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SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Government Records ·----------------- (A) Government of tndit (NAI., New Delhi) Commerce and Industry Department. Education, He1lth and L1nds Department. Home Department, Political Section. 768 History of the Freedom Movement Unit Ffles Region-VIII (Private papers section). (B) Government of Madras (Tamilnadu Archives. Madras and A.P. State Archives, Hyderabad). Agency Fiturf Records. Str1ct1y Confidential. Madras, 1922- 24. Fortnightly Reports, Strictly Confidential, Madras, 1914-35. . I History of Freedom Movement F11es., Madras. · History of Freedom Struggle Files. Hyderabad. Development Department. Judicial Department. Law Department .. Public Department. Public Works and Labour Department. Revenue Department.

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Contemporary Newspapers and Per1od1ca1s/Journa1s ----~-----------------------·------·----·-~-----

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