92813600 Astrology Notes

Reference: Fundamentals of Astrology By M. Ramakrishna Bhat http://books.google.co.in/books?id=BXwVuJakDXcC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false According to Indian System there are 9 Planets as below: 1 SUN 2 MOON 3 MARS 4 MERCURY 5 JUPITER 6 VENUS 7 SATURN 8 ASCENDING NODE(Dragon’s head) 9 DESCENDING NODE(Dragon’s Tail) According to Indian System there are 12 Rasis as below: 1 Mesha (Aries) 2 Vrishbaha(Taurus) 3 Mithuna(Gemini) 4 Karkataka(Cancer) 5 Simha(Leo) 6 Kanya (Virgo) 7 Tula (Libra) 8 Vrischika (Scorpio ) 9 Dhanush (Sagittarius) 10 Makara (Capricorn) 11 Kumbha (Aquarius) 12 Meena (Pisces)

Transcript of 92813600 Astrology Notes

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Reference: Fundamentals of Astrology By M. Ramakrishna Bhat


According to Indian System there are 9 Planets as below:








8 ASCENDING NODE(Dragon’s head)

9 DESCENDING NODE(Dragon’s Tail)

According to Indian System there are 12 Rasis as below:

1 Mesha (Aries)

2 Vrishbaha(Taurus)

3 Mithuna(Gemini)

4 Karkataka(Cancer)

5 Simha(Leo)

6 Kanya (Virgo)

7 Tula (Libra)

8 Vrischika (Scorpio )

9 Dhanush (Sagittarius)

10 Makara (Capricorn)

11 Kumbha (Aquarius)

12 Meena (Pisces)

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Constellations/Nakshatras in each of the 12 Signs

The belt of Zodiac contains 27 Constellations/Nakshatras distributed across 12 Rasis. If you divide

27/12=2.25. Therefore, Each Rasi contains 2 stars and a quarter which is equal to 9 Padas(quarters) of


1 Mesha (Aries) Asvini, Bharani, Krittika 1st Padam

2 Vrishbaha(Taurus) Krittika 2nd, 3rd and 4th Padas Rohini 1st and 2nd Padas of Mrigasira

3 Mithuna(Gemini) 3rd and 4th of Mrigasira Arudra Punarvasu 1st, 2nd and 3rd Pada

4 Karkataka(Cancer) Punarvasu 4th Pada Pushyami Aslesha

5 Simha(Leo) Makha Purva Phalguni Uttara Phalguni -1st Pada

6 Kanya (Virgo) Uttara Phalguni -2nd, 3rd and 4th Hastha Chitta 1st and 2nd Pada

7 Tula (Libra) Chitta - 3rd and 4th Swathi Visakha –1st, 2nd and 3rd

8 Vrischika (Scorpio ) Visakha – 4th Anuradha Jyestha

9 Dhanush (Sagittarius) Mula Poorvashadha Uttarashadha-1st Pada

10 Makara (Capricorn) Uttarashadha – 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sravana Dhanistha 1st Pada and 2nd

11 Kumbha (Aquarius) Dhanistha 3rd and 4th Sathabisham Poorvabhadra-1st, 2nd and 3rd

12 Meena (Pisces) Poorvabhadra 4th pada Uttarabhadra Revathi

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12. House--Pisces (Lord Jupiter)

1. Aries (Lord--Mars) 2. Taurus (Lord-Venus) 3. Gemini (Lord--Mercury)

11. Aquarius (Lord--Saturn)

4. Cancer (Lord--Moon)

10. Capricorn (Lord--Saturn)

5. Leo (Lord--Sun)

9. Sagittarius (Lord—Jupiter)

8. Scorpio (Lord--Mars) 7. Libra (Lord --Venus) 6. Virgo (Lord--Mercury)

Each Rasi represents 30 degress of the entire 360 degrees circle

Degrees Rasi Nature Polarity Modelity

30 Mesha (Aries) Cruel Male Chara (Moveable) Dhatu (Mineral)

30 Vrishbaha(Taurus) Gentle Female Sthira (Fixed) Mula (Root)

30 Mithuna(Gemini) Cruel Male Dviswabhava (Dual) Jiva (Living Being)

30 Karkataka(Cancer) Gentle Female Chara (Moveable) Dhatu (Mineral)

30 Simha(Leo) Cruel Male Sthira (Fixed) Mula (Root)

30 Kanya (Virgo) Gentle Female Dviswabhava (Dual) Jiva (Living Being)

30 Tula (Libra) Cruel Male Chara (Moveable) Dhatu (Mineral)

30 Vrischika (Scorpio ) Gentle Female Sthira (Fixed) Mula (Root)

30 Dhanush (Sagittarius)

Cruel Male Dviswabhava (Dual) Jiva (Living Being)

30 Makara (Capricorn)

Gentle Female Chara (Moveable) Dhatu (Mineral)

30 Kumbha (Aquarius)

Cruel Male Sthira (Fixed) Mula (Root)

30 Meena (Pisces) Gentle Female Dviswabhava (Dual) Jiva (Living Being)

Hora(Hour): Each Rasi is divided in to two horas. Each Hora with 15 degress. Owners of Hora in all these

12 signs are SUN and MOON.

Degrees Rasi First Hora is ruled by Second Hora is ruled by

30 Mesha (Aries) Sun Moon

30 Vrishbaha(Taurus) Moon Sun

30 Mithuna(Gemini) Sun Moon

30 Karkataka(Cancer) Moon Sun

30 Simha(Leo) Sun Moon

30 Kanya (Virgo) Moon Sun

30 Tula (Libra) Sun Moon

30 Vrischika (Scorpio ) Moon Sun

30 Dhanush (Sagittarius)

Sun Moon

30 Makara (Capricorn)

Moon Sun

30 Kumbha (Aquarius)

Sun Moon

30 Meena (Pisces) Moon Sun

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Drekkana(Decanate): Each Rasi(30 degrees) is again divided in to 3 equal parts of 10 degrees each.

Rasi Lord of the Sign Ruler of Decanate 1

Ruler of Decanate 2

Ruler of Decanate 3

Mesha (Aries) Mars Lord of the same sign i.e Mars

Lord of the 5th Rasi i.e. Sun

Lord of the 9th Rasi i.e., Jupiter

Vrishbaha(Taurus) Venus Venus Mercury Saturn

Mithuna(Gemini) Mercury Mercury Venus Saturn

Karkataka(Cancer) Moon Moon Mars Jupiter

Simha(Leo) Sun Sun Jupiter Mars

Kanya (Virgo) Mercury Mercury Saturn Venus

Tula (Libra) Venus Venus Saturn Mercury

Vrischika (Scorpio )

Mars Mars Jupiter Moon

Dhanush (Sagittarius)

Jupiter Jupiter Mars Sun

Makara (Capricorn)

Saturn Saturn Venus Mercury

Kumbha (Aquarius)

Saturn Saturn Mercury Venus

Meena (Pisces) Jupiter Jupiter Moon Mars

Navamsa: A sign is further divided in to 9 equal parts called Navamsa.

30 degrees/9= 3 degrees and 20 minutes.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mesha (Aries)

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio





Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo


Libra Scorpio




Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini


Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio






Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio


Kanya (Virgo) Capricorn


Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

Tula (Libra) Libra Scorpio




Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini

Vrischika (Scorpio )

Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio





Dhanush (Sagittarius)

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio


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Makara (Capricorn)



Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

Kumbha (Aquarius)

Libra Scorpio




Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini

Meena (Pisces)

Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio





All Chara Rasis—Navamsa bearing the same name as the 1st one.

All Fixed Rasis-- Navamsa bearing the same name as the 5th one.

All Dual/Common Rasis-- Navamsa bearing the same name as the 9th one.

Mesha (Aries) Land Quadraped Kshtriya

Material Signs

Vrishbaha(Taurus) Jalasraya Quadraped Sudra

Mithuna(Gemini) Land Human vysya

Karkataka(Cancer) Aquatic(moving in water)

Reptile Brahmin

Simha(Leo) Land Quadraped Kshtriya

Kanya (Virgo) Jalasraya Human Sudra

Tula (Libra) Jalasraya Human Vysya

Vrischika (Scorpio )

Aquatic(moving in water)

Reptiles Brahmin

Dhanush (Sagittarius)

Land First half of Dhanush is Human Later part of Dhanush is Quadraped


Philosophical Signs

Makara (Capricorn)

Aquatic(moving in water)

Reptile Sudra

Kumbha (Aquarius)

Jalasraya Human Vysya

Meena (Pisces) Aquatic(moving in water)

Reptile Brahmin

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Strength of Rasis

Human Signs

Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius

When any of these human signs happens to be in lagna, then the sign attains strength.

Reptile Signs

Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces

These are strong when they happened to be in the 4th 7th house from Lagna


Aries, Taurus, Leo, These are strong when they happened to be in the 10th house from Lagna


Planets characteristics

Rasi Actual lord of the house

Exaltated Lord

Highest exaltation point in some houses happens to be for some other lords other than own lords

Lowest Debilitation happens at the 7th house from the highest exaltated house

Mesha (Aries) Mars Sun Sun is really exalted at 10

degrees of Mesa

Saturn is fully debilitated at 20

degrees of Aries

Vrishbaha(Taurus) Venus Moon Moon is fully exalated at 3

degrees of Taurus

Mithuna(Gemini) Mercury

Karkataka(Cancer) Moon Jupiter Jupiter is fully exaltated at 5 degrees of cancer

Mars is fully debilitated at 28 degrees of Cancer

Simha(Leo) Sun

Kanya (Virgo) Mercury Mercury Mercury is fully exaltated at 15 degrees of Virgo

Venus if fully debilitated at 27 degrees of Virgo

Tula (Libra) Venus Saturn Saturn is fully exalated at 20

degrees of Libra

Sun is fully debilitated at 10

degrees of Tula

Vrischika (Scorpio ) Mars Moon is fully debilitated at 3

degrees of Scorpio

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Dhanush (Sagittarius)


Makara (Capricorn) Saturn Mars Mars is fully exaltated at 28 degrees of Capricorn

Jupiter is fully debilitated at 5 degrees of Capricorn

Kumbha (Aquarius) Saturn

Meena (Pisces) Jupiter Venus Venus if fully exaltated at 27 degrees of Pisces

Mercury is fully debilitated at 15 degrees of Pisces

Mulatrikona house

Own House Mula trikona House

SUN Last 10 degrees of Leo Initial 20 degrees of Simha

MOON First 3 degrees of Taurus Last 27 degrees of Taurus

MARS Remaining 18 degrees of Aries First 12 degrees of Aries

Scorpio is his NEGATIVE HOUSE

MERCURY First half of 15 degrees of Virgo is exaltation. And Last 10 degrees is own house GEMINI is his POSITIVE own house.

Next 5 degrees of Virgo

JUPITER Rest 25 degrees is his own house First 5 degrees of Sagittarius

VENUS Rest 10 degrees is his own house Initial 20 degrees of Tula

SATURN Rest 10 degrees is his own house First 20 degrees of Aquarius



Exaltation Mula trikona House


Virgo Taurus Gemini, Cancer,

KETU PISCES, VIRGO, TAURUS, latter half of Sagittarius

Pisces Scorpio Saggittarius

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Planet Sex Deities

SUN Male Natural Malefic


MOON Female Parvathi

MARS Male Natural Malefic


MERCURY Eunuch Natural Benefic

Malefic with a Malefic


JUPITER Male Natural Benefic


VENUS Female Natural Benefic


SATURN Eunuch Natural Malefic


RAHU Female Natural Malefic


KETU Eunuch Natural Malefic


Page 15 Aspects are to be started

Planet Karaka/Significator Friend Neutral Enemy

SUN Father Moon, Mars and Jupiter

Mercury Venus and Saturn

MOON Mother Sun and Mercury The rest

MARS Younger Brother Sun, Moon and Jupiter

Venus and Saturn Mercury

MERCURY Maternal Uncle/Adopted Son

Sun and Venus Mars, Jupiter and Saturn


JUPITER Children/Eldest Brother

Sun, Moon and Mars

Saturn Mercury and Venus

VENUS Wife/Husband Mercury and Saturn

Mars and Jupiter Sun and Moon

SATURN Servant Mercury and Venus

Jupiter Sun, Moon and Mars

RAHU Maternal Grand Father

Mercury, Saturn and Venus

Mars Sun, Moon and Jupiter

KETU Paternal Grand Father

Mercury, Saturn and Venus

Mars Sun, Moon and Jupiter

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These are known as outer planets as they are very far from Sun. Even though rest of the planets aspect

these outer planets they can not dictate these. Always the outer planets dictate the rest of the planets.

Mars 4 Houses Forward 8 Houses Forward 7th Always Delivers harmful results.

Saturn 4 Houses Backward

3 Houses Forward 7th Always Delivers harmful results.

Jupiter 5th House 9th House Always Delivers good results.

However, During Dasha Bhukti if Saturn is connected with the good planets, it is more benevolent than

Jupiter and If Jupiter is connected with bad planets, if is more harmful than Saturn.

Kendras : 1, 4, 7 and 10

Trines (Trikonas): 5 and 9

Cadent House(Panaparas) : 2, 5, 8 and 11

Succeeding Houses(Apoklimas) : 3, 6, 9 and 12 (9th being a trikona must be omitted)

Upachayas : 3, 6, 10 and 11

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The above picture is in the link


Levels L1 to L6

Levels Explanation of the Levels The importance of levels is based on the

defined order of L1 to L6. In such cases

where the first 3 levels may not be

defined for a chart, the lord of the house

ie. L4 is the most prominent significator

of a house. In short the first available

level is the most important significator to

bring about the results for the house

under consideration.

L1 Planets placed in the stars of occupant of the house.

L2 Planets Occupying the house.

L3 Planets placed in the Stars of the House Owner.

L4 Planet being the Owner of the house.

L5 Planets associated with the above Significators.

L6 Planets Aspecting the House / Bhava by their Drishti

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The traditional method of tabular presentation of information about the 7 planets and 2 Nodes

with Exalted or Debilated status in Signs and Stars.

Planets Exalted Star Pada-Deg

Planets Debilated Star Pada-Deg

Sun Mesh Ashwini P3 - 10 Sun Tula Swati P2 - 10

Moon Vrishab Kritika P2 - 3 Moon Vrischika Vishaka P4 - 3

Mars Makar Dhanishta P2 - 28 Mars Karka Aslesha P4 - 28

Mercury Kanya Hasta P2 - 15 Mercury Meen U-bhadrapad P4 - 15

Jupiter Karka Pushya P1 - 5 Jupiter Makar U-Ashadh P3 - 5

Venus Meen Revati P4 - 27 Venus Kanya Chitra P2 - 27

Saturn Tula Vishaka P1 - 20 Saturn Mesha Bharani P3 - 20

Planets with Key Words and relationship to parts of the Body

No Planet Sym Period Key Words Parts of Body

01 Sun Ravi

30days, Ist 5Days integrate, express, project Veins, Arteries, Circulatory System

02 Moon


2.25 days respond, react, regulate Stomach,Breast, Lymph, pancreas, Ovary, Sympathetic Nervous system

03 Mercury


30d, All days communicate

concentrate transmit Respiratory, Sensory organs, Nervous

system, thyroid, brain

04 Venus Shukra

30d Retro 45d/yr, mid 7Days

relate, unite, connect Venous circulation, lumbar region,

kidney, throat

05 Mars


45d Retro 3m/yr, Ist 8Days

initiate, activate, move Sex, adrenal system, red blood corpuscles, muscular system

06 Jupiter Guru

13m Retro 4m/yr, mid 2months

expand, mature, experience Liver, Posterior lobe of pitutary gland

07 Saturn Shani

30m Retro 135d, Last 6m

limit, control, discipline Skin, teeth spleen, gal bladder, anterior lobe of pitutary gland, bones, pneumo-

gastric nerve

08 Uranus Harshal

7Y, Retro 5m/yr deviate, invent, reform Sympathetic Nervous System

09 Neptune

146.5 months refine, detect, transcend Spinal canal, thalamus,

overall Mental & Nervous process

10 Pluto

20Y, Retro 5m/yr eliminate, transform, regenerate Cell form, Reproduction,

Tracts of secretion

11 MNN

18 months, Last 2 Months

Mysticism, Unpredictable, Uproot In KP only Planets No. 1 to 7 are used Mnn & Msn=Imaginary shadow Planets.

12 MSN

18m, Last 2 months Mysticism, Unpredictable, Uproot In KP only Planets No. 1 to 7 are used Mnn & Msn=Imaginary shadow Planets.

Nakshatra or Star Characteristics StockCharts

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27 Stars or the Nakshatras with their Names, Lordship, Caste Direction, Aim, Quality and Power.

No. Name Lord Caste Direction Aim Quality Power

1 Ashwini Ketu Merchant South Dharma Light Healing

2 Bharani Venus Outcast West Artha Fierce Removing

3 Krittika Sun Brahmin North Kama Mixed Burning

4 Rohini Moon Shudra East Moksha Fixed Growing

5 Mriga Mars Farmer South Moksha Soft Enjoying

6 Ardra Rahu Butcher West Kama Sharp Achieving

7 Punarvasu Jupiter Merchant North Artha Mutable Revitalising

8 Pushya Saturn Warrior East Dharma Light sanctifying create spiritual Energy

9 Aslesha Mercury Outcast South Dharma Sharp Destroying, Obstructs Spiritual Energy

10 Magha Ketu Shudra West Artha Fierce Dying, Spiritual Rebirth

11 Purvaphalguni Venus Brahmin North Kama Fierce Procreating

12 Uttarphalguni Sun Warrior East Moksha Fixed Prospering

13 Hasta Moon Merchant South Moksha Light Gaining

14 Chitra Mars Farmer West Kama Soft Creating, Spiritual Power

15 Swati Rahu Butcher North Artha Mutable Transforming

16 Vishaka Jupiter Outcast East Dharma Mixed Harvesting

17 Anuradha Saturn Shudra South Dharma Soft Abundance

18 Jyeshta Mercury Farmer West Artha Sharp Heroism

19 Moola Ketu Butcher North Kama Sharp Clearing

20 Purvashada Venus Brahmin East Moksha Fierce Invigorating

21 Uttarashada Sun Warrior South Moksha Fixed Victory

22 Shravana Moon Outcast North Artha Mutable Connecting

23 Dhanishta Mars Farmer East Dharma Mutable Joining

24 Shatataraka Rahu Butcher South Dharma Mutable Healing

25 Purvabhadrapad Jupiter Brahmin West Artha Fierce Upraising

26 Uttarbhadrapad Saturn Warrior North Kama Fixed Stabilising

27 Revati Mercury Shudra East Moksha Soft Nourishing

Exaltation Debilitation in KP System

Planet Exalted Debilitated

Sun 10 Degrees Aries 10 Degrees Libra

Moon 03 Degrees Taurus 03 Degrees Scorpio

Mars 28 Degrees Capricorn 28 Degrees Cancer

Mercury 15 Degrees Virgo 15 Degrees Pisces

Jupiter 05 Degrees Cancer 05 Degrees Capricorn

Venus 27 Degrees Pisces 27 Degrees Virgo

Saturn 20 Degrees Libra 20 Degrees Aries

Rahu 20 Degrees Taurus 20 Degrees Scorpio

Ketu 20 Degrees Scorpio 20 Degrees Taurus

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