
Volume 1, Issue 2 Handler Herald University of New Hampshire Follow us @ HandlerHall on Welcome Home Handler Residents! 9/9/2013 Join RHA (Residence Hall Do you want to get in- volved on campus and your hall? Do you want to cre- ate amazing cam- pus activities? Do you want to give input to University administrators? Do want some lead- ership experience? Then join the Residence Hall Association! RHA is a great way to get involved on campus, impact the lives of resi- dents, and a way to get the UNH community together. Meetings are Thursday at 1:10 pm in the first floor lounge of Mills Hall. Hey there SERC… I mean HANDLER! Welcome to your newly named home! The staff and I are so excited for you all to be back! We have been working hard getting the building ready for your arrival! The new names comes at a perfect time! This is going to be our year! We are go- ing to create a community that will go down in tradi- tion and become a place where everyone wants to live! This year we will starting an initiative to create a homey feel here is Handler! Our hope is that you all take a minute and get to know your neighbors! When you are hanging out and see someone you don't know, go and introduce yourselves! You never know the role a person could be play in your life here at UNH and beyond! Now let me take a second to introduce myself, and do some role modeling. My name is Ana Garcia. I am from Southern California. I live in the building and am looking forward to meeting each and every one of you. I have a de- gree in Marketing Communication, and Masters in Counseling and Guidance for College Student Personnel. I love working here at UNH. The students that I have met have solidified my decision to work in higher education. I love working with college students because of the stage you are all in. I love having conversations around the issues that many encounter in college. Fig- uring out your path is exciting and I would love to help you in any way I can! Welcome Home to Handler Hall! Let’s make this a great one! ~Ana Come to the Handler Tie Dye Social Sunday 8/25 @7:15pm


Handler Herald Sept. 9th 2013 Issue

Transcript of 9/9/2013

Volume 1, Issue 2

Handler Herald

University o f New Hampshire

Follow us

@ HandlerHall


Welcome Home Handler Residents!


Join RHA (Residence Hall

Do you want to get in-

volved on campus and

your hall?

Do you want to cre-

ate amazing cam-pus activities?

Do you want to give

input to University


Do want some lead-

ership experience?

Then join the Residence

Hall Association! RHA

is a great way to get

involved on campus,

impact the lives of resi-

dents, and a way to get

the UNH community

together. Meetings are Thursday at 1:10 pm in

the first floor lounge of

Mills Hall.

Hey there SERC… I mean HANDLER! Welcome to your newly named home!

The staff and I are so excited for you all to be back!

We have been working hard getting the building

ready for your arrival! The new names comes at a

perfect time! This is going to be our year! We are go-

ing to create a community that will go down in tradi-

tion and become a place where everyone wants to


This year we will starting an initiative to create a

homey feel here is Handler! Our hope is that you all take a minute and get to

know your neighbors! When you are hanging out and see someone you don't

know, go and introduce yourselves! You never know the role a person could

be play in your life here at UNH and beyond!

Now let me take a second to introduce myself, and do some role modeling.

My name is Ana Garcia. I am from Southern California. I live in the building

and am looking forward to meeting each and every one of you. I have a de-

gree in Marketing Communication, and Masters in Counseling and Guidance

for College Student Personnel. I love working here at UNH. The students

that I have met have solidified my decision to work in higher education.

I love working with college students because of the stage you are all in. I love

having conversations around the issues that many encounter in college. Fig-

uring out your path is exciting and I would love to help you in any way I can!

Welcome Home to Handler Hall! Let’s make this a great one!


Come to



Tie Dye






Page O’ Fun

Punny Funs

The best way to communicate with a fish is to drop

them a line.

If you throw a cat out a car window does it become

kitty litter?

I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.

Then it hit me.

I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.

I could not pull out of my parking space, so I used

my back up plan.

Meet The Staff


Hey guys! I'm Becca and I'm the RA on the suite side of the 4th floor. I'm a senior this year and am so excited to graduate in the spring with a dual major in English Literature and Justice Studies, as well as two minors in Sociology and

Forensics. After college I aspire to catch criminals and/or write novels, as well as travel the world as much as possible. In my spare time I love to read, hike, go to concerts, and hang out with my dog Lucy. My goals for this year are to continue my miraculous streak of straight As, visit the Grand Canyon, and help create an awesome community in Handler Hall!

Hi everyone! My name's Dan, and I'm a Junior in CEPS, Computer Science major, and pretty much everything that you'd expect that goes along with that! I love books, movies, and webcomics of all kinds, am a super picky eater, and enjoy trying all sorts of new things, whatever they may be. I'm looking forward to an

awesome year with you cool crew of residents!

Hey Everyone

My name is Mitch Gustin and I am the RA on the fifth floor A.K.A “Da Penthouse”.

For a little background, I was born in Chicago and moved to New Hampshire before

first grade. I currently live in Nashua, NH and am a Junior majoring in History with

a minor in Psych and Classics. I am a member of the Air Force ROTC program here on

campus and also play a lot of intramurals. I look forward to meeting everyone and

hope you all have a fantastic year.

Get Involved! Join Hall Council!

Come to Hall Council Info

Session on:

Monday 8/26 @ 9pm

Go Global! Discover Your International Potential at UNH this Fall

You heard about it during your campus tour. Maybe you

chose to come to UNH because your financial aid package

applies to all of our 500+ study abroad options in over 65

countries. Or maybe you were intrigued by the opportunity

to internationalize any major by adding on the International

Affairs (IA) Dual Major. Now is the time to visit the Center

for International Education (CIE), learn about the details

and start the process of internationalizing your UNH experience. Our friendly staff of advisors is

waiting to talk to you! We are located in Hood House 223—the brick building with the flags out

front next to the MUB (862-2398, [email protected], [email protected]).

Upcoming events:

Study abroad info session (every Tuesday from 1-2pm in Murkland G17)

University Day on Tuesday , September 10th, 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm on Thompson Hall Lawn. Look

out for the CIE table (look for the colorful banner with countries and cities of the world!)

The first NH International Seminar of the semester (focusing on youth peacebuilding around

the world). Thursday, Sept. 19th, 12:40-2 pm, MUB Theater 1

Photo by Laura Loy ’10

“Glacier Ballet”

Location: Perito Moreno

Glacier, Patagonia,


Taken while studying


“To be more confident, you need to give a

whole lot less of a sh*t about what other people think of you.” This is How:

Surviving What You Think You Can’t, by Augusten Burroughs

New beginnings can rattle a person’s confidence. Just remember that you

are here for you, and we admitted you to UNH because we know you

can achieve great things here. Conversely, not caring as much

about what other people think does not give us the license to treat others

poorly. So, do what you do, take care of each other, and milk this

place for all it is worth!

RANDOM STUDENT #1—Hey #2, I just found this new website that

lets me know if there is an available washer and dryer in our Res Hall

Laundry Room.

RANDOM STUDENT #2—No way #1, there can’t be a website for that?

CRAZY! But how do you know when a machine becomes available or

when to look back to check? Not to mention when one breaks down or

steals my money. I mean, I can’t really drag myself away from playing

Call of Duty every 5 minutes.

RS #1 — Well #2, the website lets you know down to the minute how

much time is left on each occupied machine, and you can report a prob-

lem too!! Not to forget to mention, there is a phone app that allows you

to set an alert for when a particular machine your interested in becomes


RS #2—Woah! That is amazing. **Insert interesting commentary about

how it would be great to finally have an application that helps humans

find desirable, single humans or an alert system to let us know when

they become available!!**

RS #1 — Yeah! We can only hope and pray for that app to come along. . .

Scan this QR Code with your Smartphone m.laundryview.c

Welcome to the 2013-14 academic year from all the staff at the Center for Academic Resources (CFAR). Whether you are a first year student making the transition to college academics or a returning student looking to improve your grades, we are here to help you thrive at UNH. We offer services from learning to study smarter to preparing to take graduate entrance exams. For more information about our peer led study smart seminars, drop-in study skills clinic, or academic coaching, check

us out at www.cfar.unh.edu.

We’d love to help you reach your academic goals. Walk-in meetings with a CFAR academic counselor are available Monday through Thursday from 12 to 4 in Smith Hall 201. Watch for the CFAR Study

CFAR Letters to remember!


Pick up a semester calendar at CFAR

(Smith Hall 201) and, using your course syllabi,

transfer all of your due dates onto it.

Use a different color for each class. This

is your GPS for a successful semester.

Facebook : goo.gl /L2Hmeo Sponsored by: The Alliance, Health Services, MUB (Memorial Union

Building), MUSO (Memorial Union Student Organization), OMSA (Office

of Multicultural Student Affairs), Queer Studies Program, Race and Eth-

nic Studies, Residential Life, SHARPP (Sexual Harassment and Rape Pre-

vention Program), VOX (The UNH Chapter of Planned Parenthood), Wom-

en's Commission, Women's Studies Program and supported by

the Student Activities Fee.