7.NPA.2 - Create strategies to consume a dense foods and...

7.NPA.2 - Create strategies to consume a variety of nutrient--dense foods and beverages and to consume less nutrient--dense foods in moderation.

Transcript of 7.NPA.2 - Create strategies to consume a dense foods and...

⬜ 7.NPA.2 - Create strategies to consume a variety of nutrient--‐dense foods and beverages and to consume less nutrient--‐dense foods in moderation.

⬜ 7.NPA.2.1 - Compare weight management strategies for healthy eating patterns, including attention to portion and serving sizes.

⬜ Today we are going compare weight management strategies, which includes attention to portion and serving sizes.

� A current trend in the food industry is to provide the biggest burger, fries or

giant cookie possible.

� The super-sized version is only a small price increase over the regular portion,

which can be a more economical choice.

� Super-sized portions can be divided into smaller portions to make the choice

both economical and part of a healthful eating pattern.

� The 90’s saw super-sizing taken to great heights and the trend doesn’t seem

to be diminishing.

� The medium drink at one fast food restaurant is now what was called the

large drink a year ago.

� Super-sizing may encourage overeating and not listening to cues for hunger

or fullness.

� You can avoid the large portions completely or divide them into moderate

portions that more closely reflect the serving size for that type of food


1. Set a realistic goal. 

2. Slow and steady wins the race.3. Move more.4. Keep track.

1. A daily food diary can make you more aware of exactly how much you are eating

5. Tame your blood sugar1. Eating foods that make your blood sugar and insulin levels shoot up

and then crash may contribute to weight gain. Such foods include white bread, white rice, and other highly processed grain products

6. Don’t be afraid of good fats7. Reach for slow foods

1. People who eat at fast-food restaurants more than twice a week are more likely to gain weight

8. Bring on the water and skip the soda

⬜ Myth: Fad diets work for permanent weight loss◼ Fad diets are not the best ways to lose weight and

keep it off. Diets often promise to help you lose a lot of weight quickly, or tell you to cut out certain foods to lose weight. Although you may lose weight at first, you may not get all the nutrients that your body needs. Many people quickly get tired of diets and regain the lost weight. Research suggests that losing ½ to 2 pounds a week by eating better and exercising more is the best way to lose weight and keep it off.

⬜ Your body needs a certain amount of calories and nutrients each day in order to work properly. Most people who skip meals during the day make up for those missing calories by snacking or eating more at the next meal. Studies show that people who skip breakfast tend to be heavier than those who eat a nutritious breakfast. A healthier way to lose weight is to eat many small meals throughout the day that include a variety of nutritious, low-fat and low-calorie foods.

⬜ It doesn’t matter what time of day you eat—it’s how much you eat during the whole day and how much exercise you get that make you gain or lose weight. If you want to have a snack before bedtime, make sure that you first think about how many calories you have already eaten that day.

⬜ Fact: No foods can burn fat. The best way to lose weight is to cut back on the number of calories you eat and be more physically active.

⬜ Fact: A product that claims to be “natural” or “herbal” is not necessarily safe. These products are not usually tested scientifically to prove that they are safe or that they work. Some herbal and natural products may be unsafe for people with certain medical conditions.

⬜ Fact: Red meat, pork, chicken and fish contain some saturated fat and cholesterol. But they also have nutrients that are important for good health, such as protein, iron and zinc. Eating lean meat in small amounts can be part of a healthy diet.

⬜ Fact: Rice, pasta, bread, beans and some vegetables (such as potatoes, squash, turnips, beets and carrots) are rich in complex carbohydrates (also called starch). Carbohydrates are an important source of energy. Foods high in starch can become high in fat and calories when they are made with rich sauces or high-fat toppings. Avoid high-fat toppings and choose foods high in fiber, such as whole grains, beans and peas.

⬜ Fact: High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets may cause rapid weight loss, but most of it is water weight and lean muscle mass, not fat. Following a reduced-calorie diet that’s well-balanced between carbohydrates, proteins and fats will help you lose weight without hurting your body

⬜ Fact: Vegetarian diets can be healthy because they are often lower in saturated fat and cholesterol and higher in fiber. Choosing a vegetarian diet with a low fat content can be helpful for weight loss. But vegetarians (like non-vegetarians) can also make poor food choices, such as eating large amounts of junk (nutritionally empty) foods.

Create a Plan to Maintain a Healthy

Weight� Write a plan to maintain a healthy weight that involves

healthy eating patterns.

⬜ If a person wanted to maintain a healthy weight, how can they accomplish that with large serving sizes for just about everything?

⬜ What other factors does a person need to consider besides serving size in terms of weight management?

⬜ You will be developing “goals” for a healthy weight management plan. Once you come up with the goals, your group will determine the steps that a person needs to do to accomplish each goal

⬜ What are the goals that a person needs to set for healthy weight management plan that focuses on healthy eating behaviors?

⬜ Place students in pairs. Each pair will create a project that would help elementary students recognize the importance of healthy eating behaviors. Pairs will choose for the following:

⬜ A storybook using Storybird, http://storybird.com/.⬜ A bulletin board or a poster to be displayed at the

elementary or middle school that feeds into this middle school. An online, interactive poster could be created using Glogster, http://edu.glogster.com/.◼ This project needs to discuss 3- 5 healthy eating behaviors to

manage weight. It has to include reasons for practicing the behavior and steps that an elementary student could take to practice the healthy behavior. Keep in mind that elementary school students don’t have a whole lot of control in the meals, but they do make choices for lunch at school and for their snacks and drinks.

⬜ You did a good job today comparing weight management strategies using healthy eating patterns. This will help you make nutritional choices throughout life to maintain a healthy weight, which will decrease your chances of diseases and conditions that are linked to overweight.