8. Front Wheel

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Transcript of 8. Front Wheel

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Front Wheel

Open a new part with model units set to


Go to: File > New > Part

Select the three planes in the feature tree

and make them visible by clicking on the


Create an axis

Go to: Insert > Reference Geometry > Axis

Select the Front Plane and the Top Plane and

select the “Two Planes” option.

Click OK

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Create a sketch on the Front Plane by clicking on

the 2D Sketch icon

Draw the sketch as shown in the picture.

Ensure that the construction line starts at the Origin.

Create a revolve

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Revolve

Axis of revolution : Select the new Axis1.

Click OK

Create a new plane parallel at the Right Plane

Go to: Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane

Select the Right Plane.

Change the Offset Distance into 70 mm.

Ensure that the offset is directed to the middle of Revolve1.

If not, click “Reverse direction”

Click OK 

Double click on Plane1 in the feature tree

and change the name into “MIDPLANE FRONT WHEEL”. 

Create a sketch on the MIDPLANE FRONT WHEEL

Draw the sketch as shown in the picture.

Create an extrude

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Extrude

Direction 1 : Midplane

Change into 110 mm

Click OK

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Create fillets on the edges of the green surface

Select the green surface as shown in the picture.

Go to: Insert > Features > Fillet/Round > 5 mm

Click OK


and create a new sketch

Draw the spline as shown in the picture. 

Use the SolidWorksModel part as reference

file if the 2D sketch is unclear to you

(Extrude-Thin1, Sketch 3).

Create a thin extrude

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Extrude

Direction 1 : Midplane

Change into: 122 mm

Select the Thin Feature option.

Direction: Midplane

Change into: 9 mm

Feature Scope: All bodies

Click OK

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Select the “MIDPLANE FRONT WHEEL”and create a new sketch

Draw the spline as shown in the picture.

Make sure that the spline is constructed

out of three points. The midpoint is just

below the upper point of the spline as

shown in the detail.


Use the SolidWorksModel part as referencefile if the 2D sketch is unclear to you

(Extrude-Thin2, Sketch 4).

Create a thin extrude

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Extrude

Direction 1 : Midplane

Change into: 122 mm

Select the Thin Feature option.

Direction: Midplane

Change into: 9 mm

Feature Scope: All bodies

Click OK

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Make the sketches of Extrude-Thin1 and

Extrude-Thin2 visible

Click on the before Extrude-Thin1 in the feature tree.

Select Sketch3 > Right mouse click > Show  

Repeat this action for Sketch4

The sketches are visible now.

Select the “MIDPLANE FRONT WHEEL”and create a new sketch

Draw a construction circle with a diameter of 485 mm.

Start a spline at the intersection point between the construction circle and

Sketch3 of Extrude-Thin1. Connect the other side of the spline with Sketch4 of

Extrude-Thin2 as shown in the orange circles in the picture.

Draw the sketch and add the dimensions.

Create a thin extrude

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Extrude

Direction 1 : Midplane

Change into: 100 mm

Select the Thin Feature option. 

Direction: Midplane

Change into: 9 mm

Feature Scope: All bodies

Click OK

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Select the “MIDPLANE FRONT WHEEL” and create a new sketch 

Draw a construction circle with a diameter of 350 mm.

Start a spline at the intersection point between the construction circle and

Sketch3 of the Extrude-Thin1. Connect the other side of the spline with Sketch4 of

Extrude-Thin2 as shown in the orange circles in the picture.

Draw the sketch and add the dimensions.

Create a thin extrude

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Extrude

Direction 1 : Midplane

Change into: 100 mm

Select the Thin Feature option. 

Direction: Midplane

Change into: 9 mm

Feature Scope: All bodies

Click OK

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Select the “MIDPLANE FRONT WHEEL” and create a new sketch

Draw a construction circle with a diameter of 215 mm.

Start a spline at the intersection point between the construction circle and

Sketch3 of Extrude-Thin1. Connect the other side of the spline with Sketch4 of

Extrude-Thin2 as shown in the picture.

Draw the sketch and add the dimensions.

Create a thin extrude

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Extrude

Direction 1 : Midplane

Change into: 100 mm

Select the Thin Feature option. 

Direction: Midplane

Change into: 9 mm

Feature Scope: All bodies

Click OK

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Create a new sketch on the Front Plane

Draw the sketch as shown in the picture.

Make sure that the spline is constructed out of three points.The midpoint is just below the upper point of the splineas shown in the detail.

Mirror the spline around the vertical construction linein the middle of the sketch.

Use the SolidWorksModel part as reference file

if the 2D sketch is unclear to you (Cut-Revolve1,

Sketch 8).


Create a revolved cut

Go to: Insert > Cut > Revolve

Axis of revolution : Select Axis1.

Click OK

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Mirror the spoke of the rim

Go to: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Mirror 

Mirror Face/Plane : Front Plane

Features to Mirror : Extrude-Thin1, Extrude-Thin2, Extrude-Thin3,

Extrude-Thin4, Extrude-Thin5, Cut-Revolve1

Click OK

Create a circular pattern

Go to: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Circular Pattern

Pattern Axis : Axis1

Total Angle : 360 deg.

Number of instances : 3

Select the “Equal Spacing” option. 

Features to Pattern : Extrude-Thin1, Extrude-Thin2, Extrude-Thin3,

Extrude-Thin4, Extrude-Thin5, Cut-Revolve1,Mirror1

Click OK

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Create fillets at the edges of the green surfaces

Select the two green surfaces at the front

and back of the rim as shown in the picture.

Go to: Insert > Features > Fillet/Round> 4 mm

Click OK

Create a new plane parallel at the MIDPLANE FRONT WHEEL

Go to: Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane


Change the Offset Distance into 45 mm.

Ensure that the offset is directed to the Right Plane.

If not, click “Reverse direction”

Click OK 

Create a new sketch at the new Plane1

Draw the sketch as shown in the picture.

Create an extrude

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Extrude

Change into: 7 mm

Ensure that the extrusion

is directed inwards.

If not, click

“Reverse direction”

Click OK

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Create a new sketch at the front

surface of the new Extrude7

Draw the sketch as shown in the


Start with a vertical construction line

and a circle with a diameter of 8 mm

as shown in the detail.


Create a linear pattern sketch

Go to: Tools > Sketch Tools >

Linear Pattern

Direction 1 : X-axis

Change into: 20 mm

Number : 4

Angle : 320 deg

Entities to Pattern : Select the circle.

Click OK

Create an extruded cut

Go to: Insert > Cut > Extrude 

Direction 1 : Up To Next

Click OK

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Create a circular pattern

Go to: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Circular Pattern

Pattern Axis : Axis1

Total Angle : 360 deg

Number of instances : 14

Select the “Equal Spacing” option. 

Features to Pattern : Extrude8

Click OK

Create a new sketch at the front surface

of Extrude7

Draw the sketch as shown in

the picture.

Create an extruded cut

Go to: Insert > Cut > Extrude 

Direction 1 : Up To Next

Click OK

Create fillets at the edges of Extrude9

Select the four green edges as shown in the picture.

Go to: Insert > Features > Fillet/Round

> 5 mm

Click OK

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Create a circular pattern

Go to: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Circular Pattern

Pattern Axis : Axis1

Total Angle : 360 deg

Number of instances : 10

Select the “Equal Spacing” option. 

Features to Pattern : Extrude9, Fillet3

Click OK

Create fillets at the edges of the green surfaces

Select the two green surfaces at the front

and back of the brake disk as shown in the picture.

Go to: Insert > Features > Fillet/Round > 1 mm

Click OK

Select the “Front Plane”  and create a new sketch

Draw the sketch as shown in the picture and detail.


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Create a revolve

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Revolve

Axis of revolution : Select the green Axis1.

Click OK

Create a new plane parallel at Plane2

Go to: Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane

Select the “Plane2”. 

Change the Offset Distance into 3,5 mm.

Ensure that the offset is directed to the


If not, click “Reverse direction”

Click OK 

Create a new sketch on Plane3

Draw the sketch as shown in

the picture.

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Create an extrude

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Extrude 

Direction 1 : Midplane

Change into: 30 mm

Click OK

Create chamfers on the edges of the green surface

Select the surface as shown in the picture.

Go to: Insert > Features > Chamfer

Select the Distance - distance option.

Change into: 6 mm

Change into: 20 mm

Select the “Select trough faces” option. 

Select the “Tangent propagation” option. 

Click OK

Repeat this action at the other side of Extrude5

Create two fillets

Select the green edges as shown in the picture.

Go to: Insert > Features > Fillet/Round > 8 mm

Click OK

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Create fillets on the green edges

Select the edges as shown in the picture.

Go to: Insert > Features > Fillet/Round > 4 mm

Click OK

Create a new sketch at the front of Extrude7

Draw the sketch as shown in the picture.

Create an extruded cut

Go to: Insert > Cut > Extrude 

Direction 1 : Trough All

Click OK

Select the “Front Plane” and create a new sketch 

Draw the sketch as shown in the picture.

Create a revolve

Go to: Insert > Boss/Base > Revolve

Axis of revolution : Select Axis1.

Click OK

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Create fillets on the green edges

Select the two green edges as shown in the picture.

Go to: Insert > Features > Fillet/Round > 7 mm 

Click OK

Create a new plane parallel at the Front Plane

Go to: Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane

Select the “Front Plane”. 

Change the Offset Distance into 450 mm.

Click OK

Create a sketch on the new Plane4

Draw the sketch as shown in the picture.

Connect all the dimensions with the


Create an extruded cut on surface

Go to: Insert > Cut > Extrude 

Direction 1 : Offset from Surface

Face/Plane : Select the pink face

as shown in the picture.

Change into: 4 mm

Click OK

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Create a sketch on Plane4

Draw the sketch as shown in the picture.

Connect all the dimensions with the


Use the SolidWorksModel part as

 reference file if the 2D sketch is unclearto you (Extrude13, Sketch 17).

Create an extruded cut on surface

Go to: Insert > Cut > Extrude 

Direction 1 : Offset from Surface

Face/Plane : Select the pink

face as shown in

the picture.

Change into: 4 mm

Click OK

Create fillets on the green edges

Select the eight edges as shown in the


Go to: Insert > Features >

Fillet/Round > 4  mm

Click OK

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Create a circular pattern

Go to: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Circular Pattern

Pattern Axis : Axis1

Total Angle : 360 deg

Number of instances : 14

Select the “Equal Spacing” option. 

Features to Pattern : Extrude12, Extrude13, Fillet8

Click OK

Change the name of the Front Plane and Top Plane

Double click on the Front Plane in the feature tree.

Change the name into: VERTICAL PLANE FRONT WHEEL

Double click on the Top Plane in the feature tree.

Change the name into: CENTERPLANE FRONT WHEEL

Change the color of the tire and brake caliper:

Select the features of the brake caliper (Extrude5, Chamfer1, Chamfer2, Fillet5, Fillet6)

> Right click > Feature Properties > Color > Change color > Select the color you like

Select the features of the tire (Revolve3, Fillet7, Extrude7, Extrude8, Fillet8, CirPattern4)

> Right click > Feature Properties > Color > Change color > Select the color you like

Hide all planes and sketches except:




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Save the file with the following name: Front Wheel

Congratulations, you just finished the Front Wheel!