7 landing page tips to get more conversions

7 Landing page tips to get more conversions By: YourDigitalStory


If you do not want to waste the money you have invested in paid advertising, create an efficient and working landing page. Produce content that has been carefully thought-out and has high marketing quality. Do not forget that every detail in a landing page plays a big role in turning a lead into a client. 7 important elements for a proper landing page: Heading, Subheading, Main image or video, Description area, Bullet list, Client testimonials, CTA

Transcript of 7 landing page tips to get more conversions

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7 Landing page tips to get more conversionsBy: YourDigitalStory

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7 Landing page tips to get more conversions

• Heading• Subheading• Main image or video• Description area• Bullet list• Client testimonials• CTA

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How to use these 7 elements?

Creating a landing page without Conversion Strategy is the same as building a house without a project plan.

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7 Landing page tips to get more conversionsYou are using paid advertising and it seems that your ads are optimized, price per click is low and you are getting enough visits, but for some reason your conversion rate is weak, which means that people are not buying what you're selling and not interacting with the page as desired?

If this situation sounds familiar, here is a solution for you!

By using different paid advertising solutions, a good effective landing page is just what you need. You know that you don't direct ad traffic to your home page. Content pages are also not an ideal target for ads.

Most web pages tend to be quite voluminous and contain a great deal of information about the company and the products and services. This distracts the visitor quickly and before you know it, they will have left your page already.

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7 Landing page tips to get more conversionsThe solution would be to create an elaborate and well designed landing page that will direct your potential clients to the right place. Trust me, it's worth it!

We will now go through 7 points that you should follow that will help turn a visitor into a client.

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1. Heading

The first thing a client notices when they reach your web page (landing page), is the main heading (message). Think this through carefully and make it noticeable. Use a bigger font, bold etc. Every word in your main message is crucial.

Forget about the phrase “Welcome to our company's web page”. If the heading of your paid ad is “Warm black gloves”, then the same phrase needs to be visible on your landing page as the first thing they notice.

If a client is using a search engine to find “warm black gloves” and reaches your page which says “We have been dealing with producing different winter wear for over 20 years”, then the client feels lost. Don't destroy a potential client relationship with miscommunication. The main message of the web page needs to support the message in your paid ad. Make it as similar as possible or just use the same phrase.

Suggestion: Warm black gloves for men and women

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2. Subheading

Your main message needs to be supported by a subheading that follows the title and which should be used to create added value, be it a discount or just a description. As the main message does not have to be long, the subheading is an ideal tool to add information.

With your main message you are showing your potential client that they are in the right place, and with the subheading you are able to create more interest.

It is important that the client does not leave your page right away, but also looks through all important information that would be interesting and would result in achieving a goal (conversion).

Bear in mind that a good title and a subtitle will not save you if the rest of the page is bad.

Suggestion: If your hands are cold, come and shop. This weekend all gloves -20%.

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2. Subheading

Similarly, you should think through all of your ad texts.

If you display the exact same information after their search that they also saw in the ad, the probability of a purchase is significantly higher.

If you use the phrase “Warm black gloves -20% cheaper”, place the same text onto your landing page.

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3. Main image or video

Unfortunately, a good title is not enough. Many people do not read the text at first, instead they look at the picture or video.

If your landing page has no visual elements, it is simply boring and it is likely that the visitor will not want to focus on the content either.

Also, the quality of the image is important; if it is fuzzy and/or small, it does not add anything to the page. Quality matters!

Where could you get that great image? From an image bank? Not the most original solution but it is better than having no picture or a low quality one.

Ideally you should use a professional photographer who will take photos of your product.

The more realistic the picture is, the more reliable it seems to the visitor.

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3. Main image or video

This is definitely a reasonable investment that you can use also in overall marketing, for example sharing the picture also in your newsletter or social media channels.

Example: In Facebook, posts with images and videos work much better than ordinary text posts. Visuals matter.

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4. Description area

This is the opportunity to create trust in the eyes of a future client, e. g. “We have been in business for 20 years”.

This area should mainly be used for describing a specific product in more detail and to explain why you are the best seller.

Point out the main benefits and differences of our product or service compared to other similar providers.

Do not overdo it: “Our gloves are the warmest and definitely have the best design in the world. Buy now and you will not regret it. Best price.”

Do not give empty promises and stress on advantages that cannot be proven.

Suggestion: Our soft gloves, made of quality material keep your hands warm even in -15 degrees. Come to our shop and try them on. Wide range of mittens and gloves.

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5. Bullet list

The bullet list brings out 3-4 main advantages and benefits of why your product is the best choice for a potential client. Add a description part with a few sentences to each element.

Track the correctness of your content carefully and consistently for each element of the landing page – in the title, subtitle, description area, bullet points etc. If you are not good with words yourself, use the help of a copywriter.

This follows the same logic as pictures; not every picture or text is good.

A badly written text with a weird structure and poorly thought-out content with spelling mistakes leaves an unprofessional impression and drives your clients away.

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6. Client testimonials

If you have written down the benefits and properties of a product or service, it is time to let others praise you as well.

The feedback of your real customers who have used your product/service, creates a reliable impression and encourages others to buy as well.

2-3 comments or testimonials are enough, do not make too much of an effort.

How to get feedback? There are many ways…

● send a letter to your client – ask for personal feedback about your product or service;

● be active in social media – sharing practical advice generates clients' feedback without having to ask them for it;

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6. Client testimonials

● commenting fields nearby your product, blog and other – again, lets the client decide if they want to express their opinion or not. Feedback that has been given on their own initiative is more likely to be adequate compared to you asking for it.

The more expensive way is to create a video from the feedback. For example Unbounce (http://unbounce.com/).

They were testing how would ordinary feedback work on their page versus video feedback. And the result?

Video feedback brought 25% more registrations. Investing in a good video is expensive and time-consuming, but the added value that comes with it, is worth it.

Suggestion: Find the right way to get feedback from the client and use it with pride.

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7. CTA

Every landing page has to have a specific goal. Be it selling a product, growing clientele, giving out free materials or something else.

The important part is that your message has been clearly emphasized and correctly communicated.

Think these 2 very important aspects through:

● why would a person perform an activity on your page?

● what happens if they click on a CTA button or fill out a form?

If the visitor does not fully understand what they have to do on your landing page, the conversion will not happen.

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7. CTA


The crucial aspect here is that the CTA button would actually look like a button, not an ordinary piece of text that has a background. There are many ways to design a good button: rounded corners, directing arrows, hover effects etc.

Make it stand out! Do not forget that the text of the CTA needs to be correct and attractive.

Good choices: “Download maintenance instructions”, “I want a free e-book” - they will immediately understand what they are dealing with.

Gives the visitor a reason to click on the button.

Bad choices: “Read more“, “Click here“ - they do not say much and are not interesting.

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7. CTA

You can motivate visitors to click on the CTA button by adding an extra description. Give the visitor a reason why they should click on the button and what will happen, once they do.

The more transparent the information is, the more trustworthy you seem to them, and the clearer the CTA message, the higher the probability of somebody clicking on it.

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7. CTA


If you would like the client to fill in a form for you, it is important to think through all the fields carefully. Is their gender or birthday really relevant information for you?

The most important part of a form is simplicity. Try to use as few fields as possible to retrieve the minimal information that you need for a potential client.

Everything else you can later specify with them, if necessary. If three out of ten fields are mandatory, the length of that form already scares a lot of people away.

It is true that sometimes you inevitably need more information.

In that case, the visitor usually forgives you for the length of the form. You cannot send a package to someone, if you do not know where to send it. Makes sense.

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7. CTA

A form that is too short (1-2 fields) may look like spam; too long (10+ fields) makes them feel that it will take forever to fill it in.

It is especially inconvenient if drop-down menus are used in forms where you might not have all the necessary choices and the option to leave it empty or select “Other” is not available.

No form should ever be called “Submit”. Really, would you click on that? It does not tell anything to the client and if the description of the form is weak, then the likelihood of it being filled in, is near 0%.

Some tips: “order now“, “get your free PDF“, “30 days free trial“

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If you do not want to waste the money you have invested in paid advertising, create an efficient and working landing page.

Produce content that has been carefully thought-out and has high marketing quality.

Do not forget that every detail in a landing page plays a big role in turning a lead into a client.

7 important elements for a proper landing page:

1. Heading2. Subheading3. Main image or video4. Description area5. Bullet list6. Client testimonials7. CTA

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