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  • 7/23/2019 7977


    Shapoor j i Pal l onj i And Company Pr i vate Li mi t ed Gr oup Empl oyees' Provi dent FundSL. NO. Z/ 748

    Subscr i ber ' s Annual Statement of Account f or t he year 2014- 2015(Exempted Emp)


    Personnel I d: 7977 St at us: Act i ve

    Provi dent Fund A/ C No: MH/ BAN/ 19844/ X/ 040000001682

    Pensi on Scheme 1995 A/ C No: MH/ BAN/ 19844/ X/ 10372

    UAN Number : 100228609925__ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _

    Par t i cul ars ( Amount i n Rupees) Empl oyee Empl oyer V. P. F._____ ____ ___ ______ ____ __ __ _____ ____ _

    1) Openi ng Bal ance as on 1st Apri l 14 74, 881. 00 30, 361. 00 0. 00

    2) Transf ers Recei ved dur i ng 2014- 2015 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00

    3) Cont r i but i ons dur i ng 2014-2015 14, 712. 00 6, 336. 00 0. 00

    4) Less: NRPF Wi t hdr awal s dur i ng 2014- 2015 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00

    5) Add : I nt erest on Accumul at i ons 7, 136. 00 2, 946. 00 0. 00For FY 2014- 2015

    _____ ____ ___ ______ ____ __ __ _____ ____ _6) Cl osi ng Bal ance as on 31st March 15 96, 729. 00 39, 643. 00 0. 00

    _____ ____ ___ ______ ____ __ __ _____ ____ _

    7) Tot al Accumul at i ons as on 31st March 15 Rs 1, 36, 372. 00

    For Shapoor j i Pal l onj i And Company Pr i vat e Li mi t ed Gr oup Empl oyees' Provi dent Fund


    Note :1) Thi s st atement , bei ng comput er generat ed, does not r equi r e si gnatur e.

    2) Openi ng and Cl osi ng bal ances i ncl ude i nt er est.3) Er r ors, i f any, i n the st at ement may pl ease be br ought t o the Tr ust ee' snot i ce wi t hi n a mont h.

    4) I nt erest has been cr edi t ed @ 8. 75% p. a. on mont hl y pr ogr essi ve bal ance.5) Empl oyer' s cont r i but i on excl udes cont r i but i on t o Empl oyee' s Pensi on Scheme

    1995, wherever appl i cabl e.6) The Provi dent f und and Pensi on Scheme 1995 account number s are pref i xed

    by t he Co. Code Number MH/ BAN/ 19844/ X/