9 Classic Books That Will Change Your Life And Career

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  • 9 Classic Books That Will Change Your Life And Career

    Crea&vity, innova&on, leadership, entrepreneurship they all begin within us; each is very much a human process.

    by Faisal Hoque founder of:

  • If we understand the mental and emotional drivers of innovation and creativity, we can be more innovative and creative.

  • "Sit in a room and read and read and read. And read the right books by the right people. Your mind is brought onto that level, and you have a nice, mild, slow-burning rapture all the ?me."

    Joseph Campbell

  • "Thoughts of doubt and fear never accomplish anything, and never can.

    They always lead to failure. Purpose, energy, power to do, and

    all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in. Self-control

    is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power."

    James Allen

  • "Imagina?on, broadly defined, seems to me to be a principle in human life underlying even reason, for the ra?onal func?ons, according to our defini?ons, can lead to understanding can par?cipate in the cons?tu?ng of reality only as they are crea?ve."

    Rollo May

  • "The fundamental impulse that sets and keeps the capitalist engine in

    mo?on comes from the new consumers, goods, the new methods of produc?on or transporta?on, the

    new markets, the new forms of industrial organiza?on that

    capitalist enterprise creates. This process of Crea?ve Destruc?on is

    the essen?al fact about capitalism.

    Joseph Schumpeter

  • "All managerial decisions and ac?ons rest on assump?ons about behavior...We can improve our ability to control only if we recognize that control consists in selec?ve adapta?on to human nature rather than in aLemp?ng to make human nature conform to our wishes.

    Douglas McGregor

  • "One can choose to go back toward safety or forward

    toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again;

    fear must be overcome again and again.

    Abraham Maslow

  • "At a crisis in my youth he taught me the wisdom of choice: To try and fail is at least to learn; to fail to try is to suffer the ines?mable loss of what might have been."

    Chester Barnard

  • "We can look upon a road from two different points of view. One regards it as dividing us from the object of our desire. The other sees it as the road

    which leads us to our des?na?on, and as such, it is

    part of our goal.

    Rabindranath Tagore

  • "We are fragmented into so many different aspects. We don't know who we really are, or what aspects of ourselves we should iden?fy with or believe in. So many contradictory voices, dictates, and feelings fight for control over our inner lives that we find ourselves scaLered everywhere, in all direc?ons, leaving nobody at home.

    Sogyal Rinpoche

  • Shadokas porDolio of offerings enables entrepreneurship, growth, and social impact. Our customers and partners aspire to create sustainable value. They are focused on repeatable and measurable impact. We enable their aspira9ons. We bring together the management frameworks, digital plaDorms, and thought leadership for:

    Evalua&on, execu&on, and

    monitoring of programs Scaling sales, revenue, and

    profitability Crea&on and management of digital

    communi&es and marketplaces

    About SHADOKA

    Follow us @shadokaventures


  • About Me Founder of Shadoka and other companies. Shadoka enables entrepreneurship, growth, and social impact.

    Formerly of GE and other global brands. Author of several books, including Everything Connects How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Crea?vity, Innova?on and Sustainability (McGraw Hill, 2014) and Survive to Thrive 27 Prac?ces of Resilient Entrepreneurs, Innovators, And Leaders (Mo&va&onal Press, 2015).

    Follow me @faisal_hoque
