LYOIA I'BAVEZ,A~rent ~.

• -' - '·

HEW! •.•BACTEllOftAliC"

' . .~ ' . •

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. • -----·· •


• -----. . . . \ '


• • • • ' . 1

On The , Fourth·· at 11:30 A .. M. I

Rodeo Starts at 1:30 Eiich Day •

ANNUAL ' - Entrance Fee $10.00 Calf Roping $100.00 Bronc Riding $100.00 -Steer Roping $200. 00 -Bull Dogghig $100,00 -

Firemen's· Dance Entrance Fee $10.00 Entrance Fee $20.00 Entrance Fee $10.00

Monday Night, July 3rd Steer Riding $100.00 - Entrance Fte $10.00

Cowboy Dance All Entrance Feea Added to Purtu!•

All E1tr.nc9 FJe'!l Mu1t be in by 12:00 July 3 July 4th

Admissio11 Adults $1,50, Children 75c, Soldiers 75c I

Capitan Business People Sponsors Ropers Club Rodeo The Titsworth Co_, Inc.

General Merchandise ,· Sterling Fisher . . . Capitan Firemen

__ F_u_r .... ni_tu_re_· ·_st_o_re __ . • joe Wigley. Fire Chief ·- . \

' .

Camp Round· Tree . Murphy Mercantile Co. Lane Grocery

Gas Cafe · Oil ·Good Place to Eat

• I •

BuckhorJt· Bar ·Beer . · Wine·, Whiskey '

W. ~- ·Holmes, Prop. ' ' ' . -

. ,, '

Pearrs Curio· ·ac Coffee . ; . . h .. " Sop 'P~rl Som.mersett, · Ptop •.

-. . , I . '


General Merchandise

Barney's Place Beers Wines· Liquors·

Hall's D.rug Store Capitan, Ni. M. · . . · W. L. Dock ray · ·

Conoeo Service Station Open 15 lloure 7 Day• a Week · N, J·. lfoorr, Wbo.ltitl• a.nd ltetatl D~ckray &. Moore, Pr()lJI·

' .

Reopened for I Business • . .

O. P.!o_A,Regular Prices

Fisher Lumber Company . I


· · Mrs. Chloe Fisher Prap.

. . .

Jacki~ Rose

Tlie ·Capitan Barber . .

. . '• ' ' -

' " ; : ''


' .

. .J

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AIR FIELD: . · ~ ·tel's Face,· Facts ·---WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSts ..... · -----... l •

First Phase of ·Invasion.· Ended.· As Initial·· foothold is Secured;· French Hail "Liberattpn . Troops"

'"------..,..- Jtell!aRd b7 We1tctm Hewspnpn )11Jion. . . . . , <EDITOR'• NOTE I Wbu eplnl••• llfl al!Prtaad Ill Ibn, nhliiUII'j lhlll' '"• thHe et Weoter11 N .. npaper Vnl•a'• IIIW* Alla.lflle' ••• 118, IIICifiiAflll' ., IIlli I"WIPilP~f,)

1YcarPhilippine1 . . . · . .A base within boinbffii.r.nre ot:·

tbe Ph1Upplnea !ell t<1 Gene:tat 1-!ac-! · . .a to.: eel!! wbep. ·the JJ:qlr.m~!

. . . . Qll 'Biak Ielancl Wall• stormed. llri4, cap~uted on the 13tll day of •l thlt . invaslol'J • of tile Schoutel'Jti, . ·

The bcachhead·on J3iak was estatr. lished l!lte in May. 4 .frontal ~tab waa repul~cd, fpUowtng wtdqb Amer· ican ,torccs got in l>ebind .enemy per

.. · . ·· ... ··.. sitionl$ and swept to the ait tleld' , : rr < . from the rear. · . . . .

· · · · · · · . Mokmer field is within 880

• I·


- ' ,- ., ______ , -.-- ,- '}'

~·,.~<Mr1'. _-~~:> · :;·:"":~:~;fi"'r )' --, ' ' -

This first ~lcture made frfim l'rench soU shows. Amerleat~ doughboys, ... lfie11 ready. wadln& through the surl onto the French beachhead. The pbntographcr who made the picture was In the fir11t &roup to hit the beAch• Note the Invasion craft In the backr;round, Soundpboto,

THE INVASION: First PlratiP T~ntlc>cl

I..IBERA~'ED BA YJi!UX: , First of Many '

Thl' flrot phaoc ol the AIJIL'd In· Eyewitness accounta ·described v.wwn ot I<:uropc wna «!ornr>letcd. great joy ln the otrccta ot Blaycux,

To a ten!ll' world, rmprl'mc head· I"rance, tlrot qlty to be liberated by qunrtcra or the nllll'd cxpl'dltlomtry AIJil'd troops In thu lnvnolon ot wcot­torceo announl'ed tllln phanc as the ern Europe. On the main rnll line "ll.f.'rurlnu of o foothold and the dc· linking the bls port of Chcrbourg to fcut1n11 ot lol'al Orrmnn n•ccrvco." Parlo, Boyeux L'l five miles inlrmd

Agntnlll tlorl'c, IAnL.ditch rl"nlot- from Seine Bay. once of 10 hnntlly mnrml'd Nazi divt· "God snvc the King. We've wait­ntono, totalmg nt>orly 150,000 men, cd •for thin day. Paris. Vivo allied ror<·Pa Wl're pluntriAI! .inland Tommy. Vivo Amerique/' These on a 100 mill' front of L'urvfng ohorc· Wl're oome ot the rejoicing cries line from the Seine J•:otunry ncar that srl'ctcll the flrot dct'uchmenta Lc Jtovre to the Chcrbourg area. to march through the narrow streets

AIJlcd fon•co arc now In the oec· of the Normandy town. Cheering ond phaol', whlrh Ia one of dt>lcatlnu men and wdmen danced through the the Clrrman "lal'tll'al rermrvea," name atrecto no the troops came ln. cold hcadqunrtcra. The U1lrtl phanc, Cafe owncro bl.'gan tbrowJng open whldl muot be won bl'forc tho AI· thetr dooro with plnrtlots etrlkinrJ up lied ponltlon ln compll'tely aecuro, ·patriotic tunt•o to nr.Jd to the fcotivity

Ivu~::;; ·l)tthe Phillppine~ to the north· wcs;t and is wlt~ln good fighter rllng~ . of Palau, Japaaese wesh!:;n .. caro· linea n.nv<Jl base g~ardi~!J tiH.l ap­proaches ot the :Phihpplnes,

· The hdanq also has two ()ther air· fields dnslred by. the Sl.xtfl army ln· vpders. The Amcr.lcans tmmetlint~ly began a push · toward the B<trokoe airdrome a ,few hundred yards to the west.

INDUSTRY: . . Must Tflkc Initiative ·

Warning that Industry must tim its own worl< when war contract! arc no longer availabl<t, Oonnld Nel· non, chairman of th.e War Produc­tion board, told the house pontwnr committee, tha':

.... , It won•.t be the government's job to lind work . for each company in its preocnt e~panded position. It's lmpos!J/blc to find a postwar mar~t for the B,90D airplanes we now pro-duce monthly." :),

'Stating that he wns 100 per cent In favoring government's aaolstonce in pootwar planning for industry, he said that he .wntJ against govern· mont "running" small buslne's5, He, urged that companies now engaged' in war production use their own Jn. gcnuUy and 'initiative in planning thelf postwar· program~.

He forecaot a postwar ••expnn­slonlst" period 'In \vnich private enterprmc rather than the govern­ment would provide the necessary "opn~k." Government. pump prlm· lng would be at a minimum under such conditions.

.. I~ookout

. . Conpe•• Mad Prooide . · ' . " . .

" Method of Bqrgatnrng OtJer · NatiCmcd lneom.fl#

' . ~ .· Allied Supremacy in Air •. · · Result of African tesson 8y J:14RROW L1'0NI

--.-.Wt:IV Stf;ltf Co,.,..,_,JWJff-. .-. -.-...1,

WA$1UNG'l'O~, D. c. I· During the · war· a J:evolutjonary

. ldea h~s possessed . the AI;nerict,ui • . pf.ople, It is that

we· can have an economy of abun­dance, if we have in te llil~ en c e enough to organ·

. "

B.nrrowed Page From Germany's Boo~ Taught Us to .Coordinate Efforts of Air, · ... Land and Sea Forc_es •

• ••

lze our econop~y By BAUKHAGE 1

so that it will New~ 4naly•l eu~d Commentalor,


• producp a nation- . , . • al Income ot WNU Service, Union Trust Bulldinr areas; later, providing .fighter cov• about 150 billion Washington, D, C, erage for the beaches and for ship-dollars a year. Early in the war with Japan, w.hen ping. '· ·

This ·idea has the little men ot Nippon . were The Germans . had a thousan!l Barrrow LyoJis appearer.J in the swarming down the Maylayan fen· plan~s based on or near Sicily. ·

programs ot aU ins~la at an unbelievable rate Thirty-one of' the ah;drpmea had of the! jmportant farmer organiza- through impossible terMjn and roll· been attacked in the preliminary tlons and in the rflsolutions of most lng up one . inconcei\,Ta'ble . victory phase for a month. Rail communica • labor conventions. Organizations of a:ter another, 1 had a talk with a tlons were , bombed in otder ftl manufacturers have accepted re-o . wise old military campaigner, ant;! isolate Sicily as nearly as posslble, · sponsibillty for ()peratlng Industry as a result of the conversation, sat (the second in the list of the bomb­at a level to produce somethina like down and wrote tl>at "in!Utrathm" ers functions). Mesd~;~a was. a chief this 'income. · , • is a. word you are to hear target for. it was a convenient raU

Uow revolu.tionary the idea may used a lot before this war Is over. bottleneck. Also the principal raU turn out to. be can be gathered from Then followed the days when the Unes running down the boot of Italy ()J'le glance at the figures for nation· Japs pushed the allies back from. were bit • al income over a period of years. Singapore to New Guirtea. and. the . Telephone exchanges and stations Before the present war the ·highest men of NIP.pon wer.e acclnlm~d as wh~x;e radar sets were located were national income occurred in 1929, the aces of jungle fighting, the art hit. This is another thing the Ger­wben the fi,gur.e climbed to 86 of filtering. through territor~' in mans taught us In their invasion of billion dollars. • 1 ·. which. heretofore human beings Poland and· it explains what seemeli ~

But in 1041 nationaf . Income were not supposed to be aktle to fight. to be some ()f the senseleS~J boml>l mounted to 97 billion: and in 1942, Today, the allies have produced lngs of the little Polish villages. under the stinging lash of Japanese the best jungle fighters in the world. Radar and telephone exchanges aggression, we threw ourselves into We are dally beatin~ the Japs a~ were ofteri set up in these villages. production effort which lifted in· their own game. . They were located by r~dio detec-come to 122 billion. Last year we And tot!ay, 1 was reminaea ot tlcm; achieved HU billion-53 per cent something else after l)nother session In Sicily Itself, the enemy bases grc11ter than jn 1029 and more than with another anonymous oldtimer, had been so thoroughly destroyed double the volume in World War I. of another time and. place. . ·that the Germans couldn't get enou~:h

The tact Ulat we can nroduce He told me some thincs about the. of their planes in the air. to inter· goods an<l ~crvlces in quantities allied air force and I ·recalled the fere wiUl the !nn<lings. Also, the sec­never before dreamed has been days when Hitler began to bully ond and thtrd functions of the fixed In our minds flO that it Europe nnd I r8nlized tllat lt wasn'.t tactical .airtorce were wen car­never cnn be forgotten. With the 80 much a.ppeasement, corruption, rled out: namely, the tsolatlonpf the natural resources nt hand to produce deceit or Nazi diplomacy then that enemy forces trom their supplle• in abundance, and the \~ill to work, made the Fuehrer master of lcen· and also interl'I.Jptioo ot movement why can we not produce always aU tral Europe, first at Munich and ot reinforcements. thnt we need .to enjoy Ji!c to the later ·in France and the low The fourth function of the tac~lcal fulleot? That is n qucotlon everyone countries, but the threatening bombera, wh1cb is ~ break down Js n!lking. 11hadow which the . dreaded Luft- the signal communications, I rlk

In fact, there w general belief that wnffe cast across the world. ferred to before-destruction ol tel• " perhaps we can do r;o, Thio sodn will Today, just as the allies have ou~ phone and radJo lnstaUntiona.

;---:-----·-·- --·-----· -1 l.nJ1PC•u in the platforms of both ]ungled the Japs, they have out- Ground Troop Support

In Utnt of delt•atlm( tht> Gt>rtnan .of that llrnt day. , "otrat<'lliC reoerven." "' . Europe is to have in~ town•

fTCIC'tlrnl r•••r:•• .,, rJ.01e u. "' n11ar cll'arcd of the enemy In the weeks '"" comllllt arCTa: arrolr>lllll · rttann"i>> are to <'mnc but D'3Yl'UX cot Jta niche Jn rl10t11 l1rld Ill ,,.mllneu at a diJtonc,..J the hiotory booko when tluf French The Air llmbrl•lla Tricolor wnti hoiotcd above it ugain

lil'culqunrtl'ro armount>cd that on the CN'ond day of tho Allied land· 27,000 Jndlvldunl oar mao..'lJOno were muo In to'ranrc. eorrled out In th«' two ami onr bull SHlJ'l"J.'LE·IJOl\IDING; do yo followma the dcnvn of D·dny. Great olr ficl'to, probably greater RlutJicm Dase! V&cd than tho!)c of D day. hammered News diopatchcn began eorrying 1 NazJ nlronc polnto. truncport anti now dotcllno Uant rend "From 1 troop <'00<'<'ntrallonc within a 15~ U. §. Air Dnoe Somewhere in Rus­mliC' rarJhJo of the ooarhhl'odo N~ll. "Ol(l~'..Jl!ld ~ th!n"OJ!.c.Jle[J_ his~ori.e~!J.llU. llahter ~PJIO!lltlon WOlf wrok. 'I hv lory mnnalTconPc m cooperation be· Ci«'rman hts!h command had not yt>t twl.'c•n the Unit<'d States and Uu~ thrown IL'l lonu-hoordcd flnhtC'r rc· suvlet Union. l•'or the 11rat Uml!, DL'fV(>O Into the botUo ror Normandy u. 9. plnn£1lil hod tllltcn oft from

Tho battlo j-vuc Joint•d around bocM In Italy, bombed Getman Ulr-nay,•ux, tlrot dhy of Front•., to he nct!l, nnd continued flying eaotward ""'·"""'-.ill fr<'L'd from Gl'rmonn, and Corn, A to land nt sccrct.U. S. air b:1oc::a eeL A Ge'rman aentr1 plc:tured at llt ril'rC'r tnnll battlr roct>d In ol'll<'rol up on Ru!l!llun coil. . ac:anned the aklea over 8oulope, \\nrlllnl arc.>lla nl'ar nayeux, whPro Thin now procrnm opened the. far· Jo'rance-Jooklnr tot trouble Uu.t lhl' Norte wt>ro olrt>ngthrncd by U•cot corners ot German territory eame unexpededly BoulOflltl was p:t~qrhuh> troop!!. to bumblng attoc~' by Allied plane!'! one of the dtlea hit b't aea and air

1 tw navy euppnrt"d . lont trO!lpo bO!:<'d in D~ltoin, lluly, NorU1 Africa bomblnra, l'&VInr the way tor la.D4. ~1th o c!lr.ontlt· bnrnhanlml'nt (If ond Hu!Join. AmerJcon mihtary · lnr bf Altltd forcu. ( arn NnrJ forC't>ll Wt'fC attt?mpt· Jcotlno hod !on(! wanted UJC!CC UU'}> ina to hold tho l'ity an o pivot tor olon boct'o but U took .diplomoUc FOOT SOI~DIERS: CX>unt<>rottodm. nut on Uil! tJCI'Ott!1 altiU or tile flrat caliber to get the nay Ttlcrna•c day of lnvMion, tho Gl'rmono wrre nur.!linno to a!!rcc to U1o atratcmt. ,-, · " "' fore<'d to mlmll ntnct tl(lhtln~ al· 'l'hoy wcro flnolly con\'Jnced when it In reply to n reQUI!ot by Wor See r~ody wa!l brlna wn~ed IMide ,Caen. became obv!oua that thn U. S. nnl.t retary §Umcon, Chairman Moy of Sinl{lf! [.'roTit Enr.kllld hod tho neecr.sary plane• tho hou!:o military afl'alro commit•

and Uw nunnlata did not. lt!o introduced a bill to iner(!n!lO poy It bel nrno trwrennlnaty obvloua Firot toroet WillS a numoninn of oldlled Infantry men $5 to $10 a

thnt Allied pnoltlona Wl'rc root be· frctaht yard ln which 'tho Na:d month. hli! wt>ld~d together l~to a atnulo hatl e<mc<'ntroted ouppUcs for trooV5 &ldicro ho!dlng tho ex~ert infan­frunt, otrt h hlna from tnen,throunh Ocbtmt.t th~> nuCJainfl!l. American try mon'o bncfae would (IC't n $5 in· Dayl'u:x to Ju!lt outnHo Caranlnn l<'lymn J.'ortnxco wcro aecompn• cr<>m::c and thono hovinr. tho combat and nnmr dtotonee up tho Cherbnurg nled by Ru!l:lian Gahter plnnca Ott infantry man's bndc<!, SIO. Co!lt cf Jll'ntnr.ulo towanl Vnloc;m.>o. port of tho rni!l:J!on, the incren~o wmtld omotmt to b"•

It wan dl!:r!ool'd Umt tho flrot . " fore €'g aohuro en D-doy mlnht ha1.·o ITALY: tween 55 nnrl 'U mimon donora yeo.r-ta~hP<l ahf'ad more rup~!lly lhnn ''f . lJ 't . r· ly. thG.'y dtd, but Gt>nt>rol;er'a ;t aJOr rea1; Ul .. Jn~J tn a!lking for tlto tesis!otf«rn, Slim· nuJ<rcrno ,-ommand dct•tdcd u was 'J'ila Getman hlnh cGmmond In wn aofd infonLry en!:uoUle!J ore Ute wtol'r to n!ow the o:.Jvom:e anmo- Italy WOf forc<'d to admit a "major biglt<'nt of any bronch of service. Ia whet wh1le owe lUna more ado- break" t!mmch U:tir linNJ north and the r,:ort!l African CalilJl3ign, fnch.l:d· quo~ath rather Umn make a wcot of nome 01 the Fifth ann)' Jng ltnty, the infantry oUI!ercd '10 rink hovtnfi-utc spearheoda chnlted toward Lnke Droc('bimm ~r cent ct tho carruulties, nttlwugb elf an1 Civitavecchla, key part ct -the ccmprlsln1 only 19.6 per e~t of thf

TyrrhenllUI at'!B, total forces. OBJECTIVE PARIS: German reai!.ltttnce wos dcserlb<-d FARM MACHINERY: n 8nd1'lln DIMI? by the allied command •• "only

Y .. _ "" ... J linht!• lt amounltd to mue more Re~trictionJ Remoct!d Dai<ttno dey, Fronefa natlnnn1 holl• t• d" i "' ti J•' ... d

day, falls en July 14 rm1 tn the <~nn IC!Irgnn ltCu ne v u!!S ..,y e- Sml'lU manura·eturcrs (cmt~lOYinl firot davn of the invasion of westcrl'l la¥'ing tntontry units ar~d lell·pro- less tlum 100 't'."tltkers) can ftGW en. ·

" polled gun5J ~ • - in th li · .... A.. r Europe, veterans of the 1()40 bt\tllft The Fifth army had taken mote taco · e un nnteu Pfuuttehon OJ of Franco forecast that the Allies h 18 000 1 d farm machinery,. tQUipm~nt, and . \\<'Ould bo In Parl.l!l bv that date to t an • pr aoner• an rnant repair t~artl rnade ~urety from st1P

, more thowands were captured b'f 1 t i 1 1 ith bl'lp tho natives celebrate. • ... "r· iti•1f Eiahth a· rmv, ""hl".b ••• P UJ rna er a !'II or mater als w · an

N Y .. F ut .u "' , " "' AA-4 ""teft~tebt'!e rat: .. .,, In cw or .. lh11 rcneb lanJuaae mecUna 'heavier rt.'sistanct norllP ., ..... wcokl1, "France-Amerique•• eartled wol\ of Rome, whert the b~f4tJt Thli!l n~W' lttangement, announced a column b7 Emcat n. Bauer. which ft&htin& lt belnl encountered. . by the War ProdueU(n'J bO~rd, I• um~ lndlcnted that French mllitaey Yet- ~ted ·to firms emptoyln« not mort etarut familiar wiUl the turatn over The Jf atican than llO workertt fn croup 1 labor which the battle• are now belnt .. Whoever mil)' . b! thia . mUitaey a.rea•, or on the West coast. El&e­'fouch\ predict rapid t~rorrcss from authoriUta actual})' havmc control where plants emplo1int fewer th•n the beachheada to Parla-120 mUea ot thtt city ot nome." the VaUc:au 100 wot'kers may i)artlcipate. away. has •nnounetdlt. dettrn\lnafllon to Ml'lnutacturera meetm1 thelle

MeanwhUa tn LondpJ\~ Winston maintain a Pt>lleyot neutralitt •. ob.. reautauona can UH aurplu.· matt­Churchill utled the hOttM ot rom· tervera took tbl!l to mean that· th• ttali and component ))at\3 from Jn.. 1llOJUI to IU&rd a1alnst "the Idea holy .aee cav.• the G.el'tl1a11.1. ~rtdtt ventorie• toJether with AA-4 .Prtlet­tl}.at things are 101na to bt MttiN for correct bthnJour wltb rtlud ebee raUnt materlals in aueh proo lii a rulh." to Rom~ In ltllblal houtt. · dtlction.

• •

B I G B L I G H T S , • • i• ••• .,,,.,., ••~• ·T~VELBAN: . ~au~ ot the fnereaftd load~

plactd on the ··nauon•• ttanaP<>rt.• Uon ayatern by the lnvaaioo, Dire~

' ..

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MOll~ htJJTt "rht l)faeh ... ~tot> tor ot Ddtnte Ttanrpor.taUon J. K. abowa •n lneteale bt Nltly 1110 per Johnson baa a8ktd . tmmedjatt ean. . ttnt ovet lut 7tllt, aceorcltn1 to otUatloo ot aU J)Ohw~r conventleai• reporl.l frC)M ctowtra~ Willlatn' Grdo tr•de. meeUnp and all M~tsenUa! Itt, vlet l)foldtl\t Of· lbt Un.lttcl elvWlh travtl• . , J'r~Jh l"rult tncl Vttttablt · All·· ®T 11fokt*tilitl .qi!l. there tloca, told dultrt. ~ · c · Wt -. plaN~ icl taU. ll'am aod 11 o~tta w ~ a\ · . · . ·. = · ._ t.ta~· ·. throutft ~ltltt. but ttnUat••tthal\laat:rtat• ckfu ~t tlletn• ~ ·~ bt ~ Pt<*Ptt\1 m tnlolCb bttttrf · WlaMttM lllr .onttor~..r U. anny _... . MJfl'«!-ttMfot ,.. . ·.. . ..

• •


major political partleo. In nO prob- Luttwnffcd the Luftwaffe. In the lat- The filth is t.he close support 01 nbllity, Republicans and Ocmocrnta tcr cane, we munt, admit the Gcr- the ground t-ops. .....,. wu

will promicc an economy of abun· mans tnught us In i'\frlca how they •u "''~ dance, if their candidates are did 1 nchlcved· In Sicily with more sue-elected. . Tr'pth . • 6 • W 1 cess than was fully rcaUzed at the

But there ore many cobcr men 1 1 tou• ar ar~: time •. Some commanders of the land· who point to U1o tremendous bor· We will be able to underntnnd the ing troops complained Ulnt there rowing Uaat has oupported our lnvnolon of Europe much better if were no flchtcr phmcs over them, 11ctlvJ~y. nnd who declare that we we undcrntnnd a llttl~ more about Later some of these same com­cannot continue . to Ollcrato on so. the two roles which the allied alr mnnders, when ti1ey advanced and · high a level unlens we continue to ·force bas p)aycd in modern wnrtare Jaw. the wrecked armored car•, ~rrow junt as heavily as we are ever since wo took a page from tanks and other ~quipml!nt atreWD now borrowing, or continue to tax Gcrmnny's book and learned what along the roads, rcalhcd that the atr heavily, 'tu· llu bnt!I; · . ····· · ·· It means h} eoordinatC" ~the ~ffort:t of~ · tnemy~-nad=~bcctr·hclct'-' 'tnrok~ 11r ~· ·

One can predJct without beol· pilot and bombardier with the toot the nttnclm from the air. tnUon that if borrowinll or taxing Boldlcr and the ooilor, enpecially in In Sicily, meanwhile, troops were continuco at present rates after the what Is now generally ca.Ucd "tri· dropped behind thtl Uncs, nnd thlJ wor, that there will be on outcry phlbloun .. warfare. contributed its ohnte to Ulc success aucf1 ao we cc1dom have heard, Firat, 1l might be r:eU to stoto cf the invnolon. We know how well • One con o!l surC!ly predict that if clearly tlul diftere~cc between the -tirbomc troops have operated in the we do not continuo to borrow and tnc:tienl and strotegtc bombing. Stro- Poclflc theater nnd in Burma. This tnx en a huge ecole, prooucUon and teglc bombing l!J directed toward Job ~ Uoted as aixtb in oir forces JlQtlonal income wiU d('cline. And I tllo _dcntruction of enemy otrenuth nt tactical opcrntiono and Includes car· un!ero t!1erc are mighty. powerful a dustnnce. Tactical bombing m de- eying of paratroopers, rwmlng a chccko on price increases, influcncCIJ otrucUon or interruption ct enemy tlhuttlc of lroJWtmrtn and towing now at work will briflg about lnfla· opernUons in or ncar tho combat gliders which land pcrsoMcl nnd tlon that will dovastow the purcllus- area. equipment (the glider pilot fighta Ina power of everyone. Bccow::d tho yaluablc quality of with Uw land forcptt since be can't

Wf! hod a hint. of what Jobor's re- al.r power is flcxJbllity, Uut two roles glide uphill). action in hitl'ly to bej wltcn tho navy somctirnca overlap, but in genernl, We now come to the Jnnt two fWlc­deportmcnt threatened to cut boclc the otrntegie effort Is n long ro.nge Uonn or an nit force-less dtamnlic producllon in the DrctWter airplnn~ effort in terms of both time anti but highly important ·- rtconnois-plont!l. · space-it requires tlto w:c of long· onnco nnd the building of nir bnsu.

tt lt elrar that lf mtlUon1 of range bombers and long•rnngc ln tho Sicilian compoign, a miJ. tnt'li are without Jobs :and lose flghtern. Uon photogrnf)hs o month were their puubuitlr power, that the Tocllcnl hnmblng ln the quick mode so thnt tho commander of demand tor farm proa~tets wiU annwcr to Instant ncedc-it in- Mch landing unit hnd pictures of tall away. tn 193l: uet Income tw Yol\!es li£Zhtt!r bmnhero nnd usuoJly every place he had to go to with persons on tarm1 from rarmmc does not require long rnngc for ita his objectives plainly marked. operations dropped to l:.3 bl1Uo1:1 Cfnft. Th.cre in an exception. which We know of the record time ia dollars, and farm tneome was I U mention later. which basea have been de&troyed, oat.r 5 per crllt o1 national in· Strotegic bombing i!l aimed, ns we captured and rcnctivat.t!d in tha come. Lut year nd fann In- have seen, at. fuctori~, ot an in- Pacific theater ot war. In New tome waa almost aeven Umes stnUnti!ans wh1ch contrtbute to the Guinea, a bnse wru~ tnkcn, built, as rreat •• tn 1!3Z-more thab enemy's war clfort; railway lines, manned and put int1l comp1ete U blliftln dollars-and almost 11 Junctures, milltaey bar:cs,.. rolling operatlon a hunrlrcd miles from the ~nr cent ot 1. nttional income · stock and all means of transpor- nearest allied baso, nnd wen behind tlltee time• u peat u b1 l!ll!. taUan and communicatinn. the enemy lines.

Nothbtr eoutd be eturu ru.. The target. in. tactical bomb!ng Thtl! we s~e the scope of air force that farm ll'lcome and the ta- am more varied nnd will be men• op~ratlorua, how closely they are e:ome or talutrlal workers are tioned later. kntt into the opcratlons of the land } weparabt,- 'boUtld · totetl&er. The Final Phcue anll sea forces; and hoW the allif!a Also, that. nleu there Ia a We are interested at present in have achfev.ed atr supremacy fa atroar dema1H1. for larm pr..a- thl': final phue of the Eurot~enn war. Europe. But, because<ait forces are ueu, their pdees, left to the Jl() it might be wen to describe 50 elastic, they can be massed su<J.• merc1 of thtr aetls1Uwe epea the preliminltr)t etrom belore, and denly and, therefore, actual com• · market, wtU alamp. . the eonUnued el'tort after. the as- mand' of the air iJJ much harder to

To tneet thU threat. rarmera •ault on an enemw &bore. maintain. At a given moment, the ll~mUtt tka& prleet of fal'a · ' Germans who certainly do not have . . . ..~. -• · . · . ·· The SiclUan campaign l!l a &6od air. supremac ......... long· t!. r· tnl.,.ht Lz prfkJaeU - . ma~atained . at example. , .... ., ., ue paritr,.thQ ptfteettnr the pu- The. ftrst job the air tore• ,Jtad able, bycc.heavy concentration and thul•t JIOWU .t the farm fol-. WAI to remove an ObStacle WOUte. lfe&t sacriftce, to achieve lent-Ill' .... . altltt'llrlw Mt lasubtc That obstacle was the ltland of Pan. Porary cotnmand of t1H air' l1l a . farm b:lceme, whlelt ctePeUU • teUerla and 10u remember What tlten locality, '11te allies did have Ua·e. ••Ju•e ...t rooti .. ta o hap~ed ton. It was ftattened llito command of th~ air iit u~. Other· "· en .. - ..... ee. ... ... r .... d ... t ·- .... 0 d•va·· • . . wise, the bea~hbead at Anzio could

.... .... "' ua uw .., bever have been maintained, lui U Patlt7 has become the pritntl) Then the real .. triphibloua'" effort · ag u and inf .nal .. of farm leaders-an ide• for .be· •an·. ·•· It .. •o·no· w· ed .. a· """tt"'m w··· ·w· . c·h ., • supp es i'e . orcementa .v ... ~, 'U - "' could he lallded 1n · b~ad da7llcbt. which they · will fight to the lan Ja pretty much the one aceepted lot On tile German aid'e, 00 coacentr ... ditch. lt ls au Idea worth 11Jhtlnt lnvuiona atnet. . lion of men ot' .Upplies could be .~ tot, but 1t requires. extensibn to m. . The lb'.t .tfp la 1M neutralbaUon tempted except at nigh\, elude the watl!a of labor a1'ld the « 1M enelfi7 aft fott:e and this t. a . The shadow of tht!' Luttwatre hiUI ptodt.a of ir.dustry, it it is to eftec- .~ ~bod.Y bu.t an &it totce can do. grown . thin, the weapon mu.r lively protect nattonal purchasinc · Thla m•.na the destructi.on ol air· created to euala\'e the world hu J)o'Net. dromo and btbtr 4l•tant vita} turned m bia band. • • • •


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~WHIT~ . 'tQ· !l'fOJtY 'tRU!I :r,ui: tt'!lut. Co,l. ~Uk lt\lrtz, Flyln& Jtortt~.•~ pUot, ~ella

• of Ulal f.-.tal daY: w.hell tJ&e ,Japs •tnc~ Ia ~~~ J"JaiUpp~OI, .'nt &rO!JII~ b COY• ortQ '!ll'l~ *'e akeletou of 11, 11. planes. !Jo ll!l!J'.i' .. ,. to llt'!lp lll bura~b, be. e&U!I if!IPI a~t Jlhllto&rallhln.: Clark. ~. · ~qt. are move« lllto a cornllcld, '!ll'llfc)J b la~, bombe4 bY ,Japa. They Jll'IIC!I&te to tla~·t~!Uid of.!Wndauo. Qar. q Jkl!felber, the navl.:ator1 now ~kes 'Ill Ji!e ~ry, tellllll: how two 0!1~ oa a llll•sloa to l:d a row of .Jap trauliOrU are attacked by a •warm ol ze~. o:na•r· cl'alll tud lll a nee pa4dy ail ~••bate bland, 11t11 an Olltrlner ca. a.oe, a.U to tale' of J>al)&y and later let· ~ A.uQ-allJ, · ·


-ocweu, It was nice, for a few days,

to ))e Qut of danger-to start get­ting our doxen pln~s ·overhauled. . ".As quick l!S we could, we began

"ftyillJt missions. Each Fortress had brought out about 1lfteen men from Del ~onte, Md they got to work putting- the planes back into shape. But the missions were terribly long. It ,.,.., aeventeen hundreq miles from Darwin back to Del Monte-almost

(: u far aa from NeJI ~9rk to Denver. · We'd leave Darwtn m 1the morning,

tJy all day, land at Del Monte after dark to .be .safe from the Japs, serv· ice ~e plane, eat, catch a Uttle nap, ai1d then gal$ up in t~e to be Iff fQ'r lli1 earl¥ morning bombing of the Jap Invasion fleet oft Luzon. 'Eben back to. Del Monte-it was dayUeht now· and risky, as hell, so lOt Jn quick, gas up, load bombs, and get the bell out fast and away to an afternoon target, coming back toward Del Monte in the darkness, thatJk God, when no Jap pursuits are' bangine arpund, arriving about tnfdnlcht, a cat nap Dgain, gas up, and you're oR. for Australia. • ''Thfnk of the pilots t.and crews IOinC through that grind dny after day. You might fly eighteen l.lours. atrafght .. and. be .)ut of the cockpit for only one of them.

q "~d yet the thing we dreaded moat was ChriBtmas. It was rl~ht lhead of us now-Chriotmns in de­feat and on this barren, hot, dusty desert fteld, with no .word or moil from home and no wny to get word to them. We'd send cablcn we

· knew would never be answered, bc­eause we could give no address."

. , "I'll put my Chriotmos up ogalnt>t the one you bad, .. oaid Frank, going on with his tltory. "We were oll CCfll· lne low. We .knew there would be no letters or packages o~ even en-



porcbe~ to ,g~llvet" Chl'!stmas pac1c­ages, and maybe hear the · re:al American voices of ~;ome real Amer­ican girls in a Cbristmas choir smg­ing 'lloly .Night' or '0 ·Little · Town ot Bethlehem' or some of the other old::time songs, · . · · · ·

"What we got lpstead was a lot of· po~iticians doing their st\llf on war a1111s. ·They were from all over ~e world, sounding off all over the dial, and we argued with those AuS. tralian klds as to wbic.h ones were the corniest, theirs or out!!'. · They insisted theirs were, but we couldn't agree, because ours were all stuffed full ~f roast goose, opti'~ism,. plum · p_uddmg, ,hard S\luce, and prodllC· tion ligures. . · - .

"But ttmething was c:omiJlg in over th!l CW radio (ConlinuoiQ Wave, ~r Dot-Va!h) and the Allstralian with the earphones on,· after writing it down, instead of s!lnding it in tci bis commanding officer gave me a queer embarrassed look and handed it to ·me. And my heart thumped, because I thought it just might· p<issibly be from Margo, although I didn't ~;ee how it could be.

"It was from Scbaetzel.: lle'd waited untU he ftew out of the dan­ger zone before breaking radio el· lence. He said he'd be In ~ter dark with one body aboard and to have the ambulance on the stand-by at the field. That meant there were more wounded, It 1\nished · Christ· mas for us. We didJ;l't say much,


,.. T .....

. ' ' - ·' . .'4:Qilt a~i!!Jl~ t~lked we gQt (:urloWJ.

Just h~w big was this A,ntedca~ Alt li'orc~ of th~ . F~~ East which . the G~neral cornmaqded, and · who~e t;:~s!;t it was tc· 3masb th" Jap8ne!le in the Philippine Islands !IQ they couliln't reach Pllt to tl}e D11t®. Jl:Qt Indies? T!Je 19th had started out as a . Grollp, commande4 h1 a c:olonel. Its !!trerigth was now prMtlcally one squadron, an adequ~te command for. a m,l!jor in pea~etime, . .T\lst how many Groups would th1s twQ-star General have at his command tor: this four-sta:t task ahead? · .

"B11t there was big .pews for me• . Ever since the loss of 01d 99 l bad been a planeless pilot-a 'kind of gbqst walking with the living, a· heaq without a body. · .' ·. ."~ut l\OW Lee Coats was to . go

Wlth the General to Brisl:lane as en­gineering officer, and· I was to. take over his plane ana crew for . tlie . Java war:. Now at. last was my chance to setUe the score for 0Jd99 ." , "From Austr11Ua to Java is a full day's work evep for a Fortres11," Frank went on, "but the weather was, . and all Of us were feelinl great •.. The ocean ·was a deep blue,. and we 'were const;nn~ly passing ov~~ island11, green with jungle growth, which are practically stePJtingstones connecting Asia with AussaUa.

"The ln~t one of all was maybe the most beautiful-the famous is· land of Bali, just before you get to Javn-and aa l saw lt cominc ahead over the horizon, I couldn't help thinking abo1.1t. those pictures of it you used to see on the round-the­world cruise folders. Alwaya on the cover was a color photograph of a beautiful golden-brown sixteen-year­old girl with a wicker basket on her head and a print!!d cotton saron1 gaU1ered low around her hips and nothing much in between except a completely unself-conscloWI 1mfle. · "I ~as feeling pretty lood, and I guess the crew waa too. You 1ee, we'd been on the alert 1or alx weeb and not so much a!l an hour'• leave tor them to so into any town for ''even a gla::" of beer.

UJava i,n the late afternoon waa as beautiful at anyone had ever prom• ised it would bc-rlch sreen velvet, except where the sloping 1 .un gleamcl.l on the rice paddles, or burned the standing water sold against the soot-black mud.

. ~ . •

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• . ' - " I I I : _I tl .• ·;; . . I .

. ... '

' . Due tQ '" unusually large demand and

· p9IQNG FUN at our hat~~•ls even · .·. superseding ,the mother-bi·law Jokes thel!e day$, but, masculine scoffing to the · contrary,. 'to women · ·1 ·

bt\ts are the sttijf of lite. You'll see

.cl.\mn\ war 90ll'd1Uons, al!ll\ltly mllfe Um• , Js t'e(jll)r¢d jo Jllilng OtdeJ11 fot l' (C)\V of . ~he milst pop\1181,' pa~\eril uumben~.

Scp!l .ffl\111 orcl.c.r to: ·1\,

~"Wini C:lri:la N~edlecraf& ~ept. $« \V. lf,i.l)dOIP ... !II. Cblc!lt,ll le, .U.

.· • ·· £nclo:;c i!l ~i\ta (pl\11 o11.e qent t<r .cover c!lst · oc· mallinlel •for Patte~ ·

I'm not the .only ~mny female In · Hollywood. Ask Irene J)unnc. · · ·. She owes her c11reer to a hat .. If it ha~'t been for a big orie . ill

pale blue,. Flo•.,. enz Zlecfelll would never hav~ . Mticed her; she'c.l never have wop the I.e a d ii'S ···s h o w . Boat'': Hollywood wo1,1ld

.. have misl;'led her;

Irene Dunne

and but tor a bat · the cinema capi­tal would hav• kept her in must• cals instead ot

living her 'the .. plum r&e of· Sabra· tn: "Cimarron," a picture whlcb changed the entire course of her lif4t. ·

How It Started She'll never forget the day shit

earned her first money singl,ng hymns in the Indianapolis Baptin church choir-hymns *augllt .her hy the nuns at the Loretto convent m St. Louis. ·Her reward was a crisp new $10 bill, and just enough to purchase }ler heart's desire-a new hat.

"The bat was large, of silky atraw, .a pale blue affalr with long stream· ers and extravagantly painte~ fioo;v .. · ers under the brim. I truly belie'IT• that from the day 1 wore it I s-ub­consciously ·decided that I ml&ht reully earn my liVing by liing­inr. The hat di~ lt," says Irene; ·

Perhaps she was thinkine of thnt · hat when l!he won a voice contest at the Chicago Musical college, and 10 the ambition which had loin dormant since childhood crystalUzcd. into a ~enulne aim to become a singer. On Her Way

A year later, after hard study, !Jht was singing the lead in•tho road ahow of the musical comedy '.'Il·enett !lt n oalary of $1150 a week. ·

Back in New Y<1rk, llenr:r W. Sav. arc gave hot" a chance to under­study Peuy Wood,in "The Clinging Vine." When Peggy's father died Irene otcppcd Into the lead for n •mete Broadway performan~el ·It was enough to win her n 'chance at a summer of Uaht opt'ra sponsored by the Chnndlcro in AUrmta, Gn •• a similar stint in St. nnd the


· NO-t----.,r,--

. Lemon julee may be mixed

with cream pbeese that Is used as a stuffing for green pepper~~. · ' . . .

Never tbrow away bones left from n a:oast or shoulder. P1,1t them .in cold water, and it cooked several hours, a very good soup may be obtained with the addition .

DON'T be colorless at ~our ~f diced vegetables. · housel}old chores. Embroider ,,, • • •

colorful zinnias on this flattering U lodlne.atiln~d linea ia soaked pinafore. They are a needlework 'in a solution of ammonia and magic, they're done so quickly. water, a teaspoon of n~monla to

• •. • a pint of water, the stain quickly Embroidered plnaro·rc. Pt~ttcm 1130 con· will disap~ear. . · ·

taln• a transfer pattern of embrold~ey. • • • Qcccsaaey pattern plccca; direction• toT " •pple b tt d f hl aproll, . · .. . · u er :;prea on res y

· · made ginger cookies or gittg6r-

Smart Cushions Made From Odda and Ends

-. --A IJANDSOME pair of cushions to brighten up ,Your living

rQorn m4$#bc made from things on hand or · from remnants of silk. Frequently t11c ltuccst pieces of tho skirt of an old aUk. drens may be used for n pair of ~ntching cuohtons. The backing may ·be made of sateen. A soft fold of a contrasting silk around tllC edge makes a srnnrt finish, The sketch shows how such n fold is cut nnd appllcd. \) •

Eighteen inches nquare ls a good size tor U1e cuDhiono and, if you have nn assortment of cushion~ ot

brcad combines two favorites. Try it for a hurry-up luncheon or sup. per dessert" · __ .,_.,, -~="""""' ---.- - - ... _, , I

HOW TO "'KNOW"' ASPilUN Ja.t bo lllll'e . io aalc for St. J010p!a Aaplrln, 'l'hero'a Jlone, Pone ·~· WkfPflYmOrtfWorld'alarceR 111leut ~01. Demand St.JQIOph Alplrio.



Akehel .............. .._ Ia •x-pectHI te pn~vWe •• I• per18ftf JIH1(Mt ef 1lte tyn-tltetk ""'"' .... ht '" u ... .Ill 1944. 0..- lllthlllCI 'WMrtt

- -

"We t\cw over the bll .Uflport city of Surabaya and atralght on too ward the smnllC!r city of MalanJ alxty·slx mlles "way, whlch wu to be our base. get yo~ lend In "The City for tho

ekotllel ·~ the •vt-ulk .. wall t.t•tMrJ' ·

•hn1nn. y.ohich by on this hot, dry, dunty, Chtlstmtur Day some of us nhould ter through n narrow mountain pau. ~ot~b

wandl!r over to the AuutrolioruJ' ra· which uouoUy 15. filled with clouds Ita Thln called for n now hat and n dlo shllck, juot to 't~cc what little the afternoon, like a thick cotton party at the New Y()rk Biltmore. A 11mrd ~m home we could pick up atopper in a botUe. At least latet atrangc gentleman noticed the hot on the alr. lt •erved to keep the Zeros out. flrot, and rcqucotcd an introduction.

"I snould nay that part of· un • d ld h n d Three years later ohe married Dr. were tone! on a mloslon into the 'They' to me t e cl wa,s weU Frnncin Griffin-the nnmc genUc-Phllippineo; two Forts, including camouflaged. but beca~ they d laid

1 man. The bridal. couple boarded the

George ,Schactzel; and they now 1t out for me cnrdull:r on the map ' Berengaria and saUed for a Euro-.ahould be on that dreary, ninc·hO\lf And my heart thumped,JJecauae I I had no trouble In ftnding it. It penn honeymoon. drag J:?ack to Batchelor Fleld. We tboa,ht possibly lt ~f,ht h from wu a better Job of camouflagln& "The day after 1 returned home hoped none of them W4JUld be ohot Mar,o. than anythFC we'd ever dr.eamed of wearing a beautiful new blue hot down on Christmtlll Day. • in the PhUippincs. Lookmg down PQl'CbMcd In Pario," recounts Mlna

......... A··•trnllnns were damned ru1d neither did the AUDtraUans. But on it from alintitudeU, you took it to Dunne "was the day I met Flo 1.uu "" "tty .. con on.. b" on• ..,.. •ot up bt~.just an ord nry ned ftC!ld. There "'cnfet'd in an elcv"'tor. Bl!forZ I -•~ to u•. The"' let us wnteh them pr.. "' " ~ " ""' • b t 1 k d Uk -" ld ~ ,. "' "'

liUCU " ~ d wnnder"d out of th .. but. was w a 00 e e a COuwe l"'t ..... buJ'Id•"ng l1c ~cnt. for th" glrl ........, th"lr pa"k" 11e ....... d h"nded uo an " " -•- t th d •- "" "'" "' " vy.o•• " " '-'u a ...,, "' IU.InOS acroSS e runway, an m in 'the blUe hat!''" their Christmas cards to rend, and "When Schnetzel got in, his plane addition a fake railway Jlne crMs-then Uaey•d say, 'What pnrt of the wno so badly ohot up that we de- ing it. 1 even had dlfficulty in pick• A Dream Come True Statu are :JOll from, Yank?' l'lO we clded to call it a wreck,. It was a ing out the hangar roofs, so care- Becnw:c ot that hat, £dna Fer• could tell them about our own fami· to!;:l·UP between hll'l plane and Lee fully were they painted into the ber's gtoriou!l "Show Boal" waa lk• and wives 01' best girls If we Coatn'' which wos also full of bullet tropical vegetation. lrenc'n for the asking. -an•·d •A ..... d mo~ o• us did. But hole", but lootdn .. them both ov•r, ""' h t , .. "' ...-au ,. "' - " "' "\Ve croased It, turned, clrclcd, .... e opening nig t o "Show Boat ' - .... k•M -·ondering about thnt mi"· we decided Sehnet~el's wu some-- t .... "l'• .. .. ..- and landed. The Dutch weren't even marked the ntarling o 11 rich nnd. don, although we didn't taUt nhoul what the worcc. We Just had to 1 d t h it. And of course we didn't know ba'v'e a wreelt on the field to seNe usint: their radio to bring us in ror var e career or t e pretty girl with they had run into serious trouble. · ns 0 recervoir to kC!ep tent of living away the location of a voice and pretty hats. ·

.. bit .._ Zero~ at high eltitude, nnd the other ploneo in the air. The that beautifully hidden ftcld. Tber When the search for the hl!roinc of Ulat uSchaettel's plane during this old Swoose, here," nnd he jerked in with a ftash gun; and "Cimnrron" began, Irene inveigled ..... ..~~as Dav ftnht had been given his thumb backward, "still has those luckily 1 could show my new crew a tl'!lt and there was nn aotoundcd ""unaUIJ ~ .. 11 rf •-·k ff th 1 the precia!on-type landing reQuired gasp from producers. Sabra, a a burst of machine-gun fire right ta su aces we wu 0 at P ane. on that .,racs field which was later straight dramntic: role, the cmotiun-.d.-ough h'- -d!o compartment. Ser~ We needed everything, but most of ., 1 1 h wu- 1:> •u d d b .. ·b t k to prove tough as hell. We came in a P um of t e year, to a musical ,unt Killian, his radio operator. all, we nee e omu- ay gas aiLs. in the usual so!t Javanese alter· comedy actrcno? Nonsl!nsel wu shot through the top of the head "Of course we vtere in terrible noon rninstonn, and of couroe I Nonsem:e or not, she wnnted it, u he was qelplng the gUnners re· ohope. The old l!Jtb. Bombarqment didn't dare apply brake.~ -as you and got it-Utankn to a hat which lolld-ptckinf up new ammunition Group Md lost two-thttds of its ofig. would on macadam. I was to find she borrowed from a wig desil!ner. ca~ full of .51H:aliber belts and innl strength in three weeks, and • t... j handing them up, and taking back we were now redueed to about a it was a triCa..r ob getting off and Trail Bla:er the emptr can!, wbUe tbe gunners dozen.11lnnes-about ennugh tor a de- fo~d ~~t b~~E:.ry turf with a full pounded away at the~ Zeros. • cent squadron. But there was one . ·

''Two others had been badly hopeful fact: of the two dozen odd ''The boys were of course in a wounded b)' the same burut; and we hnd lost, only two-Colin's and lather to gilt into town, but flrst there Jlki<:e this was at high altitude, it .Tack Adnms'-had been shot down bad to lie the· usual pilots' meet­'ft'U .,ery serio~; Because maybe ·in combat b1 the Japanese. 'l'he mg. and it's alwnys the aame-I the bor topples over so that his rest hod been olown up on the don't care wbo the officer is, Capo axy;en mask fa1b off. There Isn't ground or, like Wheless' plane, had tain, Major,· or Lieutenant Colonel, mUCh 10U can do for a wounded been wrecked on the beach to ~a'v'e h~'• got to !ltand up there and dish man during combat at high altitude. the crew ·when it didn't have the out the old college pep talk about When 10U have wofriided men unge to get borne. how we're here to do this and that aboard. ~()U U:y to get down to at ''And just about the time we f:t~eto:. boys are snorting to get least 10,000 feet as soon as :vou additlg up this score and · . "Onlt this one wasn't 80 bad. Be--can. tiQ they won't be ·under the ing what would happen to 115 next we .. . t. 1 st ...... ·r· . ,. 1 t d

l · th' •'-· b · - - • f · .... t · · • · G ca. us... a a ...... w .. e .. o ng · o o atra n td btea mg ~uoug oxygen found ou ... or WlmOU warnmg .. en· what we had for vears been' trained misks. ' ' eral Brereton landed em the lleld, "

d •~~ dl ·t J to do with out Fortre'Mes. , When •'But there were zerM still be• an we were mune. 8 e '.f sum• those reinforcements came atream• low them. One .of the Forl's prime moneil to .a meotin~ 1n. Operations. 1 Jl-.l.w..a -eapo· .. ns .is altitude, and , ••:He's a 10ugb, quick, t:ocky, tight• !ng in we cou d go out In big forma· uon....... .. 'ttl. Ai F m h tion!l and drop a pattern that mellht Georee -knew it he broke away from ing h e .· r oree o cer w o thin formatton and dived down a1bne1 he doem't tik~ to sit dow when he's some g. ~ a •eey good chance of being laying out plan!f or giv1ng orders, "Later they were to ftnd that picked oft. and standftlg there before . us, his Outch dating wasn't as •imple ai

·.··"SO lie dtd the right thing--stayed shOulders reared back, he Uned us it looked, because the tlrst. thre" ot With the fotmatioo_ onl1 it was a out. tour -times you had to take Mama

"Cimarron" sttlrtcd an 1!ntircly new cycle. "Magnificent. ObsesDion, •• "Back Street," ••symphony of Six Million," "The Secret of Madame Blanche," "The Silver Cord," and IQ on. =

Then )rene had a bunch it was time to try comedy. She accepted the hQrUm·scnrum gltJ of "Theodora Goes Wild.'' "The Awful Truth" fol· lowl!d, and she found herselt hailed as a comedienne.

Critics are again pointing with J:lride to her as an emotional aitress for . sueh romantic roll!s as the girl . 9f M-G·M's 0 A Guy Named Joe,•• opposite Spenter Tracy, and tliat verita.{il~ cavalcade ot a woman's ·Ufctime, · "The White Cliffs ot :Dover.'' .l!Cne Dunne, nccompnnied by D;,

Grtffin, went cant for the premiere ot tho latter picture. She's back home now. l:eady for either drama, comedy; in11!11cal. or romance.

• • • bell of • bard decision ~ maM on · .. He told u~ the United States &ncr Papa along. Cbiistmu .l)ay>, w.ith th~se. poo.r . Army Air ltorce of the ~ar ~ilst, of "At tlle .end of dlnfler, be/ore they s· D. -wounded xnen in. back. fighting fm: which he wa5 cot:ttmander. was tnov.. len. we'd aU lltood ~P and dru.nk nooptt• ooper bceath 1n the high air. mg all.its bomber~ to Java, .and, at just one :New Year's toaBt-to ·the Too bad tbat' "Here Come the

•'We lmew nothing of this yet, but once. lt. main bue wOUld bt! on memory . of. -f\11 these gUY• we'd · WAVES" .isn't ready tor rclense

diltcrcnt oizco, it is easy to truno· fer the flUing into ticks of tho ci:te you wnnt. Sutch nnd turn, lcnvmn n four-inch opening in ono side. · Rip a amnUcr openinl: in the old Ucldng; sew the Jorge opening o'v'er tho llmallcr ona nnd ti1cn '' work tho 11Uing lbroush.

• • • NOTE~ Ttllt llluatrallcn ts tram nOOK

I ot tho Mcnd·and•lltiVC·for-Vlctor;y luwk· · kts. Doo'lt 2 eontalr.1 dlrcoc:tlona for au t)'t)eJ cf patchlnr and fabric '"' pAirlnll with ll.ruo dl~lltama. Many u~dul lllnts for u~1111 o!d malcrlnl• arc llluatral· ed. Prlco U «nta. Addrc:u:

MRS. llt-"'ll W'i't:Tll SPt:IUUI lk41or4 UW1 · .Nnt York

Drawer lt Er:ci:Jto lll c:cnta for llcok t<o. 2.

Narno •• ···•·•••••••••••••••••••••••• -A.ddrul •••••••••••••••••••• t •••••• I.

JIM, Whtrc'd I flntl me another Jnlim 1lbo C01l!d make roUe tlt tor the Mm13l'a wte1

MOM, Ob,lt.'l. aq to make thc31'l Speedy Wh~~ Ilollal eo 1'11 have more ttmc wtt.b you, I ttled a new, qUICk rcclpa with l?le~htnann'• Yeut ••• whlch p11ta ln utrG 'fltatn!N, ·

,,,· \ ~~ 4 -~ ~'

cot lire lho>rtoc1•

tiHIIIIII!r liliOIItllt, at'Wtllm ayn. !betic !Ins ~~toy aokelhelt op,.at• llfte1tlngiowltlq-bvt. Thol'twhy tlnl co,.. b htpoltont now.

I• 1t10 .-vH rvltlter .. w f~tr ~ •• IIYirttll .. $2.CMI a ,.u,..

1ft New Ywk. st- kJtfemllar 1~ 1941, It ....... Ax• lA .lly • I*Y•na•••t ... JIK)' •t 22Ya •••• • ,..,... Ia 1932 the •nr.a• priM..,., M , .. , ..

RF.Goo·drieh ·


... f .... ad"' ...... were feeling prett ... lOWt . a field ncar the citt ot Mdlang-; From. known so well -back In tbe bland• now' would help recruiting. t vls­:J the "'.AustrllUan radio o~rator there wa would operate out of ad· whO cou1drt't be \vilh us now, and itcd·mc iet the tJther diiy. Betty Uut­wu. t,widdling his dials trying to get '/anced bases alteadt prepared by a 11tore the Alt F'orce. had· to 8et- · .toD had them play back the rl!c1>r4 111 a .ptOJrlll'Ii from the States 10 the Dutch on the outlying Islands tle in their b<!hatf. Java seemed fat •h" tnade lllnglng a duet with liet• we wculdri't be 'homesick.. We hoped ot .Bome6 and the Cetebt!s. Frotn and tush. and peacefUl, but l knew aetf. lt!.t het 4tat doubting job. She ·atatbt. we'd get jlllt • homely de-- these out ftrst minion.~ would a.U just ahead.of u. wai tertibty hard ·plaYs • l>lcmdt and re'dhead, Some• iiCriptton or what Jdn<i o! a Christ- be eoncentrate4 on breakint up an work, tone millsionil, hfttlnl •••lfi . time• abe awlt<!hn from one role to 1DM Dlit it wu fl'l• trtneal Amui-. immeniie c»ncentration ot Sap tf8J1j.. and aga.hi U we wert to hDld tbt tht other four timeJ a dlty. ~hat ._ town thlt mltbt be .an;r of ~ pOfta which wa• pt&erlng at Da\tao · Ja~ . back .. \ltltU tlWH ... t:hoUU.Dd ll'le'atl!l m~w makeup and blonde· hail'

• •

• .... .biw IJM; .JOOW ~· llnder Bay, ® tM touthml d.P of tbe Phil· Amel'lcait p1aDH. wnved.~' . I Y6abed and J$he WiJ crateful . ... ,._ et ... ~· walkJrl' up Oil i~. ' ITO Q CX>!!TDnliiDl (6.t W~ tl<UifnCe •l1f HAl'k ~ ....

·--,. .. _ - • 'I

• • ' . •


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Page 8:… · • • • ,. • • --~ -· ... • • I ' \ . I ; t \ ' ' I ; ; " '• •

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·-· ~~ ~========::=::=::;:::' :' ;::;;;'i~~~ ~;~~·:~::=: ~·· ~· ·t·~ .. ~-~~~. ~=~· ;;=~~~~~~~=~~~~~~· ·~· ~=:!!!!!!!:!! !'~! ~~ ~-~ . .

• •

' '

General Merchandise ' '

QUALITY PRICE SERVICE .. J. F. Petty, Prop. Phone 62

'' I

I '

From where.l sit ... b!l Joe Marsh

The New Wartime ·C) stYle in food


' i Dan 'Mllcs Cl\tow!l he'll , awlm·

·mllll right. In at)'lo thctf ililys. Dan'll alway& made a pPlnt ot ·

fllllihlllll up whatever foOd wao • JlUt. before blm. "l>on't mnlto

ttenr.e to waste food Jest. to bu 1\)'U!lb," he ooya. ' Now oat. c-omu an edqaetttt

, )latborlt:r who ,..,, lt'a wartime fasldoll to take on I)' what )'Oil'ro ~•J to t~at-and ftul111l It tap tk)tft•bet•n•e "Food Fl(blll tor ~t.OM.1'

kJ !)00 llltehcll flnYBt• "M03L l~\~t3t too nual'lumYWilY· Man p,J\tl boy,l"YY watcheJ thln tuw!l


for yC!ars, and 'iG~ ot us dlt our own grave!l wlth our teeth."

Frcm where I slt, tbls new fltylc In eaUng mny lead to mod· crauon, and moderation bns llover hurt 1:mylJody.

la fad. )'oa fha4 atooeratlon and tol~rarteo go baad Ia hand ••• whether' It'• wh•t 10• eat or whnt )'Oll thlak. ••• Or wbethri' ona man preftlra " m01lerato ,tau of beer wlten rau youl"Ktt \foul!! r.atbrr .bava n scd:t.

~·. • t; . ., \ 1

• tU.WI:!Q It I DUSTilY FOU~iDATIO: ~ r.g~rr= II·IZDsrnol!llldo.ALCUQUEUQU!i '

~ -~ - , - ,,_, L E . - -- . l_.!S!t! C ;__ __ __.

Carrizozo Auto Co.


•' '

ltOY SHAFF.R, l'rnp.


. . '

n . Parts a~d ··Accessories


GAS · OIL AND GREASES . ' .. , ' . .. . .

. Expert .. Automn bile Repairing· . 'FORD . Tractort ·. and· Equipme~

\ ,,

·. _..{ . . g •


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J U·H E 12tb · JULY~.8D. ·;

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·N· . .. ' . -:;, ~

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Arsenate' of · . Fly Spray ~ <.

Lead \

Chicken Feed· • • • • •


• • '

y Barb •I

- ... "' . '

De Horning Paint Scr.eeri ·Doors


II ....

• •

' ,... ............... -

··r .

ool Bags

.Blackleg ,~=i.,n=·=~e .~~-~~~-~~~ ___ Vaccine ------- ----=~--=.;:._ ______ ,___::~--'-- ---~~-_::_.__.;;.___--, - - ca.-'"'-.-






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F 'r Sale LIC\Jd Ba 1 ~trolltt. Uke

new. Call· , dt lll'il'i Mrs. '1\ t9, Smoot. •

-l.f:-:..·~•oW~.-· ·- ·1 · a I '- t -'· -- • 4111i:.t - -,

BUY EXftA' ,_ .• WAR. . 7Tfltlv.t .

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~~"I! 10tl PL~'ii!D -n-te \.U.: GAMe, L. ""'~• ""'l ,_,-


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