7 Keys To Happiness


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Transcript of 7 Keys To Happiness

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Don‘t worry – chose happy!

Many things which have unfolded in your life might have led you on a difficult road.

But don‘t worry about the future which is unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Instead chose to be happy in the present moment and focus only on what you can do now.

„Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.“ - Mahatma Gandhi

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Cultivate Gratitude

Make this your habit to practice the gratitude exercise every day.

Spend a moment in a day for yourself to write down every blessing in your day.

By counting your blessings and not your problems, this shifts people away from despair and promotes happiness.

„Happiness cannot be travelled to, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.“ – Denis Waitley

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Foster Forgiveness

Holding on to grudges and hatred is like holding a hot coal which only burns your own hand.

Resentment can affect physical and mental health. One way to overcome these feelings is to foster forgiveness.

Remember that forgiveness is for yourself, which sets the prisoner within free.

„The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attitude of the strong.“ – Mahatma Gandhi

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Counteract negative thoughts/feelings

Negative thoughts can severely wear your energy down and cloud your vision to see any good that surrounds you.

The way to counteract this is to remind yourself that you have the control over your own actions and emotions.

Meditation and mindfulness exercises can help to disperse anxiety and promote serenity.

„Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones you will see positive results.“ – Aurorasa Sima

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Money can’t buy happiness

Remember that money can’t buy happiness.

Regardless of what we achieve in a material sense, it’s never going to bring an enduring state of happiness.

This is because happiness is an emotional state of the mind. It’s about being at peace within and making peace with the world without.

„Regardless what we achieve in the pursuit of stuff, it’s never going to bring about an enduring state of happiness.“ – Daniel Gilbert

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Build healthy friendships OFFLINE

There’s a common saying that you are the sum of your five closest friends.

This wisdom is true because the people you hang out with directly relates to the quality of your life.

Research has also shown that people over 70 who had the strongest network also lived the longer.

„Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking in the light alone.“ – Helen Keller

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Engage in meaningful activities

By thoroughly absorbing yourself into meaningful activities such as helping the less fortunate, this will give you a sense of purpose in your life.

As you do good and give back it improves your satisfaction with your life. People are supportive creatures by nature.

Your mind will become motivated as you engage yourself with matters in life that are worthwhile.

„Active leisure that helps a person grow does not come easily.“ – Mihaly Cszikszent