91542685 Productivity Improvement Guide for Supervisors and Managers


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Guide to

This guide to productivity and its improvement will enable you to:

Understand the concepts of productivity, efficiency and utilization.

Understand and quickly use the productivity measurement / improvement techniqies known as activity and work

sampling. They WILL get you quick immediate results plus stand you in good stead throughout your career.

Understand the importance of reporting, not just this month/quarter/year but what graphingthe data you have in

your corporate database - much will be revealed if you can go back 5 years or more (using monthly data.)

Use visual management even if you're a junior supervisor / middle manager. Start taping your production / output

and productivity charts to your office wall; people will notice – what’s going up, what’s going down and what’s not

changing. What't the short, medium and long term trend in…

Be independent in your thinking! Show no allegiance to any one faction, but only to the concept / mission of

improving productivity (and dare we say humanity.)

If you manage on productivity, you'll become a star sooner or later. This guide will give you all you need to know to

make improvements plus develop the correct mindset.


Format: PDF A4 size

Pages: 81


What is productivity

How to measure productivity using ratios

What influences productivity

How to measure efficiency and utilization

Ways to improve productivity

How to measure and improve clerical productivity

Profit from productivity

Setting up a productivity improvement program

Where to start checklists plus ideas to make an initial impact

Stand-alone module price: $12.99

Productivity improvement guide for supervisors and managers http://www.accel-team.com/publications/atPDF_08_orgProductivity.html

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The aim of this guide is to provide you with the basic tools, techniques and understanding of how to make a difference

in your organization. Making a difference on a day-by-day basis means reducing the time it takes to do tasks. Reducing

time taken ( work content in formal terms) involved in doing jobs saves costs (e.g. overtime), increases profitability,

improves competitiveness and generally improves moral.

There are opportunities to reduce work content in every workplace situation all of the time. Even in your workplace, if

you are prepared to spend a little time developing the skills in this guide. The skills and techniques are easy to acquire

and require little time to deploy in measuring current work content, then finding a better way, then measuring the

difference (improvement) in time taken.

Who this guide is for

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Managers, supervisors, and employees at any level who wish to reduce the work content of resources deployed in their

areas of responsibility. Armed with this guide you'll find plenty of opportunities to make improvements, then go about

getting the improvements embedded as standard.

You will find the guide simple, practical and highly effective. It also provides a new outlet for your creativity and

absorbing dimension to your job— a constant challenge to do things better!

Key Benefits

Simple, practical and effective techniques to improve productivity

Quick, easy to learn techniques to measure current productivity

Measure and improve single resource productivity (SRP) ratios

Easily measure and improve total resource productivity (TRP) ratio

Trend SRPs ratios and TRP ratio over time to develop and maintain improvement culture

Uniformly report results using a Productivity Index (PI) from a base starting point in time

Concepts clearly and simply illustrated

Includes learning objectives

Applicable to any business organization

Career long skill enhancement benefit, those that improve productivity go a long way in their chosen careers

Quick start checklists will save money in your organization today, next year and beyond.


Learn and define

What is productivity. Production process. Service industries. How production is measured. Production v.

productivity. How productivity is expressed. Importance of improving productivity.

Measure productivity

Importance of measurement before improvement. Single resource productivity (SRP) ratios - how they are

expressed - how they are evaluated. Effect of changing inputs and outputs. Sources of standards. The

Productivity Index. Total Resource Productivity (TRP) ratio - measuring overall productivity. Importance of using

common bases.

Factors that influence productivity

Physical and psychological influences. Utilization of resources. Efficiency of resources. Work methods.

Supervision. Motivation.

Measure utilization and efficiency

How to do activity sampling. How to do work sampling. Time study, rating, allowances and standard time (time

study techniques required in certain circumstances.)

Ways to improve productivity explained

Methods analysis. Method improvement. Value analysis. Loss control. Overcoming resistance. Gaining


Measure and improve clerical productivity

Principle of self management. Measuring clerical utilization. Time logs. Task measurement. Establishing

standard times. Establishing workloads by departments and sections. Improving clerical productivity.

Profit from productivity

Short and long term investments. Return on assets managed. Productivity of fixed assets. Productivity of current

assets. Role of productivity improvement. Every employee a finance manager.

Setting up a productivity improvement program (PIP)

Gaining management commitment. Selecting team leaders. Training the teams. Keeping it going.

Quick start productivity improvement checklists

Causes of poor productivity, areas for inspection (time, ideas, methods, supplies, machinery/ equipment,

manpower, accidents, non cooperation, space) checklists. Human factors checklists.

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The Workplace Productivity Improvement Collection includes the following guides (in PDF):

Productivity Improvement

Team Building

Employee Motivation

Employee Performance

Employee Evaluation

Organizational Norms

Open Systems

Personal Effectiveness

Productivity improvement guide for supervisors and managers http://www.accel-team.com/publications/atPDF_08_orgProductivity.html

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