8 Février 2008 1.Présentations d une sélection dactivités possibles menées avant avant les...

8 Février 2008

Transcript of 8 Février 2008 1.Présentations d une sélection dactivités possibles menées avant avant les...

Page 1: 8 Février 2008 1.Présentations d une sélection dactivités possibles menées avant avant les évaluations des 5 compétences a. Diapo Ellis Island b. Now.

8 Février 2008

Page 2: 8 Février 2008 1.Présentations d une sélection dactivités possibles menées avant avant les évaluations des 5 compétences a. Diapo Ellis Island b. Now.

1. Présentations d’ une sélection d’activités possibles menées

avantavant les évaluations des 5 compétences

a. Diapo Ellis Island

b. Now watch the video = B1without sound + freeze frame : - The statue + the flag = anticipation ( doc proposé aux élèves) - Husband and wife, with child looking at the statue (WHO ? Feelings ? Hopes ?)- Immigrants on the ship - before arriving ( How many?) - Immigrants landing (Feelings after the voyage)

c. Sound on :C.O. = repérage de données : dates // When ? + a few figures

d. Trace Ecrite bilan sous forme lacunaire

Page 3: 8 Février 2008 1.Présentations d une sélection dactivités possibles menées avant avant les évaluations des 5 compétences a. Diapo Ellis Island b. Now.

This is the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue is on Liberty Island,

near Ellis Island, in New-York harbour.

Both the Statue and Ellis Island are symbols of freedom and opportunity.


Until 1952, immigrants to the States arrived at Ellis Island.

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The American flag and the Statue of Liberty are famous symbols of the USA. What do they stand for (= symbolize) ? Tick the appropriate answers.dictatorship democracy freedom slavery oppressed people a refuge a land of opportunities tyranny the history of the US the American dream emigration immigration

Anticipation : après 1er arrêt sur imageVideo

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Let’s sum up the contents of the video : fill in the blanks with the following words you must put the verbs in the correct form 

1. liberty / refuge / to give / the poor / symbolic / democracy / the oppressed

The Statue of Liberty …………………………. to the USA by France in 1886 as a …………………………. gift. The US which symbolised …………………………. and …………………………. became a …………………………. for ……………………… and …………………………. .

2. 1892 / millions / opportunity / seeking / near / to open

Six years later (= in ………………………….) , the Ellis Island immigration station …………………………. on a small island …………………………. Liberty Island. It opened the door to …………………………. of immigrants ………………………… freedom and …………………………. .

3. roots ; to come through ; over ; to close ; the American dream

During its 62 years of existence, …………………………. 12 million immigrants …………………………. Ellis Island in order to live ………………………….. Today over 100 million Americans can trace back their …………………………. to the island. It …………………………. in 1954.

D’autres activités ont été proposées aux élèves après la vidéo puis ils ont été évalués en ‘mini’ PPC bilan ( Une petite minute de temps de parole pour présenter Ellis Island)

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This is the

Empire State Building.(The E.S.B.)

The Empire State Building is the highest skyscraper in New York.

A skyscraper is a very high building.

What is a skyscraper in French?

( Un gratte-ciel)


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Times Square is (busy) place in Manhattan.


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Times Square is the busiest place in Manhattan.


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Brooklyn Bridge is one of (famous) bridges in the world.


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Brooklyn Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world.


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You get (good) view of Manhattan from the Statue of Liberty.


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You get the best view of Manhattan from the Statue of Liberty.


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Écrire une phrase au superlatif, c’est détacher un élément du reste du groupe et le placer à une extrémité. Dans un domaine particulier, l’élément domine tous les autres. 

Adjectif court Adjectif long ______ + adjectif + -______ ______ + _______ + adjectif   

Attention, il y a des exceptions...

good ____________ bad

Now think

The best The worst


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A2 – voire B1 : selon le niveau de langue … = voir document/word

Présenter 3 brochures / hôtels aux élèves ( Un exemple photocopié vous est distribué )

1. 3 groupes ( ou 6 groupes) travaillent chacun sur une brochure : Objectif / descriptif : In my hotel ….. En fin de présentation, les élèves des autres groupes peuvent poser des questions.

2. Après avoir distribué les 3 brochures à chaque groupe, débat ouvert : Objectif : comparer ces 3 hôtels. Vote : faire voter les élèves pour retenir un seul hôtel

3. Justifier le choix = utiliser des superlatifs exprimer la préférence

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HOTEL BROCHURES : quelques rapides exemples de productions possibles

Objectif A2 : choisir un hôtel

-I want to go to Brooklyn / to stay at the Gregory Hotel because Brooklyn is nicer than - quieter than - Manhattan – There’s more noise in Manhattan – a lot of noise in Times Square. Times Square is very noisy / too busy -The Gregory hotel is more expensive than the St James but we can have tea or coffee in our room and breakfast is free. -I like the St James hotel better ( I prefer …) because it’s very near 5th avenue and I love shopping. - Look at the Hilton brochure : WOW ! It’s incredible, isn’t it? It’s very expensive, isn’t it? Maybe it’s the best but it’s the most expensive.

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I’d prefer to book a room at the Hilton – although it’s very expensive. I suppose it must be the most comfortable, the most convenient,the nicest. ( It’s so well-located !) Look at the Hilton brochure : WOW ! I can’t believe my eyes ! It must be real great ! I’d love to try their famous breakfast … It’s obvious I’d love to stay at the Hilton … but I can’t afford it. I’d rather go to the St James hotel : it’s in Manhattan = as I want to do a lot of sightseeing in Manhattan, I think it’ll be easier if we stay at the St James hotel. I think the best for us is to stay at the St James.The St James hotel is the least expensive and anyway, we won’t be spending a lot of time in our room ! We want to do so much … : there are so many things to do, there’ s so much to see … (I’m sure) Sure … staying at the Hilton must be an unforgettable experience … as long as you can afford it !! I think the Hilton is too big ; that’s why I suppose we’ll be better looked after, better taken are of if we go to the St James.

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Autres activités possibles : E.O. = Phone the hotel you’ve chosen to book a room. http://www.esl-lab.com/hotel1/hotel1.htm

Homework E.E. : write the letter = s’identifier et confirmer sa réservation.


A2 : PACKING = diaporama spécifique.

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PACKING … before leaving for New-York City !

What do you need ?

Niveau A2 I need / won’t need / must take / mustn’t forget …

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Diapo 1. Ils s’expriment librement

Diapos 3.4.5. : voc. enrichissement / effets / mémorisation1. Du mot à l’objet : un mot apparaît, les élèves doivent mimer ce mot, avant de vérifier par l’image = diapo N°3 + diapo n°52. De l’objet au mot = diapo 4 + diapo 6

Diapo 7 : trace écrite = aider les élèves à trouver 4 grandes catégories pourclasser ces objets, puis leur donner le document à remplir (document transféré sous word) + challenge : le 1er élève qui a rempli son document papier peut venir le faire avec levidéo proj.

Homework : tu es capable de dire ce que tu dois mettre ds ta valise avant de partir pour un grand voyage.

Diapo : correction avec images

- activité orale: ‘let’s play a game’I must take + …(un objet) Puis c’est à chaque élève de reprendre et de rajouter un objet à la liste.

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digital camera

toothbrush & toothpaste


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trainers good walking shoes


plane ticket




tee shirts


guide book


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socks cap

razor powder-blush


shower gel sunglasses



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writing paper and envelopes

map of Manhattan



paper hankies

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Clothes Bathroom accessories

Important things Others ?

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Important things

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Let’s go sightseeing ! Travail collectif en groupe classe qui peut se terminer par une récapitulation: PPC d’entraînement non évaluée PPC / B1 ( voire A2 // niveau de langue) Choose 3 places you’d like to see (you want to see) and justify your choice.

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Page 35: 8 Février 2008 1.Présentations d une sélection dactivités possibles menées avant avant les évaluations des 5 compétences a. Diapo Ellis Island b. Now.

E.E. A2 ou B1 Ecrire son journal de bord …

Friday, February 8thToday I went to the Statue of Liberty. We took the ferry at 9.30. It didn’t take us very long but I took some great photos of New York. From the ferry you have one of the best views of Manhattan. It was really funny because one of the passengers was seasick. When we finally arrived, our guide was waiting for us with two policemen. At first I was surprised but she told us we had to show our passports before visiting the museum. While I was queuing I took some pictures of Liberty Island. How small it is! We finally entered and I saw a lot of documents about the building of the statue and about the people who created it. I was listening to our guide when a man pushed me. He was filming the exhibition and didn’t pay attention. He apologized with a little smile. We stayed inside the statue for one hour. As we were about to take the ferry the policemen said they needed to see our passports again. I opened my backpack and realized someone had stolen my wallet. The policemen asked me “ Did someone push you while you were watching the exhibition?”. I said yes. He told me a pickpocket had stolen my wallet and that I had to go to the police station. They let me take the ferry and I went to the police station. What a tiring day!

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Saturday, February 9th


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Entraînement PPI : interaction Voici les mots-clé sur tes dernières vacances correspondants aux questions que l’on te pose + tes réponses.

DESTINATION New-York - Manhattan

How long ? 2 weeks

Transport plane

Company my older sister

Accomodation At the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan

weather Warm and sunny

activities Sightseeing : The E.S.B., The Statue of Liberty …A lot of walking ( Central Park / 5th Avenue )Museums : the Met …

Other places Staten Island, Brooklyn

Shopping Lots of souvenirs : CDs, DVDs, T-shirts

Opinion  !!!

1. travail oral mené en classe entière : chacun propose des questions … 2. Pair-work de reprise avec document ci-dessus. 3. Libérer l’expression: les élèves sont alors libres d’improviser sans utiliser les réponses pré-construites.

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1. P.P.C. : choix d’une compagnie aérienne et achat d’un billet d’avion DOCUMENT PRESENTE / video-projecteur

Minimum exigible = A2 // SOCLE Sortie B1 envisageable.En règle générale, il est possible de prévoir 2 sorties, A2 ou B1, pour les situations d’évaluation.

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A2 : You’ve lost your passport and need to have a new one- Go to the police station- Declare the loss- get a new passport

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NAME : …………………………………………..

FIRST NAME : …………………………………………….

DATE OF BIRTH : …………………………………………

PLACE OF BIRTH : …………………………………………

ADDRESS : …………………………………………………..City : ……………………… Post Code : ___ ___


TELEPHONE NUMBER : ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

E-MAIL ADDRESS : O yes O no…….……………………@…………………………..

ADDRESS in NYC..............................................................................................

How, where and on what date did the theft take place ?


NYPD – Police Headquarters – 1 Police Plaza – Manhattan – 10039 NY – New York – (646) 610 5000 – 911


Complaint report Victim’s identity

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B1 : an immigrant at Ellis Island before it was closed.

Imagine you’re an immigrant coming to the US – you’re going to be interviewed:- first by an inspector- then by a doctor who will examine you as well

Here are a few key-words: 1. Name / passport / Place and date of birth / age / native country / Who with / languages / Reasons for leaving your country and immigrating to the US / friends or family in New-York / money / job / + ……2. health / size / weight / eyesight / problems in the past or now ?

Imagine the questions and answers ……

Cette évaluation a été menée en cours après avoir fini le travail sur ELLIS ISLAND.

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Vous avez sélectionné trois hôtels et afin de faire votre choix définitif,vous consultez sur internet les évaluations critiques de ces hôtels.Après lecture des 3 documents proposés, l’élève doit choisir celui dont l’évaluation est la meilleure et justifier son choix


1. The St James hotel is the perfect hotel to stay in if you really want to enjoy what New York city has to offer. It has a fantastic location, I was so surprised to see how close to Times Square it is. The hotel itself is quite basic but it’s extremely clean. The hotel was great value for location alone and the staff were very helpful at all times. I can’t recommend this hotel enough. Looking forward to going back!!!!

Choisir doc. 1 ou 2 pour l’évaluation positive : le document 2 correspond davantage au palier A2.

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2. Best value hotel in the city, near everything to be seen in New York. Room always clean and the staff pleasant and friendly. Everything in the Suite (2 bedrooms) was beautiful and clean, beds VERY comfortable. Staying there at the same time as Mel Gibson was a bonus (one of my favorite actors)....... Room service food was prompt and delicious. You see, there’s no reason to go anywhere else. We stay here every time we visit.


3. Worst hotel ever! This hotel should not even be classified as a hotel. The staff are very rude. It doesn't even look like a hotel but I paid $ 520 for 2 nights! Firstly the room was a disgrace: very dirty, very small, bed very uncomfortable; and the room was cold !! Then the toilet in our room was the smallest I have ever seen. We then had to find another hotel at the last minute so I will never suggest this place to friends.

Le surlignage couleur n’est évidemment pas destiné aux élèves.

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4. The hotel itself is quite nice and we weren’t exactly disappointed but the elevator service was not good; the personnel were quite competent but the receptionist was not very friendly. The rooms were small but clean. There was too much noise coming up from the bar : so you get no sleep. Spend an extra $50.00 and find a better hotel.

1. Relever des données à trier

St James Hotel(ou Manhattan Club)

The New Yorker Hotel

The Milburn Hotel

The staff  (= the personnel) ?

The rooms ?

Location ?

Other information ?

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2. Retrouver dans ces données les adjectifs à classer en


3. Tu expliques en Français quel hôtel tu choisis et pourquoi

Rappel : il ne s’agit pas d’évaluation chiffrée mais de savoir si l’élève valide une compétence

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A2 : Write and send a postcardTRAVAIL GUIDE

B1 : une production plus riche est attendue

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