9. MORNING MAY 1.5, -...

TWO DOLLARS PK 11 ANNUM. J. GOID .A.JSTX) OTJR COTJISI T \ l^T. ALWAYS IX ADVANCE. VOLUME 9. SATURDAY MORNING MAY 1.5, 1875. NUMBER 13 \TOTICI3 hereby si von of JLl the loss or destruction of Certifigat« of Dtpo.sit £o. 331, Orangcburg Bra'noh, Citizens Savings Hank of South Carolina, issuod to the late P.. J. Olivcros, deceased, nnd id so of Deposit Book No. tM>, of Bim» Branch, in the nnme of the said E. J. Oli- turua, in trust, and that I (till apply in three months from dato for a renewal of the »ante, nnd for such dividends «s may accrue thereon, to tho Trustee nnd Committee of Ibo aaid Dank, at Columbia, S. C. K. ROSA C. OLIVEROS, mnr C.t am Sin Qualified Executrix. NOT ICE TO |THE LI.ADIKS AM) OKXTLEMKX 01' ÖßAKGKISÜttG, MOSES M. BROWN, the Barber pledges hiiau'lf to keen up with the times in all the 1.ATK lMlMlOVKMKNTM, as his business is Ktiflielent to guru tit re the above. He will bo found at his old stand, ever ready to ¦ervc bis customers at the shortest notion. apt 11 80 DENTISTRY It. F. MTUCMEXF^issi Dentlnt OF CHARLESTON, can bo found at his OFFICE ubove Captain HAMIL¬ TON'S STORK, on Mar¬ ket Street References.Das. j. P. Patbick, B. A. MvcKanrusü, A. P. Tklzer, M. D., and Messrs. Pri.zkr, RoncKDs & Co. Nine Years' Exprience IN DHUGS and HKDICIENS. PA 1 NTH, OILS. BRUSHES, a5ü PATENT MEDIC 1KNS, TOILET ARTICLES. CAN 1>1 RS, CUTLCKT. SEC A KS, TOBACCO,.*! Ac. I bxvo cu liaml ttUo a i u j .It of .SEEDS) a.to ONION SETTS. l T,rrrrii liriiflltiii'J<lwl''1"ll''"'iyr\i TioiiiSo^^r^j^BBi^Tckly attended tin ]'«pl*t *">. 4 . V.f 1>K. A. C. MJKKS. jan 'Ji 1st I \j Horses and Mules AT 11A Mil EKG ÄJSl.ATKIl'S STAHL KS IN RIM II OK .y. c;r.o. vom:*« ktoub. Wlitre von will find x C< IM IM,KTE »lock of ihr finest ItOltSKS and Ml'I.KS that «an be procured from ihe BEST MARKETS in tho United Siates. Our priem range from JoO to «All orders IiMrd at the shortest nolle*. !f mir stock on hxnd do not plensa we will order for von at oii.'e.J BAMBERG: k SLATER. d«o IS 1874 6m SURE CURE OR A FORFEIT OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! TO DYSPEPTICS on THOSE SUFFERING- with LIVER COMPLAINT, jNdCale or Female, For a Nevcr-Fn fling licmcdy, (recently discovered and known to but one person in the United Slates.*) Females with debilitated constitutions (of abort or long duration) vigorously restored in a short time. Address CONSTA NTI NE, Ornngennrg, S, C. Charleston AVmvi iaiid Courier and Colum¬ bia Union-llcruld copy one week nnd send bill to tlli.S oilier. apl 4JI If AT PRIVATE SALE. Reserving only a few feet for an ofliee, I oiler for sale the Ttfivijjci IjO('. in Or¬ angeburg oil which my present Law Olfico stands. It embraces nearly one half of a dpisire, and pus-esses peculiar advantages of location. Fronting directly on Court llouso Square, in the 1.earl of the business portion of the town, bounded on three sides by Streets, and on two of those sides by open Squares. It is admirably adapted .or Pri¬ vate Residences of merchants, or others en¬ gaged in business in the town, or for a large Hotel, or other buildings for Public retort or business purposes. It will be sold either as a whole, or in subdivisions to suit purchasers. Terms made known on application to w. M- nursoN. Or to JAS. II. FOWLK8* apl 21 lin S5 TO ft OQ l*er I>«y nt Home*. Terms frae. Address (!. STINSON k CO., Portland, Maine, jan '2'J 187 j ly i J.LWALLACE CANNON, AT TltK Phoanix Grocery Fouse, linn hand as usual a choice and well se* lectod stock of FA MII.Y O It (> O E RI ES, ales, ' wines, liquors, ' ^ Also a select lusortincnt of STAPLE A K t > FANCY DRY GOODS, shoes, Which will he sold at his usually LOW PI1ICES. Also I have now on hand the celebrated HAND & G-ARD22N P L O W One of the greatest Lihor Saving Machines ever invented. Call end examine and be convinced. j. w. cannon. I j j i Kxocutiim ol* John Richardson. John Richardson was hung on Fri- ilay bu?t ("Olli April) hear Waller- boro, Collcton county, about one mils from the Court IIou.sc. 31c went to the place of execution .singing, showing no four or excite¬ ment, and continued calm and con¬ fident to the 1 ist. The 'Wallcrboro AVir.< fays, "the following confession wa.s made by him a low' day.-; before hi* execution, and when he had given up ali hope.if lie ever bad any after tbo trial.'' Till-: CO.N'I'KjiSlOX. "I was not tbo man who shid and killed, Constantino l?nss, on the night of tbo.'th of February, 1874. Hut since I. have stood my trial iiiiit been found'"guilt)' of the murder, I will give the facts and cirCUnismncos of this tragedy to the '.public. On the night oi this dark and uncalled for deed, Peas came to my bdiise ami in¬ sisted! on my going.with him to the'; store of Constantino llass'; lie gave me li<pior on the way mit of a demijohn, also had his jrun with him loaded; lie insisted on iny doing the shouting but I was unnerved to do the deed, and refused, lie placed the gun near the front door, and while Jhtss was in the act of tying up a bundle, he reached outside, took the gun; and tired the fatal shot. 1 wits scared and I ran off about one hundred yards to the bridge on the Augusta road, but Peas stayed in the store and robbed him of his money, and other things. He gave me only ten dollars in money. I left for Clin;'lestön the sainc night, and he cave me some money to buy groceries and other things for hiin-- all of.which 1 did; although Deas has been found not guilty of the crinic-r ¦jH^ iniMoiiKd action this dar!; deed be a warning lor till ;:i the future, to see how I have been led to lite gallows by the pastor of my own church; to answer before the.bar of justice for this crime of murder wliihi the principle goes scott.free. \Vi:h gratitude to Mr. Charles II. Farmer j defending hie, may these hiy last words on this side of eternity be a wanting to all men, who seek the blood of tlieir fellow men." A Healthy Urahi. ] Oliver Wendell llolnies writes: No sound working brain without chough good blood to litiihl it, repair it, and furnish the materials for those. md?o- iiiosccular changes which are the con¬ ditions essential to all nervous actions intellectual ami veiitiomt!, as well as those of lower grade. No good blood without a proper amount of proper food and air to furnish mate¬ rials, and healthy organs to reduce a sufficient <jiiant it v of tliesc materials to a state lit. to enter 11»<* circulation. No healthy organs, strictly speaking} except from lienitby parents, and de¬ veloped and maintained by proper stimuli, nourishment and use. No licitlthy parents.no help for it. We lire of course, applying tlio term heal thy to the brain, as signifying much more than freedom from disease. A healthy brain should show, by the out ward signs of clear, easily working in tell ige nee, well balanced moulties: and commanding will, that its several or gnus, if stieb there bo, or its .several modes of action, if it works a- a whole are properly developed and adjusted by themselvesitiid in relation to each other. Mr. .John 13right sent this letter to the centennial celebration at Lexing¬ ton.: "Jcanhot cr ss the ocean to join your great conijiany,and 1 know not how to write yen a letter fitting the occasion. J would rather not thin I; of tin occasion when Englishmen shed blood, and English blood, on your continent, and J would prefer toecle brate the freedom and grandeur of your country oil sonic other day. J>nt 1 can rejoice with you in that freedom and grandeur, and wish, with yon, thai they may be perpetual. ..IM» . - . .)im Inscription on the tombstone on a child blind from birth. "There shall be no night there." The Mysteries of I ho Female Toilette. The 1*1111 Mall <V<r.W/. .-ays : "The latest novelty in woman' attire doe? not .found comibrtable. She lias, it seems, adopted a garment in which it is almost impossible to walk or sit down, or to enter a carriage, and which t an only In: worn by throwing the body into the most painful contor¬ tions neCordihg Id instructionsspecial¬ ly given by the dress,-milkers who manufacture it. The l^iriscorrespond¬ ent id' ilie Quc«h gi.vr.s the following account of this view articleofdress'. 'Demi-train?,' says the correspondent, 'are inconvenient for the street a ml even for getting into a carriage, and lliey are so tieil hack and banded with clastic tlial walking, and, above all, sitting down arc not the easy, careless movement of yore. Some dress makers give instructions' sis to the management of these demi-trains. The best manner to gathering up the I rain is to turn lb thii right, bending sjiidifty backwards, and to take hold oi' the dress as low down as possible with the right hand. When you straighten and stand upright again the skirl will be slightly lifted, and thus become no longer than a short co.-lume. When you wish to let the skirt, trail again yon must thivw it back with the sweep of the right hand. Tili- will I ü found a hutch more graceful way of preserving the train from contact, with the streets than by lifting it on each side with the hand-.' .Matt dressed in a coat or a pair of trouiici.s involving so. much trouble and agony would hardly feel up to preforming those duties »vhich woman kindly propose t<> take on her own hands; she is, however, very strong- minded, and delights in a life of active occupation. Colonel Leo Jordan, a Georgia far¬ mer, owns ami cultivates. 20,000 acres, the original cost of which was 8 S "»i>,imt). IK-has son laborers, but i = gradually adopting the tenant sys¬ tem. Tie raises twice;as much corn as he needs. Six overseers superin¬ tend the plantations, .-.ml rilifc from i liji) to 2000 bales of cotton. No fc-r- ti.i/.crs arc used, as Col. Jordan be¬ lieves tliciij to lie productive of eater- pi Hues. Formerly he spent 812'000 per uituuin in guamis ami phosphates but how he makes his own manure. Dr. 11. 11. Culeman does the practice id" the plantation on the following plan : Hi1 assesses each head of a family three dollars a year, whether he is sick <.;rm>!, am! thus, by taxing each man lightly, it is made burden¬ some on none, lie is a good pliysi ei in, and says it. is the healthiest conn try h<- ever saw; Only two adults tlied last year out of over a thousand soiils. Tho preaching is done on the samt- rule! There is a uegro j:mich o r on a salary, who rides about the country in his two horse buggy,as fat as a bishop ami as happy as a piiiice. lie charges three dollars a bead for dealing out salvation the year round, and with a iuetiibersliip o! 1,000 never gets loss than 53000 per annum out of the place. Marriage uf Miss Ida dreolcy. The marriage of Miss I'd si Greclcy, eldest daughter id* the bite Horace Ctrcoloy fo Col. Nicholas Smith, of C'dvington, Ivy., who served through¬ out the war in the CiWifcdcratc army, took place on (Saturday morning, at the residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs. .lohn F. Cleveland, in New York. The services were solemnized aocord- ihg to the Kornau Catholic form. that being the faith of the bride's mother.by the Kev. Father Far roll. The spacious parlors wert! crowded with invited guests. .Misses Groclcy ami C'levi land noted ha bridesmaids, while \Vllitclaw Heid was one of the groomsmen. There was no display of bridal presents, except rich and ex¬ quisite floral gifts. After tho cere¬ mony the bridal party and a number of guests look carriages to proceed to the steamer Abyssinia for Europe on their wedding tonr. Women do no', talk more than men tltev tiro listened to more that's all. A (Itioer Discovery.A Mysto ionsBüllef* i. . /. f} t# A corrcHpomlcirt of .the ".Toledo I Jllacfe, writing from 11 ast i ij gs,'li'cji,4'm says: "About ten niilds Soullü of,lids place, n farmer, while, driving ttom^rr cows througb a deep forest adjoining!', tis fields," unexpectedly came upon an unusually large .buck stretched upon! I the ground, and moaning away the last moments of its existence. The animal was evidently very old, aud in I a sadly emaciated condition, so the r fact that the fanner immediately put. a bullet through its/'h^ad.: should rather be looked upon as an not ol i compassion than otherwise; Just'"».ji he was about to leave, be observed a round lump lipon the animal's siue, which so attracted his attention that ho stopped to examine it. Quickly- discovering that close under the skin . was deposited a round, hard body, he i used bis knife, and brought to light a silver bullet such as was used in olden - times for the enclosure of secret des¬ patches, lie carried this curiosity to his house, where, after considerable trouble, he succeeded in opening it, and found to his great surpriso that it contained a message written in cypher upon paper attenuated to a high dot grbe. Otherwise than that the papor was slightly discolored (hot sufficient¬ ly, however, to obliterate the charac¬ ters.) Neither the bullet nor what it \ enclosed bore any evidence of its late surroundings or of the strange vicissi¬ tudes through which it might preyious- ly have gone. Several men of science have carefully inspected this relic i t' the past, and are as. much at a loss to decipher the message as they are to * satisfactorily explain when and how the bullet came to be lodged in the side of the buck." Ax Iowa LovkStojiy...TJie_Cjgdar Jady living a f-W SR^SBS^Sr4*: Falls tbvK u into her head to go to Kansas to teach school, and a young fellow that had been keeping company with her wctit to Nebraska to make himself a home. Well, the young lady thought she would come home, so" she sent her side-sadd'o aud some other things on before she started, bu* by some accident she was taken to Sioux City, where she had te stay all night- Jn the meantime the youug man had got up a house, nnd finding it lonesome work living alone, sent for his two sisters. He went to Sioux City to meet theni on the same evering that the young lady arrived there, locking through the register to find his sisters' names, he came across the mime of his former sweetheart, so, his sisters not appearing, hunted up the young lady and talked 'business so.:< well that they were married th& same night and started for his home the next morning. Names. Ilattie Ray¬ mond and Jean Emerson. It seems tj be generally accepted, a that lJ:e signs of the times in the money markets arc confirmatory of the theorj' that the country is verging towards a steady and prosperous busi- nesc era. The New York Evening Mail remarks that the feeling in Wall street is doubtless somewhat in antici¬ pation of "the good time coming," and is not always controlled by good judg¬ ment, but it indicates unmistakably the general conviction of our shrewdest judges of the signs of the times, that, the tide has at. last, begun to turn, that money is seeking investmjuts, add that confidence is coining back, we hope "to stay." That is the gener¬ al aspect of "the street," as any one can find who is in doubt of the situ¬ ation. For the first time since the panic, money i»> pouring into Wall street iu large quantities from inves¬ tors outside of the city, who are ex¬ changing Government bonds for securities that have the "promise and potency" of development in their value. Wlten tw Georgia men arc about to make a mule, trade, the first ques¬ tion asked by the would be purchaser is, "What's his moid? Seller re¬ plies. Three niggers an 1 a couple dozen dash-boaid>." Here's your moticy,'- and the new owner leads his pyopcrty off.

Transcript of 9. MORNING MAY 1.5, -...


VOLUME9. SATURDAY MORNING MAY 1.5, 1875. NUMBER 13\TOTICI3 i« hereby sivon ofJLl the loss or destruction of Certifigat«of Dtpo.sit £o. 331, Orangcburg Bra'noh,Citizens Savings Hank of South Carolina,issuod to the late P.. J. Olivcros, deceased,nnd id so of Deposit Book No. tM>, of Bim»Branch, in the nnme of the said E. J. Oli-turua, in trust, and that I (till apply inthree months from dato for a renewal of the»ante, nnd for such dividends «s may accruethereon, to tho Trustee nnd Committee ofIbo aaid Dank, at Columbia, S. C.

K. ROSA C. OLIVEROS,mnr C.t am Sin Qualified Executrix.



MOSES M. BROWN, the Barber pledgeshiiau'lf to keen up with the times in all the1.ATK lMlMlOVKMKNTM, as his business isKtiflielent to guru tit re the above. He willbo found at his old stand, ever ready to¦ervc bis customers at the shortest notion.

apt 11 80

DENTISTRYIt. F. MTUCMEXF^issi DentlntOF CHARLESTON, can bo found at hisOFFICE ubove Captain HAMIL¬TON'S STORK, on Mar¬

ket StreetReferences.Das. j. P. Patbick, B. A.

MvcKanrusü, A. P. Tklzer, M. D., andMessrs. Pri.zkr, RoncKDs & Co.

Nine Years' ExprienceIN






Ac.I bxvo cu liaml ttUo a i u j .It of

.SEEDS) a.to ONION SETTS.l T,rrrrii liriiflltiii'J<lwl''1"ll''"'iyr\iTioiiiSo^^r^j^BBi^Tckly attended tin

]'«pl*t *">. 4 . V.f1>K. A. C. MJKKS.

jan 'Ji 1st I\j

Horses and MulesAT


.y. c;r.o. vom:*« ktoub.Wlitre von will find x C< IM IM,KTE »lock

of ihr finest ItOltSKS and Ml'I.KS that «anbe procured from ihe BEST MARKETS intho United Siates.Our priem range from JoO to «All

orders IiMrd at the shortest nolle*.!f mir stock on hxnd do not plensa wewill order for von at oii.'e.J

BAMBERG: k SLATER.d«o IS 18746m




LIVER COMPLAINT,jNdCale or Female,

For a Nevcr-Fnfling licmcdy,(recently discovered and knownto but one person in the UnitedSlates.*)Females with debilitated constitutions(of abort or long duration) vigorouslyrestored in a short time.


Ornngennrg, S, C.Charleston AVmvi iaiid Courier and Colum¬bia Union-llcruld copy one week nnd sendbill to tlli.S oilier.apl 4JI If

AT PRIVATE SALE.Reserving only a few feet for an ofliee, I

oiler for sale the Ttfivijjci IjO('. in Or¬angeburg oil which my present Law Olficostands. It embraces nearly one half of adpisire, and pus-esses peculiar advantages oflocation. Fronting directly on Court llousoSquare, in the 1.earl of the business portionof the town, bounded on three sides byStreets, and on two of those sides by openSquares. It is admirably adapted .or Pri¬vate Residences of merchants, or others en¬gaged in business in the town, or for a largeHotel, or other buildings for Public retortor business purposes.It will be sold either as a whole, or insubdivisions to suit purchasers.Terms made known on application to

w. M- nursoN.Or to JAS. II. FOWLK8*apl 21 lin

S5 TO ft OQl*er I>«y nt Home*. Terms frae.

Address (!. STINSON k CO.,Portland, Maine,

jan '2'J 187 jly



Phoanix Grocery Fouse,linn hand as usual a choice and well se*

lectod stock of

FAMII.Y O It(>OERIES,ales, '

wines, liquors,' ^ Also a select lusortincnt of



Which will he sold at his usuallyLOW PI1ICES.

Also I have now on hand the celebrated


One of the greatest Lihor Saving Machinesever invented.Call end examine and be convinced.

j. w. cannon.



Kxocutiim ol* John Richardson.

John Richardson was hung on Fri-ilay bu?t ("Olli April) hear Waller-boro, Collcton county, about one milsfrom the Court IIou.sc.

31c went to the place of execution.singing, showing no four or excite¬ment, and continued calm and con¬

fident to the 1 ist.The 'Wallcrboro AVir.< fays, "the

following confession wa.s made by hima low' day.-; before hi* execution, andwhen he had given up ali hope.if lieever bad any after tbo trial.''

Till-: CO.N'I'KjiSlOX."I was not tbo man who shid and

killed, Constantino l?nss, on the nightof tbo.'th of February, 1874. Hutsince I. have stood my trial iiiiit beenfound'"guilt)' of the murder, I willgive the facts and cirCUnismncos ofthis tragedy to the '.public. On thenight oi this dark and uncalled fordeed, Peas came to my bdiise ami in¬sisted! on my going.with him to the';store of Constantino llass'; lie gave me

li<pior on the way mit of a demijohn,also had his jrun with him loaded;lie insisted on iny doing the shoutingbut I was unnerved to do the deed,and refused, lie placed the gun nearthe front door, and while Jhtss wasin the act of tying up a bundle, hereached outside, took the gun; andtired the fatal shot. 1 wits scared andI ran off about one hundred yards tothe bridge on the Augusta road, butPeas stayed in the store and robbedhim of his money, and other things.He gave me only ten dollars in money.I left for Clin;'lestön the sainc night,and he cave me some money to buygroceries and other things for hiin--all of.which 1 did; although Deas hasbeen found not guilty of the crinic-r

¦jH^ iniMoiiKd actionthis dar!; deed be a warning lor till ;:i

the future, to see how I have been ledto lite gallows by the pastor of myown church; to answer before the.bar ofjustice for this crime of murder wliihithe principle goes scott.free. \Vi:hgratitude to Mr. Charles II. Farmerjdefending hie, may these hiy lastwords on this side of eternity be a

wanting to all men, who seek theblood of tlieir fellow men."

A Healthy Urahi. ]Oliver Wendell llolnies writes: No

sound working brain without choughgood blood to litiihl it, repair it, andfurnish the materials for those. md?o-iiiosccular changes which are the con¬ditions essential to all nervous actionsintellectual ami veiitiomt!, as wellas those of lower grade. No goodblood without a proper amount ofproper food and air to furnish mate¬rials, and healthy organs to reducea sufficient <jiiant it v of tliesc materialsto a state lit. to enter 11»<* circulation.No healthy organs, strictly speaking}except from lienitby parents, and de¬veloped and maintained by properstimuli, nourishment and use. Nolicitlthy parents.no help for it. Welire of course, applying tlio term healthy to the brain, as signifying muchmore than freedom from disease. Ahealthy brain should show, by the outward signs of clear, easily working intell ige nee, well balanced moulties: andcommanding will, that its several or

gnus, if stieb there bo, or its .severalmodes of action, if it works a- a wholeare properly developed and adjustedby themselvesitiid in relation to eachother.

Mr. .John 13right sent this letter tothe centennial celebration at Lexing¬ton.: "Jcanhot cr ss the ocean tojoinyour great conijiany,and 1 know nothow to write yen a letter fitting theoccasion. J would rather not thin I; oftin occasion when Englishmen shedblood, and English blood, on yourcontinent, and J would prefer toeclebrate the freedom and grandeur ofyour country oil sonic other day. J>nt1 can rejoice with you in that freedomand grandeur, and wish, with yon, thaithey may be perpetual.

..IM» . - . .)im

Inscription on the tombstone on achild blind from birth. "There shallbe no night there."

The Mysteries of I ho Female Toilette.

The 1*1111 Mall <V<r.W/. .-ays : "Thelatest novelty in woman' attire doe?not .found comibrtable. She lias, itseems, adopted a garment in which itis almost impossible to walk or sitdown, or to enter a carriage, andwhich t an only In: worn by throwingthe body into the most painful contor¬tions neCordihg Id instructionsspecial¬ly given by the dress,-milkers whomanufacture it. The l^iriscorrespond¬ent id' ilie Quc«h gi.vr.s the followingaccount of this view articleofdress'.'Demi-train?,' says the correspondent,'are inconvenient for the street a mleven for getting into a carriage, andlliey are so tieil hack and bandedwith clastic tlial walking, and, aboveall, sitting down arc not the easy,careless movement of yore. Somedress makers give instructions' sis tothe management of these demi-trains.The best manner to gathering up theI rain is to turn lb thii right, bendingsjiidifty backwards, and to take holdoi' the dress as low down as possiblewith the right hand. When youstraighten and stand upright againthe skirl will be slightly lifted, andthus become no longer than a shortco.-lume. When you wish to let theskirt, trail again yon must thivw itback with the sweep of the right hand.Tili- will I ü found a hutch more

graceful way of preserving the trainfrom contact, with the streets than bylifting it on each side with the hand-.'.Matt dressed in a coat or a pair oftrouiici.s involving so. much troubleand agony would hardly feel up to

preforming those duties »vhich woman

kindly propose t<> take on her own

hands; she is, however, very strong-minded, and delights in a life of activeoccupation.

Colonel Leo Jordan, a Georgia far¬mer, owns ami cultivates. 20,000acres, the original cost of which was

8 S "»i>,imt). IK-has son laborers, buti = gradually adopting the tenant sys¬tem. Tie raises twice;as much cornas he needs. Six overseers superin¬tend the plantations, .-.ml rilifc fromi liji) to 2000 bales of cotton. No fc-r-ti.i/.crs arc used, as Col. Jordan be¬lieves tliciij to lie productive of eater-pi Hues. Formerly he spent 812'000per uituuin in guamis ami phosphatesbut how he makes his own manure.Dr. 11. 11. Culeman does the practiceid" the plantation on the followingplan : Hi1 assesses each head of a

family three dollars a year, whetherhe is sick <.;rm>!, am! thus, by taxingeach man lightly, it is made burden¬some on none, lie is a good pliysiei in, and says it. is the healthiest conn

try h<- ever saw; Only two adultstlied last year out of over a thousandsoiils. Tho preaching is done on thesamt- rule! There is a uegro j:mich o r

on a salary, who rides aboutthe country in his two horse buggy,asfat as a bishop ami as happy as a

piiiice. lie charges three dollars a

bead for dealing out salvation theyear round, and with a iuetiibersliipo! 1,000 never gets loss than 53000per annum out of the place.

Marriage uf Miss Ida dreolcy.The marriage of Miss I'd si Greclcy,

eldest daughter id* the bite HoraceCtrcoloy fo Col. Nicholas Smith, ofC'dvington, Ivy., who served through¬out the war in the CiWifcdcratc army,took place on (Saturday morning, atthe residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs..lohn F. Cleveland, in New York.The services were solemnized aocord-ihg to the Kornau Catholic form.that being the faith of the bride'smother.by the Kev. Father Farroll.The spacious parlors wert! crowdedwith invited guests. .Misses Groclcyami C'levi land noted ha bridesmaids,while \Vllitclaw Heid was one of thegroomsmen. There was no display ofbridal presents, except rich and ex¬

quisite floral gifts. After tho cere¬

mony the bridal party and a numberof guests look carriages to proceed tothe steamer Abyssinia for Europe ontheir wedding tonr.

Women do no', talk more than mentltev tiro listened to more that's all.

A (Itioer Discovery.A Mysto ionsBüllef*i. . /. f} t#

A corrcHpomlcirt of .the ".Toledo IJllacfe, writing from 11ast i ij gs,'li'cji,4'msays: "About ten niilds Soullü of,lidsplace, n farmer, while, driving ttom^rrcows througb a deep forest adjoining!',tis fields," unexpectedly came upon an

unusually large .buck stretched upon! Ithe ground, and moaning away thelast moments of its existence. Theanimal was evidently very old, aud in Ia sadly emaciated condition, so the r

fact that the fanner immediately put.a bullet through its/'h^ad.: shouldrather be looked upon as an not ol icompassion than otherwise; Just'"».jihe was about to leave, be observed a

round lump lipon the animal's siue,which so attracted his attention thatho stopped to examine it. Quickly-discovering that close under the skin .

was deposited a round, hard body, he iused bis knife, and brought to light a

silver bullet such as was used in olden -

times for the enclosure of secret des¬patches, lie carried this curiosity tohis house, where, after considerabletrouble, he succeeded in opening it,and found to his great surpriso that itcontained a message written in cypherupon paper attenuated to a high dotgrbe. Otherwise than that the paporwas slightly discolored (hot sufficient¬ly, however, to obliterate the charac¬ters.) Neither the bullet nor what it \enclosed bore any evidence of its latesurroundings or of the strange vicissi¬tudes through which it might preyious-ly have gone. Several men of sciencehave carefully inspected this relic i t'the past, and are as. much at a loss to

decipher the message as they are to *

satisfactorily explain when and howthe bullet came to be lodged in theside of the buck."

Ax Iowa LovkStojiy...TJie_CjgdarJady living a f-W SR^SBS^Sr4*:Falls tbvK u into her head to go toKansas to teach school, and a youngfellow that had been keeping companywith her wctit to Nebraska to makehimself a home. Well, the younglady thought she would come home, so"she sent her side-sadd'o aud some

other things on before she started, bu*by some accident she was taken toSioux City, where she had te stay allnight- Jn the meantime the youugman had got up a house, nnd findingit lonesome work living alone, sentfor his two sisters. He went to SiouxCity to meet theni on the same everingthat the young lady arrived there,locking through the register to findhis sisters' names, he came across themime of his former sweetheart, so, hissisters not appearing, hunted up theyoung lady and talked 'business so.:<well that they were married th& same

night and started for his home thenext morning. Names. Ilattie Ray¬mond and Jean Emerson.

It seems tj be generally accepted, a

that lJ:e signs of the times in themoney markets arc confirmatory ofthe theorj' that the country is vergingtowards a steady and prosperous busi-nesc era. The New York EveningMail remarks that the feeling in Wallstreet is doubtless somewhat in antici¬pation of "the good time coming," andis not always controlled by good judg¬ment, but it indicates unmistakablythe general conviction of our shrewdestjudges of the signs of the times, that,the tide has at. last, begun to turn,that money is seeking investmjuts,add that confidence is coining back,we hope "to stay." That is the gener¬al aspect of "the street," as any one

can find who is in doubt of the situ¬ation. For the first time since thepanic, money i»> pouring into Wallstreet iu large quantities from inves¬tors outside of the city, who are ex¬

changing Government bonds forsecurities that have the "promise andpotency" of development in theirvalue.

Wlten tw Georgia men arc aboutto make a mule, trade, the first ques¬tion asked by the would be purchaseris, "What's his moid? Seller re¬

plies. Three niggers an 1 a coupledozen dash-boaid>." Here's yourmoticy,'- and the new owner leads hispyopcrty off.