7 L’ H · PDF fileOne more time, L’Hospitalet starts the New Year supporting and...

download 7 L’ H · PDF fileOne more time, L’Hospitalet starts the New Year supporting and orga-nizing the best Basketball Junior tournament. Some of the most rele-vant Europe basketball

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    GRAN PREMIDIPUTACI de BARCELONA4, 5 i 6 de gener de 2016

    Complex Esportiu Municipal LHospitalet Nord,

    avinguda de Manuel Azaa, 21-23


  • One more time, LHospitalet starts the New Year supporting and orga-nizing the best Basketball Junior tournament. Some of the most rele-vant Europe basketball players, who will be present in the best European tournaments, will be also playing in our city in the Basketball Junior tournament Ciudad de LHospitalet, which has become one of the most prestigious Basketball tournament around Europe in its category.

    Sport entities, like the Club Balon-cesto LHospitalet, represent the power of the sport spirit in our city, sport is the base and one of the prio-rities of our Municipal government. In our city, we feel proud of our wide net of sport entities and of all our education centers that arduously work teaching and extending the sport practice. We have the interna-tional tournament recognition for our Torneo Junior Ciudad de LHospitalet and the recognition for some of our sportive facilities that have top equi-pment and with excellent and con-venient locations. All together have made possible that LHospitalet ob-tained the award, since this summer, of the certification stamp of Sport Tourism Destination.

    I would like to express my gratitu-de to CB LHospitalet for all the daily and constant work they made and the effort that all the team put in the organization of this tournament, that this year will celebrate its 37th. Edition. I would like to invite to all of you to enjoy, again this year, of this sport event.

    Un cop ms, LHospitalet inicia un nou any tornant a ser referncia del millor bsquet jnior europeu. Algunes de les futures figures de les competicions del continent es podran veure al Torneig de Bs-quet Jnior Ciutat de LHospitalet, un dels ms prestigiosos dEuropa daquesta categoria.

    Entitats com el Club Bsquet LHospitalet representen la for-a de lesport a la ciutat, lesport de base, una de les prioritats del Govern municipal. A la ciutat, ens sentim orgullosos de lmplia xar-xa dentitats i centres educatius que treballen per difondre la prc-tica esportiva. Tenim el reconeixe-ment internacional de competicions com el Torneig Jnior Ciutat de LHospitalet i tamb dalgunes de les nostres installacions, ben do-tades i en ubicacions estratgiques. Aquesta realitat ha fet possible que LHospitalet disposi, des daquest estiu, del segell de Destinaci de Turisme Esportiu.

    Agraeixo al CB LHospitalet la seva feina i el seu esfor en el seu dia a dia i en lorganitzaci daquest torneig que arriba ja a la seva 37a edici. Us convido a tots a gaudir daquest esdeveniment esportiu.

    Una vez ms, LHospitalet inicia un nuevo ao volviendo a ser referencia del mejor baloncesto junior europeo. Algunas de las futuras figuras de las competiciones del continente se po-drn ver en el Torneo de Baloncesto Junior Ciudad de LHospitalet, uno de los ms prestigiosos de Europa de esta categora.

    Entidades como el Club Baloncesto LHospitalet representan la fuerza del deporte en la ciudad, el deporte de base, una de las prioridades del Gobierno municipal. En la ciudad, nos sentimos orgullosos de la am-plia red de entidades y centros edu-cativos que trabajan para difundir la prctica deportiva. Tenemos el reco-nocimiento internacional de com-peticiones como el Torneo Junior Ciudad de LHospitalet y tambin de algunas de nuestras instalaciones, bien dotadas y en ubicaciones estra-tgicas. Esta realidad ha hecho posi-ble que LHospitalet disponga, desde este verano, del sello de Destino de Turismo Deportivo.

    Agradezco al CB LHospitalet su tra-bajo y su esfuerzo en su da a da y en la organizacin de este torneo que llega ya a su 37 edicin. Os in-vito a todos a disfrutar de este even-to deportivo.

    Nria Marn i MartnezAlcaldessa de LHospitalet

  • Jordi BertomeuPresident and CEO, Euroleague Basketball

    Joan Ramon Patn i MataPresident del Club Bsquet LHospitalet

    Amics i amigues,

    Un any ms s un plaer, tant per al CB LHospitalet, lentitat organitzadora, com per a la nostra ciutat, donar la benvinguda al 37 Torneig de Bsquet Jnior Ciutat de LHospitalet.

    Vuit dels millors planters dEuropa estan convocats a la nostra ciutat, i podrem gaudir amb jugadors, en la seva ltima etapa de formaci, preparats per donar el salt al bsquet professional. Lany passat, Luka Doncic, i fa tres anys, Kristaps Porzingis i Mario Hezonja que van formar part del 5 ideal del torneig sn solament un petit exemple del nivell de jugadors que competiran un any ms al Complex Esportiu Municipal LHospitalet Nord.

    De ben segur, els propers dies 4, 5 i 6 de gener el millor bsquet jnior europeu del moment es jugar a la nostra ciutat. Tot un regal per a nosaltres.

    Noms resta que els Reis Mags ens portin a tots felicitat i solidaritat en aquest any 2016.

    Moltes grcies i gaudiu del Torneig!

    Amigos y amigas,

    Un ao ms es un placer, tanto para el CB LHospitalet, la entidad organizadora, como para nuestra ciudad, dar la bienvenida al 37. Torneo de Baloncesto Junior Ciudad de LHospitalet.

    Ocho de las mejores canteras de Europa se dan cita en nuestra ciudad, y podremos disfrutar de jugadores, en su ltima etapa de formacin, preparados para dar el salto al baloncesto profesional. El ao pasado, Luka Doncic, y hace tres aos, Kristaps Porzingis y Mario Hezonja que formaron parte del 5 ideal del torneo, son solo un pequeo ejemplo del nivel de jugadores que competirn un ao ms en el Complejo Deportivo Municipal LHospitalet Nord.

    Estoy seguro de que los prximos das 4, 5 y 6 de enero el mejor baloncesto junior europeo del momento se jugar en nuestra ciudad. Todo un regalo para nosotros.

    Slo nos falta que los Reyes Magos nos traigan a todos felicidad y solidaridad en este ao 2016.

    Muchas gracias y disfrutad del Torneo.

    Dear basketball friends,

    It is with great pride that Euroleague Basketball and adidas welcome you to the 14th edition of an event that celebrates our clubs and all the often-unseen work they do in promoting our great sport among young people.

    In its second decade, the adidas Next Generation Junior Tournament does more than crown a champion from among the best 18-and-under teams on the continent. Over the course of five months in four countries or more every year, the Tournament stands as a symbol of the dedication that Euroleague Basketballs family of clubs have to enriching our sport by perpetuating the values that make basketball great.

    While the adidas Next Generation Junior Tournament is certainly a showcase of fantastic talent, it also serves as a unique vehicle for transferring values such as team spirit, commitment, respect, sacrifice, fair play and humility from one generation to the next.

    Our clubs teach those values every day in their youth programs to thousands of children and teenagers. Some of those youngsters will someday thrill us as professionals, but all will learn the values and enjoyment of bas-ketball thanks to the dedication of our clubs.

    What the Tournament adds to those efforts is a solid platform that lets teenagers from every corner of Europe and often completely distinct backgrounds come together not only to compete, but to understand that their shared passion for basketball make them more alike than different from each other.

    To introduce basketball to children and develop them as players is a noble mission and the rewards for our sport are many: the improvement in the quality of play; the promotion of lifelong healthy living; the advance-ment of teaching and learning techniques; and the commitment to local communities that is at the heart of Euroleague Basketballs mission.

    The adidas Next Generation final tournament serves to reward both clubs and young players for their hard work with a one-of-a-kind event that has become a central part of the best weekend in world basketball, the Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four, celebrated this season in Berlin, Germany.

    Euroleague Basketball is strongly committed to growing basketball across Europe, a commitment inspired by the passion of the many clubs, organizations and institutions that are the true motors of the sport. On behalf of Euroleague Basketball, I thank all of them profoundly, but especially now CB LHospitalet, with whom we have been collaborating on these shared objectives for many years.

    Likewise, our appreciation goes out to adidas for its commitment to youth basketball, the future of our sport.

    Because of all these contributors, our talented young players can take the stage now as the real protagonists of the Next Generation qualifying tournaments. The devotion that defines our game is alive in them, and we are proud to call them part of the Euroleague Basketball family, now and in the future.

    Many thanks,















    A field of 32 junior teams from all corners of Europe are set to mount their own run for a continental title after the naming Tuesday of all the participating teams for the four qualifiers of the 2015-16 EUROLEAGUE BAS-KETBALL ADIDAS NEXT GENERATION TOURNAMENT.

    This will mark the 14th edition of a competition that has grown from eight teams and one city in 2003 to qualifying tournaments held across the continent that offer 32 teams the chance to become the junior club champions of Europe.

    Eight teams each will compete at qualifying to