9 French... · Web viewThere is a quiz to complete at the end of each lesson, and...

French Year 9 booklet Bonjour Year 9! Over the next 5 weeks, you will be completing work based on knowledge that we have covered in lessons. This booklet is designed to give you practice with: reading translation guided writing This booklet comprises of 6 lessons (including a bonus for half term) 1. w/c 20 th April 1. w/c 27 th April 1. w/c 4 th May 1. w/c 11 th May 1. w/c 18 th May 1. w/c 25 th May (half term) There is a quiz to complete at the end of each lesson, and there is an end of booklet quiz to complete after the 5 weeks. Ensure you complete the quizzes without looking at your lesson, so that you can check that you have understood. Additional work with access to the internet: Remember to protect yourself when accessing online websites. Practise pronunciation- online to-speech/French/ (type the word down and click “read”, the computer will read it to you. This can be accessed from a smart phone or on a computer. Practise grammar-online www.languagesonlines,org

Transcript of 9 French... · Web viewThere is a quiz to complete at the end of each lesson, and...

French Year 9 booklet

Bonjour Year 9!

Over the next 5 weeks, you will be completing work based on knowledge that we have covered in lessons. This booklet is designed to give you practice with:

reading translation guided writing

This booklet comprises of 6 lessons (including a bonus for half term) 1. w/c 20th April 2. w/c 27th April 3. w/c 4th May 4. w/c 11th May 5. w/c 18th May 6. w/c 25th May (half term)

There is a quiz to complete at the end of each lesson, and there is an end of booklet quiz to complete after the 5 weeks. Ensure you complete the quizzes without looking at your lesson, so that you can check that you have understood. Additional work with access to the internet: Remember to protect yourself when accessing online websites.

Practise pronunciation- online (type the word down and click “read”, the computer will read it to you. This can be accessed from a smart phone or on a computer.

Practise grammar-online www.languagesonlines,org

Bonne chance!

Team French

Week 2: To be able to use and recognise the near future tense

Part 1- The near future tense (conjugation and grammar)

Learning: read through all the explanation and vocabulary and try to memorise as much as possible

We use the near future to describe what is going to happen in the future. In English, it is often translated as “is going to”.

Explanations on how to use the near future in French.

1- Conjugate “Aller” (to go) – present tense2- Add an infinitive verb.

(Example: I am going to play = Je vais jouer)

Practise saying the phrases in French and English until you can say them without looking.Task 1. Easy conjugation to get started with - Fill in the

missing form of ALLER

1) Je __vais_____ aller au cinéma demain

2) Nous _______ jouer au foot au parc

3) Elle _________ manger au restaurant le weekend prochain

4) Tu __________ faire du sport ce weekend

5) Ils __________ écouter de la musique

6) Elles__________ nager dans la piscine

7) Vous __________ télécharger de la musique

8) Il ___________ visiter ses amis

9) Je __________ écouter de la musique

Task 2. Circle the word(s) which make sense in the sentence

1) Je vais manger une

pizza//une table

2) Nous allons visiter mes



Key phrases:

Je vais … (I am going ...)aller à un match (to go to a match)voir un spectacle (to watch a show)faire du patin à glace (to do ice-skating)faire les magasins (to go shopping)jouer à des jeux video (to play video games)regarder un film (to watch a film)visiter les monuments (to visit monuments)lire un livre (to read a book)manger au restaurant (to eat in a restaurant) boire un café (to drink a coffee)

ALLER – to go (present tense)

+ INF Je vais I am going Tu vas You are goingIl / elle / on va

He/she/we (informal) are going

Nous allons We (formal) are going

Vous allez You all are going Ils/elles vont They are going

3) Tu vas nager dans le café//dans la piscine

4) Elle va jouer au volley//le français

5) Ils vont écouter le prof//la tarte au citron

Task 3 – Conjugation from present tense to near future

In this exercise, each time you have the present tense of a verb. You need to add the correct form of aller (to go) and convert the present tense verb to an infinitive. Look at the example first:

nous écoutons de la musique > nous allons écouter de la musique

we listen (we’re listening) to music > we’re going to listen to music

Your turn. Convert present tense to near future, just like the example above:

1. Je joue du piano > je ______________ _____________ du piano2. Il regarde la télé > il ______________ _____________ la télé3. Vous mangez des frites > vous ______________ _____________ des

frites4. Ma sœur écrit des emails > elle ______________ _____________ des

emails5. Elles écoutent le prof > elles ______________ _____________ le prof6. On prend le bus > on ______________ _____________ le bus7. Mon frère boit du coca > mon frère ______________ _____________

du coca8. Tu fais du vélo > tu ______________ _____________ du vélo9. Il lit les textos > il ______________ _____________ les textos10. Je vais à Paris > je ______________ _____________ à Paris

Task 4 – Translation. Complete these translations, using the words and phrases in the box.

Task 5 – Translation. This time translate these phrases without the help of a box.

Part 2- The near future (planning a future outing)

Learning: read through all the vocabulary and try to memorise as much as possible

Giving opinions in the near future:ça va être + adjective (it is going to be + adjective)

ça va être …… (it is going to be ….)génial (great)chouette (cool/great)magnifique (magnificent)amusant (fun)intéressant (interesting) passionnant (fascinating)ennuyeux (boring)

barbant (boring)

Practise saying the phrases in French and English until you can say them without looking.

Time expressionsDemain TomorrowCe soir Tonight La semaine prochaine

Next week

Le weekend prochain

Next weekend

Plus tard LaterBientôt soonDans deux jours In two daysSamedi matin Saturday morningDimanche après-midi

Sunday afternoon

Task 1- guided translation. Translate the sentences into French.

Task 2- Reading. Read this conversation on Facebook. Then complete the sentences by writing the correct name.

Example: Lydie B is trying to organise a night out at the cinema.

1 goes to the cinema every weekend.

2 doesn’t want to go if Arnaud is going.

3 is going to meet the others at the cinema.

4 wants to go bowling.

5 is already going to the cinema this weekend.

6 is going to a concert.

Task 3- Reading. Read this email and complete the sentences by using a word from the box. Careful! There are words that you don’t need in the box.

Task 3- Translation and writing. Before you are ready to write about your own plans for an outing. Translate these phrases.

Part A - translation

1) Tomorrow, I am going to play football and it is going to be fun.


2) Tonight, they are going to eat at McDonalds, and they are going to drink Coke. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3) Next week, my friend is going to go to the swimming pool and it is going to be great. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Part B – writing

Write in French about an imaginary outing you are going to do this week. Please make it up and re-use and recycle phrases and vocabulary from this workbook. Use the writing frame below to structure your work if you need it. Try to write between 60 to 80 words.

Samedi matin, je vais…….

Samedi après-midi, je vais….

Samedi soir, je vais…..

Dimanche matin, je vais…..

Dimanche après-midi je vais…..

Dimanche soir, je vais….

To give a good answer:

Use time expressions and use a wide range of verbs

To give a better answer:

Include opinions using Ça va être… It is going to be….

To give a great answer:

Use a pronoun other than “je vais” eg “nous allons” and also include a negative (what you are NOT going to do)

Eg Samedi matin, je vais jouer au foot avec mes amis. Ça va être super! Samedi après-midi, nous allons aller au restaurant. Je ne vais pas manger de frites.


W2:End of lesson quiz

1- True or false: I am going to go shopping = Je vais aller au cinémaA True B False

2- True or false: elle va écrire un texto= she is going to write a text messageA True B False

3- Choose the correct sentence:A La semaine prochain C Le semaine prochaineB La semaine prochaine D La semaine samedi

4- What is the meaning of “tomorrow, my parents are going to eat at the restaurantA Je vais écouter de la musique C Demain, mes parents vont manger

au restaurantB Ma sœur va visiter les monuments D ça va être génial

5- Translate into French: “it is going to be great”A Nous allons aller au stade C Ma sœur va visiter les monumentsB Ça va être barbant D Ça va être génial

6- Translate into English: « dans deux jours, on va jouer au jeux vidéo. Ça va être génial.»A It is going to be great C In two days, we are going to play video

games. It is going to be greatB Tomorrow, my sister is going to watch

a film D Tomorrow, My parents are going to eat at

the restaurant

7- Translate the following expression into French:Saturday morning ____________________________________

8- Translate the following into English:Ça va être ennuyeux________________________________________

9- Translate the following into French:Next week, I am going to go to a match. __________________________________________________

10- Translate the following into English:Plus tard, mon frère va aller à la piscine avec ses copains et ca va être génial.
