7 Nutrition & Health Myths That May Be Slowly Killing You.7 Nutrition & Health Myths That May Be...

1 & See these Myths Turned Inside Out Here’s the real scoop, this is not funded and paid for by Big Pharma or Big Food Companies by Randi Dukoff, CHHC, AADP MORE CORE HEALTH & FITNESS 7 Nutrition & Health Myths That May Be Slowly Killing You.

Transcript of 7 Nutrition & Health Myths That May Be Slowly Killing You.7 Nutrition & Health Myths That May Be...

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See these Myths Turned Inside OutHere’s the real scoop, this is not funded and paid for by Big Pharma or Big Food Companies


7 Nutrition & Health Myths That May Be Slowly Killing You.

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Welcome to my Nutrition Realities Report that I have learned from numerous sources over the last ten years in school. These truths may seem foreign to you, and even counterintuitive, but they shouldn’t be. When you stop to consider what you are reading, it will make perfect sense. The problem is that most of what we know about food, diet and nutrition, we learn on TV through advertisements or on the news. The rest of our information is fed to us from the FDA or something we read in a magazine or a newspaper. The strangest thing of all, and the thing nobody seems to question is: the information changes on any given day and it is all contradictory.

You can’t get this information from an M.D., or from a dietician, and you should know why by the time you’re done reading. I can’t wait till you get to the end so I’ll give you a clue: it’s because the vast majority of doctors and dieticians don’t know this information! I recently attended a lecture given by Dr. Andrew Weil, who said “In medical school, Dr’s spend no more than one day on nutri-tion all of the years they are in school.”

We live in a complex world, this Information Age—but nutrition is really pretty simple. All of the ways these 7 “Myths are debunked” are widely supported in research—you just can’t find it in the mainstream media:

Carbohydrates are bad.1. Fats are bad, especially saturated fat.2. Soy products are a health food (espe-3. cially for women).Food labels are the key to making 4. good choices about food.Milk and dairy build strong bones.5. I only need the government-dictated 6. recommended guidelines of nutrients and foods in the USDA PyramidIf it’s approved by the FDA, it’s safe.7.


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Myth #1: Carbohydrates are Bad

Let’s start with the real definition of a carbohydrate. To make it simple, a Car-bohydrate is anything that grows in the ground. Americans seem to think that Carbohydrates are divided into the follow-ing groups:

•Badcarbs:cookies,cakes,pancakes,candy, potatoes, bread


The reality is that carbohydrates are one big category, inclusive of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and beans in addition to all of the above. What you want to do is include the best, most nutri-ent dense carbohydrates in your diet. So, when people say they have cut out carbs, they usually don’t really mean that, be-cause then all they would ever be eating is protein (more protein then even someone on Atkins diet would eat.)

Finding good carbs is easy! If you think about it logically, you’ll avoid any fad diet that advocates for avoiding them. The best carbs are in whole plant foods which are the best medicine on this on this planet. Eat in abundance all of the following: veg-etables, fruits, whole grains, and beans/legumes.

Finding good carbs is important if you want to be healthy, because they provide the body with fuel for both physical activ-ity and optimal organ function. The best sources of carbs deliver essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and a host of impor-tant phytonutrients. They are the “high octane” to run your body to it’s highest efficiency. This fuel is the most desirable energy source to your body. If you don’t

get enough, your body takes from protein and fat to supply the necessary glucose.

Did you know that if you’ve depleted the stored glucose in your muscle and lean tissue, and you are not replacing it through your diet, your body will burn muscles to supply itself with the needed energy to get you through your day. In turn, this pro-cess causes your basal metabolic rate to drop because you have less lean muscle, burning calories, and your body reacts to perceived starvation by slowing down your metabolism and other functions.

— KNOW THE FACTS —Consuming good complex carbs is vital—they have been grown, picked and eaten plentifully by the longest-living cultures of the world for thousands of years. They are critically important building blocks of life, and in their natural and whole state, they should be consumed at least seven times a day for the ultimate feeling of energy and vitality. We should avoid them only when they are processed and refined, such as in the case of white flour (wheat with the bran and germ removed).

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Myth #2: Fats are bad, especially saturated fats

For years, Americans have had the idea that “low fat” diets will keep them thin and healthy. The truth is that our bodies need “healthy fats” to thrive, keep us thin, satiated, having glowing skin and able to experience ultimate health. The good fat – no fat debate is confusing and fueled by money.

A very successful political campaign by the soy industry effectively blacklisted tropical oils (coconut and palm) and made “saturat-ed fat” a swear word in nutrition. We were told to use canola, soy, and safflower oils to replace the evil “saturated fats”. Unfor-tunately, those refined vegetable oils that replaced coconut oil caused an increase in health problems, not a decrease.

Goodfatsareliketheoppositeofsugar.Rather than causing illness, wrinkles, fat anddisease,Goodfatsmakeyouslim,fit,youthfullookingandenergetic.Goodfatsprevent you from over-indulging in food, because the fat sends a signal to your brain to stop eating. You literally will not be able to overeat, when you consume high quality, real full fat foods.

Medium-chain fatty acids (MFCAs) are nec-essary in our diet and lead to silky hair, smooth, unlined skin, and healthy cellular function everywhere in the body.

Dr.BruceFife’sresearchasdocumented,in The Coconut Oil Miracle, how Pacific Islanders who are relatively unaffected by Westernization have virtually no heart disease or cancer, and their diet is up to 60 percent fat, most of it saturated fat from coconuts! Coconut oil is antimicro-bial, antibacterial, and antifungal—shown to kill strep, staph, the virus that causes leukemia, and much more. The good and

bad fat debate centered on saturation for many years, obscuring other factors. Lauric acid, the immune-boosting compound in mother’s milk, is abundant in coconut oil, as well as real pasture-fed organic butter. Use coconut oil to bake and sauté because it does not turn rancid by producing trans fatty acids at high temps like other oils.

Note: Trans fats can be found on the ingredient list and most of the following foods. Some organic products are made safer:

•Anythingthathavethewords“hydroge-nated” or “partially hydrogenated” in the ingredients list.

•Lowfatdairyproducts•Margarines•Packageddonuts,cookiesandmuffins•Processedmeats• IceCream•Saladdressings•Preparedandfrozenmeals

— KNOW THE FACTS —Know the difference between good and bad fat, because fats are critical and nec-essary for a healthy life. Obsessively count-ing fat grams will not lead to health and leanness, just hunger and frustration. Ac-tively seek out adequate amounts of good dietary fat, including unprocessed, organic coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and wild salmon. Eat high-fat whole plant foods like avocadoes, seeds and nuts of all varieties. Avoid fake fats like margarine, vegetable oils, and any other processed oil.

Here is why Trans fats are so dangerous to you. Heated to over 400 degrees, deodorized and “purified,” these refined vegetable oils are already rancid and

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therefore carcinogenic, loaded with free radicals which are cancer causing. Trans fats are deadly “and they are documented to damage or destroy every cell they en-counter.

I cook in coconut oil, put it in coffee and smoothies, and I even use it on my skin as a conditioner and as a sun protectant. See my blog on coconuts at: http://core-andmorehealthandfitness.com/a-food-thats-ultra-healthy-promotes-weight-loss-tastes-great-and-can-be-used-for-skin-care/

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As more and more tainted, not the whole truth, data has emerged on the dangers of eating a diet rich in animal protein, soy products have exploded onto the market as the “amazing wonder food.” These prod-ucts include soy protein powders, bars, un-chicken nuggets, soymilk, soy chips, and every other meat replacement you can think of. Soy is one of the biggest decep-tions out there; along with Splenda being the safe sugar. America’s soybean grow-ers hit pay-dirt when they figured out how to make more money by selling the waste products of the soybean as “soy isolate protein powder”, which is actually just re-fined, processed, and separated from the whole soybean.

Advertisers and articles refer to statistics that say Japan has lower rates of breast, uterus, and prostate cancer than the United States. Health products claim this is at-tributed to their high soy consumption. In fact, soy is sanctioned by groups like the Soy Protein Council and USDA that cite the presence of isoflavones, which scientists say reduces one’s risk of cancer. What they are not telling you is that in Japan, soy is consumed in its natural state

and only if it has been fermented. Japa-nese people know to eat fermented whole-soy products such as miso, tempeh, natto and fermented tofu. The Japanese culture is educated on soy and they know that fermented soy stops the effect of phytic acid and increases the availability of iso-flavones. The fermentation also creates the probiotics--the “good” bacteria the body is absolutely dependent on, such as lactoba-cilli--that increase the quantity, availability, digestibility and assimilation of nutrients in the body. Japanese people are not eating soy in its processed, refined form of soy oils, soy isolate protein powders and fake soy foods.

— KNOW THE FACTS —Processed Soy in the form of “soy meat” and soy isolate are not a safe alternative for meat and should be avoided because processed soy promotes disease. Vegetar-ians are particularly at risk when they are not educated on the topic. It is most dis-turbing that our children are being fed soy formulas, when their cells are developing at such a rapid pace. Soy protein pow-ders and bars are being pushed in gyms to unknowing consumers, and women are us-ing soy-based hormone creams, which get directly absorbed into their bloodstream through their skin.

Non-fermented soy products contain phytic acid, which contains anti-nutritive proper-ties. Phytic acid binds with certain nutri-ents, including iron, to inhibit their absorp-tion. This is a direct, physical effect that takes place in the digestive system. Their ability to bind is limited by the milligrams of phytic acid present.

Myth #3: Soy Foods are a Health Food

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Here are dark sides of Soy

•Theisoflavonesinsoycausetoxicityinestrogen-sensitive tissues

•Soyfoodscandisruptthefunctioningofthe thyroid gland

•Soyfoodscaninterferewiththediges-tion of proteins

•Theycontainsubstancesthatrobthebody of minerals


More specific problems to the above issues are that soy lowers testosterone levels in men, can be linked to cancer, especially estrogen fueled cancers, premature devel-opment, toxicity, thyroid problems, and possible malnutrition, especially in babies and children drinking soy milk and soy formula. Dozens of studies show that soy causes reproductive problems, immune problems, and cognitive decline. Doctors and researchers including Andrew Weil, The Israeli Health Ministry, Mary Enig, Kaayla T. Daniel, Dr. Mercola and Kevin Trudeau, FDA advisors, and many others seriously warn against eating processed soy products.

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You would be wise to be skeptical of any packaged food that boasts a health claim on its label. Food labels are so deceptive because by law, manufacturers are al-lowed to leave ingredients out, group them into other “names” and play with serving sizes. They are even allowed to claim a product has ZERO fat or ZERO sugar if the amounts are under a certain amount, the problem is that you will rarely only eat the small amount in the serving size.

Trans-Fats, which are more responsible for heart disease and cholesterol than foods such as eggs and grass fed beef (although they have been made out as evil), are hiding in your food. The FDA has left a loophole in their regulation. Companies are allowed to make a “No Trans-Fat” or “Zero Trans-Fat” claim on their label if there is less than 500 milligrams of trans-fat per serving. The best way to protect yourself is to not buy any food that has “hydrogenated” or “partially hydroge-nated oils” anywhere on its ingredient list, even if the label marks it as None.

Here are some more food label facts you should know:

The term Natural doesn’t mea any-1. thing. No regulations exist for the term “natural,” so you could technically buy something labeled “natural” made entirely from refined sugar and iodized salt (because these are considered real ingredients!)

“Low fat” labels require that the fat 2. must be reduced 25%, but that doesn’t stop the manufacturer from adding taste with more sugar, flour, or other calorie dense ingredients for a calorie count just as high—or even higher.

If a product is within the USRDA limits 3. on sodium, fat, and saturated fat, the manufacturers may label it healthy, even if it’s first ingredient is still sugar. “Healthy” regulations were passed in 1989, but since then we’ve learned that saturated fats are not created equal. Coconut and palm oils, for instance, are nutritious medium-chain fatty acids, which do not cause the health problems; in fact they are attrib-uted with reversing many health issues.

Consumers assume that buying whole 4. wheat bread is making a healthy purchase; but the “whole grain” label requires only 51% of the grain be the whole grain. That means 49% usually comes from bleached, refined white flour. To make the best purchase, only buy bread actually labeled 100% WholeGrainor100%WholeWheat.Betteryet,trySproutedBreadorbuyfreshWholeGrainbreadfromalocalbakery.

Myth #4: Food Labels are a Good Source of Information for the average consumer trying to buy healthy products

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Manufacturers play a game with serv-5. ing sizes, showing acceptable nutrition and calories by making a serving size much smaller than a typical person would eat. This is similar to the Zero Trans-Fat rule. They play with the num-bers in a deceptive way.

Manufacturers use ingredients which 6. are known to be carcinogenic and cause harm, but they play down the dangers.ExamplesofthisareMSG,Aspartame and Splenda. Let’s address MSGhere.MSGisacommonfoodadditive, derived from a dangerous class of chemicals called excitotoxins. MSGcanbefoundinmanyplacessuch as fast food restaurants like Taco Bell,Wendy’s,KFC,BurgerKingandMcDonaldstonameafew.MSGalsolurks in products like Campbell’s soups, many bottled salad dressings, flavored ramen noodles, carrageenan, soy pro-tein isolate, bouillon cubes, dry soup mixes, flavored potato chip sand thou-sands of other foods. Manufacturers arefindingalternativenamesforMSG.ItissimilartosugarbecauseMSGisknown to be an addictive substance which can make food taste better, therefore leading you to want more of the food, which leads to bigger profits for the manufacturer and/or company.

The best advice to anyone visiting a Fast Food restaurant would be to:

AVOID all CHICKEN items1. AVOIDallSAUSAGEitems2. AVOID all PARMESAN items3. AVOID all Ranch dressings - stick to 4. oil and vinegar ItalianAVOID Croutons5. AVOID KFC altogether – I’m serious6.

AVOID Dipping Sauces7. AVOIDGravy8. AVOID TOMATO AND MUSHROOM 9. soupsBetteryet-avoidfastfoodrestaurants10. and make it yourself with ingredients you know and trust.

Here’s what you may not know but should:

MSGhasbeenlinkedtobraindam-1. age, tumors, and lesions, nervous system and endocrine problems. You can see many studies (144 at last 2. count) at pubmed.com on how rats havebeeninjectedwithMSGtomakethem obese for studying diabetes. John Erb’sreviewofthehistoryofMSGinhis book The Slow Poisoning of Ameri-ca links it to migraines and headaches, autism, and ADHD, among other health problems currently skyrocketing. SomeevidencelinksMSGandother3. “excitotoxins” like aspartate (the chemical sweetener aspartame) to neurodegenerative brain diseases like Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, ALS, and Alzheimer’sFood additives, from the considered 4. to be Excitotoxins are especially risky for people with diabetes or who have had strokes, brain injuries, seizures, or hypertension. Some food labeled as having “no 5. MSG”infactcontainsotherequallydangerous excitotoxins.

I’ve only mentioned some of the foods that putMSGonitsingredientlist.

When reading an ingredient list or food label keep in mind that these additives alwayscontainMSG.Nowyouwillnolonger be duped into thinking your favorite

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product is natural, has no trans fats and is MSGfree.

Hydrolyzed Vegetable ProteinHydrolyzed ProteinHydrolyzed Plant ProteinPlant Protein ExtractSodium CaseinateCalcium CaseinateYeast ExtractTextured Protein (Including TVP)Autolyzed YeastHydrolyzed Oat FlourCorn Oil

These additives frequently contain MSG:Malt ExtractMalt FlavoringBouillonBrothStockFlavoringNatural Flavors/FlavoringNaturalBeefOrChickenFlavoringSeasoningSpices

Additives, which may contain MSG or other excitotoxins:CarrageenanEnzymesSoy Protein ConcentrateSoy Protein IsolateWhey Protein Concentrate

—KNOW THE FACTS —The ever-increasing presence of excito-toxins in the food supply is substantiated proof that the government may be turning a blind eye to this problem. Food labeling has become a game of “how far can they push the limits” between manufacturers andthegovernment.Gobacktobasicsand only buy packaged products with 5 ingredients or less. Make sure you under-stand every single ingredient listed, be-cause if you understand it, then your liver will know what to do with it. If you cannot pronounce something, avoid it like the plague. This one simple tip will do won-ders for your health.

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Myth #5: Milk and dairy are the best sources of calcium and are needed to build strong bones.


Let me start with this, humans are the only species that drink milk after the age of two. As we age, we naturally have less of the enzymes necessary to digest lactose and casein.

The Dairy Industry is the most powerful industry in America, making well over $50 billion dollars a year. They also spend more than $200 million dollars a year convincing us that having a milk mustache is the way to go. They have successfully created the prevalent idea that you need to drink milk to be healthy and they have targeted moms and grandparents.

Much research corroborates the statement that America’s over indulgence in Milk has led to increased rates of cancer, diabetes, arthritis,IBS,allergies,heartdiseaseandauto immune disease.

Isn’t is strange that the U.S. consumes more than double the amount of milk and dairy than the #2 milk-drinking country—and yet the USA has the highest rate of osteoporo-sis and dental decay, despite having the best dental-care system in the world.

Colin T. Campbell, PhD, one of the most preeminent nutrition researchers in the world, conducted the most comprehensive, longitudinal research study in history (still ongoing) known as the Oxford-Cornell Chi-na Project. The New York Times dubbed it“theGrandPrixofEpidemiology.”Pub-lished in 2004, The China Study examined dietary habits and disease rates in 6,500 adults in China over almost 30 years.

Campbell started with animal studies duplicated by other researchers all over the world and progressed to his enormous human population. The researchers docu-

mented massive evidence that casein (the protein in milk) is linked to high rates of disease when ingested at a rate of 20 percent of the diet, which is the American average. Read more in the China Study.

Dr. Mercola wrote: Is IGF-I In Milk A Danger?

Bycontinuingtodrinkmilk,onedeliv-ers the most powerful growth hormone innaturetohisorherbody(IGF-I).Thathormone has been called the key fac-tor in the growth of breast, prostate, and lung cancer. At the very best, or worst, this powerful growth hormone instructs all cells to grow. This might be the reason that Americans are so overweight.

At the very worst, this hormone does not discriminate. When it finds an existing can-cer, usually controlled by our immune sys-tems,themessageitdeliversis:GROW!

When working with clients and corpora-tions, I recommend adding raw cheese or dairy into your diet, if you believe you must continue to consume dairy. Raw dairy still has the enzymes in tact that allow humans to digest the lactose and casein. A general rule of thumb is that anything that is in its natural state is health-ier for you.

The sad fact is that there is a food that can deliver more than enough calcium in every serving, the problem is that it’s “industry” is not rich and doesn’t have the support of our government in promoting it’s message. As you read this, and take in this new in-formation, please share it with loved ones.

The “Vegetable Industry”, which there is not a lobbying body, should be able to

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make the calcium claim through commer-cials- but they are not subsidized.Dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of many vitamins, like vitamins A, C, and K and folate and minerals such as iron and calcium. Dark greens are also great sources of fiber. Research suggests that the nutrients found in dark green vegetables may prevent certain types of cancers and promote heart health.

High Calcium Greens:Arugula has a peppery taste and is rich in vitamins A, C, and calcium. Arugula can be eaten raw in salads or added to stir-fry, soups, and pasta sauces.

Collard Greens have a mild flavor and are rich in vitamins A, C and K, folate, fi-ber, and calcium. The best way to prepare them is to boil them briefly and then add to a soup or stir-fry. You can also eat collard greens as a side dish. Just add your favor-ite seasoning and enjoy! Dandelion Greens have a bitter, tangy flavor and are rich in vitamin A and calci-um. They are best when steamed or eaten raw in salad. Kale has a slightly bitter, cabbage-like flavor and is rich in vitamins A, C and K and calcium. Kale is tasty when added to soups, stir-fries, and sauces. Mustard Greens have a peppery or spicy flavor and are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, folate, and calcium. They are delicious when eaten raw in salads or in stir-fries and soups.

Spinach and Swiss chard also have large amounts of calcium. Another great way to incorporate these greens into your diet is to put them into a green smoothie everyday.

— KNOW THE FACTS —Human babies need human breast milk un-til they are about 18 months old at which time they begin to get some teeth and they begin producing digestive enzymes to break down table food. Only baby cows need cow milk. Nothing replaces human breast milk for infants 0-18 months. (As stated earlier, stay away from Soy Milk and Soy Formulas) The best alternative, if breastfeeding is impossible, is raw goat milk.Getyourcalciumfromleafygreens,as the dairy products nutrition is bioavail-able to cows but not humans.

Here are 10 more foods high in calcium that don’t come from a cow:

Sesame Seeds: A quarter cup of sesame seeds has 351 mg calcium.

Spinach: A cup of boiled spinach has 245 mg.

Collard Greens: A cup of boiled collard greens has 266 mg.

Blackstrap Molasses: One tablespoon has about 137 mg.

Kelp: One cup of raw kelp has 136 mg.

Tahini: Two tablespoons of raw tahini (sesame seed butter) have 126 mg.

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Broccoli: Two cups of boiled broccoli have 124 mg.

Swiss Chard: One cup of boiled chard has 102 mg.

Kale: One cup of boiled kale has 94 mg.

Brazil Nuts: TwoouncesofBrazilnuts(12 nuts) have 90 mg.

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Myth #6: I only need the government-dictated recommended guidelines of nutrients and foods in the USDA Pyramid


The USDA was put in charge of this advice and it has parsed and grouped our daily bread in many different ways over the decades. In the 1930s, the USDA recom-mended twelve basic food groups, then paired this down to seven in the 40s, and finally settled, for a while at least, on the four basic food groups we’re most ac-customed to in the 1950s: protein (usually referred to as meat), dairy, fruits and veg-etables, and grain products. The recom-mendations set minimums—four from the fruit and veggie category for instance—intended to ensure Americans were getting a balanced diet.

— KNOW THE FACTS— Our government has one of the lowest standards in the free world. Most of these “dangerous” foods are illegal in other countries. The same manufactur-ers actually make the same products with different formulas. It would be easy to sell the healthy versions here, but it would cost more money and lower profits. Our government are in “bed” with the meat/dairy/processed food industries. To make matters worse, only a small percentage of Americans are getting even 5 servings of vegetables a day and that includes french fries and ketchup. The healthiest popula-tions on earth don’t look at food charts but eat most of their meals as proteins and vegetables. A great way to get your fruits and veggies into your diet is by either drinking green juices or green smoothies.

In 1992, a seemingly simple yet highly publicized piece of nutritional geometry was unleashed on the American public. The United States Department of Agricul-ture, after much media attention, released the food guide pyramid, now widely knows as the food pyramid.

The food pyramid—the partitioned triangle that we’re all accustomed to seeing on the side of a box of crackers—didn’t necessar-ily improve the American diet, but it did set guidelines for the approximate amount and types of items we’re supposed to eat, with questionable results. According to a report by the USDA, almost 80 percent of Americans recognize the pyramid, but only about 4 percent actually use it. Now even those basic suggested amounts have gone by the wayside.

It wasn’t until the 1970’s; when heart disease and chronic disease became a concern, that the USDA started shifting its message from eat more to eat less. Sugar, fat, and alcohol became the fifth group, with recommendations for consumption in moderation. Saturated fat started to get a bad rap and animal products took the hit. That’s when industry—namely the dairy industry—started to get involved in govern-ment advice. Worried their market share would decrease, intense lobbying ensued and reports were revised; instead of telling consumers to eat no sugar, fake fats or al-cohol the USDA suggested we just eat less.

Food pyramid silliness and dramati-cally changing curricula accepted all the way from elementary schools to medical schools is heavily influenced by industries with a profit motive to steer us away from the truth. Those industries are, in order of their influence, the dairy, meat, and refined-foods conglomerates

These are sample portion sizes dictated by theAmericanGovernment:

2 inches of a cucumber, 10 blackberries, 3 heaping tablespoons of beans, 3 celery sticks, 7 cherry tomatoes, 2 spears broc-coli, and 1 cereal bowl of raw spinach.

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I wish I understood the reasoning behind the government’s RDA chart which says that 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day is enough, but I am telling you that to

experience better health you need between two and three times what they recommend.

1 cup of grapes½ cup pineapple1 peeled orange1/3 of a peeled banana2 cups of spinach1 cored apple

1 tsp. of chia seeds2 scoops of ice

Put all ingredients in listed order into a blender and mix until smooth.

Smoothie Recipe

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Myth #7: If it’s sold in stores, the FDA must think that it’s safe


The FDA’s approval has led to disasters such as Fen-phen, Accutane, Celebrex, Chantix and Oxycontin in the drug indus-try and they have allowed mercury form-aldehyde to be used in vaccines for years. Do you really believe their stamp of ap-proval was made in good faith with all the information they needed? The FDA also allowed nitrates and nitrites to be used in smoked and cured meats, dangerous food colorings and additives, which have been outlawed in the European Union and other countries to be put in our packaged foods. This is the same FDA that allows manufac-turers loopholes in labeling. Who’s inter-est are they really protecting. Our laws actually limit the liability of the Drug manu-facturers and we keep drugs on the shelves until too many people have died from it. I think 1 life is too many.

Here is something you should know… The FDA has received more complaints about aspartame than all the rest of the 4,000+ food additives approved by the FDA. It breaks down within 20 minutes into sev-eral toxins, including formaldehyde and the toxin used in ant poison. Here is the scary truth, in 1994, the FDA and WHO, government agencies charged with pro-tecting the public health, claimed aspar-tame was safe for pregnant women. At least doctors are smart enough to still tell pregnant women to stay away from any artificial sweeteners, cured meats, raw fish and drugs. Now tell me, why is it danger-ous when we are pregnant but acceptable when we are not? I understand that the chemicals are even worse for an infant’s immune system, but here’s the facts- it’s just as dangerous for yours too.

One last ingredient you should avoid like the plaque. If you ever see the word

GRASonapackage’singredientlist,donotbuytheproduct.GRASstandsforGenerallyRegardedAsSafe.Thistrans-lates into: the FDA will allow an ingredi-enttobelumpedintotheGRAScategory,until enough people have been maimed or killed, before the FDA pulls the ingredient form the market. The last huge item to be pulled was saccharin.

—KNOW THE FACTS —Trust yourself when deciding what to feed yourself and your family. Our intuition is strong and will usually guide you the right way. Make sure that the research is pro-vided by a third party and not by the com-pany manufacturing the product. They are allowed to provide their own research for approval. Know that it is more than OK to not believe every food claim you hear or read.Bewaryofallchemicalsinfoodswhich have been approved by the FDA. They seem to live by the phrase “innocent until and even when proven guilty.” Stick to real, whole foods, farmers, local pro-duce and small alternative food companies that really are looking out for you.

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Now you have much more information on nutrition and some of the deceptions of our food world. You should now have enough insight into some hidden truths you were not supposed to know.

Now you should be more informed so that when you go out to restaurants, grocery stores and health stores, you will begin to make healthier decisions with your new arsenal of information.

Please share this information and spread some love. Remember everything sold on the shelves is not safe, carbs can be your

friend, stay away from soy, milk is not the sole source of calcium and milk will not make you thin, a calories is not a calorie, MSGhidesinmanyplacesandFatscanbe good for you.

If you are ready to take the path to real health through food, check out My Deli-cious and Nutritious Cookbook, which alsocomesinaGlutenFreeVersion.Wetruly are what we eat, as our food literally breaks down into your new blood cells, tissues and bone.

Page 18: 7 Nutrition & Health Myths That May Be Slowly Killing You.7 Nutrition & Health Myths That May Be Slowly Killing You. 2 ... Dr’s spend no more than one day on nutri- ... , Good fats