… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter...

NAL PROPOSAL No. 71 Correspondent: D. Drickey Physics Department U. of Calif, Los Angeles Los Angeles, Calif 90024 FTS/Off-net 213-688-2000 825-4541 A ME AS UREMENT OF THE P I ON RADI US C. Buchanan, D. Drickey, D. Rudnick, P. Shepard, D. Stork, H. Ticho UCLA A. Wehmann NAL - June 1, 1970 -------------------- .. ..

Transcript of… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter...

Page 1:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


Correspondent D Drickey Physics Department U of Calif Los Angeles Los Angeles Calif 90024

FTSOff-net 213-688-2000 825-4541


C Buchanan D Drickey D Rudnick P Shepard D Stork H Ticho


A Wehmann NAL-

June 1 1970

-------------------- ~~~---


C Buchanan UCLA

D Drickey UCLA

D Rudnick UCLA

P Shepard UCLA

D Stork UCLA

H Ticho UCLA


A Wehmann NAL

Juno 1 1970 Spokesman D Drickey


We propose a 110 spark chamber cxpcliment to measure the pion

electror1agnetic radius accurate to plusmn003pound by measuring the scattering

cross section for 50--80 GeV pions from electrons in a liquid hydrogen

target The data will distinguish between the p dominance prediction

of O64f and the proton-like radius to 081pound



The elcctro]tfnetic dimensions of the vaxious particles are of

fundicmental intelcst The chngc radius of both the pion and proton

arc predicted to be O 6~f from rlio-dominancc yet the proton radius

measured from electron-proton sc~ttcring is 081f A measurement of

the pion radius is cxucial in order to understand whether this differmiddotmiddot

ence is due to SO~G peculiarity of tho nucleon or to a breakdown of

vector dOlilinancc In a larger sense this is one place 1hcro theory

has far out-strippd exp~dmcnt The pion radius is one of the fun-

dal0ntal nUJlbclS of plysics 811d ha~ inspiTcd a Hiele variety of theorct ieal

predictions only loosely subjected to cxpor~~2ntal test Many of these

predictions fair to differentiate bct8en proton-like (08lf) and

1 rhomiddotrloni II (inc (064pound) ndii speculation has suggested that

Bass particles couple to

the plwton This cxprbent ill diff~Jntiate arlong these valu~s for

the rdius by lliCC5U~ilg cross sectics to precision of one pCI cent

lids accuracy disillguisJleS bctheca the t0 v21ucs of 064pound and OBlf

by six staIHhrd cevintiOIS and rej eets a point-l ike pion by about fifshy

teen standard deviations

-( ~fill 1)$)rc the cross section cl5ffclf-ltial in the final state

electron energy This is giv(l1 in te-nns of the point cross section by

do (tlrr)dE ~m t


when f is the pion forn factor Since the momentum tnl1sfer is small in


pimiddotmiddote collisions f depends only on the mean radius ltr gt and (12 the U TI

foul mOllcntum-trnnsfcr squ~rcd

f lte 1 + q 2ltr gt

2 bull TI 6 1f

Direct pi-e scattering has been measured in several experiments

2 -13The most accurate complet(d cxp~rimcnt quotes ltr gtlt3 x 10 em A 1T

Dubna group led by E Tsygarwv is scheduled to carry out an experiment whose

ai~ is to measure the radius with a 50 GeVe TI beam and a wirc-sparkshy

chamber spectrometer Even if the Serpukhov experiment is successful the

added intensity and improved technIques of this Pll1poscd experiment Iii 11

provide a more accurate result with less systematic error A group from

I1arvard led by IUeJwrd WiI son has proposed to do the experiment at the

AGS with a pion beHTIl of about 25 GcVc The effect to be measured in the

prCScllt experiment is at least a factor of three larger Table I comperes

the effect expected in the cross section for three incident pion bewl

energies representative of the three experiments The AGS experiment ~0111d

run at 25 GoV the Scrpukhov experiment at 50 and this experiment at both

2 2 250 and 80 GoV Ile use the prcvi ous equations q = 2m 2m E and q = e e e max

4m p 2

e-l[ Jhere IJ E refer to the initial pion m and III are

T 11T e2m E e iT

the clcc~ron and pion HUJSS Hnd E is the final state electron energyc

__-=------- m e +


pion deviation beam range of accepted from the point cross section

enpoundrgy recoil electron energy ltr gt 081pound---~gt-(L64f u n

80 GeV 40 64 GeV 23 -_ 36 145 23

50 25 375 135--215 85 135

25 B 14 47-- 80 29 52

Three othl mtthods havo b(cm used to measure the pion form factor

Borkc1n~n et Hl3 c1lid rlistrctta et al 4 isolated the onc-pioncxchangc

I 1 1 1 1 bullbull(]8gral1l 1n IT e cctleproductlon anc mcasurCa Its COlltlluutlOn as a i Oil

2of q to extract ltTngt They find ltr gt ~ O SiO If but the result is lnccrshy


t n thcoretictd 1y bCCilUSC of the difficul ty in cstiTating the contlll~)1tt5cgtn

5 4of other tClms to ttl cross section Block et al use r - He oJ cst1c

scattering to find the pion form factor via an interference effect Tiley

l3find lt1 gt lt1 X 10- Cr1 This method also suffers f1or1 significu1t UCCIshy1T

tainty due to the contribution of terms other than Coulomb scattering

The third method is via coll iding beams These elegant cxperiJcnts nC2sure

the fonl factoc in the tillc-liko region so that a leaSU1CJcnt of the 10Cllshy

factor in the -li1e provides ltm opportunity to test the 11Ji lit-- to

extrapolate to short distanc(s At the present time if the clectropTodult~ti01

experiment arc lt~OrTcct I thb extrapolation fail s6 as can be seen in Fig 1

We choose 50 aud 80 GcV to p3rform this experiment because

1) The cfflt~ct in the ClO$S section is larger than at Im(r energies

2) BDdgrol)llds leading to systematic errors can be supptcss8cl via

longitttdinl1 momentum blanco nt these (middotIwrgics This might not be

possible at highrr energies 101 resolution in incoming and


to reject backgrounds in tlv~ final state fxom strong interaction

by two stmldard deviations

3) Counting ratcs d1crease dth energy but 2rc still morc than e

middot4) Systematic effects ill cffidc~llCics arc energy independent ltnd their


lnt roduc t

is s


accolplishcmiddotJ ~middotizh tatpound~l ab3o

of t

scintillatiol COlJdttr ~~ic~ 8158 pass into

vals defined by scintillation counters

50 G(Vc 125 b CcVc 375 C-Vc

80 GcVc 16 40 GeVc 40 64 GeVc

Charged particle b~c

tr ers a~e rejected by


pions at 50 GeVc and with negativc pions at 80 GcVc Positive pions

ill be used to test for charge dependent systematic effects ltihilc the

80 GoVe data Nill dcte~cmjne cn~rgy dl~p8nd(nt systematic effects lHth

an incident 1f bean a single spectrometer arm behind the magnet is

necessary In Figure 2) this consists of ltire Ch~llbe~rs SC 1-1 scinshy

til1atic11 countcIS S2 2nlt1 S4 shoilter cO~llltcrs S3 and SS mlt1 the luon

tc1escop The polarity is set nppropriltely to bcnd negcltivcly

1 1 1 bull Irl tt) 111 lT1CJd (Cn- if+ 10)-1lt1 t 11( nl~(middotjmiddot1(middot1middotCJl2rgc( paltJc CS Jllto tHlS clHl I bull l - _ ~

polnrity js rcvccs()cl sllch that nc~~tivcJy ch8cgcdp21ticlcs 82 bont in

SC 5-8 rid scintil bto) S ltiith ShOL(J

+ + if anJ)l


before ~md after the spoctTorietCl lil~gneurot over 2 10 meter interval Clnd by

requiring the field integral the spectroDcter magnet to be 100 kg8USSshy

12bullbull lt1 2(p- 11 x 10 CCLlS P -I- lt 1)t


2where P is in (GeVc)2

--_---_ -------------shy

b~middotd vpon ltl 05 IW sprl resolution the

momentum inllepcmciel1t term comes flOm Iful tiple scattering The teTras arc

approximately cqUlJ at 25 GcVe 1hf~rC the rcsoJution is iO J~o ~ultiple

scattering dilllinishes in importance at higher energies At 50 GeVe the

momentum bDLwce can be done at a precision such that AE o HeVf

The horizontal aperture of the magnet ~hould be 48 in order to

A 10 ftaccept the Ilide mmvntulIl r2ngc of the final state gap is adequate

for a 10 msr acceptance in the vertical direction A hodoscopc placed

at the momentum slit of the incidnt pion beam vl11 serve to define the

incJdcnt pion energy to plusmnon so that at 50 GoVc AE 50 NeV The=0 ~

at 80 GfV

The Ehclbha cross section is givn by

22 m r lherc E = C 0

1 - ~- ) e aad i( ill m value

Electrons arE 2cccptcd bctllcen 2S and 375 GcV for the 50 GoV cas~ thus

I 375 29 do a 255 x 10- efE dE



For 100 geometric efficiency and a SOcm hydrogen target the yield is

-6Y = 14 x 10 per incident pion

_-----_--------------- shy


6At 50 GcV e IU 1 run the beehl ot ~~ x 10 negative piollspcr puJfe the

event trigger rat lwing

T = 14 x 10-6 x 3 x 106 ~ 4 per pulsee

Tho 11 flux nt 80 GcV will be lower we expoct only 106

per pulse The

50 GoV n+ beru~ contains 60~ protons so we will limit its intensity to

610 n + pCI pulse Running time ould be proportioned as fol1015

50 hOLls chcclCIllt

40 hatES (100000 counts) SO GoV U

60 hours ( 50000 counts) 80 GeV 1T

60 hou~s ( SOOOO c()tmts) 50 GcV if -

---- ~~---

210 hons

6In order to accept 3 x 10 nc lve pionspulse 8~ SO GeVc -e dll

lise propot iOJil cluLbrs to Jeri ne t Iw traj cctories of the inc id en t p

and tho recoil the

involvcd magn(tost1icticmiddotmiddotiire Chlbcl 1111 bo used


o(1) 1T -I P -)- T P 4- 1T

-)- y - y + - ~ -- c c


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 2:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


C Buchanan UCLA

D Drickey UCLA

D Rudnick UCLA

P Shepard UCLA

D Stork UCLA

H Ticho UCLA


A Wehmann NAL

Juno 1 1970 Spokesman D Drickey


We propose a 110 spark chamber cxpcliment to measure the pion

electror1agnetic radius accurate to plusmn003pound by measuring the scattering

cross section for 50--80 GeV pions from electrons in a liquid hydrogen

target The data will distinguish between the p dominance prediction

of O64f and the proton-like radius to 081pound



The elcctro]tfnetic dimensions of the vaxious particles are of

fundicmental intelcst The chngc radius of both the pion and proton

arc predicted to be O 6~f from rlio-dominancc yet the proton radius

measured from electron-proton sc~ttcring is 081f A measurement of

the pion radius is cxucial in order to understand whether this differmiddotmiddot

ence is due to SO~G peculiarity of tho nucleon or to a breakdown of

vector dOlilinancc In a larger sense this is one place 1hcro theory

has far out-strippd exp~dmcnt The pion radius is one of the fun-

dal0ntal nUJlbclS of plysics 811d ha~ inspiTcd a Hiele variety of theorct ieal

predictions only loosely subjected to cxpor~~2ntal test Many of these

predictions fair to differentiate bct8en proton-like (08lf) and

1 rhomiddotrloni II (inc (064pound) ndii speculation has suggested that

Bass particles couple to

the plwton This cxprbent ill diff~Jntiate arlong these valu~s for

the rdius by lliCC5U~ilg cross sectics to precision of one pCI cent

lids accuracy disillguisJleS bctheca the t0 v21ucs of 064pound and OBlf

by six staIHhrd cevintiOIS and rej eets a point-l ike pion by about fifshy

teen standard deviations

-( ~fill 1)$)rc the cross section cl5ffclf-ltial in the final state

electron energy This is giv(l1 in te-nns of the point cross section by

do (tlrr)dE ~m t


when f is the pion forn factor Since the momentum tnl1sfer is small in


pimiddotmiddote collisions f depends only on the mean radius ltr gt and (12 the U TI

foul mOllcntum-trnnsfcr squ~rcd

f lte 1 + q 2ltr gt

2 bull TI 6 1f

Direct pi-e scattering has been measured in several experiments

2 -13The most accurate complet(d cxp~rimcnt quotes ltr gtlt3 x 10 em A 1T

Dubna group led by E Tsygarwv is scheduled to carry out an experiment whose

ai~ is to measure the radius with a 50 GeVe TI beam and a wirc-sparkshy

chamber spectrometer Even if the Serpukhov experiment is successful the

added intensity and improved technIques of this Pll1poscd experiment Iii 11

provide a more accurate result with less systematic error A group from

I1arvard led by IUeJwrd WiI son has proposed to do the experiment at the

AGS with a pion beHTIl of about 25 GcVc The effect to be measured in the

prCScllt experiment is at least a factor of three larger Table I comperes

the effect expected in the cross section for three incident pion bewl

energies representative of the three experiments The AGS experiment ~0111d

run at 25 GoV the Scrpukhov experiment at 50 and this experiment at both

2 2 250 and 80 GoV Ile use the prcvi ous equations q = 2m 2m E and q = e e e max

4m p 2

e-l[ Jhere IJ E refer to the initial pion m and III are

T 11T e2m E e iT

the clcc~ron and pion HUJSS Hnd E is the final state electron energyc

__-=------- m e +


pion deviation beam range of accepted from the point cross section

enpoundrgy recoil electron energy ltr gt 081pound---~gt-(L64f u n

80 GeV 40 64 GeV 23 -_ 36 145 23

50 25 375 135--215 85 135

25 B 14 47-- 80 29 52

Three othl mtthods havo b(cm used to measure the pion form factor

Borkc1n~n et Hl3 c1lid rlistrctta et al 4 isolated the onc-pioncxchangc

I 1 1 1 1 bullbull(]8gral1l 1n IT e cctleproductlon anc mcasurCa Its COlltlluutlOn as a i Oil

2of q to extract ltTngt They find ltr gt ~ O SiO If but the result is lnccrshy


t n thcoretictd 1y bCCilUSC of the difficul ty in cstiTating the contlll~)1tt5cgtn

5 4of other tClms to ttl cross section Block et al use r - He oJ cst1c

scattering to find the pion form factor via an interference effect Tiley

l3find lt1 gt lt1 X 10- Cr1 This method also suffers f1or1 significu1t UCCIshy1T

tainty due to the contribution of terms other than Coulomb scattering

The third method is via coll iding beams These elegant cxperiJcnts nC2sure

the fonl factoc in the tillc-liko region so that a leaSU1CJcnt of the 10Cllshy

factor in the -li1e provides ltm opportunity to test the 11Ji lit-- to

extrapolate to short distanc(s At the present time if the clectropTodult~ti01

experiment arc lt~OrTcct I thb extrapolation fail s6 as can be seen in Fig 1

We choose 50 aud 80 GcV to p3rform this experiment because

1) The cfflt~ct in the ClO$S section is larger than at Im(r energies

2) BDdgrol)llds leading to systematic errors can be supptcss8cl via

longitttdinl1 momentum blanco nt these (middotIwrgics This might not be

possible at highrr energies 101 resolution in incoming and


to reject backgrounds in tlv~ final state fxom strong interaction

by two stmldard deviations

3) Counting ratcs d1crease dth energy but 2rc still morc than e

middot4) Systematic effects ill cffidc~llCics arc energy independent ltnd their


lnt roduc t

is s


accolplishcmiddotJ ~middotizh tatpound~l ab3o

of t

scintillatiol COlJdttr ~~ic~ 8158 pass into

vals defined by scintillation counters

50 G(Vc 125 b CcVc 375 C-Vc

80 GcVc 16 40 GeVc 40 64 GeVc

Charged particle b~c

tr ers a~e rejected by


pions at 50 GeVc and with negativc pions at 80 GcVc Positive pions

ill be used to test for charge dependent systematic effects ltihilc the

80 GoVe data Nill dcte~cmjne cn~rgy dl~p8nd(nt systematic effects lHth

an incident 1f bean a single spectrometer arm behind the magnet is

necessary In Figure 2) this consists of ltire Ch~llbe~rs SC 1-1 scinshy

til1atic11 countcIS S2 2nlt1 S4 shoilter cO~llltcrs S3 and SS mlt1 the luon

tc1escop The polarity is set nppropriltely to bcnd negcltivcly

1 1 1 bull Irl tt) 111 lT1CJd (Cn- if+ 10)-1lt1 t 11( nl~(middotjmiddot1(middot1middotCJl2rgc( paltJc CS Jllto tHlS clHl I bull l - _ ~

polnrity js rcvccs()cl sllch that nc~~tivcJy ch8cgcdp21ticlcs 82 bont in

SC 5-8 rid scintil bto) S ltiith ShOL(J

+ + if anJ)l


before ~md after the spoctTorietCl lil~gneurot over 2 10 meter interval Clnd by

requiring the field integral the spectroDcter magnet to be 100 kg8USSshy

12bullbull lt1 2(p- 11 x 10 CCLlS P -I- lt 1)t


2where P is in (GeVc)2

--_---_ -------------shy

b~middotd vpon ltl 05 IW sprl resolution the

momentum inllepcmciel1t term comes flOm Iful tiple scattering The teTras arc

approximately cqUlJ at 25 GcVe 1hf~rC the rcsoJution is iO J~o ~ultiple

scattering dilllinishes in importance at higher energies At 50 GeVe the

momentum bDLwce can be done at a precision such that AE o HeVf

The horizontal aperture of the magnet ~hould be 48 in order to

A 10 ftaccept the Ilide mmvntulIl r2ngc of the final state gap is adequate

for a 10 msr acceptance in the vertical direction A hodoscopc placed

at the momentum slit of the incidnt pion beam vl11 serve to define the

incJdcnt pion energy to plusmnon so that at 50 GoVc AE 50 NeV The=0 ~

at 80 GfV

The Ehclbha cross section is givn by

22 m r lherc E = C 0

1 - ~- ) e aad i( ill m value

Electrons arE 2cccptcd bctllcen 2S and 375 GcV for the 50 GoV cas~ thus

I 375 29 do a 255 x 10- efE dE



For 100 geometric efficiency and a SOcm hydrogen target the yield is

-6Y = 14 x 10 per incident pion

_-----_--------------- shy


6At 50 GcV e IU 1 run the beehl ot ~~ x 10 negative piollspcr puJfe the

event trigger rat lwing

T = 14 x 10-6 x 3 x 106 ~ 4 per pulsee

Tho 11 flux nt 80 GcV will be lower we expoct only 106

per pulse The

50 GoV n+ beru~ contains 60~ protons so we will limit its intensity to

610 n + pCI pulse Running time ould be proportioned as fol1015

50 hOLls chcclCIllt

40 hatES (100000 counts) SO GoV U

60 hours ( 50000 counts) 80 GeV 1T

60 hou~s ( SOOOO c()tmts) 50 GcV if -

---- ~~---

210 hons

6In order to accept 3 x 10 nc lve pionspulse 8~ SO GeVc -e dll

lise propot iOJil cluLbrs to Jeri ne t Iw traj cctories of the inc id en t p

and tho recoil the

involvcd magn(tost1icticmiddotmiddotiire Chlbcl 1111 bo used


o(1) 1T -I P -)- T P 4- 1T

-)- y - y + - ~ -- c c


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 3:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are



The elcctro]tfnetic dimensions of the vaxious particles are of

fundicmental intelcst The chngc radius of both the pion and proton

arc predicted to be O 6~f from rlio-dominancc yet the proton radius

measured from electron-proton sc~ttcring is 081f A measurement of

the pion radius is cxucial in order to understand whether this differmiddotmiddot

ence is due to SO~G peculiarity of tho nucleon or to a breakdown of

vector dOlilinancc In a larger sense this is one place 1hcro theory

has far out-strippd exp~dmcnt The pion radius is one of the fun-

dal0ntal nUJlbclS of plysics 811d ha~ inspiTcd a Hiele variety of theorct ieal

predictions only loosely subjected to cxpor~~2ntal test Many of these

predictions fair to differentiate bct8en proton-like (08lf) and

1 rhomiddotrloni II (inc (064pound) ndii speculation has suggested that

Bass particles couple to

the plwton This cxprbent ill diff~Jntiate arlong these valu~s for

the rdius by lliCC5U~ilg cross sectics to precision of one pCI cent

lids accuracy disillguisJleS bctheca the t0 v21ucs of 064pound and OBlf

by six staIHhrd cevintiOIS and rej eets a point-l ike pion by about fifshy

teen standard deviations

-( ~fill 1)$)rc the cross section cl5ffclf-ltial in the final state

electron energy This is giv(l1 in te-nns of the point cross section by

do (tlrr)dE ~m t


when f is the pion forn factor Since the momentum tnl1sfer is small in


pimiddotmiddote collisions f depends only on the mean radius ltr gt and (12 the U TI

foul mOllcntum-trnnsfcr squ~rcd

f lte 1 + q 2ltr gt

2 bull TI 6 1f

Direct pi-e scattering has been measured in several experiments

2 -13The most accurate complet(d cxp~rimcnt quotes ltr gtlt3 x 10 em A 1T

Dubna group led by E Tsygarwv is scheduled to carry out an experiment whose

ai~ is to measure the radius with a 50 GeVe TI beam and a wirc-sparkshy

chamber spectrometer Even if the Serpukhov experiment is successful the

added intensity and improved technIques of this Pll1poscd experiment Iii 11

provide a more accurate result with less systematic error A group from

I1arvard led by IUeJwrd WiI son has proposed to do the experiment at the

AGS with a pion beHTIl of about 25 GcVc The effect to be measured in the

prCScllt experiment is at least a factor of three larger Table I comperes

the effect expected in the cross section for three incident pion bewl

energies representative of the three experiments The AGS experiment ~0111d

run at 25 GoV the Scrpukhov experiment at 50 and this experiment at both

2 2 250 and 80 GoV Ile use the prcvi ous equations q = 2m 2m E and q = e e e max

4m p 2

e-l[ Jhere IJ E refer to the initial pion m and III are

T 11T e2m E e iT

the clcc~ron and pion HUJSS Hnd E is the final state electron energyc

__-=------- m e +


pion deviation beam range of accepted from the point cross section

enpoundrgy recoil electron energy ltr gt 081pound---~gt-(L64f u n

80 GeV 40 64 GeV 23 -_ 36 145 23

50 25 375 135--215 85 135

25 B 14 47-- 80 29 52

Three othl mtthods havo b(cm used to measure the pion form factor

Borkc1n~n et Hl3 c1lid rlistrctta et al 4 isolated the onc-pioncxchangc

I 1 1 1 1 bullbull(]8gral1l 1n IT e cctleproductlon anc mcasurCa Its COlltlluutlOn as a i Oil

2of q to extract ltTngt They find ltr gt ~ O SiO If but the result is lnccrshy


t n thcoretictd 1y bCCilUSC of the difficul ty in cstiTating the contlll~)1tt5cgtn

5 4of other tClms to ttl cross section Block et al use r - He oJ cst1c

scattering to find the pion form factor via an interference effect Tiley

l3find lt1 gt lt1 X 10- Cr1 This method also suffers f1or1 significu1t UCCIshy1T

tainty due to the contribution of terms other than Coulomb scattering

The third method is via coll iding beams These elegant cxperiJcnts nC2sure

the fonl factoc in the tillc-liko region so that a leaSU1CJcnt of the 10Cllshy

factor in the -li1e provides ltm opportunity to test the 11Ji lit-- to

extrapolate to short distanc(s At the present time if the clectropTodult~ti01

experiment arc lt~OrTcct I thb extrapolation fail s6 as can be seen in Fig 1

We choose 50 aud 80 GcV to p3rform this experiment because

1) The cfflt~ct in the ClO$S section is larger than at Im(r energies

2) BDdgrol)llds leading to systematic errors can be supptcss8cl via

longitttdinl1 momentum blanco nt these (middotIwrgics This might not be

possible at highrr energies 101 resolution in incoming and


to reject backgrounds in tlv~ final state fxom strong interaction

by two stmldard deviations

3) Counting ratcs d1crease dth energy but 2rc still morc than e

middot4) Systematic effects ill cffidc~llCics arc energy independent ltnd their


lnt roduc t

is s


accolplishcmiddotJ ~middotizh tatpound~l ab3o

of t

scintillatiol COlJdttr ~~ic~ 8158 pass into

vals defined by scintillation counters

50 G(Vc 125 b CcVc 375 C-Vc

80 GcVc 16 40 GeVc 40 64 GeVc

Charged particle b~c

tr ers a~e rejected by


pions at 50 GeVc and with negativc pions at 80 GcVc Positive pions

ill be used to test for charge dependent systematic effects ltihilc the

80 GoVe data Nill dcte~cmjne cn~rgy dl~p8nd(nt systematic effects lHth

an incident 1f bean a single spectrometer arm behind the magnet is

necessary In Figure 2) this consists of ltire Ch~llbe~rs SC 1-1 scinshy

til1atic11 countcIS S2 2nlt1 S4 shoilter cO~llltcrs S3 and SS mlt1 the luon

tc1escop The polarity is set nppropriltely to bcnd negcltivcly

1 1 1 bull Irl tt) 111 lT1CJd (Cn- if+ 10)-1lt1 t 11( nl~(middotjmiddot1(middot1middotCJl2rgc( paltJc CS Jllto tHlS clHl I bull l - _ ~

polnrity js rcvccs()cl sllch that nc~~tivcJy ch8cgcdp21ticlcs 82 bont in

SC 5-8 rid scintil bto) S ltiith ShOL(J

+ + if anJ)l


before ~md after the spoctTorietCl lil~gneurot over 2 10 meter interval Clnd by

requiring the field integral the spectroDcter magnet to be 100 kg8USSshy

12bullbull lt1 2(p- 11 x 10 CCLlS P -I- lt 1)t


2where P is in (GeVc)2

--_---_ -------------shy

b~middotd vpon ltl 05 IW sprl resolution the

momentum inllepcmciel1t term comes flOm Iful tiple scattering The teTras arc

approximately cqUlJ at 25 GcVe 1hf~rC the rcsoJution is iO J~o ~ultiple

scattering dilllinishes in importance at higher energies At 50 GeVe the

momentum bDLwce can be done at a precision such that AE o HeVf

The horizontal aperture of the magnet ~hould be 48 in order to

A 10 ftaccept the Ilide mmvntulIl r2ngc of the final state gap is adequate

for a 10 msr acceptance in the vertical direction A hodoscopc placed

at the momentum slit of the incidnt pion beam vl11 serve to define the

incJdcnt pion energy to plusmnon so that at 50 GoVc AE 50 NeV The=0 ~

at 80 GfV

The Ehclbha cross section is givn by

22 m r lherc E = C 0

1 - ~- ) e aad i( ill m value

Electrons arE 2cccptcd bctllcen 2S and 375 GcV for the 50 GoV cas~ thus

I 375 29 do a 255 x 10- efE dE



For 100 geometric efficiency and a SOcm hydrogen target the yield is

-6Y = 14 x 10 per incident pion

_-----_--------------- shy


6At 50 GcV e IU 1 run the beehl ot ~~ x 10 negative piollspcr puJfe the

event trigger rat lwing

T = 14 x 10-6 x 3 x 106 ~ 4 per pulsee

Tho 11 flux nt 80 GcV will be lower we expoct only 106

per pulse The

50 GoV n+ beru~ contains 60~ protons so we will limit its intensity to

610 n + pCI pulse Running time ould be proportioned as fol1015

50 hOLls chcclCIllt

40 hatES (100000 counts) SO GoV U

60 hours ( 50000 counts) 80 GeV 1T

60 hou~s ( SOOOO c()tmts) 50 GcV if -

---- ~~---

210 hons

6In order to accept 3 x 10 nc lve pionspulse 8~ SO GeVc -e dll

lise propot iOJil cluLbrs to Jeri ne t Iw traj cctories of the inc id en t p

and tho recoil the

involvcd magn(tost1icticmiddotmiddotiire Chlbcl 1111 bo used


o(1) 1T -I P -)- T P 4- 1T

-)- y - y + - ~ -- c c


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 4:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


pimiddotmiddote collisions f depends only on the mean radius ltr gt and (12 the U TI

foul mOllcntum-trnnsfcr squ~rcd

f lte 1 + q 2ltr gt

2 bull TI 6 1f

Direct pi-e scattering has been measured in several experiments

2 -13The most accurate complet(d cxp~rimcnt quotes ltr gtlt3 x 10 em A 1T

Dubna group led by E Tsygarwv is scheduled to carry out an experiment whose

ai~ is to measure the radius with a 50 GeVe TI beam and a wirc-sparkshy

chamber spectrometer Even if the Serpukhov experiment is successful the

added intensity and improved technIques of this Pll1poscd experiment Iii 11

provide a more accurate result with less systematic error A group from

I1arvard led by IUeJwrd WiI son has proposed to do the experiment at the

AGS with a pion beHTIl of about 25 GcVc The effect to be measured in the

prCScllt experiment is at least a factor of three larger Table I comperes

the effect expected in the cross section for three incident pion bewl

energies representative of the three experiments The AGS experiment ~0111d

run at 25 GoV the Scrpukhov experiment at 50 and this experiment at both

2 2 250 and 80 GoV Ile use the prcvi ous equations q = 2m 2m E and q = e e e max

4m p 2

e-l[ Jhere IJ E refer to the initial pion m and III are

T 11T e2m E e iT

the clcc~ron and pion HUJSS Hnd E is the final state electron energyc

__-=------- m e +


pion deviation beam range of accepted from the point cross section

enpoundrgy recoil electron energy ltr gt 081pound---~gt-(L64f u n

80 GeV 40 64 GeV 23 -_ 36 145 23

50 25 375 135--215 85 135

25 B 14 47-- 80 29 52

Three othl mtthods havo b(cm used to measure the pion form factor

Borkc1n~n et Hl3 c1lid rlistrctta et al 4 isolated the onc-pioncxchangc

I 1 1 1 1 bullbull(]8gral1l 1n IT e cctleproductlon anc mcasurCa Its COlltlluutlOn as a i Oil

2of q to extract ltTngt They find ltr gt ~ O SiO If but the result is lnccrshy


t n thcoretictd 1y bCCilUSC of the difficul ty in cstiTating the contlll~)1tt5cgtn

5 4of other tClms to ttl cross section Block et al use r - He oJ cst1c

scattering to find the pion form factor via an interference effect Tiley

l3find lt1 gt lt1 X 10- Cr1 This method also suffers f1or1 significu1t UCCIshy1T

tainty due to the contribution of terms other than Coulomb scattering

The third method is via coll iding beams These elegant cxperiJcnts nC2sure

the fonl factoc in the tillc-liko region so that a leaSU1CJcnt of the 10Cllshy

factor in the -li1e provides ltm opportunity to test the 11Ji lit-- to

extrapolate to short distanc(s At the present time if the clectropTodult~ti01

experiment arc lt~OrTcct I thb extrapolation fail s6 as can be seen in Fig 1

We choose 50 aud 80 GcV to p3rform this experiment because

1) The cfflt~ct in the ClO$S section is larger than at Im(r energies

2) BDdgrol)llds leading to systematic errors can be supptcss8cl via

longitttdinl1 momentum blanco nt these (middotIwrgics This might not be

possible at highrr energies 101 resolution in incoming and


to reject backgrounds in tlv~ final state fxom strong interaction

by two stmldard deviations

3) Counting ratcs d1crease dth energy but 2rc still morc than e

middot4) Systematic effects ill cffidc~llCics arc energy independent ltnd their


lnt roduc t

is s


accolplishcmiddotJ ~middotizh tatpound~l ab3o

of t

scintillatiol COlJdttr ~~ic~ 8158 pass into

vals defined by scintillation counters

50 G(Vc 125 b CcVc 375 C-Vc

80 GcVc 16 40 GeVc 40 64 GeVc

Charged particle b~c

tr ers a~e rejected by


pions at 50 GeVc and with negativc pions at 80 GcVc Positive pions

ill be used to test for charge dependent systematic effects ltihilc the

80 GoVe data Nill dcte~cmjne cn~rgy dl~p8nd(nt systematic effects lHth

an incident 1f bean a single spectrometer arm behind the magnet is

necessary In Figure 2) this consists of ltire Ch~llbe~rs SC 1-1 scinshy

til1atic11 countcIS S2 2nlt1 S4 shoilter cO~llltcrs S3 and SS mlt1 the luon

tc1escop The polarity is set nppropriltely to bcnd negcltivcly

1 1 1 bull Irl tt) 111 lT1CJd (Cn- if+ 10)-1lt1 t 11( nl~(middotjmiddot1(middot1middotCJl2rgc( paltJc CS Jllto tHlS clHl I bull l - _ ~

polnrity js rcvccs()cl sllch that nc~~tivcJy ch8cgcdp21ticlcs 82 bont in

SC 5-8 rid scintil bto) S ltiith ShOL(J

+ + if anJ)l


before ~md after the spoctTorietCl lil~gneurot over 2 10 meter interval Clnd by

requiring the field integral the spectroDcter magnet to be 100 kg8USSshy

12bullbull lt1 2(p- 11 x 10 CCLlS P -I- lt 1)t


2where P is in (GeVc)2

--_---_ -------------shy

b~middotd vpon ltl 05 IW sprl resolution the

momentum inllepcmciel1t term comes flOm Iful tiple scattering The teTras arc

approximately cqUlJ at 25 GcVe 1hf~rC the rcsoJution is iO J~o ~ultiple

scattering dilllinishes in importance at higher energies At 50 GeVe the

momentum bDLwce can be done at a precision such that AE o HeVf

The horizontal aperture of the magnet ~hould be 48 in order to

A 10 ftaccept the Ilide mmvntulIl r2ngc of the final state gap is adequate

for a 10 msr acceptance in the vertical direction A hodoscopc placed

at the momentum slit of the incidnt pion beam vl11 serve to define the

incJdcnt pion energy to plusmnon so that at 50 GoVc AE 50 NeV The=0 ~

at 80 GfV

The Ehclbha cross section is givn by

22 m r lherc E = C 0

1 - ~- ) e aad i( ill m value

Electrons arE 2cccptcd bctllcen 2S and 375 GcV for the 50 GoV cas~ thus

I 375 29 do a 255 x 10- efE dE



For 100 geometric efficiency and a SOcm hydrogen target the yield is

-6Y = 14 x 10 per incident pion

_-----_--------------- shy


6At 50 GcV e IU 1 run the beehl ot ~~ x 10 negative piollspcr puJfe the

event trigger rat lwing

T = 14 x 10-6 x 3 x 106 ~ 4 per pulsee

Tho 11 flux nt 80 GcV will be lower we expoct only 106

per pulse The

50 GoV n+ beru~ contains 60~ protons so we will limit its intensity to

610 n + pCI pulse Running time ould be proportioned as fol1015

50 hOLls chcclCIllt

40 hatES (100000 counts) SO GoV U

60 hours ( 50000 counts) 80 GeV 1T

60 hou~s ( SOOOO c()tmts) 50 GcV if -

---- ~~---

210 hons

6In order to accept 3 x 10 nc lve pionspulse 8~ SO GeVc -e dll

lise propot iOJil cluLbrs to Jeri ne t Iw traj cctories of the inc id en t p

and tho recoil the

involvcd magn(tost1icticmiddotmiddotiire Chlbcl 1111 bo used


o(1) 1T -I P -)- T P 4- 1T

-)- y - y + - ~ -- c c


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 5:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


pion deviation beam range of accepted from the point cross section

enpoundrgy recoil electron energy ltr gt 081pound---~gt-(L64f u n

80 GeV 40 64 GeV 23 -_ 36 145 23

50 25 375 135--215 85 135

25 B 14 47-- 80 29 52

Three othl mtthods havo b(cm used to measure the pion form factor

Borkc1n~n et Hl3 c1lid rlistrctta et al 4 isolated the onc-pioncxchangc

I 1 1 1 1 bullbull(]8gral1l 1n IT e cctleproductlon anc mcasurCa Its COlltlluutlOn as a i Oil

2of q to extract ltTngt They find ltr gt ~ O SiO If but the result is lnccrshy


t n thcoretictd 1y bCCilUSC of the difficul ty in cstiTating the contlll~)1tt5cgtn

5 4of other tClms to ttl cross section Block et al use r - He oJ cst1c

scattering to find the pion form factor via an interference effect Tiley

l3find lt1 gt lt1 X 10- Cr1 This method also suffers f1or1 significu1t UCCIshy1T

tainty due to the contribution of terms other than Coulomb scattering

The third method is via coll iding beams These elegant cxperiJcnts nC2sure

the fonl factoc in the tillc-liko region so that a leaSU1CJcnt of the 10Cllshy

factor in the -li1e provides ltm opportunity to test the 11Ji lit-- to

extrapolate to short distanc(s At the present time if the clectropTodult~ti01

experiment arc lt~OrTcct I thb extrapolation fail s6 as can be seen in Fig 1

We choose 50 aud 80 GcV to p3rform this experiment because

1) The cfflt~ct in the ClO$S section is larger than at Im(r energies

2) BDdgrol)llds leading to systematic errors can be supptcss8cl via

longitttdinl1 momentum blanco nt these (middotIwrgics This might not be

possible at highrr energies 101 resolution in incoming and


to reject backgrounds in tlv~ final state fxom strong interaction

by two stmldard deviations

3) Counting ratcs d1crease dth energy but 2rc still morc than e

middot4) Systematic effects ill cffidc~llCics arc energy independent ltnd their


lnt roduc t

is s


accolplishcmiddotJ ~middotizh tatpound~l ab3o

of t

scintillatiol COlJdttr ~~ic~ 8158 pass into

vals defined by scintillation counters

50 G(Vc 125 b CcVc 375 C-Vc

80 GcVc 16 40 GeVc 40 64 GeVc

Charged particle b~c

tr ers a~e rejected by


pions at 50 GeVc and with negativc pions at 80 GcVc Positive pions

ill be used to test for charge dependent systematic effects ltihilc the

80 GoVe data Nill dcte~cmjne cn~rgy dl~p8nd(nt systematic effects lHth

an incident 1f bean a single spectrometer arm behind the magnet is

necessary In Figure 2) this consists of ltire Ch~llbe~rs SC 1-1 scinshy

til1atic11 countcIS S2 2nlt1 S4 shoilter cO~llltcrs S3 and SS mlt1 the luon

tc1escop The polarity is set nppropriltely to bcnd negcltivcly

1 1 1 bull Irl tt) 111 lT1CJd (Cn- if+ 10)-1lt1 t 11( nl~(middotjmiddot1(middot1middotCJl2rgc( paltJc CS Jllto tHlS clHl I bull l - _ ~

polnrity js rcvccs()cl sllch that nc~~tivcJy ch8cgcdp21ticlcs 82 bont in

SC 5-8 rid scintil bto) S ltiith ShOL(J

+ + if anJ)l


before ~md after the spoctTorietCl lil~gneurot over 2 10 meter interval Clnd by

requiring the field integral the spectroDcter magnet to be 100 kg8USSshy

12bullbull lt1 2(p- 11 x 10 CCLlS P -I- lt 1)t


2where P is in (GeVc)2

--_---_ -------------shy

b~middotd vpon ltl 05 IW sprl resolution the

momentum inllepcmciel1t term comes flOm Iful tiple scattering The teTras arc

approximately cqUlJ at 25 GcVe 1hf~rC the rcsoJution is iO J~o ~ultiple

scattering dilllinishes in importance at higher energies At 50 GeVe the

momentum bDLwce can be done at a precision such that AE o HeVf

The horizontal aperture of the magnet ~hould be 48 in order to

A 10 ftaccept the Ilide mmvntulIl r2ngc of the final state gap is adequate

for a 10 msr acceptance in the vertical direction A hodoscopc placed

at the momentum slit of the incidnt pion beam vl11 serve to define the

incJdcnt pion energy to plusmnon so that at 50 GoVc AE 50 NeV The=0 ~

at 80 GfV

The Ehclbha cross section is givn by

22 m r lherc E = C 0

1 - ~- ) e aad i( ill m value

Electrons arE 2cccptcd bctllcen 2S and 375 GcV for the 50 GoV cas~ thus

I 375 29 do a 255 x 10- efE dE



For 100 geometric efficiency and a SOcm hydrogen target the yield is

-6Y = 14 x 10 per incident pion

_-----_--------------- shy


6At 50 GcV e IU 1 run the beehl ot ~~ x 10 negative piollspcr puJfe the

event trigger rat lwing

T = 14 x 10-6 x 3 x 106 ~ 4 per pulsee

Tho 11 flux nt 80 GcV will be lower we expoct only 106

per pulse The

50 GoV n+ beru~ contains 60~ protons so we will limit its intensity to

610 n + pCI pulse Running time ould be proportioned as fol1015

50 hOLls chcclCIllt

40 hatES (100000 counts) SO GoV U

60 hours ( 50000 counts) 80 GeV 1T

60 hou~s ( SOOOO c()tmts) 50 GcV if -

---- ~~---

210 hons

6In order to accept 3 x 10 nc lve pionspulse 8~ SO GeVc -e dll

lise propot iOJil cluLbrs to Jeri ne t Iw traj cctories of the inc id en t p

and tho recoil the

involvcd magn(tost1icticmiddotmiddotiire Chlbcl 1111 bo used


o(1) 1T -I P -)- T P 4- 1T

-)- y - y + - ~ -- c c


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 6:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


to reject backgrounds in tlv~ final state fxom strong interaction

by two stmldard deviations

3) Counting ratcs d1crease dth energy but 2rc still morc than e

middot4) Systematic effects ill cffidc~llCics arc energy independent ltnd their


lnt roduc t

is s


accolplishcmiddotJ ~middotizh tatpound~l ab3o

of t

scintillatiol COlJdttr ~~ic~ 8158 pass into

vals defined by scintillation counters

50 G(Vc 125 b CcVc 375 C-Vc

80 GcVc 16 40 GeVc 40 64 GeVc

Charged particle b~c

tr ers a~e rejected by


pions at 50 GeVc and with negativc pions at 80 GcVc Positive pions

ill be used to test for charge dependent systematic effects ltihilc the

80 GoVe data Nill dcte~cmjne cn~rgy dl~p8nd(nt systematic effects lHth

an incident 1f bean a single spectrometer arm behind the magnet is

necessary In Figure 2) this consists of ltire Ch~llbe~rs SC 1-1 scinshy

til1atic11 countcIS S2 2nlt1 S4 shoilter cO~llltcrs S3 and SS mlt1 the luon

tc1escop The polarity is set nppropriltely to bcnd negcltivcly

1 1 1 bull Irl tt) 111 lT1CJd (Cn- if+ 10)-1lt1 t 11( nl~(middotjmiddot1(middot1middotCJl2rgc( paltJc CS Jllto tHlS clHl I bull l - _ ~

polnrity js rcvccs()cl sllch that nc~~tivcJy ch8cgcdp21ticlcs 82 bont in

SC 5-8 rid scintil bto) S ltiith ShOL(J

+ + if anJ)l


before ~md after the spoctTorietCl lil~gneurot over 2 10 meter interval Clnd by

requiring the field integral the spectroDcter magnet to be 100 kg8USSshy

12bullbull lt1 2(p- 11 x 10 CCLlS P -I- lt 1)t


2where P is in (GeVc)2

--_---_ -------------shy

b~middotd vpon ltl 05 IW sprl resolution the

momentum inllepcmciel1t term comes flOm Iful tiple scattering The teTras arc

approximately cqUlJ at 25 GcVe 1hf~rC the rcsoJution is iO J~o ~ultiple

scattering dilllinishes in importance at higher energies At 50 GeVe the

momentum bDLwce can be done at a precision such that AE o HeVf

The horizontal aperture of the magnet ~hould be 48 in order to

A 10 ftaccept the Ilide mmvntulIl r2ngc of the final state gap is adequate

for a 10 msr acceptance in the vertical direction A hodoscopc placed

at the momentum slit of the incidnt pion beam vl11 serve to define the

incJdcnt pion energy to plusmnon so that at 50 GoVc AE 50 NeV The=0 ~

at 80 GfV

The Ehclbha cross section is givn by

22 m r lherc E = C 0

1 - ~- ) e aad i( ill m value

Electrons arE 2cccptcd bctllcen 2S and 375 GcV for the 50 GoV cas~ thus

I 375 29 do a 255 x 10- efE dE



For 100 geometric efficiency and a SOcm hydrogen target the yield is

-6Y = 14 x 10 per incident pion

_-----_--------------- shy


6At 50 GcV e IU 1 run the beehl ot ~~ x 10 negative piollspcr puJfe the

event trigger rat lwing

T = 14 x 10-6 x 3 x 106 ~ 4 per pulsee

Tho 11 flux nt 80 GcV will be lower we expoct only 106

per pulse The

50 GoV n+ beru~ contains 60~ protons so we will limit its intensity to

610 n + pCI pulse Running time ould be proportioned as fol1015

50 hOLls chcclCIllt

40 hatES (100000 counts) SO GoV U

60 hours ( 50000 counts) 80 GeV 1T

60 hou~s ( SOOOO c()tmts) 50 GcV if -

---- ~~---

210 hons

6In order to accept 3 x 10 nc lve pionspulse 8~ SO GeVc -e dll

lise propot iOJil cluLbrs to Jeri ne t Iw traj cctories of the inc id en t p

and tho recoil the

involvcd magn(tost1icticmiddotmiddotiire Chlbcl 1111 bo used


o(1) 1T -I P -)- T P 4- 1T

-)- y - y + - ~ -- c c


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 7:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


pions at 50 GeVc and with negativc pions at 80 GcVc Positive pions

ill be used to test for charge dependent systematic effects ltihilc the

80 GoVe data Nill dcte~cmjne cn~rgy dl~p8nd(nt systematic effects lHth

an incident 1f bean a single spectrometer arm behind the magnet is

necessary In Figure 2) this consists of ltire Ch~llbe~rs SC 1-1 scinshy

til1atic11 countcIS S2 2nlt1 S4 shoilter cO~llltcrs S3 and SS mlt1 the luon

tc1escop The polarity is set nppropriltely to bcnd negcltivcly

1 1 1 bull Irl tt) 111 lT1CJd (Cn- if+ 10)-1lt1 t 11( nl~(middotjmiddot1(middot1middotCJl2rgc( paltJc CS Jllto tHlS clHl I bull l - _ ~

polnrity js rcvccs()cl sllch that nc~~tivcJy ch8cgcdp21ticlcs 82 bont in

SC 5-8 rid scintil bto) S ltiith ShOL(J

+ + if anJ)l


before ~md after the spoctTorietCl lil~gneurot over 2 10 meter interval Clnd by

requiring the field integral the spectroDcter magnet to be 100 kg8USSshy

12bullbull lt1 2(p- 11 x 10 CCLlS P -I- lt 1)t


2where P is in (GeVc)2

--_---_ -------------shy

b~middotd vpon ltl 05 IW sprl resolution the

momentum inllepcmciel1t term comes flOm Iful tiple scattering The teTras arc

approximately cqUlJ at 25 GcVe 1hf~rC the rcsoJution is iO J~o ~ultiple

scattering dilllinishes in importance at higher energies At 50 GeVe the

momentum bDLwce can be done at a precision such that AE o HeVf

The horizontal aperture of the magnet ~hould be 48 in order to

A 10 ftaccept the Ilide mmvntulIl r2ngc of the final state gap is adequate

for a 10 msr acceptance in the vertical direction A hodoscopc placed

at the momentum slit of the incidnt pion beam vl11 serve to define the

incJdcnt pion energy to plusmnon so that at 50 GoVc AE 50 NeV The=0 ~

at 80 GfV

The Ehclbha cross section is givn by

22 m r lherc E = C 0

1 - ~- ) e aad i( ill m value

Electrons arE 2cccptcd bctllcen 2S and 375 GcV for the 50 GoV cas~ thus

I 375 29 do a 255 x 10- efE dE



For 100 geometric efficiency and a SOcm hydrogen target the yield is

-6Y = 14 x 10 per incident pion

_-----_--------------- shy


6At 50 GcV e IU 1 run the beehl ot ~~ x 10 negative piollspcr puJfe the

event trigger rat lwing

T = 14 x 10-6 x 3 x 106 ~ 4 per pulsee

Tho 11 flux nt 80 GcV will be lower we expoct only 106

per pulse The

50 GoV n+ beru~ contains 60~ protons so we will limit its intensity to

610 n + pCI pulse Running time ould be proportioned as fol1015

50 hOLls chcclCIllt

40 hatES (100000 counts) SO GoV U

60 hours ( 50000 counts) 80 GeV 1T

60 hou~s ( SOOOO c()tmts) 50 GcV if -

---- ~~---

210 hons

6In order to accept 3 x 10 nc lve pionspulse 8~ SO GeVc -e dll

lise propot iOJil cluLbrs to Jeri ne t Iw traj cctories of the inc id en t p

and tho recoil the

involvcd magn(tost1icticmiddotmiddotiire Chlbcl 1111 bo used


o(1) 1T -I P -)- T P 4- 1T

-)- y - y + - ~ -- c c


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 8:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are

b~middotd vpon ltl 05 IW sprl resolution the

momentum inllepcmciel1t term comes flOm Iful tiple scattering The teTras arc

approximately cqUlJ at 25 GcVe 1hf~rC the rcsoJution is iO J~o ~ultiple

scattering dilllinishes in importance at higher energies At 50 GeVe the

momentum bDLwce can be done at a precision such that AE o HeVf

The horizontal aperture of the magnet ~hould be 48 in order to

A 10 ftaccept the Ilide mmvntulIl r2ngc of the final state gap is adequate

for a 10 msr acceptance in the vertical direction A hodoscopc placed

at the momentum slit of the incidnt pion beam vl11 serve to define the

incJdcnt pion energy to plusmnon so that at 50 GoVc AE 50 NeV The=0 ~

at 80 GfV

The Ehclbha cross section is givn by

22 m r lherc E = C 0

1 - ~- ) e aad i( ill m value

Electrons arE 2cccptcd bctllcen 2S and 375 GcV for the 50 GoV cas~ thus

I 375 29 do a 255 x 10- efE dE



For 100 geometric efficiency and a SOcm hydrogen target the yield is

-6Y = 14 x 10 per incident pion

_-----_--------------- shy


6At 50 GcV e IU 1 run the beehl ot ~~ x 10 negative piollspcr puJfe the

event trigger rat lwing

T = 14 x 10-6 x 3 x 106 ~ 4 per pulsee

Tho 11 flux nt 80 GcV will be lower we expoct only 106

per pulse The

50 GoV n+ beru~ contains 60~ protons so we will limit its intensity to

610 n + pCI pulse Running time ould be proportioned as fol1015

50 hOLls chcclCIllt

40 hatES (100000 counts) SO GoV U

60 hours ( 50000 counts) 80 GeV 1T

60 hou~s ( SOOOO c()tmts) 50 GcV if -

---- ~~---

210 hons

6In order to accept 3 x 10 nc lve pionspulse 8~ SO GeVc -e dll

lise propot iOJil cluLbrs to Jeri ne t Iw traj cctories of the inc id en t p

and tho recoil the

involvcd magn(tost1icticmiddotmiddotiire Chlbcl 1111 bo used


o(1) 1T -I P -)- T P 4- 1T

-)- y - y + - ~ -- c c


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 9:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


6At 50 GcV e IU 1 run the beehl ot ~~ x 10 negative piollspcr puJfe the

event trigger rat lwing

T = 14 x 10-6 x 3 x 106 ~ 4 per pulsee

Tho 11 flux nt 80 GcV will be lower we expoct only 106

per pulse The

50 GoV n+ beru~ contains 60~ protons so we will limit its intensity to

610 n + pCI pulse Running time ould be proportioned as fol1015

50 hOLls chcclCIllt

40 hatES (100000 counts) SO GoV U

60 hours ( 50000 counts) 80 GeV 1T

60 hou~s ( SOOOO c()tmts) 50 GcV if -

---- ~~---

210 hons

6In order to accept 3 x 10 nc lve pionspulse 8~ SO GeVc -e dll

lise propot iOJil cluLbrs to Jeri ne t Iw traj cctories of the inc id en t p

and tho recoil the

involvcd magn(tost1icticmiddotmiddotiire Chlbcl 1111 bo used


o(1) 1T -I P -)- T P 4- 1T

-)- y - y + - ~ -- c c


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 10:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


-I- _ (tn e e pair the If and c

simulating a scattcrJug event The yield f)om thi reaction has been calshy

culat(ed by the DU~)l1a t~lOUp7 by assUllang that tho yi c1 d of sccontbries

from incidcnt pions is the Sal1( as thltlt from ind dent protons The vcry

small solid anglc of the 11-0 process is of grcat importance in rejecting

these strong intcTnctions backgrounds The probability pOl incident

opion that the If ulid 1i be produced in the appropriate solid angle nrd

momentun interval is

-are the scpaTatc proD(lJll i ties fo the jfO and IT bull They

fiHd th probubility t~o be

D 1 () -3 x 10 - l - G - 1 bull -3

U p0T InCIccnt plon

TIl probibil i ty of COlvcsiOli of a y ly jh m C Ej1Crgy JH th0 trigg(ring

r nl~ t11middot middot1middotjr-)~j1middotrmiddotIr1 at 1s1 C fr~tv vf lUmiddot- 1 as + h ~ _ _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ -_ _ _ CS~r1J~CU uy D ~ioaLe

this background in analysis by allother factor

-6 H~ld 13 10

-gt x 10 x

Of J i~ith 2n event yield

6of 14 x 10- this bnckgroundratio 15

]0-2 B bull 1 0 9 x


and is neg1 iblc Th( expected

of 3 x 1U6 pions is

6 -

10 3 x 10 per pulseb



1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 11:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


1he second bclgr)und proccs3 that ) hvc considcTcll is

(2) + u +p ~ n + IT + IT + P

Here one 11 is incm~lectly interprcted as an e - The 71 11 yield calculated by the

Dub12 group into the solid tingle tnd momentum acc(ptnnco is expected to be

-4 P 3 x 10 per incident pion

Because Gf thi high yir~Jc1 liv have Jlcrfoil(~d ~ ~ontc Ca)10 calcuIation

for this reaction The program was

1) podpho(l f+~~ production

2) phsc [OJ tho 1T r pair

We finJ til t the pccton


the app~ratus but only 37 survived the anti COlnCl~~nc~

-Itgt V cctl fc tis

cand1d2t(middots me left after ltlplttlys Shoer COLJater identification of the

clccLTGn shot~ld reduce thi~ an J~itionJl f2ctor of 10

63 x 1

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 12:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are

middot -] 1

and for the trigger rate (12 a~S0~~ no rejection by tho shower counter in

tJE trigger)

9 per pulse

ie csthJt~ 811 other bud~glQunds to bo smd 1 Proton md kiwl1

SCltltt(lS cnnot be confused vith nmiddotmiddoto scattering events bcallsc the kine-

OT b)l jnSClt

The ~ive corr0cti0ns to this

thsm precisely In ptindplc they a~c exactly calculahle if the experimental


] ung COlTcctien fo1 25cn of hyc1r0tltol1 is

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 13:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are

where K is the photon energy and

T j s the radiator thidness


The Umd loss fC the particles in the t is S1lti 11 because the

11 lC C J 0- 2

~ 25lt111 - 000

ilE 50 i~c~


9 ne

2 I d

(j J In ~ +2 +1 ~6Jdeg1 - [ u 9



I ( r I 2 2 I I 12a - 1 -) r-J


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 14:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are


The third ccmtrilmtion 03 is from diagrams wi th cxtcrnnl photon 1incs

This correction depends on the experimental resolution We approximate

this rosul t by con~id(ring only those terms dependent upon JWHlcntUlTI

resolution Dnd by ignoring the angular m()~iSlrremei1ts The resulting cxshy

pression is lCllthy but gives Clpproxim~tely

03 OIS

for onr cxpcrimcntLJ conditions

The tot81 corC(ctl0n is

6 - deg 8 + 0L + deg 1 + 02 + 63

o - (1255

of OUT 1 resolution ond this will be studied in detail

in the CQ~J~tSO of 11


2 arc as follows

1) A liquict-hydrog0u target 50cm long

2) An analyzing l1~agnet vith a field intcgn~l of 100 kgauss-mctcrs


6) Scintil1tlol1 COCintcrs [or t pmTO~(S and for anti shy

coi-neidtnce nro11IHl the licrLlid hydYOi~cn tclrgct II

7) A diifeccntiaJ Chorcmkov counLer for i1ggillg befllll pions

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 15:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are

-1 i-

We will rcquir~ thlt1t NAt supply the analyzing magnet the liquid

hydrogen terget and the differential Chercnkov counter The magnet

should be approx1mately five meters in length ltlith a peak field of ~20 Kg

The downstream linJiting aperture should be 48 horh-ontally by 10

vertically It auld be ~~cceptable to brcflk the magnet into two separate

magnets III thi5 ca~jC th aperture of the upstream magnet could be

reduCId to about 8 x 24 file liquid hydrogen target should be 3cm in

di(jm~tcc and 50cll long It hiust have an accurate] y known density and


Ije iil supply 01 Olin on-lins computlt-tion in the form of a fk~ldcttshy

PadanJ 21161 COflrnlte] lcevcr 1e middotwuld like to tie this into a

larger compltc2 for an additional floating-point facility if one is

available Tho apPuLtUS rcquircs no scennj ng lities

We will also require from NAL the fast electronics to form a trigger

UCLA hill supply the lclIaindor of the appzratus including tho electronics

for tho proportional chrrnbrs They vill have an active volume of 30Cln

by 30cm S5 nee the dOHnstream chambers are large (1m x 2m) they ill

be comcntimwlll wire chuuL(rs with magnctostrictive readout In order to

usc thll efftctively tli area of the incident pion beam will be deltd~ned

All cqnipE10nt will be r)dy in June 1972 We ltfill require of L

the u~ual support fcilitics involved in the setup and running of an


bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 16:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are

bull2 D G C[tsscJ Exp~rim(ntltll 1lcaSllfOHcnt of th( ElectrorlRgnctic For Factor of the Nc~atie j rlason Technical Rcpoct No 37 Princeton University Nel- Jersey J9()5

3 C 11 AkeTlof Vi 1~ Ash K Jerkelrii~m C A LichtclsteiE Phys R- Lttcrs l H7 (19(6)

4 C ~middot1iSt~middot2ttp D Imcic J A Appel IL [luJnitz L CarroJJ ~l Goitcin K lhmon ld IHchcd Wilsoi Plys R(v Lcttcjs 2l~ 152~ (ElG8)

5 ill n Blccl~ 1 Kc-nyol J Kijmiddot0fl r K08thc P ~alhotr2 R Nalker and It liEZ le PhIs Ecv lf 1079 (I 9(8)

7 the 1i rl~cson u~-ing the IHbP Uln rcp)Ft no Ll-~i2(



o YI Jl i~jl V B SCiL) I ~ Si P2- J7i 12middot 1~8 (1 ) 2i1~~ l- w)~-52 (l~ j 1


o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 17:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are

o Novosibirsk


6 Orsay a Hcrvard_t I

I Do Cornel

I I Ij ~ f1) T 10 T IEJ

l-L 21

II ~ 1 T

(J I=gt I I I -I ~~-Re F shy

I = 1~1~ ReF 0 I I 1m F 1~1 ------shy(J)

I ~ 1


- cr -


0 o -0fshy 1 0 ltlJ

gtshyYshyO L1-

Z 0 0 l 0 lIJ 1 a lt


II i


r Y


-1 -05 a 05 1


PION FORM FACTOR squaredtin both time-like and space-Hke regions Data from four laboratories is compared to the vcctor-domimmce model (black lines solid bull 1 1 I T F) ( 1 7 L 1 l 1mc S 1- H2SilCG mes are He 11 aUG 2m AHOre(~ Be IS proporlwna (0 tne nuceonJ bull

farm raders Vector-domimmce model has a singie resonance and has small adjustshyments to sa~isfy analyticity requirements

I rct(~



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection

Page 18:… · Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target; $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance; 52 and $4 . are



(r--l--shybull ---i-o~ esC ~-B --r- ~ ---IOm-~ I __JI----~-r--_ S2 S3I

L _______ - f _ rLJ BEAM 4=-1- - -t-l t lJ J

PC 1-3 TH2AI PC 4-7 -i----- --tJ I ---J~

2~ SC 1-4 lJ

m l~ SCALE r S(sS I

24m p WALL A2 FIGURE 2

PC 1-7 are proportional chambers SC 1-8 are magnetostrictive wire ch~~bers TH2 is the liquid-hydrogen target

Al is the anti-coincidence counter for the target $1 is a scintillator which defines the acceptance 52 and $4

are scintillators which detect the pion and electron 53 and $S are shower counters A2 is an anti-coincidence

counter for muon rejection