9 front Q findl irioneys - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx938k3s/data/0042.pdf · 15 Chandler...

M- iiopPtit a uUte trout i4 l t i HAS MATURE rtAftNCC Yatr herself cWd Hi U10 ar1J pnf < k lintate fotsonufof Hi trwss mid Uo or cu lnu r chord to vibrate to tUK tile 1ntondallph 0 rtru rtelr 011 u trtofowtnnuef of ChllU Malaria andTTph e eat U not this watan- uu It in xa Indlyouaton of nlckuesst Avoid this = a Mt tm as our ndvlco costs you noihi Ill Call on your druggist and n bottl oJ DrCwittcdta German Liver Powder Tau bed ttmo for tlia dlI Ike n Clrilranicl xnt feet like the flowers look In the ptlne Prepare for tho malarial or hot iea oit whey tho atmosphere U Silt ot norms 11 necmair and when your system warns yott 4epcat the above These caredles lit seer ed sold IT For Halo by L L Elgiu At Bismarck N D the organ ¬ ization of the House and Senate hUR lbecfle3IectedMany und y boos buy been thrown into sudnosa und sorrow becauen of the dunth of a loved one from u neglected cold BallardB Horehouud Syrup is the threat cure for cauglis coldn und nil pulmonary Hilmeutp Price 2ft aid 33 cents R C Uitrdwick T it patch front Parl toll of the snocess of the submarine boat Morse Keep Yourself Strong And you will ward off colds pneu mlua ftvorH rind otherdiaoages You UPtd to buvc pure rich blood cmo jood rfigtititinn Moods Snrsaparilla Tiafcfn the Hi mil rich und pure HS no ithfr iiHdifi can do It tones dlt- lrnqb tr ti mi fippptjt P1ill > t tl vstciri You will be t h fiti i ifsr it now for it will j 1ll hl r Il1 llidf IJ 7cd p pjils iireuou irritating Prig iidiiL tiy speculating cawed JI n tit a ViJ < Mck Kz Itl < r p ury t Cuugh 8t p cfu > binitr HH it irritates the lungs and given them ub chauuo to heal and Tar cures Jtbrowingdf xppctorunb JFormer Dubioswas trnmate d for United States Sena trr I pileknotve thfv nrp Tablers Buckeye Pile pileRPrilfO < c1Q Sd by 110 Harclwick ten MacArthur has ordered the deportation of anumberof prom neit Vili ppi nn officers to the Island if Guam DEWITT tA- I p Cgp p n GentsI cannot recommend Dr I le Srnp Poplin too highly It has been a groat benefit to me Very truly RAY BlCKtlfi Soul by C K Wvly oJe teals of Senator Mor H f lalianin who begins his f HI iin MarclH were presented Senate I Tl t lOpeitiiH if Ballards Suotf rjn in rut prB > RA a range of useful mos greater than tiny other remedy A day seldom pusses in every house howlr irpeciully where there IIrtr chilcifp tlmt it is not Prier l5 itnd 50 cents Sold by RI V HKrUvKh Ion r Many a man gone in to the 20th without having accumulated a pair of Xs Chfippfd bauds cracked lips and Tutmlu sHrf the skin cured quickly by Biiniir Salve the mot healing sir Mil 1 t iu theworld Sold by AP IIanwio Sir Hiram Maxim American can perhaps exhibit a longer death list than any other cannon makerof the day I YOU hluiilfl know t Init Fjlays Hoiioy amid Tar is absolutely tho host lungsL1 toivf satisfaction Sold by Ai HUIR Wlint what will the ghost of a Shykespcarc Ray to the ghost of Ig 11 UN lnntllyS- crofula in the blood shows itself aoouer or late in ewolHnge sore I 1cJmjJdfI i An low if nun bought 6 Missouri cows for + 1000 and it was a bar- gain 04 S wg aX4 dears thethe Kind You llama Always Bought filgaatttre of goodcharncterto1eUtund JlihM mnnufftoturlng WhOles o W <r a Y ST ur pr110n t1 more hanet leneexqutred nr ce bask in CIId an Ming Uvery1o7tteetahlayq1 j CHANDLER DEFEATED New Hampshire Senator Was Turned Down farRc- Election > yv T i fj h Will be Succeeded by Judge H y I E Burnhnni of Man Chester V Concord N H Jan11Judg e of1lauchesteo r was last night nominated in th Re- publican legislative caucus to sue reed United States Senator William 15 Chandler whose term of service will expire on March 3 next The choice of Judge Burnhnm which was finally made uuani tnous ended the fiercest political fight in the history of New Ham shire Senator Chandler in all has served fourteen years in the Sen ¬ ate he was Secretary of the Navy asg d s party in New Hampshire His op ponents in the remarkable seha tonal contest which closed las night attributed his defeat to the fact that during the years of his public life he attacked may one wham be fanciedstood in the way and thereby raised upman enemies whuIi seized this opportunity to units iaibrlsfjjprig a 1L vt1tlrI6d de ¬ feat ELECTION WAS LEbAL Tinsley is Circuit Judge of Twenty Seventy District PrankforT Ity1 Jan 8Gov Beckham This morningdecided that the election held in the Twenty seventh Circuit Court district in November last was legal and that Judge J H Tinsley of Barbour ville is flentitled to a certificate Tinsleywas the only canditate ancI received 10738 vote The State Election Commission did not issue a certicate to Judge Tinsley and the point was raised before Gov Beckham that as no proclamation had been issued callI ing an election that none could be held The cGovernor heard argu ¬ mentof attorneys and decided that point is not well takenj THREE CENTURIES John Herrington Residing Near Carlisle is 103 Years OldC Carlisle Ky Jan ilNlne miles from this city in the neigh- borhood of Cray ton there lives James Harrington who is one hun ttyed and three years and eight faoriths old He is well preserv ed bird on election dry in November walked two miles to his voting and cast his votq for Bryan Beckham The County Court has just released him from poll tax the ground that a man who had lived in two centuries should not pay tax in the third A YOUTHFUL PREACHER Negro Boy of Nine Years Preach- ing at North Pleasurevllle Pleasurevilje Ky Jan llA iI sermons in the A M E Church in North l leasureville that stamp him asn uety century wonder His knowledgiorHtlo Scriptures is said robe someUitnjr remarkable in one bo oung 1 4uBeiii good English and baBploniof language at big command HaTs carnest and malcnii good Impression on all who hear him The white people who have heard him pronounce him a wonder I FlI BLOQUY MAIN ThlrtyThree Out of Thirty Four Birds Die in the Pit 1 Fulton 1 Jah11 Jackson defeated Dyflrslntrff in the allday cocking mailtbere There were seventeen htsaid the two coops split even until they last and odd main wMip Jackson Won 0 thfrtyfour oicks which fought only one came out of the pit alive Much mbn changed hands on the re- pglItfor the championship of Ten 8 + I nuuiyrathnQhc Cl111oniz tiling might be said of a wont t has been cannonaded by censures tintbit1zed Bndselfish debltitatindrains t 1 organThousands ¬ ute to the wonderful change in their PierceItavorile urIng cures these diseases perfectly i Sick women can con Dr Pierce free by letter Each letter is treated as- a sacred confidence privately rendau promptly answered All answers arc i envelopes Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N V health is much better since I have bee- using Ir Pierce medicine writes Mrs Cora Anelhaving coughwhicgrew but It only gave me terupornry relict lASt 11111b of C and the merchant recommended Dr lie reetedIn The book said If the disease was mrnnlicate DrPiercea FavoritePrescrlptpn got the Medlcfll and I took It a a directed The onujth left me at once and myt a tooktl medicine I am now able iIng COTTON GROWING IN WEST inure Titan naif Orop Uaf ed West Mississippi River Time produces and reveals econ omit movements of great magnitude Few tendencies may perhaps treat more surprise than the account of a western direction in the cotton growingarea in this country Wheatand corn have gone West many other great industries haveI emigrated from old centers Per haps it is natural then to expect that new tendencies may be mani Tested also in the flIt half the cotton crop this year wiltj produced west Of the Mississippi river According to the estimates the Department of Agriculture 190 shows a cotton area east of the Mis ¬ sissippi of 14168000 acres and west of that river 10868000 acres As the yield peracre on the western is higher than in the east owing to the greater richness of new soilsI the transMississippi region actually furnish more than halt ofj the whole supply for 1900 Texas with over 7000000 acres will itself produce one third of the entire crop It will amaze many to pion been not less than 78000000 pounds adian 100000000 pounds It may be noted that Olahotnas crop is tens times that of Virginia and 3y4 times 11Iloridasr PROHIBITION AGITATION Repeal of the Law Being Urged at Russellville The repeal of the prohibition law now in force in Rusaellville and thet substitution of a dispensary or license saloon is being urged on aUI sides says a special from that place The dispensar and saloon question is the line of clea tage the present prohibition law having app parantly spa A advocates or so few as to amount to nothing The move will hit f tl1c1 express company pretty hard sometimes as high as jugs be mij brought in on opt gain I 500 Reward Wtwlll the shove reward CorI any oasn of Liter Ootnplujht Dye ludigestiutiCc t nuru with Liveritu the to but Little Liver Pill wbon the dtrecf LittUrictly coinnled with Thfty ar are sly Vegetable unit never t t pure satisfaction 20u bi ems contain Pills10Oboxes Senb9 v MEt flrt Orvr rMlntnil nnl 1t l spa fitRI Chicago Ill FoTHafily jR 0 HardwickPoor Little GIrl s 11Seaf ator Royal E Percell of Vincen nes one of the most prominent Democratic Legislators has named a bouncing baby daughter Alice of Old Vincenncs s- tti i d I WIDE + AWAKE 1 v Wldo nwakol Keep wrJde awake All thrdugU We your Way you take Whllb you careless slumbering lie Others slowly pees you by As the tortoise won tilt race Prom tho hare though fast his pace This dear boys yrodrmottomakoto 10WIele awake f tdto Onward then nor slap re3tl Victor ho that does his st Look with eyes nlonodyreVb tmal Look with heart Iou This door boys your motto itaiflie- Wide awaker Jr Wide awake Awako to truth To the glory pf yeuryouUi To the call to noble To the the- o verge aitliie In lIeeuL > rlfhtana all U w81l1J shis dear boys your mottq make y Wide aWAke r i i George Dlrdaty in Oohffrn Days jI tr Jlli 8PERAr CASE 1Pccial felt that ilnforld Iva coma to an end fill ii ho lvn trying to convince iiinlfi1 ithat h e didnt care a continentjiljf it was He sat in a choir that seojiftjHljncom patiblc with any sort Q his pipe was between hjs tooth ant be had been notified of a raise in lli salary that very week nevertheless I the chair could not hold liim in padded emlyacp and h Jgdtillp an pacedabout the room in time regula ¬ tion style of the caged panther his pipe had gone out longago and as for salary what to him was salary He felt in the Inrast pocket of Ids coat and drew out a letter Of rather a note which he rendwith A scowl cor ¬ rugating his brow Then with n fine cession of angry jerks he tore it acrosS and across and dropjcd the juectJ fluttering on the hearth A moment later he gathered till pieces in a heap and striking a match set tire to them As the flame gradually lied out from the rustling tinder a thought seemed to strike him and hefelt in his breast pocket again This time hetpok ott- a pocket book and extracted a ismall package wrapped in tissue jiaper from a special compartment this also rte laid on the hearth and with tho same expression of angry dctermina tier on his face struck another match and bald it to the papor It didnot burn as freely as tho outer for minute but suddenly tf t l1 ea1tp SQ he had to start bhclcto avoid the flame The not instant there was andU a room Percival drew a deep breath and remained staring moodily at the blackened fragments on the hearth for several minute Then with what seemed to be an effort he rose and bo to whistle What did it matter after all What did anything mat Xo girl was worth a moments worryIn accordance with this decision he sat down again anti struck a thud matchwith which he lighted his He puffed away with preternat ¬ uralcalm for a little while and then took the evening palter from the table turned to the theatrical adver 1 might as well enjoy niYlielfheI aid Thats probably what shesi Ill simply devoto the rest oti timeIf boas a lighthearted man about 1own Lets Sec what is on No ImI not going to afford her tile satisfac ¬ tion of seeing me droop Into an early grave My harp docsif hang on any weeping willow tree Ill tune her and pick out ragtime tunes The paper dropped to the floor and continued with a melancholy eye on the engraving of Napoleon at St Helena which hung on the wall Ill dissipate thats what Ill drfill thoj i oup that clears today of past regrets liJane of beer before I go to bed tonight ju l1oriqdt maybe sho tlt bo rr d 1 dont know though why Tjsbotiid care whether she is sorry oMlpt I dont suppose I really do 1tiry mind i naturally disturbed now just as it would be if suddenly broke myself of any other habit Tn a week 1 shall hed r ¬ lance 1 stlpjo99 lor man has to go tUrdngh it once juslas puppies get the distemper d I ought fo be timet callous woman can wri 1vo hag JPaJ1 of them t 4at g i f thing sttrcI THo got iip walked about the room and then suddenly eat down again with an impatient exclamation HI dont sea why I cant simply die miss the Trotter from my mind anti le j SOlout would be a confession of weakness tp wck Akkaotioa I woadw U a4 < oafc write and na k ino to coano again igtWss its top sobnfor 4iettarbut sha might send it meswjngor Then I coup coldly oxpresa icy td gf tiHlt kttl our Corresp lp 1 eliOiifd ciJttse That would settle trio lnattciand i would poll satisfaction io know tha it Wts actulllIy sottlctt I guess its settled anyway < VX wondor how that trial balance getfooled get eohio ink thrtt wont clog on itM pons tho way tli Instdid I dont be < buylngchtcnpin us to do between this and the frost with thounualsand the holidayship ments and it wont let up with the new year Well I shall cglad to minds there is biifQromenjiw Good honest hard w and npAfooljng Not that I wouldnt hay6 vforkeljust as hard for her There was ou < to WQrk irioneys band findl Vfemindod hiin of a villain in a black dank whom Jii happier days he had guyed from ft gallery feat Ho felt that lift hail misjudged that villains art but at the salne time he ceased his againIt than to thoughtswent ilie h rY iiti ftttinil ti ° 1nereproll ably never had been a house built just exactly like it and there probably never would have been but it had grown voryfalnilinrto him in the first ha1 vnlthlg hours of morning = liar ticularly thtf fi bin where they would sit togetherftllerface1 Castlbsia now a dead eriing in hltl ftm feeling a s lfcon tainod selfsulicing existence that would harclonCjhte heart and sot his face in lines that would scare chil- I dren He took a savage satisfaction- in the contemplation of his future self but caught himsglf softOjninat the picture of this adamantine mi lionaire yielding to the appQal od1la love of his youthand raising poverty to afiluence so ho picked up the newspaper again and tried to in- terest ¬ himself in the partition of China The door belj below Sr1i1onljvrang and Percivalstarted to his fOtCQutd it bo the mi wenger Ho half opened his door and listened Ho heard his landlady say 1 think bos upstairs in hit room now You can gout > and see its right at the headof tho stairs aril then he retreated to his chair choked with emotion It was the lauudryman with his weekly bill- Would he have written that note after nIl Suppose she could have ox plained And would it not be better to give her the opportunity tpA ex ¬ plain Of course she could She could make him loot like a fool in one sentence but he was not the man to I allow any girl to twist him around her little fInger He would show her that A trivial cause perhaps qs some people might look at it but what could there he trivial in thoiitnterc- ourse Looking back he qQul ita member other instances sljfihtf in t themselves but worn tlidynotlisfloat ing straps shoNVing the ebbing tide of love But to rqturn to the Chinese ques- tion Oh hQimg trio Chinese question Yot it should bo n mutter of human interest Great nations were playing a gr at game there armies were gitthenng How would ilbe to enlist Hqro wins a subject ttiort hyofserious corisjdcration 1hiit could lifo offer drearyd tlntt a career for a man with blood in hit veins and strcngth inliis sinews On the other hands strenuous activ Sty the joy of conflict the thrill off deaths She would hear ant and perhaps her onI would appear in capital letters in the perhapsbrjng moSal Jut PhoyWo done ilrfff fdr thoi llgys who fell in Cuba and wjlulcj Iflrojval thoughtat tho time wapiti ipicco of idiotic sentimental extravagance n iw it seemed only tljo pro ior deQift thing to do 1hll fferyices would be held at the church ot C9urfieand there would bo patjictio animated patriotism responded gladly to ju lifeo on the sacred altar ofcrof that country The chances were good for ft iwooning at that + it i i Hut ttcroill It would not bo well togottwnywithbitternessinhishearkllho eternalsopdrationinust tblp detQrlnitintlQtt that it should be lie xy xildi be faithful to her fmemory H w il re cneo her fonnlly from her cri gageni 1tery fQrf Ship Should understand yet of ould place un icy barrier ber fore hortld then iic would bid fnrowcil forever Porlmijs a letter wayNo only litters lla bloto injscotistnicfioii and there should be no mistaking his thrum in ¬ tendon Yet it might bo put bbttcr in writ- ing > j t But then thorp ryas always tn danger of nl letter falling into tho hands of a third parry Tho old man might open it Just as well to call tomorrow evening 9 V jherc yon the sense of putting it mightj + iPercival puton his oat and went out l Pcrhaps ton inutcslad elopsea since the eternal f rcnljll Had been s spoictnv rind the young man and tho girl wore seated ohthe sofa talking it separatldfar You might just as well have given p1l1intivclywlhen r been avoided I had v H hlre than rino gTlHs11eiiu8wercd perhapsNow Percival You know papa was getting awfully impatient Arid one wouldnt have satisfied you anyway I dont want to give you so many that yoUwont care for them p Try Give mo one now She gave it to him Presently he said And youll give ire another lock of your hair 0v j You dont deserve it s1e replied but I suppose Ill have to vCl1 ¬ cage Daily Record t > THE MEXICAN DOLLAR t YJ rlsfthe Standard of Value in a Largo ofjthe Earth The Mexican dollar says W E 5 Curtis in the Chicago Record has been the standard of value iii the Pa ¬ hipSpanish century or more there harecord of the time or the reasons for its adop ¬ tion But for generation af tti gencr atron the mints of Mexico have turned out hundreds of millions of silver dol ¬ lars which have boon shipped to the Chinese ports to Cuba to Porto Rico r to tho Philippines to Formosa and elsewhere and accepted by the peoy ple as legal tender China practically has no coinage except brass cash or pennies and the Mexican dollar is equivalent to the tael If yogi gd into a bank in China and present a draft you will receive Mexican dol ¬ lars They are not only used for t money but aro treated as bullion and ore melted up by the Chinese and East Indians foruse in the manufac ¬ tures and the arts In theabsence of savings banks it is customary for those who are fptunate enough to ac ¬ cumulate a supply to melt them and pour the metal into a hole in the ground vary of ten nuddr the floor of r the dwelling or shop which is tho safest place to keep the surplus from the avaricious mandarins who usu- ally find some WilY ofsqueezingJ i merchants and others who have beeP able to accumulate wealth Somo years ago the government of the United States attempted to find a market iiv thq cast for the product r of ou silver mines in the form of a coin pf Jthe same weight anti fineness as thd JVftfxlcan dollar It was called tcwintalc t x aftflr a long experi ndiit the coinage wtts Busponded and thc dollar were called in for redemption i + J I 1 Balloon Adventure 4t Tinowmes a balloonexperiment Jjas beon carried outwith a VJOAV of Oficrtniniflig bow higH th6 balloon ccupiedbyCllt b l an altitude pf 22QOft feet ° During I the ascent Capt Balsan becamein arnlY2cdb x Jl 5cuJ1lpanionJwhondrninistercd oxygen was he able to recover Aft- er ¬ that both hold tho oxygen tubes its their mouths At 22000 feet they still had ballast to throly put but they tad become so weak that tom ¬ bined stfgngth would notfewibii them 4 to throw the bug over the side and entry were compcltod tq clMoend 0 5- lc

Transcript of 9 front Q findl irioneys - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx938k3s/data/0042.pdf · 15 Chandler...

Page 1: 9 front Q findl irioneys - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx938k3s/data/0042.pdf · 15 Chandler whose term of service will expire on March 3 next The choice of Judge Burnhnm which


iiopPtita uUte trouti4l



HAS MATURE rtAftNCC Yatrherself cWd Hi U10 ar1J pnf <

k lintate fotsonufof Hi trwss mid Uo or cu lnur chord to vibrate to tUK tile1ntondallph 0

rtru rtelr 011 utrtofowtnnuef of ChllU Malaria andTTph

e eat U not this watan-uu It in xa Indlyouaton of nlckuesst Avoid this= a Mt tm as our ndvlco costs you noihi IllCall on your druggist and n bottl oJDrCwittcdta German Liver Powder Tau

bed ttmo for tlia dlI Iken

Clrilraniclxnt feet like the flowers look In the ptlnePrepare for tho malarial or hot iea oitwhey tho atmosphere U Silt ot norms 11

necmair and when your system warns yott4epcat the above These caredles lit seer

ed sold ITFor Halo by L L Elgiu

At Bismarck N D the organ ¬

ization of the House and Senate hUR

lbecfle3IectedManyund y boos

buy been thrown into sudnosaund sorrow becauen of the dunth of aloved one from u neglected coldBallardB Horehouud Syrup is thethreat cure for cauglis coldn und nilpulmonary Hilmeutp Price 2ft aid33 cents R C Uitrdwick

T it patch front Parl toll of thesnocess of the submarine boatMorse

Keep Yourself StrongAnd you will ward off colds pneu

mlua ftvorH rind otherdiaoages YouUPtd to buvc pure rich blood cmo

jood rfigtititinn Moods SnrsaparillaTiafcfn the Hi mil rich und pure HS noithfr iiHdifi can do It tones dlt-lrnqb tr ti mi fippptjt P1ill> t tl vstciri You will be

t h fiti i ifsr it now for it willj 1ll hl r Il1 llidf IJ

7cd p pjils iireuou irritating Prig

iidiiL tiy speculating cawedJI n tit a ViJ < Mck Kz

Itl <

r p ury t Cuugh8t p cfu > binitr HH it irritates thelungs and given them ub chauuo toheal and Tar curesJtbrowingdf


JFormerDubioswastrnmate d for United States Senatrr I

pileknotvethfv nrp Tablers Buckeye PilepileRPrilfO

< c1Q Sd by 110 Harclwick

ten MacArthur has ordered thedeportation of anumberof promneit Vili ppi nn officers to the Islandif Guam


Ip Cgp p nGentsI cannot recommend Dr

I le Srnp Poplin too highlyIt has been a groat benefit to me

Very trulyRAY BlCKtlfi

Soul by C K Wvly

oJe teals of Senator MorH f lalianin who begins his

f HI iin MarclH were presentedSenate


Tl t lOpeitiiH if Ballards Suotfrjn in rut prB > RA a range of usefulmos greater than tiny other remedyA day seldom pusses in every househowlrirpeciully where there IIrtrchilcifp tlmt it is notPrier l5 itnd 50 cents Sold by RIV HKrUvKh


Many a man gone in to the 20th

without having accumulated a

pair of Xs

Chfippfd bauds cracked lips andTutmlu sHrf the skin cured quicklyby Biiniir Salve the mot healingsir Mil 1 t iu theworld Sold by APIIanwio

Sir Hiram Maxim American canperhaps exhibit a longer death listthan any other cannon makerof theday


YOU hluiilfl know t Init Fjlays Hoiioyamid Tar is absolutely tho hostlungsL1

toivf satisfaction Sold by AiHUIRWlint what will the ghost of a

Shykespcarc Ray to the ghost of Ig

11 UN lnntllyS-

crofula in the blood shows itselfaoouer or late in ewolHnge sore I


An low if nun bought 6 Missouricows for + 1000 and it was a bar-


04 S wg aX4dears thethe Kind You llama Always Bought


goodcharncterto1eUtundJlihM mnnufftoturlng WhOles o W <ra Y ST ur pr110n t1 more hanetleneexqutred nr ce bask in

CIId an Ming

Uvery1o7tteetahlayq1 j


New Hampshire Senator Was

Turned Down farRc-

Election> yv


fj h

Will be Succeeded by Judge H yI

E Burnhnni of Man

Chester V

Concord N H Jan11Judg e

of1lauchesteo rwas last night nominated in th Re-

publican legislative caucus to suereed United States Senator William15 Chandler whose term of servicewill expire on March 3 next

The choice of Judge Burnhnmwhich was finally made uuanitnous ended the fiercest politicalfight in the history of New Hamshire

Senator Chandler in all hasserved fourteen years in the Sen ¬

ate he was Secretary of the Navyasg ds

party in New Hampshire His opponents in the remarkable sehatonal contest which closed lasnight attributed his defeat to thefact that during the years of hispublic life he attacked may onewham be fanciedstood in the wayand thereby raised upmanenemies whuIiseized this opportunityto units iaibrlsfjjprig a1L vt1tlrI6d de¬



Tinsley is Circuit Judge of TwentySeventy District

PrankforT Ity1 Jan 8GovBeckham This morningdecided thatthe election held in the Twentyseventh Circuit Court district inNovember last was legal and thatJudge J H Tinsley of Barbourville is flentitled to a certificateTinsleywas the only canditate ancIreceived 10738 vote

The State Election Commissiondid not issue a certicate to JudgeTinsley and the point was raisedbefore Gov Beckham that as noproclamation had been issued callIing an election that none could beheld The cGovernor heard argu ¬

mentof attorneys and decided thatpoint is not well takenj


John Herrington Residing NearCarlisle is 103 Years OldC

Carlisle Ky Jan ilNlnemiles from this city in the neigh-borhood of Cray ton there livesJames Harrington who is one hunttyed and three years and eightfaoriths old He is well preserv edbird on election dry in Novemberwalked two miles to his voting

and cast his votq for BryanBeckham The County Court

has just released him from poll taxthe ground that a man who had

lived in two centuries should notpay tax in the third


Negro Boy of Nine Years Preach-ing at North Pleasurevllle

Pleasurevilje Ky Jan llAiIsermons in the A M E Church inNorth l leasureville that stamp himasn uety century wonder HisknowledgiorHtlo Scriptures is saidrobe someUitnjr remarkable in onebo oung 1 4uBeiii good Englishand baBploniof language at bigcommand HaTs carnest and malcnii

good Impression on all who hearhim The white people who haveheard him pronounce him a wonder


ThlrtyThree Out of Thirty FourBirds Die in the Pit


Fulton 1 Jah11 Jacksondefeated Dyflrslntrff in the alldaycocking mailtbere There wereseventeen htsaid the two coopssplit even until they last and oddmain wMip Jackson Won 0thfrtyfour oicks which fought onlyone came out of the pit alive Muchmbn changed hands on the re-

pglItfor the championship of Ten8



nuuiyrathnQhcCl111oniztiling might be said of a wont t

has been cannonaded by censures

tintbit1zedBndselfishdebltitatindrains t1

organThousands ¬

ute to the wonderful change in their

PierceItavorileurIngcures these diseases perfectly i

Sick women can con Dr Piercefree by letter Each letter is treated as-a sacred confidence privately rendaupromptly answered All answers arc i

envelopes Address Dr R VPierce Buffalo N V

health is much better since I have bee-using Ir Pierce medicine writes Mrs CoraAnelhavingcoughwhicgrewbut It only gave me terupornry relict lASt11111bof C and the merchant recommended Dr

liereetedInThe book said If the disease was mrnnlicate


got theMedlcfll and Itook It aa directed Theonujth left me at once andmytatooktlmedicine I am now ableiIngCOTTON GROWING IN WEST

inure Titan naif Orop Uaf ed WestMississippi River

Time produces and reveals economit movements of great magnitudeFew tendencies may perhaps treatmore surprise than the account ofa western direction in the cottongrowingarea in this countryWheatand corn have gone Westmany other great industries haveIemigrated from old centers Perhaps it is natural then to expectthat new tendencies may be maniTested also in theflIthalf the cotton crop this year wiltjproduced west Of the Mississippiriver According to the estimatesthe Department of Agriculture 190

shows a cotton area east of the Mis ¬

sissippi of 14168000 acres andwest of that river 10868000 acresAs the yield peracre on the westernis higher than in the east owing tothe greater richness of new soilsIthe transMississippi regionactually furnish more than halt ofjthe whole supply for 1900 Texaswith over 7000000 acres will itselfproduce one third of the entire

crop It will amaze many topionbeen not less than 78000000 poundsadian100000000 pounds It may benoted that Olahotnas crop is tenstimes that of Virginia and 3y4 times


Repeal of the Law Being Urged atRussellville

The repeal of the prohibition lawnow in force in Rusaellville and thetsubstitution of a dispensary orlicense saloon is being urged on aUIsides says a special from thatplace The dispensar and saloonquestion is the line of clea tage thepresent prohibition law having app

parantly spa A advocates orso few as to amount tonothing The move will hit f tl1c1express company pretty hardsometimes as high as jugs be

mij brought in on opt gain

I 500 RewardWtwlll the shove reward CorI

any oasn of Liter Ootnplujht Dye

ludigestiutiCc tnuru with Liveritu the to butLittle Liver Pill wbon the dtrecfLittUrictly coinnled with Thfty arare sly Vegetable unit never ttpure satisfaction 20u biems contain

Pills10OboxesSenb9 v

MEt flrt Orvr rMlntnil nnl 1t l

spa fitRI Chicago Ill FoTHafilyjR 0

HardwickPoorLittle GIrl

s11Seafator Royal E Percell of Vincennes one of the most prominentDemocratic Legislators has nameda bouncing baby daughter Aliceof Old Vincenncs s-

tti id



Wldo nwakol Keep wrJde awakeAll thrdugU We your Way you takeWhllb you careless slumbering lieOthers slowly pees you byAs the tortoise won tilt raceProm tho hare though fast his paceThis dear boys yrodrmottomakoto

10WIele awake ftdtoOnward then nor slap re3tlVictor ho that does his stLook with eyes nlonodyreVb tmalLook with heart IouThis door boys your motto itaiflie-

Wide awaker Jr

Wide awake Awako to truthTo the glory pf yeuryouUiTo the call to nobleTo


overgeaitliie In lIeeuL

>rlfhtana all U w81l1J

shis dear boys your mottq makey Wide aWAke r i i

George Dlrdaty in Oohffrn Days

jItr Jlli 8PERAr CASE

1Pccial felt that ilnforld Iva

coma to an end fill ii ho lvn

trying to convince iiinlfi1 ithat h e

didnt care a continentjiljf it was

He sat in a choir that seojiftjHljncompatiblc with any sort Q

his pipe was between hjs tooth antbe had been notified of a raise in lli

salary that very week nevertheless I

the chair could not hold liim inpadded emlyacp and h Jgdtillp an

pacedabout the room in time regula ¬

tion style of the caged panther hispipe had gone out longago and as for

salary what to him was salaryHe felt in the Inrast pocket of Ids

coat and drew out a letter Of rather a

note which he rendwith A scowl cor¬

rugating his brow Then with n fine

cession of angry jerks he tore it acrosSand across and dropjcd the juectJfluttering on the hearth A momentlater he gathered till pieces in a heapand striking a match set tire to themAs the flame gradually lied out fromthe rustling tinder a thought seemedto strike him and hefelt in his breastpocket again This time hetpok ott-a pocket book and extracted a ismallpackage wrapped in tissue jiaperfrom a special compartment this alsorte laid on the hearth and with thosame expression of angry dcterminatier on his face struck anothermatch and bald it to the papor Itdidnot burn as freely as tho outer for

minute but suddenly tf t l1 ea1tp SQ

he had to start bhclcto avoid theflame The not instant there was

andU a

roomPercival drew a deep breath and

remained staring moodily at theblackened fragments on the hearthfor several minute Then with whatseemed to be an effort he rose and bo

to whistle What did it matterafter all What did anything mat

Xo girl was worth a momentsworryIn

accordance with this decision hesat down again anti struck a thudmatchwith which he lighted his

He puffed away with preternat ¬

uralcalm for a little while and thentook the evening palter from the table

turned to the theatrical adver

1 might as well enjoy niYlielfheIaid Thats probably what shesi

Ill simply devoto the rest otitimeIfboas a lighthearted man about1own Lets Sec what is on No ImInot going to afford her tile satisfac ¬

tion of seeing me droop Into an earlygrave My harp docsif hang on anyweeping willow tree Ill tune her

and pick out ragtime tunesThe paper dropped to the floor andcontinued with a melancholy eye

on the engraving of Napoleon at StHelena which hung on the wall Illdissipate thats what Ill drfill thoj i

oup that clears today of past regretsliJane ofbeer before I go to bed tonight jul1oriqdtmaybe sho tlt bo rr d

1 dontknow though why Tjsbotiid carewhether she is sorry oMlpt I dontsuppose I really do 1tiry mind i

naturally disturbed now just as itwould be if suddenly broke myselfof any other habit Tn aweek 1 shallhed r


lance 1 stlpjo99 lor man has to gotUrdngh it once juslas puppies getthe distemper d I ought fo betimetcallous woman canwri 1vo hag JPaJ1 of them t4at g


f thing sttrcITHo got iip walked about theroom and then suddenly eat downagain with an impatient exclamationHI dont sea why I cant simply diemiss the Trotter from my mind anti le j

SOloutwould be a confession of weakness tpwck Akkaotioa I woadw U a4


oafc write and nak ino to coano againigtWss its top sobnfor4iettarbutsha might send it meswjngor Then Icoup coldly oxpresa icy tdgf tiHltkttlour Corresp lp1 eliOiifd ciJttseThat would settle trio lnattciand iwould poll satisfaction io know thait Wts actulllIy sottlctt I guess itssettled anyway

< VX wondor how that trial balance

getfooledget eohio ink thrtt wont clog on itMpons tho way tli Instdid I dont be <

buylngchtcnpinus to do between this and the frostwith thounualsand the holidayshipments and it wont let up with thenew year Well I shall cglad tomindsthere is biifQromenjiw Good honesthard w and npAfooljng Not thatI wouldnt hay6 vforkeljust as hardfor her There was ou < to WQrkirioneysbandfindlVfemindod hiin of a villain in a blackdank whom Jii happier days he hadguyed from ft gallery feat Ho feltthat lift hail misjudged that villainsart but at the salne time he ceased his

againItthan to

thoughtswentilie h rY iiti ftttinil ti °1nereprollably never had been a house built justexactly like it and there probablynever would have been but it hadgrown voryfalnilinrto him in the firstha1 vnlthlg hours of morning =liarticularly thtf fi bin where they wouldsit togetherftllerface1 Castlbsia

now a deaderiing in hltl ftm feeling a s lfcontainod selfsulicing existence thatwould harclonCjhte heart and sot hisface in lines that would scare chil-

I dren He took a savage satisfaction-in the contemplation of his futureself but caught himsglf softOjninatthe picture of this adamantine milionaire yielding to the appQal od1lalove of his youthand raisingpoverty to afiluence so ho picked upthe newspaper again and tried to in-


himself in the partition ofChina

The door belj below Sr1i1onljvrangand Percivalstarted to his fOtCQutdit bo the mi wenger Ho half openedhis door and listened Ho heard hislandlady say 1 think bos upstairsin hit room now You can gout > andsee its right at the headof thostairs aril then he retreated to hischair choked with emotion

It was the lauudryman with hisweekly bill-

Would he have written that noteafter nIl Suppose she could have ox

plained And would it not be betterto give her the opportunity tpA ex ¬

plain Of course she could Shecould make him loot like a fool in onesentence but he was not the man to I

allow any girl to twist him around herlittle fInger He would show herthat A trivial cause perhaps qssome people might look at it but whatcould there he trivial in thoiitnterc-ourse Looking back he qQul itamember other instances sljfihtf int themselves but worn tlidynotlisfloating straps shoNVing the ebbing tide oflove

But to rqturn to the Chinese ques-tion Oh hQimg trio Chinese questionYot it should bo n mutter of humaninterest Great nations were playinga gr at game there armies weregitthenng How would ilbe to enlistHqro wins a subject ttiort hyofseriouscorisjdcration 1hiit could lifo offerdrearydtlntt a career for a man with blood inhit veins and strcngth inliis sinewsOn the other hands strenuous activSty the joy of conflict the thrill offdeathsShe would hear ant and perhaps heronIwould appear in capital letters in the

perhapsbrjngmoSal Jut PhoyWo done ilrffffdr thoi llgys who fell in Cuba andwjlulcj Iflrojval thoughtat tho time

wapiti ipicco of idiotic sentimentalextravagance n iw it seemed only tljopro ior deQift thing to do 1hllfferyices would be held at the churchot C9urfieand there would bo patjictio

animatedpatriotism responded gladly to julifeoon the sacred altar ofcrof thatcountry The chances were good forft iwooning at that



i iHut ttcroill It would not bo well


eternalsopdrationinusttblp detQrlnitintlQtt that it should

be lie xy xildi be faithful to herfmemory H w il re cneo her

fonnlly from her cri gageni 1teryfQrf Ship Should understandyet of ould place un icy barrier berfore hortld then iic would bidfnrowcil forever Porlmijs a letter

wayNoonly litters llabloto injscotistnicfioii and thereshould be no mistaking his thrum in¬

tendonYet it might bo put bbttcr in writ-

ing> j tBut then thorp ryas always tn

danger of nl letter falling into thohands of a third parry Tho old manmight open it Just as well to calltomorrow evening 9

V jherc yon the sense of putting itmightj +

iPercival puton his oat and wentout

lPcrhaps ton inutcslad elopsea

since the eternal f rcnljll Had been s

spoictnv rind the young man and thogirl wore seated ohthe sofa talking it

separatldfarYou might just as well have given

p1l1intivclywlhen rbeen avoided

I had v H hlrethan rino gTlHs11eiiu8wercd

perhapsNowPercivalYou know papa was getting awfullyimpatient Arid one wouldnt havesatisfied you anyway I dont wantto give you so many that yoUwontcare for them p

Try Give mo one nowShe gave it to him Presently he

said And youll give ire anotherlock of your hair 0v j

You dont deserve it s1e repliedbut I suppose Ill have to vCl1 ¬

cage Daily Record t>

THE MEXICAN DOLLAR tYJrlsfthe Standard of Value in a Largoofjthe Earth

The Mexican dollar says W E 5

Curtis in the Chicago Record hasbeen the standard of value iii the Pa¬

hipSpanishcentury or more there harecordof the time or the reasons for its adop ¬

tion But for generation af tti gencratron the mints of Mexico have turnedout hundreds of millions of silver dol ¬

lars which have boon shipped to theChinese ports to Cuba to Porto Rico r

to tho Philippines to Formosa andelsewhere and accepted by the peoyple as legal tender China practicallyhas no coinage except brass cashor pennies and the Mexican dollaris equivalent to the tael If yogi gdinto a bank in China and present adraft you will receive Mexican dol¬

lars They are not only used for tmoney but aro treated as bullion andore melted up by the Chinese andEast Indians foruse in the manufac ¬

tures and the arts In theabsence ofsavings banks it is customary forthose who are fptunate enough to ac ¬

cumulate a supply to melt them andpour the metal into a hole in theground vary of ten nuddr the floor of r

the dwelling or shop which is thosafest place to keep the surplus fromthe avaricious mandarins who usu-ally find some WilY ofsqueezingJ imerchants and others who have beePable to accumulate wealth

Somo years ago the government ofthe United States attempted to finda market iiv thq cast for the product


of ou silver mines in the form of acoin pfJthe same weight anti finenessas thd JVftfxlcan dollar It was called

tcwintalc t x

aftflr a long experi ndiit the coinagewtts Busponded and thc dollar werecalled in for redemption i+ J I


Balloon Adventure

4t Tinowmes a balloonexperimentJjas beon carried outwith a VJOAV ofOficrtniniflig bow higH th6 balloon

ccupiedbyCllt bl

an altitude pf 22QOft feet ° During I

the ascent Capt Balsan becamein

arnlY2cdb x

Jl5cuJ1lpanionJwhondrninistercdoxygen was he able to recover Aft-er


that both hold tho oxygen tubesits their mouths At 22000 feet theystill had ballast to throly put but theytad become so weak that tom ¬

bined stfgngth would notfewibii them 4

to throw the bug over the side andentry were compcltod tq clMoend


