7-Step Phone Skills Training For Your Leasing Agents

7-Step Phone Skills Training for Your Leasing Agents

Transcript of 7-Step Phone Skills Training For Your Leasing Agents

7-Step Phone Skills Training for Your Leasing Agents

Phone calls are an integral part of property management.

Calls are actually 3x more likely to convert than any other type of lead.

It’s clear that phone calls are a big part of your bottom line.

Are you making sure that your staff is trained to provide quality service to the prospects calling your leasing office?

Without proper phone skills and training, your leasing staff could be letting important leads slip through the cracks.

Focus on these 3 steps to ensure leasing agent success on the phone.

1. Create the right call environment.

It’s important to create an environment that’s free of distractions for both your staff and the caller.

Eliminate audio and visual distractions in your leasing offices to keep the attention on customers.

It’s easy to forget information by the end of a call. Make sure your staff has a pen and paper by the phone.

2. Don’t forget the small stuff.

It seems obvious, but many times simple questions, like asking for a caller’s name, are overlooked.

Before jumping into conversation, have your staff gather basic caller information.

Your staff should write everything down so your team has a record of each caller.

3. Build a connection.

Don’t jump into business mode right away on a call!

Building a relationship with callers will set your community apart from other properties.

Relationships also lead to loyal renters, and loyal renters are your best marketers.

There are 4 more steps required to properly train your leasing agents to Own the Phone.