7 Superfoods that Relieve Stress - Jerry Daskoski

7 Superfoods

Transcript of 7 Superfoods that Relieve Stress - Jerry Daskoski

7 Superfoodsthat Relieve Stress

Jerry Daskoski

Finding the Right FuelTo Reduce Stress

Life will undoubtedly present you with unexpected and

unavoidable sources of stress. Stress has serious consequences

not just for you emotional comfort, but in terms of your mental

and physical health as well. To mitigate the effect of stressful

scenarios, there are certain healthy habits it is important to


One of the most important things you can do is ensure that your

diet is chock-full of foods that can help keep you feeling

empowered and positive. These seven superfoods are just a few

healthy (and tasty!) options for you to explore!

BlueberriesResearch indicates that

blueberry eaters experience a

boost in a type of white blood

cell that plays a vital role in

immunity, which is critical for

countering stress. The

antioxidants and

phytonutrients found in berries

are an incredible asset to your

health and well-being.

SalmonThe omega-3 fatty acids in salmon

have anti-inflammatory

properties that may help

counteract the negative effects of

stress hormones. The National

Institutes of Health conducted a

study that found participants who

took omega-3 supplements had a

20% reduction in anxiety

compared to a group given placebo


Dark ChocolateDark chocolate might have the

power to regulate your stress levels.

Research shows that it can reduce

stress hormones like cortisol. The

antioxidants in cocoa trigger the

walls of your blood vessels to relax,

lowering blood pressure and

improving circulation. Dark

chocolate also has unique natural

substances that create a sense of

happiness. Choose chocolate that

contains at least 70% cocoa.

CashewsOne ounce of the buttery nut packs

11% of the daily recommended

value of zinc, an essential mineral

that may help reduce anxiety.

When researchers gave zinc

supplements to people who were

diagnosed with both anxiety

symptoms (irritability, lack of

ability to concentrate) and deficient

zinc levels over a course of eight

weeks, the patients saw a 31%

decrease in anxiety

AvocadoAvocado can help stop stress-

eating by filling your belly and

making you feel satisfied. A

study in 2014 found that

participants who added half an

avocado to their lunches

enjoyed a reduction in their

desire to eat more by 40% for as

many as three hours following

the midday meal.

YogurtIn 2013, a research team at UCLA

conducted a study among 36 healthy

women that revealed consuming

probiotics in yogurt reduced brain

activity in areas that handle

emotion, including stress, compared

to people who consumed yogurt

without probiotics or no yogurt at

all. Yogurt is full of calcium and

protein (in addition to probiotics), so

you will usually do well to include

more of it in your diet.

PistachiosThe rhythmic movement of

shelling these nuts will help you

relax. Additionally, pistachios

have heart-healthy benefits.

Eating pistachios may reduce

acute stress by lowering blood

pressure and heart rate.

Pistachios contain key

phytonutrients that offer

antioxidant support for

cardiovascular health.