8 Tricks to Be Instantly More Energized and Spontaneous

8 Tricks To Be Instantly More Energized And Spontaneous Author: Claude Borel My presence on social media: Twitter Facebook Linkedln Google+


If you feel tired and without any energy then this article is definitely for you. These are the 8 tricks I used myself to boost my energy levels. I've tried several things throughout the years but nothing compares to the 8 tricks I highlight here.It really works! No one can do these things and not be more spontaneous and energized throughout the day. It's impossible.So give it a try and tell me how it worked for you.I really want to here your feedback.

Transcript of 8 Tricks to Be Instantly More Energized and Spontaneous

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8 Tricks To Be Instantly More Energized AndSpontaneous

Author: Claude Borel

My presence on social media:

Twitter Facebook Linkedln Google+

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Why be more spontaneous?


Being spontaneous means letting the energy drive YOU not the other way around.

I have to tell you the truth folks, I'm starting to think that willpower in general is over-hyped. Sure it can get you places but even the strongest willpower in the world will only get you so far and even if you make it, it will have serious consequences on your health long-term because of the stress.

Willpower is absolutely necessary, I'm not bashing on willpower but the more energy you have, the greater the ability to move WITHOUT effort and the LESS you will have to rely on willpower.

In my opinion, willpower should be predominant in survival situations, in extreme situations where you have to force through a tough obstacle where your energy might be drained but life is the most extreme obstacle, better said, it's a marathon and I'm not sure that willpower can sustain you that long. It might work in an actual marathon but not in the ultimate race that is life.

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1) Water

• Drink 2 glasses of water every two or three hours

• Before every meal drink your water 5 minutes before eating

• Drink in total 2 liters per day of purified water

Drinking 2 glasses of water every two to three hours will give you sustained energy unlike coffee.

You can’t count on thirst to tell you when to drink, most people are dehydrated without knowing it. When you are thirsty it’s already too late. You should be drinking a minimum of 2 liters of water a day.

2) Green tea

• A cup of green tea in the morning with your breakfast

• Don’t drink after 5pm for good sleep

Chockfull of antioxidants and a little caffeine, sip on green tea to boost your energy levels, without the negative effects of its rival – the double shot expresso!

Green tea is great it gives you a nice boost in energy, it increases your insulin sensitivity so you will absorb food better thus getting more of the nutrients you need to function etc….

You’ll just feel great throughout the day and your energy levels won’t plummet. The B vitamins in green tea can make you happier and lift your spirits, leaving you uplifted and energized.

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3) Hydrotherapy

• 2 minutes hot shower, 30 seconds cold shower

• Alternate 3 times between hot and cold

• Always finish with cold shower

4) Sunlight

• 10-20 minutes in the morning almost naked

Spending 10-20 minutes in direct sunlight every day is the perfect way to boost your vitamin D and serotonin supply. It can help regulate your circadian rhythm as well. Your physical health and your mental well-being will thank you.

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5) Eating 6 times a day

So lets put an example here:

• 7h: breakfast

• 10h: snack

• 13h: lunch

• 16h: snack

• 19h: dinner

• 22h: snack

Main meals suggestion:

• Protein: fish, meat, chicken, eggs

• Fat: olive oil, avocado, nuts

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• Fiber, minerals and vitamins: spinach, broccoli, salad,

Snack suggestions: avocados, nuts, cheese, tuna

A high fat, high protein, low carb diet will maintain your hormone levels steady and give you a sustained supply of energy.

6) Caloric Breakfast

A few ideas:

(click on name to learn how to prepare these meals)

• Protein waffles

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• Eggs, spinach and bacon

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• Eggs, Pancakes, Bacon

Other breakfast ideas

Eating a big breakfast will accelerate your metabolism and give you energy. If you eat your breakfast just after HIIT cardio all of the nutrients will go to the muscles and won’t be stored as fat. A caloric breakfast sets the tone for the day. "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper".

7) HIIT Cardio

• Jump rope or sprint for 1 minute (max intensity), • rest 15 seconds

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• Repeat 5 times

High intensity interval training. That’s what it stands for. It is a type of cardio that is very short and more effective than steady cardio.

HIIT is so intense, your body will come alive with raging hormones ready to kick butt for the day.

Here some good sources for some HIIT cardio workouts

• Fitnessblender’s youtube channel • Brandon Carter’s youtube channel

8) Osho's meditation

1. Breath through the nose focusing on the exhale2. Let go of everything and be crazy3. grounding4. tranquility5. dancing with music

Start with 2 minutes for every phase and try to build up to 10 minutes as you get better.

The first step is to breath through the nose forcefully by just concentrating on the exhale, just exhale strongly through the nose. Give it everything!

The second step is to go nuts basically and let all your rage and energy out. Don't follow a pattern of movement really just be wild.

The third step you jump with hands raised above your head and every time you land you let a "hoh" sound out of your mouth.

The fourth step don't move a muscle, be completely still

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The fifth step dance expressively and spontaneously without controlling anything just moving as you feel is right.

Here's a video about it (meditation is at the end) :

ReminderThese tricks are for becoming more expressive and energized thus increasing your emotional strength (capacity to move spontaneously). This is one of the layers of strength needed to unlock your creative force and in consequence free the entrepreneurial spirit in you.