8 common small business HR questions and answers


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Eight questions that every small and medium sized business owner wants to know the answers to but never wanted to ask.

Transcript of 8 common small business HR questions and answers

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Compiled by the folks at staffsquared.com

small business HR questions answers


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What questions should a manager ask during an interview?

• Actions speak louder than words - ask a candidate to perform tasks and watch how they perform rather than spending hours talking

• Look for four things: Passion, effectiveness, horsepower, cultural fit

• Request examples of what they do outside of work that helps them stay on top of their particular skillset and industry

• Ask the candidate to educate you on a topic that they’re passionate about. You will quickly learn whether they can communicate clearly and this is a great conversation starter

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What is the biggest HR challenge for businesses?

• Finding and keeping talent - you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone!

• Employee’s personal issues

• Managing limited resources and budget

• Getting to know and then developing a team

• Hiring and firing people

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What are the best ways to manage a remote worker?

• Introduce them to the team at the outset

• Communicate the values and culture of the company clearly

• Create places where knowledge can be written down and easily shared. An online wiki is ideal for this

• Hold regular catch up meetings (once a week is ideal)

• Take advantage of technology to overcome communication and logistical barriers

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How do you help an under-performing member of staff?

• Thoroughly review their role, tools, motivations and what is expected of them to search for clues as to the cause of their lack of performance

• Think about any potential issues outside of work that could be causing problems in work

• Have you got the right person doing the wrong job?

• Engage with the member of staff and ask them probing questions about their understanding of the job you’re asking of them. Perhaps you haven’t clearly communicated your requirements?

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What are the best ways to manage creative employees?

• Make sure you show respect for their craft, and in return they will respect your management

• Set deadlines for work so as not to fall foul of Parkinson’s law (work expands to fill the time available for its completion)

• Give creative people the right space and equipment that they need to do their job

• If possible be flexible on when your employees work, inspiration isn’t generally confined to the hours between 9am and 5pm

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How do you manage people that have a unique skillset?• Give them the opportunity to explain the what, how and why of what they do

• Demonstrate pride in your contribution to the team, and the employees will do the same in return

• Clearly communicate your company objectives

• Try not to over supervise, and instead let employees report back to you in a structured manner

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How do you fire an employee?

• Act quickly - if you need to take affirmative action don’t drag the situation out

• Prepare - what are you going to say? Why are you saying it?

• Think about how the employee will react and have answers to their questions or reactions prepared

• Remove access to business critical systems if you feel the employee might seek ways to take revenge

• Put together a package that makes it easy for the employee to leave

• Stay firm but friendly, avoid making emotional statements

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