9- A «* «-* *Jrnlge-«y j Gregg...

"kbwsstrewraxrak^: ItOM TEXAS. Hoi'«ro>% Texas, April 4..Hamilton, the LkjeoloMttiUry Governor* baaeettblttbed bit aeal ofOdtferaascftt at Browosfillc, appointed Lf lb* office?*, Ac. 'v.-/; 9- AJ* A «* Ml «. » «-* % « -«y « * .i dodgo if* Alerarana it made Jrnlge o* me Tedcr*f Court at Brcwnfrille arxl Corps* Cferaii, and tlie work of convocation hm comI & sauced./ fho balk of tJbe Yankee foace bat been withdrawn from Ike coast to Lou^tapJ tearing aboat foer or firs thoosam! men for carmen and ©ffcnsue operation* They pro* km an intention of marching 6n San Antonio A Yankee force of three hotwired attacked Sardi* on the 10th, and were signally repulsed bf Col, Bernardo, with a force of lest thin one v Va&dred and fiftr men.: The Yankee* cwiutoi ladtaaola on the 13 th. xlaey sslll to force a* Fort &|*rr* v| 1 Mem RiUemaad other*, who h*v© heed amfor military arrotfef some time post for tiroteftthb dengna, applied for their discharge to the ScprecsH? Cosrt oa a writ of Hahm* Cospm. It skvI contested, and they are dactaugwi, ooly to be reamatwd ander the * eew lew srapeadisg Ih® privilege of that writ The cold we&ther has made (topi mJTc*t* and rendered the protect A foren swiewfecel blockade steamer has ran , the bbekade of Galveston whh 4000 stand of ... , Fos#tk«mR4 Federal cavalry occupy Eagle P<tffi»fo«rba&di«d m&5**k*re Brw»t»?ilk*« Tbecccwy » nott ftikaccitgOD lite North ere iiiod Eastern border*oftfcc Suie. Xbetpim cftbc people tsgood, *»d alt «tf mvrej lo tm&wt mmy in km sdwmce apsosft iSte&ste, aa4 to fight tb« war through to lb# oadLv 4 . .*&. . y*ow tos tease mvm&rru Moms* April i&~~The my htfeet advice# f»fc* West of tbc dm rrprt thai a great bauie »u &ogfct fc$» twees ueaemi $iii? Saaiib *&d tUcta, near Shf***gMtt. Back# wan defeated whl^ a hm || ' - krntili are fell of die Teokee wclmkd The iteamer /fcafea bad W*» Mraelrby a torpedo, as»d the eefebteted tree elod diiM Aber wo# cepteml ^^K«W.peoeci states that the i|psr wax A^S Id^Wami Atom jm A 11* *m M- ..». » g . A-:*. ^ Sl^Swwi S rJ Si feilm ^S«®«^tV Vntek^gotmx em. vosscmfr mv*ixrt. F«sr Viuaw, 0* T»t* Murnmsm April If .witb (isSam' feiiwofi f ir^^l tfe* fast dmubtb i WWW %pjwwwa» jr- ? Tte Confederal* hm wat tl fc$®d nod wmhd. Lteeteaeat Cobwd Iieid,cf UmkAkIi ^ MSwiwfyifi, mortally wounded, p 4 dmptitdBi dated Cairo, April 18, om: *It £» ftpM^d U**t &# f*t*l Fernet, witli * bare Paduad* 1** jM»t, §m w dsrwtiwia. K#iidbro«Bsisir & >. MayMiL* * f -r# Jfs^owtCA^ 1®«.Tbe BdMralPl^ h*» ^ : 1 * jS^ d^wswW^e dreader of Fort A C^Qi<6l? s^ Kj* tic allowed a respite of fire Of wo^ea **,<! chi{, H «r&t to Calm. tfeen*bilc, two * v ct Co!emU» frm»! Wfow wbh \ $fi>00 voter*!** oo their we* fi<H»c farfougb, *m«M> alrf ** Wieved would «*< 3E*h« «vwwu>ftiKlft£^lf Fort HaJletk to mete gMjfr defence. ttens «m fighting during eSf&ndaj hot the resolt onkn^nn. The Oosdllwate* occupied Paducah gain os the Utll, aa^amraefled Colond Hick*, ©o«b ttt&dwg the foKther® to temndei. Tim fc*dd*Jaw4 V Tk Ywkw tef&to of the centore of Fort PHfew soft: Twoffe^ef trtice demanding the ?arand*r of the post, befcn three o'clock, wen Ml in. v At th«t l«#*r the poured into the fort, compelling its aarrewtyft The incur nete fiend® then began no indiscriminate iteagHer of whiten and blocks aim Out el the *Mi gwrraon of «00 enhr remsie "" m.Otnm ^ " JmW» V MNBP9I *:$£&>]£-. .> ... PROM OEX. JOH.VSTOVS ARMY. 231 Daitok, April 15..All is quiet in front.. we Rrc Alabamiang, who were to tare been shot of j to-day for desertion, were temporarily repriered rti by General Johnston, until the President could Th be beard from. foil j Dattop,Ga^ April 18..The "Ber.** James I Find lay, Chaplain of tbe 3d Alabama Regiment was bong at Tonnel Hill to day for en- J®8 eooraging metier and carrying on a secret cor- j respondent with the enemy. He made a foil f1* MKfiMUii «*ttwiartMlififi(r the iostice of his iwumvivu, wvbhv">*-2"'0 . - ^ sentence. It reported that Thomas bat moved bis headquarter* lo.ftinggold and, that bb troops we roorieg ihttber from Chattanooga. Weather ** clear ami coot ®JI Power*' cavalry bad a fight recently at ^,1 I Plains' *U>rtt near VToodrslle, ttoipg the I enemy, takings nrnnber of prhonebrand one picas of trtiltety. j r Cot John Scott takes command of tbo carat y East ol Louisiana,' # " Daltox, April 19..Wc had a genera! review of tbo whole army to dnr br General 'j I Johnston, and, notwitirttandingthc cold wcath* | ' er, the affair pasted off IneJy and was tirfthf 2 attended. " * llie ofionsT » quite active is front ud * ' ring times are looked for by afl. noa timooa* 2 f*oh ftrsnsm*. jjj ] P*rsfc#m?*0, Va^ April 1®..There eofh | T*. itdemMe excftcmcn* in the Blackwater aectfon j m conference cf the adranee oP the enmoj &1? in U»it direction, 8©rer*J skiranbes hatre u- w,) ken place. From t$>«t*oftl$y aoerce* we leant that B&rr**tdr * force wj» landtag in large nam ^ ; hen at Porttfnonib cm Wednesday. FROM lUCIlttO?r». j 014 RttttJfOlW, April 18«.The Secretary of the ?J i Trcaanry adtrcrtkci tbk morning $6,000,000 I worth of the new guarantied «x per cent, bond* j jij j to be jold at auction in thi* city in iota to suit; ^ poniMam th«i 2U> of v. Sbk Hi® of war m Richmond at this time number tet» than 2000, rododicg 000 0j| cerorobwioued cdBcrir*, Another flag of truce I jj, boat» looked for Friday, ^ritb praonm for tx- ] Mr fasl, French ConsularAgent at Richmond ^ maraed yesterday from a protracted mil to " the Fmtod State*. Hp armed at City Point ^ In a French man-of-war. it it umimtood that be has cosseted arrangements for the ship- yt tromtof the French tobacco stored in this city. ^ Uw of the e«amb chartered hy him a now at Cky Point, *&d other* are expected next week. a#j Ilia net# *%ntng bureau of the Treasury Do- WJ panroeni' wtit be transferred to Colombia tbb week. The employ tea, cbkfly ladies, will gait for CofaroM* oti Thmwfay. It k reported that theFin*and Ste»wl Auditors BsmuawilS also a I be temporarily rcwoied :*> unm pint further rh Sooth, .where the cwt of substtenee » Sees than la Richmond. Montgowerr and Srima all are bo& mentioned a* the probable foealson of Or |heae httrvaax for the present. 1 A Yankee spy waa armsod oa the Rappa- III haaa>ck last Saturday, by Detective Reeves, whilst on the point of crossing the river, A imp of the harbors of Charleston, Wilmington, ^ ctc^ showing the legation of the torpedoes, was J&snd on bfe person. .L. Tfee weather hero k dear this rooming. It iKs! milharv oberjtiotm fo Northern Virgin** will fo eommetx*d Urn ^ woek by the advance of Greet £tet*o*et April 1$.- A Tank*# *p?, under #1 tio *sn4m^j e*ta* of Sterling King, and bo* j foted to be a comrade of the «py, w ho« arm* %«» ooticod Hi f&Aefikf '* tekgreii), ba» bona mm/Hi at jfarfem, Va, and refofftM b? re- ' tamed prime** from OmpMo^i» m ijio foe <tatecttrce Na OtbjS When sm^ ht rtpr^mhtt4 hitmclf m the Colonel of ffo 2d Virginia (Confederate) Cavalry. ***** o****ai vola ashy. jjf OiakoiC. H- April who S have entered our lint* wilhio the tat few day* report that the enemy will fc*£i* hfe advance Tl ttHttorrow, eight dam* ration* bating been ia» & | «se<! for ihaf purpose. Thee ske report that jCiMfil h fortifying Piaet beontauo, m Cal « "* * ^ 1 < jMfir CoontJ. i*uuwrt» aart. out oj use cnetnT line* my that Grant will fbrec a fight toon, in . M«r to Uki) *C*sntage of the prewfict of J! tho*e of troop* whose term* expire in M*y, ? and of whom #o| one-fifth bate re-enlisted. The Yankee army b m anything b«! fine «p»ri._ to* Meade, however, U receiving reinforce* . tneata rapidly, V Ms|or General W. F. Smith, of the army of ? tbo W«t, be# been assigned to doty in thw ar* i cot is Chief Engineer on General Lce'i tuff. ml ; Alt b quiet in front to-day. *f roam## ngwft. " ^ tnou the tr#rvmt> nttKi. *j Osunoa, C. H.f Aptfl ]«.~W# hun *a#< I 1 York papers of the ] 4th and tfilb fctttanfe < On !«lk m.1.1 - * M |A t&fi- Ml (LA VM MIV l«m HVIU * fTWV up W *ww% «« nm - receilO of new* that Cbftte bd aegylhieisjw > loan for £3000,000 on London, ft fell lo ttlt <$£ ( It afterward* rallied and closed at 177. ra » The captW of Fort Billow i* confirmed; id. «2ao the ne*% of the Confederate victory at \\f t Sbreveport, to eorao extent pa f IttciiMosD, April 17..W« hare received the i Baltimore GxtfttU of the 14th. £old closed in Now York, at 4 p. id., on tha ini lb, at 178 5-8. On the 12lh Sterling bills re sold st 192. The very Is test quotation gold ia New York was i79. Floor has ad- " oced forty cents per barrel in New York. ^ e mania for speculation in breadstaffs has ~ rly began, ana is spreading throughout the cat. £ The army of the Potomac » actively preparr for the new campaign. Iirig. Gen. Torbett 7 i assumed command of the 1st (Yankee) di rc ioL of cavalry. WiUon a to relieve Gregg a the command of the 2d diraion, P1 Meade will return to the comroaod of the * raj of the Potomac. A gentleman iust through the Hoes from q iryland says that h was understood at An- m potb and other places which he tithed, that inside would mote up the south side of the nes Riser, if an advance in that direction T mid be found practicable. * Grant puts down the official Yankee loss at p wionsrv Ridge and Lookout Mountain at t> >00 killed, 4,000 wounded and 900 milting, b The Minxrmta, it m acknowledged, was baddamaged by the torpedo explosion. , The steamer Maph Lmf. from Philadelphia f Jaclaoofttlc.Ml sltoroedo oo the 1st inst T * mfhdm IMS# hm cawing berj Mis Ira mfcfi&m. hotrtiQW far At gxpnhion of Long, of art still pending If) the Yankee Uoomj of BCMfttatfee*. During the debate on Satnrf, Mf« If JUTS, of Maryland, aatd; "The Qth k not yet subjugated. God Almighty (, int the never, never may be. 1, hope too j n II nerer «ubj agate the Sooth " A resolution to expel Harm «ra* ofr-red, but I ectcd for want of a lwotbir*ia vote. The East Tcnncmce (Yankee) Conveiv&n i ?t at Knoxrtlfe on the 12lb. Speeches tw j kde by Xekoa, Daniel Troebart and Andy ] broom Great excitement it reported at* Jonesboro, , caused br the soldier* aborting cmien*. 9 force baa hees*acnt there to prcvcot farther n todthed. " The Petthfykani* Senate baa adopted a rca- 0 ' tt* « » fiiaiA I m<inl fmm I a II«VM IV4MV* |«4C WtlHV W'VI HWbn« irriubnrg tin Philadelphia, p The railroad bridge* orer the Potomac, de- u oted by the late fre*bet*, hare been re- ^ iced. It » reported that BUhop XfcCkwkoy, of Ah * ny. ha* been appointed to amxeed the late * trhbtsbop Ungbe* an Archbishop ot New] «rk; and that Bishop Spudding, lato of Ken- k skyt ha# Wen made ArcnbUbop of Baltimore. New adricc* to the 9th report a dcrrou* 6ro there on the Sih, destroying tho k am house# of E. A, York and A. J. Loch runs, c raov xtttco. a The French are march m*on Xfatan^rwx, and * igbt fcn* taken place,in which the French, were e nor; * J Cori i, vt had waued a po^Umalion ordering 1 the troop* to be concentrated on the Rio ^ aode. a "he /tor. of the 4th wjfi the French occupied 0 xtamora# without opposition. 1 turn ainare Rioitiiojrn, April 1$~ -European ndrieet to 1 9 3l*t hate been rrerirrd. :m The Danish inference met in London on * » 12th April, Pro»**aftftattempted to carry the Pane*4 fortiBtiont be atorm on the 20th, After four I* « ' * .4 *», t | | t nn tmUQgOQHff im rnminnvm irpswit Live afoot Cottox makkct.The market m m*irt Ami unchanged. Breadstuff* were *m dull, And price* lower The tfeftmer City ef Km York wu wrecked Qaccn»tots n harbor lately by running on ft du Cmiwd* in London on the 2ftth ult, 013 ft. The Confederate steamer Georgia U ai Garoe, Prose*, rrfttting for *ml During her toya ahe captured and homed, in the iky of scar the abtp fTtl/mm Ctttmjtkt*, The Pari* correspondent of the New York me* ttT« that one r«*dL boilt »t Bordeaux for » bat been launched. Lsxcolx on nta Cuuxst llftum..Tbt New | Mrfc Herald relate* the following : A prominent Senator vm remonttroting jf th Mr. Lincoln a few day* ago about keeping j r. Chaae in hk Cabinet, when it waa well | own that Mr. C. » oppoted, tooth and nail, j1 Mr. Lincoln'* re election. Now, ace here/* and the Prroident, "when * was elected I resoUcd to biro my foor Prcsi- j * ulial rirak pay them their wage* and be j' «H * o i r. M etr 'iwaa." move were oc»«ni, tonw, v«- j . 8fo* »a<i B«U»; but I got r*d of Cameron ; 1 ler ha had played btimelf oat At to dit-1 * argmg Chase or bsfSH, don't talk of it I If U* ^ iksfr flign ip<l am their bo#a, tod 1 laNM trtafllMe ttfaMrn out on the loot* llkkt slap If effti Almaden patent" Owen Laredoj, of I Hi nor#, * one of the * sal radical ANitiotnU ofthe whole North, | 9 d fa Washington U*t week. Hi# funeral j me off in Brooklyn, and the newly fancied r* of mi*ergenation teem* to have hcen j a ally earn* I ont on the cxvjuion.one of the Jltaarem heing a negro, "formerly a aUve;s J.C. Rro*,oftfce Cr>ng,e*wiort<il Globe, Wash- * (flon, \% »i * ft THE CAMDEN JIIPML. 'SIB DAY MOKl«l!!GfAPEIL S9#1M4 To Advestu«xer..Our sdvertkiing friends will >Ug* us by handing iu their acitertiscmetits on of efore Wednesday. Our paper is worked off on buraday afternoon, and, as rra are short banded, it ift [possible for «3s to set up the sdreniaereenls, if no>ermjf, in bdditloff to tba oibcjr blatter necessarily oatponcd oatii that day. Ihrmflcr no odttftisimtnU Ut be rtwM otk THondaf. We regret to announce the death o( the Hon. TL 7. r. Aistqs, ex-Oorernor of South Carolina. He died a Thursday week, at Hfe plantation on Pae Dee. « 9 The Rsanuaisg Board Will meet is Camden on* bund*? and Friday, lb* 2Sth and 29tb insL, to exmise all these who bar* heretofore Iteld exemption pent cs account of disability, and others who may t liable, in accordance with the orders issued from' cftdqnartem UlutaKT KuecTvos..At as election held on 16th st, for oCSceta to command the reserves for State aer» ice fmw Kershaw District, the toiwwtng jpentiematt we elected? Joirr Tfionrera, Captain. Tfios. J. Cxvravf, l*t Licutenatat a Josw P. K:kxlavd. 2nd Licet. Ou?*as L McCot. 3d Lkwt Isars or Xaw Crammer..The following «mounts tar i the Richmond have been issued is the ew currency to potent time: In $500 act** f jo pw.ow In 100 " l*vm,O0«> So 50 " Ui«,000 la 20 » a !.65*OOo la 10 M U3SS,000 ToUJ,. $51,644,000 Ixro*r*.*r to T^urxutaft*.Older* hart beta b3*d by Adjutant and IttpecSct Gotten! Coopw to tht wprcfctt Ptoto#; Marthjdx, profe£bScix*$r ihem ff«a nyiajf lo toy pmoo acx trtrtlUfig on fcn®> *w* c< iho Gorrreoeat, except ftsrkw^htd soldiers j*i ©Steers, on %ny <4 tht Ifoe* of mlifoed between Licfcnxmd tod Atlanta The cyder, v* understand, it * spnr-slire, and lb# irsretfmg pobUo viS gpttnt ti*m.**>UvA aeconitaglr. St* «ar< the D>IotabU Froa soother wf RVS uwi usf anHMMn vu of travel (cx mxtf d*ys. * Th« onto', though productive of eertooi iactmrrenm& to many, will yet, we hare a& doubt, be ctoefilly in by the people. It nomas to to the geociwi lmprt**ian (tot the Yontm bare eto&doeed the anteoad* plan, and inured to cxacvotrate the bulk of timtr effective fort* lor sTttwl # ?»1 kMftull ppwi aocae on* fatal, Wp hare not oar«f tolkved that Rkhaxmd would be tbe;r auric, end Tea aow doubt xvty miteb whether U will to, Bui l km ear etroi ttodut*!? tadwpetmaM* ttot the !tafrd«r»t*«uttoriMpe ehouW tore entire cooirol of bo railroad*, m * to to able to caocentrato rapidly port the point where the attack i* ultimately dereipe<L Aod, whether IdBtor Jomsstos to called act j> toar the bruat of tto onaet, we tore ao fan for the « mtlt, provided the Prwadcm will ewsd litem pHaty of roopa and m erdtrt. We will Miy «3qjpe»i Sbatsboe the Government ha* to© ctor$je of it ought to take neb rocwutkaw witl prmol till ^iccwirnui" toraiag of (Hdfei or liar# of irwtie wo»k fast at tto ethical moResl If a dotal bo wntoliMd, or tto fra»u oi a m c*y to* by tlx* twa-AiTirai of weh or neb a dimioa, i will bo a poor cotMoUticts to kaow thai "sec tto %bu*l bUtoo 2AO to Attoetod to tto ro^coer " Wo eopr is mottor rotam©. froat tto CohunbiA 7mns*i% a cimilor t§omtiy iatood fey tto Cbtof Cob Agar of tto WgrtAX forthfe &Ato, from whKfe it rotUd mtta itot mat of tbipUston tod&rmtcs hart «eo rinjs»trw>tkr eoott^b. asm ttofeoofii* eoougfe, to attt&ft tto 9t*akmal tto low by wik.tef kin roturar X* tto sot prepared to bctorr ttot oay cs&sm of Crretow Dioirict Ha* tor© gw&y of thi* t&AMaaoc* ttwf o iht» wo Ait tu*t*ts*4 by tto cjxakso of tto Di#ttid Elector* tAkrocouto© bewem to a ego, ©poc» fa* of oor dbiO©« who toro oot jot ®a4o ttoirrr am* tto isnportASCo of 4»af to At ooor, if ttoy woaki tviosi both tto usptauuit pupivoQ ttot ttoy are « tarorutfc to enroto tto Uw, aad tto pooaltta to which Kv-Mif* An'l ttihMt Impo*tajct Di*covk*t«.We arc informed a hat a gentleman ba» recently obtained a paenl for the manufacture of fvercwene oil, which ja» been thorough !v tested and found to be ^quai, if not wpcror, to the Yankee article, :Io ha* made aome from the Alabama coal, ahich givw a brilliant light. Tho material » ncihauatibie. We eipect noon to have aome >fit, when we thai) aar more .abont it, Thw will prove very piea*ant new* to tboae of our reader* who are using tallow dip* at $1 each, .Athens Banner, Da uto rex's Death.."Grace Greenwood'r »as been lecturing in Meade'* army to rhe /. soldier*. A Yankee correspondent says: ** iar«> never teen a greater effect pnxluced than v h«y touching description of Ine glorious life od heroic death of the brute young itahlgreiu" .- The "new issue" has been recieeed at Charioton: on she 5th instant, the amount of $100,000 ^ * paid but by the Confederate States Treaairer before the hour of closings J

Transcript of 9- A «* «-* *Jrnlge-«y j Gregg...

Page 1: 9- A «* «-* *Jrnlge-«y j Gregg Lou^tapJhistoricnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93068003/1864-04-22/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · 1 * jS^d^wswW^edreaderofFort ... PROM OEX. JOH.VSTOVS ARMY. 231 ...

"kbwsstrewraxrak^:ItOM TEXAS.

Hoi'«ro>% Texas, April 4..Hamilton, theLkjeoloMttiUry Governor* baaeettblttbed bitaeal ofOdtferaascftt at Browosfillc, appointed

Lf lb* office?*, Ac.'v.-/; 9- AJ* A «* Ml «. » «-* % « -«y «*.i

dodgo 4» if* Alerarana it made Jrnlge o* meTedcr*f Court at Brcwnfrille arxl Corps*Cferaii, and tlie work of convocation hm comI

& sauced./fho balk of tJbe Yankee foace batbeen withdrawn from Ike coast to Lou^tapJtearing aboat foer or firs thoosam! men forcarmen and ©ffcnsue operation* They pro*km an intention of marching 6n San Antonio

A Yankee force ofthree hotwired attackedSardi* on the 10th, and were signally repulsedbf Col, Bernardo, with a force of lest thin one

v Va&dred and fiftr men.:The Yankee* cwiutoi ladtaaola on the

13 th. xlaey*» sslll to force a* Fort &|*rr*v| 1

Mem RiUemaad other*, who h*v© heedamfor military arrotfef some time post fortiroteftthb dengna, applied for their dischargeto the ScprecsH? Cosrt oa a writ of Hahm*Cospm. It w» skvI contested, and they are

dactaugwi, ooly to be reamatwd ander the* eew lew srapeadisg Ih® privilege of that writ

The cold we&ther has made (topi mJTc*t*and rendered the protect

A foren swiewfecel blockade steamer has ran, the bbekade of Galveston whh 4000 stand of


, Fos#tk«mR4 Federal cavalry occupy EagleP<tffi»fo«rba&di«d m&5**k*re Brw»t»?ilk*«Tbecccwy » nott ftikaccitgOD lite North

ere iiiod Eastern border*oftfcc Suie.Xbetpim cftbc people tsgood, *»d alt «tf

mvrej lo tm&wt mmy in km sdwmceapsosft iSte&ste, aa4 to fight tb« war throughto lb# oadLv 4 . .*&. .

y*ow tos tease mvm&rru

Moms* April i&~~The my htfeet advice#f»fc* West of tbc

dm rrprt thai a great bauie »u &ogfct fc$»twees ueaemi $iii? Saaiib *&d tUcta, near

Shf***gMtt. Back# wan defeated whl^ a hm

|| '- krntili are fell ofdieTeokee wclmkd

Theiteamer /fcafea bad W*» Mraelrby a

torpedo, as»d the eefebteted tree elod diiMAber wo# cepteml^^K«W.peoeci states that the i|psr wax

A^S Id^Wami Atom jmA 11* *m M- ..». » g . A-:*. ^

Sl^SwwiS rJ Sifeilm ^S«®«^tV Vntek^gotmxem. vosscmfr mv*ixrt.

F«sr Viuaw, 0* T»t* Murnmsm April If.witb (isSam' feiiwofi

f ir^^l tfe* fast dmubtb

i WWW %pjwwwa» jr-?

Tte Confederal* hm wat tl fc$®d nodwmhd. Lteeteaeat Cobwd Iieid,cfUmkAkIi

^ MSwiwfyifi, w» mortally wounded,p 4 dmptitdBi dated Cairo, April 18, om: *It

£» ftpM^d U**t &# f*t*l Fernet, witli * barePaduad* 1** jM»t,

§m w dsrwtiwia. K#iidbro«Bsisir W»& >.MayMiL* *f -r#

Jfs^owtCA^ 1®«.Tbe BdMralPl^h*» :̂

1 * jS^d^wswW^e dreader of FortA C^Qi<6l? s^ Kj* tic allowed a respite offire

Of wo^ea **,<! chi{,H «r&t to Calm. tfeen*bilc, two


v ct Co!emU» frm»! Wfow wbh\ $fi>00 voter*!** oo their we* fi<H»c o» farfougb,

*m«M> alrf ** Wieved would «*<3E*h« «vwwu>ftiKlft£^lf Fort HaJletk to metegMjfr defence. ttens «m fighting during

eSf&ndaj hot the resolt w» onkn^nn.The Oosdllwate* occupied Paducah gain os

the Utll, aa^amraefled Colond Hick*, ©o«bttt&dwg the foKther® to temndei. Tim h«fc*dd*Jaw4 VTkYwkw tef&to of the centore of Fort

PHfew soft: Twoffe^ef trtice demanding the?arand*r of the post, befcn three o'clock, wenMl in. v At th«t l«#*r the poured intothe fort, compelling its aarrewtyft The incurnete fiend® then began no indiscriminateiteagHer of whiten and blocks aim Out el

the *Mi gwrraon of «00 enhr remsie"" m.Otnm

^ "


v. « ir VMNBP9I *:$£&>]£-. .> ...


Daitok, April 15..All is quiet in front.. we

Rrc Alabamiang, who were to tare been shot of jto-day for desertion, were temporarily repriered rti

by General Johnston, until the President could Thbe beard from. foil

j Dattop,Ga^ April 18..The "Ber.** JamesI Findlay, Chaplain of tbe 3d Alabama Regimentwas bong at Tonnel Hill to day for en- J®8eooraging metier and carrying on a secret cor- jrespondent with the enemy. He made a foil f1*MKfiMUii «*ttwiartMlififi(r the iostice of his M®

iwumvivu, wvbhv">*-2"'0 . - ^

sentence.It t» reported that Thomas bat moved bis

headquarter* lo.ftinggold and,that bb troopswe roorieg ihttber from Chattanooga. Weather **

clear ami coot ®JIPower*' cavalry bad a fight recently at ^,1I Plains' *U>rtt near VToodrslle, ttoipg the

I enemy, takings nrnnber of prhonebrand one

picas of trtiltety. jr Cot John Scott takes command oftbo caraty East ol Louisiana,' #


Daltox, April 19..Wc had a genera! reviewof tbo whole army to dnr br General 'jI Johnston, and, notwitirttandingthc cold wcath* |


er, the affair pasted off IneJy and was tirfthf 2attended. " *

llie ofionsT » quite active is front ud * '

ring times are looked for by afl.noa timooa* 2

f*oh ftrsnsm*.jjj] P*rsfc#m?*0, Va^ April 1®..There f» eofh | T*.itdemMe excftcmcn* in the Blackwater aectfon jm conference cf the adranee oP the enmoj &1?in U»it direction, 8©rer*J skiranbes hatre u- w,)

ken place. From t$>«t*oftl$y aoerce* we leantthat B&rr**tdr * force wj» landtag in large nam ^

; hen at Porttfnonib cm Wednesday.FROM lUCIlttO?r». j 014

RttttJfOlW, April 18«.The Secretary of the ?Ji Trcaanry adtrcrtkci tbk morning $6,000,000I worth of the new guarantied «x per cent, bond* j jijj to bejold at auction in thi* city in iota to suit; ^poniMam <» th«i2U> of v. Sbk

Hi® of war m Richmond at thistime number tet» than 2000, rododicg 000 0j|cerorobwioued cdBcrir*, Another flag of truce I jj,boat» looked for Friday, ^ritb praonm for tx- ]Mr fasl, French ConsularAgentat Richmond ^maraed yesterday from a protracted mil to


the Fmtod State*. Hp armed at City Point ^In a French man-of-war. it it umimtood thatbe has cosseted arrangements for the ship- yttromtof the French tobacco stored in this city. ^Uw of the e«amb chartered hy him a now atCky Point, *&d other* are expected next week. a#j

Ilia net# *%ntng bureau of the Treasury Do- WJ

panroeni' wtit be transferred to Colombia tbbweek. The employtea, cbkfly ladies, will gaitfor CofaroM* oti Thmwfay. It k reported thattheFin*and Ste»wl Auditors BsmuawilS also a Ibe temporarily rcwoied :*> unm pint further rhSooth, .where the cwt of substtenee » Seesthan la Richmond. Montgowerr and Srima allare bo& mentioned a* the probable foealson of Or

|heae httrvaax for the present. 1A Yankee spy waa armsod oa the Rappa- III

haaa>ck last Saturday, by Detective Reeves,whilst on the point of crossing the river, Aimp of the harbors of Charleston, Wilmington, ^ctc^ showing the legation of the torpedoes, was

J&snd on bfe person. .L.

Tfee weather hero k dear this rooming. ItiKs! milharv oberjtiotm

fo Northern Virgin** will fo eommetx*d Urn ^woek by the advance ofGreet£tet*o*et April 1$.- A Tank*# *p?, under #1

tio *sn4m^j e*ta* of Sterling King, and bo* jfoted to be a comrade of the «py, who« arm*%«» ooticod Hi f&Aefikf '* tekgreii), ba» bonamm/Hi at jfarfem, Va, and refofftM b? re- *»

' tamed prime** fromOmpMo^i» m ijiofoe <tatecttrce Na OtbjS When sm^

ht rtpr^mhtt4 hitmclfm the Colonel offfo 2d Virginia (Confederate) Cavalry. #®

***** o****ai vola ashy. jjfOiakoiC. H- April who S

have entered our lint* wilhio the tat few day*report that the enemy will fc*£i* hfe advance TlttHttorrow, eight dam* ration* bating been ia» &

| «se<! for ihaf purpose. Thee ske report thatjCiMfil h fortifying Piaet beontauo, m Cal «

"* * ^ 1 <

jMfir CoontJ. i*uuwrt» aart. out oj use cnetnT

line* my that Grant will fbrec a fight toon, in .

M«r to Uki) *C*sntage of the prewfict of J!tho*e of b» troop* whose term* expire in M*y, ?and of whom #o| one-fifth bate re-enlisted. r®The Yankee army b m anything b«! fine «p»ri._to* Meade, however, U receiving reinforce* .

tneata rapidly, VMs|or General W. F. Smith, of the army of ?

tbo W«t, be# been assigned to doty in thw ar*i cot is Chief Engineer on General Lce'i tuff. ml; Alt b quiet in front to-day. *f

roam## ngwft."^

tnou the tr#rvmt> nttKi. *jOsunoa, C. H.f Aptfl ]«.~W# hun *a#< I

1 York papers of the ] 4th and tfilb fctttanfe <

On !«lk m.1.1 - * M |A t&fi- Ml (LAVM MIV l«m HVIU * fTWV up W *ww% «« nm

- receilO of new* that Cbftte bd aegylhieisjw> loan for £3000,000 on London, ft fell lo ttlt <$£( It afterward* rallied and closed at 177. ra» The captW of Fort Billow i* confirmed; id.

«2ao the ne*% of the Confederate victory at \\ft Sbreveport, to eorao extent paf IttciiMosD, April 17..W« hare received thei Baltimore GxtfttU of the 14th.

£old closed in Now York, at 4 p. id., on tha ini

lb, at 178 5-8. On the 12lh Sterling billsre sold st 192. The very Istest quotationgold ia New York was i79. Floor has ad- "

oced forty cents per barrel in New York. ^e mania for speculation in breadstaffs has ~

rly began, ana is spreading throughout thecat. £The army of the Potomac » actively preparrfor the new campaign. Iirig. Gen. Torbett 7

i assumed command of the 1st (Yankee) di rc

ioL of cavalry. WiUon a to relieve Gregg a

the command of the 2d diraion, P1Meade will return to the comroaod of the *

raj of the Potomac.A gentleman iust through the Hoes from qiryland says that h was understood at An- m

potb and other places which he tithed, thatinside would mote up the south side of thenes Riser, if an advance in that direction Tmid be found practicable. *

Grant puts down the official Yankee loss at pwionsrv Ridge and Lookout Mountain at t>>00 killed, 4,000 wounded and 900 milting, bThe Minxrmta, it m acknowledged, was baddamagedby the torpedo explosion.,The steamer Maph Lmf. from Philadelphia f

Jaclaoofttlc.Ml sltoroedo oo the 1st instT

* mfhdm IMS# hm cawing berjMis Ira mfcfi&m.hotrtiQW far At gxpnhion of Long, ofM» art still pending If) the Yankee Uoomj of

BCMfttatfee*. During the debate on Satnrf,Mf« IfJUTS, of Maryland, aatd; "TheQth k not yet subjugated. God Almighty (,int the never, never may be. 1, hope too j nII nerer «ubjagate the Sooth "

A resolution to expel Harm «ra* ofr-red, but Iectcd for want of a lwotbir*ia vote.The East Tcnncmce (Yankee) Conveiv&n i?t at Knoxrtlfe on the 12lb. Speeches tw jkde by Xekoa, Daniel Troebart and Andy ]broomGreat excitement it reported at* Jonesboro,, caused br the soldier* aborting cmien*. 9

force baa hees*acnt there to prcvcot farther n

todthed. "

The Petthfykani* Senate baa adopted a rca- 0

' tt* « » "« fiiaiA I m<inl fmm I aII«VM IV4MV* |«4C WtlHV W'VI HWbn«

irriubnrg tin Philadelphia, p

The railroad bridge* orer the Potomac, de- u

oted by the late fre*bet*, hare been re- ^

iced.It » reported that BUhop XfcCkwkoy, of Ah *

ny. ha* been appointed to amxeed the late *

trhbtsbop Ungbe* an Archbishop ot New]«rk; and that Bishop Spudding, lato of Ken- k

skyt ha# Wen made ArcnbUbop of Baltimore. f«New adricc* to the 9th report a dcrrou*6ro there on the Sih, destroying tho kam house# of E. A, York and A. J. Lochruns, c

raov xtttco. a

The French are marchm*on Xfatan^rwx, and *

igbt fcn* taken place,in which the French, were e

nor; * JCori i, vt had waued a po^Umalion ordering 1

the troop* to be concentrated on the Rio ^

aode. a

"he /tor. of the 4th wjfi the French occupied 0

xtamora# without opposition. 1

turn ainare

Rioitiiojrn, April 1$~-European ndrieet to1

9 3l*t hate been rrerirrd. :mThe Danish inference met in London on


» 12th April,Pro»**aftftattempted to carry the Pane*4 fortiBtiontbe atorm on the 20th, After four I*

« ' * .» .4 *», t | | tnn tmUQgOQHffim rnminnvm irpswitLiveafoot Cottox makkct.The marketm m*irt Ami unchanged.Breadstuff* were *m dull, And price* lowerThe tfeftmer City efKm York wu wreckedQaccn»tots n harbor lately by running on ft

duCmiwd* in London on the 2ftth ult, 013 ft.The Confederate steamer Georgia U ai Garoe,Prose*, rrfttting for *ml During her toyaahe captured and homed, in the iky ofscar the abtp fTtl/mm Ctttmjtkt*,The Pari* correspondent of the New Yorkme* ttT« that one r«*dL boilt »t Bordeaux for» bat been launched.

Lsxcolx on nta Cuuxst llftum..Tbt New |Mrfc Herald relate* the following :

A prominent Senator vm remonttroting jfth Mr. Lincoln a few day* ago about keeping jr. Chaae in hk Cabinet, when it waa well |own that Mr. C. » oppoted, tooth and nail, j1Mr. Lincoln'* re election.Now, ace here/* and the Prroident, "when *

was elected I resoUcd to biro my foor Prcsi- j *

ulial rirak pay them their wage* and be j'«H

*o i r. M

etr 'iwaa." move were oc»«ni, tonw, v«- j .

8fo* »a<i B«U»; but I got r*d of Cameron ;1

ler ha had played btimelf oat At to dit-1 *

argmg Chase or bsfSH, don't talk of it IIf U*^ iksfr flign ip<l am their bo#a, tod 1

laNM trtafllMe ttfaMrn out on the loot*llkkt slapIf effti Almaden patent"Owen Laredoj, of IHinor#,


one of the *

sal radical ANitiotnU ofthe whole North, | 9

d fa Washington U*t week. Hi# funeral jme off in Brooklyn, and the newly fanciedr* of mi*ergenation teem* to have hcen j a

ally earn* I ont on the cxvjuion.one of theJltaarem heing a negro, "formerly a aUve;s

J.C. Rro*,oftfce Cr>ng,e*wiort<il Globe, Wash- *

(flon, \%»i



THE CAMDEN JIIPML.'SIB DAY MOKl«l!!GfAPEILS9#1M4To Advestu«xer..Our sdvertkiing friends will>Ug* us by handing iu their acitertiscmetits on of

efore Wednesday. Our paper is worked off on

buraday afternoon, and, as rra are short banded, it ift[possible for «3s to set up the sdreniaereenls, if no>ermjf,

in bdditloff to tba oibcjr blatter necessarilyoatponcd oatii that day. Ihrmflcr no odttftisimtnUUt be rtwM otk THondaf.We regret to announce the death o( the Hon. TL 7.

r. Aistqs, ex-Oorernor of South Carolina. He dieda Thursday week, at Hfe plantation on Pae Dee.

« 9

The Rsanuaisg Board Will meet is Camden on*bund*? and Friday, lb* 2Sth and 29tb insL, to exmiseall these who bar* heretofore Iteld exemptionpent cs account of disability, and others who may

t liable, in accordance with the orders issued from'cftdqnartemUlutaKT KuecTvos..At as election held on 16th

st, for oCSceta to command the reserves for State aer»

ice fmw Kershaw District, the toiwwtng jpentiemattwe elected?

Joirr Tfionrera, Captain.Tfios. J. Cxvravf, l*t Licutenatat aJosw P. K:kxlavd. 2nd Licet.Ou?*as L McCot. 3d Lkwt

Isars or Xaw Crammer..The following «mountstari the Richmond have been issued is theew currency to D» potent time:In $500 act** f jo pw.owIn 100 " l*vm,O0«>So 50 " Ui«,000la 20 »

a !.65*OOola 10 M U3SS,000

ToUJ,. $51,644,000Ixro*r*.*r to T^urxutaft*.Older* hart beta b3*dby Adjutant and IttpecSct Gotten! Coopw to tht

wprcfctt Ptoto#; Marthjdx, profe£bScix*$r ihem ff«anyiajf lo toy pmoo acx trtrtlUfig on fcn®>*w* c< iho Gorrreoeat, except ftsrkw^htd soldiersj*i ©Steers, on %ny <4 tht Ifoe* of mlifoed betweenLicfcnxmd tod Atlanta The cyder, v* understand, it *

spnr-slire, and lb# irsretfmg pobUo viS gpttntti*m.**>UvA aeconitaglr.St* «ar< the D>IotabU Froa soother

wf RVS uwi usf anHMMn w« vu

of travel (cx mxtf d*ys. *

Th« onto', though productive of eertooi iactmrrenm&to many, will yet, we hare a& doubt, be ctoefillyin by the people.

It nomas to to the geociwi lmprt**ian (tot the Yontmbare eto&doeed the anteoad* plan, and inured to

cxacvotrate the bulk of timtr effective fort* lor sTttwl #?»1 kMftull ppwi aocae on* fatal, Wp hare not oar«ftolkved that Rkhaxmd would be tbe;r auric, endTea aow doubt xvty miteb whether U will to, Buil km ear etroi ttodut*!? tadwpetmaM* ttot the

!tafrd«r»t*«uttoriMpe ehouW tore entire cooirol ofbo railroad*, m * to to able to caocentrato rapidlyport the point where the attack i* ultimately dereipe<L

Aod, whether IdBtor Jomsstos to called act

j> toar the bruat of tto onaet, we tore ao fan for the «

mtlt, provided the Prwadcm will ewsd litem pHaty ofroopa and m erdtrt.We will Miy «3qjpe»i Sbatsboe the Government ha*to© ctor$je of it ought to take nebrocwutkaw a« witl prmol till ^iccwirnui" toraiag of(Hdfei or liar# of irwtie wo»k fast at tto ethical moResl

Ifa dotal bo wntoliMd, or tto fra»u oi a m

c*y to* by tlx* twa-AiTirai ofweh or neb a dimioa,i will bo a poor cotMoUticts to kaow thai "sec tto%bu*l bUtoo 2AO to Attoetod to tto ro^coer "

Wo eopr is mottor rotam©. froat tto CohunbiA7mns*i% a cimilor t§omtiy iatood fey tto Cbtof CobAgar of tto WgrtAX forthfe &Ato, from whKfe itrotUd mtta itot mat of tbipUston tod&rmtcs hart«eo rinjs»trw>tkr eoott^b. asm ttofeoofii* eoougfe, to attt&ft

tto 9t*akmal tto low by wik.tef kin roturarX* tto sot prepared to bctorr ttot oay cs&sm ofCrretow Dioirict Ha* tor© gw&y of thi* t&AMaaoc* ttwfo iht» wo Ait tu*t*ts*4 by tto cjxakso of tto Di#ttidElector* W« tAkrocouto© bewem to aego, ©poc»fa* of oor dbiO©« who toro oot jot ®a4o ttoirrram* tto isnportASCo of 4»af to At ooor, if ttoy woakitviosi both tto usptauuit pupivoQ ttot ttoy are «

tarorutfc to enroto tto Uw, aad tto pooaltta to whichKv-Mif* An'l ttihMt

Impo*tajct Di*covk*t«.We arc informed a

hat a gentleman ba» recently obtained a paenlfor the manufacture of fvercwene oil, whichja» been thorough !v tested and found to be^quai, if not wpcror, to the Yankee article,:Io ha* made aome from the Alabama coal,ahich givw a brilliant light. Tho material »ncihauatibie. We eipect noon to have aome

>fit, when we thai) aar more .abont it, Thwwill prove very piea*ant new* to tboae of our

reader* who are using tallow dip* at $1 each,.Athens Banner,

Da uto rex's Death.."Grace Greenwood'r»as been lecturing in Meade'* army to rhe /.soldier*. A Yankee correspondent says: **iar«> never teen a greater effect pnxluced than

vh«y touching description of Ine glorious lifeod heroic death of the brute young itahlgreiu"


The "new issue" has been recieeed at Charioton:on she 5th instant, the amount of$100,000^


paid but by the Confederate States Treaairerbefore the hour of closings J