7 Unique Strategies to Stay Fit (and resist too much Temptation) During the Holidays

7 Unique Strategies to Stay Fit (and resist too much Temptation) During the Holidays PLUS: A $260 FREE GIFT … Page 10 INSIDE! FREE HOLIDAY FITNESS REPORT 901 Minnesota St. San Francisco, CA 94107


Here are 7 Unique Strategies to Stay Fit (and resist too much Temptation) During the Holidays

Transcript of 7 Unique Strategies to Stay Fit (and resist too much Temptation) During the Holidays





9 0 1 M i n n e s o t a S t . S a n F r a n c i s c o , C A 9 4 1 0 7

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7 Unique Strategies to Stay Fit (and resist too much Temptation) During the Holidays Message from Kristen: September 2012 What you are about to read is a guide I have compiled based off my company’s experience in working with over 1000 San Francisco residents during the Holiday Season. And I’m grateful for the opportunity to provide you with this information because the holidays are just around the corner. They will literally be here before you know it! And in this guide you will find solutions and strategies you can implement right away to make sure you do not add pounds to your waist line with all the tempting food and treats constantly surrounding you. In fact, most weight gain starts around Halloween and then the numbers on the scale keep raising all the way through New Years until the resolution season hits. Then everyone is desperate to get off that 10 - 15 lbs. It’s a never ending cycle… And just so we are on the same page, I think Holidays are a great time to splurge and have fun with Friends and Family. This by no means is a guide that tells you to never eat seasonal cookies and cakes. I know I will be! This will simply give you proven, step-by-step strategies to help keep your body in check during the season. So, I hope you take in the information that makes sense to you and start focusing on developing healthy Holiday habits one by one. In just a moment I’ll tell you 7 Strategies to Stay Fit and Resist (too much) Temptation During the Holidays. Last, I'll give you 6 steps you should take action on now to make sure you stay your fit, fun self for the whole season. If you'd like to skip over this consumer information and give us a call, please do so 1-877-359-3633. You can also drop us an email at [email protected]. If you leave a message I promise I'll return your call as soon as I can. Please scroll down for your free report!

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Now here’s: Unique Strategy #1 – Before you do anything, ask yourself these questions… Did you know that there is 1 thing that most people miss out on that keeps them from losing weight for years? I know you certainly don’t mean to do it or realize how much it is holding you back, but when you do it you set yourself back further and further every time. This one thing is so basic, yet so effective that it could literally make or break any effort you put forth to lose or maintain your weight. Are you ready for it now??? Well, here it is: Figure out what you REALLY WANT and WHY. That’s what your San Francisco Neighbor and busy entrepreneur Villy W. did (pictured below). She was determined to lose 25lbs because she knew this was important for her to feel confident and sustain her energy throughout the day. And guess where she is now? The winner of our Your Best Body Fitness Challenge AND 25lbs lighter! And for you, around the holidays, it all starts with answering these important questions:

• How do I want my body to be over the next 8 weeks?

• Why is this important to me? • How will I feel as a result of staying fit

during this season?

Villy W., San Francisco

*After you write your answers put this paper somewhere you will read it daily. Preferably out loud. Trust me that I realize this is almost too simple to believe but… ..this is quite honestly the magic formula for achieving any health goal you could ever wish to accomplish… And I have personally spent THOUSANDS of dollars on goal setting strategies to learn these 3 QUESTIONS to utilize with my clients. Figuring out exactly what makes you tick and why will be the ONLY reason you stick with your exercise and health program. And it makes sense if you think about it. If you really don’t know why it is IMPORTANT for YOU to look and feel a certain way, how are you going to consistently get up before work at 6am to exercise or leave the office early 2-5 times a week to get your workouts in or to get to the grocery store for healthy food? If there is not a DEEP routed reason for you there is no way you can stay INTERESTED in what you want to achieve. Unique Strategy #2 – Schedule Your Cheat Holiday Parties in Advance! Here is the trick to having FUN, eating WHAT YOU WANT during your Holiday parties and still not tipping the scale overboard. It takes a little extra effort and planning in advance. But once you do, you can enjoy yourself knowing that you won’t over-do it for the day. This can be done in 3 simple Steps:

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The first step is learning EXACTLY when all your holiday parties will be occurring over the next couple months. Check with all social sources:

• Friends • Family • Boss / Co-Workers

Then take out your calendar and notate all the parties and potential cheat days on those dates in a BRIGHT color so they are not to be missed. Step 3, (and here is the real trick), make a list of light, healthy, snack-y fruits and veggies you can eat and that you ENJOY the day of your party and purchase them in advance.

Meena C, San Francisco So, if you know for example that you will be attending a huge party on Saturday night, lightly snacking on Fruits & veggies during the day can help to offset the larger amount of food you may consume at your event that night. Also, even though you are lightly snacking throughout the day, remember to eat enough so that you are not raging with hunger and wanting to over-eat everything in site the second you arrive at the party. I know that’s what I would do!

Unique Strategie(s) #3 – How to avoid eating too many Office Sweets Once upon a time, I worked in an office too. And I remember that it was overwhelming working in the office during the holidays. Everyone is constantly bringing in baked cookies and other treats, trying to pawn everything off on

you and all your co-workers so they won’t eat them at home. Not fair! But the sneaky trick around this is planning ahead and developing strategies that work for you to resist over-consuming these sweet snacks: My suggestions are (chose ones that work for you):

• Set a cookie / candy LIMIT for yourself. • Keep a food journal and record

everything (often making yourself write it down and showing it to a coach deters you from wanting the sweet snack.)

• Take a picture of your food with your phone and review your photos on a daily basis to get a sense of how much you are eating.

• Take a walk outside. • Bring in nutritious food you enjoy (the

key being, you have to enjoy it or you won’t want to eat it ).

• Eat complete meals with protein, veggies and healthy fat like coconut oil to stay satisfied.

• Avoid walking by the break room (or wherever the treats normally reside).

• Don’t let yourself get too hungry!!! • Count your candy wrappers. • Pay attention to what you are eating

instead of finishing work at the same time. • Eat it as slowly as possible and enjoy

each bite.

Teresa M., San Francisco

(Teresa, pictured above and down 43lbs, takes a walk every time she feels tempted.)

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Last, (before I tell you this last one, just keep in mind that it could sound a like a lot of work. But when done is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE.) Ask yourself what is happening when you break down and eat too many of these sweets and write down what you can do to avoid these circumstances. If you can think about the temptations surrounding you in advance, you will find it much easier to take control over the situation. I will make some suggestions below, but ultimately you have to figure out what will work for you personally.

Lauren S., San Francisco

For instance:

• Are the people you are with most constantly offering you sweets? Let them know that you are trying to avoid too much sugar (doctor’s orders) and politely ask them not offer you any sweets.

• Are you waiting until you are super starved to eat lunch? If so, set your alarm to go off well before you reach that level of hunger and make yourself eat a healthy snack or get an earlier lunch.

• Are the office treats constantly staring you in the face? If so, politely ask your co-workers if they wouldn’t mind keeping them somewhere else (your personal trainer’s orders ;-).

• Are you getting bored or tired at work? If so, take a 15 min walk outside.

• Are you trying to eat 1 sweet but eating 3 to 5 instead? If so try to write it down, take a photo, write down how it makes you feel, etc.

Unique Strategie(s) #4 – How to stay in Control During Parties Many of the tips I offered in #5 can also help you in your social situations. But here are more if you would like additional ideas:

• Pay attention to what you are consuming. Try not to mindlessly eat.

• If there are large portions, share them with friends.

• Take a smaller amount. • Engage in a conversation so you won’t

go back for seconds. • Put your fork down between bites. • Chew your food longer. • Try to enjoy every bite!

On top of everything, give yourself permission to relax, go with the flow and not worry about the food being unhealthy so you can enjoy yourself for one night! Unique Strategy #5 - Change your Mind Set Around Exercise

My business coaches think I am crazy for sharing this with you considering I run a personal training and fitness boot camp facility. But, the fact is that your exercise efforts only account for about 30% of your WEIGHT LOSS / maintenance success while NUTRITION and STRESS management account for nearly 70%.

Garrett G., San Diego

If you have never heard this statistic before I understand if you are skeptical. Garrett G. (pictured above) certainly was. He was in our

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fitness boot camp program for nearly 4 months and became toned, but didn’t lose a pound. Finally we convinced him to take a hard look at his daily nutrition and to change his eating habits that were setting him back. After he took on some of our suggestions he lost 22lbs in 6 weeks! So don’t delay like he did (sorry Garrett ;-)! And try thinking about it this way… Have you ever had the experience of working out on a regular basis and not losing any weight? You probably exercised 3-5 hours a week on a regular basis. But, there are 165 more hours in your week to account for. So if you really put this in perspective (3 hours out of 168 total hours in a week), adjusting other life efforts to support your weight loss goals is imperative. And this certainly does not mean that exercising is not incredibly useful for your body. Exercise keeps your stress levels low, your energy high, makes you strong, keeps your mental focus in check, trims and tones your body, and on and on IF you are doing it right. (We’ll get to that in a minute.) But it does mean that you truly cannot out-exercise your food intake. Just to put exercising and caloric expenditure in perspective, an athlete will only burn roughly 2600 calories running a marathon (26.2 miles)… That isn’t much considering it takes the runner about 4 hours to finish one.

Mia M., San Francisco

But, the numbers are important to keep in mind to help keep your cravings to over-indulge on a regular basis in check! I know this helped Mia M (above). She lost 13 lbs in 4 weeks shortly after changing her diet! Unique Strategy #4 – Exercise for Stress Management During the Holidays Finding a type of exercise you LOVE and making it FUN for you during the holiday season when you are over-burdened with shopping, parties, family time and everything else that comes with this time of year, is amazing for managing stress. And when stress is low you are way more likely to keep the extra pounds off your body.

Mathew B, San Francisco, CA

The problem is that most people think that they have to literally punish themselves and over-train their bodies to get in a decent workout and lose

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weight. But this is just not the case. And in fact, over-training your body can actually make you resistant to weight loss over time! Here’s why: If your body can’t recover from an overly intense exercise routine, you will constantly be in a cortisol- infused state (cortisol is our fight or flight hormone) which does not aid in muscle recovery and adds to your body’s over all level of stress. So, if your body can’t rest and recover, your weight loss efforts will only go so far before you hit a mega plateau. So how do you know how hard you can workout on any given day? Before I tell you, have you ever had those days when you have worked out and just felt completely exhausted? You know you can normally do more but your body just isn’t having it? Well, here’s how you can know exactly where you are at ahead of time. Simply by asking yourself the following questions:

• Did I sleep well last night? • Do I feel energetic? • Are my muscles feeling recovered? • Am I looking forward to today’s workout?

If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then you are good to go and can push yourself appropriately according to your current fitness level. If you answer no to most or all of these, then you may want to work out at a slower pace or even under the level you feel like you normally perform on a regular basis in order to do what is right for your body on this day. Unique Strategy #7 – If you really want to take your weight loss efforts to the next level and actually see results, hire a coach who knows how to help you. I believe this is a unique strategy because only a very small percentage of people actually do this.

And funny enough, they are the ones who actually see the fastest and best results! Everything gets better with a good coach. When people want to get ahead in business, the most successful entrepreneurs hire a business coach. When people want to learn best practices for weight loss and exercise, the most successful ones hire a personal trainer. And it makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Personal trainers eat, sleep, dream, practice, research exercise 24/7!

Danielle K., San Francisco

And I get that there is a TON of exercise advice all over Google. I simply Googled ‘How to Exercise’ and got 789,000,000 links. But, here’s the problem with that… Every one of those links highlights a different opinion based on what specifically worked for the person writing it. So how do you know what is right for you personally unless you find professional help and engage in a plan that is tailored to your needs? Good personal trainers actually go to school for exercise and become professionally certified in correct exercise form and what works for different body types. So simply put, hiring a good professional coach can help to put your results on the fast track. Now, if you are thinking about getting serious with your personal plan, then read on…

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Here are the 6 Things you can do now to Start Transforming Your Body so you can

look great for the Holidays:

• Write down your fitness and health goals by answering the 3 questions mentioned above. • Find a coach who you can TRUST and that provides FITNESS and NUTRITION programs

that can be TAILORED to your SPECIFIC needs. I’m not just talking about some drop in workout program in the park. Find a coach who INCLUDES more in their program than just workouts. You need nutrition support, an ever-changing routine, and at a bare minimum, email access to your coach for lifestyle guidance. (Way more information on ALL of these in our Consumer Guide “How to Start an Exercise Program and Get Lasting Weight Loss Results.” It is on our website but if you can’t find it, simply call the office 1-877-359-3633 and ask us to send you a copy!)

• Identify your “problem eating zones” and personalize strategies to over-come these. • Ensure that your fitness program is well rounded and includes all the necessary components

required for your success: o Workouts tailored to your abilities and your body o Mobility warm ups and cool downs o Muscular Recovery protocols o Nutritional guidance and personalized strategies o Supplementation guidance (not from Walgreens) o (Again, way more on this in our other free report.)

• Always move with correct exercise form. Remember that you ALWAYS get better at EXACTLY what you do most. Moving with correct form will ensure that you do not get injured, enhance your posture and your overall performance in life.

• Get an initial Fitness and Movement Screening done by a professional trainer. How do you know the amount of weight that is healthy for your body to lose if you have no idea what your starting numbers are?

Imagine after 1 appointment, having a plan of action set in place to make you successful during the holiday season.

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“With all of Kristen’s knowledge and referrals I was able to lose 15 pounds and 11 inches within the first two months. And two months later I had lost 8 more pounds and 4 more inches, and yes I fit into my wedding dress (it

actually had to be taken in a little ) To me, it was not how much weight I lost, but how much more of my life I gained back. Because I learned how to eat better, my body had the fuel it needed and because my body was nourished, it was able to be pushed and to excel during the workouts. My weight dropped, my thyroid stabilized, my shoulder became stronger, my anxiety decreased, I became a happier more energetic person – I became my true self again.”

Jessica H., San Francisco

I have even included a $260 FREE GIFT that you can use if you book your Appointment the first 30 days of receiving this report…

And Fast responders will get access to a $260 FREE Fitness

Holiday Gift Package!

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YOUR $260 GIFT! Includes a Pre-Training Discovery Call, Two

Complimentary Semi-Private Training Sessions and FREE Customized Body

Transformation Session NAME: ___________________________


Your Holiday Fitness Package Details: - YOUR PRE-TRAINING DISCOVERY CALL – This is a 15-minute phone for you to ask all of your burning questions about our program and get your two complimentary training sessions scheduled! We want to learn more about you, your fitness background, what you want to accomplish and let you know what to expect in your complimentary Semi Private Training sessions. - YOUR TWO COMPLIMENTARY TRAINING SESSIONS – This is your chance to experience our professional fitness coaches and training style. We will also learn more about your fitness level and how to get you the best results possible from your training. This is essential to injury prevention and safe muscle toning that works best for your body. - YOUR FREE CUSTOMIZED BODY TRANSFORMATION SESSION - Once you experience our training style, we would like to invite you to attend this goal strategizing session. This is a personalized appointment where we will learn more about what you want to accomplish, select a fitness & nutrition package that works for you, and develop an individualized detailed plan to get you exactly where you want to go. Your Holiday Fitness Package Benefits For YOU: - TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF YOUR WEIGHT LOSS EFFORTS. Learn exactly what you need to do to move forward with your goals. - EXPERIENCE OUR World Class Training and Professional Coaches FIRST HAND! - DETERMINE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE for our “8 WEEK HOLIDAY DROP A SIZE” Exclusive Offer! (This package is Only available for select clients. We will discuss this program in detail at your final appointment). - RECEIVE Specific to you information from a qualified health & fitness expert on how to TONE and strengthen YOUR body in record time (everyone is different, so you need to discover what will work for YOU) - FINALLY! Actionable, step-by-step advice on how you can achieve the body and health youʼve always wanted - THE OPPORTUNITY to sign on as a client and get fit and healthy once and for all, (if thereʼs availability in our schedule)

Just Turn this Page to SCHEDULE Your FREE HOLIDAY GIFTS!

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