VICTORIA. · 1 9 l o. victoria. rbport of rrhb trustees of the public library, ~iuseu~is. and...


Transcript of VICTORIA. · 1 9 l o. victoria. rbport of rrhb trustees of the public library, ~iuseu~is. and...

1 9 l o.






FOR 1909,




PllESENTED 'l'O BOTH H()l:SES ()}' l'AHL!AMENT l'CRSUANT TO 'I'IlE A(''[' .<4 VJC'L No. l!IO, SEC. 8.


No. 12 .-( ''· 6d, )-11001 ~~ ,,

Pl'ep;,:rnticm-·~"S"n! )fi>Nl Pdntlng (1011 t'Opi<>~)


'?; H 0



'J !lE !ill<:. :-.t!l !lE'S"J;Y ,/. w;::Xt>c-:, K.{ .)LU, 1<...1 ., VJ('f:.)•J,J:.~J!if:,n.

,; .\ )fES 8\1 :TH. C·A1~ .• TI:H.! 'Cl: PI:.

I·.JJWAH!J ,JOJJS ;\'AS:\P)i, K-q_., :if._'l,

,\LEXASOI·:t: LEJ·:n:n, J·:;;t)" :ILA, LJ .!I.

·r.tE nr:v. w_ 11. nn:rn:rr, IL\,, LL.H,

JOllS )1.\.'HlFJ:, !-:~Q.

TIIF UO}:, ~~~~ \'.'H.J.L\\1 .\,/.EA!,, 1~.\::.J.L<l,

YL\l:tt·:tt !Ul.TIW!:\ ~py:;;ctm, J';~li., C . .:>UL, )lA., 1'.1: . .:.:.

lWDU:T C~Hlla;A Y t':>!ITII, k:s11., C.~l.(i.,\1. L

TnP. tn•:\·. t:. IL SCChE"\", ;\L,L, .E,Sc.

iJB 110;\Hlt ~In 1'H01t-\~ A'HI(t'KL'I'T,

E!>W-\Itl> ('AJ:ULJ<:, hQ,.KF.

Lli',l1Twt;OJ,. '•'<". 'J. I:LIY •

• \Ll<iXA:';I;EH S. ,)!l:-iKY:, J~.q .. X H.

Till: UPS, .c E. ;\I·V"KJ·;Y, :'11. \,, LT,.r.,, !>l.L .. \.




1:1\'HAkD HE:\ttY WAJ.CO'l''r, LG.S.


WAJ/fVI~ ;;ALJJ\\ L\ :-\t'}::Sn~!t, (',{.I.G., )l.A., {l,;':;t·., P'.}: 8.



A 2




TO TilE llU:\iJlt.\HLE TJII~ CHIEF i'EI'lU.:T.UtY. :"'liB.,

The mn:<t mHn lt!C evu! 1 i t1 <'ont:r,XlHn with the JJihra ry wn~ ! he layiug of the IIWll\Orial i>HlilO pf the o<·W l'f':HliuJ,r room7, :t N·remnny which Wll¥ performed hv His Exer;Jieuey Sir 'l'hnmu:-:: Glb:mn C:H·nti~.·hnel, on the 20tb or fh~tnh·r, in thr· prc:-:cw·e of the l)rcmier, tl:n llrn;orahlc .Joint ~fllrrny~ nud n repre~entative g:1tl11.,ring of cit:lPn:-. In a brlof ~jH(·t·b tiH' J>residmtt. Hf lhr. 'l'ru;;.tr·cs ~11id tlwt. the (•f'rcmony tnigiJt hetukenuz a lc!l­lc!t(·r •hy in !l1c i'llclte<·lnal histof,\' of Viet.orin. Tb:ttJk8 lo !he genern11s view whi• h HH'('('~:<i;·e Con~rnmrnti' lPtd Otkf'n ia the hight'r a::pinnioqx o: the pe(Jple, tht>y W(!fc f'J·;d1!ctl t<> t•omrnont~c l~ lmihlim.:: which wotJ!\l for nll1ime rednqnJ to t!w heuofit ()r ilw eornmuuity. \Yhf'o the; n•nw,n!llcrc~l how eontinuons ilpplicat:ol:s for RRsi~tnHf'C fro'll il;~· ~~flYCrHmfm! for :-nel1 oLjH~t.- Wt·rc. !Le Trnl'<tC·C'>"i f1·lt ilwt 1hev owell their hf'mlv 1wbl·.ndedgn:t"li~ for 11 e .(!i'll~l·o:-cily with whioh th{'ir nppv:d-< h!.l b{:en mcL ~o •lotd~t Hi" Ext'clletwy wo•1l~l ft<nl lh:tt inn 1·ity of the impo:·tun,~(~ nn:! :"p!;_q,!nlll' of )fclbonr::• tlH: p0np1e '\ c•re entitletl to all :-m•il at!juncts ion higlwr ci\'i]:z;tt:m•. TIIPrc werf' many ntru nmon,!!' theln, \:fl\H'\·pr. wltn- -..vcn) not without n-'tl ):{•!'ii(Jll,:; of :t SlnJgglin~ hu!lh ltJW!l~llip, ::ttHI i:~ looldt1g lt;!ek 1lw; could uot f·1rgc~t ilmt ).JdllPUrnc rL'prr-selllcd a thiug of yc~tt>nlnY. \YJwn he \\·n~ fl hov at se!n1ol~ llu; f:ltv wa,; :th5'nfllldv non~cxi...;f(:'l1t. rl'he !he~: p>'1l1H'j.J Y:I:Tit ftol\'t'l t! roni~J a \li!cltrucs;.: wl~if'h -..n't-:4 nndhJt.orlJNl Ly any footfAU t'X''('t'l 1l1nf of an (Wl'nc:imml wnht!Nill~ ..-;:tYag8. T!h• nttl!H' of -:\Tr·li"~'Hrne wat> known to Et:glis\m;en on!1· HS l!.v wtmc nf t.l1nt !_'U".I'-gnhJg Prinw ~liui.-:ter. 1•.'ho, in the d~\Y:!i of QuOcn \'lt'lodn·,_, yo1H h, wa~ !.c1 j,,lftv(·d ami tl'l!l'\!hl ndvis(·r. Thl' dty to whieh ~;ub~c­(p!eotly 11;::< uaHJ(' w;1" .::in•o \\'Ill'! Hr_.;\· onn to e<mjnrc with in cv<'l'y por: H~lr! imrhOI' of thfl oivilir.f'd wnr!.L lrn."' it not \VOllllcd'n! tn nncc 1l1e tr>NHI'Ift_.Tmn!ion, i11 th<'l "'Pl~l'e of oue mnu':" lif<·-linw, from l\ wi\dvnJr·C'..; tn thP ··ln:-.s nl work upon whid: they wcec engage1{ llm! day? It wa'"' IIPt :t time fo1· l:i,.;lnrie:t! refrospoet. ln1t. he •.vn:tl•l like to ... ay a fC'w wen!~ <'<)IH'i'!'iliut[ til(· g:rllwtl! or tl;e PulJHC Lihrnry of Jlell•oUI'!Il3. 'l'IH' inf.DJ'e:=:t in hrook--. :lild n•a•'iliv in llu· \'Uilll\l\!HiiY wa.; fl\'id~_·IW\!t! hy th{' (,te~ d!l~t, yea.!' in mHl Yf'HY out, fully 1.000 u~e;[ f-11e Liln·ary ('V;·ry day. \Vh011 1h•~; fir:-t (J.o\'efllO; (..'\lL Chur!e~s .J. LaJrol•B} lawkJ nu the ba:1;~:; of lh<J Yann, nn :tnd Oe-to1wr, l r-j;)!), he ft•nud thu.t the olllye:-·Uilc of whnt )faHhcw i\1-nnld enlled "Lighl and lntdl11g'' eon"!isif'tl o}f a ~mnll re:uilll,~-room Htt:u:lit'd lo llv· JIIJblio·-l~>m:-;1· k;:pt. by :\ft•, Par;t·co Fttwkui"L Tl1:1t wortby piu11Ct'" h~ld ;vln!rti""e'i tlmt ~~ Jl.n: mm:thly, mul lhrec. qn[ltttl'~}· l(H·iew;l,, tog{·ther with n htte eueyt•lop<l•dill" llJigl!l, he JWI'll:"O!i there. Tl~cre nu:' one· tbnwb;lclc That mc:ri!lil p~::mlnm !u1d, like J,i.., wi::f·s. to b!J ('OIHmned 1111 the prmni:-"f1-\, Ul'tl ihete were men whn 1hunght it wn" not tlt-,irn\,le that ~ nuth ;:t•(•king knowledge ~houltl j,o- broug-ht into cl,Jt>l" ('OUa.d \Vilh I he cop dwt. t•lJeered-auJ aJ . ..;o inel:wi~1ted. Among thMc n·ho held that view wn,; a yonug 1!-i~b hn.!'rist!?r wbn ha.1l brnngllf. lo VictoriA wl1b him a mtber cboi<:e H111e libn:ny. ThAt man decided thnt he would makt> pr()vlsion forthesenspiriug readeu. Out of his J<mnll e..:tahli::-lHN:Ill in Bonrke~street 1'-'ettt he devoted one roorn for the pur­pose of a pnl,liD' rending·ro.nn, nn.J invitc<l t.lw sett.1Pro; 11f th(• rlitotrict to fl.".c.:l;'mbie there, w-heucv(·r they felr inclin(•d1 for ~m Pveniug;\;: :-:iu,ly o( lilemtut'e. The name of that hl'ndadm· waH I\ethT~(Jl!!l Barnr. As rime' went on, wh( 11 tlw ren.,liug-room becam(> too <:mall, -:\lr. Harry inincd wilh "oth•·r;; in formiug !lw 1lelhomtlfl )fci•fwll:(',-<' Inf'­r;ow the A thonwu m. Af!Pr the agitation on the di~C(•very of ~olrl ltq..d ":11 bsi·led somewhatl

he turuetl lii~ to the c"'lnJ,IJ:duneut of the presvnt ~n·at iu;-;tilu!ion. Aidetl hy Governor I~~trohe :wd ~Ir. Ilugh Cullin.!! Ennlky ChiLdcr:<, narry ~tartcd the pub!ie Library. J~ven before that, Re.dmot11l Burry JwrliJeeu rcgn.nkd tH:;-::lw p·l!J'Oil of lltoraluw in Australia. He wa..; the firt>t. Pn.;..;itlcnt nf the In~titnt.iull, aHd i:l lrorwr of littlt fa<:~, nud his great labones in its iHteru;;rs, his :-:t.;rluc lmJ be(\ll t~IC\'kl outside t.h0 Public Lthnwy. There, howcY"rr, Ire is rcprcscntud i:l :L pr,~ition whi~·lt he ln:! tlt~vcr oe•·npiv•l duriu~ ld;:;Hfe, viz., t11rning his b:w.k npntt l.ltc lthtitn!ion. Tltc i!I'<~\\'Lh of Llto Library irom modest b('ginning: .. in If\,)± W<H faio·i,Y welt known. lh; wo;dtl !ik,~ lo rdt'r to the ,!.!'Cill'l'<>I!H treat>IHCHt accordctl the lll~!Ltu!.ivn hy ~uetP:'i:-ivo Gon:;rumelll~ tlu:int: the lime the huiltling hatl been iu progrc::::s. Tlwnk-; tO that lil;eHtlity t.!Jc Tn16tc.:s ln11l hcl!ll ai1le ln lnrgelyox:teud t:I.C I~ihmr_v 1 nnd to ke0p llll wiLh tilt' rcqniremeu1s nft!;t~ pt11,Jjc; hut it w:t:l 2;-i years {',inec tho ln.::;t ex:tensi<;:l JJrul hL>cn m:de. Dming thal ~;) )'Par .. rhcn: hnt{ :H'CIImula!e<l .50,000 or 60,000 volnmcs for whit·h there wtt,;;; not. ;-,;hdf rt.OHi. The inn;~­tigatioH7 aud the rc~~~un·h work nf ,;;,t.ndcu!:-:; were hindcret~ fo:· wnnt of IH'Opc;· e~a . .,t>itif'l\~ thm, and one of t!Je mo;,t importmH ,[I'P<II'fHH'Tlt:t of tcft·:·cncc--i;u; :ww~p:tp(\l'~ro:Jm­WH;-; ~!tnatctl Htllk'z!ru\unl, aud waA il~~l•ghtcol. T!w IH·w lHtihling wo<1:•1 remctly all tltc,..c tlefecti'. hoWCVt'.r. 11 wonht hc-ntul hu {:0nld :'ay it wilb(,HI t·:.'Gl}:!~erntlon-vneof tltc fhw::-t Li\n·Hry bnihliug~ i~1 til(· world, The mility •lf Jc:;.i,:.::n, tile en.p;~dry fo:· S!lpE'r­vi . ..;ionno\1 mlminii:n·atioll 1 and ollKr grent principle:; H<:cc:-:.o:ary to nil Librarie:-3- hnd heen <·are­flJ!!y thrPtght ont brtLe n.rchikct:) nn:lthe Tn1:.o:tc,:•s, awl tlw· light nud \'011-tllation in the uow sttoetm·c wonld 1o:wo Jiule to (Jc t[c;;;iJctl. Othr•r bniidingt', c;o:peciully in Amerien, might he larg1:r awl tn>ll'C ornnte ar{;hil.cctmnlly, hut the creel ion uow ;o:lnrted wou!(l pn..tdrlc amply ftH' an,\· pos~lt.~:c cxr:eu;-;inn that mlf!ht mi:-o ·witltiu the next 30 Ycnrs. The rooms wo1tld hot,; al. lea~t 1,000,000 yo)nltlC:-l -lhr~;c litHU~ the nu m her o~ booki:! in the exisllug colledl•m~antl-500 pc'r~oas wvnl<l b(· enm!r,rtnhly at'eommodahcd in the readimr-room .at mw time. Th(• t~cw Lihm~·y ;rdtlitiou:o wnnhl giYo ~u ::\IdhoH:':JC tt

\vorld-wide ;-:tntu" in eircll'.'> onlsi•lf'. tiuJ mgion of lhc m:tl'l :tntl the c1n·hnugc, ln ·which rhc repntll tj,m of the dty at. pte~CJ:t ~!OD,[ St) J:igh. [( Wfh l<~ he \topc,l t!mt 1hC devotve" of literature in 11Je l'utmc \\'<mhl pJOfil l y tin: !H:W f:wdi1k~. nud thnt .!!rent dl·\·elqnHC'I:t W1Hlld \)LI .~lwwn in Au,;.lrnlian !lkntlmc aJJd At!::;trnE<w Ul t.

The 2ImnoriH1 Stom' lmviu::; Lcc11 de(;1ared wtH aud tr~dy laid, Ilb Exe(·ikn('y tiw Govemor su:t.l ho trust\!il thnt the i<ll'IH~tliiC wonl.l lollg {un:hwt' to he vcr_y llscflll t<~ the eitizcm; of Mclbonrue. Mr. Tnrut:r lnt,! glvea intcn·~!lu!.; informntiou rikg:ntliug 1he progrcBii of t!JJ:; Libru.ry, and, p0r)'l(Jil:J!y 1 he ('unhl ~;r_:• l.f• 1 lYith aflen1imt 1 maH.mH counccte(l with the lustiurtio11. Tl n.j!pcared to i1int !lint tltC' nu!ltoJ·itlc . ..; of ~klbour11c, ln its cnrl_v tht}~t :H"H.'d very wi;o:.t-l.\·. l t. 1\'a~ JH)t Jo11g lwl"i.Jre they fo11!l•IO!l tlwir Lilnnr·y nnd lltt~H)lllH, ;m;J mneh lllOilC)' h:ti! bm:n ticYolt:>tl lo llH·nL lie b<11H'd 1lwt everybody rrhponsi!Jle for !Ire ln;J.itnti(•n wouh1 be Vt•ry pc·niuaci•Jll~ in llwir doH1U1His fur pt<Liie expcnditui·c on it 1 a:-. mnncy POuitloo1 !10 ,..;pent bt~t;:.t•r fm lh(; gou1l nl'the Z..::1ntc. Tlw people of tlH• City nf Jh·lhmmte s!HHdJ. not ht' ~loi\' tP take fu:: nd Yautilg;: of ilw lJenefits to be Jerivn.l frnm tile ltew hnil,!ing-.

Sp~'t'ciH .. '~ wc~t· ni"o ~ldi\'{.'nqi l<,\· t.h~.: Premier (the lLnwruhlt: .Julw :\fnrrny). tht~ Directf)t' ,,r l:dwuti•>~t (\h. Fra:rk Tllfe), and l'rofer<:<or H('HJer~·m, :t Tn;~tte of !in.\ l•nJJE·~ Lihrnry nf ~oulh An:-:1J·ttlia.

The l.o!:o! l!IIUI!J\.'r of Y>ill1lrw ... i11 (Je •lill'z·n'ltt LranchP" of the L:;_lrary <t: lh,; cn1i ,f the year wax :!,),)!J:t:l.

In the Leudina: B1 :weh tbl'r~ \f:lti ~m i!H·nsl··!! ol' o\·er 400\·~ on the li&i of acti\·IJ borrowers for tfw J!:'al'.

11.-TIIE N.\T!UN:AL t;ALLEliY.

Tlw a;hlition~ tu lhe (;n:h-:·y dnring- lhe year were ah!l((..,l unlirdy o!ll~lincd untlur the terms of the Ff'lfon Be;1n(·:-:.t, the totttl :mwnm .-:p<:nt being n lirtlr: on:r £7 1000. Nntaldr.~ piN1ll'f'S Wt>re •· The \Ylwel o? ForllllH·,'· f,y :Sir E. Burm::~#To1ws, a mnrl11e Yiew by Dupr\ a 8Jll!il1 <'Xatuplc, hy l'olnH:tlJif'~ and pnilJtingN hy :\)ontit~f'lli.l1 lnwel!, Bu:->lwnm, antl rfneoh :J.Inri~. A g-~w I PXampk· of t!Jto W11rk of :\h. \Vt\ltcr Wi!hcr~, lhc Au:--lta!in1J artigt, WA.B: o.lso pw·chnseJ dnring tl1e year, m11l a vory fiuo eoilcdion of Japanese co1o!!r prints was obtainetl from the sale of the TomtJkin:-oon Collection.


Sratnotft'l' hy .\. Gill;er! 1 RA. (SL Elizulwth of Uun~nr,;') athl A. H(ll!itJ (The LltUu l.~ion) W<)rc nl~o oi,taincd under t.!l(' lf:!'tn1" of 1hc Fclwn llctptcst.

Tlw Tru:-:t.PC'N art. JlliU;h iudt·lll!'tl ro Jlir; Hi!!hnt•:-s the Hnjah Kmnar Sawab Shvnnm Tngurc for <I gift or :some ntlnable t•oins, an.! nn in!NC:<>ting (~(:llcdiou uf miniature ivury vniuto(l iu IBml hy a Dul11i :trti;;t. Fnnn Prof,.)',~or (;t'<-•t;nry tlle.Y received tweut.v pi( ur early Gree-k potlcrylmul from Jtit~:- Aunit: (;onloll;i Sll'll!f lump found HL Al1oukir.

Tu His Exccllcn('v Sir Thmna~ GihHon Cannichacl dte Tru.c:lees a1c iw.lel)tcd for a ~ift. of "OHlE' iutercsJiu~·- C!i:<tl4 uf medal::. awl for a IO<IH uf water eolonr tlmwiugs and tiome tine (:;X:ttnpl(•6 of keys nm({C from :~.but:l L)00-17.30 ia Florcn1·e llHd it!J vieiuity. Lvly Gih':l<JH ('anuichnel lent a col!f't:tioH d fL'.!!IHC!lls of oid i'nl1ric;;; dating l'rnm tile 12'dt to t.hc 17th ccuttu ie~.

The 'l'rnfitet·~ Hhio desire to cxpl"tJ~" thei1· uhligatioHs tn :.\bAttmr~ }.fcllm, to .;}[is:; ]\. Fil!.~cr,rld, lo :.\h. \Ve:J Uilbt'rt :wd <>!her~ for lun.n::: to tlw Gu.ller' during t!w _ye!lr under n·view.

J ll.-TBt: INl)(),O:THJ.U, ANU Ti':OIIXOLOGI('AL },}t;Sfct:)J.

The 0xhibi!::; Uch~nging to rhL,; scc:ion a!'e still ston:J in lhe vanlls, a-5 l.iu re is: uo spa;•e avuilaU!c for thch· exhibition, nu•l iu thi-; :::;~ctiou r.IJCrc i'<~ nothing of note tn repnrt.

lV,-"f~:n; ~Al'Wh'.AL :MrSIW~!.

J\\ruti~~:dn wn~ given to )fr. Lc:~tcl! tu photograph u~l the Vieforimt l1inl..-: in the Alu--Pnm to i!ln:"tntll' a \V;,rk o:1 the ~ahject f,;r rhe uee of t;tate ::~choJl teachers other.:,

The. llnuornrJ" lJiredor, Profe$~OJ Sl'cneer, twd the CHralor of lhe ZnoJogictd C<•llee­tiom\, ~fr. Ker~haw, pnlJli,..hcd the thir1l tn!Jnl)cr of tl1c Jlemoirs ofthe ;._\'.nliunal .. lfu.seumt e•m1nlniug a~·tie!e~ (Jll ·• A (;nile~:tkm of !'1ol1-lo~.-;tl Bid aud 1\lari"!uplal l!.t·mains f1·om I{iJJg L-;ltuitl,. an..! on" The Exi:-<tin~ Sw.;(~.;t'::! of the G-ell!!::l Phn:<colomy-.;."

Tho ~liucra1 Cullet• 1i;m'j hL:cn c<tn:ngtllened eon:-:id<:rn.bly 1luring the J£·ar, J\lltl!.lte lwovi~iun for it>! cxhihit.i()ll ha,; hccu in~·;·ca,;c;l to :;nch an extent t!tat tl1(· ('ur;tfOI' thinks that the a"cmnmodation r-lwuld Ue ~~~m~~icuL f,)l' sm;te )'L~:tr:~ ht eo me.


A ::;e!;nmc for l'"'Hdcring nH !hu l·nih!in)!"l in llw lllstifnli•)n prndinnHy fire-proof, \dtil a. view t11 l'1:rthcr ~nf(·gmmling the ,;x!Jibit~. a:ulnl.o.o rl'dla:iiJ!l,' the amount paiJ in insur:HtC(~ premiuu1~, W:h; ;.ni~milted t<J the Go,'erulu< 1\f, ~luting LiliJ. yuM1 a.u~l is roceidng c•m.-.lderatim;.

Tbe Honumble s;l' TbonHl.,; ll!.'lll, wiJo h;ld hcl'!J :L Trn~tt'l~ siuec !K94, tlieil ori tho 1ith of September, au,_llhe llot:untl;Je .J. E. }];!cliP)' wa':S appoluteJ to a scat on the Burtr,[ iu hi:::. plac..:,

Prof(~~sor Bald win ~pcn<·er t\'t:~ dccted a~ ft n:presenln!he o: llH:: Tru~tce:=. ou tho Couueil of tLe \:Yorkiltg 1\1011'e Colle.g-c in pln,·e ot' :\fr .• Jamc~ Smi!b., who hHd rt.•signc,[ hi;, f'('ttt U!l d!<! Coutn.:il.

I h1H<' tlu~ Lonour !o I;{•) Sir, r Ull!' ubetlicnt i'Jf'n•a!Jt.

!HlNRY GYLES TIJH::\E!l, rrv:;,idcut.



1l11ceipts and Expenditure for flu

To :-:aluriH-Pttbiic I.ibtan"­

l'rofe.;;si{mal u:vt,lon (']tl'iC;I.]

Gencml " "


ln,Justri:ti <tthl Te,·hnol:og-i{ )lu>Willfi­

Proft'BI'iiltm.l llivi~:don General Dh•J,;ion .l!:xCJil]H

Xatiolltl.! )[usenw­Prof~;>ssiomd Dh b,i(ln CleriCRl General };x:cmpt "

·xulioJml Oaller; Geucral Divh.ion Exerllpt

Ordinrtr)' Expenditure ... \\' orks awl Huildingh ,..

J.\11E~ SM£1'H, Trca.•mrer.


£ i

.i, d.:

3,005 11 0 i 1,0:!6 0 p!

:;!,2:2-f. u 0.

:1oo o o, H:! 0 il! IUU 0 0 1

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S-.40 " U', 1,03:! I) " 1 -----~'


£ s. d .

6,25S o 0

1 ,sa 0 ,, 9,.)SO 0 0

l8/JSQ 0 0


rear rnded :JOtft Ju-nc 1 1909.


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' " Hi

ll l:!

., $9

57 2 ;j



5S 5V


Ry Salarie!i~ l'ntlic LllJrarv­

Prof(•~>!'ii(mal Ili\hiou Clerieal Uenera.!

lndmJtrial aml '1\·rhnob;:k::. "\fu~r·lllli­Profe~:;;(,!l;\1 Hh i,i,n l~xempt

l\i~timm1l1nl'C'um­Profrs~innal llivi;;ion ClNi•al tienera.l J<:xcrnpt.


'X1•ti<~n:1.l Gallery-­Gcner;Ll u:vi:dun fi:x~;mpt

l Jrtlmary Expenditure Wt>rks aJl{l Buili ing'>

l'uhlic Lihra.ry, Sa.larie~­l'ru f('s~ional Division Ctcrieal Gen(·tul

Xatiu11:d ftlusf'llm, Sal:1rks Getwral nit· I~ inn

Z\ativmtl (~al\erv. Htt:arie;,­Gt!ncral.Dh·i;.;ion


.£ H. d,i

<!,!Hi " ')I -, l74J Jn

1411! ~.lUti ' -------

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l.~t>l 0 0 9.1ti-l 14 u S,O~J\.i U S

:!~o I::! ': Or,~ln~tr,v Expemliture 1 L'i 6 U \Yurks <ttld Building::: l:l,S::iu lU 4

1·:. LA 'l', A1f\JNTH!lNG, Chief Lihrul'ian and Sc\:rclic"."'·




T() Balu.m·e fwm 1 !li!i ·'-' .Ic:.: . ..:, Jl;~imiu~ i:k~JOd .Fen;, Jlrawillg Sdmol

L<•nJii1!-! Liln:u·y Hcecipt~­Fim·~ lhtnPgc.: ~:~le oi l'o<">l<-':Jl'(\,; ~nlc of Ct~t-a\,;gues

f::dt of Naiio·ml Uallc•ry, &r:, 1 other t'::tti\;0~\H:¥ :\li:-::l!t·;la!ll'(>:,g )(c·eeipt!';

Jh.Jum! of CG>il ot Just Books ... Snf•J•<I'II'X iee,.; :'.ale of u!d Mn.tcrlaL. In~ura:a:c on l'irt\HT~ on :uau Hcfuwl ui .\d\',ltH'<' (\•nttw:tut;,' J)('J:o~it:..

I; ·'· d. '

.i:! l!l u 1

--~:_ __ ~I IDI j;} :1

I., I;'; " 4 " t; r. 8 IJ


:11 7 ~

" " " :!2 13 (l

4 5 0 Ill 0 " 4 '" " --~----

J; '· I ,il77 " 2l>O "

:1!7 5 .fl 5






2,!05 5 (J


July 30

:c;cpt. 30 Oet. ~<)\', n lln:. :n

l!:W'J. Jan. 1:1 }\•h. 15 Mar. .'3 .._\lar, ;u

June au


By Y<Jl(• tu Chief Lihl'Hri:w to viJtit am1 reptJrt on ~\mericun LiUnnie.; '"

C<HHntetoes' lkpo!>.its rrturued ~\. JJ. ~fl1~sina and Cu., C:~t:\\ogu\'0' .••

".A. H. ~lus~ina;uul t'n., Errat:~Slip» }', O'He1lfy. l,o,JO Pust C:trdJS Frl.zt:-,--1\:dion:tl UaH~·r.r titndenb'­

E. Sin~·l~:ton 1L Gilibou~ .L C. Joy ••• W. n. ).i elnnm1 1>. !L 'T'yree ... 0. AndetS\tn ... }'. H. Cr•)t:itx .. . J. t:. :-\t< "·art. .. .

Gmd(m :u;tl (Jfltdl, AJl 1 t-rt\"enH nts . ., ~Intual ~tore, ~in<;lls Vknua (':\:\\ GooJ, Ilvr;,!w.m \k;:h;cnles' lusUnl.c n•fo11t!

{.' In~urtntt·c of Ptcturcs on loan Advallen to Office rep0rtiug- on Work,: of Art for .sak•

in Sydn(•y ... ~h;;oy Caf,Jluncheon to Judg:u; at 8Lnthmt.s' Kxhibitiou Putty Cash Bn.bnlce ...

,JA};1E8 S~UTH, Treas~trer,

E, LA T. A1lMSTROXG, Chief Librarian and ~ecretary.


1-'UBLIC LlBlL\.BY, 'Ml~SEC'li:-5, A:\1> XATI!J:'Il.\.L <iALLI<:RY 01" VICTORIA.~



Jul ,, (. Ucr. I,

1 ~HJ!l. l'el,, S. Allt·i! l.

To llaLllH'(' lmm I!!O:----t' Ittl(·!'~·~t ,,11 ~pr•·l.d A:-i-('!~ Trn~l, ~ix 11Hll>111s

1-tterc.< ou Vi,·w:·i:m (lornntnvm lkllf'llHH''"• '-iX 11l•llltl;,;

l:'l::n·st o~1 S;w1·i!d ,\.;~ei~ Trnd, si:.: tW•t;tl!,; lnlcrcs! on Vidorhu 1-lon:r:un(•n: Pv1J<'tlt1ll'L~

Xo·r!!:.--~\·t·urili<·~ hehl hy tltt> Tro'l\ll·Pi'- (HI [.;j, .Lmtpu'_l', i~l!U

t'mlimet•cia.lltmk, V\,111!0, <lav li•.HU\J!L

HlO:-:. Aug. I I. Aug. :16. ])e('. l:'L

1:1{1\l, April 2. ,June 3o,

l-'jwdal A'>"k!s 'I'm"!, (I, i:D ~s. tilL \"wt>ifiltU {;OH.' I !IHH•!lt ! lt•)lCI!I Ill 1':-, £J ,l)J 1!1,

tiilbn•, !lJfi His. 1tl 1 olne ~ ;:U:Jlo


By I~anc Coheu. quartcirl_t- nllowa.ncr, inelndlng ro~t uf drart Bank of Aul':t.r,da"ia., ('u:>IIHh nf lkbcmlnn::> b:ltte Cuhi.'ll. qun.rt~!lly ;dlu;r:uwo

{ '.-!ll~hmcc L. ,Jenklus, quartt·rl,Y allow~tnce Jla~.mcu

L L-\ T. All\!STI-:n:.'\G,

£ ;] I :~

:::: lj'_l



£ ,,,


"' '" :lNtl



u 11

,, H~

'· L! l

l :~




JAJll£;::5 ;S1!ITH,

Tnmsun:r. l'!Ji, f Libr~trinn ani l:'\;·(Tl1;;:y.

·'· Jl f, li



"· !•

' ll

0 l


I em·t,ify that the forq~oiH~ ;..\u\!emcnte of .\.('t'dim!:-: or the PuhHc J.liJ!'l!rV, :\1u&enms~ and Na~iounl Gnliery ~_,f V!ctnrirt fl'-1' !l~to ycHr 190t!-9 hnn.• h;-~n uxamined a-ntl fottH•.l C-Ht-rect, at~1l th;:r l hrtYc insph:t<:d the lJe-pn ... it l\ot:clp\~ hd1l hy !lt<' TrtJ::;tec:_.; r.rnl :found them ('otTef'l,

The ::\lalUJger nf the Uoy~lll:m'K Hi' Au~trulia cnllliF:. lluu. Yif>h;rinn GH\NH!lil'Ll

Debf;:lutnrcs to the faee vr-tlno of £J~0(J() wvrc held hy tl1e Ba.nk ot: 30th 11«-rch, lUHI,

Andit. 0;-lil~u,

),l,:!bonrne, :318~ :\la!'t'h, 191(!.

F. 11. BRC FOHU,




To the Clt(1,irnwn of t)te Li-~rary Cumtuillce.

Tbc Chief Lihrurian has the honour to report a~ follows for the year 190!) :­

I.-TilE J{i•:FEltJ.:~CJ~ LwnAR\'.

Tl1c IHlJuher of volumes iu lhu Lib:'tuv fit the £'nd of the venr, Pxt·.lu:-in.:: of mnFt of tho vohm1e.:>. wa~ 188,622. Tb~ additi:•nR for th\; yc<~r <tiC ;-;nmnw.ri~:ed a-; follows ;-

7 .S6H v,,lHmt-:-<. 1,?;8,"; l~~~mphlets.

213 map~. 4:),,}!U tle\\':.:papt'ti?.

Tile nulllhl'r of vl:--ii.-:. t':t!lW)L he give:\ n.s· a~ ilL pl'evinu . ., \'eur:-:. nR the turu:-tlle:~ \Yero taken nwuy in :\'oycmber on af',CO!lllt of ft~teru.fipH~ in the 'building ami thf: cr0etin11 o~ a tl:'mporary :-tnil'-()ll"C inn. ba,v iu whieh there was not room for the tmn­~·iie;,;. From !h:: r-t:~nm,.: :(vall:thlf>, nwJ ull npproximato t:;1'1tirn::tte of tilol'ic who visitctl the: Kew~p:q••:r~r.;om, the ~tktHlH£)1'\! ror !!JL' .Yl'~Lf would be nbont :566)000.

Tile u.1nnu11t sp(·nt ou bio.JiHg Wll" £1,.'JJ() 1 ~:<. 91L, ns :~gnin't £H.':i4 1 Is. 9d. for the previouB .''t'liL The intf('lJS'' wa..; 1nalnly due to the v;::.ry lngc ll!lltlller of perlodi<:al'i lbnt h:ul tn he hl•llwl, aml tv the pnrchaH: pf all cxcepti•mnl numhcr of foreign l1uohs in pnpcr cnr~:s. •

.Among$t nntrtLlc rt•]Jtt!on..: uwy ),;; mentioned tlu; Jhllowing wnrk:-:~Du Petit· Thnuar~' ;; Yoy~tge n~H01ll' dn :\lo:!de. ~ur !a frigate VtiH'i' ~" a 8et.M'the B~tllctins of "La Soch::r(. Hnr.a.oiqHe thJ Fnnwo"; the >< Sus~cx An:h:eologi(~al Cn!!cctions 11


tlw "Erwyt:lnpa~~lia Amcri1~nno.H: ·• La Ccilule" ,; l'ryon nnd [ljJslJJ')'·~ '' -.:\lanual of Condwlo,!!y ,'' ~t~r. I l.; HoJ.e •· ( talia.n Bronze Stlttuct,!.e,.. of tile Jiena:s~i'-llef<' nnd nbout lOO volu:1'e;; of 1hc ·• lulet•nalion;tl Libmr,v of '1\:chnolo~y." 'rhe, of tile Hpecint ed1tit;H of tW{'uty eopie~ nf StDjUlltLll and Go~·mrwller1 ~ ''Die Architvktm dcr Henu.iseu.o(:'; iu Toseaua" "»8 nl:-:o c:omp:f'trtl.

Consi•lcn•ahle proi£re~~ w:1~ flHHIO '"ill1 diP nrw LibrMy huilding"r\ llurlng the year. The fonotl:tlion:;t W<'rc co>nplelcd. nn•l the tir:>t brick l~tid on the lOth of Anf!:U 4t. A mcrnHrial stone Jn the ronth-we~t f:we (dthe oela?=:on was fonnuUy laid h_v Ilis E's:ccllet1CY the Uovcrno<", Sir 'J'lwma$ Gih~nn Cnnrd,·h:wl, 011'Sday> the 2G;h of Oetoher,

D011tiled stal;;;lie.Jtl inf•-•rnn.tl1nll i:-! ;,;lven iu the following sehetlnh:et., Y.iz.


Anorrto-xs T\1 nn; L!BHARY nUIUSG Ttu: YJ<alt 190\J.

-- .. )hie nl -""'"'""· .. ___ I l'ureh"'P,hwl•ding <hplie.:e- I Donation, daplicaU-:;




:l ··::.~ 1'·~·:: ,,



_ _:~~-I~::.: __ ~::.:_ --~­.;,~~;~ ~-~-~i__ -~~







~;":-I .J:.,,:, Ill ,

Aj•prn'iillll.l.t') \"u.hHL

£ '· d. 3,:Ht 4 " !,019 9 2

2$G s 9

4,t34'i " 5 ...


4,G.J.; - 5

The total !tumber nf LCWi'ipt!jH•YI'\ [WI'J'h:IS:.i'Jl. :});}~·L i;: m:1dc up of :;,.~1-!l >'1'pam1l: papcrlf and 1 hree Lor;,n;J "\'<Jlurnr:-:. (Jf ljlo J~,fuDtnr>slmr:J 6'a:t-ette, .J uue; 1900-.J nly. l !101.


l'\CTlF.llFLE 2.


THE YEAlt 1909.

Religion l:'biloso1Jhy Social Science History Sciet}L~ Fine Arts Arts a.nti Tmil0i": P!Jiln~ogy I~i terllt ut·e Fietion Bihlini!raphy

... I


:w> ~7

2.1:\l }..'i{l.·)

],'/O:l :~;:)

l,Otl4 ]!1\J


" 172

7,9 !':.l

r .. mpl1!ct"'. )fnp ... Ml~ceJh,ne0ttM,



17 R();J ·• ,; 217 .'H ~;

:l~~) 171} ]();;


r. 1• !:lli -I

1 .1.1,)

----- ------ ------!.'.dliJ :.:};) 11

TAnLI!: Srro\vt~G- THK ~u11nt-:r: Of.' CASES A:i:n PARCt:Ls FrWM Socn:-rn:s A:iH bsTt ..

TUTJONS IN Vw·roHtA, msTmBUTt?D Tnnon_ar ·rnE Pum.1c Ln~n.AnY IJt:HI:.iG 1909.


Through the Agf'nt-General fur ViwtotL~ 'l'hrou~;h !h.: Smltb.soni:.!ll Jnstitution J.>y pust Ry l:mml



fi -1




.'ill ~88 Jt)ll




DU HING 190!).

<'\mithsmi~Wl Institl1ilou •.. N .. w South Wales Govurumen: Kx:changc 1lonrd Minister of Public lustruct.ion 1 France · Ageut-GcnHa1 for Vietoria ... 1\:;:;1. Techni,ehc l:Iochschnlc .MUnehcn Rihliothee~J. Muuieipal de Guayua.qtdl ... Sudedad ~;ientifica, 1lexi~o


i ; ;l(l, of !':tt('t'l»in C:V<o;.

i ~ 2i1 :,c~:t

; :!.'il 4 l5U

' ·I

. -

,-------- ---------· :-"17 1,+69



.Abhott (G.C.) ... .., Aberdeen Pul.Jlic l.ibr;-u·y

llonor .

ACai\0mie d'-':-. :.->dt·ne!•s dt Crar·oYiF ANvli:rnic I:npr:riale d('" ~cienct•,;. tk• ~t. Pb!ershourf! i\.(•a•l•>lllic Uoyalv t1.0 B;,lgiqn0 .. Aen.d.:Jule Uoyal<· dt>f! !"\eit'IH'f';>; :~ Siof!kholm .,, .. \cad,'nli•~ Uoynle Jlf')\ ;.\eiP!HO(•s, dt'" lettm". &P., Uv lh·lgi'tue l"cn •• l\:my or Xatnml. Scie>llC{OS of Phi!mle!phi:-. ... , .. A:lelllhle~Univcrbity of ,, .:\•h:t·rtigt•r { Adehtalr)---l'J'I>prietor:< of tlH• Advm·a-rt:~l'ropdctors of the A1fkrk (:\Lr,), Alburr, 1\r·;.,- South Wale·~ Afdt·an ;-;odvty ' ·l'npriPtnr>- or fhP Aix-~T ac"eill<>- t: nh·el'>'it,·· Allwr:n-(lovrl'unwut m' Albut'Y {),di)- Nc\•·s-P.opddor,; of tht• At1Wrlc1Jn J(i.:t.···rklll A:<sr•c·iill.i•'ll A111nk:tn Philoln~i(':t\ J\;:-.ol'l:t(ion Allll'ril~llll :Soeir·t y of C1vil En;.!.ille('J'H

Alll~>ll'l'dl\rn-Bl!~li>JihP•,l\: dcr \'ni\"l•i'~i!ei: AnJn\'1\PrtH

An• ).~;:tvrry H.Ppo:·tpr ---l'ul·E~lwrl' r,f lhc· ArJrat Chr~•nklt·~l'rupri<.:i"r" of the _\t't•h:w'lln~kal 1::-;U~nl '·lf .\meri;u Arch:~' >lo~L!.tl r:ncidy Argu'l~Pr,;prictor,; of lhc A!<::..:r :>1Ft i "<~. ,:.\ ti:v. Printing- ( omp;my ~\ueklmh1ln;;titHh: :tml ~Iusnnu Auddawl trnh···r;,ity C,;llege (U11i cr"H:r of ::\cw z,.:~;:uhl) A~:strnl:.~l'lian--l'wprldm" Hf !lit· .,. ,\ust.mla~ian lntkpcnll•-·nt -Propl"i('tors of t':a• .,, AllHtr:tUa~Govnnmcnt. r•i the· Co:m>:OI;Wtu_:t:J of .. Aas!.ra!i:~Uhnu,) qf t!•c Uomm..:.n·.n::tlth hn.;tl':tlian _\stw,>iatio:; for !he Ad.v<lH•-'CliH'l;t. of Sriuwe Au:<U';tli:tn Chdstian \Yor~d (~;;dnq·:~L'noprietnrs ()f the Amtr:tlia.n ColiPg-e of Th(_'{J:qfU ..• Australi:m Exhibition of Wonwn·~ w·ork~Commitll'C Atutndian Health ~oeidy Au"tndian .JI:tnuf;tduru:-: and l'ro \lu·t.~ Exhihit.i•lll Au:-\tr:diall Mt•di(·:~ 1 <:nz.>U(•~l'roprietorc; •d th<: ... Aust.r:,li,ut :Metal ('omp:wy .Au~!r:dittll Photu.'-{rapllie .r(•Urnnl -l'u!)Ji,..,:•f>r:-\ of the Auo:traliau S::ll' (:'-iydnc.~-)~l'rnr•rictnrs of thf, Bairn~>;h:c IJi;;trkt· :-,c!cool" r,f f>lim·:--H:diHral IJh:t.ricli 'rt•L:m _A,y:u111 H.d::u·::.L Fln:; All P.tb:k Uailery Assncl:t.tinn Hrdl.<mt (;\.'11\'ml i_',nwtcn ~Un:;nnlt:n; ot tl,c Bapn .... t l:rtiP!l nt' \~idot<;~ HM'Il('t. ;\--.)

Barr·kr ;\h~:er ---l'rqpridor:> nr the H:tt\•vhta3dt G:·J;odlft•hap \':IU Km:sten c11 \Yct.en~<:lHq•pcu B;ttnvmn ~nelc!y of Arts ntvi Hdt'nccs Hathurst Tinw~-----Pmprid••r~ of !lw Uat!Cr'<('fl. Puhlk Li<lr,n·L:"' Belgium~····( ~omm1 tor Bc:ginm~Govemment .--.( Bendigo ~vhool of .\tine, anrl]nrlastri1•s Benneville, .J. i-5. de Bcr\i!l~KOnlgHchcn BJbliothe ... Hcrdgan Advocatc-Propr;ctor of tile

• ! 7 2 .. :; 2


~\l) 79 G :)

" 2



2 Ul '!I)


3 2

" l 2 2

;, 2



1 ns l7

3 1

3 t:l 52










ScHEDULE 5-conlinued.


~ I ,1.

IH1 •• Dol!Ot,

" ~~ ;i ~~ c I ~" • "" "' za

Hibliottrllpjlicnl Socidy I I llihliowea Nazionale CentmlP di Yirr·n:r.e .. I HilJliotlwea He!.eirt :Motl!H~Crlt»11-1

I 1

Rihliothi:qnc Hoynle de Belgiq•w '" " Tiirmlng:hum lfrN· Libraries 2 Birmin~tham-t 'nlvendty uf ...

i Bl•)ckttid14e {W,) ll•Hlleian Library .,, ... 2 llornba:r ).'atom\ Hi,.tory Society .. I l Book!H:l kr-~ Propri..r0rs ut' the ... 2 Bm:too :3-Jnseum ,,f Fin<· Arls 2 Bo~;ton l'nbllc Lihra ry 3 BJa;;ii~Oo\i rnmt:nt ,,t ... l!ri;;lnwe f'mni;·r-Proprldors of the JL'$ Bri;>;tol ).iunk-il•:tl Public Lihr;~.rks j

Britit,h rmd l'nrehru i\nli·~lll''t'l'V ::<ocidy ' .Briti~>h an.l J•\u·e:i;u lHb!e S•1cieiy • 1Jritirh awl Forri;£n rnittwiau .:\:-..~ociat:on Brir:;;:t A><~owiati<•ll for the AohallC('lliCIIt of Science Briti'-'h Au!'trt!lu..,i:~ll·-··Provrirlon; of the J:! HrHhh Cnlmnhlll~·(!•W!"I'lHOE'llt or ·l Bdtil'h ln!'ltitute of ~nvi.d l'c·nkt~ British ~Je<.lieal A:~,~oelaL!•ln British \hlS(•um 1.'> .'l Briti~lt ~.1uth ;\fric•:t C•:mp;1ny 1 , llrookly11 l'nhlie Lib:rr.ry Hruec (Mr.) Budapest. Statisti,.t'l>en Hurr:m " Buffalo Public Vl>ritry Burrangor.;t: Arp;u.:-l'n•tn·idre>b! of n:e ... ]Oi Cairu:> )[orning l'o«t~Propriet>HS pf th,. ... .;Hu Calcutta lm1)erlnl Libr:u:r C;~lirornia. Bonrd of 'l'rafk· ( 'HJifornia~Governmc;l.t of C:lllformn :-lt:<tt· 1 .!hnuy

i C:tllej:tR { F,) ( 'embridge OOsnrv:ttory •. I Cltmbd.dgc Cnivnslty i (;anada--GOVl''ll!!Wnt of .[0 l•i :!:3 C;tnterhury nnd YPrk Soci~tL_v ... . .• 1 fn.nle!'bl~l'f Colkge ! UniveJ·,dty o( 1\.;,w Zenla.nd) I C'nv<: of Go0d Hope ···Gon•rm"•'nt of 1 Cape Timca-PrupriNor,. M the ;11::; C:tpe Times (\Vcck:y E(litior1) !i2 Capt: Town Chnmb(:r ofCommVl'C'C' :::I ('apric;ornl:Ul ~-l'roprktor of l he 52 Carl!on H.d'll!l'C Instil ut~· (Pi~_:c-lrnrg'h} •.• Cnrnegic lw;Jilulc (\Ya~hing-ton) 1 Carncgic L!hrary of N:t.;:hvitleitTcnn.) 2 Crtnwgie Lihrury Hf FhtRbnrgh ... ... I 1 Ca81H)J)' T:J. ~1. ... t'ath1llk lt<·tmnl :--o<:idY ... Century l'a!h-Prupeie'tortJ of tll<." ... l t:hicago A''tHlemy u( Sdn1ces 1 Chicago~-Art Instituh• of 2 8 Chicag-11 PnhHc l.lhrarr ... Chk'ftp:o University Childn:n'h Friend-Puhh:>bt:rs of the Childr<:n's:*Hospital ... .~. 2

I ... Chri:oti:m ScktH:C Company ... . .. 2 C'hroui.dc (Ade:nidc)-Provrictors ot the ... 5.2 Cincinnnti _Public Library ... . .. 2 Co:ff's Harhnr Advocu.IA:'~Proprietors of the 40 Colehester Pttgeant Conunittet'. ... 2


ScHEDULE ;'3--oonlinued._

~. •2 a tE ~~ ~~ ~ z ~

Danor, ], i-'~:1 :,~~~E. ,~,~-~---~-~- ·--------------- -----+----.,-· -- ~----· ---

Col em an,,), " ••. . <-> .

(;pJ\orlgu nnd ;;;ons (Auckln.nd, N./ .. } ... ! 2 I,

GolliPry Guardian-Proprietors of the 2 Coloui:tl Cons~gnment tmd Distribn!ing C-omJ!;l.ll)' ••• Co~quhoun ( W,) , " (.;,mlmerdal TraveHen' A(>il.oeiat.ion Comml$l:<.ion Hoya.le d' Hh!I<Jire .. ('o:)nccticut-G.overnmcut of Coo:gardie MinN·-l'rnprit.:t ors of :l1e Cooper ( J.l ('orneH I' ni •·:·r!'itY Cor<~wa Fru.' Pre, .-l'ropr eircs:> of tlw ('r!!bbe tii, W.) Ct•aft,man--l1 roprietnrs o( the I. 'nme and Crane ., .•. ('titic(A_(I<·bitlL·j-Propriet;on. of the ••• • ..

.• , !

Ct(t:! Jnn Mining News (<lnt:\:nsh\nd)-Prol)fh ton< of (',J)rt-Cfovermneut of .. Cult' aim Shire Adve.rtist•r and \\:;;!la \Vaii~ a-wl H<·nt.Y News ·

-Prol)dttor (;f tile Cypru.:;-.. (;ovenunent o£ ... lhtly \BrJ:.;'roprietors o( the Da:l,Y Merenry (.\futok,ty)-l'mpl·ieturs ot Lhe Dally Pn'!l ~Iiobart;~l'rut•ridor~ o£ the ... Haily Telegraph tLnan(l(•:-,tun)-Proprit:tors of tlte Daily TeiiJjlr<>ph (Sy<llw.v]-l't'oprktor"> ol the Dalgety a.nU Cmnpauy Ihriing Dn1vns Gllzt:1:c-l'ropdctor-s nf the ])dPg<~te .\r;.tU'>-l'f(;prict•)f t•l the lknd.iqnin ( 'hrot.ide-l'mprietor~ of the D<:rby l'uhlie IAbrny .•. j lominion t\\'ctiio;xtnnj-l'ropriL•tors o!' the ! luwlinjl (.:LJ ~ Drn.per .• ' HcL·ord-1:-'ttrprictor . .; of the Drew 'l'heCJ\\lifi;,·.al Scminnry Library Duudeo .Free Libraries ... Dum•Uin Athcnreum antl ).fedtan!c~' Institute Dun.stan 'I':nu;s (Clyde, KZ.}-·l'roptid()ts of the ... Echo Publishing Cumpany EUwarUs (1:',) Keetrkal Enginecr-Pn>prietor~ of 111€ Enginccl'ing~l'ropdct ors oi Englhdunu.n (Cakmta)~l:'roprietn·s ;Jf the Enocl! Pratt Fn'e Libm.ry of Baltimore Enming PPst {Welliugt<m)-l'Npdewrs of llw Every ~ttlltrllay-l'ropr-iet,,r~ o:l ...


Ew,uttPr,,f. A,,J.} , Examiner (Ta;;m:l.nia)~Prol·rl.:'lors of the .,. '"I :Fa.uldiug·;; :\h·tlkal nnd. J-!mhc .roumal-Yroprietors o!'the ... , lfc,leral ~t< (Wcuhnmh}~f'roprietor of the ' Yield Cnfumbinn l\[U.'Wlllil

Fiji~Gv~-crnuu~,1i ot }'J:,b('l' (•J'U.l\L'_) .•• ForrN (A) France-( ;,vt'eumt-nt of l~reema.n'~ Jonrn:..l (S.ydncy)~Propridora of flazet.a Pol,ka (Chica~o)~Prnprtetors (>f tlw (:ic~:ioug Ar~ Gallery ,:\,;:.;odalion (~celong Free Librury und :;\[us.eum Gcoloj!ica~ ~ociety of London ... ... . .. GtmdJton Exprcs« {\Velltern Australiti.)-Proprietors of the Gidtions (Mr. J. 1L) Gicsseu UnivcrsitUt Glasgow-City of




! 2 2 3


,; !




" ;)




·' 123






:n:) :wo 313 .3]3 31 :~


:'.:l ;)1




313 52



I 52 51

I 156



ScHEDULE 5-continued.

Gla~gow-Univehity of Gordon Technical Culkgc


GranJ H.upid-s Public Library .. , Great Britldn~Board of Education t:freat llritain-Government of Green (J.) ,., Green (S. A.~ ... ... Groningen-ln!tituUt voor Doof . .,tommcn .. , Groton (.M:assachuseth)-TO!\'TI Qf Grut {P. de J.) ... ... ... GuuyaquH Ecna.dor-Blhlioteca Municipal Hubana Blbliotheca Nacional Hamburg Stadtbihliothek ... Harbinger of Light-Proprietors Qf the Harper (.J. A.) Harvarli University ... Hawaii Promotion Committee Hawthorn Free Libra.ry Hernld~Proprietoflf of the Hetn.ld o:f the Cross-Proprietors of t;w Hobbs ;T. G.) Holnmn (C. ll.)


llodgkin (T.) ... ... .., ... ... Home for -Training in Speech of Deaf Chihh>vn, Phi!:ulelphla lloppa (J, P.) JloWM~(~)... ,.. , .. lllustrate1J London News-Proprietr:rs of the Imperial College of Science and i'echnology, London Imperial Federation League of Victoria... . .. Imperial Institute .•. Indla·-Goverumeut of .. . 1 ndiao M use um .. . AcAdemy of Science ... lnstitut Grrtn(l Ducn.l 1le Lnxemhonrg Iowa. .\hsn,:ic Librlll'y ... lrela·~d-D~parh11ent of .Agricu:tul"c Isa&<:s (Moss} ... . .. ltaly-Government of... . .. Johannestmrg Public Library .. . • John Crerar Libmrv ... .. . John Rylands Libr1~ry (Manchester) Johns Ho1Jklns University ... Ka.lgoorlie Miner~Proprietors of the 1\ingaroy Herald-Proprlcton of the ... .. . KOn Akademie van Wetenscllappen te AmstcnL1.m KOn. Instituut van Ingcnieurs ... .. , KOo. Prengsbche Akademie der Wis,;enschaften 1\0n Sta.tistischen Laude!! ... ... • .. 1\ungllga Svenska- Vet-eu3k.apsakarl<'nliens1 Stooklwlm Lake Wakatip Mail-Proprietress of th~ ... Lt.ader~l'roprictors of the l.cague of the Empire ... J,e{•uwa.rden Genootsclwp X..eip:r.ig Universitiit ... ... Lelnnd Stanford.Tunior Univen;itv l.ewin (1:'. E.) .•• • Lick Observatory Liuuea.n Society of Loudon Linne::m S·odety of Sew South Wal·~R Liverpolll Pu!Jlic Library Londo,l County Council J,onJou UniYel'sit_y ... Lo:J Angt:les Public Library Lon bat, Du~ clc Ludloff1 1:\.


::: i ... 1

.. I


5 2


2 2J2

1 I 1


I 6


12 2 2


·• .,

2 I




2 9 I 1 I 3 3 I 1




2 7

1 I ;;



.'il3 51


ScHEDULE 5-eontinued.


Lyttelton Times~Proptietors of the Maemilla.n and Co. Madaras (A.) }.ln~yar OrnithologiAe Kozpont ... Mancheater Architectural Committee Ma.nchester Free Libruies .,. ... Manchester Geological and Mining Society 11anila.-Goveruruent of .•. .. , liianiloba-Govemment of .. ..


:\farybot'Qugh (Qneemol:md) (Jhronicle-Proprietors o! the, .. j

Massachusett~ Gtmeral Hospital ... ... . .. · Mo.ssach usetts Horticultural Sodcty :\fassina, A. lJ. 1;1atters fMr. C. H.) Metbonrue U.tld Metropolitan Board of Works :Meibourm: Athenreum ... 1felhonrne Hospita.l :..felbourne Orphan Asylum Melbourne Univcr:~it .. v ., . ... Mercury (Hobart)-Proprietors of the Metht1dist Church of Australasia Milwankce Public M meum ,. . .. Missouri Botanical GarJens-&nrd of Trustees :Monitor~Proprietors of Lhe }fon•t (~t A.}.,. .,, ..• MornlnK Herald (PnLh)-llr011rietors of the Mnnnt Mag-net (W.A.} lfiller~FropriJ;tors of the Mum:lum. Kf>11igliclw Teelnris.ehe Hochschule ~fnrehison (W.A.) Advocate~Proprletor of the 2\.iurehi.>!on (W.A.) 'fimes-Proprietors of tbe ~rurmy, D. . .. Musee tl'hi.stoire :Nature lie de Marse-ille ).lmee Teyler ... :Museo Nacioual de }fexieo Musiea.l T'itne!l-Publisheu of the Nn ~lata (Flji}-Propriel.ors of the Na.rrogin Observer-Proprit:'ltt>r of the ~ationa! Jteview-l'toprletors of the Neild \.~rs . .S. 51.) N+'w CaleduniJ~-Gm.-etnmcnt •1f ~ew Cf.'ntury Path-Proprl()tors of the New l'altlRontographieal Soctety New South \Vafes-Uovef!)!T!Cnt of :Xew Muth \Vales Royal Zoological Soci.oty New Sont.h Wales S:tvings Bank ... ~ew Snuttl Wales Teachen;' Association ... New York-Guvernment of

... I ... ·~· :

, •• I

.S+'w York-Public Library New York State Hds11ital for the '.;arc of Crippled and

Dcfonl1erl Children Xew York Bta.te University Xew Ze:llttlld-Government of New Zealand Hera.ld--- Proprietors of the l\ew :Zoala.ctl Institute New Zealand ll11iversity ~orth ;;ide bonni of Tta1le, ~evr York Northam {W.A.) Adveriiser-Propri.otors of the .. Nonheru Tasma,nian Fisheries' .A '>S:ociation Kortou (11.) 1\orwny--Oovunnwllt of Kont ~~C•lti:t lust-itute of Sdt<n(:fl O!m;rver (Brisbanc}--l'roprietors of the ( 11] 1l.THl Colnnr Trades Jnurno.l ... Ontado-Governr;1ent of Or:mge Rlver Colony-Government of

• 1 1 1



" 3


• 1


3 2 I 2 l

2 4 2


I 149


I 4·1

• l


2 1




20 I 5




,., !




'" 52

52 ,156

12 51



ScHEDULE 5--continued.


Ornithologischen Gesellschaft in Bu.yern Osaka, Library Ota.go Daily Times-Proprietors of the Ota.go University Oxford Umversity l'sciftc Mail Steamship Company Palestine Exploration Fund Panossoldadoa (Mr.) Pa.ra.. :Bibliotbeea. e Archivo Publico Pa.ris~City of Parsons (T.) .. . . .. Partridge, G. a.nd Company Pe&body Institute, Baltimore Peace Society, Melbourne Pernambuco Estado de ... Perry's Directory-Publishers of Perth (W .A.), Dioces.e of Peru, Ccmul for l'etberick (E. A.) Plain De(L}er (Kadin.o.j-Prol)Iietors of the Poet. tore... ... . .. Po]Jnesia.n Gazette (Fiji}-Proprietors of the Portt<mouth Free Public Libra-ries Po.&itivist Ucview-Publishers of the Pratt Iust.itute- Free Library Presbyte-rian Chureh of Sew South Wales Church of Quccilsland Princetou University Progresa-l'roprietore of Punch-Proprietor!:'! of Queene1and-~overnmcnt of ... Queensland Tim~-I'l'<~jHielt,r:> ol tl;c Queenslander-Proprietors of the ... Raleigh Sun {Xew South Wales)-Proprietress of tbe Randwick {Sydney) Munieipal Council Ray Society Rn.ymond {G. L.} ... . •. lWa-1 .Acrulemia de Ciencias y artes Register {Adelaide)-Proprietors of the Revue Seientiftqne-Proprietors of the Rhodesia Museum Committee ••• Ricat&be:ffe, W. Richmond Uiver Express-Proprietors of the Rio de Janeiro Bibliotbeca Nadonnl lliverina. Record£r-Proprietor of the Riverine Grazier-Proprietors of the Rodier {W,) Rostock, Universitat Rowiand, P, F. Royal Agricultural Society of England Royal Astronomical Society Rova.l Colooia.l Institute Ho}ra1 Dublin Society .•• Royal G :~.Uery at Dresden Royal Geographical Soeiety (London) Royal Geographical Sociely of Queensland Royal Scottish Academy of Painting, Sculpture, nml Archi·

tecture Uoyal Society (London) ... ,, · ltoya.l Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Itoyl'-1 Society of St. George Royal Society of South Australia .Ltoyat Society of Tasm1mia. Royal Society of Victoria. Rusaia-Governmcnt of

n •



28 G


2 2 l 3


8 4


2 2 1 1 5 I


I 3 I

2 3



• 3 3 1

2 1


2 52



313 5:! 52

:ll s


52 10<



SCHEDULE 5-ecmtinued.

non or.

St. Bride I:'uc.ndution fustitute ... St. He!en'~> rnblic LihnuJ St.lg-na.tiul'' Co!iegf'. Hivervie~V, N.S.W .. ,. Rt.. John Amh·,1la.nee Association. ... St. Louis !1-Icrell.ntilc Libmry Association ~t. Lt~u1s Pnblic Library St. Pet-ersh~Hg Imperial Fnivcrsity bL \'inccnt'~; 1 ~Iclbonrne Sale m Public Library .. , , .. , .. t-iamon.nisdte Zeitung:-rroJll'ictors of the Sunds and McUongll.ll ... ,. S;m Fr:mcisco }fcch:1nics' lnstitllttJ Sn.nitnry lnhpect(;r-l'nhii~hers of the Schnahel (L. F. R) Scottish Text Society Scr:mton l'uhlic. Libre.ry St-cretary of 8tate fnr lndia. ... ... ... 1

t.e:1ckenber~d~hcn !\aturfotschendm Gt'lH,•l1sckdt in I:'rnnk- 1

furt Rm,?\Imn . . ... .,, ... .,, , i'{Hvcstri-Fa!conieri, )L F. di ... 1 t;:uith ( Dr, S, M.} •u

Smil hli'onian lnstjtution ... · Hnck~·.!niie de Gcographia de I.isboa Sm itohts pro fauna et flora, Hols\ngfors Suciet{< h":llamkti;;e des Bclenccs f1. Haadem Society of Antiquaries <Jf I.omlnn "" Soeiety of the Friendly Snns of ~t. Patrick, Xcw York Meio!op,ical Society .. ... . .. i')onth Africa-Gc·ner,'ll ~lrm:lbCt' of Tin.ilways S•lUtll African Philosnphienl !:'ocicty South Austm.lia-ti-ovennncnt of South Austr<ilianlnstltutei< ... South An;;trn.lian School of .\fines n.nd lnrlustr1co ...

... I

South Amtm.:ian Zoological nnct Aeclima.tization Hoci(•i.V I South Kcnflington lmpednJ College of :Scirw.:c »ml Tcch·

H(!\(lf,!)' ... .. South Kensington :\!uscum . ., !::!port and l'laygocr~Pro!}ridors of the Htnnfonl (T. W.) i)tale Hil-lt-orical Scciety uf Wi~con~ill Stigan<l (\V.) Stillw{'lllLn-.1 Cmnpa:1y .•. • .. flt.irli•Jg';;. and Giln;.gow l'ubHc Library .. , Stock f!~xcirange Jottm:tl of Anslratasin.-Proprict.m·s of the Stone (A. G. j .•• Straits Selt1"'mc;~t--GovenmtclJt of tl;c Sulman (.T.} Sverig<'s Offentlig1t Bibliotck Swan Hivt·r 3Iccl.:::nlicr.' Institute Swcdtn-Gove-rnmcnt of Sydney Council Oydnf*-y _li:tii~PropTJetnrs of the , .. Sydney Mo~-ning Hcr:l.ld-l>roP•·ietors ot the i:.+vdncv L"niyersih· 'l''able Talk-Pt:oPridon; of the Tasmania~Gon·rnm-cnt of 'l'u,sJ,muia-1~nivenitv of T:l.smrrnian LicensEd Victu.l.Uer.-;' Gazette-Proprietors of the 'f~ISHlllnian (lbbart.)-Proprietors of the Tepper (J. G. 0.) Theo:;ophi<'~Ll Society Thorcsby Society .•. .. . .. . Tocnmwo.l Gnadhn-Proprictors of the .. . Tokio lmpcrio.l Library Toronto Publie Library .. ,



l 7 4 l 1 \ 3

I .I 6 1

.I I

• l


i !



SOI!EDULE 5--<Jontinued. ·~-~-~·-·~-

l i ,i~~· . I . ~ .~~-"" __ ""_'_·~·~-~-·----~-_}- ~!_ ~j _)_~ !i

Toronto University ... , .. 'l'own and Conntry .Journal (Sydncy)~l'roprietors of the Tropical Agriculturist-Proprietors ·of the , .. Trnstfes and Im·estore' Review--Proprietors of the Turner (H. G.) 'fwofold B.1.y Magnet--Proprietor of the t:ni<m Def.:nce League lin!ted States of America-novernmcnt of t:nited St!Ues of Amerioa.~Llb:rary of Cm1gt·ess Uppsala Bibliotheque de 1' Uuiver:;itt~ Uppsala Univerl',ity '" Grugua.y-Governrnent of ... I'trecht-Bibliotheque fl.e l'Universit(! Utrecht-Rijks.-Cniversiteit Vancouver Bon.rd of Trade

• •• i ... : V cgetarian Society ... ... ,.. ". . .. !

Vereln fllr V!iteriandische Nutnrkundc iu Wurttemberg Victoria-Cbit7f Seeretary's Office ::~ ! Victoria~ Field Naturalists' Club Victurla-GoYernment of Victol'ia-Law institute VictoriA Le~tgne of Victoria Vietorln.-l'rcmier's Office Victorian Artisb' Society ... Victorian Deafa.nd lh•mb Institute Victorian Gold Jubilee Exhibition Victorian Homos for the Aged and lnfirm Victorian Zionist League Volta Bureau, Wa.,qhiDgton , .. Walch's Tasmll..nian AlnlltMc~Pnhlishers of tlle Walker (W.) ... ... .,, ... \Yarrnnmbool Standard- Proprietors of lht< Watson (M.) Weber (S. E.)... ... . .. 'Yeek!y Courier ( f,.~auneeston)~Proprietors of the Weekly Tlmes-Propl'iet<:ms of t.he

... \

West Australian-Proprietors of the ... \YestA.nstra.liau l(.ccord---Proptietors of the We10tern Au&tralia-Chamhcr of Mines \Ve:,;tern Australh.-Goverument of \Vcst(>rn Anstmlian Mining. Building and Engincerillg i

Jourunl~Pr0prietors of the W esteru A11stra1iu.-Pnblic LibrRry i Western Maii-Propriet01."$ of the ... ,., ••• I

Western Pttciflc Ht!mld (.Fiji)~Proprictora of tl1e W estmill'lf€i P;tiJHc Librarie>t WhHcombe and Tombs,.. ,_ •.• ... Wi:lc Dny 1\lld Dnrnctt News (Queenslnndj ·--Proprtctors of

the \Yild RiYer 'rim(•g -l1ropri£tors of the WHson On1ithological e!nb WiJton (W.) ... .•• .,. Wimmem. ~tu.r-Proprictora of the Windsor Public Library Woolcott (\ln.) Wcre<:'<tcr Library .,. "" Worker ~Sydney)~~rroprittor!l' of the '\\"orking Men's Colle~<: ... Yass Courler-I>ropril'!<Jr of the Young (Rev. \-T.) ••• Young Au~trn.lia League ... .,. Zeehau mv:l Dundns Hera.~d-Proprietor of tlw Zcenwsc:1 G<:<nootschap der Wotfonscha!Jpeu 7_.n rlc h-S t a.d tbj bliotbe k


3 2


16 ll

l 4 1 2


202 l

" 12

4 5 1

3 1 1 1



1 2 1


1 ..

i ...


52 104

J5H 47


·----~·--·~ ~·-··-·--·---



The number of volmnes hawed wns 177,9~l6, as 172,397 for the previous year. Tho figures i11 1ho schodulea show an increase in tbo percentage of works reatl in ttll clas~es except religion, which is vory slightly below that nf ~nst year, rtnd fieticm, which shows n tlecrease of nearly 4 per c:~nt. The l;l.rge:-;t increase is in tLe hi:J.t-ory, which inelutlea works of travel nml biography.

The number of active horrower~:~ was 9,692, as against 9,280 for tlH! previous vear. "' Tlw arnount spent NI bin1ling ,,-as £219 9,-,, 9tl., as tl.gainst £238 l8s. 9tl. for tho year 1908.

The los3 by th~ft during the year wa~ trifling, nnll only twelve books of smrdl vahto were mis::-:ing at t-ho anmt;ll stock tnklng.

TAnur, snowt!'\H TnJJ: Aunnwxa TO THF. LENDING I .. mRARY DURIKG TiiK YEAR 1909.

lllmle of AcquL!ition, No. of Volumes. Value,

Purchase Dona.tion

£ .&. d, Wl 18 10

I 10 0

Tot&l 1,590 442 8 10

TAIH.t.< BIJOWJNO 'l'BIG Nmtu.EH oF BooRs IN THE LRNOING Lum .. un· ON Sls1'

DtWEM!ilm, 1909, ANI> TIT!<: !\'UJtl\F.R llOUDOWJW DURING 1909. --· --~--- ----- --- --

Subjnct. N{}, ofY~>lnm~ Nv. nt Yolumll& Pereeutnfle ot In the J.ibmry. Borrowed. BOI)k!l L;;mt.

-------- --------Geneml -worl~;s of rcferP.nee 104 118 •Qfi

l. Philosophy · ... 706 3,497 1•96 :!. Ruligion 1,i58 5,314 298 3. Roeiology 2,133 6,343 3'56 4. Philology 136 asa ·2t il. N a. tura.l 8men~ 1,561 7,402 4'16 6, lJ ,a;eful Arts . , 2,4i7 !4,892 8 36 7. Fine Arts J, lS1 7,41[) 4-•17 8, LlteratLLre 3,6!6 15,844 8•9 9. History ... I 7,717 31,244 17·5.')

Fiction ... 51436 85,544 48'06 -------

26,825 177,996

Total nnmbcr of borrowers enl'olied, 1909, 9,692,




Name or Inetltntc

Aroea J!ree .Librnry ... Ba.Uan Mechanics' Institute Baringhup Library .• , Beeac Pu bli~ Library Beech Forest Libury Heeellwonh I!"ree Lihr~try ilenrligo School nf Mines 11erringa Public Library "' BirrPi('Urra :\leclumics' In11titute l~IAckwood Mechanic.,• IuRtitnte Branxhnlmc Meclmnics' !B!Ititute Bringolou)( .Mcehnnics' Institute Brighton l~rec Library nrn,thcn Mecluwics' Institute antl Frc<.•

Libr:u·y Buan!!Qr Puh!ic JAbmr,v ... Bnlu Bnln Mechanics' lnstimte BunyiJ.l.Mcchanics' Institute

No. t·l


I..ent. , ___ _ 49 95 50

179 88 9U <7

211 96 'J4 94


Name of InstituU!.

Brought forward Lancefield Free Librnry ". :Lang Lang Mechanics' Institute r.owcr Gelfibran~l I.ibrary ... Macc1csfield Mechanics' Institute Mn1don Athenreum .. . . •. Monbnlk Mechanics' Institute M(loroopnn. Mecha.ul('"1 In:\titute: Mortlake :V1Ci:hauics• Ins!;itute Nnrracun ).fet>lmnics' Institute ~Rrrn:wnn!{ Mechanics' Institute and Free

Library ..• ... . .. Sumurkah Mechanh:s' Institute Orbost Mechanics' J nt~titu!e . . . . •.

95 Ormond P11bli~ II:tl!und Fr('e Jjbrary,,. Pomonn Progress AF>iOci~tion... ,,. 9:\


" l~O

Pmt ~fclbomnc Free l.Hrrnrv., Portland Free Library ' ... Qua.mbntook "Mt·clmnlc!J' Institute nnd

No. or Volmn<::!J


4~689 1S9 105 48 96 46

]00 101 .. 94

193 ~IIJ

184 191 49 95

):fl llyaduk Mechanics' Institute .•• Canum Xol'lh 1'1'10€ Lihrary ., Campcrdown Meehanicf'.' lnstilute .... Chiltern Atlwnrenm iUHl Free Librnry "' 1

105 142 96

Free I.ibrary ... ... j Homsey Mcehanlc&' Institute ...

52 1:15 47

~£~3 ... lUll

Cohdcn :Freo IJ!br:try '". ... . .. Cobram .Mt>ehnuics' lnil'tiHLtv ., <'1J!n.e l•'rcc Librory Cow('s Free Library,.. Dan1lennng- Me:dwritc)'! Iu~titute Hixfe 1tcdumlcs' Institnt~· and 'Free

Libraty ... Ellerslie :Mer>imnieR' fustHu:e., gm\'t.'l.ld Mccltnnil,;s' lnstitute ... Geel•me East Free l.ihnny ... Ge£>!ong West Fre>e LJ'l;;rary •.• . .. Glen ThnmJlSOn Mt>dllinies' Free Library Hrtmilton :\Iechfttlics' InHitnte and Free

Library ... ,.. ... IJealeHillC Mechanics' [nstitute and Free

Library ... . .. Il&idelher,E; Public Librsrv ... Horshnm ~1eclmnic;; 1 Institute Tllowa Mci:hrtnl('f<' Institute .!aliuknr Frve Library ... . .. Kew Litcrarv 1 Mtitnte uud Free I,ihrarv 1\:lnglake _1\fichnn!cr.' Instihtte .~. h<lOllllrook Free Lihrary .~. Ko(Hn~e-rup MC> hanies' Institute

Carried forward

5i 100 um

Ro!!ebud :Mt>elKrtlics1 Jm:titute ... Rutherglcn Pul1liC Library ... . .. Sn:ndtio:zham Institute an:l Fr<>c Librnrv ~ea Lake FrN• Library •

8!1 Seymonr Free Llhrary ... 91 Shcp{larton Free Pnlllic I.ihrary

~trH~aton :Mechanics' Institut.:: .. . E>2

181 96


Stnnlry Athenmum '"' .. . Suns,hint> 'OMeehaili<·~· Institute Talbot l'uhlie Lihrary Tnllangatta AtheU<eum

SS Tallygo.ronrm:t Mechanics' Institute 92 T<~<turu :XfeelHl.lliCf.' lnr<titule ...


100 187 101 102 103 1S8 98

102 94

Violet 'fown >.!cehrmics' Institute \V.arrnnmbool Mec-hanics' Institute and

]fret l..ilmtry .. . WehHter's Hill Free Libra.rv .. . Welshponl ~fcchanics' Instftute ,, Wllittiesm Free Library ... . .. Wom.erah :'\fcclnmics'lnstitute a.nd Free

Library , ... WoorlenU ;\-feclwnits Institute Yarr.agon Mi?' Institute Yarram :\leckmics' Institute .,. Yariawoni{a :'\Iechanics' Institute Y 00 :I<'ree Library


" lk5 92 94

19i 44 57 95 96



'" 191 103

I '~~



Summer School, Porbea {Edueution Department} ••• 2i7 volumes.

In <'omparison witll the figmes for lhe yea.r of 336 volumes lent in the yenr 1mder rov-ie;v.

3('th ~fareh, 1910,

1908 the above table shows an increase

E. LA T. ARMRTRONG, Chief Lihrn.rian.




The N at,imtal Gallor_r, }felbourneJ Hith .rl.Iarch, 1910.

1 lnwe the honour to sn bmiL to you tlw folluwing report, on the work of the Naticnn1 Gnllcry for the ycnr 1909:-

Dmtng tho ;car, m all 1 £7,0i(J 17". haR been ex:pt•tale,] ou ndtliiions to the Art Collcctiou:;., of wh'ch iilliH all cxt·ept £31 3::. w.ts l'<nppl!cLl hy !he I•'cltoll Bcfpic.::~t Fund:-::.

It will bo oln~crvcd !ha· scnm oil p~iinli!!g~ \'i'cr..:: pm·(:l~n.seli fot .£0,7~.,9 1 of which :£250 waR oxp\mde·l on Viehrit~n rnr. Four water coToms cost .£4SJ l3s.; two pieces of bronze sculpture, £300; five objeets of nrt, £49 9...;,; :wJ 10-l Jn.pane!!o colour prints, £.no.

The numbc:r of stu1ent;i in t.lw p linting cln;:scs was 20 in the first term, und 23 in the seeonJ. Iu the tlt'<HYing cJnsses1 tlay aud night students, there were 4{ males athl !H female::; in t:1c first term, u.ntl 46 malc!i auJ 63 females in the seeond.

I ;:mcloso n list of awunl'> mnde by the gentlemen a.ppoiuted to net as jmlge;; at the Stut11'1lt':i' Annual Exhibition, white t.he accompanying schedules ginl" d11tnlla of the p:'rmnneut. :t!ltliti; nJS aud loan~ m_mle to the collection during the yenr.

I have the hnnour to he, Sir,

Your obedient servnnt,

L. HERXARD ITAf,L, Director of tbe National Gn.Hcry of Vi~toria.

The Chairman Natio!lal Gallery Committee.

The Trustef's Nntional Gn!lcry, &<',

G Jr.}."!EN,

\Ve h.nxe plonii-Hre in 1mhrniUing tho 1ist of awnrtL;; made lq ns in CO!HWldou with yonr Btlhlcnts' 0xhlbition.

A8 wa~ r:o be expcctl.!,l thr- gm1eral chn.rnctm· of ihi:l. ycn1·'s exhibition is di6tlr:c!.ly in advn.Hcc of la5t JD:Ir's.

\Ve funud, ns H:m<~l, thii.t the- fca~ut·c of the collecl.ion is the Drawing from tbc JJfc; i'1.'Y\'t:-tl stfnli<:>s in thlij, sectiou show an origiualiry of tnmtmeot and artistie f(;elin~ not J;C'I:cral in the work of ihc ~tudt:u•. In this t:ol!ncxlon wo particulady nolit:o the d~'H\Y· it:gs of the fnll-lcugth figure hy \V. 13. MdtnlC8.

Tlte J::PO!ion d,;\"ntotl to ti1no sludics of hands n-nd foet. fl'om thD life appcat'::: to HR ro Le tle."urving of grc:J.lcr ntteutlon ou the part of ~:~tntlcnts.

In tlJO paiutiug section rlw Jl'H'truit stud1c~ llt'C, we thhlk, the most commendable.

\\''o are,


Yours fh.ithfuily)


LIST 01>' AWARD8j 1909 . .. \n~ir1ue School-­


Antique Figure (Painting Students)

_::\ ntiq11e :Figure

Anatomical Vigure

:Pain~ing Rchool-

StiU Life

::\fonO<:hrome Painting ...

Figurt" Paiuting (nude)

l>ortrait Study f~ figure painthlg)

Head f1·om ~ife (painting)

Hands &lld Feet from Life ;dnwdllg)

Rf'ad from Life (drawing)

Figure from Life (drawing)

I L. McCubhin. 2 J. M. l'attereon. l N. \V. Major. 2 J_ Mackintosh, 1 J. C. Joy. 2 Vernon Lorhner. 1 M. Hepburn. 2 L. McCubbin. 1 L. McCubbin. 2 A. E. Newhnry.

t Stella E. I.ew-is, 2 Ohwe Andt:rson. 1 Stella K Lewis. 2 M. fL Roxburgh, l C. W. Honey. 2 U. '\\~. Honey. 1 F. V. Lahcy. 2 0. W. Honey. 1 Lanrie Tayler, 2 J, C. Joy. 1 F. R Crozier. 2 F. R, Crozier. l R. W. St11rgeas, 2 ,J. I. Maral1a!l. l W, B. Meinnes. 2 W. B. Mdnnt2s. 3 F. V. La.hey.


l)URCHASJ::S :'IUDE tn!'RING TfU: YEAU 1909. ~~~········-~--- of Picture. How acquire\\.

OIL PADTEXG.'i, £ Jl, d,

nurnc-.TO!)(',.I!, Sir Edwrr.rd.u WHhera, W:tlwr

""!'he Wheel of Fortune 11 ••• Felton llequcst., l,'iflO o tl

Du1Jri>, Jnlt!s .:\Ionticelli, A. Con~ta!Jlr:, .1 ohn, H,A. J'inwcl!, G. ,}, ... Roshoom, Johnnues

Cox. DnYi•l )farie. JacoL Burnl' H.

/J f/

Mdhm1 Claudc '"

Pennf'IL .Jo~pl<,,

,. "

" /1 11

" ~ilent Gums'' _Marine View " F{~te Champetre " ,,. , .. "'Wli'i!L End Fit-ld~, Hamp6ten.d, Noon" C:lthedral Interim· ... u Otlt of 'l'une"; or, 11 'J'ho Villflge


\V,\TTm. CuLOt'n DRA.WUms.

Lamhettp~.< ··The t ll!l :\lili " <>South YtnTa um , " Bt"ighbon Beach'' .••


" London Bridge Steps ''

"\Vesb Front, Rouen CrttbC'drat ~' ,., "Se Martin's BriOge, Toledo, SJiain" "R(lsst~ttl's House, Chelsen. '' ... . ..

... i 1' Among the: Sky-scrapers, New York"

.. .. " ., "

2:50 0 () .,, !~!WO 0 0

501) 0 () 630 0 0

() 588: 0

l<'elton !k·quest ... ., ...

PmchMed hv tl1e 1fruBtet·s " ..

Purch&aeU hy the Tru~Wt's

Pnrch.'lsell by the 'l'rustees

" .. "

241 lO (l

3fj 5 0 Hl 0 ()

:'! 3 0 5 5 u

4 4 0

a 10 o 4 {)

3 ]\} 0 4 4 H 3 3 0


PuRCHJ!lfRS MADE DIJRJNG TilE YRAR 1909-contimted. ··--~·~~--- -~~·~··~-~---···-~-

1 of Pleture. Row aequl~ . Price,


~forinobu, Cin:m 14 t i Kiyomwm, 1679-1782 Shigenobu, Cirea 1725 Korlusai, 1710-1771 Harunobu, J 705-1772

Mythological Suhjtet "'A \\~arrior"

Felton Bequest...

£ s. d.

l t s I)

6 6 0 l!) 0 () 10 0 0 14 10 0 24 0 0 16 0 0 30 0 0

" " Jl ,,

" " Kiyotsnne-working period1

about 1758-1774 Shuoeho~worklng period,

about J 726-1792

" " Shunkti~\\'Orking p~riod, about li70~l80U

ShunchU-working p<:'riod, (lbout l780-1i;ll3

,, 11

Ydzan, 1760-1820

" " ,.

" . " lGyonaga, 174Z~lfll5

I! If

" " Utarna1:o, 17:i3-IB05 If 11

Yeinojy<r-worklng period, li8l-l800

Shncho-.,vorkh~g period, li86-l003

Yd!fhO-working period, 1790-181)0

Toyoknni (Kumhashi)­wflrking pC>riod, lit.l-:763

" " "

Toyokuni {Goootei), 1835 .••

Hoknsai1 li60-l8t9

" " "

" ,, "

t i76--

"The Mirror H •••

u Sea-water Carrier ' " The Letter u 1 ' Figure on Terraee P

"Embarkation " '' Rokky(lkusen 1'

1' Bed Tirne"

"Female 'Varrior" "Homf<stic LiTe ~> ...


'' :\lorning '' ... ,' "Evening Bells" •• Eveniug Snow H •••

"Autumn Moon" "Three BeautiPs. Srt>kC-drinking

Sport" (three-sheet print) Decorative Pnnel ... ,,. "Iu the O.anien11. Temple or 'fenjin,

Yedo, with the Drum Bridge" ''New Year" Decorations ... t 1 Frozen V{ at er " "Gompaehi and l{omurasaki" ' 1 Court l.n.dy and Captive" (Scene

from a play)

1' Oompachi a.nd Kvmurasaki H

Decorative Panel •.. ... " l'rinC<':!.Sts ~fatJle Viewing" (3·&heet

print) ... ''Washing" "Harvest Time" H Spring Time"

"Seene froro 11:. Pla.v " H The Poet N a.kam~ro" « Auturnu Cel~bra.tions" ''A \Vet Day''

' •t Hnrv~st Time"

" " " " •

• " " " "

I. '1 Spring Festival " ...

... ..'\Vn.terfall at Shunoyuki ll

. ., ! "'BdUge at Yamnshiro n "Rridge at Jkhizen ,.

" " " llidemaro-working period,


" " Shnnky,1-"~VOrking period, 1797-1819

Kuniyoshi, 1 iBB-l8tH K

Toyo uni-working period, 17'99-1885

" Waterfall a.t Sowsbfl H

" Coup de Vent H

•< The Cooper" "The Wave" u \Vood-sa.wiug '' '" "Temple at Towto"

01 Votive J ... ettere" ... t< Shadow Game" ...

u Thr~e Geilohn, Gil.'le" (3....eheet prini 1 "Y02hitsune Overcoming Henkei at

Gojo BriJg~, Kyoto (.'l·sheet print) ...

u nyokoku Bridg0"

" " "

" "

" "





" .. .. "



" " " .. " " ,, " " " " "

" " "

" ..

~~ "' 'J

19 0 0

5 5 0 lO 0 0

5 10 0

6 .l 0 8 10 0

~ 0 0

15 0 0 10 10 0

20 0 0 2<1 lO 0 24 0 0 12 10 0

7 15 0

5 10 0

s 0 0

8 5 0

1( I , 0 0

5 5 0 a 15 o 3 0 0 8 5 0 ,j 0 {) 4 5 0 5 5 0 6 5 0 5 ]!) 0 5 5 0 6 15 0 9 10 0 5 0 0 7 0 0

5 5 0

6 5 0

22 0 0



Name oJ .Artist.. oJ Picture.


Kunisa.da, 1805-1844

Kut,isada (KuchOr<l) work­i.ngperiod1 1830-67

Hnkujiu-workmg period, 1820-1840

Ycit>en, 1790.-184-8 H H


. ., Toyokuut (Gosotei), lii£-

18:!li Shikimaro--working pe-

riod, 1800-1817 ... Hiroshige I., 1796-18.58 (0:-:ui)-working

period 7 1778-1799 .. 1 Gnkutei-working ·period; f 1820-1840

Gogn.ku (Gukutci)-working period, 1816--1847


" I! 11

If (/

" Hokkei-working period, Ht:l0-1856

" " "

" fJ

11 " Yeie~m (ltetsai)-··-working

periodt IS3~liH3 ... Yeis.en-working period,

1863-1890 11 • ...

Yoshitor~workiug period; lBao-1!!83

Gilbert, A., RA.

Rodin, A.

JAP.t:SJSss CoLouR PKtNTs-continued. •

"The Fourth Hour" tfrom a E£t of ·•Twelve Hours ) ...

"Beautiful Pb.ces and Beautiful Wumen"


,. Outside the Temple o{ Yedo •• : 4 Outside thC' Plum Garden n

'' J)i:;tnnt View of Snow-On the Snnu­.lagawn."

••Female Proe<;ssiott" (a· sheet print) ...

'1 Jnpanese Women n (seL of four)

H Lady with .Mirr(lf" I! Snow at Ki~o" (3-sbeet print) "GeL<tha Girls. i5ttburb of Tokio" !.3-

sbeet priut} · "Scene from an Historical Play"

(3-~sheet print)

«Storm at OJJn.ka.".,. 1•.runks at Ajiga.wa." "Sheltering trotn a 8how€r" ~<Moonlight at Osaka ·> ... ''New Mount.ain :..t Osnka 11


" Stone lkidgc a.t Osakn" .•.

u Making Miniature Landscape&" "Confucius Viewing the LandJWnpe" u Lady Playing Biwa u nHaknga Sn.mmi (Poet} *~ Sak6-making n ,., •.. '' Sn~awar-a Michizane nud Atten(h,nt" One of "Flower Garden" Series

Df'corative Panel

"Morning '' .. Evening 1'

"View of Yedo" t> Winter ~cene"


Stn.tuotte-" St. Elizabeth of Hun­g~tr,r ,'' Bronze, .trilt snd coloured

•• The Little Lion.'' Bronte statuette •••

Cup. Ivory n.Dd gilt.. 16th century


Lwtem.!evt: enamel decora­tion. Bronze, ,Tapanese ...

Vaae, with ring handles. Champlev€ enamel decorati\>n. Bronzf>, JapanePe

Sun and Moon Hour Indicator. By F. Di:u::. Croydon ...

Claymore ... Rajab'a ])agger. Indian

Felt on Brque~;t ,. ,


•• .. " .. .. .. " ,

" .. .. .. , " ,, ,, .. .. .. " .. " .,


.. ..

Felton Bequest.,.


Fe1ton Bequest ...

Feiton Beque&t .. ,

l> •••

Purcl1ased by the Trnstco



.£ ~. d .


2 0

3 5 0

10 0

1G 0 22 0 0

4- !I 0

4 0 0

1 10 0

200 0 0 lOO 0 0

22 0

• • 0

9 0 0

5 0 () 3 10 0 1 10 0

SCHEDC'LI~ 11. DO~A'rJONS MADJ~ DOIUNG 1'1IE YEAR 1909. _______ , ___ , ___ ----,------·------


Portrait of the Nndin Slm.h

Portmit of Emperor Dabar Shah ... Portrait of Bn.hadur Shah of Shnhjehan Shnh Portrait of J:thanger Shah l'ortraH of Mohomcd Shah Portrait of Mohomhl Shnh Portrait ... . .. Portrait of .Akbu.r the Great Portrait of 'l'ipu Sultnn rortrait Portrait of llumnuu Sha.h


The abo1'e were painted in the year 1809 by n Dcthi artist to the order of His Highness's great grundr1tthcr, Gofro Mohun 'fngore.


Poltery (20 pieeeA.) E1tt'ly Creek. Fro11 the tornba of the ancient city of Cyrene, jn K'l!itHn Tripoli

Small Lamp with wick rmd oiL Pi.eked np in the Roman ruim at .Aboukir, near .Aieundria

NmusMATJcs. Cnsts or Medals lJy Max Rosenheim, F.S,A.

Michel Wohlegemuth {150S). by Albreeht Duror. Original in Victoria and Alhcrt M\lM.Otun, South I\ensin!lLOn YiBCber of :\urn!Jcrg, by itim.3clf. OrigiMl in Victoria and Albert Mu!1enm, South Kensingtcn

2 Casts Medal CeciliaGnnznga., by Vittore I• ()riglnul in Mr. Mnx Rosenheim'" collection

2 Ca.<;ts Medal Malatcsltt Novella, by V1ttore l)isano. Ortginnl in .Mr. Max Hooenheirn'" collectinn

2 Cash; Merlat IJoren1o de MeOici, h.v Nicc0lo ]'iorentino. Orighml in :\ir, Max Ros<.'nheim's collection

2 Casts Mcdat Giovar;ni Gn.ddi. by N!ccolo l'iorenti110. Original in Mr. Max: Roscnheim's coH0ct!on

Pla.quettc Giovanni Picn dolla Mirandala, hy Nie<'olo J?inren~ tino. Original in l-f r. M:IX Rascnhcim's colleclion

Uhl Florcntine Terra Cotta Cu.sts.

(I; Aleasaudra Po.gngnntto by "le Mnitrc de l'Es~n:mce •• now l\ttrltmted to Niccolo Fiortntino

{2) Cosimo di :Medio!, hy an undetA!rmhied Flortutfnc Artlit An Electrotype lteprodnction from the m:iquc origit1al :in

British Mu,enm of .John Kcndal, an Eng!i""h ltnight and high Qfflcin.l of Rhodes (St John) l4!W, probably Uy n. Florentine Artiit

llron:r.c Piece, on;.! Antiqne (?) Hom:m 2 Copper Medals, City of ){pwcnstle, ~ew Sonth Wnlcs 1 C4lpper Coin of Ge-orge UL of Great llrh,till, 17"!.17

Siln>r Rahtoxc Coin. Thi .. coin WRS minte<l at the time or King Sumn.nta Dr:va, in ea~·Jy loth c<::ntnry

Sil"V'er Coin -of Emperor Mohomed Hhah of Delhi, tllc h;st )fop:nl King

Rnre Gold Coin, suppose1l to be of Hnmchantlrt1 1 :Mourhlh Cop-per Coin 1 Gold Afglum Coin 1 Silver Nepali C::oin

Samt oJ Donor,

His Highnes>; the &jnh Kuma.r Nawnh Sbyama. Tagtm:1 through Sir John Tnvemer, AJ,tent General

" " " " " " " " " " " "

,, " " " "


Profesfor Gregory.

Miss Annie Gonion.

Giulio cle Lot£>11ZO-, \tayor of Prc.'>entcd tmonymomly.

" "

" !!

" " "


His Highness the Rfl.j;th Kmnnr Nttw!lh Shy1~ma 'J'agore, t.lirough ~lrJohn Tanmwr,AgentGC>n(·rn.J.

1/ f!

" " "





On. I' At.:o~Tr:->GR l'ort.rait-Attribute<l to Sir. ,foehua TI.eynolllA l'otrait., by l'. Vnn Der Vehlcu

\VA'fEU·GnLmm DttAw'tNus. Dunottar Castle, by James Cadd~·nhead, A. H.S .• L

&lmon gpea.ring1 hy 'l'om Seott, A. ItS.~\ .... 3 Wu.ter·colours, by Edwin Alext~.uder

STATU AUT, "Circe" Bronze Statue, by Bertram Mt~ckcnnal, A.R. A.

Bronz~ Gronp of :Btrdri-Kativc Companions by \lcb t:UUC'rt

T1llX'!'ILE li'AfiRICS.

fly whom Lc11t-.

Mis~> 1{, l<"'ilr:gernitl Madame Mdba

His E:xcellerwy th~ Governor bir 'fhom&s Gibson Ca.rmieha.vl


" " "

The owntr~ (pt'r G. Cr..mp1Jtl!te1'n G. H.vhertson aud Co.)

Web Gilbert

34 Fragments of Old Fabrics- Italian, Sidlian, Perstau XII. I..ady fHhsou Carmic:hm:l to XYH. Ct:ntury

!:bnL WoRK. 15 rron Ktys frvm F!oreuce and Vicinity 1500-l i50 .. ,


llis Excel!cney the Governor, Sir rhmua.11 Gibscn Carmiehnet


On. P AlNTlNG,<:, A. Sbelkh and llis: &neutering Cairo, by Robert ])owliug ... Morning. by Franz Courtens · Waterga.te Bay, by J, Mogford ... ... ... :Fishing Bo3.ts1eaving llonlogoe ll&rbour, by 'l'h, Weber

WATER CoLOUR DRAWI!\G, J/ Elemohsina, by G. Guadabassi

On4 PAll'<TINGs. La Delle Yseult, lJy Bediord 'fhe Fern Gatherer, by R. Herdman Fre!!lrwater Bay, by H. Eschkc StilJ Life, by .AJbert Arn:r. ... ln the Fields, by B. W. Leader . .,

WATER COLOUR DRAl\-T!I:G, Mt~tador, by {i. Guadabu.ssi

CAsTS OF SrJTL'EB. Venue Ana.dyomeue Boy extracting Thorn , .. Youth invoking the Gods Apollo &.uroktonos: Antlnous lEgerm WarrlGts Chimney Piece .• ,

To whom Unt.

Ballaral ArL Gallery

" ,. "


" .. ..

Gcclong Art Gallery .. /J H

0 H

Geelong . .\ rl Gallery

Exhibition Trustees H U

11 lJ

" " " J) ,, l!



8cHF.DULtt IV.-continued.

Venus de Medici Jason ... ... Listening Slave Mars (!iitting) Adonis •••


Ou. PAIKTJ':'iG. Ital.iJm llrigands, by J. F, Layraud

To whom Lent.

g:xhibit.ion Trustf't>S

" " " ,, .. Jl ,.

D€ndigo Art Gallery


lndu::;t.rial and Technological Museum, MelbonriJc, 2n!l March, 1910.

To the Clmirmall Industrial and l'echnologioal Museum Comnf.ittee. Sn~,

I have to report that the po:;ltion of the ;\lu!;leum lu~s undergone no change since the time of my la~-;t report for the year 19081 ::ond ~onscqnently, beyond cxpressin,g my great regret t.hnt the collect.tons, for which numerous inqnirics lmve lmcu ma1le, shollld be stored in an inacce:.sihlc without nny immediate hope of their proper exhibition, little remaiuii to he sa.itl.

The limber cxhilJit le11t io the Department of State Forests for exhibition ut the Franco-British Exllibition wo.s returned ~11.fe!y.

As might havo been expGeted, the donations to tiH:> :\fuscum have fallen off from y<'ar to year, until now they are prnctieally reJnc<~d to <L fcnv .Au:;:tralia.u ~·Hate publications. It is unfair t() intending douoes to aecept the offer of ~ift.; which would have to be eoH~ signet! int!cfiuitoly to the nmlt."l. For the 1m-me reason uo efforts have been to secure new t-xhibit.s.

'l'l1e schedule of tlonatlous for the year is attached. I have the honour to be,

Sir~ Your obedient. scrvn.ut.




New South Wn.l('ll :Department. of J:<jducation

New South \V~t.lea: Department of Mines and Agriculture

Smithsouian Justitut<l, Washing~ t·OU ,


A Qnartf<r Century n.f 'l'echniC!\l J<;dnelttion in N'<JIV Sotttll \Va.lefl.

The Aqrimrlt1m1l Oazelle of New South Walt·9~ Vol. XX,; Index to Vol. XlX.

Report of the United State"- Xational Musctun, 1907-8.

8outh Au.<straliu : lkprtrtmen~ of ,- Bulletin No. S. A (JetJcrt~l. Synopsis ot t.l1e State's. Minit1g Intelligence Laws. May. J!)IJJ.

South A'ustru.Ha : Department of "A Review of )fining- Opemtimut in the StMe of S•.)Uth A us~ MinC!I ~ lra.ha. during the yea,r ended 3ht Dceember, l90d ,. ; do.

1 fnr tlle year ewimg !50th June, 190~1. South Australia: )linisterfnr the · Heports: on Heceut Mineral Discoveries and 1;nrther Rec(•rJs of

Korthern Territory Northern Terdtor}' Buring Operations. Plans of the 1':\narni

South Australia : Public Library, Mu~K•um. nml Al"t G.u.llery

Toohnolog[c:l.~ Museum, Sydney ... Victoria: Dcpartnwnt of "\gricul~

tu re

Gn:d DiscD'O'{'ry. Re-port of the Board of Governors for 190i-l908.

..Annual Ueport. for 1flu7. Tbe Journal of' the DcpartnH'Ut of .Agriculture o( Victorin,

VII.; Index to Vol. VI. Vol.



NATIONAL MUSEUM. To the President,

Nationrtl )fuseum, Melbourne, 18th March, 1910.

1 huve the honom to fonvnrd herewith reports from the Curators of the Zoological, 1\lineralogical, Geological, and Ethnologic<tl DepnrtmetJts for the year 1909.


1 have the honour to Le, Sir, Yours, &c.,

W. I~ALDWIN ,;PENCEH, Hon. Director.

HEPO!n' UN THIC ZOOLOGICAL DEPAHTMENT. Nntional Mnstum, lith March, 1910.

1'he D·irectur, Nat·ional Jfuseurn.

1 have t.he honour to subruit the following Report dealiug with the Zoologicrd Depnrtment for the year 190D :-

The condition of the collec~ions dnring the year ln1s been excellent., and in no case l11ts spe~ial treatment been occasioned Ly tltc presence ol' the Vermes lid, or moth hnre. The mmal sy~temat.ic examinrttion of th:J :-;peeimens hu.:-; becu rig-i\lly n\lheretl to, awl to tbis is attl'ihnted their present ~atis!'actory stale.

As un extrn pmc,wtiou, a speci~t disinfectiug chamber hnR been e,m:-:;tructetl, in "hich the larger animal~ may be q uaranr.inetl.

Owing to the stendily i11Creasin:.!: amount of \Vc,rk rcqnircrl of the taxitlenni:-:;t:-:;~ 1 found it neeef:mrv to withdraw A~si:;i:-mt-TaxitlenniM F. ,Y. llaillie from the nRnu.l u!tcation to !lw la;·gc rnamiwd !.!roups, and arrangetl fo1· t.IH~ work to b~ carriell on by Attendant E Thompson, who has givuu every satL..;fnctiou.

Some rmxiety wns occasioned dnring the year owing lo dampness making iL~ appcn,mul'c in the fixell wall~cuseH in tbe basement. lt. 1\'::J.S found necessary to detaeh the cases from the wall, ltnd since this has been done no recnrreuec of tho trouble has been observed.

The additions to the series of disarticulated skeletons, nsed for pmposes of refer­ence, h' necossitntccl a complete re-:1rrangement, nwl further :wcommoda.tion bad to be provided. The same applies t.o t.he reference col!Eetions of mommals Hnd birds. Regn.rd­iug the former, 1lw whole of the available space iu rhe reference room nnd corridor is now full~· occupied, and it will be nece:::t<afy to fil np the store-room on the top floor, which wilt provide ~pace for futnre ad1iit.ions for t:!omc year8 This can be done with little expense by utilizing the ma!crial from the obsolete wall-cases removed from the old Mnscum.

The Tuxiderrni:..;ts :tnll Articulator have been fully oc('npied during the year in pre­paring the various speei:nens received. TLe most important 0f this work has been the moml!ing of tli-:: complete ~keleton aud half of t.he skin of the racehorse ~~ Redlc·1p," presented to the t\lnseum during lhe previous year by ::\h. Alhert ::\fillm·. The prepam­tion of this specimen, which has nccessilatPd special cnrc, hos occupied a eonsiderfLhle t.ime. lt. will Le r(·ady for exhibition tltuing the present. month.

ln addition to 11 number of birds mounted, considerable progrPss lta.'l been mad:; with the re-grollpi:Jg. Through t.ho kintl co-operation of sevcrul dcmors, n, number of nests, not hcfnre rcpre:-cutod, have been added to tho exhibited 8erie:;.

Two nJditiutlal special cn!!es have heeu cottstt·ucte,l, one to contain t.hc .South Amcricau Hbcas, a,nd !he other a group of Emns wit!J tlte ues.t an1l eggs. Thc::::e m:;ke vn,lunLlc anJ :dtrn.ctive addilions lo the cnllection. --

ln view of the frequent. inqnirics regarding the enl.omologieal eolleclion, it l1as been clccidcd to n,rrange a collec1 iun of Anstra.h1.8iun insects in the gallery of llw Australasian h;.ll. This will embrace reprc.:.entatives of all the orders, together with a seric:> illub­trating the life hi~tories of certuin groups. A selection of specimens is now being made.


'!'he re-arrangement of the gcner:::i! collection of entomology) which has been in hand for ~mnc time, iN pro<:::eoding very sn.titofactorily. Every effort. i:;; heing mnJe to bring it up to dRte a.ud to keep abreast with the eoutiuual change, in tl10 nomoncl:~tnrc of the vttrioas ;rrmrps. In this conuccti<fa ti1o Tru:nccs arc much indcbtc(i til J\tcl:iHS- 1'. G. Slo~tnc, A. 1.1, 1.ctt1 nwl IL .J. Ca,rtcr, who in their iu,·cstlgntions in their bpccial branchcii have assis!ml n~ry mntcriaUy, not only .in the dctcrminatton of specimens for~ \Vfitrllt:.~l to them, but by Jibcrnlly <Hhling to our coHeetJous.

Owing to the prcBSHJ'C of other work the a-rmugcmen; of lhc invertt-bratcs in the Australii'Lu gnllm·y has been considt>rnbly delayed, Tl1e majol'ity of ihc Fmnllcr ver~ tcbra.tes arrangell there nrc nvnilablc to Lhe public, t.hongh 11 large amount of labelling has stiU to be Uone,

li"l'Cf[UCUt U')C ha<;: been liHHle oF the reference colJcctlon:l. hy SpccinlifltJ; ttD\l OthCt'H,

who have mu eh npprecintcd the fa.cilitios now afforded for examining spcehnca~:~ in these groups in which they we1·i; spceinlly intereslctl.

By Rpecia.l arrang~}ment, 1\Ir J. A., of the I.::tlucation Department, wns per­mitted to obtain photographs oE nll tho Vietoriau birds on exhibition. Th(>5C were Ucsirell for the pm·posc of illn.':ltrating a. book on tl1c hinls of Victorir. t'or the use of the Stnte school teachers.

Among the donations receiveJ. nm.y he mcutioned i;,pecirnells of Forst<'r:~' Petlgnin ( Aptenod,ljtes forsteri), }facConuick ':; Skua { ;J'{ega.IMtris nwt'cormicki), a1ul "\'Y edJcl 'H

Seal (Leplsnycltotes wt-ddeli), oLtained on the re~~ent Aetarclie Experli!.lon under Sir Ernost Sha.ckleton. A H·dng example of the specially interc::ti11g 'Fiindern' l:?.lfl.nLl Wombat (Pll(lScolomHS urs{nus) w•J.S rcccivc:1l femu Dr. J. \V. BatTGit.

From the Conrwil of the Zoolo~ieal a.n1l .Acclima.tisntion Socicry of Victoria we receiv~d, among others, a. lluannco (Lama huanaco,q), Rml Deer (Cen-u.~ elttplms), two BlAck-Bucks (Antilope cervicapra), Fnllow Deer ( Cervus dama), (Boselapluts tragoeamelu,s), Banteng (8os sondai(ms)i young }Jalayau Boar ( Utsus m(lltt,t;mms), two New Zealand Kro (.Nestor 1Wlabais) 1 autl n Sonlh Americau Rhea (Rk<Ja americana).

By purchase we a~::qniretl a very line cxnmpl;; of the Cbimpnuzcc ('l'roglod?;Us niger ), a Crested Band-Fish ( Lop!wles cepcdianus), ohtain~U for tile flr&t time ft•om Australian waters, and rm extremely rnr,~ bln.ek form of the Hufons-Bellied Wallaby (Macropua billtJrtHcri) 1 from Ta~Jnn.nitl.

No, 3 of the "'Memnirs of the National :Mnseum 1 11dbournc," ju~t p~1blinhcd, eou­tnins .articles, prepHrc,l in eonj11notion with yoursdf, on "A Collection of Sub-Fossil Bird and ~far':lttpiul RcmuinH from Kiug hlantl, BasR ~trait/' nml ';The Ex:3~.t.iug Specie;; of the Gerrus Plwseolomys." In :ttltlitiou, l tunc publi.shetl dming the yonr t!1c folJowing pnp:::n; den.ling with ~pecimen~ in tho :Mu;;eum eollcdie>H :--

"' Atidit.ions to tlw Fish~Famm of Vit:torit\, .Ko. 2 :•; Viet. Nnt.~ Vol. XX Vl, No. 6, 1909; "i\otes on the Hairy-Nosed \V'ombn.t, Phasoolomua latifrone, Owm1"; ibid, No, 8 j '' );'otes on the '\-Yomhat, Pltascolom.1Js ur-sinus1 Shnw 1 from Fliudnrs h1n.nd''; Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., Vol. XXIl., n.,., 1909, plate LXI.


I h:we the honour to be, Sir,

Your obedient .wrvant,

JAS. A. KERSHAW, Curator of the Zoological CoUcotkms.


To the Direr:t(Jr aj tl~oe ,~._Vational ,J,lfuseum.. Nationul Museum,

5th M•reh, 19\0.

I l1ave the honoue t.o ~nhmit tbc Annnal Report on tbe above sections for the year 1909 :-

In continunnco of the ext.en:oion of t.hc Reference Mineral Collections, the :foreign section received att.ent.ion, and the v.ccom:morln.tion now provided for it sbonld snfftee for mnny years to comeJ as it is not likely to Le eniarged to nny great. extent..

The orders for minerals plaeed with F. Krantz, of Bonn, and the Foote JtfinHal Co., Philadelphia, were duly executed during the :yenr These minerals included lOO speciefl and variel-ies unrepresentetl in our cullections~ and forrned the largest accession in 1his respect for a very consillera.ble time back. The spnce given to the exhibition off3reign minerals iR utilized to its nt.mollt. capacity, and it was only by removing Bpecim··n~i that room was made for even part of the new ones. The balance had to be placed iu the Reference Collection. We were fortunate enough to secure as a gift from }·fr. Wm. Fitzpatrlck, of Comalln. Station, through Mr . • ]. J. Falconer~ a large portion of a meteorite from the Barn.tta Station, 35 mites N. ,V, of Deniliquin, N.S. \V. In the first instance we were indebted to Mr, A. R. MeCrae, of "''crai Station, for informing us of the existence of the specimen, and the kintlly offer of his services in the matter. In 1905, .Mr. McCrae wa.a good enongh to prcse11t to us another piece from Baratta Station, both apparently fragments of a pareut meteorite. They seem to be simila.r in ch(ID},cter to the t.hrce speciment; recorded and descdbnd as BaraHa Meteorites, Nos. l. 2, nutl 3, from the same loca.lity.

Tbe New Zealand Government Depart.ment of Tourist nnd Hualtb Resorts generously consentf'd to present seven photographic enlargements of ccriuin iuteresting features of the Hot Lakes and other di&tricts of tLe DominionJ to help to complete the series illusrrnting atructura) and phenomenal geology.

In atltlition to these, enlargements of the >i Natural Pavement/' Ea.glehawk Neck, and the basalt columns of Raoul, Tasmania, were obtained, besides several others from elsewhere.

In December last, while on an official visit to Terang, I took tbe opportunity at the request of ::\fr. H. Quiney, of lfortlakej who has most llSsiJuously interested himself on onr behalf, of visiting an exposure of ripple-mnrkcJ f:-auJ.stone at Salt Creek, near Woorndoo~ fM the purpose of selecting Hpceimens for the Mnseum, :!\fr. Quiney most kindly having voluntarily offered to personally arnmge for their removal to Melbourne. We are Jn many ways under gr£>:tt obHgations to Mr. Qniney for his eoniitattt. readiness to assist ns in every poasible way.

Tbe palreontologieal section has been enriched by &. la.rge number of specimeus, and a.mong Hte p1trchasell may be noted a model of the primitive. toothed whale (Prozeu.glodon), and a collection of 401 specimens of Victorian Siluriau fossils.

The Palreontologist~ ~fr . .F. CIHtpman, reportR as follows :-~-

"The examination of the richly fossiliferous clays, marls and limestones from the hores in the Kow Pla.ins hns occupied a considera.hlo part of my time during the ye!U'. The sorting of the material and the preliminary identifieatlon of specimens is, however, now nearly completed. This work has been facilitated by having the advantage of the use or the Dennn.nt Collection of Tort.iary Fosllils for purposes of comparison. The resnhs of these lwrings have greutly enrk·ht...J our eoUeetion of Tertiary inve,·telJrate remaius; and 1 further, a unique oppor! ltHity lws be:en affi•nlt-d for )~:aruin~ tl1e nawre and relationship of th~ bcdB beneath the \Vimmcra, as w·oH a:s pun·ing tbe extension of the water-bea.ring strata at ren.sona.ble Jepth~ in tbe Murray Hiver area,

Permanent labels are being prepared fol' 1be series of l'oreigu Typical Fo5.sils, now approachillg completion. .Numcron8 atlditioni.>i to the ca~eri ,;f cxhihiretl fossils ha,·e been mnUe, of specimen;;:., drawings and legends. ~very opportuuity has heen taken to render the collections more onsily studied and understood by r.hc gcnerul visitor~ in the absence of a hat dbook or gnidu.

The number of foss.Bs registered from my JetcrtninationB was 63, the total now being 10,366. :Many other specimens were dctermiucd aud await registration.

Fossil specimens have hee.u submitted hy the public for determination from time to time. They amounted tO 47 4 examples. Many of these, o.nd1 ln fact, the more im~ portant, have heen prcecntetl to the coHectious. It is noteworthy thllt so!lle of the most snccessful coHectors of fossils are :;cholar~ and members of nature-studv classef., One o~ the mote interesting of the donaticms is a block of limestone from "'Batesford which I procured during my vacation~ containing about 25 sharks' teeth of extinct species, given by Mr. "'"· B. A valuable aerie.e of Devonian and other fof:!sils fi'om tbo :FalklanJ ~siands has been l>cceivcJ ill exehangc.

5021. c


}'or the Department of :\1ine5 I ha\'f' examined numer;;n!'. coHeetiona of fossiliferous slilteS and limer!tonesj and have written a report dealing with 75 specimens of On)ovieian fossils, mtlinly erustucen, from Hepb11rn nnd Mnrongt for publit·ntion in 1he records of rhe Geological Kurvey. I bave aho p~epnred a short nceount of the relationship of I he Tasmanian .Jurassic coal~hearing bells with those of Victoria.

Fot• the }~isheries Department I have exumined the tlrst s11mple of a series of d(>ep .. sr·a dretlgine;s, and furnished a systematic report to that office.

A short monograph ou some fossils from f,he Tertiary limestone of King Island~ collected by Mr .• J. A. Kers!1n.w, was written Juring the year, and will be puhb1hcd in n forthcoming Memoir of the :\fuscum,

I have also had the pridlege of examining the interesting fornmillifcr:ll Uero"it from a raised honeb abo\·c the Drygalski Glacier in t.he Aularrtic, brongl1t haek hy Pro~ fessor T. W, E. Davhl, l•'.R.S. A report for publicution will he wrltteu on this material.

I have published the following palreontofogi(.'al pl'lptus <m 1fuscum rnnteriuJ during the year 1909 :-

'4" On the Occurrence of the Selachian Genus Corax in the Lower Crel&.ceon~ of Qucensfaml." Proc. Roy. Soc., Vict.~ Vol. XXI., n.s., Pt.. Il, 1909, pp. 452, 453, wooden t.

"On 1\ :\aw Species of LepertliLia from the Silnrian of Yass1 -:sew ~onth Wales." Ihitl, Vol. XXIJ., Pt. 1., !'!'· 1-5, Pia I., II.

"Jnra8sic Plant RemRins from Gippsland, Part II.'' Records Ge<Jl. Sun. Vict., VoL Ill., Pt. L, pp. 103-11!, Pls. XI! I.-XVIII."

The Reference Collection of Australian stone impJemenls bas be<' I! re~arraugcd~ and n11gmented by a selcctwn from the large collections purcbased from llr. A. S. Kei!JOIL

in 1907, ·Mr. Kenyon him~elf has continued his gootl offices in forwarding the interests of LlleM.useum at every opportunity, an.! we are indebted to him Ior mueh maleria) him personally with considerable trouble.

J:!""urther lots of our aboriginal cmnia, a:o arra.nge1l during d1e J·revious y<'a.r, were lout to Professor Ben·y, ill) well ns t-l1e whole of the aboriginal femora, for scientific rcsea.rcl1.

During November I vi~ited the Allenda)c dis.t.rict, near Ba.Har!lt1 fol' the purpose of searchin'o! in the auriferous gravels for cvideuce of ma.u's :tutiquity in Australia, l1ut met with no success. From there I went to Warrnarnboo1 to im.pect a reported occurrence of humatl footprin1s. Tbese proved on et<tmination lo be animal footprint-8 in volcnnJc tnl:f, but\ unfor!Uiuttely, 1.ot of matL The identily of !he animal whichmtule themjsnot evident, but 1hc matter has nol. yet received ca.r(:'ful investigation.

In Decmnber we commenced operations at PejMk 1.1arsh, n<:nr Temng, with the hope of discovering some furt.her implements or flthcr evidences of the pn.senec of man~ under the volcanic tuff. Mr . .A. J. Merry, who had formerly found an i111plcment while exca,•ating the trench fi.n· u. culvert where the Pejark drain crossed the .:\h Noora.t-roatl, was eogngetl to do the work, but we were uusu(~ce~sful in our sear~:h, it8 far us- imple~ ments were conceruetl. IJoweYer, the labour and ttme CX}Jended were not \'l·a~led, \or information of an intere~tillg .uature waa e.seertained, which, it is hoped, will later he utilized iu a pubHeation on tlw antiquity of mnn in Au~tralia..

I have the honour to h<', Sir,

Your obedient scrva.ul1


Curator of the Geological, Mineralogical, and Etlmologicnl Collectiotl.S.





AbOOtt, tJ. U. ; Trenton, N. J., U.S.A. Acadt?mie lmp4r1n.le des Sciences de

St, Pet\'rsburg

.Academy of ~Mural ScicnCBs; Pbila~ delpllia

Academic tles Sciences et J.ettres de Montpell!cr

Americ!l.ll Museum of ~·aturalllistory Australasian Oruitbohlb>ists' Union ;

Me lb. AuS!tra.Ha, Commonwt>Jtlth of, Depart.

External Affairs Austmlia, Commonwealth of, Stalis·

tician American Museum of Nu.turallli:;tory ;

N.Y. Austrnlian Mmeum; Sydney

BristQJ Museum ar.d Art Gallery Camhridf;<: Philoi!oophical Society;

Cambridge, Eng. O~lifornia Acn.demy of RclPnccs ; San

Francisco Citnterbury }1u~um; Chrlstchut('h,

N.Z. Cape Colony _; Dept. Agriculture, Gape

Town Carnegie Museum ; Pittsburgh ;

U.S.A. C1ndnnn.ti Museum A~soeintion Colotuho Museum ,,

Colortulo College; Colurallo ~pring:-: Connecticut. A cad, ; Art;, and Sdcnees;

New Haven Conservntur:um ller %oolngisehe

Sta.atsammlung ; Munich

'FA!inburgb Geologiea.l Society Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria Geelong Fi<eld Natnrali:>ts' Club

Hamilton Scientific Associntiou ; Canada

India, Goverurncnt of

InJian lfuseum ; Ca~cutta ..

Java; Dept. .Agrkulturc

I..imlellltSociety of New South Wale~ Loosen, G.K; Cologue

lfe.x:ieo, Geologico In;;t.ituto de Museo Nacional de Mexico ... .., Museo Nacional de Arq_uelogio., Hii!-

toria y Etnologia ; Mexico .Museo }{acional de Cbili ... Mueeo Naciona.l; Montevideo ... Museum of Comparative Zoology;

Harvard C:OHege, Cambridge, Mass. }fuseu Faulista.; Soo Faulo ...



I ArcbaJOlogia S'ova Cresa-rea, No, 3. , Bulletin, 1908 (Hi· IS), 19-09 (1-15); Annuaire du lfu:u\e ' Zool<1gique, 190.3! Y. 13 {3, bcilage, 4), 14 U.~- 2) ; Tra.vaux

du l1usee Geolog.ique Pierre le Grand, v. 2 {3· 7}, v. 3 {1) . Proc. Y, 60 (2--3), 61 (l),

llnlletin l-1ensuel, No, 1-3, 5-7.

M!)rnoirtl, v, 9 (pt. -41 imlex). Emu, Y. a (3~5)~

Papua, report for yen.r endcil. 30lh June, HIOS-1909.

Official Year Hook of the Commonwealth of Au~tra.ha., Ko. 2.

Memoirs, T, 1 (3-Bj, v. 9 (1-5),

Ueport of Trustees, years ending 30th ,Tune, 1908-1909 ; A18moirs 4 (J!l; ltccords v. 'l {:3), 14 (I, 2).

Report, year et1ding 30th Scptemb~r1 \9{)8. Proc. v, Hi (l, 2); Tnme. Y. 21 (7, 8} i Re1), Libmry

Syndicate, 1908. P1·oc. -tser. v. 3 (pp. 41"48).

Record:;j, Y. 1 {:!),

Marine Investigation:< in South Afriea1 v. 4.

Annals,"· 5 {l): Twelfth Annual Report; Founders' day, 19!•9.

Cats. Art :Kxhlhi:tions; Tweoty-eighthAnnua.l Report. Spolia Zeylanicn, v. 5 (20) ; U (21~ 22) ; Report of D!rect.or,

1908, Publication, Gen. Ser. No, :n.aa, 36, 37, Tmns, v, 14 (pp. 1-290}1 IS.

Beitrage znr Naturge,.ehichte Ostasicns (Japa.nis:elie Cteoo~ phoren,Moscr t Japaois['he ~walzen~ Augustln 1 BydroiU­polypcn dcr Jn.panischen 0fltkuste, Steckow, 1,

Trans. v, 9 {3. 4). Victorian Naturnlisr, v. 25 (fH, 26 (-S). Wombat, v. I, 2 (2}, 5 {2); Gcelong Naturalist v, l (1), a (4),

• [1). Jour. and Proc. No. 21.

.Memoirs of QpoJo~iea,J Survey ol India, Pal. Ind. n.s. v, 2 ( 4), 3 (3) ; Report of Chief' Inspector of Mines, 1908.

M<'m. Y. 1 (t~3): Ueeord~, v. 1 (1-8), 2 (2- 5}; Ann, Reporl, X at .• !list. t-it>ct., 1907~8; AnD~ Rep., Industrlal Sect •• 1907~8 ; Aids to Id.entiiioation of rats, Hossack,

Twec.te ()yer.r.icht der !"c-lwdelijke .en Nuttige ltlseclen Tau Jnva. Koningsberg()r.

Proe. v. 3'1 (4}, 34 (1·3). Jahre"bericht d'-!s Vereins znr }'ordenHlg dn; Stadtisdwn

R:1utenstranc~•·Joe:ot A!usenms fur Volkerkundc in Cotn, 1·4.

; Parergones, v, 2 (7-lO)J 3 (1) i Bolletiu, Xo. 17, 26~ I .Anak4, 2 .epoc:\, v. 5 (8~12). ! Anulc!l, v. 1 (l-6).

Ooletin, v, 1 {4·6). An<>lcs, v. 7 (Floru. lJruguaya, t, 4, eht, 1). Bull •. y, 52 (ll-13)) 53 (3].

RevistR, v. G, 7 i Cat. Fauna Braziliere., v, 2.



8CREDULE A.-DON.A.TlO~S TO THE NATIONAL }fUSEt:M: DOR!NG Tilt!: YEAR 1909-continued.

1.-Publications-continued~ ···--···--------


Natal Government Museum ... Nat urforachen den G esellsehaft 1 Da.n zig Naturfo:rsehenden GeiiSelsehaft zu

Goditz Naturblstorltehen ~1useum, Hamburg New South Wales; Dept. Fi.d~:eries New South Wales J Dept. ~Hnes

New South Wales Naturalists' Club .•. New South Wales; Dept. Public

Instruction New Zealand; Dept. Mines ... New Zea14nd : Dept. Tonrist and

Health Resorts Nova Sootian Institute ofScienee Ohio State University. Columbus

Olago University '.Museum ••• PhiHppioes; Bureau of Scient.-e

Pnb!ic Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia.

Ro.utenstra.uch..Joest Museums fur Volkcrkunde in Coln.

Rhodesia Museum, Bulawayo Rijka Ethnographiache Museum tc

Lelden Royal Anthropological Society of

Australasia Royal Society of Queensland Royal .Society of South Australia Royal :->ociety of Victoria •.. S:'n Salvu.dQr i Muaeo N<l,cional Smithsonian Institution, Waabington,


SociCt.C des Sciences des Arts aml dee Lettres du Haina.ut

SoclCte Neuchateloise des Sdcnccs Naturd1cs

South Afrit'&n Mu&eum .South Australia; Dept. Min~s


Annals1 v, I (index), 2 (I). Schriften, neuefofge, v. 12, hft :!. Abbandlungen 23 1 26.

)fitte1lungeu, jabrgang 2!'L Report of Hoard of Fh;heri~~ll, year 1908. Annuul Report~ 1908. Geol. ~urv.: :\1!nerat Hes~mrces,

:N"o. 6, iend ed.: Records, v. 8 (Index, pt. 4), Aue~r&lian Natur.alitlt, v. 1 ( 13-19). Tccbnulogica1 :\t:useums: Annual Report-, 19QJ, A Quarter

Century of Technical Education in N.S. W. Geological Snrvey; Bui1etln I {index), 61 7, Photographic Enla.rgements in llluatratton of Geological

Features of New 1' Proc. and Trans. v. ll {3, 41, J 2 ( Il • .BuUetin v. 12[1 (gupp.) ~ (s.npp. B) 12, 131 (13,lll supp.) 15].

The State University, Wha,; it Stan<is For ; Place of a Collcgt~ of Education in a State System oi' Schools,

Gnrator'a Report, 1908-9. 7th .Annuall~eport nf Director of llur0au of Science, 1908.

.Miucral lWsourccs or the l'hHiN>lne f"'la.nde. Puhlica.-1i;;n!3 Nos. 15, 19-21, 25-3:2, 35. Philippine Journ&l of ::5ocience, v, I (3, 4. 1-9, supps. I-6)> 2 \fi), 3; [Gen. Sdem;l·] 4 (l-4); [llota.ny) 2 ( t-0), 3.

Report of Board of Governor:;:, 1907-8.

Jahre;;.bericht t.les Yereins zur Forderung, 1-4; l>'uhrer, liJ-08.

7l-b Annual Report. Rhndesi& l!lnere' Handbook, Verslag van den Directcnr, 1907 .s.

Science of Man, ne'v ser, v. 10 (6·11), 1l (1-3-51 i, SJ.

Procc('(linga, v. 21, 22 (I J. Trans. nnd Proc, and Rep. v. 32, Proceedings. newser., v, 21 (2), 22 (1). Anales del Mnseo Nacioual, t.. 3 (22, 24, 25). Annual &!port of Board ()f Regents, 1876~95, U. o::;, National Mur>eum; Proc, v, _ 33~35; Bulletin, 61, 62, 64. Contri­butions from U.::t National Herbarium, v. 12 (1-9). Smithsoninn :M:iscc!lam:ous Collections, Nos. 74, Hl-2, 154 Hi7, 2U31 2l9, 261, 266 1 811.349. R.eport on Progress and Condition of U.S. Nat. Mus., year ending .June 'MJ/08. 'l'rJ.ns. Connecticut Aoo.d. Art a and Seieoccj v. 11 (1 ),

){emolrs et PuhUcations1 l• ser, v, 9, 10,

BuUetin v. 33 1 35.

Repvrt f,,r year 1901:<. Anna1es, v. 5, 6 (2, :3), 7 (2, 4) • GovernmentGcologlst's Heport on 1-tecent Miner;t! DiscMeries

and Ful'ther Hecords of 1'l. Territory Horing Ope.rations, 190S, Reriew of Mining Operations, half~yea r ended Dec. HH.>S; June 1909, HeJx>rts on Arltnngn G•JI<l Fields. T:mami Gold Discoveries, Advance Plans with Notes.

&nth Auetrali&; Intelligence Dept. i Stu.dtiscben MnHeums fur Volker- 1

kunde zu Leipzlg 1

B!lilt;tin 1 ·· lO. Jahrbuch1 19Di (2). Yero:ffentUchungen, 1908 {heft 3).

8ta.dt.iscbcn Yolker-Museum; Frank- Yeroffentllchungen. 9, Die llU.f Suma.tra; Die furt am }fain Ara.nd&.-und Lm dza~Stamme in Zentro.l~Austrahen (2 tell)

Tokyo Zoological Society •.• Annotationes Znologtcre ,Japon;;nse.s, v. 5 (5), 7 (11 2). Trnnsvaal Muaeu1n Annuls. v. 1 (';, 4-). Annual Report, 1907-8. Transvaal i S. African Centml Locu~t [ Annua.l Report, 2nd. 3rd,




YEAR 1909-eontinued,



lT.S.A.; Dept. Agriculture ... Victoria; Dept. Agriculture

Victoria; Dept. Mines ... Victoria; National Herbarium Victoria Museum; LauncestiJII Wanganui Public Mul'eum ... W estcrn Auf:tralia; Dept. Mhl<'ll


I Circular, 61&, 62-2. Journal, v, 6(Index), 7, Official Report on Fruit and Other

Pei:ltSlu Various Countries, Froggatt. Geol Surv. Jvlernoir:;, ;\o. 7, 8. Records v. 3 (1),

i Odd parts of various Publico.ti,.ns~ Pamphlets, &c. , 1femoir ontbe Wedge-Tailed Eagle. ! 14th Annual Repon.

Gcol. Surv. ; Bulletin, 31-2, 34-5,37.

z.-Specimens (Zoology). ~ ~--- ---~----- ---------,-- ·~··~---~ ------------~---~


Altmann, Selina, Mrs.; Richmoml ... Armitagc,R. \V.; Continuation t:lchool,

Melb. Bnrnnrd, }"'. G. A. ; Kew Ha.rrett, J. \V., Dr.; Melb .... Barrctt, Keith ; Tvorak

Batey, Isaae ; ])rouin HiHinghurst, F. L.; Bacehu;< Mar11-h,.

Dtt$\"UfllA viverrinus. Arthopterus rnadeayi,

8 Rhmoho:mlea (young}. Plw.~colomys undnos tliving). Hii.lia.~t.ur aphenurus., Caly ptorhynchuR funereus, Cnemoplites

ednlil'i, Pla.tyzosteria occulata, Oonilllll &.llEitralasim, LocUBta vigentissim'L, ..l"Egia.liLis ru:ficapil!a. {egg), (1} Sterna n1:reis (egg).

Sc•;(~ral Micrc,perca yarrre {young). Sminthopsis .crasslcsudata.; 'f:Oilcction N. American Coloop­

tr·ra. Ctenomorpha marginipennis. (!l Cryptoecphalus {larvru).

Boyd, Phillis ; Carrum Brnrnley, W. L.; Kooroornon Brlggs, Artlmr G-.; Deniliquin Bury, A. J.; Ba.lrnsdale Catron, J. F. ; Charlton , .. Chandler, l.eslie G. t Mu.lvem

I M::,crotms rufu~. '" I 23 DeHas harpa.!yct> (living pup~).

I Typ!1!ops po)ygrammiellS,

Cba.pman, Wilrn!d D. ; Balwyn Cbubb, J. E.; :\a.tiona.1 Mus;_um

Cog hill, Geo. ; ~IP1h. Colcs, Alfred; Melb,

Daft~ -.; Welshpool Daley, .r. T.; Yc;t... Dower, Jno. ; New stead Druce, .J. C._; Honha.m Dnnk, -, ; Port Fa.lry Ewart, A . • J., Prof.; Mclb. Fr<:>nch, C~ta;;:. ; ~relbourne ... French, {'lw.$. .• jnn. ; Melh .

Fultont P, J.; Warrnnmbool

Gf'ocichla lunula.t& (nest), 3 Ptilotis lcucotis (nesls), Chthonlooia saggitata1 2 Ca.!auJanthus atbilnris, Petroecn ros,•a (nest}.

3 CentipedPs.. l~uiorhilus mneipcnnis, Protopwrce convolvuli. Pyra.rneia

ken.hawi. 12 Cis~c-is acuducta, Ela.tedd Beetle (huYa.), Termites. 2 PhA-"-C•)lomys rnitcho!lli (bodies), 3 'facbyglGssua aculeattli!

(bodies). Rajn. lerupricri.

I Pha.Ewogale penic-illa.ta.. : Deformed Lam b. ( Strix tlammea (suh·sp. delicatula).

Trttehypterus jacksoniens.i8. Stigmodera ma.cuhnia.. Rarthworm ; Dolichopus ooerulea.. Ruhlemma. dubiu.(moths and pupm easel!), (?) Hulimus, Apin.o.

cal!i,;to (larva:), Ephthianurs. albifron~ (ll€11t and 3 egg,<>.),·eephala gutturalis (nest and 2 egga), Corcor:l.X melu.norbamplmil (nest}, Arta.mus aordidus (ne!lt}, s Xenoenema 1-'pi»ipt:s, Lencaniodia.!<pis frencl1ii, Acan~ tbochrera carunculata, CoHyrioeinda bfU'moniea, Artanma sup<>rciliosus, FachycephnJa. rufh:entris, Petroeea goode­novii.

Charadrius dominicus~



YEAR J 909-COtJtifltled. 2.-Specimeus (Zoology)-continued.


Fulton~ SydllCY \V. ; M•.:lh ..•

Gatliff', J. H., Carlton Goudie. D.; &a Lake

Goudie, J. C. ; Birehip

Harris, D C, Capt. ; Wlnd11or IIa.rtwick, Roy, and Riebardson,

CL.t.renee ; \V odonga Ilavilar.d, C. V.~ Melb. Headdey!. E. E ; Yarrawonga Hill, G. F,, Windsor ...

nm. ,J. A. ; Lubeck Hlllt W. E, ; Windsor ,,. Huie1 H. ; Culcalrn, N.S.W. lug-le, Art.hur 1'.; Roscdale ...

Jncbon, M. i Horsham Jones. J ; Horsham Kcartland, G. A. ; Melb, Kenley, G. H.; Swan Hill ..• Kenyon, A, 8, ; Me:lb. Kersbaw, Cyril Boyd ; Windsor Kcrshaw, Thoma~; Windsor King, .A. ; Me!b, ,., Kitsou, J. 8.; Me lb.

Leach, J. A., M.Sc.; liducation lh.->pt., Melb,

Leslie, F. A, ; Ol·bost. ... Lyl\.:1 Nancy, Mi3s; Toornk McCrae, Archibald i Deni11quin Macdonald, Douald l .Melb.

Mack, Stanley ; Llsmore ... Matting!ey. A. H. :E., Melb. Moore, 'f, F. ; National Museum Oke. lh.:.rbert J. ; Wangarn.tta Oilieer, Frank 0. ; Mt;}b. .., l'nrker~ L. C. i Wakati Creek Phtllips, W. ; Napoleons Preston, Miss ; Prahrnn

Quinliva.n, - ; Education Dept , Melb.

Roberts. R. R. ; Sheffield, Tas. Rogers, N. S.; Boolara .,, Rauer, Cart ; Qna.mhatook ...

-----------.'l Cnradrlna marginalia, 'l'eara melanosticta, 2 (~a.stula laota,

Thalltucha. jooularis, Astbena pn1ch:ra:ria.. 2 Pompilius fasciatus, Ctenomorpha marginipennis, Limacodes longeransJ Caradrim\ torti~>igna1 Xat•tborhrn va<'uaria. Tele~ phorus nobilit.ata, Lai>\S mastersi, Tabanus imperfectns, Tbynnns YOtahilis, Cells micro-Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, etc.,:? Tiliquascincoides,2 Dc:nisonia oornnoides,4 Engmus. Aga.rista lu.tinus, Hecatesia f'enestrata, Pinara (?) fusca, Phalacnoide.s tristifica, Colla. micro. insects, 2 Cracticn& destructor.

St.igmo:'h:ra variabllia, 2 Dia.crissia<".ens. 2 Caudal hies cyanite\l, 2 Loxostegc eroc1.1ntbes, 2 L. psHiota,

2 :M:etalla.:rcba goudiei, Synemon {?) there;.;a. goudei {Type;, Scterorrhinus aublineatns,

Pantoreites major, P. brevirostria, t5yarbis brevicornls, Adclium goudiel, Mecylotborax punetn.ttla1 Hymwa lati~ collis, Phahocrinus rotundatus.

Rhipiduf'il. aiblscapa (nest). Mud nest of Pelopreus lretus, Bolbocems kirbyi.

Doliurn (t) sp. Strix tlammea {sub.sp. dclicRtulal Ochydromus bicinctus., 4 Ptilotis auricomis {nests), 2 P. iueea

{nests), I'. leucotii> (nf!stl, Acn.nthiza rcguloides1 2 Sittcll:a pileata, small coll. neetlefo.

AAtur apprmdmaus, (',oJI, Insecta. Actinopns formo1ms. .Astur approxima.ns, l'alco lunulatus, Pll.rdalotus ornatus,

Aco.nth!za nant:L, Cisl.icola exilis (nes~\, Strepern venoi­f'olor, l<~doliisoma t(•uuirostrc (egg}, 2 Kynoecuaamtntlis (eggs), 3 (?) Astur fasc1atus (eggs), Egernia whltii.

•Pelecauus conspicHatus. Petaurus aust,ralis, 3 ClJe1·a procne, PJ romelaHa oryx:. Ua.lla bortoni. Lialis hurroni. Planchonia querdcola, SeYcrtti Lonel>ia splcndida. l"':reah-wate:r Shells. Dorat.ifera (1) lewinii (pupa Cai>e), species of nra-couidre,

0\fer.aia {!) CnemopUtea eduils wtih oV<J, s~.:veral Oxycarenull luctum.u~,

2 MPia.mpaalta a.ngustata. Chror!)(:ampa scrofa. 2 ibHnming Birds. Mru:rupus giganteus ; "V cgetH.ble Caterpillar." phrygla, Hist-loptcms recurvirol-itris, Silktn BaJ

of Teara oontrurfa, lJelrna impar, El anus 11criptus. Phaln.o~er (Dea.llslant.l). Tryxa.hs nasuta. 2 Haliastur sphenurus, Pelaurns brevit:epa. .Astu:r approximans, Hieracidt:a orientalis, Astur uovre-hoUandire. Pardalotu::~ puncta.tus. 2 Limacndes longeranM llanro), Gr;rllacri,. longicoruls,

Centipede, 2 Scorpions, Myrm;;:cia Dipterous l:'lies and l'lltlre.

9: Galaxias m attenoatu' (young). Anthe.rtl'l f>nf',nlypti, Acanthorhynelms tenuirostris .. Gymnodacty!us milliu~ii, Trletena lahyrlnthiC'a1 Microtragus

HlOf'nton1 P<DcilometU! histrieus., .


ScHEDt:Jt.& A.-DoNATIONs TO TltE N!.TIO~A.r.. Musxu.\t nun.t~G l'Hlt

YEAR 1909-crmiinmd. •.-Specir"""" (Zoologg)--eontiuued.

-------················--··· ----------

Seharf, Theo. ; ~~rauk~ton

Scott, Frank W. ; Mc~Iillnns Scott, .Tohn; Mclb. Se1nle, J, W. ; Melb.

Smith, H. B.; Wandin South Spencer, Prof. W. B., C.M.G., F.R.S.;

Me lb. Sutherland, Peter ; Thog0loug Thornton, J. H.~ Kanya n•

V ietorU!.; Education I>epL .• Walcott, R. Hy. ; Na.tionallfuseum •. \Vat!lon, Eric; Brighto~ Webster, lli>bert; Pakenham Wells, J. E. i Car1tou ... 1\'"hite, S. ; Blackhum Wil!on1 F. E. ; E. Melh. ··~ Wisewould, F. ; Melbourne Wollen, A. ; Nar-mn-goon ••• Zoological and .AcclimaHaation l"o-

ciety of Victoria; Royal Park


l!, containing egg of Cestraoion (Heterodcmtus) phillipi.

2 Rhipid11ra tricolor. ),{ncqltu.riu. australu.sioa, 2 (?) larvm of Alder Fly, Ccneus cllalybeipennis, 4 Toxodactylus cnrioulatu!!, I~otlou

australasim, 2 Crepidomeuus flliformi>l, Apasls lwwitti, Tetratobus murrayi, Engreus~

Denisoni~ superba (yonng}. Ninox maeulata.

Larvm Bag of Teara. eontraria. Orycto1agus cuniculus, with deformed teeth. Pnrdatotus punctatus, various coHections of Insects, CaJo11oma sch&yeri. Astur novm-holl&ndire, PmphUa mira.hili3-var. gouldi:e. Oryctoiagus cuniculus, with abnormally developed teeth. Typhlops polygrammicus, Jungle Cock~ Ptilotis cassadix (nt!st). }.lud turret formed by Engreus. Ardlct·s curvata. 7J Mn.mmals, 32 Birds, ll Reptiles.

2 .-Specime1u (Geology (lnd Minrralogy). ~~·~- ......... ~-··········-··--


Annea.r, R. H.; Port&rlingt.on

Da.rna.rd, F. G. A., Kew, R. R., du,;. Melbourne Ueden, w H.: Fitzroy Bell, F:rederick ; A uhmn , .. Bothamley,Mrs. E.; Dunedin, N.Z.

CampheH, A. G.; Pomonal •.. t,Mpman, D. H., Mi11:s; Bdwyn ... Chapman, Fredk. ; lia.tional bhiSeum

Crosbie, Davin i Ouyen Du11, W. S., :F.G.S.: Sydney

Duncan, W. ; Melbourne


V t>lntilithes anticingnlata, Cyprrea platyrhyncha., Shale with remain:-> of Tmnioptcris lentricnliforme.

A _gglmneratic Tu:ff. Cn1L Minerals from Kerguelen fsd. SHvcr.Lead O:res, &!!. (Silverton, N.S.W.), Fossil Wood, Red .Jaspe:r with micaceous Hematlte. Silicious 8intt>:r, Pebl;il<:JJ of Lava coated with Iron Bilm.l~

phirle. (?) Casts nf Worm~Horings in Sandstone. Arctlca elarkei tinternal east). Scorlaceons Ba.stilt, L:tpiHi, Agglomera.tlc Tutf, Limeshme

with ()ltrupa and 'l'ere.hratnlina.. C"Alcium Carhof!ate In. erustntions of Tree~slt'-ms, Pehhlt>!l-, Ca.leite, Verneuilina. enfliformis (bolot._l'pc}, l_)ulvinnlina scilbt·icula (holotypv), Ro!:llia enlcar (plesioLypesJ, Gypsina. howehini (cotype), Polytrema mirmtum (ho~otype), Polystometla a11tonin!\ fplesl0type), l,epidoeyclina toul'noueri (plesiotypel,) .£... (plesiotype), L. marthli (plesiotype), Cyclocly~ peus pustulosus {plesiotype), Ostracodu. and Fora.rninifem from Uatesford Limestone, 2 Ringicula tatei.

Obsidianite. Pbillipsastrea wn.Ui, Spongophyllum bipartltum, Cynthophyi·

lum shearsbli, l{e-ceptaculites austraUs. l•'erruginou!l Limes ton~ containing org&Dic rema.:ius.



>.-Specimens (Geology and Minera/ogy)-continued.


---- ------·----Ewart1 A . .J., Prof. ; Melbourne French, JM., jun. ; .\Ielbourne

Frey, Rcrnartl; M<'lbourne ,,, Gore, W. li ; Melbourne ., Green, Sydney; Ha.wthnru ... Hamilton, W. A. ; Uendigo . Hardisty, J. W. ; 8. H.hodN>if\ ,.. Hedley, Chtts.; Austrl\lhm .\{nseum,

Sydney Hill, G. I1'.; Windsor ... IIoldlng, Tbo«.; Melbourne Kenyoo, A. S. ; Department Agrkal-

tur<', Melhourne Kii!J:tt·ick, Wrn ;: Denil'iquin King, A,; }felbourne

Kurtzc, Lnnis R; Hoehkirx:h Mf':Can n, W, B fi'yl'm sford

Mahony, D. J.; Department Mint·~~ Melhonrne

Nieholls, E. B ; ~- Melbourne Oke, Herbert J.; Wa.ngarratta.

Officer, W. Graham; Louth, N.S. W. Parr, Walter,J.; Ye.rr:tviHe Peowrie, C. J, ; Kew Quiney, H.; M<Jrtlakc Heid, Wm,; Glenmaggie Rigg, A.; Snnbury ... Robiuson, Ge:mld ; Ca.ul:fiel<J Sankey, J. R, Major; Brisbane Saupe, Aujtust; Richmot1d ... Hdunidt, W. H.; .Mellmurue Shnek)(.!ton, Ern est., Sir; London

Shears by, A, ,J. ; Yass, N.S. W.

Smith, G. N. B. ; lfew Smith, H. B Ho ward; :\lelbournc Spry, b"'. 1'.; ~aUonal ~lusenm

Tasmania ; Department of l\!lHt:A (Go· verumtnt Geologist)

Thorn, R., Rev. ; Ma.ns6eld ... 'l'welvetrees, W. H., F.G.S.; Dnp.1.rtw

rnent Mine;;, Ta11mania. Vietorla; Edueation U1JI)artmellt-, Mel­

bourne Vjt:toria ; Department Mine::~, Md­

bourne, Jno.; Longreneh, QuL>ens­

lnnd Young, Jas, Hay, Meredith

Fossil Wood nl Eucalyptus gunni. llrnenitc witb l'lconaste, ZTcon, &c .. , Hematit.e wilh a black

eruat o£ Limonite. AI unite. 2 Tnrqolae in matrix. a l'~toncma. (?) newbPryi. :\iarenpial remnlns {N'. Qucenslantl). Auriferous Quartz, Chr.rsotile in Serpentine- Pt'gnm.ti!P, 2 valves Limopsis insolita. (Pat~~: gonia.).

2 portions of u. n.ntll.j,1.we of Wombat. Iron Pyrite on Slate. Cltssldn!us cf., longi.anus, Phosphate Rock, Reddte, Sand­

stone, Portion of Meteorite (Bamtta, Drniliquin ). Collectinn Tertillry (CanYonian) Foi!sils from M'.lrray River

Clitfs, Morga.n, Ecbinoronus abhreviatns ~cttst of t!':>.t). Linteijtnne i\howing O.'(yrhina. retrofiexa (teeth), Careharot.lon

tn1}gnludon (tooth), Linthia moorabuolcnsis {?) Pleurotow marla (cast), Ostre.a.

Fossil Watch (Red Bluff, St. Kilda).

Limestones. Spirifer y assellsis, Spirifer ~p., Daln .. 'l.nites merialanu;;,

Tourmnl!ne, Bicbronmte of, C:trnclian, Chalcopy· rite, Citrlne, Amethyst., Flint, Pebl)le (,:f Blu·k Quartz.

Terthuy Fossils (Cut·die's l{lver). Varlons Fossils. T<'rtia.ry Fossil.'> (Flinders. Vie:t.). Chalcedony Pebble, Obst\Uunite, HyH1it~ in llas:Llt. Branehing stem of L€pid.od<:>ndron, Limestone with teeth of Phascolomys. {~oYellit-e, Cbaloopyrite. (Jlhrine in Bll.f.alt. C;trnotite, Sphlt!erit.e with Quartz n.r.d Garnet. Blue Uock Salt. Hocks, &e., (;btaincJ by llrit.i~h Antarctit~ E~!)i!•

1007~9-. Coli. Siturian Fossils from Cliftonwood, Yas;;, N.~. \Y.; l?,o.

rloccras ep,; (?) Ischadites Jimh&trrerui, Entomis sp., Gun­ning Hock.

Ca5siterite Crystal, MourrziW, Fossil Wood (Newcastle, N.S.W.), Myliohatis ef, nustra.Hs {ca.udal spine), Casts of 'l'ertia.ry

Fossils ln Ironstone, Tra.chyderma sp., CrusJAe•?>UJ remain11. Coli. f:Hlurian Fossils (Mfflbournian}, 2 8H11rfau Sandstone eomaining (?) Murchi~:~<.min, Camarotmchia, &c., Mutlstone with(?) Cera.tiocaris, Betlerophon, Cnnu!arln SI), nov. (Table Ca.j:w ).

Quartz Conglomerate, l'orphyr,l', Ca!"honiferous LimestonP. Arehre.ocya.tbinu Limestone with li'X:tmp1es of (?J Protnphar­

()tra cf. polymorph& {TllS.). Volcanic Bomb.

Coal from Pow1ett Hi 'fer Govt. Coallfin,•.

Sandston(! with Inoceramus She:tle, Quartzite, Driftwood iu ea.1careous mud.

Tertiary Fosstlil (Leigh n., Shclfonl}.}


ScnRnULE A.-DoN.lTIOI<iS ro. TIIE NATIONAL Mus~;uH uun.rNG THK YEAR I909-continued.

-----~~----~3·~'~~~~(E~tl~m~o~w~~~):·~~--------~-. --~--··-- ... ·---·---


Agricultural High t>chool; Wttrrttlllll· boo!

Chapman, Fnodk. ; National Muf:'eum Charge, H. B. ; Northcote .,. D~tvis 1 Percy ; Thorpdale S. . .. J.)a\'enport, Attbur F., Dr.; St. Kika : UuwnLon, G. E.; Avoea

Dut.tonl Tom; Corot:~ W. . .. Haviland, C. V. ; Port Moresby

!htnt, .Atlee ; Malvern ... Renyon, A. S., Dt>partment Agrku~.

ture, 1felb.

Kinsella. T. E., I,ilvdale •.. Me V -ea, E. Tronsml; Camberwell :Melbourne Clnll; Melbourne Quinsy, H., ... Smith, H. l'~ellows; Durban, Natal Spry, F. P~, National ~Museum ... !]1ully, :F.; Cow Plain!!, S, Australia



Aboriginal Skull, Lower Jaw (ahorigiua.i), Femur (ab-original)

Cooking Stones(Torqull.y, Vict.). Carved Maori Walking Stick. Aboriginal Axe. Suit of Armour of Kative Cllieltain of Gilbert Is!auds. 6 Jo;'l;'ts, Cord Bird, Sli11g and Stone~ Sto11e Ta.pu Cloth

Benter, 8tl'ing llu.g, Sleeping Mat~~. from New Guinea. 2 Stone Axes. Palm wood Jew\; Harp, Sbeli Money, Neeklet of Nassa Shell

seetion, Wnven Annlct, Lime Gourd, Dilly Bag, 5 Woven Armlets~frNn Papua.

3 .Poisoned Arrows witb Bone Protector!< (P:lpna). lll~nk Stone Axe, Colh:. Abori;rinal lmpltments {Tailetn

Bend, &e.), 5 Ahoriginal Skulls, Chipped .Imnt (Lorne}, Sandstone Chips, &e. (Cow Pla1nsj, Chert Implement.

17 Stone Implements: and Flakes (Lilydale;. ! 2 Carvtd Wooden Figures (New Guinea group). : 4 Stone Headed Clubs (l'apua). 1 2 Swne Chipl-1 (lleech Forest).

2 Native Blankel11 (Chopi Couut.ry, E. C-onst Afriea}. (?) Play·Stone (St. Kilda Blnif}. Aboriginal Anvil StoneJ 2 Chipped Qull.rtzite, Reddh>, Flint,

and other Flakes.




l!'rom wlwm pn:rch:!.llc.d.

Baldwin, W. H.; .Api•llo Bay

I !


Burns, Norman ; Me lb. .. . . .. Burton,Cbas. (per}; National Museum Chandler, Robt. C. ; Malnrn Coles, Alfred; Me lb.

Du Boula.y. Wm. ; 11-ff;lb. l<~rench.1 Chas..; ~lclb. Haddri~.:k:, ll. ; Me1b. Hanton 1 H. H. ; Melb. .,. ... Josep.h, Kllis; 1felh, ... . .. Kenhaw, J. A. (per), National

Museum McGowau, Wm., Launet'ston SOOicr, G ; Melb. ... . •• 8ims. Thmald, S. Melb0urne ... Zoologiea.l and ~eelimatisation Society

1 Lnphotes t:ristatus, 8. African Spider. I Butter Fu1h, llirds, &e., (8. Australie.j. Coll. Australian Birds, 't Ahtnr einereus (staifed), stmdry

:Mammals and Birds7 Emu EjlgP. l t:icindela (C<>nf, \V. Australia), Coli. AustraliMt Coleoptera. 1 Voluta roadknightre, l M urray P ere h. t Chimpanzee, I Co!obus Monke-y. 1 'frichosurns vnlpcc'lllra, 3 Ma.cropus billardieri (Dee.t nnd

Flindera Islands, Bass Straits). I ThylMinu<~ cyoocepbalus-, Fisb} Crab-S. Australia., Coral. Skin of MaeroJms bi!l!l.tdieri, black.

of Vict.oria ; Royal Park ____ _;__;__ ______ ··--~---~-~-----~---------



THE YEAR 1909-Contin ... d.

2.-Geology and Mineralogy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~--

From whom lltrn:l:msed.

Butler, F. H., London ... namon, Robt. F., Weymouth, Eug, Foote Mineral Coy., PhU&de1phia,

U.S.A. Kra.ntz, L.r. F •• Grrma.ny Spry1 1'', P,, National 'Mnileum

Campbell, W. H., Melbourne ConneUy, Jas. F., Melbourne .,. Damon, Robt. F., Weymouth, England Fitzmeyer, S., Melbourne ... '" Gem m ell, Tuckett & Co., Melbourne Gibson, Cbas. G., Western Australia Gui.lfoylej W. R., Melbourne Hey ward, Aleuuder, Melbourne Kenyon, A. S., (per) Melbourne Levin, A, 1 Melbourne

)1unro, N. J., Melbourne ... Nicholt!on, L. A., Western Australia Sa.unders, A. B., Mclbonrne Scha.fer, Frltz H., 1\lt>lbonrne Simpson, Ja.mes, Melhonme Spry, F. P., National Mweurn

\\7olfmm Model of Prozeug1odon atrox Collection Mineral Specimens

CnJlcction Mineral Specimens CoUeetion Victorian Silurian Fossils


Pounding Rtone f!•lllect.ion Western Australian Aboriginal Weapons Ca11ts Prehistoric Stone Implements Aboriginal StooP Implements ~ Shields; 1 Shark H•1ok "

14 nanclng Hoards'' (West€"rn Au!itralia.) Collection Weapons (Papua) Aboriginal .Axe Aus.tmlu.sian Native Implements 7. Carved P&ddlea (Papua.), I piece Tap& Cloth (New

Hebrides), 7 Spears (~ew Hebrides), 3 Clubs (Sew Hebrides), I Pig-Killing Stick ~New Hebrides), 1 Woodep Ceremonial Ornament (;..!ew Hebrides)

Model of Malay Outtriggcr Canoe Aboriginal Implements (Central Australia.} GreenlltOne Mere 10 Boomerangs, Whalebone Mere Stone Implement Aboriginal Wooden Vessel!!



Sent tu Dr. Aristidea Brczina, Vienna-Specimens Obsidianites j in exchange for specimens 11uldavites

Sent tu G .. A. Wfi..Wrhouse, M.Se,. Sydney-l~apilio ptolycus, r. solon; in exchange for MUetus nareis!nUI, I.yc;;ane.sthee mOOestus, Zygera alsulus, :s'enlucin su~pilios, Cnndslides ma.rga.rita.

Received frou1 the :L'alkland Islands Muaeum-DevoniAn Fos!!il&; in exehange for Australian apedmens, tu be forwarde;J.

By Authority· J. KEMI>, Vovcrnme~::.t I>:rfnter, Melbourne.