7/9 D Wonders of Zhangjiajie - Amazon S3€¦ · Republic of China. Then we will transfer to...

CHN-8CSX 7/9 D Wonders of Zhangjiajie Changsha Phoenix Ancient Town Mt Tianmen National Forest Park Grand Canyon Glass Bridge Food Delicacies: Hunan Dishes, Mushroom Feast, Korean BBQ, Tujia Ethnic Dishes Language Available: English/Mandarin Day 1: Singapore – Changsha (Dinner) Upon arrival, meet and greet by our friendly guide. Transfer to hotel for check-in. After dinner, free at leisure. *For morning arrivals, sequence of itinerary will be pushed forward. Day 2: Changsha – Shaoshan – Phoenix Ancient Town (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) After dinner, we will proceed to Shaoshan, Hunan Province, Shaoshan was an important base during the Chinese Communist Revolution. We will visit the birthplace of Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China. Then we will transfer to Phoenix Ancient Town. Day 3: Phoenix Ancient Town – Tuojiang River - *Aizhai Bridge – Zhangjiajie (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) This morning, we will travel to Phoenix Ancient Town. This town has outstanding natural beauty where mountains, water and blue skies prevail. Upon arrival, you will be impressed by its air of mystery, elegance and primitive Simplicity. Then we will go through Qingshi Street and the old residential building. Start from Yang Ancestral Hall and Xiongxiling Home. After that, proceed to Shawan Diao Jiao Lou. We will take a boat ride at the Tuojiang River to enjoy the beautiful scenery. we will proceed to Zhangjiajie Day 4: Zhangjiajie – Mt Tianmen – Ghost Path and Glass Bridge (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) We will proceed to the tallest mountain in Zhangjiajie, Mt Tianmen (includes Cable Car). Visit the famous Tianmen Cave. Follow by the exciting Ghost Path and Glass Bridge. 4000 Ft. above Sea Level. Although it is a little adventure path, but the scenery is too beautiful which describe as the heaven on earth, you will almost forget where you are located! Day 5: Zhangjiajie – National Forest Park – Shi Li Gallery/*Zhangjiajie Performance (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) After breakfast, we will proceed to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. It is one of the several national parks within the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. In 2004, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park was listed as a UNESCO Global Geopark. Continue to visit Jinbian Stream. The streem flows between steep grotesque peaks and luxuriant trees. Here, the meandering streams, the crystal-clear waterfalls, exotic plants and rare animals co-exist and constitute the extraordinarily beautiful, tranquil and natural ecological environment. It is known as “the most beautiful valley in the world” and “the most poetic stream”. After that, we will proceed to Shili Gallery. Along this path there are many rock formations that vaguely resemble people, animals and whatever else the mind can imagine. We will take a roundtrip ride on the tram along the 10 miles.

Transcript of 7/9 D Wonders of Zhangjiajie - Amazon S3€¦ · Republic of China. Then we will transfer to...

Page 1: 7/9 D Wonders of Zhangjiajie - Amazon S3€¦ · Republic of China. Then we will transfer to Phoenix Ancient Town. ... parks within the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. In 2004, Zhangjiajie


7/9 D Wonders of Zhangjiajie Changsha • Phoenix Ancient Town • Mt Tianmen • National Forest

Park • Grand Canyon Glass Bridge Food Delicacies: Hunan Dishes, Mushroom Feast, Korean BBQ, Tujia Ethnic Dishes

Language Available: English/Mandarin

Day 1: Singapore – Changsha (Dinner) Upon arrival, meet and greet by our friendly guide. Transfer to hotel for check-in. After dinner, free at leisure. *For morning arrivals, sequence of itinerary will be pushed forward.

Day 2: Changsha – Shaoshan – Phoenix Ancient Town (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) After dinner, we will proceed to Shaoshan, Hunan Province, Shaoshan was an important base during the Chinese Communist Revolution. We will visit the birthplace of Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China. Then we will transfer to Phoenix Ancient Town.

Day 3: Phoenix Ancient Town – Tuojiang River - *Aizhai Bridge – Zhangjiajie (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) This morning, we will travel to Phoenix Ancient Town. This town has outstanding natural beauty where mountains, water and blue skies prevail. Upon arrival, you will be impressed by its air of mystery, elegance and primitive Simplicity. Then we will go through Qingshi Street and the old residential building. Start from Yang Ancestral Hall and Xiongxiling Home. After that, proceed to Shawan Diao Jiao Lou. We will take a boat ride at the Tuojiang River to enjoy the beautiful scenery. we will proceed to Zhangjiajie

Day 4: Zhangjiajie – Mt Tianmen – Ghost Path and Glass Bridge (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) We will proceed to the tallest mountain in Zhangjiajie, Mt Tianmen (includes Cable Car). Visit the famous Tianmen Cave. Follow by the exciting Ghost Path and Glass Bridge. 4000 Ft. above Sea Level. Although it is a little adventure path, but the scenery is too beautiful which describe as the heaven on earth, you will almost forget where you are located!

Day 5: Zhangjiajie – National Forest Park – Shi Li Gallery/*Zhangjiajie Performance (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) After breakfast, we will proceed to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. It is one of the several national parks within the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. In 2004, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park was listed as a UNESCO Global Geopark. Continue to visit Jinbian Stream. The streem flows between steep grotesque peaks and luxuriant trees. Here, the meandering streams, the crystal-clear waterfalls, exotic plants and rare animals co-exist and constitute the extraordinarily beautiful, tranquil and natural ecological environment. It is known as “the most beautiful valley in the world” and “the most poetic stream”. After that, we will proceed to Shili Gallery. Along this path there are many rock formations that vaguely resemble people, animals and whatever else the mind can imagine. We will take a roundtrip ride on the tram along the 10 miles.

Page 2: 7/9 D Wonders of Zhangjiajie - Amazon S3€¦ · Republic of China. Then we will transfer to Phoenix Ancient Town. ... parks within the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. In 2004, Zhangjiajie

Day 6: Zhangjiajie – Mt Tianzi - Xihai Stione Forest – Avater filming location (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) Today, we will climb the Mt Tianzi (take cable car up the mountain and Bailong eleveator down). Bailong elevator is the highest speed elevator in the world. The Mt Tianzi provides stunning views of peaks which rise one after another. It is known as “the Monarch of the Peak Forest”. Here, we may also visit the Helong Garden, Xihai Stone Forest and Mt Hallelujah. In Mt Hallelujah, is also well known for the shooting ground of the movie “Avatar”.

Day 7: Zhangiajie – Grand Canyon Glass Bridge – Changsha – Singapore (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

Today, we will be visiting the Grand Canyon Glass Bridge. With the length of 430 meters, built with 99 sheets of glass, the Glass Bridge is not only the longest, but the highest glass bridge in the world! This Grand Canyon Glass Bridge hangs over a valley. Be greeted by an extraordinary panorama of the entire Grand Canyon. Head back to Changsha for your flight back to Singapore.

(For 9 Days tour, follow Day 1-7 itinerary): Day 8: Changsha (Breakfast) After Breakfast, we will visit the Changsha Bamboo Slips Museun, where bamboo slips were pieces of bamboo used for writing in Ancient China. In the afternoon, free and easy at own leisure.

Day 9: Changsha – Singapore (Breakfast) Today, free and easy at your own leisure because transfer to airport for your flight back to Singapore

- Compulsory Tipping: RMB25/pax/day - *Mandatory Tours: Zhangjiajie Performance/Xibu Street/Mushroom Hotpot/Aizhai Bridge RMB500/pax - Non-Singaporean may require a tourist Visa, please refer to our consultants for application details. - Tour Is Conducted in Mandarin, unless otherwise specified. Request for bilingual (Mandarin & English) guide is subject to confirmation. - In the event of dispute between Chinese and English Itinerary, the tour will follow according to the Chinese Itinerary. - Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sequence of the hotel/itinerary is subject to changes with/without prior notice.

Page 3: 7/9 D Wonders of Zhangjiajie - Amazon S3€¦ · Republic of China. Then we will transfer to Phoenix Ancient Town. ... parks within the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. In 2004, Zhangjiajie


第一天: 新加坡–长沙 (晚餐)



第二天: 长沙–韶山–凤凰古城 (早/午/晚餐)



泽东故居,一座坐北朝南、背山面水、土木结构的典型南方农舍,毛泽东在此出生并度过了16 年的时光,


第三天: 凤凰古城–沱江泛舟(含游船)–吊脚楼群–**矮寨大桥–张家界 (早/午/晚餐) 前往目前全中国保

存最完好的古城之一被称为中国最美丽的 “凤凰古城”一游。它是一座土家族人聚居的古镇, 镇中至今



沱江泛舟畅游美景,乘车前往张家界,途中观世界之最--**矮寨大桥, 被誉为世界桥梁世上的奇迹,车


第四天: 张家界–天门山(缆车上下索道)–鬼谷璃桥栈道 (早/午/晚餐)

乘车前往张家界天门山(含上下索道)是张家界永定区海拔最高的山,距城区仅 8 公里,因自然奇观天门


棧道,位於西線覓仙奇境景區,因懸於鬼谷栈道上側的峭壁沿線而得名。棧道全長 1600

米,平均海拔為 1400 米。

第五天: 张家界–国家森林公园–金鞭溪–十里画廊(小火车) **张家界歌舞 (早/午/晚餐)

早餐后,前往张家界国家森林公园,续游金鞭溪,水绕四门,金鞭溪美,神秘,富有,把诗,情, 画,



石形成了 200 來尊似人似物、似鳥似獸的石景造型,其“採藥老人”“壽星迎賓”“猛虎嘯天”” 三姐妹峰”等最為



7/9 天 张家界 凤凰古城 天门山 大峡谷玻璃桥 凤凰古城 沱江泛舟 • 鬼谷棧道玻璃桥 • 国家森林公园 大峡谷玻璃桥

金鞭溪 • 十里画廊 • 袁家界 • 百龙电梯 • 韶山 • 长沙

美食: 湘菜风味 菌菇火锅 农家风味 土家风味 韩式燒烤

Page 4: 7/9 D Wonders of Zhangjiajie - Amazon S3€¦ · Republic of China. Then we will transfer to Phoenix Ancient Town. ... parks within the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. In 2004, Zhangjiajie

第六天: 张家界国家森林公园–天子山–阿凡达影视景之–哈利路亚山–袁家界 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后,赴天

子山游览 ( 缆车上,百龙电梯下),不少名人学者,登天子山后皆齐口称赞,游西海和贺龙公园,可观赏

到美丽的大自然的形象景点。 之后乘环保车前往袁家界风景区,游【天下第一橋】,武陵源精華景

點,大自然的鬼斧神工,將一塊厚約 5 米的天然石板,橫"架"在兩座山峰之上, 把東西兩峰連接。高度、

跨度和驚險均為天下罕見,故稱"天下第一橋"。【迷魂台】於天下第一橋東400 公尺處,台分兩級,第一

級由東向西呈一面緩坡,約 100 平方公尺,第二級比第一級大約低 2 公尺,是一塊緊連著第一級懸空橫伸


人間。以后再前往搭乘唯一拥有三项世界纪录的百龙电梯 。它是世界上最快的客运电梯 ,也是世界上最

高的暴露在户外的观光电梯。参观珠宝加工中心。(如天子山 缆车关团改为杨家界缆车上山 观杨家界景


第七天: 张家界–大峡谷玻璃桥–湘秀展馆–长沙–新加坡 (早/午/晚餐)

早餐后,前往著名的张家界大峡谷玻璃桥 ,位于张家界市慈利县三官寺乡,紧邻世界自然遗产、世界地

质公园张家界武陵源风景名胜区, 张家界大峡谷玻璃桥是一个新近开发建设的旅游点, 毎年吸引了慕名

而來成千上万的中外游客. 下午,乘车前往长沙,游湘秀展览馆参观 .之后赴长沙,老長沙黄兴路”生活氣息



(参加九天行程 第一至七天行程同上:) 第

八天: 长沙 (早餐)



第九天: 长沙–新加坡 (早餐)

自由活动逛街, 购物至出发时间,送往机场.回返甜蜜家园。

** 附加项目(必须): **张家界歌舞秀** 溪布民俗风情街** 野山菌宴**矮寨大桥车览(每位

500RM) 导游司机小费:旅客每位每天支付人 25RMB

- 行程/景点和节目安排如有先后次序的调整或变动以中国接待单位最后确认为准。如景点关闭,将以其他景点替代,而不事

- 先通知, 酒店安排如有调整,以中国当地旅行社确认为准。