8 1tr Jnrlaoupl1 Grain - Library of Congress€¦ · itrrmivery rraionablif for permanent gtmu...

I I i 10 ° TIlE SUN FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22 1895 i < i Before and after t r Worth talking about onr very r r best korsoy overcoats Mndo from tho boot kcrsoy wo could fndAmerican Just every other par- ticular ¬ t Silk or worstedlined with silk ehouldors 938 But dont imagine it takes 38 to buy a good overcoat Wovo quan- tities ¬ of good ones as low as 16 and all prices between t I Underwear t ft I ROGERS PEE Co Prim and Broad war are and Droadway and Uruadwar 3000 Horse Blankets CLEARISOOUT SALE OF SURPLUS BTOCJ- CBUITAHIJ f ITADLI FARM FOR ClACUE WAOONS TRUCKS ARE TO 11 FUN FINS JlD J Ii QUALIT1EM t IYAW4 r A Pc1 LVLD AIL WEIOIT AND IIZYIY TlC PAIE OR 11 OLIUNKT I o LWR1ICE INTI CTY H P Williams Co I 250 CANAL ST- unnttatmnit1 I l TOOKniNUINOKxprle polntfoldlnit machine L J > feeder wanted I JSRAKV CITY PntNTINU CO Clndrrjr M York treetVenF City iwo block from- CcrUaidIeIreetferr7 S J 3OOKiflNDERTenpuIrswIntI tWork t TAIuy t n OOK NDERM folder wanted HUTTER A SON En 14th INY cllr- nooKniNDKRSrrand nAnd sewers WIU JJ L1AM LAUNDER 11 East Uth t- IOLD LAYERS wanted I I I wor21 7 r OHTRICH FEATIIEI KFWEtsx TENTED ON OTRICI EUPIX c1 ovFN OUT UET J TAYLOR Jk CO- S WAHIIINOTON PLACE srI SAOQDK nands nNUIIKRS wanted experienced CIA A InPC c 18 EercrsL- ITAiTtbEztrIenOed alnldy lo ell our roll If and Package paper AMERICAN WAX AND J t PAPER II IWfrntUDt r i Vudi and folder Ax CO 290 Vet 1n WANTED Experienced gold I layer I SA11DEL KcCAIN A SON 89 Ver a p I fi nuttdffnlt1ttrbnnics c t < BOOICniNDINO Corenrt wanted iteady ot THOMAS RUSSELL IOI 84 New Chambers oKDNiiif Wanted awtitant nnUher on ex wages and steady employment c I right roan C box 1E4 Run ohio noOKDINDFlM Attention IAll branches Invited to JO attend entertainment and reoeptlon Dr 14 at Lexington Opera floue- eJ300KDINUEIWFlrtclw J natemaker also I nI BRA88IL40JI Jrl 10 T > LUESTOHE OUTI wonted at cor 4th aT and t f J > 1M It Drl- I EKORAVERnrstcUis man on line work Apply a UTTLEJOHN 10 Dth T- IDAPXR I RULER wanc1 I one who I com p tent to X take charge of numbrol Job machined no esti- mating Bun offlce t wages ld Job 4 U box 111 TIN ROOFERR and kyllslit maker wanted 78 and 80 Washington aT Brooklrn t nuttatatt l tlnutOu- f QxT8 end I Seta for ampt and ternxfor onr- new r rapid Mlllng hoiuMhold article Ian out i P at It NOON SPECIALTY CO so Hanover llL e WANTED Yonng mD CAtbon A oorreIporldent typewriter In English sod Oer torn Addreu bib box 110 ton office lir HENS and tn49 AJ CAMERON SOU ulU OrIDa Only tore Boa- houeebold I i cUunU u nuttaanle A wants work can do ordInary repair I and undentand team uae neither liquor nor tobacco would make good Janitor I or would take an work married but no mall chll i dren reference UA53LEIt207 VIat 511th Ii- situatIon A YOUMOMXN Slde In either I wholeSale drug house or mannraoturlng chemlt nae bad experience In drug atom u junior clerk can furnlhAl reference Call addreu I HOWARD DENNIS 77 lloyd aTJerey City NJ r A YUUNO lIMO connected with the liquor buslne for ever years desire position with rood houxi can furnish At rreraD Box 107 Sun uptown offlce ltl Doawa pO A CUM AN AND GARDENER of Toni experience I In the care of line hones and carriage I Is a good rardener would like gentleman place In Mreneralallround man highest reference COnDr JOHN ontQIJtYa088Amst aT I lllht city YOUNG MAN of 23 desires position In a Jewelry r > palr and watch not clot I thoroughly will work Cor ealery heat of Ad f dream JEWiLRV v > En lUe merne i tJtUuo ttt- f THE NEW GROSVENORD- TU AV AND 10TH STREET A fleet family hotel In a quiet resident locality All outside room en suite of two or more Iret unitary arrangement and Tentllatlon coin torts without DD01anc a contusion usually In- cident t to hotel I uniurpusedS- HEA t BROTHERS Manager I THE HANOVER it E COli I I E W EADER i A hlgbclus family hotel UANAOER repn tatlou Apartnient of parlor one or more bedroom and bath rurplbe or unfurnished with prIvate sir hoe it- TUB alr COMMOPOIITAN serve the bet and cheapest table dhote dinner OO including bottle wine and coffee 108 8d ay Ladles restaurant HOI Ean 111eJOHA 8KHTAUBANT 818 Ir ciL Table ujiote dinner mall and room for private partl- egotrlu 7C 11 t tn4iuo Out of Sown The Jefferson RICHMOND VIRGINIA TillS MAGNIFICENT nOTE IS NOW II OPEN ron THB RECEPTION OJ QUESTS LADIES OAF GRILL ROOM TURKISH RUSSIAN AND TUB DATW AIHSLIE i WEBSTER Managers corton yotd HOTEL VICTORIALONDON J NourIIvsznEnyAND A TILAFALUAR ENVE Situated In the must oouvruient auU ramuunahle lion and contains a large number of lulim andpl tool an suite and singl and double I lieilroomst I cixUfstr play during I luncheon dinner and scrvlcr I talilvdhntefiraUriirlii ppr 1 4 lropnclorTHEOOimoNHOTtiMITU- OxniMioiw r ODFIS1IINOAL FOSTEir Bundan- pdnetdiy Tuesday 1 t V Tlmndayi Kast HII si r 7 liry 7AOlIwIlia bit Cudraugutevcrrirlu vc rA2 mu1cn2cn- tWITR0rOLITtN OPERA HetJBE Abbey bchoeffr iflANi A uru iviJiTStt1No- rdK ManagerS nlon or lur E Abbey and Mantle Oran 2ov tIiflflYUltIX Mm arid Manillli MM VA deitesakA0000aa Jsntle Iteske conductor Mr Anton field haludav Mat Nov JNOAHMEN MmLClISJ14 Marie Knflr idetiuDi JIM Lubert P Vrte and Maurel CondurtorSU Hevlganl I Saturday eTe Saturday nltht dTiv171p tms tuvllle sfg Anpans and Mg IVTlnonl- onrt y eve Sight Concert Soloists Mnrs Itavllle and ol Ilsmon and Mr run ondrlcek violinist the entire Jet O untie OrrhMtra Conduoior Jr Anton llep rtolre for neil week UondsyCatalierla Rustlcana and Phllemoa t- WednesdtyTRISTAS flaitcia UND IBOLDF lie Oerwn- Thnr l y ThanksglvlngRxlra perlormanc of- fAliHPV FrlrtayRrvlval of LA TAVOPIIT- AIhealforaboeDOW on sale at box omolinatre- cular l prIOt Tysons ticket offices In the loading hotils 11 DrAw EMPIRE THEATRE Annui Evenings M IS Matinee WMn l Ilarl JOHN DREW Pr > ntlng Mdellne Lurette trlyi l coen- dyCHRISTOPHER JRN- 0TKIN lflOtFQVPNCK flY TIl COJTR MNORMOIJi SUCCESS Cli JR TilE BAUBLE ror WIILNOTB- Pllt rNTEI CHRISTOPHER JR WILl lIP CONTINUED ALL THKOUOll NEXT WEEK ORDERS RECEIVED Volt SEATS FOR k TiE DAUIILB SHOP HAVE BEEN CAN ANU TIlE 1IOXKV WILL BE II FUNDED ON SEATS SOLD ABIirYH TIIEATBK Fourth week o- tUUKIIY 1BIVIIVG MIss ELLEN TElttY and the London Lyceum Com pan ivTbli ftTenlnjr at I punctually and tomorrow mat lee at > J OnTo Carrii play KING ARTHUR Tomorrow evening Alfred l lr Teniiy on play 9 T and Turs OEET1O- D FAVHT Thtr F CCCI NOT THE MFItCIIANT 8LF 1cao Hat fcTg ov 80 LOUIS XI I ARDEN a U hr A M l PAIUhK Tsole l LMee and Manager Begins UhIO We and hat Matinees at a- D3D PERFORMANCE TRILBY TO MdllT POSITIVELY LAST A pl I In four el by PAt M- POTTER bassO VU MAC S WEEKS jtiERsnOTeL- FRIDAT UEo Presented with the Original Cast EVEN NO DECI JOTH PE HFORM AKCBl Souvenirs 8eata f the remaining peoorm- anre of TRILBY r l sal- evARNEcii HALl Oratorio Society of IV Y PUANK DAMflOPCllCotiduetor Handels LAllegro Ed I Pensleroso- and Drora s 149th Psalm Friday Ml Lillian SolOllU nianrelt- Mr AT at t VMMderveer Green Kvg I Mr Ihlfl RleKe- rUr 23 at 8 I ltoze U lilt Seats 7ft cenu to n now on salt ACADEMY OFREIIIC I I4ih ntand IrvlngplacA GILMORE lc TOMPIilNri Propnand 4TH MONTH TIlE Xg AND GREATER THAN EVER Sporting R HORSES 200 PEOPLE Duchess t WedandSat2 I Ilanaiementof Eve at 8 Charles Frobman LOAN EXHIBITION O- IPORTRAITS FOR THE BENEFIT OK HT JOHNs GUIlD AND TIlE- OA1HOPEDW HOHPITAI NATIONAL ACADEMY OP UEMION imliy uio ro a and a to 1030 Sunday 1 to a ADMISSION CENTa = PROCTORS NOD PIEAHTJBE to Midnight PLACE 6 I n bet LX and oa OeorKelOfKIIAKTBCnnile Elephantu Cleveland Ulnitrels Mylnc Dlllonn till people PROCTORS T1IEATBE Man BTBEET Toil > y 1 11 A M toll P111 ZI Trio Th Daljr Olllle Ilarlw Crtmmms and bore caron and Herbert 87 others Transfer until 1 oclock 1 M each Theatre IIAMMEUMTEINN OLYMPIA IIUMrC HALL- TIIEAIJLL CoNCERT HALL PUNITIVELY OPKNN MONDAY EVE NOV 2 STARTIFT E Broadway and 19- 1bNEDCeIS Ii HO Rat mat lit URCE SSA TIlE YEAR ONE EXHIBITION INDUSTRIAL ART Rhowlng Work In a collection of prouMnd Ire FarrlleTllut 4 P TIFFANY HTUDI08 BOO FOURTH ATT Heine Monument Fair XKNOX liTCKVU cor xtodlun ar and 68th it from Nov 1O to gA 18DS AlMI88OND0 ° rEN AT I P ii HOYTSTHEATRE U- UOYT IL- Broudway 2 A 1cIEElrOPr0 and Managers THE CAY PARISIANS Management CnARLEN FROUHAN ETenlng BIIO Matinee Saturday at I PALMERS THEATRE anagar EII ENOIIUOITN lIST THE SHOP CIRL Presented by Urnrge Ednardea London Gaiety Tb air Bjirlmqno Company Evening at 8 harp Mat Wed and Sat BROADWAY THEATRE M onbEEDWXKaE8C0PA1NIJn 11 irmswExcEriENocYopra ETenlng 1L Jjatneaat Saturday 5TU AVE THEATRE Every ers Sat Stat to C 2INIlt lroprlnr and Manager LAMP WEXIt PANNY DAVENPORT supported bjr Melbourne 11lciowell In Sardou lIS11llilA iLegniar price HONDA 5TH JAMEH A IN IOnE ACUJH JJRNE TONY PASTORS TONIGHT EVERYC IN NEW ALL ChANGED LLLlt LUithl 1AIISKV MAYSII A EDWARD jR1gTTINEE TODAT LTELL OAIYS TUEATRE Bvery erenlng8I5 f Matinee Saturday 210 tlisprrsentweekonpy tha ParisIan Comedienne 1r JAbI liLY In MIsi Pygmalino I Week Tedv Y th o1nlol nl regular sea on tIOOL FOR HIDING ACADEMY METROPOLITAN INSTRUCTION DICYCLINO COLUMBIA BICYCLES fOHt Doule d MUSIC AFTERNOON AND EVENINO J 4TH BTHEFT THEATRE Hear nth ar LtenlngsatHl3 MatInees Wed and hick to old policy t Prices IiIgCailno tOt Suo to I 100 gsi THE MERRY WORLD Next weekPep Monroe In A HAPPY ITIE hOME KOSTER BIALS MAfTSAtl81N- TKHH MLIEPDLAIJ1E LtytrNZItENNEDy liUNtAN8 DOUR 11lfliolElt VIKLAND YAlPIS NEAPOLITAN TROUiUnoiiHIL EVERY HUNDAYKEHKEB CONCERT AMERICAN THEATRE MAT SATURDAY Reservtiil seal I orcumin circle and Baloonr SUe INSIpHTOFSLPAULS il L T ICATRFllndAOltn JEZII or MARYLAND MATINEE SATURDAY 11 ARt o6Rf1Io PRODUCTION MONDp ROBBERY B u1 FATAL CARD COLONIAL I a MADISON HO OAHDKN ItMES I I ASSEilBLY ROOMS I Thli timing at H clock TABlEAUX I UteiervedeaaatdoorS- itEOPLES TIIEATIIE It C MlNEIFp MaltoSe Nalurdey OLIVER EATS I I BYRON UPS ANI1 DOWNS NEXT WEEK HD GLORY COWJ uc TlI FATIIKEvg It 1 0Wnt A 8 ANDREW MACIL in MYlES ARO01M Nut AYenulne Tenileman CANARY << SINO Prices tlnn tioo S0o LKltKHLIfH hi ADhlRsldN Ililr frnwiled Wrelf Erg HilA Mt nu TIlE WIZAH1I OKTI1K NILE By tho BAN K 1> AIK1H Comb Opera Co 4lh cv ft 3Jd HOTJIEItN L YCEU M p LAST lmt 2 Matinee NIOHTS AT N SHARP HOTIIKHN in TIIF rillfcONrlt OrVltHDA SXXT MONDAY t wE hOME SECRETARY GRAN OIUItA HOUMK M T Next week I TONIQIIT ril The Cotton Hint I NELLIl TilE boat uowselllug I MHFNllY I BICYCLE GIRL HTANIMni JI Eve at S 80 Mat Sat TlllTUK j Jnlre lraMatThnkKl I 10 A heart Mnlidrsiie- of interest SI INB 41iIi N I C H T ifiXfi8 fvV filZWEI WAPPEN h 1 i iUt CUnurwI- n OiI liEII ouw Wtllbuythrrefourthlntresl an old Klutiiutied wine and liquor business In viirporateil Inrnirdlii Ihelradlugand mj1 iiunlirulh recoil In th Koutn tor dress NORTH CAROLINA bug lit Sun arrf cBlco l US UiuAint > ltn a- rE MIds HOTEL ST STEPHEN 4860 but llth at Quiet homnllke iteara heated- itrrmivery rraionablif for permanent gtmu lunch 40CI dlnn r C Wins Icciaded jtiiv I0t0ood board good b and yond Srs- iEdurInIsinierl ta6Qaa- 11THST DELANBr lit KA8TBlngle double rod 8 r I ladlea I lentil >4 DPI early trantfenta 3lTI i STIrS144 gentlemen accommodated or qniit Jnrla oupl1 bolel1 to BT 1S7 EAST near Lexington TDealrabl 48T1 I and small rOOmSI good table board re- sonbl COD BT 141 EAST nrr Lexington aTNleMy fur Ifs nlihed zcllentboard large imall heated roomi a conven- leoceti corn ST 955 EANlo furnUhed second OO floor front I al heated house excellent board 1 fTTH ST 34 CABTLarge and small rooms South t 5 ernexroenrei running water UrgecIoMti ele- vator excellent culil- neSAN Wet HIde MARCO ai WBHT ii2D IT Select family house Suites and tingle rooms wRit bath and CIIt moderate ratea TIDe ft to- tt per < AIrea pln 4T ST 177 WESTLarge and small roonu witS board i excellent table gentlemen table board QOTO ST VIII WESTL doable parlor suit OO able for doctor or dentut other detJrable roomj table br A A Ttl ST 114 WEST Large or small roonu i- urx parlor tablei reference eXchanged AQTU ST 07 PTA few chi rooms hand I aomelr tarDe pret strictly lrto tl ttd Dardvaohlg- sD11sparliOustItxofleut 4 s br room and Ore 3 improremenUi piano nU u HT 170 ilmgntLrwy ana comfort HICKS furnlihed room large and imall iteam hatmlhdt and cold water excellent board optional liz minutes bridge reference MONTAGUE TERHACE 11 Brooklyn Heights I rom commandlntf fine view of bay ten minute rro it New York In private house once required where I I few bOOrdOl a taken referS urnijJhrd oom glpartmtnts to get Eaat SIda 1LZQANrLY fUrnished Urge small heated rooms L1 parlor actable for doctor or dentist private house excellent board NEW umber 4U LulqtonL- EXINOTON ar fn4 ap AV 604 Newly furnIshed front I bedroom connecting all improve menu use of kitchen moderate BYRNE T XINOT STSlcely furnUned JU large fviim amall heated room 1111 American family I EX1tGTON AV KifcUniHomrly turbe 14 rooms parlor for doctor office who UI n aer static machine r EXISOTON AV 884 Parlor with bedroom ball- room Lj trlle or unfurnubed hot and cold g wer bU SOTTON PLACE 14 between K 88th and 00th U- irnlihed front bal bedroom private ta Ill for single gentleroan > week I1IAVEILLEYPLACR 125To lit elegact parlor VT and bedroom to single gentleman or couple team heat piano horn comforts references balb exchanged CHARLES E PRATT KTII8T 310 opp Stnyreunt ParkNlcely tu room heated gentleman only O7TII 8T 131 EASTNlcely furnished front and A I tuck rooms large and amall large closet alt convenience 511 1 STaioEAST room wfln every con dMtao or two gentlemen private house PlOD NT 184 EAST Comrortably furnished I O hall room heated erery conrenlence prlratefamily reference JJ QCTU ST loo EASTNlcelr fnraUhed rooms for OO housekeeping also back parlor ga bath pr vaLe house reasonable IVet Hid AUERICAN FLY of two would rent elegantly ulte second hour modern rldDc fatnlonablalocation between KIth and M8th EXCLUSIVE box 14A Sun office a 1 OTH ST 40 WE8Tln comfortable rettned home Ahi one large unnyand one Stogie room reference required 218TIT18 WEITNal neatly furnIshed room QlTn ST 047 WSTlpton and connecting O T rooms alllca rube proTeroenU caterer moderate prc cfTTR ST 14ft WEST Comfortably furnIshed larg- e < rooms all convenIences gentlemen only prl Tatehouee reference A TTU ST 101 KABT Handsomely furnKhed parlor 11 bedroom adjoining other desirable rooms board options good neighborhood 4Q8T 4A WEST Gentleman can have nicely fur rO nlabcd room alt conienlonceii bath family private 99 CLINTON IMth D FnrnKhed for hot and cold water and 1110 rmtvrfmn Df8 10j umt1t4 oou2 e ttreokTlln ID11BIRLAND ST BOIFront and back room J newly furnished i rery conrenlence private houe gentlemen only reference 1U11DERLAND 8T UtLaa and small rooms 1J Will furnUhed alt 1 excellent board optional term reaonaba PINEAPPLE ST OSjnr minutes walk from bridge A and crPIDt wellhcated room c 10 wHllrllDemn O references S FELIX ST isa Large and small I rooms heated well furnished all Improvement excellent board optional tttntlitt con Vauttd FOR furnIshed nt go to headqntrten orrr 100 to rom location no tlelay llenilng partment 411 nth ac between 111 it and 8Sd It rflnt1una pnrtmrntti To get FLATS AND APARTMENTS and fur umurne In desirable looatlonc FULBoM BROTHERS Sin UroadwayTcor C tOOo PLANSIx rooms anti bath private 122 C lit on Wet 187tb t near St hal fEW f AT 1 707Plate of tire large light lIe Apply to janitor rom C POLET5S Roe Lanlce tenement newly painted laud papered rent 4it monthly Apply In baMment VICTORIA FI>ATH llth at bet oth and Sib avsuive rooms and bath hull rrdecoratrd low rent Janitor attendance W DOWNE8 Iftt nth ar 3 D AV 4B Deautlfulir dcoif room and bath and all rlna oT rD sIll Janitor m AV 8M CORNER 4OTH BTTblrd door 7 light rooms and bath all Improvement rent ISO 7TI AV northwest cor 27th stEiegant running flats 0 room and bath all heated hall Inquire I office E03 Wed t7th t- 9TII rU AVTai4T08 > 0 > rU of and bath lnifirnvArnanlait h lhrml Jn1n n onn JDD ST 427 WESTFlrst and top flat six rooms OO and OAh1 Improvements balls slid parlor hud Inquire OWD- er48TIIT 88U EAST Three rooms In coaSt 17prnionth Inquire 0 tr- 96T16TII I to 933 EASTNew houses three and apartment 1000 to 1800 dumb waiters elecirlo trIll hot laths free to tenants floor deadened halls team heated Ohio In 21 125 TH ST 241 EASTApartmtnts or three and four rooms 1 light rom cheap rent wttUutl Qovustfl to gttT- E8IRABLE HOURES furnished and unfurnUheoC U In dedrable locatIons rent I 1IIOU to 0ooo FOLSOtt BROTHERS 028 Droadway cor Iltba 7OD ST 80 WESTMagninrent rnomc Tntany I decoratIons Baker A Smith team heat electric a lighting 3u Permit and particular from JOHN ACUREOOR OOJIrpKiw- aymTH Iiii WENT opposite new Columbia American basement decorat ed reasonable Permit and particular from JOHN HACORKUOR OS Brotdwar e o t for llint p i urpot- a LARGE NUMBER ouiLDINas stores Lt and offices to ltR- ULAHD loru A WHITING I Beekman st n ULnNORtoloru offices and tudlo W FOLHOM DROT1IEII8M3A Broadwaycor ISIhst 1 D 8TORF on Hudson with tuns suiting most any business 1 rent nX Hudson t PEltS dpk room for typewriter Call o7 addresS J1 J II IIVINGIIO Madison ar cur I2ds- tTOFT8id baromenhi with powers lor 14 bench work 10 anti 1117 Wst SM o Odlb 11IOTOURAPII OALLSRY TO LIfT with store ground floor 70 fret buslneu avenue rent Cheap S8HW ar l Vernou I Y NICK IIOHT 8TOKEH hitenjynnlhd build HK7 Vo avi i rent Janior 1 > EAI1L BT l ins corner of PlneSMoad loft j oCOpixi reut 80 Inigulron premises 1 OTU ST ION WKBTTo let for manufacturing lOpurpoe 4 lotte H3iB3 all llzliti team heat elevator Inquire on prtmlse tl 0etlt ior ulcQottutrj- 10R SALIFn asbestos property In Canada 1000 i1 icr land Iu Florid 00 acres choice fruit land south nr trust line Florida I I 119000 acres choice Umber and mIneral land In West Vlrgtnlat tImber land In North Carolina 1 bargains titles perfect Address Post Office box H3 Balllmore ld IJCTVREqtE lAI Finest slid cheaprat suburban residence property I lusli sidewalks curbed and flagged drainage per U70 Terms easy Take adrent trolley rda from Ho press trains and Woods how Long and dune SLAPS AXD INFOBMATION FftOM OXO GAY 110 SOA2DOZUO r- i J r Jhl nn4 xkLbltloui- A Trustees Sale- AT TIE AMERICAN ART GAERI MADISOS SQUARE 1tr on free vlew < 9 A M to 6 P M nearly ono hundred Modern and Ancient OIL PAINTINGS Including a valuable example of 5 MEISSONIER XIFI8IZE PORTRAIT OF DANIEL WEBSTER etc etc5 belonging t the Estate of the Late FAR Esq- to b acid b oer o Co William 11 Trustee On Monday Evening Next Nov 25 at 745 oclock THOMAS E KIRBY AUCTIONEER AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AlAEI 0 EAST I3D S MADISON SQUARE IUr fltatca1 OLDDBCKET year m pelallt la- leae afae from whatever the caaerUlng positively cure organlo weakness nervous debility baddreanhib0stvflaly weak or hnnkB organs Impediments to marriage ulcers dischargeS sleet stricture son throat nose mouth tongue mood skin kidney and bladder trouble tone gravel In- flammation welling 4o QuIckest permanent cur guaranteed Office over 83 yean at 10 East 17lh st near Union square 10un V to I BuntlsyBloB R OLD DR 4JKINDLK graduate University City of New York medical dllbraIIe aa year specialIst Indlsea of men only sores ulcers atJn blood stricture kidney bladder positive weak undeveloped organs impediments to marriage oceanic weakueu Dr O KINDLE guarantees a quick permanent cure In all disease peculiar to men Omoover lorear at Vet lltbelwen and 7th ave m- ad l ala C free No XEDICIN It cur lo Plop Uuo AAAQ V ICKEMT PERMANENT cure In dUeasea of men daneeroua cases solicited relief atone bOdelrl only flrsvcltos clentlOo treatment leading specialist Dr DON8CHUR S3 Wet STth ii 8 to STT to 11 SundaYs 10 to I DR AND MRS REINUARD specialIst fetnal 18 80 year eipensnoe KM Wed Jr formerly 438 Lexington D b iTnestllroltreatmensofaIlfe mole complaint 117 W 47th st formerly 84t- hrCMALi CtmPlVAlMTHBklirnl scientific I treatment consultation I tree 10lf 33 78 P M at 210 Writ 48t near Ilroadwar HTBILKE remoa by new method without two short sittings only necessary al TERRY 1353 West ANth st 4 to 8 P111 tat 3i1tutc ov alt Jere Johnson Jr HOW TO REACH- MY PROPERTIES MORRIS PARETwo m beyond fimoktynTak- anyAtlanticav D1 train In Brooklyn and get off at thi station the property or a Richmond Hill train from Long Island the flrooklyn and Jamaica trolley cars CIu New York or th line of the Brooklyn Heights Rira CotrorntboornerOf Myrtle and nuce Churehe Mbool and bUdr of home onmrnropenT Lot front KENSINfON lath Ward BrooilynAny train on Ui Brooklrn Union Elevated IU R to the Union Depot Both 51 and oth aT and there take the Culver lIne and In about three minutia you will be on the property All ImproTenienu water mains stone sidewalk electric lights free postal delivery Lt from 275 up LOUONA CORNAT Steinway trolley tine from the S4tb or V2d t Astoria ferrr Long Island Jmtllp oft at the corner of Locust ii and Central av ft or else anr car on the Orand at trolley line from Oroadwar f err In or Intermediate poInts Brooklyn E P and get off at the corner of Junction and Union aye or any train on north lda division of tour Island It H from Long Island City Property overlooks and front Flushing liar Thousand of homo sites already sold Lot from 100 up INOLEftlDE FLUSHINO Anr train running 10 Main 51 Flushing on north side division ot Long Island IL R Water maIne tone aldeTralk free postal delivery ALL LOTS MAY BE PAID FOR IN MONTHLY IN STALLMENTS OR WITH A DIS COUNT Poll ALL CASH TITLES INSUREDJE- RE JOHNSON JR 60 Liberty it Sew York and lti Montague ii Brooklyn CXRECLOSED property fully rented for vacant t JC lots STUROEON Nassau t room 40 enl estate ff or a1rQLIm A DECIDED EAROAINNew brick office building 8d ar sad word n V- mu Incest once S3OO0 cash required li looo rented yeariT every artment filled Address RICHARD DIChSO2 8594 3d a T 106th ci noun 1 to 8 P 1- 1LAROE PIECE of property for ale desirable cor¬ < d it and Madison ar MOLLY C FORTEs dull Mh ar corns 24a- 16lf9C J Including corner Jerome av 170tbt M cash full eommUdon to broker i Immediate able necessary will dielde OWNED 110 Wet 88th K NotCh of RUth Bt LOTS S 150T0 5400 I No crossing riTen lift down eo monthly only 04 minute to Rector it via uth ar L and Northern 460 feet from Station ground high and dry I uneqnalled forahomeorlnreunenu J JTlANNAN IS Cortlndtt Ural Cstnte Jt ot IcraoklaP- AX aoo CAhill and asleet from 1 dufesent styleS ot nw houses all located within 3 block of Elevated Road atatlon the ctjtatxnt for B94OO 7 room and hath fine plaxia high cemented cellar B lnce 8 1 0 and Interest monthly Over OO flue new house niilnhed Save lo per tent and buy from vrilEELAN builder Atlantic and Van theIr ava Mrooklyaii open Sunday CS7 OOOFlt Corner In brooklyn for Gin Cr I fortune for the right mini 81OOO ranh balance easy KOOOO threetory alors buildIng Chine for Murber Hhoe man or flelIestenj5OO raah i N quickly Atlantic and Van 8leIn sea ttul C tntr 4or nlt mstnu4E- LEOAN HOME three mlnulel from ferry sewers concrete cellar Ac In excellent condition cheap fur cash MARTIN Kindling av Astoria N ORTHPORTBullding 1014 near GraVel Reach ISO loodown aamemnnthlyi LEWIS 204 Asa gtral tnte J r nktwll- uy Itr eJ your bomedle now make ynur home puuf ibis wIden bUIld In the pring We think this K good advIce QClI Iten In the Interest of Hie wide awake buyer Prices will advance next year They are now below Intrinsic value at TENAFLY NI J JI- mproremenK ar steadily going on Tile place K growlngmorepopular dally among New York bud neu mn of Rio best class It is healthier than Wetcheter Long Idand and l Is K itira cure for throat and lung troutlet Lots are large sued price low terms rrr easy Information cheerfully given atourofflie IL WTATfl FlinV A CO 271 Broad way NEW JERSEY ACRE FARM for lluo on IniUII 11 down end SI i per week I Uadhlgh dry and healthy UltabI for fruits Ttieuble and poultry tIUIiI climate title cliar Writ at once for toO Inlnrmatlon to jtldcy real elate offlce room KUOO I ill Notau it N Y JtiiL < tntr j r alrcr t1 Y I EUbEYrrYTo 1 late o Orlh nearljsloublel u another OUO valuable owner needs nfoury ur genllyi mightexclinx forrnitag uptown GUARANTEED box 1B7 Bun office ftrnl i i fi Vnuttd IAltMwunted vrrywhr iuit for full partlu 1 Ur toll II IRVINOjllfl Madlwm or It iAL ESTATE wanted for lflanUfaetUrlng Piii the undrtlnd I lu the market for proprty ap proxImately I OOxlIOO fret WLh II It water front on East North or Harlem It facUUJ91 Y flay within on hour of N V cllr- CHARLES IL DAVIS VI Cedare N7V 1t111 QfiHtt got Halt Count IMADEM ILATUV within aay dIstance of the ellyi ltI maradam feet Lola 113 by U3 In SIghs of the city and harbor boken lo ran 1451 greater peed tbaot elraudei and Wutcheder county froc ponds can be sold at all WEST 1MTU ST ItOOX 88 africa BOUBa0 S t Leather Goods Chatelaine Bags Genuine Seal Alligator mid Grain Leather Chamois or Leath- er ¬ Lined Outside Pock t 81OO worth 8150 to 200 Seal Alligator and Lizard Purses assorted sizes 25 cents worth 5O tat 75 cents James McCreery Co Twentythird Street Upholstery Bedding- LACE BED SETS Renaissance Mario Antoi- nette ¬ Antique Irish Point and Muslin IWnrle Antoinette 925OO to 8OOOO Antique from 475 to 1800 Irish Point White or Ecru 8O75 to 83OOO- Embroidered Tambour front 6OOO to 8HO5O1- LACE CURTAINS 40 pairs Marie Antoinette at SO75 worth 9B5OO per pair OO pairs Renaissance at 8E5OO per pair worth 25OO 40 pairs Renaissance at 2000 worth 83OOO per pair James McCreery 8 Co Twentythlrd Street MENS FURNISHINGS At specially attractive prices American and Im- ported Kid Gloves Umbrel- las ¬ Underwear Blanket Robes and Smoking Jack- ets ¬ Imperial Silk Scar ex ¬ tra wide ends 65 cents regular 81OO quality Prince Teck Silk Scarls- 5O cents J regular 81OO quality JAMES McCREERY k CO Broadway and 11th St Twentythird Street i zItul 5 mh LPflAlt TATE A COJ4S Ilrnailway patent solid Lj tOrt a I countries po cliaiye fur sellIng patiut obtained through u bend for lUG luventloo Wanted Handbook free PATENTS for Inventions procured prompllri tow ROEIikR ot DhIZSEZf all KMeaotK Yi laliilsbd 11104 C ill j w 4 1 FuFFuuvniTH- E LONESOME BACHELOR WHO LIVES DT HIMSELF NEEDS A TASTEFCIL AND AttTISnO APARTMENT IN WElch TO SPEND HIS LEISURE nouns TO ItCH WS WISH TO SAY VISIT OUR SPECIALLY FITTED UP OLD I u u h U EMIMbll noon Oy TUB 7TII FLOOR IF 1UU LIKE IT DDK ARTISTIC EXPERT CAN TItANS FORM TOUR APARTMENT AT AS BXCEEDISQLY- BODERATK COST Till ADVICE COSTS TOU iroTOIHO AND AS WK EMPLOY ONLY OUR OWN WORKMEN WE CAN AFFORD TO REKDEB A DILL OF hUT SMALL PROPORTIONS BUY OF TOE MA- KKBGEOCFLINTCO9 0 4B AND 4T WEST C8D BT NEAR HROADIVAY CDrrna jittmtw- AMERICAN LINE St MEW l ul Xor87 H AMlI OliDrk Parta0e042i AM St PaulDec IB 11 AM RED STAR LINE NEW YORKANTWERf fjouthirarkNorX7180PlI I Koordl ndD c llnoon Westernland flee 4 noon I I Kenilngton I Simon XateraailloBiU Navigation ContDmnv Pier 14 North River Office B Howling Ureen y Y QUNAKDUN TO LIVERPOOL VIA UKEM TOWJi CampanlaKor2310 AUTLucanla Dec 70 A lL UniBrlaNoT 80 SPM Euurla Dec M8PM Prom Pier 49 North River foot of Clarkion it VERNON HIIROWN ACOOenlAgu4 DowllngOreen NORm OEHHAN LLOYD aa CO J ROUTE TO LONDON ANt CONTINENT FAST EXPRESS STEAMERS BaaleTneI 8 10 A hi lAller Tile Iecl7IOAM Spree TueaDeclnIOAMjUaTelTneDec31 10AM OELltlcas a CO V Cowling Oreen OLD DOMINION LINE Steamer NORFOLK PORTSMOUTH Oil POINT COMfORT and NKWPOHTNFWH V1U01NIA REaCh PETERNBClta and IUCHUUND va and WA8IU NO TON U cJloo Tuea Wed Thur end bat For RICHMOND vlS JAMES ItlVEKllon Wed and Set For WEST POINT VATuee Thur and Rat From Pier 116 N R tool of Beach it at 8 P H Saturdays 4 PM Through ticket and freight ralrtoall point WL OUILLADDKU Traffic Manager WHITE STAR LINE OermanlcNoT 8PM BrltannloDec PM TruODlcV47A Majestic Dec 17 II AM NO COTTON CARRIED BY PAB8ENOER STEAMERS Pier 49 North River IS Broadway IL AITLPk Agent Jittnmb ntli FALL RIVER LINE FABCH REDUCED Only 8000 to Uotqn for limited tIckets Reduce rates to all other points East Steamers PLYMOUTH and P1LORIH In corn ¬ mission A floe orchestra on each I eave Pier 18 North River loot of Murray St week day and Sun days at 000 P- MAlbany Evening Line Steamers DREW and DEAN RICHMOND leave Old Pier 41 N It toot Canal t1 0 P M dally Hunday exrepted Connecting wlthexpres tralnfor point North K ist 1 and W- estt3TONINCTON LINE FARFU ALL RFUUCED BOSTON MOO 1ilOVl DFNCE 22 1 nRCE8TER itto Hteamer leave NEtS I PIKIt10 N It one block above Canal at ato 1 M ilally except huuday iit tt lIONS UN CP TO WOJWEMTEU itelUe lures to elI polnis East VIA NORWICH LINE Steamers I ieav Pier 40 N n next Dbrolellireea atoao 1 31 wc e iay oolru TROY BOATS CITY FJKUd SARATUOA lCuyce PIer 413 N IL foot West I xvsptSainrdayepM Sun day straIner tpuchc at Albany- N RV ll A VENFA REIij KSCUHSION fifing Nlriiier ItlCllAllb PfcCK and CONTlNtNTAL leave Pier 25 L It lullY IHullay Siscepted II P 11 and I I JO P 111 I trI t1 In tItfls for trains to MifidSil hlaftford 11010kb and the north- ATSWhL < ilUDSONsn4COX8iuZat5 I J every wick dlr at t l N rn foot of WUtI I AX Ut NII connecting nt CATSKiLl wIth theCAlito It It pn1 1 liJDKOH with tie rOSTUN AND AI t I1APfl it ltfnra Ipontieaaf KAMHDCLL LINE = rUeamcrs lrav plef VfN L n for rranstono Writ Point Cold Spring tornwll tislikill I Ir and Iwburl- nnr I etkaays6IUtlbundayUAt nI1J BALTIMORE OHIO R Ii W Cad Express Trains to Baltimore JVMUUalou tilmeo gnu I Hi Louis Mud sell aolnt V fve Clam ULLMAN LAM 6K11VICE OS ALL TRilbl roll Ixmve fi1lJ JJI I ftajl I soil of UlMrly 11116 iilgit I 1 dally tllJtUM IIia JIIilI bun nIght Ii aud it 11 lf VASlNGT0t hlITlIi0ltE A Si A ii l1iulu tar I II OJ A St tSInl cx HUD ClO Cdau P II l11rI Itn rn Uluing Cart B0ii Or n OOP I M DiuliigCri I WnarilghtV VlnlDI For XorfiHk II > i A M dally ik W tlItLYAIh 1 Ibanogr liriatol and Challanoo thriHiih Pullman al l i4rD uup U daily A I irln Illuinlnst i wlllllhllh liit Uhice i Ill ITK ciii US II4U Uraailwar 14th sL l M7 Hooerr Nw York 81 East brooklyn I elation toot of LIberty S C as it U ulloll OM at jf New York Transfer Co will call fir and baggage from betel or reldenc to destination- s check a t tl glnilronfrr PennsylvaniaHA- JXHOAJD i STATIONS foot or DtsUKUMKS c IXMTLANDT 8TS In Effect Nov 17 IR O- roAltII LINK1arlor Car to FltUburgn 1KSSSVIVAXIA UM > TKD > rulk Olin Compartment Sleeping Dining Smoking and ouservat on Car Arrives Chicago O A It Clev j land 8S A M Cincinnati 640 A It Imllanapolli- HioOA M Louisville 1160 A3t St Loul SuO P- ob8 iSlicillcAOOARD BTLOU1B EXPRESS pullnian I bleeping and Dining Car to St Lnul- LouKville i and Chicago Arrives Cincinnati 1045 A H St IonIc 7 P M hmo OtiS P H- OrOO I M WKSTERN KXlULSS1ullman Sleep Ing and Dining Car to Chicago and Cleveland Ar riveClevItLftd 1183 A > L Chicago UP MD t- 7i4li p M SOUTHWESTERN Expntsaruii man bleeping and Dining Car to Cincinnati aol St Louis Arrive ClnclnnaU 0 P M Indtanapollii in id p Rt Louis 7 A I r 4doflS morning S tOO P il PACIFIC KXPRFJ sPiillman3li i e Plo Car to 1ittiburah Connects for Chicago dal- lriatrmnmM and Clevelani FOR ljrJr VI SOUTHERN RAILWAY ilIOA St 4110 P M ItllO nl dallrl via ATLANTIC COAST L 9180 Ab Via SEABOARD Alll LIKE a Sfu indl 1oOPMdall71 1 via CArV CHARLES ROUTK- 6iOO A M wpekaayand Ion P 1 M daily WAHHINOT4JN AND TilE HOUTII 8 8SO 1150 1010 tuning Car 11 A M I V 10 880 Congreaslonal I Umsll Parlor anil Dining I Can 480 Dining Carl 8 Wnlng Carl lb PM milt night Sunday 1150 SSO II A M tiis Congreoslonal UtDj Parlor and Dining Crt 480 Dlnlnc Car 0 Dining tar > a P tl IKIS night CUK8Ar AKB a OlltO RAiLWAY Express 300 P dallr through Sleeping and limIng rat oiTULD POINT COM FORT soil MOHrOIK via Cap Charles Route 8 A K week days and with through SleeperS P Ci daily T1A1lO CITY AND CAPE SlAY I 100 P M week- days linnet Parlor CAr through to Atlantic City For Long Branch Aiburr Park Ocean grove and Point Pln 010 A M 1210 340 StIll nnd 1 1 ISO P M week days Sunday uton at Interlaken for Aburv Park V4H A M Biin P111 loft I JIIXAUKIPIIIA 110 TiQO It 1IIIOlli uiiiiMIWIenna LimIted 1010- DIning Car f 11 I ISilO 3 4 4SO lIming 0 Dining Car n Dining Car 780 8 0 I I p Jl carl II night SundayS AMD 03 i 11 u no in Limit rcBI MICtr ttDlnlngCarM480 a Dining Car 74AB UP nnfl id TJckeVbfflce No 483 04 1100 1823 III and 2ftl Broadway 1 Astor HOOMI and foot of Icsbrosses- and Corllandt slat 4 Court ft WO Fulton it HI broadway anti Brooklyn Annex Station foot of Fulton at Brooklyn I Station Jersey City The New- York Transfer Company will 1 call for ami check baggage from hotels and residences through to des tlIlOD- a lL PREVOST J n WOOD General Manager General Pqr Agent MAMBRIOAB ORBATBBT RAIL- ROADNEWYORK NTRAL HUDSON RIVER R R THE FOURTRflOK TRUNK LINE From Grand Central Station 42d st- OiOO MExoept Sunday Empire State Express Fattest train In the world OlOOA 3L Dally Fast MalL For Byractue Boca ester Buffalo Niagara yalta Chicago IOiSOAhiEIcePt Sunday Day express Torah- S Important State point l P noli nh tJndIl fnv in clnnatl IndlanapolK aiiddt i Louis IrOO P MDIIT Chicago Special for Detroit Cleveland Toledo end Cblcazo- OiSO P M Exetpt Sunday For weit Point routb- krenil Albany Troj Sara ton A tOO P ifDallj I North Shore LlmlWd Due De- troit ¬ 830 A it Chicago 430 P M- OrOO p itDaily For Albany Too Utica Adlro- ndackllounutna Montreal Syracuse lluITalo Cleveland Toledo Detroit Chicago Cincin- nati ¬ 8t Lout OiCOP StDaIly For Saratoga Platuburgb Dof- llurton Bt Athena and ifontreal laSOPSlDaiiy TorpolntaonAubUrnlload Ref falo Niagara PaiLs Cleveland IDdlalJ poll Se Louis Chicago OrOO P M Dallr Onlr aleeplne paurngen for point on the Fall Brook Kr anti Rochester carried on toll train OIlS tflailv For Oiwego Watertown OR denibunh Cleveland Detroit Chicago Except Saturday for Cape lucent slid the Auburn Road UBilO t11atn train for Chicago and princi- pal poRtia on New York Central every Dlgbt eXCtpt a o tOO A If antI Jzul11tvai1y except Sunday toPttuneld via Usrien DIvisIon OtlS A11LBunda7 only to Plttifleld and tie fork shire nil In via narlem DivisIon ALL SIUUT TRAiNS TO YONEZIIS All nlgbllraln run between T33th it and pointS on Putnam Division a far at Yonken connection with the elevated road Thli U th only line rnnnlng all night trains out of Now York I A Wagner Palace Car on all through trains Train illuminated b > PlntKb light Tlcketa and Wagner office at Grand Central Station HSBroadwav 14 Park place 201 4 IS Broad way 31 Peat Mth t 043 Broadway LiIb Columhna ob68 Writ UBlh stand lObth utlon NewYork an 1720 Fulton it and lOOBroidwar It DDrookljn lJKcage checked from your hotel or residence b7 the Weiuott ExpreM Compjinj JOHN II TOUCEr OCOKOE B DANIELS General Manager Oeneral Paueniter Agent LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD Etatiune root ofCortlondt d Dcebrope at 7iK A M daily except bunday for MAUCU CUD > K and Intermediate stations 8118 NbJ dally for GENEVA ROCHESTER HUT FALO FALLS SUSPENSION DKIlUE aail the Wet and principal local point dining carlo 8u > yenilon Oridge PaiimanT Ubule sleeper to Chicago llilO A7I dally leare at 10S0ASL8unday for MAUCli CUUNKand Intermediate points con ¬ nection for Reading and Harrisburg 1 rOO P M dally except Sunday for ELMIRA and all Intermediate Stations connecting for FotUrlll and Reading chair car to Wllkixbarre OiSO I > St Sunday only for WILKESBARRE L aDd II JUNCTION nod all futopmMllBta fMtlnn 4ilO P U dally except Sunday fur L Dur JUICTION and principal Intermediate sutloni roan buffet parlor car to WUkrsbarre connection for PottsTiiie- eo p M dally except Sunday for HOUND BROOK and Intermediate stations SitS p M dolly for EA8TON and Intermediate station OrOO P Mdolly BUFFALO NIAGARA FALLS and all polnu West Pullman sleeper vestibule train New York to Chicago Sleeper to Buftaloand Toronto Connection for Heading and Uarrlaburg a i3O P M deity except Sunday for EASTON and Intermedia station OlOO P SI dally for ITHACA GENEVA ROCHES TIH BUFFALO KIAOARA PALLS and oil points Wit Pullman deeper to Chicago and Buffalo chair car to Wllkeebarre Tlokuand Pullman accommodations atSSS Sol 044 and 1SK3 Broadway SI Rut 14th St ISlS East 123th st Sew York HOI Fulton SL t Court st Oil broadway and Brooklyn Annex Brooklyn The N Y Transfer Co will call for and check bog gage front hotel and resIdence through to destination DELAWARE LAKAWANN AND tAFSTIlN II 31 Slmtlona In New York root oT larelair nmd L Cbrtctonner Sla VEBTinTJtE TUAINH PULIUAN lIVE PET CAKM P1NT8C1I IIU1IT Direct route to Newark Bloomfleld Vontclalr the Oranges Summit Benardsvllle Balking HldgeMadk ion Morrlstown Passaic Paterson Boonlon Dover Htanhope Newton budS Lake Lake HopAtcong Hacketutown Schooler Mountain Washington Philllpburg Katon Water Oap Hiroudsuurg Po konotMountaln Scranton Plttston Wllkesbarre hantlcoke Dsnvlllp Northumberland Monirout Blnghamton oxiord Norwich Waterrllle UtIca RtchOeld Springs Cortland Syracuse Oswego Ithaca Owegp Elmira Corning Bath flansvlile Buffalo anti all poInts West Northwest end Southwest TiSO A lUngbamton StalL Stops at principal station OlOO A MDuffaln Scranton Btnghamton UtIca lllcnfieid SprIngs SYracue and Oswrgo Express Pullman buffet parlor cars Connects at Buffalo with trains for Chicago and point Writ 5 1000 P MScranton Blnghamton and Elmira Ex ores Pullman buffet rparror cars 4too P 111 Scranton Wllkesbarre and Plymouth Express Pullman buffet parlor car TiOO P MIDallylluffalo Vestibule Limited Ex press for Scranton Blnghamton ElmIra Buffalo Pullmanbuffet sleeping car connect at Buffalo wltn train for Chicago and points West OiUO J sIDallylluffalo Scranton Blnghanv ton Utica Syracuse and OsWego Express Pullman buffet deeper Tickets anti Pullman accommodation at 14 Park Place and 410 Broadway Ticket at ferry stations 1142 Broadway ill 4th aT corner mast 01 Wi5 liStlt si ihllbiumbusay New lurk aatt and fit Jultonat and l0dllroadwayIlrookiyo Timetable giving full Information at all stations WefcotrKxpresCompany wlllrall forand check baggage from hotel or reddenco to destination ERIE LINES I 14 Through train leave lien York toot of Chambers I Stafollowsl and five minutes earlier from Wesl fiwlB- Ll9flft A MVestlbule Express dilly for Waver r I ly Hlnghtraton Elmlrav Buffalo Bradford Jmlow1Iahlll0 u Buffalo onn u 9 30 P MvettlbuleIJmHd Solid train for Chlcaio via Chautaunua t Lake arrives Cleveland 740 A M Chicago I oaa PM Sleepers to Cht go Cleveland and CliulnuatL Dining car P MBuffaloVrstlbule Extiresdslly FT CoU rIce lluffalo 780 A M making direct con I nection for Detroli Chicago and lbs West f 8inPMI alyVla Chauiauqua Uke and Nl I SolId traIn I toClilcauu hlweiwra I j to lluffalo olilcoHO and Clnrlaiiatl Dining car flICKETS LOCAL TIME CARDS AND VUILSIA f L ACCOMMODATIONS at Ill 281 401 and l37 Broad ay I Ml Kait liOth st Chamber and W112101 J st firrles Sew Yorkt lid Hrriadwar and mii Ilillon Brraklyni 100 Hudson it HoSoken and Jersey City Ntallon Erl Transfer Company calls for an I chocks baggage from hotel end resIdences deituv 110 New York and BostooAII Raft N Y NII a II HII and tonnecllon Prom Grand Central biatlou Leave By vtay of hue PIIKI A MSprlnzfleld and I Wnroeler RiSO I MI JOtoq A M MNew London and Frovliloiicelluo I V MI I IUIII A Ii New lalllnn IUIIIIroIlIe 4 30 I I UtI I II I lull A lIrluKnrl soul Voeccster U Vt I I Ut iVIU St 1 tiprllugitrlul and WoreItr OWII I UI U I 1111 I II 1 Air Zinc and N it It ft Ii liii I UI I 114 I St HfW London end Proilene 7101 I I OIIU 1 SI 1 Hw lutndoit ald lrovldence ILII I l 4iIO 1 Ii1 illrllllllet sliul Wurter 10 101 I I 11011111 1 Nuw IUlldlln clot JrOvldeiuce I II I Cull I II g31 I I I 8trlnitlteld antI I nrcrac i UI I New bnuloi auul ProvIdencu I Jt 1 I ltulis ilally IncludIng linds + 511 lIt ito ilitiltitil all I parlor car fare ST Ituul u1 log paror er aeat- lAir line lImited stopping only at llillleluo ti or riSe sataudileiarurroiiiPiirltiiiur I t i lIIII i II Itjturii serviceaa hour coil by tuinv runle Through varl TliniTr i are LiT earl lritI C tietii Pas Agent gi l lltfJ 1tUd rt u llIII1D SEAL garments repaired altered Into faiiljnfU- no 1 Stoe johu k Mrs UAUK Ell I 1111 i I U> sk bear llvray lale with UuutUsr1 booS SOi aft jt j rnt I 101 ubU Jatic posT OFFIOE NOTIOL Should be read DAILY by all Interfiled ai change oily occur at any time ForeIgn mall for the week ending Nov S3 will close PROMPTLY in all cases at thIs office aa olluwsi I TRANSATLANTIC MAILS BATURnAYAt B A M for FRANCE SWITZER ¬ LAND ITALY SPAIN POI TUOAL TURKEY EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA tmr iteamshlp La Champagne via Hrro letter IV other patti of Europe must IM directed per La Champagne at 7 A Si for EUROPE p r steamship Campania vIa Quetnstown at u AM for ITALY per steamship Columbia via Naples letters must be directed perColumbia I at 11 A M for NETHERLANDS direct per steamship Amsterdam via Rotterdam letters must be directed per Amsterdam h at 11 A M for NORWAY direct per steamship Norge letters must be directed per Norge After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantlo Malls named above additional I supplementary malls are opened on the piers I of the Americas English French and German steamers and remain open until within I Ten Minute of the hour of sail lug of steamer MALLS FOR SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA WEST INDIES c- FBJDAYAt 880 A M for SANTIAGO DE CUBA iteemihlp Mameluke I from Philadelphia BATURDAYAt 1 AM for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES via Pernambuco Rio Janeiro and SANTOS per ItesmsIIIU ilorrento front Baltimore Ieltlrainualtsi directed per Horrento 1 CJIt 10 A M supplementary 1030 AlI for FORTUNE ISLANDJAMAICA CAKTI1AGKNA and SANTA MAHTHA also COSf A itWA via Unionpersteatn hip Adirondack letters for other parts of Co lombia must bo directed Adirondack at 1030 A Jl 1 for CAMHFCIlP CHIAPAS TABAS CO TUXPAM anti YUCATAN per steamship Orizaba letter for other part of Mexico ana for Cubit must Im directed per OrltabaM at 11 A M 1 fur INAOUA PORT DE PAIX PETIT OOAVF and AUX CAY1S per steamship Schls wig at II A M iiippleinentary 1130 A M for VENEZUELA and CUHACOA alsoSAVANILLA vIa Curacoa per teamdilp Phlladrlphla letters for other part of Colombia be directed per fIurl rl IhliadeituhlaI at 11BO A BRAZIL andlZ LATA COUNTRIES por steamship Coleridge vIa ernambuco Balila and Rio Janeiro letter for rbl llratll must be directed per Colerldgeii LI M for SOUTH BRAZIL per iwsmihln larsen via Para Marnnham and Cesra letters for other part of UrsrJI must be directed pr Pare ej Malls for Newfoundland by rail to Halifax and thence br ttmer close at this office dally at 8UO P M Mills for Mlnuelon by rail 10 lhoslon and thence by steamer close at this office dally at 800 PM Malls for Cuba close I at this office dally at 7 AM for forwarding by steamers tilling Mon I days and Thursdays front Port Tampa tin Stalls for Mexico overland unless perllly addre ted fordnpi lchby teamer close at thIs office dilly TRANSPACino MAILS Malls for China soul Japan per steamship City of Rio Janeiro from San FranclKOI dPi here duly up to toy J4 at 1110 P Jl 1 Malls for the bodily and per tilp Galilee I from San FrancIsco I rinse here dally up lo Nov aft atni OP M Mall fur Hawaii Per neamihlp Audralla from Ran Fran clKxil close here dally up to Nov I 7 at ditto P M Nails for China I and Japan per steamship Tacoma from Tacuinal J ilno I IIITO dally tip to Dec M at Silt p M 1 Malli for China knd Japan opeelally dared only Per steamshIp Einpies oh CIlIa from Vancou erj low luCre dally up I toDec2 at A 80 P M Mall for Auilralla eiecpi those for Wet AustralIa which ar forwarded via Europe New Zettianut hawaIi FIJI slid Samoan island per steamship Monnwul from Pan Frabclvoi clues here dally lire 7 at edu P M lor on arrival at New Iort of leamhlpltrurla with lirlllih mulli for Audrallal Malls loT Australia eicrp1 WrM AndralU Hawaii and FIJI bland per steamship Mlowera from Vanrntirrrifln e- re dallr after Dee 7 and up to Dec Patflmo- TrnniP malt are forwarded to port of nailing dally and the schedule closIng I li arranged on the prlImpI of theIr unliilrrrupteil onrlurl transIt Rgltorod mall ioses it J I IJurevhoul dsy CIIARIit11l ZAYTON Potnilpr Po1 Office New York N V Nov vi IhWr toal ID otictT- IUUD ATENCEsrpREiiK COURT crrr AND JL COUNTY OF NEW YORKJohn J Jone aa sole surviving executor and trustee Ac plaintiff against Jacob Cohen and other defendant Action No I In pursuance of judgment of foreclosure and ale inly made and entered In the abort entitled I action anabearingdatothe Uth day of November loss L the undersIgned the referee In aid Judgment named will sell at public auction at the New York Real Estate Salesroom no Ill Broadway In the city of New York on Monday December Vth IBU3 at twelve oclock noon by Philip A Srarlh Auctloni the prcmlie In oald Judgment mentioned and therein described u tollo All that certain lot piece or parcel of land with the Improvements thereon dtuate lying anti belngln ilia- roYfoloY r aforesaid bounded and described Beginning at a polnt on the eoit- rlr aide of Third Tenue distant MTentyOTe feet eight and onehalf Inches southerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the southerly Ninetyfourth treet with the eaSterly aide lpJ avenue running tnenceeot rly parallel with Ninety fourth street and part of th way through the trrtt Sra8lntI Wall Third ninety nneetcnr feet thence westerly again parallel with Ninety fourth WIr part of the way through the centra- of a ninety feet to the easterly aid of Third avenue sOul thence northerly along the said easterly side of the Third avenue twentyfir feet lo the point or place of beginning Dated New York November Iflth 195 O TIIOUNTON WARREN MARTIN J EEOQIT Referee Plaintiffs Attorney No 6 Beekmn Street New York city- AVENUKSUPREMK rriItRD COURT CITY AND X COUNTY OF NEW YORKJobn J Jones AI sole SurvivIng exeoutor and trustee Ac plaintiff against Jacob Cohen and other defndantstActton No R In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly mado end entered In the abOTrentltled action and bearing date the Uth day of November 1803 I the undersigned the referee In said judgment named will ell public suction at the New York Real Estate Salesroom No 111 Broad way In the city of New York on Monday December Bth 15110 at twelve oclock noonbr Philip ASmythAuctioneer the premises saId judgment mentioned and therein described aa follow All that certain lot piece or parcel of land with the improvement thereon situate lying and being In the oily of New York aforeeald bounded and described u follow to wit Beginning a point on the east erly aide of Third avenue distant flfly feet eight and onehalf Inch southerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the southerly sIde of Ninety fourth street with the easterly Me of Third avenue running thence easterly parallel with Nine tyfourth street and part of the way through the rentre or a nartT wall nlnelT feet thence southerly parallel with Third avenue twentyfire feet thence westerly again parallel with Ninety fourth street and part of the way through the centre ot a party wall ninety feet to the easterly elde of Third avepue and thence northerly along the said easterly aide of the Third avenue twentyflr fet to the point or place of beginning Dated New York November 19th 1898- O THORNTON WARREN Referee MARTIN J KEOGh PlaintIffs Attorney No 0 Beekman street New York city

Transcript of 8 1tr Jnrlaoupl1 Grain - Library of Congress€¦ · itrrmivery rraionablif for permanent gtmu...

  • r II i 10 ° TIlE SUN FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22 1895i feeder wantedI JSRAKV CITY PntNTINU COClndrrjr M York treetVenF City iwo block from-CcrUaidIeIreetferr7


    J3OOKiflNDERTenpuIrswIntI tWorkt TAIuyt nOOK NDERM folder wanted HUTTERA SON En 14th INY cllr-nooKniNDKRSrrand nAnd sewers WIU

    JJ L1AM LAUNDER 11 East Uth t-IOLD LAYERS wanted


    srI SAOQDKnandsnNUIIKRS wanted experiencedCIA A InPCc 18 EercrsL-ITAiTtbEztrIenOed alnldy lo ell our rollIf and Package paper AMERICAN WAX AND

    J t PAPER II IWfrntUDtr i Vudi and folderAx CO 290 Vet 1nWANTED Experienced gold IlayerI SA11DEL KcCAIN A SON 89 Ver ap Ifi nuttdffnlt1ttrbnnics ct <

    BOOICniNDINO Corenrt wanted iteady otTHOMAS RUSSELL IOI 84 New ChambersoKDNiiif Wanted awtitant nnUher on exwages and steady employment cI right roan C box 1E4 Run ohio

    noOKDINDFlM Attention IAll branches Invited toJO attend entertainment and reoeptlon Dr14 atLexington Opera floue-eJ300KDINUEIWFlrtclwJ natemaker also

    I nI BRA88IL40JI Jrl10T> LUESTOHE OUTIwonted at cor 4th aT andtf J > 1M It Drl-I

    EKORAVERnrstcUis man on line work ApplyaUTTLEJOHN 10 Dth T-IDAPXRI RULER wanc1I one who I com p tent toX take charge of numbrol Job machined no esti-matingBun offlce t wages ld Job 4U box 111TIN ROOFERR and kyllslit maker wanted78 and 80 Washington aT Brooklrn

    t nuttatatt l tlnutOu-f QxT8 end I Seta for ampt and ternxfor onr-newr rapid Mlllng hoiuMhold article Ian outiP

    at It NOON SPECIALTY CO so HanoverllLeWANTED Yonng mD CAtbon A oorreIporldenttypewriter In English sod Oertorn Addreu bibbox 110 ton officelir HENS and tn49AJ CAMERON SOU ulU OrIDaOnly tore Boa-


    Ii cUunU u nuttaanle

    A wants work can do ordInaryrepairI and undentand team uaeneither liquor nor tobacco would make good JanitorI or would take an work married but no mall chlli dren reference UA53LEIt207 VIat 511th Ii-

    situatIonA YOUMOMXN Slde In eitherI wholeSale drug house or mannraoturlng chemltnae bad experience In drug atom u junior clerk canfurnlhAl reference Call addreuI HOWARD DENNIS 77 lloyd aTJerey City NJr A YUUNO lIMO connected with the liquor buslnefor ever years desire position with rood houxican furnish At rreraD Box 107 Sun uptownofflce ltl DoawapO A CUM AN AND GARDENER of Toni experienceI In the care of line hones and carriage IIs a goodrardener would like gentleman place InMreneralallround man highest reference COnDrJOHN ontQIJtYa088Amst aT Illlht city

    YOUNG MAN of 23 desires position In a Jewelryr> palr and watch notclot Ithoroughlywill work Cor ealery heat of Adf dream JEWiLRV v> En lUe mernei

    tJtUuo ttt-


    TU AVAND 10TH STREETA fleet family hotel In a quiet resident locality

    All outside room en suite of two or more Iretunitary arrangement and Tentllatlon cointorts without DD01anc acontusion usually In-cidentt to hotel I uniurpusedS-HEAt BROTHERS Manager

    I THE HANOVERit E COli II E W EADERi A hlgbclus family hotel UANAOER repntatlou Apartnient of parlor one or more bedroomand bath rurplbeor unfurnished with prIvate sirhoe it-TUBalrCOMMOPOIITAN serve the bet andcheapest table dhote dinner OO including bottlewine and coffee 108 8d ay Ladles restaurant HOIEan

    111eJOHA 8KHTAUBANT818 Ir ciL Table ujiote dinnermall and room for private partl-egotrlu

    7C11t tn4iuo Out of Sown




    AIHSLIE i WEBSTER Managerscorton yotd


    TILAFALUAR ENVESituated In the must oouvruient auU ramuunahlelion and contains a large number of lulim andpltool an suite and singl and doubleI lieilroomstI cixUfstr play duringI luncheon dinner andscrvlcrI talilvdhntefiraUriirlii ppr14 lropnclorTHEOOimoNHOTtiMITU-


    r ODFIS1IINOAL FOSTEir Bundan-pdnetdiy Tuesday1t V Tlmndayi Kast HII sir 7liry 7AOlIwIlia bit Cudraugutevcrrirlu vc



    tWITR0rOLITtN OPERA HetJBEAbbey bchoeffr

    iflANiA uru iviJiTStt1No-



    nlon or lur E Abbey and Mantle Oran2ov tIiflflYUltIX Mmarid Manillli MM VA deitesakA0000aa

    Jsntle Iteske conductor Mr Anton fieldhaludav Mat Nov JNOAHMEN MmLClISJ14Marie Knflr idetiuDi JIM Lubert PVrte andMaurel CondurtorSU HevlganlISaturday eTe Saturday nlthtdTiv171ptms tuvllle sfgAnpans and Mg IVTlnonl-

    onrt y eve Sight ConcertSoloists Mnrs Itavllle and ol Ilsmon and Mrrun ondrlcek violinist the entire JetOuntie OrrhMtra Conduoior Jr Antonllep rtolre for neil weekUondsyCatalierla Rustlcana and Phllemoa t-WednesdtyTRISTAS

    flaitciaUND IBOLDF lie Oerwn-

    Thnr l y ThanksglvlngRxlra perlormanc of-fAliHPV

    FrlrtayRrvlval of LA TAVOPIIT-AIhealforaboeDOW on sale at box omolinatre-


    prIOt Tysons ticket offices In the loadinghotils 11 DrAwEMPIRE THEATRE AnnuiEvenings M IS Matinee WMn l IlarlJOHN DREW

    Pr> ntlng Mdellne Lurette trlyil coen-dyCHRISTOPHER JRN-



    MIss ELLEN TElttYand the London Lyceum Com panivTbli ftTenlnjr at Ipunctually and tomorrow matlee at > J OnTo Carrii play

    KING ARTHURTomorrow evening Alfred l lrTeniiy on play9 Tand Turs OEET1O-D FAVHTThtr F CCCI NOTTHE MFItCIIANT 8LF 1caoHat fcTg ov 80 LOUIS XI

    I ARDEN aU hr A M lPAIUhK Tsolel LMee and ManagerBegins UhIO Weand hat Matinees at a-




    UEoPresented with the Original Cast

    EVEN NO DECI JOTH PE HFORM AKCBlSouvenirs 8eata f the remaining peoorm-anre of TRILBY r l sal-evARNEcii HALl

    Oratorio Society of IV YPUANK DAMflOPCllCotiduetor

    Handels LAllegro Ed I Pensleroso-and Drora s 149th PsalmFriday Ml Lillian


    MrAT at t VMMderveer GreenKvg I Mr Ihlfl RleKe-rUr23 at 8 Iltoze U lilt Seats 7ft cenu to n now on saltACADEMY OFREIIICII4ih ntand IrvlngplacAGILMORE lc TOMPIilNri Propnand

    4TH MONTH TIlE XgAND GREATER THAN EVER SportingRHORSES 200 PEOPLE DuchesstWedandSat2 I IlanaiementofEve at 8 Charles Frobman



    imliy uio ro a and a to 1030 Sunday 1 to aADMISSION CENTa=PROCTORS NOD

    PIEAHTJBEto Midnight PLACE6I n bet LX and oaOeorKelOfKIIAKTBCnnile ElephantuCleveland Ulnitrels Mylnc Dlllonn till people

    PROCTORS T1IEATBE Man BTBEETToil > y 111 A M toll P111ZI Trio Th Daljr Olllle IlarlwCrtmmms and bore caron and Herbert 87 othersTransfer until 1 oclock 1M each TheatreIIAMMEUMTEINNOLYMPIA


    MONDAY EVE NOV 2STARTIFT E Broadway and 19-1bNEDCeIS

    IiHO Rat mat lit



    Rhowlng Work In a collection ofprouMnd IreFarrlleTllut 4 PTIFFANY HTUDI08 BOO FOURTH ATTHeine Monument FairXKNOX liTCKVU cor xtodlun ar and 68th itfrom Nov 1O to gA 18DSAlMI88OND0


    IL-Broudway 2A 1cIEElrOPr0 and Managers

    THE CAY PARISIANSManagement CnARLEN FROUHANETenlng BIIO Matinee Saturday at IPALMERS THEATRE anagar EIIENOIIUOITN lISTTHE SHOP CIRLPresented by Urnrge Ednardea London Gaiety Tbair Bjirlmqno CompanyEvening at 8 harp Mat Wed and Sat


    irmswExcEriENocYopraETenlng 1L Jjatneaat Saturday5TU AVE THEATRE Every ers Sat Statto C 2INIlt lroprlnr and ManagerLAMP WEXIt PANNY DAVENPORTsupported bjr Melbourne 11lciowell In SardoulIS11llilA iLegniar priceHONDA 5TH JAMEH AIN IOnE ACUJH JJRNE


    LLLlt LUithl 1AIISKV MAYSIIA EDWARDjR1gTTINEE TODAT LTELLOAIYS TUEATRE Bvery erenlng8I5 fMatinee Saturday 210tlisprrsentweekonpy tha ParisIan Comedienne1r JAbI liLY In MIsi PygmalinoIWeek Tedv Y th o1nlol nl regular seaon tIOOL FOR


    J 4TH BTHEFT THEATRE Hear nth arLtenlngsatHl3 MatInees Wed andhick to old policy tPricesIiIgCailnotOt Suo

    to I100gsi






    COLONIAL I aMADISON HO OAHDKNItMES II ASSEilBLY ROOMSI Thli timing at H clockTABlEAUX I UteiervedeaaatdoorS-





    GRAN OIUItA HOUMK M TNext week I TONIQIIT rilThe Cotton Hint I NELLIl TilEboat uowselllug I MHFNllY I BICYCLE GIRL

    HTANIMni JI Eve at S 80 Mat SatTlllTUK j Jnlre lraMatThnkKlI 10AheartMnlidrsiie-

    of interest SIINB 41iIi N I C H TifiXfi8 fvV filZWEI WAPPEN


    i iUt CUnurwI-

    nOiI liEII ouw Wtllbuythrrefourthlntreslan old Klutiiutied wine and liquor business Inviirporateil Inrnirdlii Ihelradlugand mj1iiunlirulh recoil In th Koutn tordress NORTH CAROLINA bug lit Sun arrfcBlco l US UiuAint


    ltn a-rE MIds

    HOTEL ST STEPHEN4860 but llth at Quiet homnllke iteara heated-itrrmivery rraionablif for permanent gtmu lunch40CI dlnn r C Wins Icciadedjtiiv I0t0ood board good band yond Srs-iEdurInIsinierl ta6Qaa-11THST DELANBrlit KA8TBlngle double rod 8rI ladleaI lentil >4 DPI earlytrantfenta3lTIi STIrS144gentlemen

    accommodatedor qniit Jnrlaoupl1 bolel1to

    BT 1S7 EAST near Lexington TDealrabl48T1I and small rOOmSI good table board re-sonblCOD BT 141 EAST nrr Lexington aTNleMy furIfs nlihedzcllentboard

    large imall heated roomi aconven-leoceticorn ST 955 EANlo furnUhed secondOO floor front I al heatedhouse excellent board1 fTTH ST 34 CABTLarge and small rooms Southt 5 ernexroenrei running water UrgecIoMti ele-vator excellent culil-


    Wet HIde

    MARCOai WBHT ii2D ITSelect family house Suites and tingle rooms wRit

    bath and CIIt moderate ratea TIDe ft to-tt per < AIreapln4T ST 177 WESTLarge and small roonu witSboardi excellent table gentlemen table boardQOTO ST VIII WESTL doable parlor suitOO able for doctor or dentut other detJrable roomjtable brA A Ttl ST 114 WEST Large or small roonu i-urx parlor tablei reference eXchangedAQTU ST 07 PTA few chi rooms handI aomelr tarDe pret strictlylrto tl

    ttd Dardvaohlg-sD11sparliOustItxofleut4 s brroom and Ore 3 improremenUi pianonU uHT 170 ilmgntLrwy ana comfortHICKS furnlihed room large and imall iteamhatmlhdt and cold water excellent board optionalliz minutes bridge referenceMONTAGUE TERHACE 11 Brooklyn HeightsIrom commandlntf fine view of bayten minute rro it New York In privatehouseonce required

    where I I few bOOrdOl ataken referSurnijJhrd oom glpartmtnts to get

    Eaat SIda

    1LZQANrLY fUrnished Urge small heated roomsL1 parlor actable for doctor or dentist privatehouse excellent board NEW umber 4ULulqtonL-EXINOTON

    ar fn4 apAV 604 Newly furnIshed front

    I bedroom connecting all improvemenu use of kitchen moderate BYRNET XINOT STSlcely furnUnedJU large fviim amall heatedroom 1111 American familyI EX1tGTON AV KifcUniHomrly turbe14 rooms parlor for doctor office who UI naer static machiner EXISOTON AV 884 Parlor with bedroom ball-

    roomLj trlle or unfurnubed hot andcold gwerbUSOTTON PLACE 14 between K 88th and 00th U-irnlihed front bal bedroom private taIll for single gentleroan > weekI1IAVEILLEYPLACR 125To lit elegact parlorVT and bedroom to single gentleman or couple

    team heat piano horn comforts referencesbalbexchanged CHARLES E PRATTKTII8T 310 opp Stnyreunt ParkNlcely turoom heated gentleman onlyO7TII 8T 131 EASTNlcely furnished front andA I tuck rooms large and amall large closet altconvenience

    5111 STaioEAST room wfln every condMtao or two gentlemenprivate housePlOD NT 184 EAST Comrortably furnishedI O hall room heated erery conrenlence

    prlratefamily reference JJQCTU ST loo EASTNlcelr fnraUhed rooms forOO housekeeping also back parlor ga bath prvaLe house reasonableIVet Hid

    AUERICAN FLY of two would rent elegantlyulte second hour modern rldDcfatnlonablalocation between KIth and M8thEXCLUSIVE box 14A Sun office a

    1 OTH ST 40 WE8Tln comfortable rettned homeAhi one large unnyand one Stogie room referencerequired

    218TIT18 WEITNal neatly furnIshed roomQlTn ST 047 WSTlpton and connectingO T rooms alllcarubeproTeroenU caterer moderate prccfTTR ST 14ft WEST Comfortably furnIshed larg-e < rooms all convenIences gentlemen only prlTatehouee referenceA TTU ST 101 KABT Handsomely furnKhed parlor11 bedroom adjoining other desirable roomsboard options good neighborhood4Q8T 4A WEST Gentleman can have nicely furrO nlabcd room alt conienlonceii bath family


    99 CLINTON IMth D FnrnKhed forhot and cold water and1110 rmtvrfmnDf8 10j

    umt1t4 oou2 e ttreokTllnID11BIRLAND ST BOIFront and back room

    J newly furnished i rery conrenlence privatehoue gentlemen only reference1U11DERLAND 8T UtLaa and small rooms1J Will furnUhed alt1 excellent boardoptional term reaonabaPINEAPPLE ST OSjnr minutes walk from bridgeA and crPIDtwellhcated room c10 wHllrllDemn O referencesS FELIX ST isa Large and smallI rooms heatedwell furnished all Improvement excellent boardoptional

    tttntlitt con VauttdFOR furnIshed ntgo to headqntrten orrr 100 torom location no tlelay llenilngpartment 411 nth ac between 111 it and 8Sd It

    rflnt1una pnrtmrntti To getFLATS AND APARTMENTS and furumurneIn desirable looatloncFULBoM BROTHERS Sin UroadwayTcor C tOOo

    PLANSIx rooms anti bath private122 Clit on Wet 187tb t near St halfEW

    f AT 1 707Plate of tire large lightlIe Apply to janitor rom CPOLET5S Roe Lanlce tenement newly paintedlaud papered rent 4it monthly Apply In baMment

    VICTORIA FI>ATH llth at bet oth andSib avsuive rooms and bath hull rrdecoratrd lowrent Janitor attendance W DOWNE8 Iftt nth ar3 D AV 4B Deautlfulir dcoifroom and bath and all rlna oTrDsIll Janitorm AV 8M CORNER 4OTH BTTblrd door 7light rooms and bath all Improvement rent ISO7TI AV northwest cor 27th stEiegant runningflats 0 room and bath allheated hall InquireI office E03 Wed t7th t-9TII

    rUAVTai4T08 > 0 >rU of and bathlnifirnvArnanlait h lhrmlJn1nn onnJDD ST 427 WESTFlrst and top flat six roomsOO and OAh1 Improvements balls slid parlorhud Inquire OWD-

    er48TIIT 88U EAST Three rooms In coaSt17prnionth Inquire 0tr-96T16TII I to 933 EASTNew houses three andapartment 1000 to 1800 dumbwaiters elecirlo trIll hot laths free to tenantsfloor deadened halls team heated Ohio In 21125 TH ST 241 EASTApartmtnts or three andfour rooms 1 light rom cheap rent

    wttUutl Qovustfl to gttT-

    E8IRABLE HOURES furnished and unfurnUheoCU In dedrable locatIons rent I1IIOU to 0oooFOLSOtt BROTHERS 028 Droadway cor Iltba7OD ST 80 WESTMagninrent rnomc TntanyI decoratIons Baker A Smith team heat electrica lighting 3u Permit and particular from JOHNACUREOOR OOJIrpKiw-aymTHIiiiWENT opposite new ColumbiaAmerican basement decorated reasonable Permit and particular from JOHNHACORKUOR OS Brotdwar

    e o tfor llint pi urpot-a LARGE NUMBER ouiLDINas storesLt and offices to ltR-ULAHD

    loruA WHITING IBeekman stnULnNORtoloru offices and tudlo WFOLHOM DROT1IEII8M3A Broadwaycor ISIhst 1

    D 8TORF on Hudson withtuns suiting most any business 1 rent nXHudson tPEltS dpk room for typewriter Call o7 addresSJ1 JII IIVINGIIO Madison ar cur I2ds-tTOFT8id baromenhi with powers lor14 bench work 10 anti 1117 Wst SM oOdlb11IOTOURAPII OALLSRY TO LIfT with storeground floor 70 fret buslneu avenue rent CheapS8HW ar l Vernou I YNICK IIOHT 8TOKEH hitenjynnlhd buildHK7 Vo avii rent Janior1> EAI1L BT lins corner of PlneSMoad loft joCOpixi reut 80 Inigulron premises1 OTU ST ION WKBTTo let for manufacturinglOpurpoe 4 lotte H3iB3 all llzliti team heatelevator Inquire on prtmlse

    tl 0etlt ior ulcQottutrj-10R SALIFnasbestos property In Canada 1000i1 icr land Iu Florid 00 acres choicefruit land south nr trust line FloridaI I 119000 acreschoice Umber and mIneral land In West VlrgtnlattImber land In North Carolina 1 bargains titlesperfect Address

    Post Office box H3 Balllmore ldIJCTVREqtE lAIFinest slid cheaprat suburban residence propertyIlusli sidewalks curbed and flagged drainage perU70Terms easy Take adrent trolley rda from Hopress trains and Woods how Long and dune



    r Jhl nn4 xkLbltloui-A Trustees Sale-AT TIE AMERICAN ART GAERIMADISOS SQUARE 1tron free vlew i A M dallyik W tlItLYAIh 1Ibanogr liriatol and ChallanoothriHiih Pullman all i4rD uup U dailyA I irln Illuinlnsti wlllllhllh liitUhice i Ill ITK ciii US II4U Uraailwar14th sL lM7 Hooerr Nw York 81 EastbrooklynI elation toot of LIberty S Casit UullollOM atjfNew York Transfer Co will call fir andbaggage from betel or reldenc to destination-



    a ttl




    In Effect Nov 17 IR O-

    roAltII LINK1arlor Car to FltUburgn1KSSSVIVAXIA UM > TKD > rulkOlin Compartment Sleeping Dining Smoking andouservat on Car Arrives Chicago O A It Clevjland 8S A M Cincinnati 640 A It Imllanapolli-HioOA M Louisville 1160 A3t St Loul SuO P-ob8 iSlicillcAOOARD BTLOU1B EXPRESS

    pullnianI bleeping and Dining Car to St Lnul-LouKville

    iand Chicago Arrives Cincinnati 1045 A

    H St IonIc 7 P M hmo OtiS P H-OrOO I M WKSTERN KXlULSS1ullman SleepIng and Dining Car to Chicago and Cleveland ArriveClevItLftd 1183 A > L Chicago UP MD t-

    7i4li p M SOUTHWESTERN Expntsaruiiman bleeping and Dining Car to Cincinnati aol StLouis Arrive ClnclnnaU 0 P M Indtanapolliiin id p Rt Louis 7 A I r4doflS morning

    S tOO P il PACIFIC KXPRFJ sPiillman3lii e PloCar to 1ittiburah Connects for Chicago dal-


    ClevelaniFOR ljrJr

    VISOUTHERN RAILWAY ilIOA St 4110 P MItllO nl dallrl via ATLANTIC COAST L9180 Ab Via SEABOARD Alll LIKE aSfuindl 1oOPMdall711 via CArV CHARLES ROUTK-6iOO A M wpekaayand Ion P1 M daily

    WAHHINOT4JN AND TilE HOUTII8 8SO 1150 1010 tuning Car 11 A M I V 10

    880 CongreaslonalI Umsll Parlor anil DiningICan 480 Dining Carl 8 Wnlng Carl lb PMmilt night Sunday 1150 SSO II A M tiis

    Congreoslonal UtDj Parlor and Dining Crt480 Dlnlnc Car 0 Dining tar > a P tl IKISnightCUK8Ar AKB a OlltO RAiLWAY Express 300 Pdallr through Sleeping and limIng ratoiTULD POINT COM FORT soil MOHrOIK via Cap

    Charles Route 8 A K week days and with throughSleeperS P Ci dailyT1A1lO CITY AND CAPE SlAY I100 P M week-days linnet Parlor CAr through to Atlantic City

    For Long Branch Aiburr Park Ocean grove andPoint Pln 010 A M 1210 340 StIll nnd1 1 ISO P M week days Sunday uton at Interlakenfor Aburv Park V4H A M Biin P111loft I JIIXAUKIPIIIA110 TiQO It 1IIIOlli uiiiiMIWIenna LimIted 1010-DIning Car f 11 IISilO 3 4 4SO lIming

    0 Dining Car n Dining Car 780 8 0I Ip Jlcarl II night SundayS AMD 03i 11 u no in LimitrcBI MICtrttDlnlngCarM480a Dining Car 74AB UP nnfl id

    TJckeVbfflce No 483 04 1100 1823 III and 2ftlBroadway 1 Astor HOOMI and foot of Icsbrosses-and Corllandt slat 4 Court ft WO Fulton it HIbroadway anti Brooklyn Annex Station foot ofFulton at BrooklynI Station Jersey City The New-York Transfer Company will1 call for ami checkbaggage from hotels and residences through to destlIlOD-a lL PREVOST J n WOOD



    THE FOURTRflOK TRUNK LINEFrom Grand Central Station 42d st-

    OiOO MExoept Sunday Empire State ExpressFattest train In the world

    OlOOA 3L Dally Fast MalL For Byractue Bocaester Buffalo Niagara yalta Chicago

    IOiSOAhiEIcePt Sunday Day express Torah-S

    Important State point lP noli nh tJndIl fnv inclnnatl IndlanapolK aiiddti LouisIrOO P MDIIT Chicago Special for DetroitCleveland Toledo end Cblcazo-

    OiSO P M Exetpt Sunday For weit Point routb-krenil Albany Troj Sara ton

    A tOO P ifDalljI North Shore LlmlWd Due De-troit


    830 A it Chicago 430 P M-OrOO p itDaily For Albany Too Utica Adlro-

    ndackllounutna Montreal Syracuse lluITaloCleveland Toledo Detroit Chicago Cincin-nati


    8t LoutOiCOP StDaIly For Saratoga Platuburgb Dof-

    llurton Bt Athena and ifontreallaSOPSlDaiiy TorpolntaonAubUrnlload Reffalo Niagara PaiLs Cleveland IDdlalJ poll SeLouis Chicago

    OrOO P M Dallr Onlr aleeplne paurngen forpoint on the Fall Brook Kr anti Rochestercarried on toll trainOIlS tflailv For Oiwego Watertown ORdenibunh Cleveland Detroit Chicago ExceptSaturday for Cape lucent slid the AuburnRoad

    UBilO t11atn train for Chicago and princi-pal poRtia on New York Central every DlgbteXCtpt a

    o tOO A If antI Jzul11tvai1y except SundaytoPttuneld via Usrien DIvisIon

    OtlS A11LBunda7 only to Plttifleld and tie forkshire nilIn via narlem DivisIon

    ALL SIUUT TRAiNS TO YONEZIISAll nlgbllraln run between T33th it and pointSon Putnam Division a far at Yonken connectionwith the elevated road Thli U th only line rnnnlng

    all night trains out of Now York I AWagner Palace Car on all through trainsTrain illuminated b > PlntKb lightTlcketa and Wagner office at Grand Central Station

    HSBroadwav 14 Park place 201 4 IS Broad way 31Peat Mth t 043 Broadway LiIb Columhna ob68Writ UBlh stand lObth utlon NewYorkan 1720 Fulton it and lOOBroidwar It DDrookljnlJKcage checked from your hotel or residence b7the Weiuott ExpreM Compjinj

    JOHN II TOUCEr OCOKOE B DANIELSGeneral Manager Oeneral Paueniter Agent

    LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROADEtatiune root ofCortlondt d Dcebrope at7iK A M daily except bunday for MAUCUCUD > K and Intermediate stations

    8118NbJ dally for GENEVA ROCHESTER HUTFALO FALLS SUSPENSION DKIlUE aailthe Wet and principal local point dining carlo 8u>yenilon Oridge PaiimanT Ubule sleeper to ChicagollilO A7I dally leare at 10S0ASL8undayfor MAUCli CUUNKand Intermediate points con¬nection for Reading and Harrisburg

    1 rOO P M dally except Sunday for ELMIRA andall Intermediate Stations connecting for FotUrllland Reading chair car to WllkixbarreOiSO I> St Sunday only for WILKESBARRE LaDd II JUNCTION nod all futopmMllBta fMtlnn4ilO P U dally except Sunday fur L DurJUICTION and principal Intermediate sutloniroan buffet parlor car to WUkrsbarre connection forPottsTiiie-eo p M dally except Sunday for HOUNDBROOK and Intermediate stationsSitS p M dolly for EA8TON and IntermediatestationOrOO P Mdolly BUFFALO NIAGARA FALLSand all polnu West Pullman sleeper vestibule trainNew York to Chicago Sleeper to Buftaloand TorontoConnection for Heading and Uarrlaburga i3O P M deity except Sunday for EASTON andIntermedia stationOlOO P SI dally for ITHACA GENEVA ROCHESTIH BUFFALO KIAOARA PALLS and oil pointsWit Pullman deeper to Chicago and Buffalo chaircar to WllkeebarreTlokuand Pullman accommodations atSSS Sol044 and 1SK3 Broadway SI Rut 14th St ISlS East123th st Sew York HOI Fulton SL t Court st Oilbroadway and Brooklyn Annex BrooklynThe N Y Transfer Co will call for and check boggage front hotel and resIdence through to destination

    DELAWARE LAKAWANN ANDtAFSTIlN II 31Slmtlona In New York root oT larelair nmd LCbrtctonner SlaVEBTinTJtE TUAINH PULIUAN lIVEPET CAKM P1NT8C1I IIU1ITDirect route to Newark Bloomfleld Vontclalr theOranges Summit Benardsvllle Balking HldgeMadkion Morrlstown Passaic Paterson Boonlon DoverHtanhope Newton budS Lake Lake HopAtcongHacketutown Schooler Mountain WashingtonPhilllpburg Katon Water Oap Hiroudsuurg PokonotMountaln Scranton Plttston Wllkesbarrehantlcoke Dsnvlllp Northumberland MoniroutBlnghamton oxiord Norwich Waterrllle UtIcaRtchOeld Springs Cortland Syracuse Oswego IthacaOwegp Elmira Corning Bath flansvlile Buffalo antiall poInts West Northwest end SouthwestTiSO A lUngbamton StalL Stops at principalstationOlOO A MDuffaln Scranton Btnghamton UtIcalllcnfieid SprIngs SYracue and Oswrgo ExpressPullman buffet parlor cars Connects at Buffalowith trains for Chicago and point Writ 51000 P MScranton Blnghamton and Elmira Exores Pullman buffet rparror cars4too P 111 Scranton Wllkesbarre and PlymouthExpress Pullman buffet parlor carTiOO P MIDallylluffalo Vestibule Limited Express for Scranton Blnghamton ElmIra Buffalo

    Pullmanbuffet sleeping car connect at Buffalo wltntrain for Chicago and points WestOiUO J sIDallylluffalo Scranton Blnghanvton Utica Syracuse and OsWego Express Pullmanbuffet deeperTickets anti Pullman accommodation at 14 ParkPlace and 410 Broadway Ticket at ferry stations1142 Broadway ill 4th aT corner mast 01 Wi5liStlt si ihllbiumbusay New lurk aatt and fitJultonat and l0dllroadwayIlrookiyo Timetablegiving full Information at all stationsWefcotrKxpresCompany wlllrall forand checkbaggage from hotel or reddenco to destination

    ERIE LINES I 14Through train leave lien York toot of Chambers IStafollowsl and five minutes earlier from WeslfiwlB-

    Ll9flft A MVestlbule Express dilly for Waver rIly Hlnghtraton Elmlrav Buffalo BradfordJmlow1Iahlll0uBuffalo onn u 930 P MvettlbuleIJmHd Solid trainfor Chlcaio via Chautaunuat Lake arrivesCleveland 740 A M ChicagoI oaa PM Sleepers toCht go Cleveland and CliulnuatL Dining carP MBuffaloVrstlbule Extiresdslly FTCoU rIce lluffalo 780 A M making direct con Inection for Detroli Chicago and lbs West f8inPMI alyVla Chauiauqua Uke and NlISolId traInI toClilcauu hlweiwraI jto lluffalo olilcoHO and Clnrlaiiatl Dining carflICKETS LOCAL TIME CARDS AND VUILSIA fL ACCOMMODATIONS at Ill 281 401 and l37Broad ay I Ml Kait liOth st Chamber and W112101 Jst firrles Sew Yorkt lid Hrriadwar and mii IlillonBrraklyni 100 Hudson it HoSoken and JerseyCity Ntallon Erl Transfer Company calls for an Ichocks baggage from hotel end resIdences deituv110

    New York and BostooAII RaftN Y NII a II HII and tonnecllonProm Grand Central biatlouLeave By vtay of hue

    PIIKI A MSprlnzfleld andI Wnroeler RiSO I MIJOtoq A M MNew London and Frovliloiicelluo IV MI IIUIII A Ii New lalllnn IUIIIIroIlIe 4 30 II UtIIIII lull A lIrluKnrl soul Voeccster U Vt II UtiVIU St1 tiprllugitrlul and WoreItr OWII I UIUI 1111 I II1 Air Zinc and N it It ft Ii liii I UI

    I 114 I St HfW London end Proilene 7101 IIOIIU 1 SI1 Hw lutndoit ald lrovldence ILII I l4iIO 1 Ii1 illrllllllet sliul Wurter 10 101I I110111111 Nuw IUlldlln clot JrOvldeiuce IIII Cull I IIg31I I I 8trlnitlteld antI I nrcrac i UII New bnuloi auul ProvIdencu I Jt 1 Iltulis ilally IncludIng linds+ 511 lIt ito ilitiltitil allI parlor car fare ST Ituul u1log paror er aeat-lAir line lImited stopping only at llillleluo ti orriSe sataudileiarurroiiiPiirltiiiurI t ilIIII i IIItjturii serviceaa hour coil by tuinv runleThrough varl TliniTri are LiT earl lritIC tietii Pas Agent

    gi l lltfJ 1tUd rt u llIII1DSEAL garments repaired altered Into faiiljnfU-no 1 Stoe johu k Mrs UAUK Ell I1111i IU> sk bear llvray lale with UuutUsr1 booS SOi aft


    rnt I 101

    ubU JaticposT OFFIOE NOTIOLShould be read DAILY by all Interfiled ai changeoily occur at any timeForeIgn mall for the week ending Nov S3 will closePROMPTLY in all cases at thIs office aa olluwsiI


    LAND ITALY SPAIN POI TUOAL TURKEYEGYPT and BRITISH INDIA tmr iteamshlp LaChampagne via Hrro letter IV other patti ofEurope must IM directed per La Champagne at7 A Si for EUROPE p r steamship Campania vIaQuetnstown at u AM for ITALY per steamshipColumbia via Naples letters must be directedperColumbiaI at 11 A M for NETHERLANDSdirect per steamship Amsterdam via Rotterdamletters must be directed per Amsterdam h at

    11 A M for NORWAY direct per steamship Norgeletters must be directed per Norge

    After the closing of the Supplementary TransatlantloMalls named above additionalI supplementarymalls are opened on the piersI of the AmericasEnglish French and German steamers and remainopen until withinI Ten Minute of the hour of saillug of steamer


    FBJDAYAt 880 A M for SANTIAGO DE CUBAiteemihlp MamelukeI from PhiladelphiaBATURDAYAt 1 AM for BRAZIL and LA PLATA

    COUNTRIES via Pernambuco Rio Janeiro andSANTOS per ItesmsIIIU ilorrento front BaltimoreIeltlrainualtsi directed per Horrento 1 CJIt 10

    A M supplementary 1030 AlI for FORTUNEISLANDJAMAICA CAKTI1AGKNA and SANTAMAHTHA also COSf A itWA via Unionpersteatnhip Adirondack letters for other parts of Colombia must bo directed Adirondack at1030 A Jl1 for CAMHFCIlP CHIAPAS TABASCO TUXPAM anti YUCATAN per steamshipOrizaba letter for other part of Mexico anafor Cubit must Im directed per OrltabaM at11 A M1 fur INAOUA PORT DE PAIX PETITOOAVF and AUX CAY1S per steamship Schlswig at II A M iiippleinentary 1130 A Mfor VENEZUELA and CUHACOA alsoSAVANILLAvIa Curacoa per teamdilp Phlladrlphla lettersfor other part of Colombia be directed perfIurlrlIhliadeituhlaI at 11BO A BRAZIL andlZ

    LATA COUNTRIES por steamship Coleridge vIaernambuco Balila and Rio Janeiro letter forrblllratll must be directed per ColerldgeiiLI M for SOUTH BRAZIL per iwsmihlnlarsen via Para Marnnham and Cesra letters

    for other part of UrsrJI must be directed prPare ejMalls for Newfoundland by rail to Halifax andthence br ttmer close at this office dally at 8UOP M Mills for Mlnuelon by rail 10 lhoslon and

    thence by steamer close at this office dally at 800PM Malls for Cuba closeI at this office dally at 7AM for forwarding by steamers tilling MonIdays and Thursdays front Port Tampa tin Stallsfor Mexico overland unless perllly addre tedfordnpi lchby teamer close at thIs office dillyTRANSPACino MAILS

    Malls for China soul Japan per steamship City of RioJaneiro from San FranclKOI dPi here duly upto toy J4 at 1110 P Jl1 Malls for the bodilyand per tilp GalileeI from San FrancIscoI rinsehere dally up lo Nov aft atni OP M Mall furHawaii Per neamihlp Audralla from Ran FranclKxil close here dally up to Nov I 7 at ditto P MNails for ChinaI and Japan per steamship Tacomafrom Tacuinal J ilnoI IIITO dally tip to Dec M atSilt p M1 Malli for China knd Japan opeelallydared only Per steamshIp Einpies oh CIlIafrom Vancou erj low luCre dally up ItoDec2 atA 80 P M Mall for Auilralla eiecpi those forWet AustralIa which ar forwarded via EuropeNew Zettianut hawaIi FIJI slid Samoan islandper steamship Monnwul from Pan Frabclvoiclues here dally lire 7 at edu P M lor onarrival at New Iort of leamhlpltrurla withlirlllih mulli for Audrallal Malls loT Australiaeicrp1 WrM AndralU Hawaii and FIJI blandper steamship Mlowera from Vanrntirrrifln e-

    re dallr after Dee 7 and up to Dec Patflmo-TrnniP malt are forwarded to port of nailingdally and the schedule closIng Ili arranged on theprlImpI of theIr unliilrrrupteil onrlurl transItRgltorod mall ioses itJ I IJurevhoul dsyCIIARIit11l ZAYTON PotnilprPo1 Office New York N V Nov vi IhWr

    toal ID otictT-IUUD ATENCEsrpREiiK COURT crrr ANDJL COUNTY OF NEW YORKJohn J Jone aa solesurviving executor and trustee Ac plaintiff against

    Jacob Cohen and other defendant Action No IIn pursuance of judgment of foreclosure and aleinly made and entered In the abort entitledI actionanabearingdatothe Uth day of November loss Lthe undersIgned the referee In aid Judgment namedwill sell at public auction at the New York Real EstateSalesroom no Ill Broadway In the city of New Yorkon Monday December Vth IBU3 at twelve oclocknoon by Philip A Srarlh Auctloni the prcmlie Inoald Judgment mentioned and therein described utolloAll that certain lot piece or parcel of land with theImprovements thereon dtuate lying anti belngln ilia-roYfoloYr aforesaid bounded and describedBeginning at a polnt on the eoit-

    rlr aide of Third Tenue distant MTentyOTe feeteight and onehalf Inches southerly from the cornerformed by the Intersection of the southerlyNinetyfourth treet with the eaSterly aide lpJavenue running tnenceeot rly parallel with Ninetyfourth street and part of th way through the

    trrttSra8lntI WallThirdninety nneetcnrfeet thence westerly again parallel with Ninetyfourth WIr part of the way through the centra-of a ninety feet to the easterly aid ofThird avenue sOul thence northerly along the saideasterly side of the Third avenue twentyfir feet lothe point or place of beginning

    Dated New York November Iflth 195O TIIOUNTON WARREN

    MARTIN J EEOQIT RefereePlaintiffs Attorney

    No 6 Beekmn StreetNew York city-

    AVENUKSUPREMKrriItRD COURT CITY ANDX COUNTY OF NEW YORKJobn J Jones AI soleSurvivIng exeoutor and trustee Ac plaintiff againstJacob Cohen and other defndantstActton No R

    In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and saleduly mado end entered In the abOTrentltled actionand bearing date the Uth day of November 1803 Ithe undersigned the referee In said judgment namedwill ell public suction at the New York Real EstateSalesroom No 111 Broad way In the city of New Yorkon Monday December Bth 15110 at twelve oclocknoonbr Philip ASmythAuctioneer the premisessaId judgment mentioned and therein described aafollow

    All that certain lot piece or parcel of land with theimprovement thereon situate lying and being In theoily of New York aforeeald bounded and describedu follow to wit Beginning a point on the easterly aide of Third avenue distant flfly feet eight andonehalf Inch southerly from the corner formed bythe Intersection of the southerly sIde of Ninetyfourth street with the easterly Me of Thirdavenue running thence easterly parallel with Ninetyfourth street and part of the way throughthe rentre or a nartT wall nlnelT feet thencesoutherly parallel with Third avenue twentyfirefeet thence westerly again parallel with Ninetyfourth street and part of the way through the centreot a party wall ninety feet to the easterly elde ofThird avepue and thence northerly along the saideasterly aide of the Third avenue twentyflr fet tothe point or place of beginning

    Dated New York November 19th 1898-O THORNTON WARREN

    RefereeMARTIN J KEOGh

    PlaintIffs AttorneyNo 0 Beekman street

    New York city