9 - Pluto in Oriental Appearance

Pluto Guiding Planet Your special skill lies in your penetrating insight which enables you to develop and introduce new systems and principles of organization. Pluto Skill Symbol corresponds with the power to give old ideas and concepts new meaning and vitality, and the personal force and charisma to inspire and lead others. You have a knack for seeing the hidden side of things and the secret agendas of others. Your powers of persuasion and your penetrating insight into people and things may be your greatest asset, but it also carries the germ of manipulation. Pluto Oriental people tend to be very intense and possess a high degree of personal force and will. With tremendous charisma and a commanding presence, they seldom go unnoticed and they may be feared as much as loved. When faced with obstacles, your first response is probably to simply blast through opposition, forcing others to conform with your views and expectations, but you may do better by tuning into the Guiding Planet aspect of Pluto. Look at the big picture, get a handle on the "ultimates," listen to the views of others, and take all possibilities into account before pursuing a course of action with the intensity and firm determination typical of Pluto Skill Symbol people. People born with Pluto Oriental have a special, inside track to the ultimates involved in any situation, and they often like to strip things down to the bare essentials, so they can see what’s really important. As a Oriental Pluto type, you may be painfully ahead of your time. Attempting to get others to see things from your ultimate, inclusive perspective may be frustrating. Try to develop patience and avoid condemning people who have difficulty seeing things your way. In view of the above, we should expect Pluto Oriental people to figure among the most potent and influential personages, and what was written is generally true of any Plutonian type, including people born with Pluto on an angle. Two of the most influential people of the 19th century, who played large roles in shaping the features of the 20th century mind, were born when Pluto was Oriental. Regardless of his true time of birth, Sigmund Freud was born with Pluto Oriental, an excellent symbol for a man who forced humanity to own its subconscious mind! The 20th century would not have been the 20th century without his contribution. Nor would it be lacking H. P. Blavatsky, whose mission it was to "change the mind of the 20th century." Indeed, Blavatsky first opened the western mind to comparative religion and everything today loosely called metaphysical and "new age." Born into an aristocratic Russian family, Oriental Pluto is in her natal eleventh house, rising a great distance before the second house Leo Sun, and both are involved in powerful oppositions. In her time, it was said that the only woman in the world holding more influence and a greater number of followers than HPB was Queen Victoria. In our time, Nelson Mandela exemplifies a successful Pluto Oriental, born when Pluto rose twenty degrees ahead of the Sun, and near Jupiter. The success of his early political activities aimed at achieving equal rights for Blacks in South Africa, assisted by his tremendous charisma, earned him decades in prison. But in the end his goals were achieved and he won worldwide respect and honor as a statesman and humanitarian. The birth-charts of two of the most unique and independent voices on today’s music scene, Sean Lennon and Ani di Franco, feature Pluto Oriental. Sean Lennon, whose chart shows Pluto rising six degrees before an exact conjunction of the Sun and Mercury retrograde, exemplifies the quiet aspect of Pluto as Guiding Planet, but his outstanding charisma and presence suggests he may play a large role in the future. Ani di Franco is gifted singer-songwriter regarded as a goddess incarnate by her fans, and she has done it all — very much her way. Refusing to sell-out in any way, shape or form, Ani started her own record company to preserve the integratity of her work and maintain control over our her sound and image. Her natal horoscope features Pluto in late-Virgo rising three degrees before the Sun in the first degree of Libra. The two straddle the Midheaven and a very close Mars-Mercury conjunction in the ninth house rises fourteen degrees before Pluto.

Transcript of 9 - Pluto in Oriental Appearance

Page 1: 9 - Pluto in Oriental Appearance

Pluto Guiding Planet

Your special skill lies in your penetrating insight which enables you to develop and

introduce new systems and principles of organization. Pluto Skill Symbol corresponds

with the power to give old ideas and concepts new meaning and vitality, and the personal

force and charisma to inspire and lead others. You have a knack for seeing the hidden

side of things and the secret agendas of others. Your powers of persuasion and your

penetrating insight into people and things may be your greatest asset, but it also carries

the germ of manipulation.

Pluto Oriental people tend to be very intense and possess a high degree of personal

force and will. With tremendous charisma and a commanding presence, they seldom go

unnoticed and they may be feared as much as loved. When faced with obstacles, your

first response is probably to simply blast through opposition, forcing others to conform

with your views and expectations, but you may do better by tuning into the Guiding

Planet aspect of Pluto. Look at the big picture, get a handle on the "ultimates," listen to

the views of others, and take all possibilities into account before pursuing a course of

action with the intensity and firm determination typical of Pluto Skill Symbol people.

People born with Pluto Oriental have a special, inside track to the ultimates involved

in any situation, and they often like to strip things down to the bare essentials, so they

can see what’s really important. As a Oriental Pluto type, you may be painfully ahead of

your time. Attempting to get others to see things from your ultimate, inclusive

perspective may be frustrating. Try to develop patience and avoid condemning people

who have difficulty seeing things your way.

In view of the above, we should expect Pluto Oriental people to figure among the

most potent and influential personages, and what was written is generally true of any

Plutonian type, including people born with Pluto on an angle. Two of the most influential

people of the 19th century, who played large roles in shaping the features of the 20th

century mind, were born when Pluto was Oriental. Regardless of his true time of

birth, Sigmund Freud was born with Pluto Oriental, an excellent symbol for a man who

forced humanity to own its subconscious mind! The 20th century would not have been

the 20th century without his contribution. Nor would it be lacking H. P.

Blavatsky, whose mission it was to "change the mind of the 20th century." Indeed,

Blavatsky first opened the western mind to comparative religion and everything today

loosely called metaphysical and "new age." Born into an aristocratic Russian family,

Oriental Pluto is in her natal eleventh house, rising a great distance before the second

house Leo Sun, and both are involved in powerful oppositions. In her time, it was said

that the only woman in the world holding more influence and a greater number of

followers than HPB was Queen Victoria.

In our time, Nelson Mandela exemplifies a successful Pluto Oriental, born when Pluto

rose twenty degrees ahead of the Sun, and near Jupiter. The success of his early political

activities aimed at achieving equal rights for Blacks in South Africa, assisted by his

tremendous charisma, earned him decades in prison. But in the end his goals were

achieved and he won worldwide respect and honor as a statesman and humanitarian.

The birth-charts of two of the most unique and independent voices on today’s music

scene, Sean Lennon and Ani di Franco, feature Pluto Oriental. Sean Lennon, whose chart

shows Pluto rising six degrees before an exact conjunction of the Sun and Mercury

retrograde, exemplifies the quiet aspect of Pluto as Guiding Planet, but his outstanding

charisma and presence suggests he may play a large role in the future. Ani di Franco is

gifted singer-songwriter regarded as a goddess incarnate by her fans, and she has done it

all — very much her way. Refusing to sell-out in any way, shape or form, Ani started her

own record company to preserve the integratity of her work and maintain control over our

her sound and image. Her natal horoscope features Pluto in late-Virgo rising three degrees

before the Sun in the first degree of Libra. The two straddle the Midheaven and a very

close Mars-Mercury conjunction in the ninth house rises fourteen degrees before Pluto.