6.8 Understanding the HEARTH Act

The HEARTH Act February 2011


Presented by Norm Suchar

Transcript of 6.8 Understanding the HEARTH Act

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February 2011

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Homelessness Assistance Incentives ($)

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Incentives ($)

Incentives ($)


Homelessness Assistance

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“to establish a Federal goal of ensuring that

individuals and families who become homeless return to permanent

housing within 30 days”HEARTH Act Purposes – Sec. 1002(b)

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Programs Systems

Activities Outcomes

Shelter Prevention

Transitioning Rapidly Re-Housing

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Most changes take effect in the NOFA released in Fall 2011

Some changes implemented over several years

Regulations in May 2010…Summer…Fall…Soon

Public comment period! Plan to Comment!


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Changes to the ESG (Formula) Program


Emergency Shelter Grants

Up to 5% for administrative expenses

Formula to cities, counties, and states


Emergency Solutions Grants

Up to 7.5% for administrative expenses

Same formula, maybe more funding

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Changes to the ESG ProgramOld Eligible Activities

Shelter renovating, rehab, conversion

Operating Emergency Shelter (max. 10% for staffing)

Services in Shelter or outreach (max. 30%)

Prevention (sudden loss of income, max. 30%)

New Eligible Activities

Same as now plus HPRP activities (except prevention targets below 30% of AMI)

No cap on prevention, services, or staffing

Minimum of 40% must be for prevention and rapid re-housing (with a hold-harmless provision)

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New ESG = Old ESG + HPRP

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Changes to the CoC ProgramOld

3 programs

Supportive Housing Program (SHP)

Shelter Plus Care (SPC)

Mod. Rehab./SRO


One Continuum of Care program

All eligible activities of the 3 former programs

More flexibility for mixing and matching eligible activities

Up to 10 percent for administrative costs

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Changes to the CoC ProgramOld

Providers in community jointly apply for funding

Stakeholders review and rank applications

Application has two parts

-Exhibit 1 – community wide

-Exhibit 2 – individual project applications


Similar to existing process

Collaborative Applicant, eligible for 3% for admin.

Focused on performance:

-Lengths of homeless episodes

-Returns to homelessness

-New Homelessness

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New Measures–Duration of homelessness episodes

–Returns to homelessness

–Number of people who become homeless

Measures require evaluating performance in the entire CoC region


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CoC application must be approved by Consolidated Planning body

Consolidated Plan requires coordination with CoC

Many elements of Ten Year Plan in CoC application

CoC/CP/TYP Coordination

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Match requirement varies depending on activity

25% for services, must be cash

100% for rental assistance, must be in-kind services

100% for construction/rehab

33% for operating expenses

No match for leasing


Uniform 25% match except for leasing projects

Match covers entire CoC

Match can be cash or in-kind when documented by Memorandum of Understanding

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Bonus for permanent supportive housing project

Sometimes for Chronic Homelessness


Bonus for proven strategies, including—

-Permanent supportive housing for chronic homelessness

-Rapid Re-Housing for families

-Other activities that HUD determines are effective

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Projects that serve families cannot refuse to serve families because of the age of the children (i.e. must serve families with adolescent children)

Projects must identify person who will be responsible for coordinating child’s education

Additional Requirements

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Unified FundingOld New


Project Sponsor

Project Sponsor

Project Sponsor

Project Sponsor

Project Sponsor

Project Sponsor

Unified Funding Agency

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Collaborative Applicant could apply to become a UFA or HUD could designate Collaborative Applicant as a UFA

UFA responsible for audits and fiscal controls

UFA could get up to 3% of a communities award for administrative expenses (on top of the 3% that for being collaborative applicant)

Unified Funding

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ESG serves people at risk All programs serve homeless people, including

People who are losing their housing in 14 days and lack resources/supports

People who have moved from place to place and are likely to continue to do so because of disability/barriers

Up to 10% (more in some cases) of CoC funds can serve doubled up/motels

Definition of Homelessness

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Non-competitive renewals for PSHProject-based PSH can obtain 15-year contracts subject to annual funding

Permanent housing activities are adjusted for inflation at renewal

Even More Changes

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Get Ready!

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Figure out how to

measure and reward


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Analyze your system to

make sure you have the right


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Create process for continuing

HPRP-funded programs.

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Integrate CoC, Ten Year

Plan, and Consolidated


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HEARTH Academy Communities So Far:Whatcom County, WA | Washington, DC | State of Washington | State of Iowa | State of Mississippi

State of Missouri | State of Connecticut | State of North Carolina

HEARTH Academy


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Norm Suchar

National Alliance to End [email protected]