8 Poverty, health indicaters of Tribes - ntnews.com filePoverty among Tribes 8 The erstwhile...

Poverty among Tribes 8 The erstwhile planning commision pro- vided estimates beased on Tendulkar methodology for poverty ratios for the years for which large sample surveys on Household consumer Expenditure have been conducted by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) of the ministry of statisties, programme implementation. 8 As per these estimates St people living below the poverty line in 2011-12 were 45.3 % in the rural areas and 24.1 % in the urban areas as compared to 25.7 % persons in the rural areas and 13.7 % persons in urban areas below poverty line for all population. 8 According to census data 2011, only 22.6 % St household have latrine facility within the premises as compared to 46.9 % households at all india level. 0.3 % of total households and 0.1 % of St households continue to use the method of night soil removed by humans. While 49.8 % of total households go for open defecation and 74.7 % St households still go for open defecation. 8 As per census 2011 40.6 % ST households are seen to be housing good as against 53 % of total households. 8 According to census 2011 data, it is seen that while almost 47 % of all households in the country house drinking water facilities within their premises, less than 20 % of the ST households enjoy this covenience. Land Holdings 8 Based on the Land and Livestock Holdings Survey (LHS) conducted in the 70the round of National Sample Survey (NSS) during january to december 2013, the NSS Report no 571 reveals that the estimated total area owned by the households in rural india during the year 2013 was 92.369 million hectares with an average size of 0.592 hectare Land per ownership holding. 8 The share of Land owned in rural India by different social groups was 13.06 % for scheduled Tribes, 9.23 % for scheduled castes 45.68 for .... OBC and 32.03 % for others. 8 The average area of land owned per household was 0.650 hectares for Sts, 0.272 hectares for Scs, 0.603 hectares for OBCs and 0.816 hectares for others. 8 As per data released by NCRB, Rajasthan has reportd 34.5 % of total crimes againsts Sts, followed by madhya pradesh (19.9 %). ST Childrens and Vaccination 8 Based on surveys conducted by MAFW and WCD the status of children agen 12 to 23 months who received full immunisation and no vaccination is given in allowing table Note : Children are considered fully vaccinated when they have received a vaccination against tuberculosis (BCG), three doses of the diptheria, whooping cough (pertussis), and tetanas (DPT) vaccine, three doses of the poliomyelitis (polio), and one dose of measles vaccine by the age of 12 months. 8 The gender parity index (GPI) for Scheduled Tribe students has improved tremendously at secondary and senior secondary levels. At higher exducation level, it has shown improvement from 0.78 in 2011- 12 to 0.82 in 2014-15 Health Indicaters 8 As per National family health survey (NFHS-3) conducted by ministry of Health and Family welfare during 2005-06, some of the health indicators for STs in conpares to all categories are. ST childrens and Vaccination 8 Based on surveys conducted by MFHW and WCD the status of ST children agen 12 to 23 months who received full immunization and no vaccination is given in following table. Note: Children are considered fully vaccinated when they have received a uaccrnation against tuberculosis (BCG), three doses of the diptheria, whooping cough (pertussis), and tetanus (DPT), vaccine, three doses of the poliomyelitis (Polio), and one dose of measles vaccine by the age of 12 months. 8 Differential rewards and opportunities + class consciousness social inequalities Economy and Development Issues of Development and Change 7 | 27 2016 8 ( ) - 8 ( ) - 8 ( )- 8 - 8 ( ) - 8 ( )- , 8 ( )- Poverty, health indicaters of Tribes Year Secondary Senier secondary Higher Education (IX-X) (XI-XII) Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 2011-12 56.7 50.6 53.8 35.4 29.0 32.3 12.4 9.7 11.0 2012-13 62.6 61.2 61.9 32.3 29.0 30.7 12.4 9.8 11.1 70.3 70.1 70.2 36.1 34.1 35.4 12.5 10.2 11.3 2014-15 71.8 72.6 72.2 39.8 37.8 38.8 14.6 12.0 13.3 Health Indicator STs allgroups 1. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) – 62.1 – 57 2. Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) – 39.9- 39 3. Perinatal Mortality Rate (PMR) – 40.6 – 48.5 4. Post Neonatal Mortality Rate (PNMR) – 22.3- 18 5. Child Mortality Rate (CMR) – 35.8- 18.4 6. Under 5 years Mortality Rate (U5MR)- 95.7 – 74.3 7. Preualence of any anaemia (42.0 grams per decilitre)– 68.5- 55.3 Nutritional status of ST children under five yers are.. Source stunted severely wasted severly under severaly under stunted wasted weight weight NFHS-3 53.9 29.1 27.6 9.3 54.5 24.9 RSOC 42.3 19.5 18.7 5.3 36.7 13.0 , 8374 283 666 10 (.., ..) . ‘ ’ (, ) . . , . . . 10 , , - 040 -27429494, 9963293399 1. Exogamy is strictly followed in North India in the following Kingroups except... a) Family b) Clan c) Phatry d) Lineage 2. Match the following List-I and List-II. List-I 1. Secondary Kinship 2. Tertiary Kinship 3. Derivative Kinship Terms 4. Descriptive Kinship Terms List-II a. Mother's Mother b. Mother's Sister c. Secondary Kin of Primary Kin d. Primary Kinship of Primary Members a) 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b b) 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a c) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a d) 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b 3. Identify the statements which are not correct from the following regarding Kinship groups. 1. In South India, organisation of Kin is arranged according to age categories. Whereas relationship is given importance in North India. 2. Marriage Symbolises womens seperation from her fathers house in South whereas it is not soin North. a) 1 b) 2 c) 1&2 d) None of the above 4. Match the following List-I and List-II. List-I a. Velala Jathara b. Pedda Golla Gattu Jathara c. Mannekonda Jathara d. Kota Vatancha Jathara e. Nishani Devatha Jathara List-II 1. Mahboobnagar 2. Karimnagar 3. Khammam 4. Warangal 5. Nalgonda 6. Adilabad a) a-5, b-1, c-6, d-3 b) a-6, b-5, c-1, d-4, e-3 c) a-1, b-3, c-2, d-6, e-4 d) a-6, b-1, c-2, d-3, e-4 Answers : 1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-B

Transcript of 8 Poverty, health indicaters of Tribes - ntnews.com filePoverty among Tribes 8 The erstwhile...

Poverty among Tribes8 The erstwhile planning commision pro-

vided estimates beased on Tendulkarmethodology for poverty ratios for theyears for which large sample surveyson Household consumer Expenditurehave been conducted by the NationalSample Survey Organisation (NSSO)of the ministry of statisties, programmeimplementation.

8 As per these estimates St people livingbelow the poverty line in 2011-12 were45.3 % in the rural areas and 24.1 % inthe urban areas as compared to 25.7 %persons in the rural areas and 13.7 %persons in urban areas below povertyline for all population.

8 According to census data 2011, only22.6 % St household have latrine facilitywithin the premises as compared to 46.9% households at all india level. 0.3 % oftotal households and 0.1 % of Sthouseholds continue to use the methodof night soil removed by humans. While49.8 % of total households go for opendefecation and 74.7 % St householdsstill go for open defecation.

8 As per census 2011 40.6 % SThouseholds are seen to be housing goodas against 53 % of total households.

8 According to census 2011 data, it isseen that while almost 47 % of allhouseholds in the country housedrinking water facilities within theirpremises, less than 20 % of the SThouseholds enjoy this covenience.

Land Holdings8 Based on the Land and Livestock

Holdings Survey (LHS) conducted inthe 70the round of National SampleSurvey (NSS) during january todecember 2013, the NSS Report no 571reveals that the estimated total area

owned by the households in rural indiaduring the year 2013 was 92.369 millionhectares with an average size of 0.592hectare Land per ownership holding.

8 The share of Land owned in rural Indiaby different social groups was 13.06 %for scheduled Tribes, 9.23 % forscheduled castes 45.68 for.... OBC and32.03 % for others.

8 The average area of land owned perhousehold was 0.650 hectares for Sts,0.272 hectares for Scs, 0.603 hectaresfor OBCs and 0.816 hectares for others.

8 As per data released by NCRB,Rajasthan has reportd 34.5 % of totalcrimes againsts Sts, followed bymadhya pradesh (19.9 %).

ST Childrens and Vaccination8 Based on surveys conducted by MAFW

and WCD the status of children agen 12to 23 months who received fullimmunisation and no vaccination isgiven in allowing table

Note : Children are considered fullyvaccinated when they have received avaccination against tuberculosis(BCG), three doses of the diptheria,whooping cough (pertussis), andtetanas (DPT) vaccine, three doses ofthe poliomyelitis (polio), and one dose

of measlesvaccine by theage of 12months.

8 The genderparity index(GPI) forScheduledTribe studentshas improvedtremendouslyat secondaryand seniorsecondarylevels. At higher exducation level, it hasshown improvement from 0.78 in 2011-12 to 0.82 in 2014-15

Health Indicaters8 As per National family health survey

(NFHS-3) conducted by ministry ofHealth and Family welfare during2005-06, some of the health indicatorsfor STs in conpares to all categories are.

ST childrens and Vaccination8 Based on surveys conducted by MFHW

and WCD the status of ST childrenagen 12 to 23 months who received fullimmunization and no vaccination isgiven in following table.

Note: Children are considered fullyvaccinated when they have received auaccrnation against tuberculosis (BCG),three doses of the diptheria, whoopingcough (pertussis), and tetanus (DPT),vaccine, three doses of the poliomyelitis(Polio), and one dose of measlesvaccine by the age of 12 months.

8 Differential rewards and opportunities+ class consciousness socialinequalities

Economy and Development Issues ofDevelopment and Change

7 | 27 2016

8 ( )-

8 ( ) -

8 ( )-

8 - 8 ( )

- 8 ( )- , 8 ( )-

Poverty, health indicaters of Tribes

Year Secondary Senier secondary Higher Education(IX-X) (XI-XII) Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total

2011-12 56.7 50.6 53.8 35.4 29.0 32.3 12.4 9.7 11.0

2012-13 62.6 61.2 61.9 32.3 29.0 30.7 12.4 9.8 11.1

70.3 70.1 70.2 36.1 34.1 35.4 12.5 10.2 11.3

2014-15 71.8 72.6 72.2 39.8 37.8 38.8 14.6 12.0 13.3

Health Indicator STs allgroups1. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) – 62.1 – 572. Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) – 39.9- 393. Perinatal Mortality Rate (PMR) – 40.6 – 48.54. Post Neonatal Mortality Rate (PNMR) – 22.3- 185. Child Mortality Rate (CMR) – 35.8- 18.46. Under 5 years Mortality Rate (U5MR)- 95.7 – 74.37. Preualence of any anaemia (42.0 grams per decilitre)– 68.5- 55.3

Nutritional status of ST children under five yers are..

Source stunted severely wasted severly under severaly understunted wasted weight weight

NFHS-3 53.9 29.1 27.6 9.3 54.5 24.9RSOC 42.3 19.5 18.7 5.3 36.7 13.0

, 8374 283 666

10 (.., ..)

. ‘ ’ ( , ) . . , . . .

10 , ,

- 040 -27429494, 9963293399

1. Exogamy is strictly followed in North Indiain the following Kingroups except...a) Family b) Clanc) Phatry d) Lineage

2. Match the following List-I and List-II.List-I

1. Secondary Kinship2. Tertiary Kinship3. Derivative Kinship Terms4. Descriptive Kinship Terms

List-IIa. Mother's Motherb. Mother's Sisterc. Secondary Kin of Primary Kind. Primary Kinship of Primary Membersa) 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b b) 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-ac) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a d) 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

3. Identify the statements which are not correctfrom the following regarding Kinship groups.1. In South India, organisation of Kin isarranged according to age categories. Whereas

relationship is given importance in North India.2. Marriage Symbolises womens seperationfrom her fathers house in South whereas it is notsoin North.a) 1 b) 2 c) 1&2 d) None of the above

4. Match the following List-I and List-II.List-I

a. Velala Jatharab. Pedda Golla Gattu Jatharac. Mannekonda Jatharad. Kota Vatancha Jatharae. Nishani Devatha Jathara

List-II1. Mahboobnagar2. Karimnagar3. Khammam4. Warangal5. Nalgonda6. Adilabad a) a-5, b-1, c-6, d-3b) a-6, b-5, c-1, d-4, e-3c) a-1, b-3, c-2, d-6, e-4d) a-6, b-1, c-2, d-3, e-4



s :


, 2-A

, 3-B

, 4-B