7 Key Steps To Your First Deal - Amazon Web … Steps To Your First...7 Key Steps To Your First Deal...


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Page 1: 7 Key Steps To Your First Deal - Amazon Web … Steps To Your First...7 Key Steps To Your First Deal How To Not Over Complicate The Real Estate Business Hello! This is Zack Childress
Page 2: 7 Key Steps To Your First Deal - Amazon Web … Steps To Your First...7 Key Steps To Your First Deal How To Not Over Complicate The Real Estate Business Hello! This is Zack Childress

7 Key Steps To Your First Deal

How To Not Over Complicate The Real Estate Business

Hello! This is Zack Childress and first off, I just want to congratulate you for

looking to really grow your business or just start it and increase the ability to do

more in the real estate space with less work. I know the old saying is “less work equals more money.” In this case, in this special report, you are going to

learn that.

Also, we are going to talk about the following things:

1. The Million Dollar Flow Chart

2. How to make $27,000 on vacation

3. Top 5 types of motivated Sellers

4. 7 Key steps to getting your first deal

5. Why Most Investor Over complicate this business

6. How simple Real Estate Investing really is

As real estate investors, there are some things that we have to do constantly to

keep our business growing. Sometimes, it is things that we don’t know a lot

about, or sometimes it is things that we aren’t comfortable doing. I’m here to tell

you that the better you get at

marketing, the better you will be at your


There are all types of marketing. There

is online marketing, offline marketing,

and social media marketing. When you

get to online marketing, there are

different types of online marketing. When you get to social media, there are

different types of social media marketing. When you do offline marketing like

direct mail, there are obviously all types of direct mail marketing that you can be


I just want to slow everyone down. Trying to do all those types of marketing, can,

for one, make you broke, and, two, be very complicating, and three, you might

not be in a position to do all that marketing. I just want you to know that’s ok. We

don’t have to do all those types of marketing when we are getting started.

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What you have to understand is that the key to any real estate business is a

really simple, simple, simple process. One of the best forms of marketing your

business is literally just making offers. When you start making offers, what you

are really doing is letting people know that you are a buyer or you are looking to

buy real estate.

It doesn’t matter if you are a Tier 1 Investor and you are

wholesaling, if you are a Tier 2 Investor and you are

doing lease options, if you are a Tier 3 Investor and you

are rehabbing, or you are a Tier 4 Investor and you are

buying and holding. You really just have to make offers

no matter what you do to get real estate.

So, I just wanted to slow everyone down a little bit and say that real estate is very

simple and we sometimes overcomplicate the entire process. Marketing is the

key! Also know that all successful businesses have systems in place where they

automate as much of their business as possible to be very successful.

I’ll tell you a little story where I was really just getting started in real estate. This

was over seven years ago, and since then, I have obviously done a ton of deals

in real estate in multiple states. We run a very successful investing company, but

I realized there was a lot of work involved in that and I wanted to find a way to

automate that so I was not involved in the day to day of my business.

I’ll never forget, it was me and my wife, and we were sitting down at the breakfast

table. We were about six months into the business. I had left my job, I was

wholesaling full time, and I was doing five figures literally every month just

wholesaling real estate.

You may be wondering “what is wholesaling?” I am going to get into wholesaling

in just a minute because I want you to be very clear knowing that wholesaling is

not complicated. It’s a very easy, easy process, and I am going to teach you that.

Now back to the story, my wife looked at me while we were at that table and she

said, “Babe, I want to go on vacation.” I said, “Well, that sounds great. Where do

you want to go this weekend?” She didn’t want to go away for a weekend. She

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didn’t even want to go away for a week. She wanted to go away for literally a

month. Now, imagine that, right? Imagine you being able to take off a solid month

and just go away, enjoy life, and experience things that you have never

experienced before but know at the same time that your business is running

effectively and efficiently and deals are still coming in.

I call it the Million Dollar Flow Chart. To start that flow chart off, there’s literally

four components to it.

• Motivated Sellers

o How was I going to keep a

steady stream of Motivated

Sellers coming into my

business on a regular and

consistent basis so that I

knew I always had leads

coming in?

When I was starting out, I obviously didn’t have a lot of money and finding

motivated sellers took some traditional marketing, but the key was that I knew to

get the highest amount of motivated sellers was by making offers because only

the true motivated sellers would contact me back. So, in component two, I had to

automate that process.

• Automate Motivated Sellers List

o I had to find a way to automate the offering process. Making offers,

prescreening, and following up with offers; this is the key to keeping

a steady flow of motivated sellers coming in.

• Getting the Buyer to the table to close.

o As I have grown my business, I have put together a very large list of

landlord buyers, rehab buyers, and cash buyers in my database.

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I knew that through those three models, I could automate the offering process

which would create the motivated seller for me and I just had to present those to

my buyers.

There’s a little thing called a “Virtual Assistant” which could take that seller lead

and present it to my buyers. Now, I didn’t have to be there through all of this; that

was the best part because I had literally automated the entire offering process

to get the best deals possible.

Well, it left me with the fourth piece of this puzzle that I just couldn’t figure out.

Well, I spent a lot of time researching and researching to figure out how in the

world I am going to get this deal closed if I am not

here. Well, I want you guys to write this down or

highlight this in this report. There’s a thing called

a “Virtual Closing Coordinator.”

That was the key! I could literally automate the

entire process from automating the offering

process to getting the most motivated sellers to

me quickly as possible to getting that deal to one of my buyers and then once the

buyer said yes, I could send that over to a virtual closing coordinator and they

would close the transaction for me.

Now, obviously, I was all excited. I took this to my wife and I said, “Look! I think I

figured this out.” Jokingly she said, “I knew you would do that. I knew you could

do it and that’s why I already planned the vacation.” As you can see, she was

ready to go on that vacation whether I was going or not.

We took that long awaited vacation and went to Mazatlán Mexico, and when we

were in Mazatlán Mexico, I was checking my emails and we had sellers coming

in accepting offers, my VA was working effectively, and I put a buyer on the deal.

We ended up with a deal that we were able to send over to our virtual closing

coordinator, and while I was on vacation, I was able to do a deal and put

$27,000 in my bank when I got home. That’s when it all became real for me. It

was when I realized this could work and is going to work. I was on to a game


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That’s exactly what I want to share with you. I want to share it with everyone who

wants to do more business with less time involved. Now, I know you are sitting

there thinking, “Well, Zack, I know it is time to buy real estate, but I just don’t know how to get started or how to find them.” Well, I am going to give you my

Top 5 Motivated Sellers. Here’s the best part, they are very easy to find!

1. REOs. REOs are all over the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). REO stands

for Real Estate Owned.

2. Short Sales. These are also all over the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

also. You can also find these on the foreclosure list as well.

3. Aged Listings. These are all over the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) as

well. An aged listing is simply someone that has had their property on the

market longer than the average days on market. These are all motivated


4. Vacant or Non-Owner Occupied (N.O.O.) which can be found on the

Multiple Listing Service (MLS) or can be found through a list broker that

can provide me with that type of data.

I can also research motivated sellers on the Internet. This is key because these

types of sellers are all over the Internet trying to sell their property. What you

have to remember is that none of this marketing makes any sense or is good for

you to do if you aren’t making offers. You have to be making offers on these


Now, the question you might be asking me right now

is “What do I do with them?” Well, we wholesale

them. All the ones that we don’t want to keep and

rehab ourselves, we wholesale them off. We

wholesale to create chunks of cash that we can go

invest and buy a house, rehab it, and then resell it.

Or use to create properties that we want to create a

cash flow with. This is called “Wealth Building” and

that is what wholesaling will allow you to do.

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Now, here is the best part about wholesaling. If you are just getting started and

you are worried about the risk involved, wholesaling properties is the best

method for anybody if you are looking for quick cash right now. There is no risk

involved. You can literally create quick cash in two weeks.

You are working smarter and not harder because you don’t have to stay in the

deal anymore. You are not worried about market trends or any issues that may

occur in the market because you are not buying the house. There’s no capital

needed, there is no credit needed. The best part is: there is no experience


The only downside to wholesaling is that you need to make lots of offers to be

successful at it. That’s one of the things that they leave out or a trainer doesn’t always tell you, but it is the absolute key to being successful.

I want to break down wholesaling for you. In this example, if we are marketing for

a For Sale By Owner (FSBO), we would simply start making offers, we would

send out our Purchase and Sales Agreement, and when the seller accepts it,

then we would market for our buyer. We would bring the deal to the table and let

our buyers know that we have a deal. We would

call them all up, we would send them an email,

and/or fax them a flyer letting them know that

we have a deal. When that buyer; let’s say out of

10 or 15 buyers, you have one that is interested

in the deal; then you do what is called an

“Assignment of Contract.”

Now, think about it. How much work have we really put into this?

• Sent one contract to purchase the property

• We used one contract to bring the buyer to the table

That’s it! When that buyer signs off on that assignment agreement, he then pays

you your assignment fee. Then you are paid and you are moving onto the next

deal. Then the buyer goes and closes on that property. That right there, is the

reason why wholesaling is the easiest way to get paid right now in today’s real

estate market.

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The downside is that you have to make a lot of offers. If you are going to do this

on your own, you would literally have to start acquiring leads. Usually you can

work with an agent or go online and find these. Then you have to start calculating

a discount on say 100 properties. Then you have to write your offer on those 100

properties. Then you have to create a cover letter for all those 100 properties.

The cover letter is really the key! Then you have to start sending those offers out

by either fax or email. Then you realize that you are literally doing these 5 days a

week all day long; all week, all month just to be successful. Don’t forget the

follow-ups. You have to follow-up with all these every 14 days or so. Then you

have to recalculate all the offers so that they go out as a new offer with the new

offer price. Then you have to create new cover letters to match all that.

If you think about this, this is long, tedious work. You have to remember the

follow-ups because that is where the money is. To do this on your own and not

automate it can be very time

consuming. We automate our entire

front end offering process.

I’m going to get to that a little later. We

have another training that will come

behind this special report, but I want to really break down some key steps to

being successful in the real estate business.

• Step 1: Co-Wholesaling

o This is the fastest and easiest way to get into real estate investing.

This is where you would start making a lot of offers, get a property

locked up, and then you bring it to a company, like mine who has a

lot of buyers, and you would let us put a buyer on that deal and we

would split that profit with you. That’s one of the easiest ways to get

started. The key to this step is making offers. You have to make


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• Step 2: Building Your Own Buyers List

o You can do this by going after other wholesalers in your market or by

going after landlords who are buying in that market such as going to

your local Section8.com site.

• Step 3: Analyzing the Deal

o You need to determine whether the deal has an exit strategy. There

are three exit strategies that you should pay attention to. It needs

two of these three for it to be a good deal.

Can I wholesale the deal for quick cash?

Can I sell it retail if I have to?

Does it produce cash flow if I need to hold the property?

• Step 4: Follow-Up System in Place

o If you are making offers successfully which means that you are not

doing it on your own, you need to also be automating your follow-up

offers so that your offers are going out on a consistent basis. This

also ties into Step 5 which is cover letters.

• Step 5: Cover Letters

o All your offers must have cover letters on them. The cover letters

have to be specific to the seller to talk to the seller about why you

are buying that property at the price you are offering. At the end of

the day, we don’t have time to talk to every single seller. We just

have to get the offers out there.

• Step 6: Manage System to Manage and Track All Your Offers

o This is the most important thing I can tell you right now. The money

is in the offer. You have to be making offers to make money. You

need to manage that offering process to make that a reality for you.

That is where you are going to be on your game. How many offers

have you made? What was the last offer you made to that property?

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What was the amount you made to that property? Therefore, you

can start to manage all that in your offering process.

• Step 7: Mass Marketing for Motivated Sellers

o It’s a lot easier to go after sellers who already have their “hands

raised” saying “I want to sell!” Those are the people who are at the

highest level of motivation. You have to be making offers to these

sellers. You are not doing yourself any good and you are not

growing your business if you aren’t making offers.

There’s a slogan we live by. “More offers, More deals, More money” bottom

line. So, as you can see, through this process of seeing what it is you need to be

doing up front and what are the 7 Key Steps you need to be doing, it is really up

to you at that point to be doing to take action to do that. You can do all that

manually and you can spend a lot of time involved in that. It’s one way to get

started, or you can take it to a whole other level and start looking at ways to start

automating the entire process.

That’s why I really want to invite you to a live training that I am going to be doing

to where I am going to give you the inside scoop on what we call “The Secret

Weapon.” This secret weapon is truly

cutting edge training that you will be able

to walk away with knowing exactly how to

get the most out of motivated sellers, and

how to get buyers on those deals very


It is going to be exactly how to track motivated sellers, automating the offering

process, and really how to create an unfair advantage in your marketplace by

getting to the sellers before any of your other competition does.

I can go on and on about this, but what I really suggest that you do is to just go

ahead and click on the link below and get registered for my upcoming, live

training where I am going to be talking about what the next step for you to have a

successful business is all about.


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I also want you to be clear that it doesn’t matter what type of investor you are or

what type of deal you want to get. You can be a commercial investor, a

wholesale investor, a short sale investor, a buy and hold investor, or if you are a

fix and flip investor; it doesn’t matter.

This training will fit no matter what strategy you are doing because I am going to

show you some inside secrets and the power of how to get your offers out there,

how to get them accepted, how to know when to follow-up, how to track them,

and how to go after all the “low lying fruit” so that you are more successful and

how to justify your offer each and every time by simply using a cover letter that I

am going to walk you through step-by-step on how to create that cover letter so

that you have specific information in there that will justify your offer.


What I want you to do right now is go to the link below and register for my

upcoming live training that I am going to be doing so that you too can follow the

same process and systems that I follow.


I want to leave you with a little something. You have to think about why you are

really doing this. I can tell you right now that if you are getting this special report

and you are reading all the way to this point, there is something there that is

telling me that you want to succeed here. I want you to succeed. You have to live

with a formula that’s going to push you through whatever you do.

Mine is simply my success formula to life which is ROI + ROT = ROL. What does

that mean to you? That means the Return on your Investment + the Return on

your Time = the Return on your Life. So, what that is all about is whatever you

are investing in, how much time are you spending trying to achieve that? The

faster we can show you how to automate or really systemize your processes,

then you are going to be able to see the return on your life that you are looking


Now, listen, I have done all the work. All you have to do is come to the training.

Just click on the link below and get registered for my upcoming live training

where I am going to take you step-by-step on how you can start earning

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$30,000 – $60,000 per month right now just like so many of my students have

just by following the free information that I am giving you.


So, go ahead and get started right now. I’ll literally break down what the missing

link is to your business and how you can stop being so frustrated and confused

because you are probably over-thinking this entire process, and all you have

to do is slow down, take two steps back, let me show you exactly what you

need to be doing, and you too will have success.

I appreciate you being here. I appreciate you reading this special report. I look

forward to seeing you at my live training. Until then, have great success in your


This is Zack Childress

Real Estate Investor and Mentor



P.S. Don’t miss this live training I will be doing to help you understand what to do

next in your business to do more deals now… Just go to the link below


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