€¦ · (»91 TRETAIL, L fobWHOtWA'kPBirF.« bOM'MON& HAltT. TMMIPALL I...

(»91 T RETAIL, L fob WHOtWA'k PBirF.« bOM'MON & HAltT. TMMI PALL I M»" mi* AT IONS OF cfJBTAIN AND I'PHnl.-aTPRY GOOD-t FKEN' Ü AJ»D A .Mr rh AN PAPER HAN Gl NO*. Aadt.rf large rto-k of GOLD AM» PAINTED WINDOW SHADE.1*, OF THEIR OWN MAKLPacTI K>. .WlLOMON A HART here tM~btrr>>*« and bo* ae-tec-ted a* '.( the above mvA» to be last**] Ik tAi* CM7 end *"» .¦"jr. eben. 10 THE aklAJL 1 R ADK AT WHOLESALE PRICE* Vul'llV,il.\M I U E C\ Bl UN'H, 1" 'i IUC LAROr.hT AND HP..«T-UELEGT E0 STOCK to thia Bra** it, Rod uv« to t>! 74 ? I. *i «*. »£, '* ¦»« P*" »?».' K.I.oMON A HAKT *'« >.'< >U .vi»** ¦ in BROADw AY. I^twc-.« Amity and 4th-«te. UaP I ORP.AT BARGAINrl IN MILK* BOB pieeaw K*t**-eoality Pl.AID tod BAYADERE at « ro- 4mmW*i t7*m *,. Ala*. !«V tpw-oae tl»V*w»l Boo. * I per yard to 75 ¦.»?».». .Mil BROADWAY, b*tw**n Ajuti m.-l in:»ti- f I*t| w M> I - i MO, -. \s (>r»«t Rodert!.-* la ALL-WOOL DRLAINEB, CHINTZ FIGURES, rodu'tsd from 71 aeat* to I »and 4/. Alte. alote»fPrie4»d All-V4 o»| at I/O. ftjpj ,5K°AV\M Ki rt fc ''TT' A""tr ,th"tW' Ma*»}<tM »fror* two ow* n.»r- P». ia>- and Ma:icbawt>-r DE¬ LAINES at I, par Jtrd ; worth I I /.(II BROADWAY, Mween vmitir und4tl ' la' I Wil K K- 4 Mo". NAN >l«v. «wt re-rei*»-) W piee-. W |L*C HLAI K -11.KM at Heava** and a> I per yaH; worth + JJ. /.(II BBOADWAY, L*iwe*a /imiti Rod lt*b ¦I I*' I WILKEa A MOYNAN Ar» BOW opening t large luaoira of PR I Ml .t I i worth 1,0. I»i..m k CRAPE BETH, ( OLIaÄIWsnd VW!.-, Ii tr« ihtara Alao HUM P. MOURN INJ SETS COL LARS and HANDKERCHIEFS io ev»ry ..e»i»ar>> »tvle drain. Ltnh I LEY BAILEY, PABRINGTON A i. ESLIE, No. BW Broadway. \f ili.lNhK j 00 At R MA ft jaarti.rt at«««t re iriug, *>»,. Yiaa a.--'r In !!<-. a'">> » -»¦*' r>t. In a Jol.o.ui Houar. draJinj in i ho above tgeod»i *oeh . pereen alii it Mh*rally tr.-eGd with. Addr-a» ALLEN Tnur.ur rfli.-,, *Ml(UUi YARDÖ i.I INO. <'\|,M'i.|s, *mt\ ff * " f\ f tl Ol LI L(/l H at ha'f -ic iiika.m ANi»;<>n, BOWERY. third do»T from Hr.>r.*t. SA \ I A D Ö L la A It" Buy 'Ha* of t)>« br«t qotliiy hn* MOLESKIN SILK HATS at 4>i. and you will aar«. «>L fbaa* aauao Hat* ar* fAd <.***- arhrrr lor *4. Plajaaai rail and rainiinai. CON KLIN SMITH, N... Vi!« I! roadway. Chlnr-wi Building. AT Mr*. (iAYNOU^COIWKT arid~l»Kr»HT Store, i.adwa nan aa.lra-4 fraan Ihr largrat k and rartrty of atylea. htm t ttlrntiou paid to a graceful tit. Proxia n.oat l*a*i ritltl- 1 hr faahiouaha* Paria aiiap-- -Kilt f juat importard. No. «41 Broadway, two doort from L nion . puar*. K B Ladle. Ul abaprd hairta ah>r*d and niad* »*«>. SO M K T II I N 0 ENTTJUBLT KEW..Ire. Patent SI**** Button» and Shirt Stoda; alao, Cuff and Coliaf Flria foi Ladira and Arno hutton hole, do not unfaata-u For aalr. wholnah- and retail, at Ihn Oold and Stirer Waten. Com Manufactory of JOHN H 01FFIN, No. S7 Vraey H N. Y. A C. OLAMZ niot» for Chlldrna. T'hey IwaaBwB n* n, combine aJeat beauty and utility. -fare, Robce, <trc. KAM i PtRS Ol I.U.Iii DBeVUBIFTlOM, At eholeotle und retail, No. 117 Broadaay, up ataira. The *t aMlOwot the tr%de and the punllr hi ijrneral la inOtedto our ex teuaite and fa'tilouat'le at'*li ti the there. AT PRICES STRICTLY WHOLESALE. FAMIiONAIii.I. FANCY FlTR.S. El Uli H a kl . K M-Itrimponera and Manuhctarara SI]} plaaaed to exhibit their Taluaut* atw a to retail pa* *aaT.. r, ntlrftr,, of BAM I.E. Ml <K STfiNE MART PN ERMINE, Ar Whit.I, they will *ail at the luweat piue». No. 47 Maiden laoa. ayjbTjLLVE Kl _ _ A. T. STUWtRT 1 Ct 1 ADTF.S' l A.NC'Y H i;> -I.ADIJ.n FANCY MJ PL K.-'-Tb« «ubKritaer haa opened hi* ato. k of LA 111 ES' FL RS, corupriatug (LOANS, CAPES, MANTILLAS, a .- of fcaable. Mink, and other rhotc* fur*, la the latent *tylea, aar» low for a**h, IS kO CASE KXCEEDINU WHOLRaALB FBICES at retail. B. OOOE, I'ractlral Kur ier No. 4*) Broadway, up itaira. ITbit», fBBwhawinrga, Ar., twade to order in eeery atyle. .JU J ami.s ( HOU Y I-'UES! *MI .FtI/( onaWirlit ei Ko l-. n'» Bar Sal.te, Mink, Stone* 9tJ Marten, Fitch, Ermii.e, "li^-taan Suuiriei. Ac, At LEOPOLD LANO'S, BctOtB, 0/jOPfl, &t. AT JOK?** N(»b. 10 hud 1* Ann-et., $4 Faaaaok t atf DRKSn BIXrTS; rA«tw Doub> So.« W'ATER- PHOOP xtOtrT S. Can tod «ee ih«m ha/uro purrhrawin«. Ct\mnftemntte. B BOOK LYN TABF.K VAI'LE. Poaitlvely but Two Night* More. BATHER KEMr"S "OtaD POLKS." *DJNDA*J aaaj* 'lV'tvSDA Y K> ENI No's, Ne»ejn'r*r SI and« Tl'PSDA i. p. aa.. at I o'clock, LAST DA. LI OUT PKKkORMANt E. Chihiri u aaiuiitted ob th'a uni.i t n lo enta WEDNESDAY NIOHT. No? »*. GRAND FAREWELL CONCERT, at Willanwhurgh, Wuhlngton Hall AT H KN JKUV, BROOKLYN- TUE BLACK SWAN, Kaowa aa Mia. E T. GREENFIELD, wto five one GRAND t ONCEKi by ernli.-ut atl.a'a. 1his (MO.\DAi) EVENING, Nor it. Single 'I irk eta Mr ta. 1 wo uket. 75 it*. P'.ur Tlrlrtl, B>1 Door* "pen at 7 to romanoae» at I o'clock 1BLO * SALOON. OEO. ( II Kl-IV.BtarfB MatattfOT R. M iitKll.Ei. ...BuaLue.a Miliarer V. C. CAMPBELL.Muairal Director MILL CROWDED NIGHTLY. MONDAY evening, No*. tl. Aad EVERY EVENING during the ».-. k lb* war Id-renowned OEBRgE I HK'si Y S IB their uneo'ualed ETHIOPIAN KNTKttTAiNMK.N'I la artVrltiao to a prograaime par eirellear*-. will bo perf*icir' krattunr bore, George t knatt a *ery lau.-liahle Farce called the BLACK STaTCE. Oeo. Chriaty In hi* original character of.JAKE K t < an.ptaril aa the.STATCE hltat.r Eugene m hiaorlxiual charairei of .ROSE Stgl'l NT I'M Oraaalrkwhaaiera try rh* U LmanCE ob tüanrs- t4. aud ">i SA T No*, lb. for the aBweaal b*u»ht al Ladtiw an 1 Children. I^IKATKK FKANCAIS, No Bmadwar. X ^. ARDI, 1»> Ncrretu'jrr It- ». Ab.ian»ieot *u»p. :idu Keprew-utaliou extraordinaire ofurtB pariea BkeriBj-* Butbeatro. ^ Opera Ooii luue ea ue Ac*. .- 'be M.i»l.pie d'OaenbaKh Malbs Gamy reuiptfra >e *ni* Je MttwM* (La t hattet NL Ai- phoaoa-relul lie(teido. Le« »otre* p«r Leoni et Loire! CK (dl F P EMME VE.Lx .laaidoiilaevulMle. Joo* oar J*iia**wt. LofreC Leaul Mead. Laur»-'i. Ka.. et Ai J Deel eoweioatoti tat rxxxunenr* at 7«. Tleaaae ti cent a. (»Jt,».MI Ak"l fcltM.uN 1'k.kHill.MANCH on THAI trftntO DAY. TIG B^DAY, Nor 14 and "Ii SA I'CRDAY, IOHIN kt nanette par Mile. Chrvatlor et Ibdauoi, OraV* d* Spra.itrle-1, lob.u, 1. La Cheat (ra paanaaracera a I hvtia* a. tu A rO-MOII K O U 1 I,- K s li A Y , 1 BENTht ok MR. J.E.. l».K u ACK. ll<k>r. open 7 e 'cKx i ?- RNVENAOPRrE kNTJ SOCTH- FBN ZtMH.lKGVeU. A" 1..MIMAM, wiUeomioeaee *i VtaA? FBN /(M.t ix-ii aj kJntiea* ka their now '. lotkw And *r*ey AFTERNOON aad EVENING. Door, «pe« al 11 saai t»> eVlocA is their new Zoological Hall at PALAl > GARDEN lOtk at., ti.aarfet! »» P*at eniran-e on Monday, r II ppl »'« 0o*l»r . year* of age. li rent*, t'a'a MENAGERIE BIbMI IB 1 <HHle.ti >b of *utawd*. and blr Ja. i rovcOea (roBkaal «akwrawa » (hw gleb*. Tbl» eokectioa laraeokwae aaoet peafaa 4 ertrr eihtolted ara regard* qaid it »*rt»*y, and boa.ity of the aaiuie!» it contain* ana i* taooajy le-* MaaaBBlV i* the tValted state*. Aaaaag the pioaiui leoture* at thuIfliratiraW at Da* LINING M VMM" f H FLEPiltM UaantbeJ. »eeureir boat*] by Krge ihata laavler. and pe.fjrmed hr that celeb.**!* J AlOeM klK-t O. THOMAS. Hararrtihol ha* oaar teea eoaauieteai tbe laaauooth of the pr*a> oavl k«e| aad U to* kwsead'. by lu-tny A'auutaiial pvauail* .>ec txarlbttod in any country m4jm hok UIV(r» v w otahar the dent oi kralaod aatuaal* and eahiMt to the au- irtgr a over the ber.e teuent* l ug .ufluence are diverted ****T* tkTatliiajuk w the"fo"rv»t ,><. . r«. and *k- d raxe the w wi.dr***. pov- rt ot that*atoa«,wti... aedatr at. ». a* d.. ,. a*, a tu wlib alu»Mg aatuai, the eoarbratod trVk boot tli» ainoui. Win he iut jdu ed alto. thoBouy VMae* and ih- ... kt^Tlocko Anioat the nM« ^|k^tko*'^^^'^' <W»'*l* ',-r bobxkii monkey jot kg the pony ridfr Havkt aiBiaitibl.ia.tda.a.^y J, w ^ rp 0-M 0 R Row , j y s D l~Y hi.M .1- K av7t. w ALViH9 ITALIA.I w KLirit Week . HOPE CHAP' N" r* »rmtiwty. M »rthebn. ( I M RAh *ND SoC fTHERN ITALY. every EtEMNG at 7. oVIock; MOND Vi W EDNKt l>.\\ *iiJSV11RDAi .' 'I'm ACADEMY ofMVfiW.MOZART* MAO If TbkTTV.. f"-w«tivel j art w«-k but owe 0/ the mm. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. «. at I .'..'«. First mibe It Aiaertr* Of Meter« . wrM¦«»«»>*¦ trmm* Ftüj Opera In twseeN, *f THE MAGH KMTIT. 1>IE ZAl BKRFLCETE. (la liana*. I Th* »n**V»*»*t* fr*mtm «f the liiirfari DOW GIOVANNI. w Lach nettas-r time ner or .Muvm utvr dinuni.r.ed. a. I »..*t favor wBt, »tuet THK MaKKIAGK. OK PIOAR > 1.1- f-*» 1 nil if! a New-i ork. Sankf and Philadelphia, hin u 1' 4 la* tors »0 proou. » THE M AGIC ELI TE. 1»;.. ranksM hlfh. t<» say the .'east. *a any »(War .' Mi/.-i's r.-u.a operas. H will brought cat in ttiitahst *tyt*. wttii ^i'uiir« M>m. - * . 'y niTr riiiimii mid tin ru- and WT»h araat wntfk, tbr< the greet MtUtar fmau'em at IM d (/ the Dir« >:t. » j; «-r'a>a'y be fowad . (u»et nil* TTdina.-y otr». PRIM IPAl. CHARACTERS. Madfl ' Ol SON.a*.Y*tQc*rv or .as S'ifc»T MadAane GA/ZAMGA .as.Paataa Ma fTRAKOS** Madam* P.I.HKEI.aa_The fast lady and >Ae Hr* key The nebular leuor. SIONOR STIOEf.LI. wt:: f«r the fcrs» laa sppear m I T"*» by Massif, and .-*g bis ? .crated ret*of Taiutuo, . part I* whs b he baa w oie* 4 a 1. the u sdtng I »prrs Louses ol Oerrnsoy «mNO» rrmi, will appear in the Lighly important ebs/arier of Part'.***. fUgnor JI'M A.a».Barsstre Sit-.- r AMODiO.a..1 tu- orgr« Mr. Ml .'.LEE.Tb-.;.».«.t Max. MÖHRA. Mm» HPK HJUKH gad Mr*. KK.R.sNEK aa Ine eecoLt! and tbi'd lad!», nid t>oya. MK ( »KL BKROMANN *> h_»i. i..< i....t ...»..,». . ii tbe \ .l.u j of M..i- THE REGULAR < ONDI CTORA THK GRAND < HORI.'.I W ILL < GM PH IS P. UPWARD OP ONE HUND It V. It VOICES. THK AH'on SOCIETY Hat Inf nujrt kindly v...untrered their valuable serrvea. 1 HE GP. AND OK« HErO KA Haa been lne'e*-«d by aWaddMaMtw the moat prondn.t prw- f. s»cra tri the rity. THE EREE LIST IB ENTIRELY UCRPENDED On the three nigbt. ol M«t*n'a Magic Plot*. iti MORROW I -. ." .. « .,n IL To Or nr M hSTYRN. ALBERTINIk BEATM AbliE. WEDNESDAY (Thank.ri.inr Ere). No». ». at «. ..Jieocd and p'..U.f a" MOZART'S M l»H K OnTHUKMlAi iTbaok«rlvlii| D*yi. Nu*. .'I. 1 WO tirlAM» »*t KKORMANfP.I ORAND I HANKS'.IVIN41 MATINEE ALliPKTINT ./.(I hi.A. 1 ALDI: r .: j-;- tin . '-I the i-eietirite.! ean'etrire, MADAME ANNA lll.SHOP. ORAND COMBINED I NT KKTAINMP.NT. On ti.e .an..-ereiunz, i ll RSDA) Nor. 71, I'.t appearance *ua denul ol Mile ADELINA PAiTI, w heo wiH l«e (iren Doaiartti'e eriebrated Opwr* af Ll( IA Dl LAMMKHMooit Vi> ADK.I.lNA PATTI will make her d'but aa..Lucia BRIONOLI a..Kd/ard* i 1 rr.a; baritone. Si»nor PKKRI. (fill Baak* hi i-t appearance a..A irrte* I UI Ks OK ADMISSION ON THANKSGIVING DAY. Adnn.>u.n to parquet and bairoiir.ONr. DOLLAR. N. tl Seat» ina% 1^* ..-. ».red in adeane*- W f'i HOI T If.X 1 HA CHARGE. Fnnjily < irele.-Vj Amphihoator.ISeewta. Private boa-., to admit four.*>«. AKMI AI. h.S JKHJ.M.SMKN J All! OK THE ciiAiiriAHi.i; PÜKJD Of the ST. GEORIO^'S .SfX-TKTY. W INTER GARDEN. no'. I.MIO It Mt, i<iw Doora orer. a' T o', ,<.. a to ooime* e at 1 o'.4*ek, iw1(. j.1 '..'mame will ron»l«t nf a DRAMATIC y. N T K Ri AIN M K. T by th* Taleu'.-d Company of trie Winter Garden A PARLOR OPERA. Hy Mr aaH Mra. HENRI DKAYTON, who hare klt.d.y voltintrered tb' ir «er»b-ea npou tbia occaalon, and THE NATIONAL ANTHEM, T*b»l 1 MAm GELLIE Mr. HENHl nit A CON and Mr. PERRING, Iher wtth the effective ( h r..a of the Winter Garden. In tlw mww of the ermine two BALLADS will be eun| by iheMUee* GKLLIKanl I'l.RRlNG On thia occaaion, free ooanannateatton will be had to nil port, of the iiouae. Tb-k> ta, $jl each, to he bad ol the following Committee: John C. liealea. M. D. Jarno Hooper Proiit. K M. Arrhi'oal.l. H. 15. M Con. Robert WaUer, Edward K. Ward, '! houj*. M. Brain.- Edward Walter, Ü. M. Krtevitt, Th. maa Limn, Jamrt Napi' r. ALtbuny Barotay. John T. Walker. Cbarlea Kdwaru., John Cook. Marard K Sand-raon. John G. Dale, W D. ( Jthbcrtaou, Ciiarlea K. KlLiaao. John S. Partlett, M. D.. A. H. Oihbea. W iliiau Youth, John R. Uoole, Septuaiu* ( rooks, Arthur Kendall. Joseph C. Wells, Thomas D. Mlddleton, Dr R PenueJI. W. M. Neill. Hr. Otto Rotton. Georr- S Rainaford. ll*ury Kyre, Charles V inten. Rohwai Bare, Cbarlea H. WeJtb. I'bil.p Prili hard, J^AUKA KKKNE'8 THEATER. NEW AND HK.AUTIKÜL H\K ACT PLAV MONDAY I \ KM I SO . AND EVERY EVENING DI KING IHK WEEK, wfil be presented the beautiful fire-set Play eutub-d IHK wirr.> .-r.t RET, W itt. the foüowir.« rsrellent uast: Sir V> a ter Auiyott. a( olonei in ths parliamentary serrire.Mr G. Jordan Lord Ard-u, a fugitive Cavalier.Mr. H P. Daly Jab. a Snetd, sir W alter's stew ard.Mr. J. G. Burnett hroi.ii.aid. I aptain of a Prnneh aloop.Mr. C Whealleigh Lie it Harrington, an olhcer in the paruauieiiUry service.Mr. Levick Harry, s courier.Mr. Jelfr.^s Richard i t ...Mr. Henry Robert. Sservsntsto Sir Walter.{ ....Mr. Evans James.. ) ( Mr. Muner-tl page to La ty Evelyn.Miss Macarthy Maud.-Miss Marv Well* Lady Evelyu Arayott.Miss Lsurs Keeua 1 o with the sdmiteit ilurleaqu* of N (IK MA. Norm*.Sirnors Markiul Smitbnrinl Jtdrlrisa.Madame V iuceutlo < letilu*.Mile. I baris uo Peterisko Tk. 1 ( An int'restiug dueof J-Si». L. VM mat The ( hildren.{ ,nfwi.|ie |0??.i)uh... }.M, Je.tne. iPollio, a Rooaa PtsVComal.Sit, M. Maearthv > lav lus. a < euturion.Sig. Nora Leigh Oroveso. an Area Druid.Stg. Atwood Dre.s-t ir .e S. st. u.av be s- .-e.1 .jtie week in edvsnoo. Doors open st b»; to conunaace at "A. Ii ARNUM ¦ AMERICAN MUSEUM. THANKSGIVING WKKK CONSTANT SUCCESSION til NOVELTIES! Mr. T HADAWAY, The Eminent Comedian. Mt. DELMON GRAl E. The Distinguished Otlrtr, In some of their most elective and |xjpul»r Itliper-ouatioa.. Ke.,1,1 ol the UMQUK sad STAR 1 LING KRENCH DRAMA of Kl'STÄCHE BATTDPI whicb wa. prrfngnteU for 400 successlv* nights at ihe Theatre Porte SL S.t- .1 in l'sri.. and will be produced) here, brsi time in three year., ea MONDAY Nov. 71, IH», In the EVENING, at "j o'clock, with a powerful cast. BUSTAI HE BAUDIN.Mt. DELMoN uKACS IMARCEL POOLET.Mr T HADAWA] 1 be real ot the ewet by the reotsiadeT ef the Cowpuiy. Art 1. . Seeae 1. Interior of ti.e auberge of Eu.ta.-ne. S-ene .Muun'aiu Pass snd glsviue. A Ispse of sis years. Act II. Saloon and Gardens cf the Countess d'Alberte. A lspw of vea Veers A t HI. See»* L A V illsge in*. Seen*A Hall . ( listeau d'Alberte. AFTERNOON, st 3 o'clock. Ihe fsree of MARRIED AND El RIED, Dtacu«, «nli bs tares of i HE RIVAL PAGES. I ll INKSGIV1NO DAY THLKSDAY. Nov. »«!>,. 1.*». PtRPoRVANCr.S NEARLY EVERY HOUR During Ihr Dsy and Evenin.'. coauueueing at i"! 1. u tod Ig*. minaliu,' et iu) o'dv * is th* evening. A fall-tength Wai Plgnre of OsAVVAToMIE DROWN, and n KNIFE found on th* body of his Son. the GRIND AUl ARIA cr sr«aiid Rive? Gttdetis; a LIVING SEAL. Ac., are among the ruriositius., TA esau, Cht Idrea ander \'\ It cut., Parquet, II ceuts extra. 4 RR1VAL of tl*< J\ MODEL or SOLOMON'S TK.MPI.E' This bsaotlAil work of Art. constructed alter the mos' reliable an, e-ul snd medera sothorltle«. W ILL BE OPEN FOR EXHIBITION IN A FEW DAYS TEMP L FT HALL. Eonwratr Da. Va« Z«nv\'« C"Hr«<.*, S>h«t.,atwi doer east of Browdw-y, ot which notice will he ^_ WH1TL0CK"» PRE* PICTURE GALLERY OP OIL PAINTINGS. I_No. mm CANAL ST. f |~U-M U K R 0 W\ T I i S D A Y , 1 BENIMT'IF MR LESTER WALLACE Door, ops n at ' u'.iock; to t^tsmenee at 7t. L SHORTLT CLOSE. I v v v BONNTAG'S t.hl AT PAINTING, " A DREAM on 1 Al.\ , Do.-Uorf GaOsiry. Mo. Ma Rrosdway. < kjt >. dsy and evening. Admusi >n si cent* CHURCH'" "HEART OK THE ANDES," NOW ON FXH1UITION AT I HK STUDIO BUILDING, .V... Ii TENTH ST bs.vse. .:.»!, sad ovh-a - Open 'on, a m. :.i -> [ at-, and rretn 7 to »in ti.e E venmg. Raht tsetvu tt cer.ta _t11^ K ? 1 iL ( Ii ULLI - Aj RH aOCcoiXKcritlN 1 >f X " RAR F". \NTMALS. BIRDS, snd other ( I IE>- Rmong wbteh sie Uv pew r i gOH 11 I. A. wi'h 'h-ir Skelet «s K«>l»l.OKAMÜV i;.e ueare.t .ppr | ma. mi IheJNSCHlEGO. the on!/ Ape known to tvuU t sn-i'-r IH. -, day and evening at No. ?.> Br** hrsy. tsWsheiov. dlrecarr- »I Adwittslce IS erat-- KOKA HON HECK'* L \-T TWO GRAND WORKi. Tb- EiKibitioB will shortly dos* st > OOI Pll.'< NEW (»t'.I.ERY. I No. T7J Broadway, ^ o! >h et t>p- i. 'Tom 1 a. ui -all ä p. nt- . Asfcadssi >n .'i re,r-. w IHTKBOABDKN Mi-»»» AGAE* ROHEKTtrON M< JErrt»>o*i »KWMAN S0004 Mr JOHNSTON e. -*r«-**r f BAXJMJ« ¦ Jab. Br*w*U- Mrt BLAKL a* Mra ^i^., . Mar-. MaatlnwL Mr -t^lHRTtilUIr*- .r OEO. HOLLAND - ^.»rtL^^ayt^«^ .ad or %rmnr% froto Tb* cricarv «vi L"' . ü»««»J«B> TO NIGHT, .,..» ,vv<ll<iif VilL rVtrtheb notice.>. Dit**-**'« aAavry .< 8MIKK .MIKE; sMiK)i aMlKK. fpB, (U »NFm fROM NICHOLAS NICKLEBT ¦..I. 7r*tt*ti*ed »' .I !>»¦>.'.¦'« ,-»'»,» «.* «L»»***». * ¦'.1',ll*IMt Mr l' bö! KCl« ALLT. O* TeaaBAT. Nor K MR jo- JEFFERSON'.- BENEFIT. Ob which oreBrf** will Kf^p"*4 . , .... .7.Mi». AgB** RllBBTtBB« . .Mr.JeSetBBe A.'k r "hi -^^J^Ä^ÖLE; 0».TB.V*»»«-TB...rx. Hi Jrfft^ THANKSGIVING NIGHT. A fBBBBl Holiday Ea«rneii»en< refuting « ABB SM IKK. T. rommee.. at 7fr Bei owaro »p*a Uom 1 to «. %i'IM ER GARDEN. W WINTER OAROEN WINTER GARDEN WINTER GARDE* WINTER °i>?»frjw u INTER GARDEN. VV,N'K BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT OP JOSEPH JEFFERSON, CM JEFFERSON, JOSEPH JEFFERSON, jfHEPH JBFFERrvON, JOSEPH JEFFERSON. to MORROW NIGHT, (.-MORROW NIGHT, to morrow NIOHT, TO-morrow NIGHT. to-MORROW NIGHT. TTiP.St.AV. TUESDAY, TÜKSUAT. tdebda i Tuesday, nov. n. nov n. nov. n. nov. n. Nov. ». Oa which 0"ta- B be pieeeated the THRILLING DRAMA op SMlKF VI. AGNES ro'iEUTSON AS smi EE. MleS AGNES ROBERTSON an kk. miss agnes bobebtson a- kj. miss aon En robertson as SMIKF. MR. JEfTEBSOli AS Nooos. MIC JEt PERSON A.- NOG IS. MR JIEIMt-oS A> NO|.''S. MR. JEFFERSON A.-> NOG'.S Alt». Ihr COMIC I»RAMA SOI,ON SHINGLE. SOLON SHINGLE, SOLON BUINGLE, sol.oN ¦'MINI.I.E. nn OLD YANKEE TEAMSTER. MR. JEFFERSON \- so >N SH NOtfj. WK JrFFrK-ON as SO .oN sHINOLM MR JEFFERSON AS SOI.ON MIINOLE, BOX book Now open rALLACK-» THEATER TO-NIGHT (MiiBBBf), Second time that ae-aou Mr. trooihani'i moot Brilliant Co.-nedy, ROMAN I i. », AND REALITY. A.pen Manly. (M.ver Manly..TV Mr«M,52 Frank Meredith.Mr. I.-ter W bBbsR Jack Swift .Mr Broughan I .>e,u*rKyd.Mr Tom Badger.«rc H^J Boraheh..Ur. t .r^T.n Bwl«ra.. .-Mr»- A. u Hmw.Mi- Man Ouuon Hetty.M-** r«»'"'u' To rouclode with (ninth tiu*| the Farce, teceifed with ro«r* of bbA^B: TO pAHJS AND BACK In which Mr. Sloan. Mr. Moore, Mr. Floyd Mr. Lerere, Mr. Vr Baker. Mr. Oliter. and Mi- F.jyd »». appear. lO-MORROW, iTuoadar), MR. LESTER WALLACE'S BENEFIT. Firtt time in two year*. _ WILD OATS. Por full partlculari of unprecedented mat se* Eitra Ad*erti-emei.t» IN THIS DAY'S CAPER. To conclude with a oplendii FARCE, in w hi. b the *tren«th of the Company wiiJ appe*.-. Door* open at 7 to romnience at 71 o'clock. BOX BO-oK NOW OPEN rpHE CABT Jl or WILD OATS. Por Benefit of Mr. LESTER WALLACE. TO-MORROW (TUESDAY), Nor. », ENTIRELY UNPRECEDENTED. _ _ ?TR GEORGE THUNDER.Ml: BLAKE. ROVER.MR. LESTER WALLACE. JOHN DORY.MR. BROUGHAM. EPHRAIM SMOOTH.MR. W ALCOT s|M.MK. sLOAN. HARRY THUNDER.MR. FLOYD FARMER OAMMON.-J-^I^bf BANKS .MR LE\ ERE LAMP.MR. C. PARSLOE. jk. LADY AMARANTH.MKS hoey JENN i GAMMON.MIS8 MARY GANNON; AMELIA..- vj-..^.MRS. WALCOT- Vll'l-O^iAKDKN. IN MAKROS!.Mr E.EDDY. FtwitfrrlT laot .*ix Nifht* Bf MR. AND MKS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. MONDAY nd TT''-DAY EVENINGS, WHITE HORSE OF THE PEPPERS. OcraJd Pepper.Baruey William* THE LAW FOB LATHES Mr.. BARNEY WILLIAMS ia .-ii ( h^rac'.-ra, _and BBYAN O'LYNN. TO-M OBROW. TU E s D A Y . 1 BENEFIT OF . 5TR. LESTER WALLACE. Door* open at 7 o'clock to coi..rnence at't)._ EXlIIIilTinN OF PAINTINGS. IN i EUN ATlONAL AKT IN81 ITUTION. No. CM Broadway, corner of 4th rt Tti. »rle. t Gallery ha* laatl* rereir.-d THE PORTRAIT OF ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, IMLHKsiZE. By J. S. hrader. Berlm. THE FORGOTTEN TASK. By Meyer ron Brr-neti. THE CHRIST .MA.-. TREE.Cartoo:.. ByTb Mmtrop. IDio**li -r' CHARI.PMA'.NE .Hi.tori.-a: PainUag. ?.y ( Ara O *-. r.erlin. Open from IU a ne to 10 p. in Adm.-^.uu. IS cenu. G REA1 NATIONAL PICTURE. "Till-: HOME OP rVABHINOTON Al l I R l HI V\ Mi Piilitr-l by BOSS1TEB and MH .NOT. Now on nhibiUon at THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF 1ESION. Ti.tH-.r -oB.ila UauADwar. from 9 a m. to i p. m and frati 7 to 9 evening*- Admioaias tS cer.ta._ -' M. 1 ,:. MB. el l. BA1F.MAN bm nkafiillfllij la announce to the p.' ... of N*w i era Out MH. SAN! t »WELala, THE ORFAT MVafTCAL O 'MEDIAN, will hat* the honor of appearing for th* trat time In thiadty on MONDAY Not W. 1 r*. a' the Frenrh Tfcearor, whi. h Mr. Btdemar. ha* aecured fbr hi* .erir* of Dr»-»iug-room Crcrrrt«. whieb hare been rec. iTed wi«h onqoaHned ao-ce** for the paa! three y»*ra m the chief crtiea of throA Britain and Irrlm I Mr < owel! wiü be a»rUr*.1 hy aeveral aceoiuplial-d m " a. > o.i 'h- c>: va-'eriatie* of the entire Entrrtainme-at will bo novcltr w nie a cannot tail to attract. Ill* originaland piquant Sketcn»a of Cb»r,cter are aa pecuhar a* they are tru* to n»ture, and are tilled wuh genui-;* boiaor. rn o-bc o r i öjj M i i i> a v. 1 BENEFIT OP MR. LESTER WALLACE Door* open at 7 o'clock, to ummeuce at _ ood . minstrels, No. *. BKG.vJ>WAY. SELECT NEGRO MINS.RELSY OPEN EVERY EVENING Oa THURSDAY NF.XT (Tb-maagiviug law) A GRAND AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE, Camaveaeia« at *4 o'clock. U onta. Cejariv no* at 7t. »tü)~m 0 r r 0 1 f b taSDAf j BENEFIT OF MR LESTBR WALLACE. Door* open at 7 e'rlork to romaa-n» at 7». ^_ IfALMF.E s STATUE I TOE WHITE C \ 1 'TlV I", en eibibilicB at SCTJAUS S GALLEBY. No. tit BROADWAY, Between Ueootou and BWeker at*. AdmWaion IS cant*. Opea fraBB Baa*, ha Bl B. BB. The eelebrated abbot] collection . EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES wBI rrmatn opea a abort tint longer at OS Broadway- Op** day and evening A<La»l*aioa X> THFTTrUhrÄD-a PAINTING of CHARLES THE FIR.-T bv the great VaaBaayasB -jw oa cLUCaUun at No ftOi Broadway Admiaaiio 15 c-u;. V D lATTOH'« WKW PAK I.Ol ur'iA n ois ii, SO std Mm, RK.4kT USA»'ToJTa PARLOK ort KAS AND LI Kif IAOfr.liM, IMME USE SOCCKSS. TWO NPW PIECES. MotDAi IvEMMi f.», Ii «t -i »V.»*, tut» ia n -* l: ti* Operetta. LOV E IS BLIND. W ret», ti.d e->rapos*d by Vat. Marrit, «*.> wkb .by «um wether). _ NPH'TOO LATE TO W> HP Mr. Drartac «Ol atsf THE STAJL4PAJaGi.ltD SA*. BE, ar,.' Mr. I -tytoa Iba < a > atloa traas P-eife's mat* ep»-* THE RO.-E OP CASTTI.r. Pia.»* ata. be «. a.J eey eiseb»e ef ntru. la a . .»-»» w-:A .art extra eherr» at the oaRre at* the New PtrU» Opera Hesse*. Brot t a, at. i p. at. htb laatakwred aad Ja eeasts Otmar s«**s. M -»ata The ctHTlaium»-.! U uajsh--d each asgat at lo»Vle-g. GRAND MATINEE -very Sstsrdty u i 9. iTJontfl. Af^M»K. IUAÜNDBE8S, CHAMBERMAID, \ .ty!iii".n.i M-k-v.-siTi tri i\- w tNTPn by Ibra» rvo-peieat yeuag >ou»t AI»» rry ttambn oC ssaart f*Tot»-taas Girls itvd Man it rarati sttosfisas aal with good reiereerwa. Ob head. . romps-tent French Ntree. App.. at TA Ei» LET'S PI EST<'LASS rEMALE OFFICE. Na rrt arb- bt near J5M .*_ A Lady ja ¦itanrktBi-av. A praaVii iloasi oolarad t aoA amd «raset ed VV aitei u»an al»o 00 band .IV ANTE\ a: sei Woman. * ><> TT baa liied fat ¦ tpssrtahte fiaafHaa ta Irei.-nd sad in this »ity a situation «. I LaDE and LACNDRF.m* a e-r«an 1* Meets, l'aautry. Baking amd IBs Wn klag aad Iraain« <ef s pti- 1at» family Weges Alse t arnart Girl r/ |.i to MIS.' a BABY and WAIT nfl a LADY. Hip. el ». Call at No. SlA r . .' ?M at \1TAN1 KI>.K> sri Alii-riran L.tdv. ¦ r.' :s.tion TT a. IIOCsEKrEPEli ia t hrtt-esess Iloot Add.--ea Hot SEKEEi'ER. Broadway P'~t-OSJr». MlCaa 11' \M I !'- \ -i M \ ! U >N ' ¦ B r«« TT f. tri: ia fills competent 'o txO her sitnation aa Coot m eicellent Ws*h»r and Ironer; wta at her la>t pla»>> three v» .-. R»ferenee from her present employer. CaL f»r lies days it .'«o. TU Weet ISM Bt_ ll'AMI I'-A situation t.v two o-t»-f'.i:>i.- ?? c.l. one aa CM AM PERM All) tnl WAITrR. the other aa ' OOK. WASHER an i IRONER; the beet of rtty ruf erearo i< rtNt'<ir»d. 1 bey ran be a.a for tao day* a! So. 14) Tart JlataL. b»t«*eu M and H a.a. AN HONEST rOI N<» MAN WAIT] ED, to no to t!alliii.'/re in t plenad. permanent fit'jnti ...1. Salary aS.'al r 1101.1a, Brat afj m..r.thi. OM ready to tttHMi to-day and niimt nr r wtthio a week, and nartut ? iW la caah. may ap¬ ply tmiseoitt-ly at No. ii» Broadway, OSir-e No. T. ALT. VAM1I.IKS^wanurTfT^ 8ERVAM I >. German Irt.rt S.-otrn. Knriiah, Ar.-^ail at the IS' fTITt'TK and HOME OK DOMPSTIl'S, S-> I IS r..'.h a ort.-t "f .-lit':. a». T;i.. eatel..r,e pue-e nee a.¦ _».. .. »I rirll. eepable help ta entt if), at moderate waree. Cov-iicted by a rrepertatri- Am»T>. an iady. tail and***. FAMILIES f antinif w«-l!-n*coiaui<üfli «! Protfat- ant HELP. h.>th Male tn i Ketnal-.will p!ea»e apply at toe EMPl.oY.MI BT A'iPNt V of th» PROTEST AST >:>:>< o- PAL BfioriiF RHOOH. No. ltd Atb ar., w..»re ta»y »an be ¦ ttppWed with hrrt-ciat. Looks. Lammlresses. Nursee, an-i .n-aat- :re - . % ... t n |.n.. ir..l W's tera. LA 1 >I K> in vt.-uifn! jr.m m! HKI.P fail Ise etinpliexl w :tb tL-- t. at of SKRV A NT." u Mra. TORKSTt l> Si ». No. it itb at., whrre ctwd Heip, from sll nalious. <aa be bad lot city or country, fta oiehooast daalittf* piscticed at this oSkce. S; IRVAKT8 in 0 REAT ABÜNDA MC K. - *J 1 reach. Germsn. Scot.h. snd I nah. teretbrr v. i:u Er« n< b and German ftrtt-ciaa* COOKS, wMh, may be obtained at the rooms of the EMPLOYMENT So t f 1 V. Not Lt and It Pi Me House. «th-st., betw-e* sd aad Ath tsa A iady in attendance. The German, Pa'i sn and r rem b lanfaaxe. spoken. PPO ri ni.lSHKKS .A Ltterlrj (;e:itlem.m at I tbi. city. Isle a member of the Press, snd th' roughly con- t with til the dirties of a journalist, desires an KWITO- KlAL t ONNAU TlON with some 6rst-elaes Hsi'y or Weekly go to any larteotyof the Northern states. Ad lrvsa CRITIC, Vox Ne. IM lnbuB» Orh=e, N. Y. \\'AN'J I iL.A voiiriK MAN of trood l>ti<inea* T T habt's si:.I i i :'.».*.ionsbie moral cliarvter, wisb»t s -1TI- \ 1 ION a. « OPV l»T or BOOKKEEPER, or in any olb-r h> ue.t and leii'.irr.ate bk.inesa. Tbus» In «.et o.' Bsrkeeper or . ..-des. j .-:.t ..--l not spp.). Is t Is.r -spij writer; been in a store fotrryears, flood r-terenr* Terms moderate, .'.d ire.. V. i kTE.M I S. Tribune Offioe. \\ .\N I r.p.-i:>-|H tah;- MMnvttUag 8ITTJA« TT TI (' N - js Orka, Bookkeepers, Saieeciea, Teachers, ' Electors. Porters, Barkeepers. Ac. should apply at TH P. MKK- I HANTS'I I.ERKS REGISTRY OFFICE, No. Krotdwsy. No cotcoitssion la adrance. References to fer*t class Ar plicanta f y mail mual Inclose two stamps fur delivery and po.Hu.-r;tsh..d 13JA WM. J. REHPAtH. ll'AN'lr J».A ri'Äjstsi'talilr?, RlMwaTi RfSw A'ti. c F.l an Woman, to TAKE CHARGE and do tti» Hol s, WORK ttxrept washin.1 of a PLAIN FAMILY of Ave per .. us, where she will be treated as a member, aad and a rood be me. Inquire, with reference at No. I!»l East i-TJ-st., till the 2t<h hast. AVA NT KD. In .i Hat, C.ip .tn.l Straw Qcjödl vT lloose s SAI E'..V'AN who can mfliien-e a large amount rf good trade, for wbicb s liberal salary will be riven. Address LEDGER HATS, Tri Iran* oAVe. WANTSD.Ar ASSISTANT DENTI- I". ? T iLorougbly competent in PILLING and I'LAi E Wi >RK- App'i sr.ts by mail will «täte their age. bow lonr they are Den- tistr, in wbal bran.-L they ex^el. wages repaired, and refareaeee. Add.rss to 1.1 A PRE 1 LRRE, Dentists. Bowery. N. Y. Ötütioncrp anb fantj} v?»ooba. clote & JANE& t? STATIONERS, PRINTERS, and BLANK-BOOK MAN- I'PAt TTTEERE, No. HOPulfon-sl. Orders respectfully solicited. QP0R1 »MEIN ai dGENI LEMEN <A Uha ARMY ij aad NAN \ ..R A B. SOLOMONS. Opticians. No. 4W Albe- ¦aghj at., neesdiliy, opr ositetb« York Hotel. Louden, KngUunL Purtsoibt\ on.bined with great powrr in the Field. Rj-r . o jrse, '';-- - .«; ut-door day and night powerful .jraistcoat- I k. : I tive Glssaes weighingonly four cun.i.-n r.iri- taming It si.d lb ien-es, constructed of German glass will show distinctly a prr.on. to know him. at aad i miles. skaTJ sqrre every | Bgpoa* on the Race Course and at the "per. II >uw«. CeSBatry scenery asd thipa are clearly seen at ? to I" raflee. Thi'V ar' aii<>" iusaiual«e for shooting. Deerstalking sad Yachtln«. Her Ms -y's I '.a.! Guards are making use of th«m as day ami night ghtsse.. Tie uiost p.rwerful and brilliant Telescopes, posstwsiug such extrsoxdioary powrr that some gj with vr, ettrr as- iNBasW e'e piece, will .how disltn -fly Jupiter's moon.. Pa*> urn', snd the don tie stars. With the suis Telescope a pa rson can be seen snd known t\ miles distant and an oniect B <B It la 10 miirs. All the above can be had of larger and sB sign with inert u.tng powers and are secured by her Majesty's Royal Letten Patent. Sent by express or post. Priming. TWM. EYERDKLLtt »\>. IOd t ilt.-r-nr.. i W eddaLt. V isiUns end Uusfcn»*»-Csid E'lgTavrre Stationea*, .in Job Pi inters. Lithograpbera, and Label .Msnura.?turers. spARDB, CUM I LARS, POUTERS, and .-vrr deseHrttor. oi JOK PRINTING la good styl», st low prices fir l \.>H st PMAIE A Co.'a. No. It Br-kmae-.t. M, E\ I BDELL «.*« 80N8, F.Ni .R.W ER"> AND PRINTERS. No. HK Pri-Tov .r., N. Y. E.ta: itshrd HIV I .Jo U)i)cm it Itlan vTonccru. .V°TI('F...JAMEB HENDERSON A (*<>., Al PR( I E( riV E TRADE AND COLLECTING AGKXCT, tAppleieu Buiidin-i, N'o .tt-; Btos.lesy K'e.iu N-^. |v ;.'-w-V ork. G. L. VV'ALKER, Attorary and Cotinselur at Law, it no loafer assorlaird or in or.y way roruie. ted with this establishment. All persons a'tf-.'ig»«i to set as Agents for aatd Agency for any purpose whsleter. are provided with a certificate of au- thoiily. signed by JAMES lit NbEESOR). .peelfeaig distinctly toe nature st.d extent of their powers. * reference to which will, st sll lime», protect p.-reo us U'-alio: with this Agency, through tBch Agents, irom sny imposition which may be attempted ojj persons pretending to heve auch author :ty. (Tljanccs for 13n8in£e9 fHcn. si IIHUUI IO -1 " '>» \v ED, ¦ %? I \ P*" l\ fl K lent or spe. isl PARTSF:P. with th- sSove rash Capitsi. in s business establi.h.d fur ten year*. A large pagtisn «I the bueiuee* done fur cash, and can b. nia.i» much a re riroirabie oy additional capita.. uiterview :-an be had by addreatirig D Tribune OffC-e None but pr.ucipsls need agapry. ^ '_ S>5! ^a I Ii U i .1 vtiD eielvaVavfv!. lor ¦ »tork tif V*l,lrinFe DRL'GS, PANCY GOODS, aad STA TiONERY sL^ut #:..**» of ieslrab.s unproved tut unimproved PBOPERTY in the City of Toledo. Ohio aninenmberwd. fc. H. OALLAHER. No. SI Uberty-si. f'i.Otio..Want.'ci. * PAST- R. In the PLOL'R. PEED and GRAIN ie the Liace of a retiring Partner. This buatnees has been eetahlithed for twwaty years. Sales will average »)Jsi.f-Ai per annum, as can be ahown by the bvuts for lue last tv* years or met-. Localion down t-wn Lease very foiof able.' Ad brat* W t R. Box No. i,71» PastOffica. All caa- .tu« strictly confi.Vo'Lal. ft .> ."»¦ II i -A I'AKTY WANTED Ü PART- ^-w.,*JlPlJs NPH b an estabuehod ant PAYING bCPlNESS In this city Sail.faction given upea an iaterview. Ade.»«. J A.» It., Bex No- Tribune OSsre. wkh 91,500 as ftlisccUanrons. _sU._ Ö1 AfiTERMAN'* PATENT 8TOVP POLISH. No. lit John-at New-York. IniRl-E SE(i»M»-HAND > A FES for SALE, WiLDER'S and HERRING'S KATENTa Alaa. ewe Isvte-etaed J-w-ser's Safe, st St Maidea kwt* rivj MANL EACTV-'RERS of COAL aad ROSIN J. OILS .J. t OLW ELL, Iron Poaasier. foot mb-st. North Rtrar I* prepared to gave estimates and furnish KETTLES of ftavn f to Rix» aaEttii «*eA :!snng a Urg- sip-ii-nc- in the kmi* he caa tarn set the work wnh dtspstcA. TV* Kettle* are all »ade trom Csaa** Iron. Pointe, (Dilfl, ©las«, &"c. MINERAL OIL..Warranted > p.rwt a CotJ OU as any ether In eaarksM for darabi Ky, bri. utney la boTDtar. and all the qualRiee of t Arat rat» srticle. This wul he told bt.ow the usu* rri . . L.rre.sof Wji..:'.. JOHN W tJCLKCT k co.. No ft NYLUita-st. tiCBOt« tfl Cel._ ROOMS LIT. with STEAM POWER, at N»a U1 aai IS M*ee*«r^c Apyiy t* the engine* .. »*. * b. v haugw-octt a c*.. r«w Broadway .»« ato. ROOMS. OFFICES a:.d STUDIOS to I.k" ia the ti^wUr-trmmt MUiu No*. »<1 *ne STTIV . aaaal »»H ia faxt/ by tbe MANL»A(Tl Rk.lL» h MERCHANTS BANK ..,. Aip v to HENBT TRFADtrF'.L. _ITIBTAKY A t o.) No. IX Broadway O LEASE.Tla- CPPEB FAKT of tlvs fi*a etorr nliBa laarth ftT'TI l"w' Be, Vi Broadway Amt . JOila T to william taylor. n*. Mal Broedwa* Ta > or. >., -as r roadway Real tjstaie tbr 6aU. rM'BCH for SAI.K..Trv- Cmrer***», Sortaty of Brooklyn. wwHbj to remov» to s raaattloa ¦**¦ ¦utn tto- ^at«r of thetr pari**, rfar (or SALE tavtr per* at ihr *n«r.- of Mo::roe-pk»a-» o i ( lark *C M a b< aaav* Qolhku t harr h. 3* t»y rj fe«<. bellt of twowo atotw. Fast term, apply to MoKRI- B F. 1 .V >Ll». N*. St* W'.»biagv*»-*t-. ort») aLEB BABsTOW No. ÄNa-w-a. 1,1 Ii HF-SS < Ol STY FARM C rSALE.TN« 1 " FARM of lA* lato t>L Georg* Vaadertai*. ine term, aa ata Had «na Rirer. toer nn>» aooth of P**gkko*p.:e. bovin*] a river front of orally half a aale, Inquire at a. H. MIL^». No. IM *i. ... 1/4 »R >ale.arwautitul COTTaTTe^I kaum. A m N aerra. arfth Utensil, and Fr-raitem. In a pieaaaat »il- kaaw, TO mtlr* Iruni New Yerk. P* a*wMfa*b tmo>rdiat>. S. EDDY A Ca Na. »1 UhaatyaV. N. V. Fasuionabi.f. sfmmer H< »tel 5r >alk. .tr BALDWIN HOU.-Eat Lok« Malvcpar, la ofTorad far BALE. Acren.ioJa**» 430 curate, »üb Stahl» and Carriar» room. Gardro ic ewawaiato order (»»retebar* aad fruilal in ad LaooiT» oa tW pretniae». or ol J. F. PIRSSON. No reapre t A. * Wall-«. FOR fllfiF flit I-'t* of LAND in NV.f-Ytirk. on tith and «tth-ota.. aear »da». AIm. ut» LOTS ia üiaahlia. rort»*r of < umo.-rlar.d-«>. and AthauGc-ev. Alao. oaa LOT ia W ar -.- n S 'r r.n *t». «.. 1 j. -e o: W EDWARD- N- «4 Wall-eL IX)K BALE <t EXCHANGE.A Ivaotiful «ms [|t> -FAT on the H ad-n. River aailoa from t ity Hall. i iiilmotaoa* aalt from Depot, with t* acre* «t »round, writ laid oat. an* 'rosstia* oa In* Rir»r Haara* ta larr* ist-.» all ihr ia-^irrn .mprovtaml* For .<e.r particular* iaqalrr of F.. i. LofEE. No. >f riar-at. FOR SALE »t PO I '0 H K EEP81E. A TerjTdt? ahrahle BE.-.DENCI'. In a ("od, health* ai'nation, ^m raaadlag * in* riew of the Hudson and combining all taxed- t*a:*f« of town and country : lot le* by 230 foot, troatiar oa Booth i irortT-o*. wall oupplird with rhoiro tr i-i and oraa mental MbBBM b«*o»> AO by ji frrt. w«fl built, rapitaliy arraafwd. and with all the tnooem convenience*; Tanant H..!-.»> la the roe- tor tSrOrr parfiru'aro ace'* in MARY SM \RT. oa the iar., or to JOHN W. MASoS, No. M Pia« et. N I pfBMfal I ÖT8 m BALE, H 1 J S. EDDY V Co.. No M l.ib*rty-*t. toppo-il* Fo»t-OC*i. Lot* oo 5th-»r., rear JId «t Lot* or. Jtb b-twrwo -Voth and Stkh-tt*. l ot* on 17th, Goth. Tid. trtb. Jbth. IMh aad 9rth-at« betwov-a Id *rd t h Lot. en iWh. S*tb. %th. TVth, Mth CTth. KAb. 100th. lOJth. V«th and 110th oto, bet warn ttb aad .Vb*ro. tUo --t.ri -roi.t. n Broadway abo>« 5#th ot. an 1 on 5»h and Htb a*», opporhe < rnfraJ Park. CHARLES v.. BHAW «V Co., All TmSF.FR* AND LAND AOKNTS, Ne V Fire «t. near Tbird-.t.. St. I^ui*. Mo. Orr* tpeciai alter-.*n to the Sale and Parrhaee uf Real F.otato. Lraninr ot n.rner. < ol.»>ctionA and oaeera-iriri c Ihii.u all lime* 0e..*ab'. WILD and CL'LTIV'ATED LANDS tor U . St. Lonl* RanixaM «« (by permltrloa): Char.e* Til' eoq Ja. P Yeatman. e*,j.. Derby A Day. bcarritt k Mtooa, F. O. Porter. M D Wm. L. Slow*, mm Child. Pratt A to. AoderMtn k Watoon. Jnstrutlion. ACADEMY of PENMANSHU* and BOOK- t\ KFP.PINO. No. 3>>2 BROADW AY, corner of Fnt . Private i r claM in.lriutioo da* and *vcina> Su. ce»» guaran¬ teed to all. old and young. Call for rirculart. «)LIYP:R B. OOLDSMl'Tr AMENTA SEMINARY, Ain. twa, D-iMt--*» «'<.., New-York.-1 h* Rot D. OAGE. A. M PrlnclpaX-Firet- r|a»A BOARDING St tiOOL far both tea**. TenuA low. Clr calar* »cot upon application. Winter Term. Dec. Ik. AT 11 (.-i' 1A 5AN5HIP and AKI1 HM11 FlC, « month*, ot leaeou* or Book-keeping 1i a*j&., B>lu. L*dirA' VV n'iur. Le**on*. At. )*> Iomobo: B- ro'. * I p-r month. At No. Hi Bowery. N. i.. or No. tU Fuilou oi., Brooa- lyn. tol. Paine the Well-known teacher of wn'tirujl* one of the b.t lmtructora in the State..| Mercury, Newport. H( 'YS' }U\\ fvDLNO SCHÖÖLr.At Little Fcrrr. B*rren County. 9 BBilectYom Hobokea, N. J- HOARD. Tl'ITION, Ac »?i*0 per year (uo extra* I For ctreuiar*. ad- ar... AB WIN ANT, PrinclBal. BlNlNEsN \v RHINO, BOOKKEEPTNG, ARITHMETIC.Mr. DOLBEAR. No. t*» Broadway, bao two private deako rarant, which n.ay now beAeeored at oofy ? IS for a full commercial couroe. Stitlnr.o ur troanhling will ho removed trom any hand. Ladie*' Writing Claaa, BX Appiy lu. mediately. M< »dnt Cashing n in collegiate INSTITt'TK. No. Ill tth *t. (corner of Ma. dougaJ-*t), on Waahhaftoa aaaar* h*-wr* CLARKE A FtNMNC rilimill Male p.'iel* of *11 ace* ar* received and uulructed fa al brancbo* pr- p«r.tory to buaineaa or collega. Mb. geo. c. anthony UWICAIa, FRENCH, and P.NOLISH 8C.HBOL, (with fli niriaai'ini ond ai-h*rt. No. R7t Broadway, corner of 18ta-»t., reopen* Sept. S. Circular* with full detail«, reference*, aad roU of Srhoiart. at RANDOLPH'S. No M Broadway at CHRWS r KN No 'til Broadwav. at No 19*) td-av.. and at the hchool. There ii a DeparUiient for Boy* frara A to 1 year* old NORWICH COLLEGIATE SCHOOL..The Winter Seowion of thla Boarding School for Boy* borin* oa the 2d of Noven ber. It* tpoeial advantage* compnae a deligb'- ful location, plaaaant accommodation*, and br.t rlaa* adlacational arrtngemantA. Term*. BSi per quarter. For eiroular*. Ac. ad dro*. the I iii.elp*l. the Rev J. A. SARTOR, Norwteb. Ceaa. PARKER & BERTH ET'" SCHOOL, No." 8* Eaat tl.t ot.. corner of Broadway, will reopen Sept. IE Pupil* are prepared for college and the counting ho.iao. Ail the modern langu*ge* are (aught by native proi***or(, and in oao' department French 1* alway* o'pokeu. There ia a primary do- Parin...lit under an experienced female teacher. Circular* at Lorkwood at Sor.'a Bookatore. No. til Broadway. Dr. BERTHE'l.ln accordance with the withe*of tnrnr of hi* former pupil* will reatme hi. private ie**on* and adult claue* in French after 3 o'clock In the evening. For term* ap¬ ply at the School-Rooina. iTlERCE ACADEMY, Middli boro, Maw..The I ntth Quarter of thi* popular Inotitntion, will eomiienre MONDAY. Dec. 5 (Spring. F.-b. TT, 1«0.) J. W. P. Jenk.. A. M Principal: C C. BuAetl. A. M Cla**ic*J Teacher: A. Sbermon jr.. Mathematical Teacher. S P. Hias, Drawing; Teacher; A. (>. Pickena. Teacher on the Piano-Forte; I.. P Thatcher. Tea. her in Vocal Mode. Catalogue* giving full inferciation, furniahej on application to the Principal. J. T. WOOD. Se. 'y. R F. i. THE WTNTER TERM of the ROCKLAND FEMALE INSTITUTE, at Nyack, oo the Hodaon. will eoasioeaco Nor. 21. For adniMion, or circular* containing full c*»rti.->ilara, addrea* L. D. A C. F. MANSFIELD, Prin.-ipala TARRY'TOWN INSTITUTE..Cireulars ririrj particular* aan be »btai.ird st E. OOODENOUOH'S Book¬ atore. lZxN'aaaau-K., N. Y.. or of A. NEWMAN. A. M.. Principal UNIVERSITY Gramtnar-Sa-htiolrwpened it* Pri- ü mary. Commercial and ( la>*ical D«portmenl*. Sept. 12 For Clrcuiara call on the Janitor. Isaac Ferri*. ChaucaUor L uivKmity. i *<.> ASHLAND IMÜ ITTVT] 'WOG tJ>V( .N. Y. The Rev. HENRY J. POX, A. M.. PnncipaL Student* (ei'her soil re PER QUARTES, ceived any time. Dancing 3lca5cimeo. ADODWORTH « DANCING ACADEMIES, * No. »06 Broadway, New-York. No. ItT Mootag'io-pitoe. Rrooklys MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, TUESDAYS and FRiDYAS tn Hiookiya. U EDNESDAYS aad SATURDAYS, in New-York. CLASSES OPEN AT ALL TIMES FOR BEOINNERS. Quarter rooumenee* from 11.e first ioMon taken Private t laa* for Ladiea alia bTA seventh oditioa of Dod worth'* work en Darling, and tor the lue of hi* pupti*, ju*t U *ued i r vat*. Family, or School n.wao* attended, f ii -uWa at either Academy Uniting &\a\tx\a\%. ENCAUSTIC TILES tor ri.o<)[:s._M.r,ta..'* Tile* for Veatibnlaa. Halla. Dining Rootua f oaservaf.,ne* Hrnrth*. and t..r pablic baUdimja of every ktad. a* laid by to* .obornbet* ia the Capitol at W aabiagton. and in many-T-jin, banks, botol* and dwelling* in eaery part of the couatry. Gnruhirh Chimney t opt. Dram Pigs*. Ac For eela by MILLER A COATFjfT _ No. riPoarl-. ., N-a Yota. \in.LER» PATENT CHIMNEY CAP aad ArR VENTILATOR, earoe aavoky chimney* or veatt**ta>« .thoroughiy. B. F. MILLER, waaufac'r.'2S Wat S'srv. EM()VAlZ . J JAMES BOOABDUS. Artbiteet in lion. Originator. Cooetructur, aad Fat-nfoe cf IRON BUILDINorJ Patentee and ma.iut*.tur-r of BOAABW-*'* Ec-BSTaic L' MTX*- IL Mux. Machine Room, .-or. U ,,e ar.d r.lrn-at*., In Harlem Railroad Depot. Ofleo, No. »7 Canai-at. near Coatre. New York. . j a oU*a*' l'<,^B*, °« Centre and Duaoe-eu.. formerly *or» Pta-d ho* been removed in widmiag Duaoe-st- SPRUCE TIMBER. BEAMS, GIRDERS, A haadaotn* aawortment at the Yard of JOHN P. BELL, footcf Raj and Xtd-tta., N. R., for *alo it th* toweal market rate*. R öiüiarb dables. PHEI^N^IJMTRr) v EI» B! 1.1J V K!) 1AIJ EES AND COMBINATION ( USUJONS, for sale by the patesteo and manntart urer*. Tri.nmlnnof. tiad* a.way* on hind. O'CONNOR k COLLEN DPR Nva. S3 tw, (,7 and uUCroajy at N»* fork fxnannal. . » nid:. L«« RR Ca want sack A * Co.. «loAsaea. dl slot Fir. las Co Mm« 1 ¦ ltriftr* Ian Co.. wMa «MB. AurtrH. Snout. Aactfwssr REGULAR AI CTIOK SM K«i HT*s>.Kfl st»| BONDS.ALBFRT H. NICOLA Y sr« mm* THIS OAT (Mords. «i Ii, i'tiifi, at ku Pmrnrk Na At W% '.torn at, near W a.!. i*.ru»re»Bs»k*f*u«stiag. *».*.-«, Bt .bam Nsftetsai Hui. *-ve*rh. . >hart>i A rtnssn« I**«. t) IM «vi» »pu-< itj »... .-. ?IWaa-tv af i-ares fit¦¦¦¦'» Fi.-» Ik». Ca.. AKataAV » aksre. Lenox FL- In«. Co.. «Besteh, V lMm V T CarW-4»««*i <t*fe Ca, t)» -a** »absr-wTrad*«aarti » Fir* !"¦<. taek > . .r«. ? - >.. A*-aoa. JN6 abar-s Krro-we oav Liibi CawJ bypA 1. «K tat 14 her.. Lamer Ptra la* Co.. t M mem. at shares C olessAHsa Marin* Ifta < <> »I» aar*, at .Amt** Wsskissatf*. Fir* law. Ca.. .».**». settle Muten! In« t o . »l*w***)nV at ak*r>. it Aoaeii-aa rlr* Ian. Ca. ««taatah. S .harr« Market Ftre I us, Co. . lan-ara._ At .har-a laiaartei.'A 1 radars' Fire law Co . tBtaam. Tl .aar-* A* ersran Lemma Ca (tryaa.) »tj»**rav .Ham Eagle Ewe Ina Ca.. .«* each. 1" snares Seen- H'« Insnranxe < o tFMeerh. Ivb «bar-, i he-aga-St. PsulAFoad du L«* ft.A Ca, AkMtMh. at .bar-. Koro- f - ,.«.-. Kar- -. - F,x» F> share. »Ts*r»p*tTtan «*.Fa_-. Haw W. rid Fire In* Co. *t» aar*. M abates Brevoert Fifa laa Co., Atta eagdj «. shares Great \S ~*-rr Manse law. Cm.. *l*ewcA\_ at shares Filton Fire la*, la., ago seea. TS .Far- A.tor Fi-e U- Km. »»sack # IAJM Davtan and Mb htgtn ft. R First MotAansa ftaasia AMa) Mlsseari V k.itua -rat- If Bend*, treei III.. R.R. «y> -eat Baads. WKeettr.r (f. Va « A> cent Roals. I sad Western R.R. Serena Mss-tgag* Ranis ti.« re--, red la add* ate to tke resyaktrty ad times I hat rsary seta Real reg-.-by sale sa MONDAY, Nee. «a Au. tion >*l*s of Staats and Baa da eeery Msnkny tad re. or everv dsy wkenom reomr-d. st Its «'rlo*h. at the Ssleweaa. No. kl Williamas. or st the MerrAaatr' Ra- ..... . . - i. .«Li uw s.M.t rnvawe sale mad tl the Brokers' Board. Inter, .t sllaered oa It 11 äks, stvd coUaetad. Sale* else aaade at Real Estate*, pa bite or at private sale, srkea desired. ALBERT H. NICOLAT. Stork A.h-t.oai-er. Broker and lienAc, A WITlistsal^aaar Waft. Natr-Yeax. Nie li'lAm' DIVIDEND. .TENTEAL RAILROAD COM- rANY aaaatnaail ttiltiad e< Iii r. R « KNT. deekared oe the Slat akV. tri« be eeyaAAe at the oATree of the Ceaiaatiy. No. et» U all at-, at aash, aa sad after th- 'tbrna. O M Ml I.MOAN, rraasarat Orr.\ r ur thb F > mi Ktaa laarasjfcaCtv THE ANN I AL ELECTION to DIRECTORS' of this Catnnaae will he head at Ik* Odtea. Ne. at Wallet. aa MONI» AI, tb« *th day of I leresnher nett t>e»weaa tke kasnaj olliauMlaa JAMES M. RANRIN, Secretary. New i rk. S»v. I«. |A«*A tili "r Nnw-Y ait, I>araai«a>r of Fisaai a I (..»raoiusa a Omn, Now. 3. lata I PROl'ONAI M.rT»V-MS«, W Ml K ST< H' K rM* the i ll Y of NEW-YORK..SEALED PEOEOSALS wftt be RFt F.l\ ED at the CONTROLLER'S OFFICE aatfl TUESDAY. Dae < fot the whoie or any part of tke aaaaaat at aii hundred aid fifty tbmisar.d dollara of "Tke Water Steak at the t uj of New-York of the year It**,'' asuhariard by cbspter VO r-' the law* of 194, and by in crdiaanrw of the Com roes Cewa I'. arptored by the Mayor Nor. 1, 140». tat p«rcasein| land", renstiui'tlnj a new Ket-Trotr anJ rxten ling the Crate* It at-i "A oraa The aaid .reek will -oaeiat of -it thoitsjiJ lire hnadred aharea of one hundred d»ilert eecb. and bear interest at the rate st* sis per rent p. r annum, payable quarter reariy from tke Stasiat Fun.1 for I aytneul oi la., re.1 ou the City Uebt, sad the Prtnrs- aa.>le on the Ärat da. M i*\'. ber 1»TJ. frora the 3Ink ini F for tbe Ke,iemption of the (Ity Debt. Tke proposal. * ill state the amount of it ort desired, and the pri.-e p< i a) are. an<l tbe persobe whose propoaalt arm aroepted. wi 1 be re.juiiwd to deposit with the < bsm:« r'sin of the City. within tt u dsy t after I tie openins of the bids, the sum awsroesi '..) <. :. resp.-etlt*ly. la dint ta* premium m the aain*. On presen'iiut the irveiple of the Chambarint* lolheCea- i.o i...lil-rs ail! be riiMt.. d to re.-, ire .-..rtin.-ates for eqsai sasounta of the par «s.ue oi the stuvk. bearing interest trans Aha dates ol peytateuts. kali ptopoauion ahooid be sealed and iadoesed Proposal* for W at. r .Voek." en I tn* proposals thus »..ale.l and InJ.rasd, put In s se<-oi.d entelope adareaaed ta the Cuutroliar. The ngLi is reeerseden the part of the I'sMstroUer te i or ail of the bi le. If considered nec-.ssrr ta Ihetiiter.-,; .| the uy. ROB1 T HAWS. < eotraulsr. ashh.m a*a Fia> Iusi ksm * ' o. at Nsw-Yoaa. I Noreotiwir 1«, 1*4*. | I \ l\ IDEN1 Tbs l'r.-ei.l. ut rtiul Dir.-cltr. hare U thi. day declared ¦ dltideud ol KIOHT PEtt ( KNTea the rspi'al «t<s-k psysble on the first day of lierembvr aeiL The t anafer book, will be closed from .'1st least. until the ftrat dsy of I>e. eutber. By eider, OKO. UOlKiSUON, Sao. Orrit i ran Oviausn Mail Ca., tl Hudssn st, > New Y..NI Nur. la, uhl I >'OTH E..At a RMHrtiik| -l'tbe Directurt of tat» I OV r hi AND M Ml. COMPANY hell on tbe HkkKoe., lost., JAMES \. P OARDNI.K wasapp. luted rr. saurer of the Company iu plsre of ALEXANDh R HOLLAND u> take erlecA on and alter Nor. Z 1st. Instant; and ALEXANDER HOLLAND w . elected S-. retary el' tbe Cotapacy. In place of JOHN- SI ON l.f VINOSTl IN, to take effect on him day. IkeetRei sfthe Catapaay w4R be remos ed oa that dsy from No. Cl Hudsou-st. to No. Ät broHjwsy, first floor, front room. Hyerdei of Iba Hoard, JOHN BL' l TKftPIKLD, Prsallssat. THE NE \V-V* IRK CENTRAL HAI I. I.o AD COMPANY -Taatsraea's 0**i< *. Atatrr, Nor. 14, 1(14»..The Transfer Books of tills < du.psuV wl.l be loeed at the eloee of hnalnesa. ou W F.DNF SDAY, the Tth day of llwcetnaat, nett. prepaiaiory to tke anneal election for DUaaiersof Iks Cam- pany. sppniiited to be held oa tbe 14th dsy of December next, and wVlbe re. p-ned en the mornin* of THURSDAY, the IHh day ol December next. GILBERT L WIL.SON.TrB**«rat. Stati or Naw-Yoaa. Btsa DaraaTaaaT, I Albajit, November II, itltt. ( I^HE tinif fixed l»y law fur Id.- risleintitinn <(f th« circulating notes Issued to the FARMERS' BANK OF ONONDAOA. haeiug expired, notice Is hereby riven, pursuant to chapter Ul, of the law» of p'Se, that a hual III" IDE SI) of (4) F OL K PER CENT has been declared upon the original i of notes deposited, as represented by tbe certikcataa issued by tbe Superintendent in redemption of the notes of the aaid Bank, payable on pres-' tattoo of the aaid certibratea, properly indorsed, at this Department within six months from the dale of tbla notice and not thereafter, nil IswAw M. JAMES M. i OOK, Superintendent. Taattraaa'* Omca or the St»t» or Illixou, ( November 13. ISSA J PUBLIC NOTICE in ii.-rrl.y that tba Iresaurer of the Stale of Illinois will on the 1st day of JAELARY, littu, and from day to day thereafter for thirty .days, at the American Exchange Hank, in lb- ity of New-York, pay tic IN 1 f REST en tbe I'ul.lir I-, M of tV state of Illinois _WILLIAM BUTLER. Trossarer. TH B t :01. E MAN FLOUR M ILL~COMlJANY, No TSprnee St., N. Y..The Annual Eksctlouof Trustaaw of thla ( ompsny will be held st the office, ou TUESDAY, Uac. 6, 1839. from 11 to 11 o'clock, a m. _MARTIN THATCHER, Scxretary. LL Rind* of^OCKSTl.oNDS. A . ., \»>uAit and sold st BROKERS' IIOARDor private ssls. by 1HOMAS DENNEY k Ca, No. Wallst. H ARDWAHE, METAL and IRON PAPER.. Parties havir.g any to dispose of will and it for their In tores* to apply to I'. W. OALLAUDET. Note linker, No. «4 Wall si. tW' Adrances made oa good business paper. 1^ UO EN E T HOM SON, Aa47tifJtM*r RBd tkvkmT. J No. <H WiUiam-M., buys sad sails STOCKS and BONDS ad Brokers'BoarX INSCRAM E SI OCR st pnvste sale, flam Cnrrent of insurance Stack furnished ou sppasuatiea. Bank roa Havisua, No. ST Bleecker at., Oe*. St, 1MR. VOl ICE to DEP<.».SITORS..In order to aroid 1.1 anJ correct tncidrtital errorn. and to Airriieh informstio* lAvat u wanted, tbe Trustees request the Depositors in thla lasAttatfaa bartr.g acounta not aried on for mere than seven years, to send their pas* beaks to the Keck, to be witttea a p. By direction af the Trustee*. JAME- Ui i f V.-YEH OnDEN. Secretary. REMITTANCES to EKGLANK>, IRELAND. SCOTLAND and WALES. Sight Bills on the UNION DANK OF LONDON, BANK OF LIVERPOOL, NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. BELkA.-T BANKi.NO ciMr.iNf. Ireland, for a ims from Al upward. Issaed by TAYLOR ItHoTHEB8, "ankari, _No. 7< Wall tt. ,N*w-Y*rk. NOTICE to Pt-rauris hoidiiiR BONDS c*f tk« CITY of CINCINNATI, da* in 1Kb..Neilce U hereby glean by the Sinking Fand Commissioners of (he f tty »f Ot*- rgflM ikat they are uvw prepaed to PI KCH ASK BONDS ef tbe CITY of ( 1st INN ATI, dee ha lata, te the snssnt af Twa Hsudied Tl.ouasod D-.llara (.>«*>.iss-,, said Bonds besing, beaa fcaao-d ta the I incinneti and WkJtw Wttsr Canal and to tha Little Miami Railr ad Company. Appl>*Alon for tha dlsoossl of the abvvs Kouda. by staling terms. Ac may be .lift ta JHOS. H. WKASNER. < hsiri;-an Corru.-.ittee of Chtixo* ana mance. or R M. BIsHOP, Msyor. CinciauafL O. (GASLIGHT STOCKS for .SALE in variou* Ott» J Co.«*ps)Uigf>«ixiF.l!/HTie TWELVE PERCENT DIVIDENDS. JOHN B. Ml'RRAT, Na W sll-st., New York, _ProprV-tor of The Amariosa t>mai«ht JeenaaL pAU>'ORNIA prTATE «ad 8AN ERANTIfil Vy C») «rry lu'ereat COUPON por. Uaasd hy DUM AN. SHERM AN A Ca. 1 »AM-IM E COI PON Son MICH IOAN SOUTH¬ ERN RAILROAD SECURITIES BOUGHT, by MEH.S A I.KEE.Nl,;:As .N.. ¦' Ei JAMES BROWN, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT snd ARBITRATOR, N«. 4 Bawling Grewa. .. ots Ol Public Companies Audited; Psrta*f*klp* *.« f*",|"ial il Hnn*aat« DiTir^g-'-i'; sa*arreat avatatas wearat ap; lets pates ArbttraieA AI igi,WnBE"LMONT tV Co., BANKERS, No. M W.ll-st., issue LETTERS of CREDIT for trtvelen, «railable m tl! part* of the world, through the Mtsssgs. Ed«hv satida af Pans. L*nd..n, FrtaAJort, Nap***, and V iaaaa, and Iketr CAWTe.aondsrnta AND WARRANTS BOUGHT and SOLD on li favorable term., and tTatms for Bounty Land. Pnusiua*, Ac, prosecuted, by OF.O. WOODMAN. No. jtj W Jiiam-et. CHICAOO CITY BOND S.SEWT.RAOB LOANS .Tke Bead* bear 7 par -eat Interest. Coupea* p*y*Me Jan'ssry I. »J<d July I. in " York, and mature la bss The payment ef interest and slaki-it fond it provided far by aa annual las. TE* entire debt ef the CHy af Cktcaf* I* «t..W..saV-all of whirls haa ba*a ronirarted for strVtly muaicA. aalp.rrssees. For tale by ASHLEY «. NORRIS, _ N W Exeh«*». plAW) itlacti inerp. COTTON MA( H1NEKV |W SALE..T«kt|i Ol NT ER TWIST SPEEDF.RS. beiR by Dsnforth Ceeke k Csv. a very perfect machine, and in «wod natntita Three Dum Spooirre, \t .-i pin dies ssacJi, tw* Creel Wsrpers. 196 Use- tins -a. h one x-roll Drawfns Frame, 4 double and deUveiisst two Hand Males. 511 .piael! s ea h i one ( base Picker, two' .ban* Lap-ers All or say parte; this ana-sinery will be sold vwry .w GEO. H. JONES, Agent. \ ktory Mill*, ll»«*«ga Ce. i f

Transcript of€¦ · (»91 TRETAIL, L fobWHOtWA'kPBirF.« bOM'MON& HAltT. TMMIPALL I...




bOM'MON & HAltT.


FKEN' Ü AJ»D A.Mr rh AN PAPER HAN GlNO*.Aadt.rf large rto-k of


.WlLOMON A HART here tM~btrr>>*« and bo* ae-tec-ted a*

'.( the above mvA» to be last**] Ik tAi* CM7 end *"».¦"jr. eben. 10 THE aklAJL 1 R ADK


Vul'llV,il.\M I U E C\ Bl UN'H,1" 'i IUC LAROr.hT AND HP..«T-UELEGTE0 STOCK

to thia Bra** it,Rod uv« to t>! 74 ? I. *i «*. »£, '* ¦»« P*" »?».'

K.I.oMON A HAKT *'« >.'< >U .vi»**

¦ in BROADw AY. I^twc-.« Amity and 4th-«te.UaP I

ORP.AT BARGAINrl IN MILK*BOB pieeaw K*t**-eoality Pl.AID tod BAYADERE at « ro-

4mmW*i t7*m *,.Ala*. !«V tpw-oae tl»V*w»l Boo. * I per yard to 75 ¦.»?».».

.Mil BROADWAY, b*tw**n Ajuti m.-l in:»ti-f I*t| w M> I - i MO, -. \s

(>r»«t Rodert!.-* la ALL-WOOL DRLAINEB, CHINTZFIGURES, rodu'tsd from 71 aeat* to I »and 4/.

Alte. alote»fPrie4»d All-V4 o»| at I/O.

ftjpj ,5K°AV\M Ki rt fc ''TT' A""tr ,th"tW'

Ma*»}<tM »fror* two ow* n.»r- P». ia>- and Ma:icbawt>-r DE¬LAINES at I, par Jtrd ; worth I I

/.(II BROADWAY, Mween vmitir und4tl' la' I Wil K K- 4 Mo". NAN>l«v. «wt re-rei*»-) W piee-. W |L*C HLAI K -11.KM at Heava**

and a> I per yaH; worth + JJ.

/.(II BBOADWAY, L*iwe*a /imiti Rod lt*b¦I I*' I WILKEa A MOYNANAr» BOW opening t large luaoira of PR I Ml

.t I i worth 1,0.

I»i..m k CRAPE BETH, ( OLIaÄIWsnd VW!.-,Ii tr« ihtara Alao HUM P. MOURNINJ SETS COLLARS and HANDKERCHIEFS io ev»ry ..e»i»ar>> »tvle

drain. LtnhI LEYBAILEY, PABRINGTON A i. ESLIE, No. BW Broadway.

\f ili.lNhK j 00At R MA ftjaarti.rt at«««t re iriug, *>»,. Yiaa a.--'r In !!<-. a'">> » -»¦*' r>t. In a

Jol.o.ui Houar. draJinj in i ho above tgeod»i *oeh . pereen aliiit Mh*rally tr.-eGd with. Addr-a» ALLEN Tnur.ur rfli.-,,

*Ml(UUi YARDÖ i.I INO. <'\|,M'i.|s,*mt\ ff * " f\ f

tl Ol LI L(/l H at ha'f -ic

iiika.m ANi»;<>n,BOWERY.

third do»T from Hr.>r.*t.

SA \ I A D Ö L la A It"Buy 'Ha* of t)>« br«t qotliiy hn* MOLESKIN SILK HATS

at 4>i. and you will aar«. «>L fbaa* aauao Hat* ar* fAd <.***-

arhrrr lor *4. Plajaaai rail and rainiinai.CON KLIN SMITH, N... Vi!« I! roadway. Chlnr-wi Building.

AT Mr*. (iAYNOU^COIWKT arid~l»Kr»HTStore, i.adwa nan aa.lra-4 fraan Ihr largrat k and rartrty

of atylea. htm t ttlrntiou paid to a graceful tit. Proxia n.oat

l*a*i ritltl- 1 hr faahiouaha* Paria aiiap-- -Kilt f juat importard.No. «41 Broadway, two doort from L nion . puar*.

K B Ladle. Ul abaprd hairta ah>r*d and niad* »*«>.

SO M K T II I N 0 ENTTJUBLT KEW..Ire.Patent SI**** Button» and Shirt Stoda; alao, Cuff and Coliaf

Flria foi Ladira and Arnohutton hole, do not unfaata-uFor aalr. wholnah- and retail, at Ihn Oold and Stirer Waten.Com Manufactory of JOHN H 01FFIN, No. S7 Vraey H N. Y.


niot» for Chlldrna. T'hey IwaaBwB n*

n, combine aJeat beauty and utility.

-fare, Robce, <trc.

KAM i PtRS Ol I.U.Iii DBeVUBIFTlOM,At eholeotle und retail, No. 117 Broadaay, up ataira. The *t

aMlOwot the tr%de and the punllr hi ijrneral la inOtedto our ex

teuaite and fa'tilouat'le at'*li ti the there.AT PRICES STRICTLY WHOLESALE.

FAMIiONAIii.I. FANCY FlTR.S.El Uli H a kl . K M-Itrimponera and Manuhctarara

SI]} h» plaaaed to exhibit their Taluaut* atw a to retail pa**aaT.. r, ntlrftr,, ofBAM I.E. Ml <K STfiNE MART PN ERMINE, Ar

Whit.I, they will *ail at the luweat piue». No. 47 Maiden laoa.

ayjbTjLLVE Kl


A. T. STUWtRT 1 Ct

1 ADTF.S' l A.NC'Y H i;> -I.ADIJ.n FANCYMJ PL K.-'-Tb« «ubKritaer haa opened hi* ato. k of LA 111 ES'FL RS, corupriatug (LOANS, CAPES, MANTILLAS, a .- offcaable. Mink, and other rhotc* fur*, la the latent *tylea, aar» lowfor a**h, IS kO CASE KXCEEDINU WHOLRaALBFBICES at retail.

B. OOOE, I'ractlral Kur ier No. 4*) Broadway, up itaira.ITbit», fBBwhawinrga, Ar., twade to order in eeery atyle.

.JU J ami.s ( HOU Y I-'UES! *MI

.FtI/( onaWirlit ei Ko l-. n'» Bar Sal.te, Mink, Stone* 9tJMarten, Fitch, Ermii.e, "li^-taan Suuiriei. Ac,


BctOtB, 0/jOPfl, &t.

AT JOK?** N(»b. 10 hud 1* Ann-et., $4Faaaaok t atf DRKSn BIXrTS; rA«tw Doub> So.« W'ATER-

PHOOP xtOtrT S. Can tod «ee ih«m ha/uro purrhrawin«.


BBOOKLYN TABF.KVAI'LE.Poaitlvely but Two Night* More.


*DJNDA*J aaaj* 'lV'tvSDA Y K> ENI No's,Ne»ejn'r*r SI and«

Tl'PSDA i. p. aa.. at I o'clock,LAST DA. LI OUT PKKkORMANt E.

Chihiri u aaiuiitted ob th'a uni.i t n lo entaWEDNESDAY NIOHT. No? »*.

GRAND FAREWELL CONCERT,at Willanwhurgh, Wuhlngton Hall


Kaowa aa Mia. E T. GREENFIELD, wto five one GRANDt ONCEKi by ernli.-ut atl.a'a.

1his (MO.\DAi) EVENING, Nor it.Single 'I irk eta Mr ta. 1 wo uket. 75 it*. P'.ur Tlrlrtl, B>1Door* "pen at 7 to romanoae» at I o'clock

1BLO * SALOON.OEO. ( IIKl-IV.BtarfB MatattfOTR. M iitKll.Ei. ...BuaLue.a MiliarerV. C. CAMPBELL.Muairal Director


Aad EVERY EVENING during the ».-. klb* warId-renowned


IB their uneo'ualedETHIOPIAN KNTKttTAiNMK.N'I

la artVrltiao to a prograaime par eirellear*-. will bo perf*icir'krattunr bore, George t knatt a *ery lau.-liahle Farce called the

BLACK STaTCE.Oeo. Chriaty In hi* original character of.JAKEK t < an.ptaril aa the.STATCEhltat.r Eugene m hiaorlxiual charairei of .ROSE Stgl'l NTI'M

Oraaalrkwhaaiera try rh* ULmanCE ob tüanrs-t4. aud ">i SA T

No*, lb. for the aBweaal b*u»ht al Ladtiw an 1 Children.

I^IKATKK FKANCAIS, No Bmadwar.X ^. ARDI, 1»> Ncrretu'jrr It- ».

Ab.ian»ieot *u»p. :idu Keprew-utaliou extraordinaire ofurtBpariea BkeriBj-* Butbeatro.


Opera Ooii luue ea ue Ac*. '« .- 'be M.i»l.pie d'OaenbaKhMalbs Gamy reuiptfra >e *ni* Je MttwM* (La t hattet NL Ai-phoaoa-relul lie(teido. Le« »otre* p«r Leoni et Loire!CK (dl F P EMME VE.Lx .laaidoiilaevulMle.Joo* oar J*iia**wt. LofreC Leaul Mead. Laur»-'i. Ka.. et



Deel eoweioatoti tat rxxxunenr* at 7«. Tleaaae ti cent a.

(»Jt,».MI Ak"l fcltM.uN 1'k.kHill.MANCH on THAItrftntO DAY. TIG B^DAY, Nor 14 and "Ii SA I'CRDAY,

IOHIN kt nanettepar Mile. Chrvatlor et Ibdauoi,OraV* d* Spra.itrle-1, lob.u, 1. La Cheat(ra paanaaracera a I hvtia* a. tu A

rO-MOII K O U 1 I,- K s li A Y ,

1 BENTht okMR. J.E.. l».K u ACK.

ll<k>r. open *» 7 e 'cKx i ?-

RNVENAOPRrE kNTJ SOCTH-FBN ZtMH.lKGVeU. A" 1..MIMAM, wiUeomioeaee *iVtaA?FBN /(M.t ix-ii ajkJntiea* ka their now

'. lotkw

And *r*ey AFTERNOON aad EVENING. Door, «pe« al 11saai t»> eVlocA

is their new Zoological Hall atPALAl > GARDEN

lOtk at., ti.aarfet! »» P*at eniran-e on


r II ppl »'«

0o*l»r . year* of age. li rent*,t'a'a MENAGERIE

BIbMI IB 1 <HHle.ti >b of *utawd*. and blr Ja. i

rovcOea (roBkaal «akwrawa » (hw gleb*. Tbl» eokectioalaraeokwae aaoet peafaa 4 ertrr eihtolted ara regard* qaid it»*rt»*y, and boa.ity of the aaiuie!» it contain* ana i* taooajy* MaaaBBlV i* the tValted state*. Aaaaag the pioaiuileoture* at thuIfliratiraW at Da*

LINING M VMM" f H FLEPiltMUaantbeJ. »eeureir boat*] by Krge ihata laavler. and pe.fjrmedhr that celeb.**!* J AlOeM klK-t

O. THOMAS.Hararrtihol ha* oaar teea eoaauieteai tbe laaauooth of the pr*a>

oavl k«e| aad U to* kwsead'. by lu-tny A'auutaiial pvauail*.>ec txarlbttod in any countrym4jm hok UIV(r» w otahar the dent oi kralaod aatuaal* and eahiMt to the au-

irtgr a over the ber.e teuent*l ug .ufluence are diverted

****T* tkTatliiajuk w the"fo"rv»t ,><. . r«. and *k-d raxe the w wi.dr***. pov- rtot that*atoa«,wti... aedatr at.

». a* d.. ,. a*, a tuwlib alu»Mg aatuai,the eoarbratod trVk boot tli» f» ainoui. Win he iut jdu edalto. thoBouy VMae* and ih- ... kt^Tlocko Anioat the nM«

^|k^tko*'^^^'^' <W»'*l* ',-r

bobxkii monkey jot kg the pony ridfrHavkt aiBiaitibl.ia.tda.a.^y J, w

rp 0-M 0 R Row , j y s D l~Yhi.M

.1- Kav7t.

wALViH9 ITALIA.I w KLirit Week .

HOPE CHAP' N" r* »rmtiwty.

M »rthebn. ( I M RAh *ND SoC fTHERN ITALY.every EtEMNG at 7. oVIock; MOND Vi W EDNKt

l>.\\ *iiJSV11RDAi .' 'I'm


f"-w«tivel j art w«-k but owe 0/ the mm.THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. «. at I .'..'«.

First mibe It Aiaertr*Of Meter« . wrM¦«»«»>*¦ trmm* Ftüj Opera In twseeN, *f


(la liana*. ITh* »n**V»*»*t* fr*mtm «f the liiirfari DOW GIOVANNI.

w Lach nettas-r time ner or .Muvm utvr dinuni.r.ed. a. I

»..*t favor wBt, »tuet THK MaKKIAGK. OK PIOAR > 1.1-

f-*» 1 nil if! a New-i ork. Sankf and Philadelphia, hin u

1' 4 la* tors »0 proou. »

THE M AGIC ELI TE.1»;.. ranksM hlfh. t<» say the .'east. *a any »(War .' Mi/.-i'sr.-u.a operas. H will i» brought cat in ttiitahst *tyt*. wttii^i'uiir« M>m. - *. 'y niTr riiiimii mid tin ru- andWT»h araat wntfk, tbr< the greet MtUtar fmau'em at IM

d (/ the Dir« >:t. » j; «-r'a>a'y be fowad . (u»et nil*


Madfl ' Ol SON.a*.Y*tQc*rv or .as S'ifc»TMadAane GA/ZAMGA .as.PaataaMa fTRAKOS**Madam* P.I.HKEI.aa_The fast lady and >Ae Hr* keyThe nebular leuor.

SIONOR STIOEf.LI.wt:: f«r the fcrs» laa sppear m .« I T"*» by Massif, and .-*gbis ? .crated ret*of Taiutuo, . part I* whs b he baa w oie* 4 a

1. the u sdtng I »prrs Louses ol Oerrnsoy«mNO» rrmi,

will appear in the Lighly important ebs/arier of Part'.***.fUgnor JI'M A.a».BarsstreSit-.- r AMODiO.a..1 tu- orgr« Monssta.esMr. Ml.'.LEE.Tb-.;.».«.tMax. MÖHRA. Mm» HPK HJUKH gad Mr*. KK.R.sNEK

aa Ine eecoLt! and tbi'd lad!», nid t>oya.MK ( »KL BKROMANN

*> h_»i. i..< i....t ...»..,». . ii tbe \ .l.u j of M..i-



Hat Inf nujrt kindly v...untrered their valuable serrvea.1 HE GP. AND OK« HErO KA

Haa been lne'e*-«d by aWaddMaMtw the moat prondn.t prw-f. s»cra tri the rity.

THE EREE LIST IB ENTIRELY UCRPENDEDOn the three nigbt. ol M«t*n'a Magic Plot*.

iti MORROW I -. ." .. « .,nIL To Or nr M hSTYRN.ALBERTINIk BEATM AbliE.

WEDNESDAY (Thank.ri.inr Ere). No». ». at «...Jieocd and p'..U.f a"

MOZART'S M l»H KOnTHUKMlAi iTbaok«rlvlii| D*yi. Nu*. .'I.


ALliPKTINT ./.(I hi.A. 1 ALDI:r .: j-;- tin . '-I the i-eietirite.! ean'etrire,

MADAME ANNA lll.SHOP.ORAND COMBINED I NT KKTAINMP.NT.On ti.e .an..-ereiunz, i ll RSDA) Nor. 71,

I'.t appearance *ua denul olMile ADELINA PAiTI,

w heo wiH l«e (iren Doaiartti'e eriebrated Opwr* afLl( IA Dl LAMMKHMooit

Vi> ADK.I.lNA PATTIwill make her d'but aa..LuciaBRIONOLI a..Kd/ard*

i 1 rr.a; baritone. Si»nor PKKRI.(fill Baak* hi i-t appearance a..A irrte*

I UI Ks OK ADMISSION ON THANKSGIVING DAY.Adnn.>u.n to parquet and bairoiir.ONr. DOLLAR.N. tl Seat» ina% 1^* ..-. ».red in adeane*-

W f'i HOI T If.X 1 HA CHARGE.Fnnjily < irele.-Vj Amphihoator.ISeewta.Private boa-., to admit four.*>«.


ciiAiiriAHi.i; PÜKJDOf the


W INTER'. I.MIO It Mt, i<iw

Doora orer. a' T o', ,<.. a to ooime* e at 1 o'.4*ek,

iw1(. j.1 '..'mame will ron»l«t nf a


Taleu'.-d Company of trie Winter GardenA PARLOR OPERA.

Hy Mr aaH Mra. HENRI DKAYTON,who hare klt.d.y voltintrered tb' ir «er»b-ea npou tbia occaalon,


T*b»l 1

MAm GELLIE Mr. HENHl nit A CON and Mr. PERRING,Iher wtth the effective ( h r..a of the Winter Garden.

In tlw mww of the ermine two BALLADS will be eun| byiheMUee* GKLLIKanl I'l.RRlNG

On thia occaaion, free ooanannateatton will be had to nil port, ofthe iiouae.

Tb-k> ta, $jl each, to he bad ol the following Committee:John C. liealea. M. D. Jarno Hooper Proiit.K M. Arrhi'oal.l. H. 15. M Con. Robert WaUer,Edward K. Ward, '! houj*. M. Brain.-Edward Walter, Ü. M. Krtevitt,Th. maa Limn, Jamrt Napi' r.

ALtbuny Barotay. John T. Walker.Cbarlea Kdwaru., John Cook.Marard K Sand-raon. John G. Dale,W D. ( Jthbcrtaou, Ciiarlea K. KlLiaao.John S. Partlett, M. D.. A. H. Oihbea.W iliiau Youth, John R. Uoole,Septuaiu* ( rooks, Arthur Kendall.Joseph C. Wells, Thomas D. Mlddleton,Dr R PenueJI. W. M. Neill.Hr. Otto Rotton. Georr- S Rainaford.ll*ury Kyre, Charles V inten.Rohwai Bare, Cbarlea H. WeJtb.I'bil.p Prili hard,



AND EVERY EVENING DI KING IHK WEEK,wfil be presented the beautiful fire-set Play eutub-d

IHK wirr.> .-r.t RET,W itt. the foüowir.« rsrellent uast:Sir V> a ter Auiyott. a( olonei in ths parliamentary

serrire.Mr G. JordanLord Ard-u, a fugitive Cavalier.Mr. H P. DalyJab. a Snetd, sir W alter's steward.Mr. J. G. Burnetthroi.ii.aid. I aptain of a Prnneh aloop.Mr. C WhealleighLie it Harrington, an olhcer in the paruauieiiUry

service.Mr. LevickHarry, s courier.Mr. Jelfr.^s

Richard i t ...Mr. HenryRobert. Sservsntsto Sir Walter.{ ....Mr. Evans

James.. ) ( Mr. Muner-tlpage to La tyEvelyn.Miss Macarthy

Maud.-Miss Marv Well*Lady EvelyuArayott.Miss Lsurs Keeua

1 o with the sdmiteit ilurleaqu* ofN (IK MA.Norm*.Sirnors Markiul Smitbnrinl

Jtdrlrisa.Madame V iuceutlo< letilu*.Mile. I baris uo Peterisko

Tk. 1 ( An int'restiug dueof J-Si». L. VM matThe ( hildren.{ ,nfwi.|ie |0??.i)uh... }.M, Je.tne.iPollio, a RooaaPtsVComal.Sit, M. Maearthv> lav lus. a < euturion.Sig. Nora LeighOroveso. an Area Druid.Stg. Atwood

Dre.s-t ir .e S. st. u.av be s- .-e.1 .jtie week in edvsnoo.Doors open st b»; to conunaace at "A.



The Eminent Comedian.Mt. DELMON GRAl E.

The Distinguished Otlrtr,In some of their most elective and |xjpul»r Itliper-ouatioa..

Ke.,1,1 ol the UMQUK sad STAR 1 LING KRENCHDRAMA of

Kl'STÄCHE BATTDPIwhicb wa. prrfngnteU for 400 successlv* nights at ihe TheatrePorte SL S.t- .1 in l'sri.. and will be produced) here, brsi timein three year., ea MONDAY Nov. 71, IH»,

In the EVENING, at "j o'clock, with a powerful cast.BUSTAI HE BAUDIN.Mt. DELMoN uKACSIMARCEL POOLET.Mr T HADAWA]

1 be real ot the ewet by the reotsiadeT ef the Cowpuiy.Art 1..Seeae 1. Interior of ti.e auberge of Eu.ta.-ne. S-ene.Muun'aiu Pass snd glsviue. A Ispse of sis years. Act II.

Saloon and Gardens cf the Countess d'Alberte. A lspw ofvea Veers A t HI. See»* L A V illsge in*. Seen*A Hall

. ( listeau d'Alberte.AFTERNOON, st 3 o'clock. Ihe fsree of MARRIED AND

El RIED, Dtacu«, «nli bs tares of i HE RIVAL PAGES.

I ll INKSGIV1NO DAYTHLKSDAY. Nov. »«!>,. 1.*».

PtRPoRVANCr.S NEARLY EVERY HOURDuring Ihr Dsy and Evenin.'. coauueueing at i"! 1. u tod Ig*.

minaliu,' et iu) o'dv * is th* evening.

A fall-tength Wai Plgnre of OsAVVAToMIE DROWN, andn KNIFE found on th* body of his Son. the GRINDAUl ARIA cr sr«aiid Rive? Gttdetis; a LIVING SEAL. Ac.,are among the ruriositius., TA esau, ChtIdrea ander \'\ It cut., Parquet,II ceuts extra.

4 RR1VAL of tl*<J\ MODEL


This bsaotlAil work of Art. constructed alter the mos' reliablean, e-ul snd medera sothorltle«.


TEMP L FT HALL.Eonwratr Da. Va« Z«nv\'« C"Hr«<.*,

S>h«t.,atwi doer east of Browdw-y, ot which notice will he



f|~U-M U K R 0 W\ T I i S D A Y ,


Door, ops n at ' u'.iock; to t^tsmenee at 7t.


v v BONNTAG'S t.hl AT PAINTING," A DREAM on 1 Al.\ ,

Do.-UorfGaOsiry. Mo. Ma Rrosdway.< kjt >. dsy and evening. Admusi >n si cent*


.V... Ii TENTH ST bs.vse. .:.»!, sad ovh-a -

Open 'on, a m. :.i -> [ at-, and rretn 7 to »in ti.e E venmg.Raht tsetvu tt cer.ta _t11^ K ?

1 iL ( Ii ULLI - Aj RH aOCcoiXKcritlN 1 >fX "

RAR F". \NTMALS. BIRDS, snd other ( I IE>-Rmong wbteh sie Uv pew r i gOH 11 I. A. wi'h 'h-ir Skelet «s

K«>l»l.OKAMÜV i;.e ueare.t .ppr | ma. miIheJNSCHlEGO. the on!/ Ape known to tvuU t sn-i'-r IH. -,

day and evening at No. ?.> Br** hrsy. tsWsheiov. dlrecarr-»I Adwittslce IS erat--


Tb- EiKibitioB will shortly dos* st> OOI Pll.'< NEW (»t'.I.ERY.

I No. T7J Broadway,^ o! >h et

t>p- i. 'Tom 1 a. ui -all ä p. nt-.

Asfcadssi >n .'i re,r-.


M< JErrt»>o*i»KWMAN S0004

Mr JOHNSTON e. -*r«-**r fBAXJMJ« ¦ Jab. Br*w*U-Mrt BLAKL a* Mra ^i^., . Mar-. MaatlnwL

Mr -t^lHRTtilUIr*-.r OEO. HOLLAND -^.»rtL^^ayt^«^ .ad

or %rmnr% froto Tb* cricarv «vi L"'. ü»««»J«B>

TO NIGHT, .,..» ,vv<ll<iifVilL rVtrtheb>. Dit**-**'« aAavry .<




(U »NFm fROM NICHOLAS NICKLEBT¦..I. 7r*tt*ti*ed »' .I !>»¦>.'.¦'« ,-»'»,» «.* «L»»***».*¦'.1',ll*IMt Mr l' bö! KCl« ALLT.


Ob which oreBrf** will Kf^p"*4. ,

.... .7.Mi». AgB** RllBBTtBB«. .Mr.JeSetBBe

A.'k r "hi -^^J^Ä^ÖLE;0».TB.V*»»«-TB...rx.

Hi Jrfft^

THANKSGIVING NIGHT.A fBBBBl Holiday Ea«rneii»en< refuting «


T. rommee.. at 7fr Bei owaro »p*a Uom 1 to «.





TTiP.St.AV.TUESDAY,TÜKSUAT.tdebda iTuesday,nov. n.nov n.nov. n.nov. n.Nov. ».

Oa which 0"ta- B be pieeeated theTHRILLING DRAMA


VI. AGNES ro'iEUTSON AS smi EE.MleS AGNES ROBERTSON an kk.miss agnes bobebtson a- kj.miss aon En robertson as SMIKF.





BOX book Now open

rALLACK-» THEATERTO-NIGHT (MiiBBBf),Second time that ae-aou

Mr. trooihani'i moot Brilliant Co.-nedy,ROMAN I i. »,


A.pen Manly.(M.verManly..TV Mr«M,52Frank Meredith.Mr. I.-ter W bBbsRJackSwift .Mr BroughanI .>e,u*rKyd.MrTom Badger.«rc H^J Boraheh..Ur. t .r^T.nBwl«ra.. .-Mr»- A. u

Hmw.Mi- Man OuuonHetty.M-** r«»'"'u'

To rouclode with (ninth tiu*| the Farce, teceifed with ro«r*

of bbA^B: TO pAHJS AND BACKIn which Mr. Sloan. Mr. Moore, Mr. Floyd Mr. Lerere, Vr Baker. Mr. Oliter. and Mi- F.jyd »». appear.lO-MORROW, iTuoadar),


Firtt time in two year*. _WILD OATS.Por full partlculari of unprecedented mat

se* Eitra Ad*erti-emei.t»IN THIS DAY'S CAPER.

To conclude with a oplendii FARCE,in w hi. b the *tren«th of the Company wiiJ appe*.-.

Door* open at 7 to romnience at 71 o'clock.BOX BO-oK NOW OPEN

rpHE CABTJl or

WILD OATS.Por Benefit of Mr.







Vll'l-O^iAKDKN.IN MAKROS!.Mr E.EDDY.FtwitfrrlT laot .*ix Nifht* Bf


WHITE HORSE OF THE PEPPERS.OcraJdPepper.Baruey William*

THE LAW FOB LATHESMr.. BARNEY WILLIAMS ia .-ii ( h^rac'.-ra,




5TR. LESTER WALLACE.Door* open at 7 o'clock to coi..rnence at't)._


No. CM Broadway, corner of 4th rt

Tti. »rle. t Gallery ha* laatl* rereir.-dTHE PORTRAIT OF ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT,

IMLHKsiZE. By J. S. hrader. Berlm.THE FORGOTTEN TASK. By Meyer ron Brr-neti.THE CHRIST .MA.-. TREE.Cartoo:.. ByTb Mmtrop.

IDio**li -r'CHARI.PMA'.NE .Hi.tori.-a: PainUag. ?.y ( Ara O *-.

r.erlin. Open from IU a ne to 10 p. in Adm.-^.uu. IS cenu.


Al l I R l HI V\ MiPiilitr-l by BOSS1TEB and MH .NOT. Now on nhibiUon at


from 9 a m. to i p. m and frati 7 to 9 evening*- Admioaias tScer.ta._ -' M. 1 ,:.

MB. el l. BA1F.MAN bm nkafiillfllij laannounce to the p.' ... of N*w i era Out


will hat* the honor of appearing for th* trat time In thiadty onMONDAY Not W. 1 r*.

a' the Frenrh Tfcearor, whi. h Mr. Btdemar. ha* aecured fbr hi*.erir* of Dr»-»iug-room Crcrrrt«. whieb hare been rec. iTedwi«h onqoaHned ao-ce** for the paa! three y»*ra m the chiefcrtiea of throA Britain and Irrlm I Mr < owel! wiü be a»rUr*.1hy aeveral aceoiuplial-d m " a. > o.i 'h- c>: va-'eriatie* of theentire Entrrtainme-at will bo novcltr w nie a cannot tail to attract.Ill* originaland piquant Sketcn»a of Cb»r,cter are aa pecuhar a*

they are tru* to n»ture, and are tilled wuh genui-;* boiaor.

rn o-bc o r i öjj M i i i> a v.1 BENEFIT OP

MR. LESTER WALLACEDoor* open at 7 o'clock, to ummeuce at


ood . minstrels,No. *. BKG.vJ>WAY.



Camaveaeia« at *4 o' U onta. Cejariv no* at 7t.

»tü)~m 0 r r 0 1 f b taSDAfj BENEFIT OFMR LESTBR WALLACE.

Door* open at 7 e'rlork to romaa-n» at 7».^_

IfALMF.E s STATUEI TOE WHITE C \ 1 'TlV I",en eibibilicB at

SCTJAUS S GALLEBY. No. tit BROADWAY,Between Ueootou and BWeker at*.

AdmWaion IS cant*. Opea fraBB Baa*, ha Bl B. BB.

The eelebrated abbot] collection .EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES wBI rrmatn opea a abort tint

longer at OS Broadway- Op** day and evening A<La»l*aioa X>

THFTTrUhrÄD-a PAINTING of CHARLESTHE FIR.-T bv the great VaaBaayasB -jw oa cLUCaUun at

No ftOi Broadway Admiaaiio 15 c-u;.


D lATTOH'« WKW PAK I.Olur'iA n ois ii,

SO std Mm, RK.4kT USA»'ToJTaPARLOK ort KAS AND LI Kif IAOfr.liM,


MotDAi IvEMMi f.», Ii «t -i »V.»*,tut» ia n -* l: ti* Operetta.

LOV E IS BLIND.W ret», ti.d e->rapos*d by Vat. Marrit, «*.>

wkb .by «um wether). _NPH'TOO LATE TO W> HP

Mr. Drartac «Ol atsf THE STAJL4PAJaGi.ltD SA*. BE,ar,.' Mr. I -tytoa Iba < a > atloa traas P-eife's mat* ep»-* THERO.-E OP CASTTI.r.

Pia.»* ata. be «. a.J eey eiseb»e ef ntru. la a . .»-»» w-:A

.art extra eherr» at the oaRre at* the New PtrU» Opera Hesse*.Brot t a, at. t« i p. at.htb laatakwred aad Ja eeasts Otmar s«**s. M -»ata

The ctHTlaium»-.! U uajsh--d each asgat at lo»Vle-g.GRAND MATINEE -very Sstsrdty u i 9. n»

iTJontfl.Af^M»K. IUAÜNDBE8S, CHAMBERMAID,\ .ty!iii".n.i M-k-v.-siTi tri i\- w tNTPnby Ibra» rvo-peieat yeuag >ou»t AI»» rry ttambn oC ssaart

f*Tot»-taas Girls itvd Man it rarati sttosfisas aal with goodreiereerwa. Ob head. . romps-tent French Ntree. App.. atTA Ei» LET'S PIEST<'LASS rEMALE OFFICE. Na rrt arb-bt near J5M .*_ A Lady ja ¦itanrktBi-av. A praaVii iloasi oolaradt aoA amd «raseted VV aitei u»an al»o 00 band\ a: sei Woman. * ><>

TT baa liied fat ¦ tpssrtahte fiaafHaa ta Irei.-nd sad in this

»ity a situation «. I LaDE and LACNDRF.m* a e-r«an 1*

Meets, l'aautry. Baking amd IBs Wn klag aad Iraain« <ef s pti-1at» family Weges Alse t arnart Girl r/ |.i to MIS.' a

BABY and WAIT nfl a LADY. Hip. el ». Call at No. SlAr . .' ?M at

\1TAN1 KI>.K> sri Alii-riran L.tdv. ¦ r.' :s.tionTT a. IIOCsEKrEPEli ia t hrtt-esess Iloot Add.--eaHot SEKEEi'ER. Broadway P'~t-OSJr». MlCaa

11' \M I !'- \ -i M \ ! U >N ' ¦ B r««TT f. tri: ia fills competent 'o txO her sitnation aa Coot m

eicellent Ws*h»r and Ironer; wta at her la>t pla»>> three v» .-.

R»ferenee from her present employer. CaL f»r lies days it .'«o.

TU Weet ISM Bt_ll'AMI I'-A situation t.v two o-t»-f'.i:>i.-?? c.l. one aa CMAM PERM All) tnl WAITrR. theother aa ' OOK. WASHER an i IRONER; the beet of rtty ruferearo i< rtNt'<ir»d. 1 bey ran be a.a for tao day* a! So. 14)

Tart JlataL. b»t«*eu M and H a.a.

AN HONEST rOI N<» MAN WAIT] ED, to noto t!alliii.'/re in t plenad. permanent fit'jnti ...1. Salary

aS.'al p« r 1101.1a, Brat afj m..r.thi. OM ready to tttHMi to-dayand niimt nr r wtthio a week, and nartut ? iW la caah. may ap¬ply tmiseoitt-ly at No. ii» Broadway, OSir-e No. T.

ALT. VAM1I.IKS^wanurTfT^ 8ERVAM I >.German Irt.rt S.-otrn. Knriiah, Ar.-^ail at the IS'

fTITt'TK and HOME OK DOMPSTIl'S, S-> I IS r..'.ha ort.-t "f .-lit':. a». T;i.. eatel..r,e pue-e nee a.¦ _».. .. »I

rirll. eepable help ta entt if), at moderate waree. Cov-iicted bya rrepertatri- Am»T>. an iady. tail and***.

FAMILIES f antinif w«-l!-n*coiaui<üfli «! Protfat-ant HELP. h.>th Male tn i Ketnal-.will p!ea»e apply at toe

EMPl.oY.MI BT A'iPNt V of th» PROTEST AST >:>:>< o-

PAL BfioriiF RHOOH. No. ltd Atb ar., w..»re ta»y »an be¦ ttppWed with hrrt-ciat. Looks. Lammlresses. Nursee, an-i .n-aat-

:re - . % ... t n |.n.. ir..l W's tera.

LA 1 >I K> in vt.-uifn! jr.m m! HKI.P fail Ise etinpliexlw :tb tL-- t. at of SKRV A NT." u Mra. TORKSTt l> Si ».

No. it itb at., whrre ctwd Heip, from sll nalious. <aa be bad lot

city or country, fta oiehooast daalittf* piscticed at this oSkce.

S;IRVAKT8 in 0 REAT ABÜNDA MC K.-*J 1 reach. Germsn. Scot.h. snd I nah. teretbrr v. i:u« n< b and German ftrtt-ciaa* COOKS, wMh,may be obtained at the rooms of the EMPLOYMENT Sot f 1 V. Not Lt and It PiMe House. «th-st., betw-e* sd aadAth tsa A iady in attendance. The German, Pa'i sn andr rem b lanfaaxe. spoken.PPO ri ni.lSHKKS .A Ltterlrj (;e:itlem.m atI tbi. city. Isle a member of the Press, snd th' roughly con- t with til the dirties of a journalist, desires an KWITO-KlAL t ONNAU TlON with some 6rst-elaes Hsi'y or go to any larteotyof the Northern states. Ad lrvsaCRITIC, Vox Ne. IM lnbuB» Orh=e, N. Y.

\\'AN'J I iL.A voiiriK MAN of trood l>ti<inea*T T habt's si:.I i i :'.».*.ionsbie moral cliarvter, wisb»t s

-1TI- \ 1 ION a. « OPV l»T or BOOKKEEPER, or in any olb-rh> ue.t and leii'.irr.ate bk.inesa. Tbus» In «.et o.' Bsrkeeper or

. ..-des. j .-:.t ..--l not spp.). Is t Is.r -spij writer;been in a store fotrryears, flood r-terenr* Terms moderate,.'.d ire.. V. i kTE.M I S. Tribune Offioe.

\\ .\N I r.p.-i:>-|H tah;- MMnvttUag 8ITTJA«TT TI (' N - js Orka, Bookkeepers, Saieeciea, Teachers,

' Electors. Porters, Barkeepers. Ac. should apply at TH P. MKK-I HANTS'I I.ERKS REGISTRY OFFICE, No. Krotdwsy.No cotcoitssion la adrance. References to fer*t class plicanta f y mail mual Inclose two stamps fur delivery andpo.Hu.-r;tsh..d 13JA WM. J. REHPAtH.

ll'AN'lr J».A ri'Äjstsi'talilr?, RlMwaTi RfSw A'ti. c

F.l an Woman, to TAKE CHARGE and do tti» Hol s,WORK ttxrept washin.1 of a PLAIN FAMILY of Ave per.. us, where she will be treated as a member, aad and a roodbeme. Inquire, with reference at No. I!»l East i-TJ-st., till the2t<h hast.

AVANTKD. In .i Hat, C.ip .tn.l Straw QcjödlvT lloose s SAI E'..V'AN who can mfliien-e a large amount

rf good trade, for wbicb s liberal salary will be riven. AddressLEDGER HATS, Tri Iran* oAVe.

WANTSD.Ar ASSISTANT DENTI- I".? T iLorougbly competent in PILLING and I'LAi E Wi >RK-App'i sr.ts by mail will «täte their age. bow lonr they are Den-tistr, in wbal bran.-L they ex^el. wages repaired, and refareaeee.Add.rss to 1.1 A PRE 1 LRRE, Dentists. 1» Bowery. N. Y.

Ötütioncrp anb fantj} v?»ooba.clote & JANE&t? STATIONERS, PRINTERS, and BLANK-BOOK MAN-I'PAt TTTEERE, No. HOPulfon-sl. Orders respectfully solicited.

QP0R1 »MEIN ai dGENI LEMEN <A Uha ARMYij aad NAN \ ..R A B. SOLOMONS. Opticians. No. 4W Albe-¦aghj at., neesdiliy, opr ositetb« York Hotel. Louden, KngUunLPurtsoibt\ on.bined with great powrr in the Field. Rj-r . o jrse,

'';-- - .«; ut-door day and night powerful .jraistcoat-I k. : I tive Glssaes weighingonly four cun.i.-n r.iri-

taming It si.d lb ien-es, constructed of German glass will showdistinctly a prr.on. to know him. at 2» aad i miles. skaTJ sqrre

every | Bgpoa* on the Race Course and at the "per. II >uw«.

CeSBatry scenery asd thipa are clearly seen at ? to I" raflee. Thi'Var' aii<>" iusaiual«e for shooting. Deerstalking sad Yachtln«. HerMs -y's I '.a.! Guards are making use of th«m as day ami nightghtsse.. Tie uiost p.rwerful and brilliant Telescopes, posstwsiugsuch extrsoxdioary powrr that some gj with vr, ettrr as-

iNBasW e'e piece, will .how disltn -fly Jupiter's moon.. Pa*>urn', snd the don tie stars. With the suis Telescope a

pa rson can be seen snd known t\ miles distant and an oniect

B <B It la 10 miirs. All the above can be had of larger and sBsign with inert u.tng powers and are secured by her Majesty'sRoyal Letten Patent. Sent by express or post.

Priming.TWM. EYERDKLLtt >« »\>. IOd t ilt.-r-nr..

i W eddaLt. V isiUns end Uusfcn»*»-Csid E'lgTavrre Stationea*,.in Job Pi inters. Lithograpbera, and Label .Msnura.?turers.

spARDB, CUM I LARS, POUTERS, and .-vrrdeseHrttor. oi JOK PRINTING la good styl», st low prices

fir l \.>H st PMAIE A Co.'a. No. It Br-kmae-.t.

M, E\ I BDELL «.*« 80N8,F.Ni .R.W ER"> AND PRINTERS.

No. HK Pri-Tov .r., N. Y.E.ta: itshrd HIV I

.Jo U)i)cm it Itlan vTonccru..V°TI('F...JAMEB HENDERSON A (*<>.,Al PR( I E( riV E TRADE AND COLLECTING AGKXCT,

tAppleieu Buiidin-i,N'o .tt-; Btos.lesy K'e.iu N-^. |v ;.'-w-V ork.

G. L. VV'ALKER, Attorary and Cotinselur at Law, it no loaferassorlaird or in or.y way roruie. ted with this establishment.

All persons a'tf-.'ig»«i to set as Agents for aatd Agency forany purpose whsleter. are provided with a certificate of au-

thoiily. signed by JAMES lit NbEESOR). .peelfeaig distinctlytoe nature st.d extent of their powers. * reference to which will,st sll lime», protect p.-reous U'-alio: with this Agency, throughtBch Agents, irom sny imposition which may be attempted ojjpersons pretending to heve auch author :ty.

(Tljanccs for 13n8in£e9 fHcn.

si IIHUUI IO -1 " '>» \v ED, ¦%? I \ P*" l\ fl K lent or spe. isl PARTSF:P. with th- sSoverash Capitsi. in s business establi.h.d fur ten year*. A largepagtisn «I the bueiuee* done fur cash, and can b. nia.i» mucha re riroirabie oy additional capita.. A» uiterview :-an be hadby addreatirig D Tribune OffC-e None but pr.ucipsls needagapry.

^ '_S>5! ^a I Ii U i .1 vtiD eielvaVavfv!. lor ¦ »tork tifV*l,lrinFe DRL'GS, PANCY GOODS, aad STATiONERY sL^ut #:..**» of ieslrab.s unproved tut unimprovedPBOPERTY in the City of Toledo. Ohio aninenmberwd.

fc. H. OALLAHER. No. SI Uberty-si.f'i.Otio..Want.'ci. * PAST-

R. In the PLOL'R. PEED and GRAINie the Liace of a retiring Partner. This buatnees

has been eetahlithed for twwaty years. Sales will average»)Jsi.f-Ai per annum, as can be ahown by the bvuts for lue lasttv* years or met-. Localion down t-wn Lease very foiofable.' Ad brat* W t R. Box No. i,71» PastOffica. All caa-

.tu« strictly confi.Vo'Lal.

ft .> ."»¦ II i -A I'AKTY WANTED Ü PART-^-w.,*JlPlJs NPH b an estabuehod ant PAYINGbCPlNESS In this city Sail.faction given upea an iaterview.Ade.»«. J A.» It., Bex No- I» Tribune OSsre. wkh

91,500 as



No. lit John-at New-York.


Alaa. ewe Isvte-etaed J-w-ser's Safe, st N« St Maidea kwt*

rivj MANL EACTV-'RERS of COAL aad ROSINJ. OILS .J. t OLW ELL, Iron Poaasier. foot mb-st. NorthRtrar I* prepared to gave estimates and furnish KETTLES of

ftavnf to Rix» aaEttii «*eA :!snng a Urg- sip-ii-nc- in thekmi* he caa tarn set the work wnh dtspstcA. TV* Kettle*are all »ade trom Csaa** Iron.

Pointe, (Dilfl, ©las«, &"c.

MINERAL OIL..Warranted > p.rwt a CotJOU as any ether In eaarksM for darabi Ky, bri. utney la

boTDtar. and all the qualRiee of t Arat rat» srticle. This wul hetold bt.ow the usu* rri . . L.rre.sof Wji..:'..

JOHN W tJCLKCT k co.. No ft NYLUita-st.

tiCBOt« tfl Cel._ROOMS t» LIT. with STEAM POWER, at

N»a U1 aai IS M*ee*«r^c Apyiy t* the engine* .. »*.

*b. v haugw-octt a c*..r«w Broadway .»« ato.

ROOMS. OFFICES a:.d STUDIOS to I.k"ia the ti^wUr-trmmt MUiu No*. »<1 *ne *« STTIV .

aaaal t« 6» »»H ia faxt/ by tbe MANL»A(Tl Rk.lL»


_ITIBTAKY A t o.) No. IX Broadway

O LEASE.Tla- CPPEB FAKT of tlvs fi*aetorr nliBa laarth ftT'TI l"w' Be, Vi Broadway Amt

. JOilaTto william taylor. n*. Mal Broedwa*Ta > or. >., -as r roadway

Real tjstaie tbr 6aU.

rM'BCH for SAI.K..Trv- Cmrer***»,Sortaty of Brooklyn. wwHbj to remov» to s raaattloa ¦**¦

¦utn tto- ^at«r of thetr pari**, rfar (or SALE tavtr per* at ihr *n«r.- of Mo::roe-pk»a-» o i ( lark *C M a b<aaav* Qolhku t harr h. 3* t»y rj fe«<. bellt of twowo atotw. Fastterm, apply to MoKRI- B F. 1 .V >Ll». N*. St* W'.»biagv*»-*t-.ort») aLEB BABsTOW No. ÄNa-w-a.

1,1 Ii HF-SS < Ol STY FARM C rSALE.TN«1 "

FARM of lA* lato t>L Georg* Vaadertai*. ine term, aa

ata Had «na Rirer. toer nn>» aooth of P**gkko*p.:e. bovin*] a

river front of orally half a aale, Inquire at a. H. MIL^». No.IM *i. ...

1/4 »R >ale.arwautitul COTTaTTe^I kaum.A m N aerra. arfth Utensil, and Fr-raitem. In a pieaaaat »il-kaaw, TO mtlr* Iruni New Yerk. P* a*wMfa*b tmo>rdiat>.

S. EDDY A Ca Na. »1 UhaatyaV. N. V.

Fasuionabi.f. sfmmer H< »tel 5r > BALDWIN HOU.-Eat Lok« Malvcpar, la ofTorad far

BALE. Acren.ioJa**» 430 curate, »üb Stahl» and Carriar»room. Gardro ic ewawaiato order (»»retebar* aad fruilal in ad

LaooiT» oa tW pretniae». or ol J. F. PIRSSON. Noreapre t A.* Wall-«.

FOR fllfiF flit I-'t* of LAND in NV.f-Ytirk. on

tith and «tth-ota.. aear »da». AIm. ut» LOTS ia üiaahlia.rort»*r of < umo.-rlar.d-«>. and AthauGc-ev. Alao. oaa LOT ia

W ar -.- n S 'r r.n *t». «.. 1 j. -e o: W

EDWARD- N- «4 Wall-eL

IX)K BALE <t EXCHANGE.A Ivaotiful«ms [|t> -FAT on the H ad-n. River 1« aailoa from

t ity Hall. i iiilmotaoa* aalt from Depot, with t* acre* «t »round,writ laid oat. an* 'rosstia* oa In* Rir»r Haara* ta larr* ist-.»all ihr ia-^irrn .mprovtaml* For .<e.r particular* iaqalrr of

F.. i. LofEE. No. >f riar-at.

FOR SALE »t PO I '0 H KEEP81E.A TerjTdt?ahrahle BE.-.DENCI'. In a ("od, health* ai'nation, ^m

raaadlag * in* riew of the Hudson and combining all taxed-t*a:*f« of town and country : lot le* by 230 foot, troatiar oa

Booth i irortT-o*. wall oupplird with rhoiro tr i-i and oraa

mental MbBBM b«*o»> AO by ji frrt. w«fl built, rapitaliy arraafwd.and with all the tnooem convenience*; Tanant H..!-.»> la theroe- tor tSrOrr parfiru'aro ace'* in MARY SM \RT. oa the

iar., or to JOHN W. MASoS, No. M Pia« et. N IpfBMfalI ÖT8 m BALE, H1 J S. EDDY V Co.. No M l.ib*rty-*t. toppo-il* Fo»t-OC*i.Lot* oo 5th-»r., rear JId «t

Lot* or. Jtb .» b-twrwo -Voth and Stkh-tt*.l ot* on 17th, Goth. Tid. trtb. Jbth. IMh aad 9rth-at« betwov-a

Id *rd t hLot. en iWh. S*tb. %th. TVth, Mth CTth. KAb. 100th. lOJth.

V«th and 110th oto, betwarn ttb aad .Vb*ro.tUo --t.ri -roi.t. n Broadway abo>« 5#th ot. an 1 on

5»h and Htb a*», opporhe < rnfraJ Park.


Ne V Fire «t. near Tbird-.t.. St. I^ui*. Mo.Orr* tpeciai alter-.*n to the Sale and Parrhaee uf Real F.otato.Lraninr ot n.rner. < ol.»>ctionA and oaeera-iriri c Ihii.uall lime* 0e..*ab'. WILD and CL'LTIV'ATED LANDS torU .

St. Lonl* RanixaM «« (by permltrloa):Char.e* Til' eoq Ja. P Yeatman. e*,j.. Derby A Day.bcarritt k Mtooa, F. O. Porter. M D Wm. L. Slow*, mm

Child. Pratt A to. AoderMtn k Watoon.

Jnstrutlion.ACADEMY of PENMANSHU* and BOOK-t\ KFP.PINO. No. 3>>2 BROADW AY, corner of Fnt .

Private i r claM in.lriutioo da* and *vcina> Su. ce»» guaran¬teed to all. old and young. Call for rirculart.


AMENTA SEMINARY, Ain. twa, D-iMt--*» «'<..,New-York.-1 h* Rot D. OAGE. A. M PrlnclpaX-Firet-

r|a»A BOARDING St tiOOL far both tea**. TenuA low. Clrcalar* »cot upon application. Winter Term. Dec. Ik.

AT 11(.-i'1A 5AN5HIP and AKI1 HM11 FlC,« month*, ot leaeou* or Book-keeping 1i a*j&.,

B>lu. L*dirA' VV n'iur. Le**on*. At. )*> Iomobo: B- ro'. * I p-rmonth. At No. Hi Bowery. N. i.. or No. tU Fuilou oi., Brooa-lyn.tol. Paine the Well-known teacher of wn'tirujl* one of theb.t lmtructora in the State..| Mercury, Newport.

H( 'YS' }U\\ fvDLNO SCHÖÖLr.At Little Fcrrr.B*rren County. 9 BBilectYom Hobokea, N. J- HOARD.

Tl'ITION, Ac »?i*0 per year (uo extra* I For ctreuiar*. ad-ar...AB WINANT, PrinclBal.


bao two private deako rarant, which n.ay now beAeeored at oofy? IS for a full commercial couroe. Stitlnr.o ur troanhling will horemoved trom any hand. Ladie*' Writing Claaa, BX Appiylu.mediately.

M< »dnt Cashing n in collegiateINSTITt'TK.

No. Ill tth *t. (corner of Ma. dougaJ-*t), on Waahhaftoaaaaar*

h*-wr* CLARKE A FtNMNC rilimillMale p.'iel* of *11 ace* ar* received and uulructed fa al

brancbo* pr- p«r.tory to buaineaa or collega.

Mb. geo. c. anthonyUWICAIa, FRENCH, and P.NOLISH 8C.HBOL,

(with fli niriaai'ini ond ai-h*rt. No. R7t Broadway,corner of 18ta-»t., reopen* Sept. S. Circular* with full detail«,reference*, aad roU of Srhoiart. at RANDOLPH'S. No MBroadway at CHRWS r KN No 'til Broadwav. at No 19*)td-av.. and at the hchool. There ii a DeparUiient for Boy* fraraA to 1 year* old

NORWICH COLLEGIATE SCHOOL..TheWinter Seowion of thla Boarding School for Boy* borin* oa

the 2d of Noven ber. It* tpoeial advantage* compnae a deligb'-ful location, plaaaant accommodation*, and br.t rlaa* adlacationalarrtngemantA. Term*. BSi per quarter. For eiroular*. Ac. addro*. the I iii.elp*l. the Rev J. A. SARTOR, Norwteb. Ceaa.

PARKER & BERTHET'" SCHOOL, No." 8*Eaat tl.t ot.. corner of Broadway, will reopen Sept. IE

Pupil* are prepared for college and the counting ho.iao. Ail themodern langu*ge* are (aught by native proi***or(, and in oao'department French 1* alway* o'pokeu. There ia a primary do-Parin...lit under an experienced female teacher. Circular* atLorkwood at Sor.'a Bookatore. No. til Broadway.

Dr. BERTHE'l.ln accordance with the withe*of tnrnr ofhi* former pupil* will reatme hi. private ie**on* and adultclaue* in French after 3 o'clock In the evening. For term* ap¬ply at the School-Rooina.

iTlERCE ACADEMY, Middli boro, Maw..TheI ntth Quarter of thi* popular Inotitntion, will eomiienreMONDAY. Dec. 5 (Spring. F.-b. TT, 1«0.) J. W. P. Jenk.. A.M Principal: C C. BuAetl. A. M Cla**ic*J Teacher: A.Sbermon jr.. Mathematical Teacher. S P. Hias, Drawing;Teacher; A. (>. Pickena. Teacher on the Piano-Forte; I.. PThatcher. Tea. her in Vocal Mode.Catalogue* giving full inferciation, furniahej on application to

the Principal. J. T. WOOD. Se. 'y.


INSTITUTE, at Nyack, oo the Hodaon. will eoasioeaco Nor. 21.For adniMion, or circular* containing full c*»rti.->ilara, addrea*

L. D. A C. F. MANSFIELD, Prin.-ipala

TARRY'TOWN INSTITUTE..Cireulars ririrjparticular* aan be »btai.ird st E. OOODENOUOH'S Book¬

atore. lZxN'aaaau-K., N. Y.. or of A. NEWMAN. A. M.. PrincipalUNIVERSITY Gramtnar-Sa-htiolrwpened it* Pri-ü mary. Commercial and ( la>*ical D«portmenl*. Sept. 12 For

Clrcuiara call on the Janitor. Isaac Ferri*. ChaucaUor L uivKmity.

i *<.> ASHLAND IMÜ ITTVT]'WOG tJ>V( .N. Y. The Rev. HENRY J. POX, A.

M.. PnncipaL Student* (ei'her soil re

PER QUARTES, ceived any time.

Dancing 3lca5cimeo.

ADODWORTH « DANCING ACADEMIES,* No. »06 Broadway, New-York.

No. ItT Mootag'io-pitoe. RrooklysMONDAYS and THURSDAYS, TUESDAYS and FRiDYAS

tn Hiookiya.U EDNESDAYS aad SATURDAYS, in New-York.CLASSES OPEN AT ALL TIMES FOR BEOINNERS.Quarter rooumenee* from 11.e first ioMon takenPrivate t laa* for Ladiea alia bTA seventh oditioa of Dod

worth'* work en Darling, and tor the lue of hi* pupti*, ju*t U*ued

i r vat*. Family, or School n.wao* attended,f ii -uWa at either Academy

Uniting &\a\tx\a\%.

ENCAUSTIC TILES tor ri.o<)[:s._M.r,ta..'*Tile* for Veatibnlaa. Halla. Dining Rootua foaservaf.,ne*

Hrnrth*. and t..r pablic baUdimja of every ktad. a* laid by to*.obornbet* ia the Capitol at W aabiagton. and in many-T-jin,banks, botol* and dwelling* in eaery part of the couatry.

Gnruhirh Chimney t opt. Dram Pigs*. Ac For eela byMILLER A COATFjfT

_No. riPoarl-. ., N-a Yota.

\in.LER» PATENT CHIMNEY CAP aadArR VENTILATOR, earoe aavoky chimney* or veatt**ta>«

.thoroughiy. B. F. MILLER, waaufac'r.'2S Wat S'srv.EM()VAlZ .

J JAMES BOOABDUS.Artbiteet in lion. Originator. Cooetructur, aad Fat-nfoe cf

IRON BUILDINorJPatentee and ma.iut*.tur-r of

BOAABW-*'* Ec-BSTaic L' MTX*- IL Mux.Machine Room, .-or. U ,,e ar.d r.lrn-at*.,

In Harlem Railroad Depot.Ofleo, No. »7 Canai-at. near Coatre. New York.. j a oU*a*' l'<,^B*, °« Centre and Duaoe-eu.. formerly *or»

Pta-d ho* been removed in widmiag Duaoe-st-

SPRUCE TIMBER. BEAMS, GIRDERS,A haadaotn* aawortment at the Yard of JOHN P. BELL,

footcf Raj and Xtd-tta., N. R., for *alo it th* toweal market rate*.


öiüiarb dables.


for sale by the patesteo and manntart urer*. Tri.nmlnnof.tiad* a.way* on hind. O'CONNOR k COLLENDPR

Nva. S3 tw, (,7 and uUCroajy at N»* fork


. » nid:. L«« RR Ca want sack A* Co.. «loAsaea. dl

slot Fir. las Co Mm«1¦ ltriftr* Ian Co.. wMa «MB.

AurtrH. Snout. Aactfwssr


(Mords. «i Ii, i'tiifi, at ku Pmrnrk Na At W%'.torn at, near W a.!.

i*.ru»re»Bs»k*f*u«stiag. *».*.-«,Bt .bam Nsftetsai Hui. *-ve*rh.

. >hart>i A rtnssn« I**«. t) IM «» »pu-< itj »... I« .-. ?IWaa-tvaf i-ares fit¦¦¦¦'» Fi.-» Ik». Ca.. AKataAV» aksre. Lenox FL- In«. Co.. «Besteh,V lMm V T CarW-4»««*i <t*fe Ca, t)» -a**»absr-wTrad*«aarti » Fir* !"¦<. *» taek

> . .r«. ? - >.. A*-aoa.JN6 abar-s Krro-we oav Liibi CawJ bypA 1. «Ktat14 her.. Lamer Ptra la* Co.. tM mem.

at shares C olessAHsa Marin* Ifta < <> »I» aar*,at .Amt** Wsskissatf*. Fir* law. Ca.. .».**».

settle Muten! In« t o . »l*w***)nVat ak*r>. >« it Aoaeii-aa rlr* Ian. Ca. ««taatah.S .harr« Market Ftre I us, Co. . lan-ara._

At .har-a laiaartei.'A 1 radars' Fire law Co . tBtaam.Tl .aar-* A* ersran Lemma Ca (tryaa.) »tj»**rav

.Ham Eagle Ewe Ina Ca.. .«* each.1" snares Seen- t» H'« Insnranxe < o tFMeerh.

Ivb «bar-, i he-aga-St. PsulAFoad du L«* ft.A Ca, .bar-. Koro- f- ,.«.-. Kar- -. - F,x»F> share. »Ts*r»p*tTtan«*.Fa_-. Haw W. rid Fire In* Co. *t» aar*.M abates Brevoert Fifa laa Co., Atta eagdj«. shares Great \S ~*-rr Manse law. Cm.. *l*ewcA\_at shares Filton Fire la*, la., ago seea.

TS .Far- A.tor Fi-e U- Km. »»sack# IAJM Davtan and Mb htgtn ft. R First MotAansa ftaasiaAMa) Mlsseari V k.itua -rat- If -Ü Bend*,

treei III.. R.R. 1« «y> -eat Baads.WKeettr.r (f. Va « A> cent Roals.

I sad Western R.R. Serena Mss-tgag* Ranisti.« re--, red la add*ate to tke resyaktrty ad times I hatrsary seta Real reg-.-by sale sa MONDAY, Nee. «aAu. tion >*l*s of Staats and Baada eeery Msnkny tad

re. or everv dsy wkenom reomr-d. st Its «'rlo*h. at theSsleweaa. No. kl Williamas. or st the MerrAaatr' Ra-

..... . .- i. .«Li uw s.M.t rnvawe

sale mad tl the Brokers' Board. Inter, .t sllaered oa It 11 äks,stvd coUaetad. Sale* else aaade at Real Estate*,pabite or at private sale, srkea desired.

ALBERT H. NICOLAT.Stork A.h-t.oai-er. Broker and lienAc, A WITlistsal^aaar Waft.


rANY aaaatnaail ttiltiade< Iii r. P» R « KNT. deekared oe the Slat akV. tri« be eeyaAAeat the oATree of the Ceaiaatiy. No. et» U all at-, at aash, aa sadafter th- 'tbrna. O M Ml I.MOAN, rraasarat

Orr.\ r ur thb F > mi Ktaa laarasjfcaCtv

THE ANN I AL ELECTION to DIRECTORS'of this Catnnaae will he head at Ik* Odtea. Ne. at Wallet.

aa MONI»AI, tb« *th day of I leresnher nett t>e»weaa tke kasnajolliauMlaa JAMES M. RANRIN, Secretary.New i rk. S»v. I«. |A«*A

tili "r Nnw-Y ait, I>araai«a>r of Fisaai a I(..»raoiusa a Omn, Now. 3. lata I

PROl'ONAI M.rT»V-MS«, W Ml K ST< H' K rM*the i ll Y of NEW-YORK..SEALED PEOEOSALS wftt

be RFt F.l\ ED at the CONTROLLER'S OFFICE aatflTUESDAY. Dae < fot the whoie or any part of tke aaaaaat ataii hundred aid fifty tbmisar.d dollara of "Tke Water Steak atthe t uj of New-York of the year It**,'' asuhariard by cbspterVO r-' the law* of 194, and by in crdiaanrw of the Com roes

Cewa I'. arptored by the Mayor Nor. 1, 140». tat p«rcasein|land", renstiui'tlnj a new Ket-Trotr anJ rxten ling the Crate*It at-i "A oraaThe aaid .reek will -oaeiat of -it thoitsjiJ lire hnadred aharea

of one hundred d»ilert eecb. and bear interest at the rate st* sisper rent p. r annum, payable quarter reariy from tke StasiatFun.1 for I aytneul oi la., re.1 ou the City Uebt, sad the Prtnrs-aa.>le on the Ärat da. M i*\'. ber 1»TJ. frora the 3Inkini F for tbe Ke,iemption of the (Ity Debt.Tke proposal. * ill state the amount of it ort desired, and the

pri.-e p< i a) are. an<l tbe persobe whose propoaalt arm aroepted.wi 1 be re.juiiwd to deposit with the < bsm:« r'sin of the City.within tt u dsy t after I tie openins of the bids, the sum awsroesi'..) <. :. resp.-etlt*ly. la dint ta* premium m the aain*.

On presen'iiut the irveiple of the Chambarint* lolheCea-i.o i...lil-rs ail! be riiMt.. d to re.-, ire .-..rtin.-ates for eqsaisasounta of the par «s.ue oi the stuvk. bearing interest trans Ahadates ol peytateuts.kali ptopoauion ahooid be sealed and iadoesed Proposal*

for W at. r .Voek." en I tn* proposals thus »..ale.l and InJ.rasd,put In s se<-oi.d entelope adareaaed ta the Cuutroliar.The ngLi is reeerseden the part of the I'sMstroUer te i

or ail of the bi le. If considered nec-.ssrr taIhetiiter.-,; .| the uy. ROB1 T HAWS. < eotraulsr. ashh.m a*a Fia> Iusi ksm * ' o. at Nsw-Yoaa. INoreotiwir 1«, 1*4*. |

I \ l\ IDEN1 Tbs l'r.-ei.l. ut rtiul Dir.-cltr. hareU thi. day declared ¦ dltideud ol KIOHT PEtt ( KNTeathe rspi'al «t<s-k psysble on the first day of lierembvr aeiLThe t anafer book, will be closed from .'1st least. until the ftrat

dsy of I>e. eutber. By eider, OKO. UOlKiSUON, Sao.

Orrit i o» ran Oviausn Mail Ca., tl Hudssn st, >New Y..NI Nur. la, uhl I

>'OTH E..At a RMHrtiik| -l'tbe Directurt of tat»I OV r hi AND M Ml. COMPANY hell on tbe HkkKoe.,

lost., JAMES \. P OARDNI.K wasapp. luted rr. saurer of theCompany iu plsre of ALEXANDh R HOLLAND u> take erlecAon and alter Nor. Z 1st. Instant; and ALEXANDER HOLLANDw . elected S-. retary el' tbe Cotapacy. In place of JOHN-SI ON l.f VINOSTl IN, to take effect on him day.IkeetRei sfthe Catapaay w4R be remos ed oa that dsy from

No. Cl Hudsou-st. to No. Ät broHjwsy, first floor, front room.

Hyerdei of Iba Hoard,JOHN BL' l TKftPIKLD, Prsallssat.

THE NE \V-V* IRK CENTRAL HAI I. I.oADCOMPANY -Taatsraea's 0**i< *. Atatrr, Nor. 14,

1(14»..The Transfer Books of tills < du.psuV wl.l be loeed at theeloee of hnalnesa. ou W F.DNF SDAY, the Tth day of llwcetnaat,nett. prepaiaiory to tke anneal election for DUaaiersof Iks Cam-pany. sppniiited to be held oa tbe 14th dsy of December next,and wVlbe re. p-ned en the mornin* of THURSDAY, the IHhday ol December next. GILBERT L WIL.SON.TrB**«rat.

Stati or Naw-Yoaa. Btsa DaraaTaaaT, IAlbajit, November II, itltt. (

I^HE tinif fixed l»y law fur Id.- risleintitinn <(f th«circulating notes Issued to the FARMERS' BANK OF

ONONDAOA. haeiug expired, notice Is hereby riven, pursuantto chapter Ul, of the law» of p'Se, that a hual III" IDE SI) of (4)F OL K PER CENT has been declared upon the original i

of notes deposited, as represented by tbe certikcataa issued bytbe Superintendent in redemption of the notes of the aaidBank, payable on pres-' tattoo of the aaid certibratea,properly indorsed, at this Department within six months fromthe dale of tbla notice and not thereafter,nil IswAw M. JAMES M. i OOK, Superintendent.

Taattraaa'* Omca or the St»t» or Illixou, (November 13. ISSA J

PUBLIC NOTICE in ii.-rrl.y that tbaIresaurer of the Stale of Illinois will on the 1st day of

JAELARY, littu, and from day to day thereafter for thirty.days, at the American Exchange Hank, in lb- ity of New-York,pay tic IN 1 f REST en tbe I'ul.lir I-, M of tV state of Illinois


TH B t :01.EMAN FLOUR MILL~COMlJANY,No TSprnee St., N. Y..The Annual Eksctlouof Trustaaw

of thla ( ompsny will be held st the office, ou TUESDAY, Uac.6, 1839. from 11 to 11 o'clock, a m.

_MARTIN THATCHER, Scxretary.LL Rind* of^OCKSTl.oNDS. A . ., \»>uAitand sold st BROKERS' IIOARDor private ssls. by

1HOMAS DENNEY k Ca, No. Wallst.

HARDWAHE, METAL and IRON PAPER..Parties havir.g any to dispose of will and it for their In tores*

to apply to I'. W. OALLAUDET. Note linker, No. «4 Wall si.tW' Adrances made oa good business paper.

1^UOEN E THOM SON, Aa47tifJtM*r RBd tkvkmT.J No. <H WiUiam-M., buys sad sails STOCKS and BONDS ad

Brokers'BoarX INSCRAM E SI OCR st pnvste sale, flamCnrrent of insurance Stack furnished ou sppasuatiea.

Bank roa Havisua, No. ST Bleecker at., Oe*. St, 1MR.VOl ICE to DEP<.».SITORS..In order to aroid1.1 anJ correct tncidrtital errorn. and to Airriieh informstio* lAvatu wanted, tbe Trustees request the Depositors in thla lasAttatfaabartr.g acounta not aried on for mere than seven years, to sendtheir pas* beaks to the Keck, to be witttea a p. By direction afthe Trustee*. JAME- Ui i f V.-YEH OnDEN. Secretary.




for a ims from Al upward.Issaed by

TAYLOR ItHoTHEB8, "ankari,

_No. 7< Wall tt. ,N*w-Y*rk.

NOTICE to Pt-rauris hoidiiiR BONDS c*f tk«CITY of CINCINNATI, da* in 1Kb..Neilce U hereby

glean by the Sinking Fand Commissioners of (he f tty »f Ot*-rgflM ikat they are uvw prepaed to PI KCH ASK BONDS eftbe CITY of ( 1st INN ATI, dee ha lata, te the snssnt af TwaHsudied Tl.ouasod D-.llara (.>«*>.iss-,, said Bonds besing, beaafcaao-d ta the I incinneti and WkJtw Wttsr Canal and to thaLittle Miami Railr ad Company. Appl>*Alon for tha dlsoosslof the abvvs Kouda. by staling terms. Ac may be .lift ta

JHOS. H. WKASNER. < hsiri;-an Corru.-.ittee of Chtixo* anamance. or R M. BIsHOP, Msyor. CinciauafL O.

(GASLIGHT STOCKS for .SALE in variou* Ott»J Co.«*ps)Uigf>«ixiF.l!/HTie TWELVE PERCENT


Na 4» W sll-st., New York,_ProprV-tor of The Amariosa t>mai«ht JeenaaL

pAU>'ORNIA prTATE «ad 8AN ERANTIfilVy C») «rry lu'ereat COUPON por. Uaasd hy



MEH.S A I.KEE.Nl,;:As .N.. ¦' Ei


ots Ol Public Companies Audited; Psrta*f*klp* *.«f*",|"ial il Hnn*aat« DiTir^g-'-i'; sa*arreat avatatas wearatap; letspates ArbttraieA

AI igi,WnBE"LMONT tV Co., BANKERS,No. M W.ll-st., issue LETTERS of CREDIT for trtvelen,

«railable m tl! part* of the world, through the Mtsssgs. Ed«hvsatida af Pans. L*nd..n, FrtaAJort, Nap***, and V iaaaa, andIketr CAWTe.aondsrnta

AND WARRANTS BOUGHT and SOLD onli favorable term., and tTatms for Bounty Land. Pnusiua*,Ac, prosecuted, by OF.O. WOODMAN. No. jtj W Jiiam-et.

CHICAOO CITY BOND S.SEWT.RAOBLOANS .Tke Bead* bear 7 par -eat Interest. Coupea*

p*y*Me Jan'ssry I. »J<d July I. in " .» York, and mature la

bss The payment ef interest and slaki-it fond it provided farby aa annual las. TE* entire debt ef the CHy af Cktcaf* I*«t..W..saV-all of whirls haa ba*a ronirarted for strVtly muaicA.aalp.rrssees. For tale by ASHLEY «. NORRIS,


N W Exeh«*». plAW)

itlactiinerp.COTTON MA( H1NEKV |W SALE..T«kt|i

Ol NT ER TWIST SPEEDF.RS. beiR by Dsnforth Ceekek Csv. a very perfect machine, and in «wod natntita ThreeDum Spooirre, \t .-i pindies ssacJi, tw* Creel Wsrpers. 196 Use-tins -a. h one x-roll Drawfns Frame, 4 double and deUveiissttwo Hand Males. 511 .piael! s ea h i one ( base Picker, two' .ban*Lap-ers All or say parte; this ana-sinery will be sold vwry.w GEO. H. JONES, Agent. \ ktory Mill*, ll»«*«ga Ce. i f