A 2. Synthesis of Information - Indian Institute of...

20 Concept Aim: In this lesson, you will learn to: Brainstorm for generation of ideas. Analyze the listed ideas or gathered information. Use graphic organizers to represent the information. 2. Synthesis of Information Tejas, Jyoti and friends are discussing about computers with Moz. Tejas: We have to prepare a presentation about computers for the inter school competitions. Five of us have formed a group to gather content about various aspects of computers. Moz: How do you plan to prepare this presentation? Jyoti: First we want to decide on the various aspects of computers to talk about in our presentation. Each one of us has some idea or the other. We want to discuss them. Moz: Good. Let us do a brainstorming session. Tejas: What is brainstorming? Moz: In a brainstorming session everyone in the group speaks out their ideas and they are all written down. Do not hesitate to give your idea, whatever it may be. Describe the idea or topic briefly without analysing it. The ideas are discussed and analyzed later. Tejas: This is fun. Let us start brainstorming. Ideas flow in from the students and two of them note down the ideas on the board. A A A A Aa A A A A Aa Ab A A A A A A A A A A A Ad A A A A A A A A Aa1 A A A A Aa A A a A A A A A A Aa3 A A A A a a A A Aa Aa A A A A A A A A a a A A A A A A A A A A a A Ab A Aa a A A A A Ab1 A A a A A A A A A a a A A Aa A Ab b A A A A Ab1 b1 Aa A Aa A Ab Ab Ab Ab A A A A A A A 1 A A A A a a a a a a A A A A a1 1 A A A Ab a Aa Aa a A a a 1a 1a 1 1a 1a a a Aa A Aa A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Aa A A A A A A A A A Ab1 A A Ab Ab A A A Aa3 Aa3 A A A A A A Ab A A A A A A A A A Main Topic Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a strategy for idea generation. Generating or creating many ideas about a given topic by a group of people sitting together is called brainstorming. Each individual participating in the brainstroming session may have many ideas or prior knowledge, or questions about a given topic. During brainstorming session the ideas, knowledge, questions provided by each and every individual are noted without discussions. Later on the ideas are analyzed, categorized and selected for the purpose for which the brainstorming was done. Games! ! buying computers!

Transcript of A 2. Synthesis of Information - Indian Institute of...

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Aim: In this lesson, you will learn to: Brainstorm for generation of ideas. Analyze the listed ideas or gathered information. Use graphic organizers to represent the information.

2. Synthesis of Information

Tejas, Jyoti and friends are discussing about computers with Moz.Tejas: We have to prepare a presentation about computers for the inter school competitions. Five of us have formed a group to gather content about various aspects of computers. Moz: How do you plan to prepare this presentation?Jyoti: First we want to decide on the various aspects of computers to talk about in our presentation. Each one of us has some idea or the other. We want to discuss them.Moz: Good. Let us do a brainstorming session.Tejas: What is brainstorming?Moz: In a brainstorming session everyone in the group speaks out their ideas and they are all written down. Do not hesitate to give your idea, whatever it may be. Describe the idea or topic briefly without analysing it. The ideas are discussed and analyzed later.Tejas: This is fun. Let us start brainstorming.Ideas flow in from the students and two of them note down the ideas on the board.





Main Topic


Brainstorming is a strategy for idea generation.•Generating or creating many ideas about a given topic by a •group of people sitting together is called brainstorming. Each individual participating in the brainstroming session may •have many ideas or prior knowledge, or questions about a given topic. During brainstorming session the ideas, knowledge, questions •provided by each and every individual are noted without discussions. Later on the ideas are analyzed, categorized and selected for •the purpose for which the brainstorming was done.



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Moz: Draw a picture for grouping these ideas. A graphic representation will help you to visualize the topics and the sub topics in a glance. You can put the main topic in the centre and have one branch to represent each category. Each of the categories can further be extended with branches for their details or sub-categories.

Moz (See the ideas noted on the board above): Good. Many aspects of computer are covered in these ideas. Now let us start discussing the topics by grouping (categorizing) and analyzing them. Jyoti: There are many ideas in the ‘Uses of computers’ category. Let us start with word processing.Tejas: Word processing is a very useful application. We can prepare many documents containing text, images, and tables. Moz: Now pick up other ideas that are in the same category - ‘Uses of computers’.Jyoti: Internet is also one of the uses of computers. We can search for information, communicate, buy books and play games.Tejas: Games is a sub-category of ‘Uses of computer’. There are games for education and also for entertainment.Moz: Good. After brainstorming, identify the ideas that are related. Group them together under a category. Give the category an appropriate title.


Categorizing is organizing information or items based on common features, into various groups or categories.

You need: A topic.•A person who conducts the brainstorming sesion called facilitator.•Some space where brainstorming can be conducted.•A piece of paper or something on which the ideas can be written •down.Have a relaxed atmosphere. Each individual should express their ideas •without fear.Any group member can starts giving ideas at the start of the session. •Any participant who has an idea has the freedom to give the idea. One person speaks at a time.As ideas are being given out by members these are noted. No discussion, •no criticism.When the facilitator thinks that enough ideas have been generated the •session ends.

Find out the common features in information or items. For example: colour, 1. size, function, location etc.Group the items with the same feature or related ideas into a category. 2.





es G



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Tejas and Jyoti both start noting the categories and their branches graphically as the discussions proceed. These are shown below. It is interesting to see that each one is creating a different graphical representation.

Tejas’s representation Jyoti’s representation


Uses for various purposes(Word processing, internet, games)



For various purposes(Word processing, internet)




Graphical representation:

It is a visual representation of the information available. •In a graphical representation words, tasks, ideas, information •belonging to a topic are arranged and linked together in a structured format.A graphical represention is useful to,•

Createastructureof the identifiedcategoriesandsub•categories.Organize related information under a category,•Visualize and understand the available information at a •glance.Recall additional information•Identify missing categories and information.•

Use any format that you feel will be appropriate to represent the information 1. available and categorized. (Tree structure, organizational chart, etc.)Start with the main topic. 2. Forexample:takeclassificationofplants.Arrangethemaincatagoriesidentifiedunderthemaintopic.3. For example: plantscanbeclassifiedintoherbs,shrubsandtrees.Link each category to the main topic using connectors. 4. Labeltheconnectorstoexplainthelogicofhowagrouporclassificationis5. done. For example:

Further information about a sub topic can be provided as branches to the 6. sub category.

Graphical representation:





Herbs Shrubs Trees

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Jyoti: I agree. Let us drop these topics.Moz: A brain storming session may generate lots of ideas. After the categorization, ideas that are not relevant for your goal need not be explored further. Graphical representation with all the topics and their sub-topics, are shown below.

Tejas: ‘Files’ and ‘organizing desktop’ do not come under any of these categories. These have to do with how data is stored. As our topic is on Computers, and we already have many categories let us not go into storage details.


Uses for various purposes(Word processing, internet, games)

Inside the computer(Hardware, Software)

Buying Computers(Cost)

History(Eniac, abacus,microprocessor,super computer)

Usage in other device(Washing machine,robot)

Places where used(Home, Library,Hospital)



For various purposes(Word processing, internet, games)

Inside the computer(Hardware, Software)

Buying Computers(Cost)

History(Eniac, abacus,microprocessor,super computer)

In other device(Washing machine,robot)

In different places (Home, Library,Hospital)

Tejas’s representation

Jyoti’s representation

Tejas: ‘Home’, ‘library’ and ‘hospital’ are places where computers are used. We can call this category “Places where computers are used”.Jyoti: Computers are used in many devices. So ‘robot’ and ‘washing machine’ can be grouped under the title “Computers usage in other devices”.Tejas: ‘Eniac’, ‘abacus’, ‘microprocessor’, ‘super computer’ are all related to the history of computer. So the category can be “History of computers”.Jyoti: ‘Hardware’ and ‘software’ can be grouped as “Inside a computer”.Tejas: Cost of computers, buying computers are related. Let us put them under “Buyingcomputers”.`

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Moz: What is the next step in your plan? Jyoti: We need to see if these categories are final. We have to also find out if we are missing out on some important aspect.Moz: This is called examining and analyzing, to find if the information that you have is enough for the goal. Tejas: Since we have to give a presentation which has a time limit, we have to limit the categories to the most important topics. At the same time the categories should be enough to cover the main aspects of computer.Moz: Yes. Based on your goal finalize the topics by analyzing each topic and the sub topics. Then decide on the final categories of computers on which you want to prepare the presentation.

Jyoti: The categories “Uses of computers for various purposes” and “Uses of computers in various places” can be combined together. We can talk about all these under “Uses of computers”.Moz: Yes. Good point. These two aspects are related.Tejas: I will take up “Uses of computers” and “Uses of computer in other devices”.Moz: So you are following the steps of gathering information. It is a good idea to divide the task among a team. Jyoti: I will start with “History of computers”. I think it would be interesting if we also include the history of some of the applications, a brief history of their usage and purpose.Moz: Agreed. One interesting fact is that computers were first used for military purposes.Jyoti: Really? I did not know that. Thanks. One point is already gathered for this sub topic!Tejas: The topic that is left is “Inside of computer”.Moz: What is inside a computer?Jyoti: CPU, and other components of a computer.Tejas: Different types of software.

Jyoti: Let us also find out, how a computer works. It will be interesting information to the audience during presentation.Tejas: Cost of computers and what are the factors on which the cost of computers depends on is also important. I myself would like to know why some desktops cost more and some less.Moz: Good idea, because the cost of computers depends on hardware configuration and the software that is installed on the computer.Jyoti: I will gather information on the topic “Inside the computer”.Tejas: I will find out about the costs of computers.

Moz: Good. Now that you have decided on the final topics, what is your next step?Jyoti: We have a few details about some of the categories. But we do not know many details. We need to learn more about computers to complete preparing this presentation.



Analyze and Decide:

Examine each category and its subcategories.•Analyzeandfindwhichofthecategoriesaremostimportant•for the goal.Evaluatethesub-categoriestofind if theyarerelevant for•the goal.Decideandfinalizethecategoriesandsubcategories.•

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Tejas: First we will find out what we know and what we do not know.Jyoti: Next divide the tasks among the two members.Tejas: Next we will gather information from various sources like library, Internet, parents, teachers or other people who are conversant with the topic and can give us information.

Moz: Good to see that you are thinking step-wise to achieve the goal and applying the concepts of gathering information. You are also acquiring more knowledge about computers on your own!Moz: Tomorrow we will start with discussion of information gathered on uses of computers.Chin Chinaki...

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

List ideas resulting from a • brainstorming session.Categorize the ideas and identify • if the necessary and sufficient conditions are met.Select appropriate labels for the • categories.Draw graphic organizers to represent • the categorized information.

Lesson Outcome

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Do a brainstorming (by yourself) and find alternative uses for some of the common objects 1. given below. Find as many uses as you can (atleast five). One example of alternative uses of a bottle is partially answered you to follow.

An empty bottle: Use as a funnel, Use as a flower pot,

A house brick:

Bicycle wheel:

Tooth paste:

The wheel tube of a big truck:



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Pictures are a great way to remember things. 2. A passage about the various components of food is given below. You need to represent it a. as a picture. Our body gets energy from the food we eat. Food can be classified according to their functions namely; energy giving, body building and body protecting. For doing various physical activities and physiological functions (sleep, respiration, thirst, speech, perspiration, etc.) our body needs energy. This energy is got from carbohydrates and fats. Some sources of carbohydrates are wheat, potato and rice. Some fat sources are ghee and oil. Due to constant wear and tear in the body, new cells are built in our body to repair the damaged parts. Proteins like milk, eggs, meat, cheese and dal help in building of our body. The third are vitamins and minerals, whose absence can cause deficiency diseases like rickets, beriberi etc. Vegetables like carrot, spinach and fruits like papaya, lemon and guava are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Two partially completed pictures are given below. Complete any one.

Lists of some food items are given below. Refer the passage and circle the odd items from b. the list.

i) Rice Potato Dalii) Papaya Spinach Milkiii) Egg Milk Ghee

Components of food

Energy giving

Carbohydrates Fats


Components of food

Energy giving

Carbohydrates Fats


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To be healthy, we should have a balanced diet which supplies all the 5 components of food, c. namely carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Labeled figures of the items taken in breakfast and lunch are shown. The following table gives the name of the food item and the corresponding food component you get from them. Fill in the missing data.


Some scenarios are given below. Is there anything wrong? If yes, explain why it is wrong?3.

Ali, Savani and Arush are in the middle of a brain storming session to generate ideas for the a. concept of energy. Ali: Energy from Sun. Savani: Moving a table. Ali: No, that is not a valid point. Arush: Conservation.

Butter milk

Besan laddu



Palak paneer







Food item Component of foodPalak paneer Proteins, vitamins and minerals

Butter milk






Besan laddu




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A list of some countries is given below.4. India Australia Chile Zimbabwe Angola ArgentinaUruguay Swaziland Madagascar Singapore New Zealand BurundiMalawi Seychelles Samoa Bolivia Somalia Zambia RwandaTanzania Botswana Thailand Mauritius Mozambique Egypta. Select the countries from the list based on the following criteria

Starts with the letter B, M, R, or S.1. Has at least 7 letters in its name.2. Is entirely in the southern hemisphere.3.

b. If a fourth criterion is added as follows, find out the countries that meet all the four criteria: The country does not have a coast on any of its borders.4.

Answer for 1:

Answer for 1 and 2:

Answer for 1, 2 and 3:

Answer for all four criteria:

Gurpreet, Maya and Soham are brainstorming to generate ideas on classification of plants.b. Maya: Plants with seeds. Gurpreet: Mango tree Soham: Plants without seeds. Gurpreet: Oh! Can I change Mango tree to tree?

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A figure is given below. Look at it and answer the questions that follow. 5.

1. Name three galaxies.

2. How many planets does Sun have (exclude dwarf planets)?

3. Name a dwarf planet of Sun.

4. Name two satellites of Uranus.

5. Which galaxy does Sun belongs to?





consists of

clouds ofgascs and dust




Milky way

Solar system

some names

some names


some have

Sun Rigel Sirius



Some namesUranus


MoonPhotos Deimos


Titan, Rhea

Titania Oheron Trion





Dwarf planet


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The following list gives some of the options available under the Insert option on the menubar, 6. in OpenOffice.org Writer application. Draw a graphic representation to show the same.

InsertManual Break•

Fields• Date• Time• Page Number• Page Count•

Picture• From File• Scan•

Select Source• Request•

Movie and Sound• Object•

Sound• Video• Formula• Chart•


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Fill the name of the main category and one missing sub-category for the given graphic 7. representation.

Here are some ideas generated on the topic of human body during a brainstorming session. 8. Categorise them.

Bones Brain Skull Digestive system Rib cage Stomach Mouth Esophagus Nerves Nose Wind pipe Large intestine Lungs Air Femur Living things







Intrusive (Plutonic)

Extrusive (Volcanic)


Non foliated

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Level VI LessonACTIVITY2

a. Use the following graphic organizer to represent information about your family. Share it with one 1. person in your class whom you do not know well enough and get to know each other better.

b. Use the following graphic organiser to synthesize information about youself.




Didi Me



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Group activityGiven below are a list of topics.3.

1. Energy conservation 2. Maps 3. Type of Materials 4. Machines 5. Water 6.FoodEach group selects one topic and does the following activities.

Brainstorm on what are the different ideas that can be included. a. Identify the related ideas, categorise these appropriately and label these categories. b. Use a graphic organizer to represent this information. c. Search for graphic organizers on the following Urls. d.

www.teach-nology.com http://www.thinkport.org/technology/template.tp

Identify which one you can use for this project. e. Justify your choice by giving reasons for selecting a particular graphic organizer. f.


Expl reExpl re

Semantik:2. Semantik is an application which helps you to make graphic organizers. In Semantik, the graphic organizer is represented using boxes and connectors. Double click on the workspace to add a concept box for each category and enter the concept name. Double click on the concept box to add a branch. To add details select the category and click on data. An example of graphic organiser of materials is shown below.To enjoy this activity, do the following: Applications ---> Office ---> Semantik.

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Level VI LessonACTIVITY 2

Expl reExpl re Besides brainstorming what are some of the 1. other ways to generate ideas - individually or in group? e.g. think aloud.List places where graphic representation is used 2. to help find a particular place/item. Eg: store locations in Malls, drinking water at station.

ProjectA cell phone for my grandma and grandpa4. Ask elderly people above the age of 60 the problems that they have while using the ordinary mobiles phones. Ask them what they want to do with a mobile phone? How should the number keys and displays be and what are the functions that they would like to use mostly? Collect this information. Then considering these wishes of elders, brainstorm to get ideas for the design of a mobile for the elders. Categorize the ideas generated after deciding the appropriate categories.

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Book V

Lesson 6Level VI


The purpose of this lesson is to teach students: (a) one strategy for generating ideas while working in groups, namely brainstorming (b) how to categorize the ideas (c) identify suitable labels and (d) represent the ideas graphically.

Begin the class by writing the name of one topic (for example, computers) on the board and ask students to mention what are the different ideas that come to their mind. To motivate the student to speak out their mind without hesitation, you can say, “Imagine that this topic is creating a storm of ideas in their brain (head). Now tell me what different ideas come to you”. Allow multiple students to talk and call out the words spontaneously. You can write these on the board. Summarize the discussion and teach them the guidelines to be followed during a brainstorming session. Towards the end of the session, do two questions of worksheet 1 and give remaining as homework.

Now review the listed ideas to identify which of these are related to each other. Ask students to label these appropriately. If you find that students are not able to name the categories appropriately, ask appropriate questions, but let them discover these on their own. If they are stuck, give the names of the category and ask them to identify which of the listed ideas belong to this category. Teach students the concept of categorization. Tell them that they are applying logical reasoning skills to analyze the ideas in order to categorize them.

Encourage students to come up with different ways of categorizing the listed ideas and different category labels. Teach them about the concept of multiple categorization schemes. Use this opportunity to reinforce the value of tolerance to each other’s views.

Draw a graphic organizer to represent the different categories and items within each category. Refer the diagrams included in the lesson for this. Mention that the same ideas can be represented differently depending upon how you categorize the listed ideas. For example, you may find that several of the uses can be further categorized according to location of use or purpose of use. Explain the concept of graphic organizer and inform the students about its benefits. Do worksheet 2 in the class so as to give a practice of identifying items belonging to a given category and representing it graphically. Give activity 1 (family tree) as homework so as to reinforce use of graphic organizer. Worksheet questions 3 (countries), 4 (landforms) and 6 (insert menu commands) can also be given as homework.

Begin activity 2 in the class and do it partially (till step 2) and ask the students to work on the remaining steps as after class activity. In the next class, do activity 3 (Semantik) so that they are comfortable with drawing graphic organizers on the computer. You can select topics from activity 2 for drawing graphic organizer for their topic.

Students need to acquire the skills of reading information presented in a graphic organizer. For this, you can ask them to solve worksheet question 5 (galaxy).

Summarize the lesson and towards the end highlight the importance of categorizing (e.g. it introduces an order into randomly generated ideas)and presenting ideas visually in a graphic organizer (e.g. it facilitates reading and recall of information).

Further Reading:http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hme/k_5/graphorg/http://www.graphic.org/goindex.htmlhttp://scifiles.larc.nasa.gov/text/kids/Research_Rack/tools/brainstorm_rules.htmlhttp://www.ehow.com/list_6905041_brainstorming-tools-kids.html