9 tricks for better design portfolio

Making of an effective PORTFOLIO

Transcript of 9 tricks for better design portfolio

Making of an effective PORTFOLIO

Cover letter

● Keep it simple

● Keep it to the point

● Make it look customised

● Make is irresistible to read!

Make Your Resume a showstopper

● Know your skills and use them wisely.

● Infographics are easy to understand, attractive and

always win heart.

● Your resume is your virtual identity! Showcase your

best self. It acts like an entry pass to any


● Nobody cares about what your hobbies or family

members are. Stick to the point!

Create online portfolio or your own website

● Nobody cares about PDFs anymore!

● Dirbbble.com or behance work the best.

● Coroflot is outdated.

● Do not use any kind of flash or animation in portfolio. It's

unnecessary and takes a lot of loading time

Behance PersonalWebsite


Make them your best friends for life.

These softwares (or similar) will be help you bring your ideas into reality.

● Be thoughtful of what you


● Let your work speak for itself

● Showcase your strengths

● Showcase your most unique and

creative work


● Have your unique visual identity.

● Higher recall value will set your

apart from others.

● Make your portfolio memorable

(Eg. Use a single striking color,

have your own visual language).

Dont over do anything.

Have a Self Branding

Go for variety

Multi domained portfolio always work the best!

Make a trailer, not a movie.

1 + 1 = 11Coworking is the best way to win.

Do not take classmates and batchmates as your competitor, you will not grow!

Thank You and Good Luck!

You can reach me at

www.facebook.com/vrishi17 in.linkedin.com/in/vyasvrushank [email protected]