90% story

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  • 8/11/2019 90% story


  • 8/11/2019 90% story


    $)hy...% began ui, softly. $)hy did you put it there+%

    Leon's heart began crashing about inside his chest as he opened his mouth to confess. Helooked into her eyes, before his bravery left him, and he stared down to his toes.

    $ecause - love you...% Leon whispered, barely audible to him above the sound ofhis heart thrashing about inside his chest.

    Leon stood for what seemed like a lifetime, watching his feet become more and morecovered by the falling snow, before he heard a noise that chilled his beating heart.

    The sound of a girl crying.

    He looked up in shock. What had he done? Was she crying ecause of him? Had he hurt

    her?s his gaze came across her face, he instantly knew he was wrong. She was smiling.

    She was blushing. She was so very happy.

    $ou don't know how long -'ve waited for you to say that.% ui replied, smiling at

    Leon through her wet eyes.

    $-'ve waited so very, very long for you to say that...% She whispered, looking at

    Leon with possessive eyes.

    $So... you feel the same way+% Leon asked, bashfully.

    $-'ve felt the same way since we met, Leon. -'ve wanted you since that day, threeyears ago.% ui declared.

    Three years ago? He hadn't met her ack then" He was still in the tenth grade ack then"&he hadn't gone to his school, so forget love, how did she even know him ack then?

    Leon returned from his thoughts, with a #uestion in mind $we only met last year,how could you have felt that way about me for three years+%

    ui kept looking at him, but now she cocked her head, with a baffled look on her

    face, $)e met three years ago, don't you remember+%

    Leon shook his head, confused.

    $- was on my way home from school when a group of girls started harassing me.

    They said such mean things, and pulled my hair, and hurt me.% ui kept smiling at Leon,

    obviously not bothered by this abuse any more.

    $ut then you came you arrived and got them away from me. ou took me away

    and gave me money for a train home and -'ve loved you ever since/ That's why - came to

    this college/ - found out you were going here by going through your college

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    ui's eyes shot open and she covered her mouth with both her hands as she let the secretslip. Leon's heart began to race, and the shock of this new&found knowledge must have

    shown on his face, as ui pulled away, hands held timidly to her chest, with a hurt look

    on her face.

    $- wasn't supposed to tell you that...% ui began timidly, before Leon cut in,


    $ou've been going through my mail+% He said with disgust, his voice growing


    $0o/ - mean yes/ - mean no/ - sort of have. - only did it when - couldn't be around

    to follow you...% ui blurted out, panicking, before realising what she had said, and

    drawing further away from Leon, shuffling awkwardly back towards the treeline.

    $ou've been following me+ 1or how long+% Leon shouted, a hint of fear coming

    into his voice.

    ui refused to look at him, staring at naught but the snowy ground at her feet, before

    turning around to dash towards the treeline, running from him as fast as possible.

    Leon stood, stunned into silence from what he had learnt from the girl he had fancied

    since what he had thought had been their first meeting, last year. Three years? &he's een

    following me all this time? (oing through my mail whenever she could, who knows whatelse she's een doing!

    Leon watched ui enter the treeline, and stop for a moment, before looking back with amournful look on her face. Leon caught a glimpse of her face as she turned back towards

    the forest. ll he could focus on was her wet, red eyes, before she disappeared amongst

    the trees.

    Leon turned away, trudging back towards the snowy footpath, face turned down and

    unreadable. He was shivering, suddenly affected by the cold weather. He stopped by the

    corner of the gym, the corner where he had minutes ago looked around with anticipationat the girl he loved. His limp hands became fists, before he slammed his fist into the wall

    repeatedly, in time with his screams of frustration.

    $*amn/ *amn/ *amn/% He shouted, a mi" of sadness and anger reaching into his

    voice as he attacked the wall. $*amn it all/%

    He left his bloodied hand against the bricks of the wall, as he placed his head ne"t to it,

    beginning to cry over his face contorted with rage.

    s he began to sob, one last thought flitted through his mind before he succumbed to his

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    I made her cry"