
What is the least natural number that should be added to 577, to make it a perfect square? A. 38 B. 55 C. 51 D. None of these Find the area of the quadrilateral formed by joining the mid-points of the adjacent sides of a square, if the length of the diagonal of the square is 20 cm. A. 100 sq.cm B. 60 sq.cm C. 200 sq.cm D. 125 sq.cm A bag contains coins in denominations of one-rupee, fifty-paise and twenty- five paise. If the total values of the coins of the three denominations are in the ratio of 5 : 6 : 7 respectively and total number of coins is 135, then find the number of fifty-paise coins. A. 15 B. 36 C. 84 D. None of these If the sum of the first 43 terms of an arithmetic progression is 2967, then find the sum of the 11th and the 33rd terms of the same series. A. 138



Transcript of 95481716-AIMCAT-1320

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What is the least natural number that should be added to 577, to make it a perfect square?

A. 38B. 55C. 51D. None of these

Find the area of the quadrilateral formed by joining the mid-points of the adjacent sides of a square, if the length of the diagonal of the square is 20 cm.

A. 100 sq.cmB. 60 sq.cmC. 200 sq.cmD. 125 sq.cm

A bag contains coins in denominations of one-rupee, fifty-paise and twenty-five paise. If the total values of the coins of the three denominations are in the ratio of 5 : 6 : 7 respectively and total number of coins is 135, then find the number of fifty-paise coins.

A. 15B. 36C. 84D. None of these

If the sum of the first 43 terms of an arithmetic progression is 2967, then find the sum of the 11th and the 33rd terms of the same series.

A. 138

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B. 69C. 33D. 24

If P = − , where a > b and a, b are two consecutive positive integers,

then find .

A. B. 16ab

C. D. None of these

Two persons A and B start simultaneously from P and Q towards Q and P respectively. A meets B at a distance of 60 meters from P. After A reaches Q and B reaches P, they turn around and start walking in the opposite direction. Now B meets A at a distance of 40 meters from Q. Find the distance between P and Q.

A. 160 mB. 100 mC. 140 mD. 105 m

Which of the following functions best describes the graph below?

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A. y = |x– 1|B. y = |x|− 1C. y = |x|+ 1D. y = |x+ 1|

In the figure below, ABCD is a square and AG = GB = DH = HC = EC = BE = AF = FD. If ∆1 represents the sum of the areas of all the triangles that can be observed in the figure and ∆2 represents the area of the square ABCD,


A. 2B. 3.5C. 3D. 4

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If it takes 60 seconds to fill of a tank of dimensions 6 m * 10 m * 8 m, how many seconds would it take to fill the remaining part at the same rate?

A. 20B. 30C. 40D. 45

The average of n numbers is 4. If a number x is added, the average increases to 7. Find x in terms of n.

A. n − 4B. 2n + 7C. 3n + 7D. n + 21

Ramu has four sons. The product of their ages (in years), which are all integers, is 225. Even if the sum of their ages is known, their individual ages cannot be found. What is the age of the youngest son?

A. 1 yearB. 2 yearsC. 3 yearsD. 5 years

Two vertical wooden poles of heights 12 m and 27 m are located 8 m apart. If the shorter pole is chopped off at a distance of 4 m from the top, at what distance from its base should the taller pole be chopped off to ensure that the distance between the tops of the two poles remains the same?

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A. 9 mB. 18 mC. 4 mD. 23 m

If a trader sells two articles at the same price, one at a loss of 30% and the other at a profit of 20%, then the trader makes approximately

A. 11.58% profitB. 10% lossC. 6% lossD. 11.58% loss

If a number has 20 factors, then it can have a maximum of

A. 8 distinct prime factorsB. 19 distinct prime factorsC. 3 distinct prime factorsD. 6 distinct prime factors

Question No.: 15

The ratio of two distinct natural numbers is k. If the sum of the LCM and the HCF of the two numbers is equal to the sum of the numbers and k > 1, then which of the following is necessarily true?

A. One of the numbers is 1.B. The numbers are relatively prime.C. k is a natural number.D. None of these

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Paragraph Title: Questions 16 to 18 DIRECTIONS for questions 16 to 18: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. The table below provides details of the performance of major banks in 2005.

Question No.: 16

Which of the banks listed in the table has the second highest ratio of Total Assets to Sales?

A. Canara BankB. ICICIC. Bank of BarodaD. Bank of India

Question No.: 17

If Net profit is obtained by deducting taxes from Cash profit, then the highest value of tax paid as a percentage of Cash profit is

A. 40.77%B. 37.2%

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C. 34.74%D. 43.71%

Question No.: 18

If in 2006, the combined Net Profit of the eight banks listed above increases by 20% over that of the previous year, then by what percentage should the Net Profit of Canara Bank increase from 2005 to become equal to the average Net Profit of the group in 2006?

A. 38%B. 49%C. 47%D. 53%

Paragraph Title: Questions 19 to 21 DIRECTIONS for questions 19 to 21: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. The table below provides details of the trends in average labour cost and average wages of 127 industries in the manufacturing sector for the period 1999-2000 to 2002-03.

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* Directly employed regular workers. Note: 1] Male and female workers refer only to adult workers. 2] Assume that all types of workers worked for the same number of days and no child worker was a contract worker. Answer the questions that follow based on the information above

Question No.: 19

If in 1999-2000, 0.02% of the workers are Child workers and 20% of the workers are Contract workers, then what is the approximate percentage of Female workers?

A. 9%B. 12%C. 16%D. 27%

Question No.: 20

In the given period, the expenses on Provident Fund for labour as a

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percentage of the Total Cost of Production were the least in the year

A. 1999-00B. 2000-01C. 2001-02D. 2002-03

Question No.: 21

In 2002-03, if the percentage of Male workers, Female workers, Child workers & Contract workers had been 48%, 10%, 30% and 12% of all workers respectively, then the resulting average wage per day of all workers would be more/less than the existing average wage per day of all workers by

A. 5.1%B. 12.32%C. 27.6%D. 16.09%

Question No.: 22

The price of 2 apples, 8 bananas and 4 mangoes is Rs.200. The price of 3 apples, 12 bananas and 11 mangoes is Rs.330. Find the price of 12 apples, 48 bananas and 40 mangoes.

A. Rs.1190B. Rs.1296C. Rs.1348D. Rs.1526

Question No.: 23

The compound interest at 11% p.a. for two years on a certain sum is Rs.1064.8 more than the simple interest at the same rate, on the same sum. What is the sum?

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A. Rs.9,680B. Rs.8,800C. Rs.80,000D. Rs.88,000

Question No.: 24

If x > 4 and y > 2, then which of the following is always true?

A. x > 6 – yB. x > 2yC. x – y ≠ 0D. x – y> 2

Question No.: 25

Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 40, 60 and 100 minutes respectively. If tap A is opened first, tap B after 10 minutes and tap C after another 5 minutes, in how many more minutes will the tank be filled?

A. 6 min




Question No.: 26

Find the greatest among .

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Paragraph Title: Questions 27 to 29 DIRECTIONS for questions 27 to 29: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. The graph below depicts the value (in Rs. crore) of Electronics Production in the country during the period 1999-2000 to 2004-05 for five product categories.

Question No.: 27

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In any year i, for any product category, Deviation Di is defined as Di = |Pi - A|, where Pi is the production value of the product category in the year i and A is the Average Production value of the product category in the given period, rounded off to the nearest integer. For Consumer Electronics, the Deviation is minimum in the year

A. 2000-01B. 2001-02C. 2002-03D. 2003-04

Question No.: 28

The highest percentage change in the production value from 2002-03 to 2003-04 occured in case of

A. Consumer ElectronicsB. ComputersC. Communication & Broadcasting EquipmentD. Strategic Electronics

Question No.: 29

Excluding Consumer Electronics, the annual average production value (in Rs.crore) for all the remaining product categories combined across the given period is approximately

A. 3424B. 4280C. 5628D. 5242

Question No.: 30

The average marks of all the students who passed in a test is 65%, while that of those who failed is 30%. If the average marks of all the students is 50%, find what percentage of students passed the test.

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Question No.: 31

DIRECTIONS for questions 1 and 2: In each question, there are five sentences or parts of sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage. Then, choose the most appropriate option. a. Though the world we live and interact with is increasingly becoming virtual b. much of our identity stems from a physical document. c. It ranges from a birth certificate and a school/college leaving mark sheet to the passport. d. However as the recent faked pilot licence scam shows, e. manufacturing a strand of identity is simple and alarmingly widespread.

A. a onlyB. b onlyC. c and dD. b and e

Question No.: 32

DIRECTIONS for questions 1 and 2: In each question, there are five sentences or parts of sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar

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and usage. Then, choose the most appropriate option. a. From early in the morning a few hundreds of priests performed the b. series of intricate rituals to prepare the dieties for the procession. c. Hordes of servitors surrounded by police personnel carry the huge wooden idols from the temple d. swaying them in rhythm in a ritual. e. As soon as the idols were seen outside the temple, the chanting of devotees reverberated through the whole area.

A. e onlyB. e and dC. b onlyD. b and c

Paragraph Title: Questions 3 to 6 DIRECTIONS for questions 3 to 6: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Most of the unmarried group in the U. S. are black women. Nearly 70%of black women are unmarried, and the racial gap in marriage spans the socioeconomic spectrum, from the urban poor to well-off suburban professionals. Three in 10 college-educated black women haven't married by age 40; their white peers are less than half as likely to have remained unwed. Part of the problem is incarceration. More than a million men are now imprisoned in the U. S. and roughly 40% of them are African-American. At any given time, more than 10% of black men in their 20s or 30s – prime marrying ages – are in jail or prison.

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Educationally, also, black men lag. There are roughly 1.4 million black women now in college, compared to just 900,000 black men. By graduation, black women out number men 2 to 1. Among graduate-school students in 2008, there were 125,000 African-American women but only 58,000 African-American men. That same year, black women received more than three out of every five law or medical degrees awarded to African-Americans. These problems translate into dimmer economic prospects for black men, and the less a man earns, the less likely he is to marry. That's how the relationship market operates. Marriage is a matter of love and commitment, but it is also an exchange. A black man without a job or the likelihood of landing one cannot offer a woman enough to make that exchange worthwhile. But poor black men are not the only ones who didn't marry. At every income level, black men are less likely to marry than are their white counterparts. And the marriage gap is wider among men who earn more than $100,000 a year than among men who earn, say $50,000 or $60,000 a year. The dynamics of the relationship market offer one explanation for this pattern. Because black men are in short supply, their options are better than those of black women. A desirable black man who ends a relationship with one woman will find many others waiting; that's not so for black women. To start, they might find themselves in better relationships. Some professional black women would no doubt discover that they are more compatible with a white, Asian or Latino co-worker or college classmate than with the black guy they grew up with, who now works at the auto shop.

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By opening themselves to relationships with men of other races, Black women would also lessen the power disparity that depresses the African-American marriage rate. As more black women expand their options, black women as a group would have more leverage with black men. Even black women who remained unwilling to love across the color line would benefit from other black women's willingness to do so. It's hard to resist the paradoxical possibility that, if more black women married non-black men, then more black men and women might, in time, marry each other.

Question No.: 33

The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. identify the reasons for a trend and recommend measures to address it.b. explain why a particular ethnic group has been less successful in the relationship market than was once anticipated.C. present a concern about the possible consequences of the marriage gap among a minority group.D. propose an alternative to a particular outlook that has inadvertently caused damage to the matrimonial prospects of a group.

Question No.: 34

According to the passage, which of the following is true of the "dynamics of the relationship market"?

A. Scarcity creates excess demand for black grooms, tilting the terms of courtship in women's favour.B. Scarcity creates excess demand for black grooms tilting the terms of courtship in men's favour.C. Scarcity creates excess demand for black women, tilting the terms of courtship in men's favour.D. Scarcity creates excess demand for black women, tilting the terms

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of courtship in women's favour.

Question No.: 35

The passage mentions each of the following as contributing to the gender imbalance EXCEPT:

A. unemployment.B. lack of marketable skills.C. racial discrimination.D. high rates of imprisonment.

Question No.: 36

In the context, of the passage, the word "compatible" most closely corresponds to which of the following?

A. Compatibility is best promoted by limiting oneself to one's own races.B. Black women are least compatible with non-black menC. Black women can enhance their compatibility by opening themselves to relationships with men of other races.D. Compatibility now is more about class and background than about race.

Question No.: 37

DIRECTIONS for questions 7 and 8: The sentences given in each of the following questions, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. From among the four choices given below each question, choose the most logical order of sentences that constructs a coherent paragraph. [a] There has never been a bigger need for cheap, effective treatment for diseases of the old, such as Alzheimer's, or for easier access to pain relief and reliable care. [b] Dementia or frailty can mean a long, poor quality end-of-life. [c] That applies to developing countries as well as to the rich ones. [d] As more cures are found for cancer, and sensible types give up

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smoking, more people will find that a slow decline is a meagre reward for their virtuous behavior. [e] Assuring a decent quality of life in the final months and years often makes better sense than trying to prolong a painful existence for a short period; so in many cases, loving care and pain relief should take priority over aggressive intervention.

A. decabB. bedcaC. debacD. bdcea

Question No.: 38

DIRECTIONS for questions 7 and 8: The sentences given in each of the following questions, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. From among the four choices given below each question, choose the most logical order of sentences that constructs a coherent paragraph. [a] True luxury has a duty to entertain. [b] Boredom is the thing that rich people fear the most, so once they have met their needs, there is an increasing demand for exquisitely crafted items that perform quotidian functions with flair and wit. [c] Den has created objects like a multiaxle belt buckle that can be flipped over in its housing to allow extra girth without having to be undone. [d] This is where luxury gets interesting and designers such as Roland Den come in. [e] Life's greatest luxury may be time – but if you are sufficiently insulated from having to work for a living, time can weigh heavily.

A. bedcaB. abedcC. bdceaD. aebdc

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Paragraph Title: Questions 9 to 11 DIRECTIONS for questions 9 to 11: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. "The trouble with you," Anna said, in a voice in which compassion, disgust, and reproach fought for equal time, "is that you can't remember what it was like to be young. And even if you could remember – well, when you were my age, you were in that crazy Jehovah's Witness religion, and you probably didn't even play spin the bottle." Anna, my prepubescent eleven-year-old, feels sorry for me because I did not have "a normal childhood." It has never occurred to her to question whether her childhood is "normal"...... which is to say, she is happy. She cannot conceive a life in which one is not free to move around, explore, argue, flirt with ideas and dismiss them, form passionate alliances and friendships according to no imperative but one's own nature and volition; she regards love as unconditional, she expects nurturance as her birthright. It fills her with terror and pity that anyone - especially her mother - could have grown up any differently - could have grown up in a religion where love was conditional upon rigid adherence to dogma and established practice......where approval had to be bought from authoritarian sources.....where people did not fight openly and love fiercely and forgive generously and make decisions of their own and mistakes of their own and have adventures of their own. "Poor Mommy," she says. To have spent one's childhood in love with/tyrannized by a vengeful Jehovah is not Anna's idea of a good time – nor is it her idea of goodness. As, in her considered opinion, my having been a proselytizing Jehovah's Witness for thirteen years was about as good a preparation for real life as spending a commensurate amount of

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time in a Skinner box on the North Pole, she makes allowances for me. I do worry about Anna. She is, as I once explained to someone who thought that she might be the better for a little vigorous repression, a teleological child. She is concerned with final causes, with ends and purposes and means, she would like to see evidence of design and order in the world; and all her adventures are means to that end. That, combined with her love for the music, color, poetry, ritual, and drama of religion, might, I think, if she were at all inclined to bow her back to authority - and if she didn't have my childhood as an example of the perils thereof - have made her ripe for conversion to an apocalyptic, messianic sect.

That fear may be evidence of my special paranoia, but it is not an entirely frivolous conjecture. Ardent preadolescent girls whose temperament tends toward the ecstatic are peculiarly prone to conversion to fancy religions.

Question No.: 39

The author says that 'her fear' was not "an entirely frivolous conjecture'". She feared that

A. in puberty the younger generation are inclined to revolt.B. innocent youngsters are vulnerable to conversions.C. her daughter, being easily captivated, would be predisposed to religious experimentation.D. non-chalant behaviour attracts dogmatic controls.

Question No.: 40

Anna's notion of 'normal childhood' includes one of the following.

A. Emotional associations with lack of trust.B. Ardent affinity with imperious control.

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C. Unruffled behavior in spite of adherence to authority.D. Fervent affiliations coupled with assertive behaviour.

Question No.: 41

The reference 'Skinner box on the North Pole' refers to

A. conditional response.B. biased answer.C. subjective retaliation.D. provisional rejoinder.

Question No.: 42

DIRECTIONS for questions 12 and 13: There are two blanks in each of the following sentences. From the pairs of words given below each sentence choose the pair that fills the blanks most appropriately. Donkeys ______ hilly Jerusalem, sailing ships made Lisbon; rail roads powered Chicago; and mass-produced automobiles ______ metropolitan Los Angeles.

A. defined : createdB. characterised : generatedC. demarcated : causedD. typified : renovated

Question No.: 43

DIRECTIONS for questions 12 and 13: There are two blanks in each of the following sentences. From the pairs of words given below each sentence choose the pair that fills the blanks most appropriately. Cities will need to be ________ around airports in ______ circles of business and residential zones.

A. centred : widening

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B. arrayed : concentricC. concentrated : recurrentD. organised : concurrent

Paragraph Title: Questions 14 to 16 DIRECTIONS for questions 14 to 16: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. Each of the five persons Manish, Preetam, Akhil, Sunil and Varun visits at least one and at most two of the five cities – Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai. We have the following additional information. (1) Each city is visited by at least one person and Kolkata is visited by three persons. (2) Manish visits two cities and Bangalore is one of them. (3) The total number of visits (by the given five persons) is 8. (4) Preetam visits more cities than Sunil, who visits Mumbai. (5) Akhil visits Chennai but not Kolkata. (6) Varun visits the same cities that Manish visits.

Question No.: 44

Who visits Delhi?

A. AkhilB. ManishC. PreetamD. Varun

Question No.: 45

Which is the city that is visited by Manish but not Preetam?

A. Bangalore

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B. DelhiC. KolkataD. Chennai

Question No.: 46

Who among the following visited Mumbai?

A. AkhilB. ManishC. PreetamD. None of these

Question No.: 47

DIRECTIONS for question 17: The question given below is followed by two statements, I and II. Study the information given in the two statements. Assess whether the statements are sufficient to answer the question and choose the appropriate option among the given choices.

Four students – Prasad, Quereshi, Ranjeet, and Santosh – secured the top four ranks in an exam in no particular order. Prasad did not secure the first rank. Quereshi did not secure the second rank. Ranjeet did not secure the third rank and Santosh did not secure the fourth rank. Find the respective rank secured by each of the students. I. Neither Quereshi nor Ranjeet secured either the third or the fourth rank. II. Neither Prasad nor Santosh was among the top two rankers.

A. The question can be answered using one of the statements alone, but cannot be answered using the other statement alone.B. The question can be answered using either statement alone.C. The question can be answered using A and B together but not using A or B alone.D. The question cannot be answered even using A and B together.

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Paragraph Title: Questions 18 to 20 DIRECTIONS for questions 18 to 20: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. A delightful aspect of travelling slowly is having time to hang around in places and meet people, travelling by foot or on public transport and going to hotels and cafes that local people can afford to patronize. Making connections, sharing breakfast at the top of a volcano with a shockingly impoverished university professor and his family on the island of Flores, collecting eggs and a chicken filled snake at a Malaysian engineer's hobby farm and attending a time-warped meeting of the East African women's League in Kenya - these are the highlights. Travel must be slow enough to allow such accidents to happen. Slow travel has mainly been about learning again and again that most people are poor, a very few people are exceedingly rich and doing nicely, corruption is normal, clean water is precious and good people everywhere are doing what they can. Tourists are generally shielded from the grosser evidence of this: airport officials do not hassle for money and even cheap hotels have running water where few of the population do. Entering a country by boat, it is just necessary to deal with customs, immigration, port and health authorities, a host of bureaucracies. These first delicate encounters with officialdom have proved a remarkably accurate barometer when compared with the Corruption – Perception Index published by Transparency International, a Berlin-based pressure group. Fast travel enables increasing number of people to visit more exotic and remote places, but as tourism becomes a significant factor in struggling economies, more and more incredibly fancy resorts are being built in places with the poorest populations and most intractable socio-political problems.

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Most tourists on their two-week holiday do not want to be confronted by poverty and disease or reminded that the soup they just ordered costs twice the waiter's daily wage. The waiter may count himself lucky to earn a daily wage. Increasingly, sailing takes you only to places that can also be reached faster and more comfortably by people who are in more of a hurry to find tranquility. Since anchoring in commercial ports or near big towns can be unsafe, sheltered bays or remote islands are particularly attractive but it is here that one most often stumbles upon exclusive resorts where guests are delivered from the nearest airport by private planes or motor yachts. Throughout the Indian ocean, posh hotels serve low-key casual tropical-paradise elegance. Each night at sea I do the midnight to six o'clock watch. Since having a light on kills night vision, I do little except monitor our position regularly, trim the sails and perhaps learn to recognize another constellation or rehearse some little phrases of Kiswahili or whatever, ready for landfall.

Question No.: 48

The final paragraph describes a scene which is best called:

A. languid.B. listless.C. languorous.D. idyllic.

Question No.: 49

The author mentions the unusual 'accidents' to drive home the point that:

A. slow travel is at best a collection of entertaining anecdotes.B. slow travel is a vague wandering with no fixed ambition.C. the rewards of slow travel cannot be bought, rushed or organized.

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D. slow travel is a way of being wherever you are

Question No.: 50

The author's severe censure of luxury travel is tempered by which of the following sober recognitions? [a] Exotic locations are now easily accessible. [b] Tourism aids in reviving economies. [c] Employment is generated. [d] Economic activity accelerates development.

A. a, b and cB. a, b and dC. b and cD. a and b

Question No.: 51

DIRECTIONS for questions 21 and 22: Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the sentence that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. There was a time when the Indian Army was placed on a high pedestal – the soldier was considered the most honorable of men and his wife, the noblest of them all. Though the wife lived in dread of the midnight call that brought dreadful news, she was the epitome of equanimity and grace. She took everything in her stride. She knew the importance of community living and her duties towards the families of the troops, while her husband led the men into the battle field. ________

A. Discipline and duties were bywords for not just the men, even the women were married to them.B. Equally well, she could throw a dinner for 20 people at an hour's notice.C. To help both the Army and the young women adapt to each other better, it is the husband who has to be the bridge.

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D. Indeed, a lot of friction seems to be stemming from the fact that the young wives don't like being ordered around by wives of seniors.

Question No.: 52

DIRECTIONS for questions 21 and 22: Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the sentence that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. Writer Rebecca Dana, of Daily Beast knows the 'type'. She describes them as 'species of walking, talking Barbie dolls' who have little more than well kept bodies to their credit. There is very little to distinguish one from another, who exist on the periphery of the charmed famous circle. ______________

A. They show up on society pages dressed in designer clothes, either cost-tailing on an elder sister's good fortune or a singing-acting-compeering career, none of which is going anywhere but one which is nevertheless controversial.B. There does not seem to be any amount of individuality here.C. They are dictating fashion trends and beauty world over.D. It is imperative to stay in the limelight since obscurity is dogging their heels at every step.

Question No.: 53

Six students, Ajay, Suresh, Mahesh, Ramesh, Ravi and Harry sit around a circular table which has six equispaced chairs. Each student studies exactly one subject from among Maths, Arts, Engineering, Medicine, Science and Law. Suresh is sitting opposite Mahesh. The science student is to the immediate right of the maths student and opposite to the medicine student. Ravi is to the immediate right of Mahesh. Harry is opposite the medicine student. Ravi is neither the science student nor the maths student. If Ajay is the medicine student, which subject is Ramesh studying?

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A. EngineeringB. ScienceC. MathsD. Cannot be determined

Among four girls – Ramya, Rani, Rama and Rajni – no two girls are of the same age. If Rama is older than Rajni, then Rani is older than Ramya. If Rani is older than Rama, then Rani is younger than Rajni. If Rani is younger than Rama, then Rani is older than Rajni. If Rajni is older than Rama, then Rani is older than Rajni. Who is the eldest of all the girls?

A. RamyaB. RaniC. RamaD. Cannot be determined

Question No.: 55

DIRECTIONS for questions 25 and 26: In each of the following questions, the word in capitals is used in four different ways, A to D. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE. PASS

A. I struggled to obtain a pass for the Anupam Kher show.B. Donkeys are the best mode of transport in the Khyber pass.C. I have been promised a car the day I pass out of medical schoolD. Bad memories will eventually pass away.

Question No.: 56

DIRECTIONS for questions 25 and 26: In each of the following questions, the word in capitals is used in four different ways, A to D. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE. SCORE

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A. The Australian cricket team put up a good score in today's match.B. Before you sow the seeds, you need to score the land.C. The beautiful flowers attract butterflies by the score.D. The highlight of the movie is an inspired score by the music director.

Paragraph Title: Questions 27 to 29 DIRECTIONS for questions 27 to 29: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. Four colleges – P, Q, R and S – together sent five girls – A, B, C, D and E – and six boys – F, G, H, I, J and K – to participate in an inter-university chess competition. The following information is also known: (i) A and E are the only girls from their respective colleges. (ii) Only J and K are sent by college R. (iii) A is not from the college which sent the maximum number of students. (iv) Girls came from more number of colleges than boys did. (v) College S sent more girls than college P, which did not send any boys. (vi) Each college sent a different number of students.

Question No.: 57

How many girls did the college S send?

A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3

Question No.: 58

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Which college sent the maximum number of students?

A. PB. QC. RD. S

Question No.: 59

Which of the following statements cannot be true?

A. The college which sent the maximum number of students, sent only one girl.B. C and D are the only girls sent by their respective college(s).C. A was the only student from her college.D. E was sent along with four other students from her college.

Question No.: 60

DIRECTIONS for question 30: The following question presents four statements of which three, when placed in appropriate order would form a contextually complete paragraph. Pick the statement that is not part of that context.

While 2001 has been and gone, and there is still no sign of a HAL-like computer, individual systems can play chess or transcribe speech.2001 featured an intelligent computer called HAL9000 which could understand and speak English with a hypnotic speaking voice, play chess and even lip-read.The film AI was based on an idea by the late director, Stanley Kubrick, who also dealt with the topic in another film, 2001: A space Odyssey, which was released in 1969.HAL thus encapsulated the optimism of the 1960s that intelligent computers would be widespread by 2001.