7/8 TLE · 2020. 10. 14. · TLE – Grade 7/8 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 1 – Module 2:...


Transcript of 7/8 TLE · 2020. 10. 14. · TLE – Grade 7/8 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 1 – Module 2:...

  • TLE BEAUTY CARE (Nail Care)

    SERVICES Module 2: Maintain Tools and Equipment

    in Nail Care Quarter 1, Week 2






  • TLE – Grade 7/8 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 1 – Module 2: Maintain Tools and Equipment in Nail Care First Edition, 2020

    Printed in the Philippines by ________________________ Department of Education – Region IX –SCHOOLS DIVISION OF DIPOLOG CITY

    Office Address: Purok Farmers’, Olingan, Dipolog City


    Telefax: ____________________________________________

    E-mail Address: ____________________________________________

    Development Team of the Module

    Writer: Lynne B. Gahisan

    Editor: Lynne B. Gahisan

    Reviewer: Rosel P. Patangan


    Layout Artist:

    Management Team: Virgilio P. Batan Jr. – Schools Division Superintendent

    Jay S. Montealto – Asst. Schools Division Superintendent

    Amelinda D. Montero – Chief, Education Supervisor, CID

    Nur N. Hussien – Chief, Education Supervisor, SGOD

    Ronillo S. Yarag – Education Program Supervisor, LRMS

    Leo Martinno O. Alejo – Project Development Officer II, LRMS

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    TLE Module 2: Maintain Tools and

    Equipment in Nail Care Week 2

    Learning Outcome 2: Perform

    Basic Preventive and Corrective Maintenance


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    Introductory Message

    For the facilitator:

    This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or

    facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling. This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and

    independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this

    also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking

    into consideration their needs and circumstances.

    In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the

    body of the module:

    As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this

    module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing

    them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to

    encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

    Notes to the Teacher

    This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help you in guiding the


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    For the learner:

    The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is

    often used to depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may

    learn, create and accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource

    signifies that you as a learner is capable and empowered to successfully

    achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your

    academic success lies in your own hands!

    This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful

    opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.

    You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while

    being an active learner.

    This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

    What I Need to Know

    This will give you an idea of the skills or

    competencies you are expected to learn in

    the module.

    What I Know

    This part includes an activity that aims to

    check what you already know about the

    lesson to take. If you get all the answers

    correct (100%), you may decide to skip

    this module.

    What’s In

    This is a brief drill or review to help you

    link the current lesson with the previous


    What’s New

    In this portion, the new lesson will be

    introduced to you in various ways such

    as a story, a song, a poem, a problem

    opener, an activity or a situation.

    What is It

    This section provides a brief discussion of

    the lesson. This aims to help you discover

    and understand new concepts and skills.

    What’s More

    This comprises activities for independent

    practice to solidify your understanding

    and skills of the topic. You may check the

    answers to the exercises using the

    Answer Key at the end of the module.

    What I Have Learned

    This includes questions or blank

    sentence/paragraph to be filled in to

  • 6

    process what you learned from the


    What I Can Do

    This section provides an activity which

    will help you transfer your new

    knowledge or skill into real life situations

    or concerns.


    This is a task which aims to evaluate your

    level of mastery in achieving the learning


    Additional Activities

    In this portion, another activity will be

    given to you to enrich your knowledge or

    skill of the lesson learned. This also tends

    retention of learned concepts.

    Answer Key

    This contains answers to all activities in

    the module.

    At the end of this module you will also find:

    The following are some reminders in using this module:

    1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the

    module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.

    2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities

    included in the module.

    3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.

    4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.

    5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.

    6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

    If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do

    not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that

    you are not alone.

    We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful

    learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You

    can do it!

    References This is a list of all sources used in

    developing this module.

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    What I Need to Know

    This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to

    help the learner independently maintains tools and equipment in nail care

    servicing. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different

    learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level

    of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the

    course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond

    with the textbook you are now using.

    The module is intended for the Grade 7/8 students Exploratory Course

    on Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services.

    You are now in Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services -Module 2: Week 2 Learning Outcome 2: Perform Basic Preventive and Corrective Maintenance

    After going through this module, you are expected to: TLE_HEBC7/8MT-0d-e-3

    Clean tools according to standard procedures

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    What I Know

    PRE-TEST: Multiple Choice: Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.

    Write the chosen letter in one whole sheet of paper.

    1. Listed below are the hospital graded disinfectants EXCEPT for

    a. bactericidal b. virucidal

    c. fungicidal d. sanitidal

    2. How many minutes that the tools should be immersed in the disinfectant

    solution? a. 40 minutes

    b. 30 minutes c. 10 minutes

    d. 15 minutes 3. What is the correct proportion of the bleach solution?

    a. make a 1-10 solution by mixing one part bleach with 10 parts water

    b. make a 1-12 solution by mixing 1/2 part bleach with 10 parts water c. make a 1-15 solution by mixing two parts bleach with 10 parts water

    d. make a 1-10 solution by mixing 11/2 part bleach with 10 parts water 4. Select the PPE you will use, to rinse the basin with the solution to disinfect.

    a. using a mask b. using gloves

    c. using headband d. using smock gown/apron

    5. Where will you place the sterilized metal implements?

    a. paper bag b. just set aside on table

    c. keep it inside the drawer d. in an airtight zipper sealed bag

    6. When does used cotton, hair or other waste materials must be removed from the floor?

    a. at the end of the day b. after lunchtime

    c. during break timed

    d. immediately as it appears in the workplace 7. What should be the general appearance of a beauty salon?

    a. must be well- lighted and well- ventilated b. must be well- decorated

    c. must be simple d. must be extremely presentable

    8. Choose the right container for all waste materials in the salon.

    a. enclosed waste bin fitted with polythene bin liner b. in a sack

    c. in a box d. in a plastic grocery bag

  • 9

    9. Every client must be provided with a. clean slipper

    b. mask c. freshly laundered towel

    d. gloves 10. Which statement below describes the good sanitary condition of a beauty

    salon? a. salon premises must be free from rodents, vermin, flies, or other similar


    b. all hair, used pieces of cottons, and other waste materials are scattered on the floor

    c. furniture and equipment are required to be repaired d. the restrooms are not well-sanitized

    11. What is the meaning of the word sanitize? a. simply means “to clean” as in removing all visible debris from a surface

    b. soaking the implement in disinfectant solution

    c. an agent that frees from infection d. a substance that disinfects something

    12. Orangewood sticks, cotton balls, and disposable toe separators are classified as a. porous items

    b. non-porous items c. multi-use tools

    d. single-use tools 13. Select the first step in sanitizing equipment.

    a. measure and mix disinfectant as directed

    b. read directions on disinfectant c. wipe the surface with a paper towel to dry it

    d. dispose of sanitizing solution and used towels 14. How many percent of alcohol solution is recommended to use in sterilizing

    metal implements? a. 40% to 70% alcohol

    b. 60% to 80% alcohol c. 30% to 70% alcohol

    d. 70% to 90% alcohol

    15. What is the measurement of the alcohol solution in a jar container to sanitize the orangewood sticks?

    a. fill jar full with 70% to 90% alcohol b. fill jar ½ with 70% to 90% alcohol

    c. fill jar ¾ with 70% to 90% alcohol d. fill jar ¼ with 70% to 90% alcohol

  • 10


    1 Basic Preventive and

    Corrective Maintenance

    To be free from contamination of any diseases you have to keep in mind that all tools, implements and equipment should not be used unless it is effectively

    sanitized or sterilized. Thus, learning in this module will help you understand and be aware that all

    tools, implements, devices or other pieces of equipment in nail care services must be properly cleaned and disinfected before it comes into direct contact with a client.

    What’s In


    List down at least five words or phrases that describe a workplace with a clean and safe condition in the table below. Write your answer in a whole sheet of paper.

    Descriptions of a Workplace with Clean and Safe Condition






  • 11

    What’s New

    This time you’re going to answer an activity that will set your mind for the

    next lesson on performing basic preventive and corrective maintenance according to standard procedures in nail care servicing.

    Directions : Describe the picture in at least thirty words. Give the measures in keeping the salon clean and in a safe state. Write your answer in one whole sheet

    of paper.

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    What is It

    In this module, you will study and learn the importance of sanitizing and disinfecting all the necessary items before starting any nail care activity. Learning

    these things assures everyone to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases, instead promotes good hygiene and wellness.

    Definition of Terms:

    Antiseptic A substance, milder than a disinfectant, that

    prevents the growth and development of micro-


    Contaminated wastes Materials which are infected or with some measure of decay.

    Disinfectant An agent, such as heat, radiation, or a chemical,

    that destroys, neutralizes, or prevents the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms.

    Dispose of To throw away.

    Foot Spa A beauty care service offered by salons to relax and

    moisturize the feet.

    Hand Spa A beauty care service using natural oils, vitamins

    and minerals, having curative effect to the body.

    Hygiene The science concerned with maintaining good health and cleanliness.

    Implements Articles or tools used in manicuring that are durable.

    Infection A condition caused by a germ or a pathogen.

    Pathogen A microbe or microorganism such as a virus,

    bacterium, prion, or fungus that causes disease.

    Polythene A kind of plastic commonly used as grocery bags,

    shampoo bottles, children’s toys among others.

    PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

    Protective clothing designed to protect the wearer’s body from injury or chemicals or for job-related

    occupational safety and health purposes.

    Radiation A process in which energy in transmitted in the form of waves or particles that can be used to destroy


    Spa A beauty care service where curative minerals are

    present for beautification.

    Sterilization A term referring to any process that eliminates (removes) or kills all forms of microbial life.

    Sanitization- The process of destroying some, but not all micro-


  • 13

    How can tools and equipment be kept safe, clean and functional?

    It is vital to sterilize metal implements, sanitize wooden tools, disinfect hand and foot spa machines as well as environmental surfaces before and after each use.

    Contaminated tools can cause bacterial and fungal infections that are unsightly,

    painful and sometimes, fatal. There are several methods of cleaning and sterilization. Do a cursory cleaning after each nail care service and deep-clean

    monthly to keep tools safe and useful all the time. 1. Sterilize metal implements after each use in a hospital-grade disinfectant that is

    bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal. This disinfectant can be found in beauty supply stores. Immerse the tools in the disinfectant for 10 minutes.

    2. Disinfect foot basins after each use with a bleach solution. Make a 1-to-10 solution by mixing one part bleach with 10 parts water. Using gloves, rinse the

    basin with the solution to disinfect. If necessary, scrub with a detergent to

    remove any dirt or debris. 3. Use a boiling method of sterilization once a month to disinfect all metal

    implements. Designate one pot for sterilization to prevent cross-contamination with food. Submerge the tools in boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain the tools

    and allow them to dry. 4. Store sterilized metal implements in an airtight, zipper-sealed bag to keep them

    from being exposed to dirt and bacteria. Be sure tools are completely dry before

    storing them. If waiting more than a couple of weeks before the next nail care service, sterilize the tools again before use.

    5. Inspect tools and equipment regularly to identify defective ones for repair, replacement or condemnation.

    Keeping the Workplace Clean and Safe

    1. All beauty salons must be well-lighted and well-ventilated and must be in good sanitary condition.

    2. The salon premises must be free from rodents, vermin, flies or other similar insects.

    3. All salon establishments must be provided with continuous running hot and cold water.

    4. The curtains and floor coverings in the salon must be washable and kept clean.

    5. All hair, used cotton or other waste materials must be removed from the floor immediately, and deposited in a closed container. Get rid of them from the salon

    premises at frequent intervals. 6. The rest rooms must be well-sanitized and be provided with individual towels.

    7. Each beautician must wear a washable uniform while working on clients. 8. Each client must be provided with a freshly laundered towel.

    9. All waste materials should be disposed of in an enclosed waste bin fitted with

    polythene bin liner, durable enough to resist tearing.

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    Types of Items

    •Single-use tools (orangewood sticks, cotton balls, and disposable toe separators)

    must be thrown out after use on a client. •Multi-use tools are divided into porous, non-porous, and self-disinfecting, which

    determines how they should be handled: •Porous (absorbent) items: towels, cushioned abrasive files and buffers

    Should be disinfected with: 70-90% isopropyl or ethyl alcohol •Non-porous (non-absorbent) items: Metal, glass, and fiberglass tools like metal nippers, cuticle pusher, and electric file bits should be disinfected with: hospital grade disinfectant registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) *Note: Any non-porous implement that comes in contact with broken or infected

    skin must immediately be sanitized and disinfected. •Self-disinfecting items: nail polish, primers, liquid monomer, and gels should be disinfected with: Nothing! The containers these products come in do not support the growth of pathogens due to lack of water or high-alcohol content. *Note: Cuticle oils do support pathogen growth, so it’s best to dispense these in a

    dropper where brush does not come into contact with the finger.

    Steps to Sterilize and Disinfect

    1. Using a clean scrub brush and liquid soap, scrub implements and abrasives

    until all visible debris is removed.

    2. Under lukewarm running water, thoroughly rinse implements and abrasives until all traces of soap are washed off. With a clean or disposable towel,

    completely dry each item. 3. Fully immerse in an EPA-registered, hospital-grade disinfectant for at least 10

    minutes, or for the amount of time specified in the manufacturer’s instructions. To disinfect porous abrasives and buffers, spray them with 70-90% isopropyl or

    ethyl alcohol solutions and let them sit for at least five minutes. 4. When the time is up, use tongs or gloved hands to remove implements and rinse

    them, if necessary. Dry the tools with a clean or disposable towel, or allow them

    to air dry by placing them on a clean towel and covering them with another clean towel.

    5. Properly store all sanitized and disinfected implements to avoid contamination. A lined drawer is sufficient, as long as it is clean, labeled, and only used to

    store other clean implements. Once you use an implement, it can’t go back in the drawer; place it in a separate, labeled container, where it’s away from clean

    items and ready to be sanitized and disinfected.

    For tabletops and electrical equipment, wipe down the surface with a damp towel to remove visible debris. Then wipe down with a disinfectant

    wipe or towelette.

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    Preparation of Equipment to be Sanitized

    a. Read directions on disinfectant. b. Measure and mix disinfectant as directed.

    c. Saturate a cleaning cloth with disinfectant solution and wipe entire surface area of equipment.

    d. Wipe the surface with paper towel to dry it. e. Dispose of sanitizing solution and used towels.

    Steps in Sanitizing an Equipment

    a. Read directions on disinfectant. b. Measure and mix disinfectant as directed.

    c. Saturate a cleaning cloth with disinfectant solution and wipe entire surface area of equipment.

    d. Wipe the surface with paper towel to dry it. e. Dispose of sanitizing solution and used towels.

    Steps in Sterilizing Metal Implements

    a. Soak the tools/ implements in hot, soapy water solution to remove any debris and oil residue. Rinse them thoroughly.

    b. Place the tools/implements in a 70% to 90% alcohol solution for 20 minutes. c. Remove the tools/implements from solution, wipe them dry, and place them into

    a dry sterilizer.

    Steps in Sanitizing Wooden Implements

    a. Cleanse sanitizing jar with disinfectant and wipe it dry.

    b. Place thin layer of sterile cotton at the bottom of jar. c. Remove implements from wet or dry sanitizer and place them into the jar,

    handles up, except for metal nail files. d. Fill jar with 70% to 90% alcohol solution to cover cutting edges and tips of

    orangewood sticks.

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    What’s More

    To learn more and deepen your understanding, do and accomplish all the given activities.

    Activity 1. True or False

    Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and write the word FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer in one whole sheet of paper.

    1. Contaminated tools can cause bacterial and fungal infections that are unsightly, painful and sometimes, fatal.

    2. Sterilize metal implements after a week of using it in a hospital-grade

    disinfectant that is bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal. 3. Immerse the tools in the disinfectant for 30 minutes.

    4. Using gloves, rinse the basin with the solution to disinfect. If necessary, scrub with alcohol to remove any dirt or debris.

    5. Use a boiling method of sterilization once a month to disinfect all metal implements.

    6. Designate one pot for sterilization to prevent cross-contamination with food. 7. Submerge the tools in boiling water for 15 minutes.

    8. Store sterilized metal implements in an airtight, zipper-sealed bag to keep them

    from being exposed to dirt and bacteria. 9. Inspect tools and equipment occasionally to identify defective ones for repair,

    replacement or condemnation. 10. Sterilize metal implements, sanitize wooden tools, disinfect hand

    and foot spa machines as well as environmental surfaces before and after each use.

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    Activity 2. Matching Type

    Match the correct descriptions in Column A with the pictures posted in Column B. Write the letter of your correct answer in your one whole sheet

    of paper.


    1. Sterilizing Metal A.

    2. Disinfection of Foot Basin B.

    3. Soaking the Nail Implements C.

    4. Draining the Nail Implements D.

    5. Storing Sterilized Tools E.

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    What I Have Learned

    1. Metal implements must be sterilized, wooden tools need to be sanitized, hand

    spa and foot spa machines are necessary to be disinfected as well as environmental surfaces before and after each use.

    2. Contaminated tools can cause bacterial and fungal infections that are unsightly, painful, and sometimes fatal.

    3. A hospital-grade disinfectant that is bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal. 4. All beauty salons must be well-lighted and well-ventilated and must be in a

    good sanitary condition. 5. Sanitize simply means “to clean,” as in, removing all visible debris from a

    surface such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

    6. Disinfection requires soaking the implement in a disinfectant solution for a full ten minutes.

    7. Single-use tools (orangewood sticks, cotton balls, and disposable toe separators) must be thrown out after use on a client.

    8. Multi-use tools are divided into porous, non-porous, and self-disinfecting, which determines how they should be handled:

    9. Porous (absorbent) items: towels, cushioned abrasive files, and buffers

    Should be disinfected with 70-90% isopropyl or ethyl alcohol 10. Non-porous (non-absorbent) items: Metal, glass, and fiberglass tools like metal nippers, cuticle pushes, and electric file bits should be disinfected with: hospital grade disinfectant registered with the Environmental Protection Agency

    (EPA) 11. Sterilization is the process of destroying all living micro-organisms.

    12. Sanitization is the process of destroying some, but not all micro-organisms.

    13. Sterilization and sanitization techniques which are being practiced in the beauty salon involves the use of physical agents like heat and radiation; and

    chemical agents like antiseptics and vapor fumigants. 14. A disinfectant is a substance used to control micro-organisms on non-living

    surfaces such as tools, equipment, and furniture/ fixtures. 15. An antiseptic is an agent that prevents the multiplication of micro-organisms.

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    What I Can Do

    Activity 1

    Collage Making on Keeping Tools and Equipment Safe, Clean and


    1. Use cut out pictures from the old magazines or download images from the internet.

    2. Collage size is 8x13 inches/long bond paper in landscape orientation.

    Rubrics for Collage

    Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

    Variety of

    pictures used to

    develop main



    variety of pictures used

    to develop

    the main idea


    variety of pictures used

    to develop the

    main idea

    good variety

    of pictures used to

    develop the

    main idea


    variety of pictures used

    to develop the

    main idea

    Ideas originality


    few original ideas in

    material or display are

    evident to stimulate


    some original ideas in

    material or display are

    evident to stimulated

    some interest

    several original ideas

    in material or display are

    evident to stimulate

    much interest

    many original ideas

    in material and display

    are evident and stimulate

    a great deal of


    Relevance of material

    connected to main idea

    little material

    selected is relevant and

    rarely connected to

    the main idea

    some material

    selected is relevant and

    somewhat connected to

    the main idea

    material selected is

    mostly relevant and

    connected to the main idea

    material selected

    is all relevant and clearly

    connected to the main


    Visual Impact

    effectiveness of overall



    visual impact is


    overall visual

    impact is somewhat



    visual impact is effective


    visual impact is very


    Activity 2 Sanitizing Wooden Implements


    1. Assemble all your orangewood sticks. a. Cleanse sanitizing jar with disinfectant and wipe it dry.

    b. Place thin layer of sterile cotton at the bottom of jar. c. Remove implements from wet or dry sanitizer and place them into the jar,

    handles up position. d. Fill jar with 70% to 90% alcohol solution to cover cutting edges and tips of

    orangewood sticks.

    2. Take a video/picture for your documentation.

  • 20


    Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter in one whole sheet of paper.

    1. How many minutes that the tools should be immersed in the disinfectant

    solution? a. 40 minutes

    b. 30 minutes

    c. 10 minutes d. 15 minutes

    2. Listed below are the hospital graded disinfectants EXCEPT for a. bactericidal

    b. virucidal c. fungicidal

    d. sanitidal 3. Select the PPE you will use, to rinse the basin with the solution to disinfect.

    a. using a mask

    b. using gloves c. using headband

    d. using smock gown/apron 4. What is the correct proportion of the bleach solution?

    a. make a 1-10 solution by mixing one part bleach with 10 parts water b. make a 1-12 solution by mixing 1/2 part bleach with 10 parts water

    c. make a 1-15 solution by mixing two parts bleach with 10 parts water

    d. make a 1-10 solution by mixing 11/2 part bleach with 10 parts water 5. When does used cotton, hair, or other waste materials must be removed from the

    floor? a. at the end of the day

    b. after lunchtime c. during break timed

    d. immediately as it appears in the workplace 6. Where will you place the sterilized metal implements?

    a. paper bag

    b. just set aside on table c. keep it inside the drawer

    d. in an airtight zipper sealed bag 7. Choose the right container for all waste materials in the salon.

    a. enclosed waste bin fitted with polythene bin liner b. in a sack

    c. in a box

    d. in a plastic grocery bag 8. What should be the general appearance of a beauty salon?

    a. must be well- lighted and well- ventilated b. must be well- decorated

    c. must be simple d. must be extremely presentable

  • 21

    9. Which statement below describes the good sanitary condition of a beauty salon?

    a. salon premises must be free from rodents, vermin, flies, or other similar insects

    b. all hair, used pieces of cotton, and other waste materials are scattered on the floor

    c. furniture and equipment are required to be repaired d. the restrooms are not well-sanitized

    10. Every client must be provided with

    a. clean slipper b. mask

    c. freshly laundered towel d. gloves

    11. Orangewood sticks, cotton balls, and disposable toe separators are classified as a. porous items

    b. non-porous items

    c. multi-use tools d. single-use tools

    12. What is the meaning of the word sanitize? a. simply means “to clean” as in removing all visible debris from a surface

    b. soaking the implement in disinfectant solution c. an agent that frees from infection

    d. a substance that disinfects something 13. How many percent of alcohol solution is recommended to use in sterilizing

    metal implements?

    a. 40% to 70% alcohol b. 60% to 80% alcohol

    c. 30% to 70% alcohol d. 70% to 90% alcohol

    14. Select the first step in sanitizing equipment. a. measure and mix disinfectant as directed

    b. read directions on disinfectant c. wipe the surface with a paper towel to dry it

    d. dispose of sanitizing solution and used towels

    15. What is the measurement of the alcohol solution in a jar container to sanitize the orangewood sticks?

    a. fill jar full with 70% to 90% alcohol b. fill jar ½ with 70% to 90% alcohol

    c. fill jar ¾ with 70% to 90% alcohol d. fill jar ¼ with 70% to 90% alcohol

  • 22

    Additional Activities

    Activity 1

    Clean your own sets of tools and equipment. 1. Clean your metal implements according to standard procedures.

    2. Disinfect your foot basin, finger bowl, foot spa stool, manicure stool, and manicure tools.

    3. Sanitize your orangewood sticks, buffer, foot brush, and nail brush. 4. Take a video/picture in doing your task.

  • 23

    Answer Key


    1. C 2. D

    3. B 4. A

    5. D

    6. D 7. A

    8. A 9. A

    10. C 11. D

    12. A

    13. D 14. B

    15. A

    What's More

    Activity 1.1

    1. True

    2. False 3. False

    4. False

    5. True 6. True

    7. False 8. True

    9. False

    10. True

    What I Know

    1.D 2.C

    3.A 4.B


    6.D 7.A

    8.A 9.C

    10. A 11. A

    12. D

    13. B 14. D

    15. A

    What’s More

    Activity 2

    1. E

    2. D

    3. C

    4. B

    5. A

    What’s In

    1. Well-lighted

    2. Well-Ventilated

    3. Well-sanitized

    4. Must be free from

    rodents, vermin, and

    flies, or other similar


    5. provide a freshly

    laundered towel

  • 24

    References • Kibbe, Constance V. Standard Textbook of Cosmetology. Milady Publishing Corp: 1984

    • Moore, Oakley and Franco. The World of Cosmetology. McGraw-Hill Book Company: 1980

    • K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education K to 12 –Home Economics-Beauty Care(Nail Care) Services CG Dec.,2013

    • chicagomidwestbeautyshow.com

    • www.lasernailtherapy.com

    • health.mo.gov>atoZ>ehog>pdf>Ch_4.1.6.pdf

    • www.salonsuccessacademy.com

    • www.tweezerman.com

    • brainly.ph>question

    • www.service.clearservice.com>cosmetology


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